The Hereafter Series
Journey of the Soul's makes up the Hereafter Series.…
Journey of the Soul's makes up the Hereafter Series.…
A collection of Hadith (sayings of Prophet pbuh) that we can put to use in our daily lives. Anyone can gain immense wisdom from these words so please feel free to give it a read. The greatest of wealth is the richness of the soul. #ProphetMohammedPBUH…
Doesnt every individual have the right to be correctly informed about the religion they so famously call 'The One which Preaches Terrorism??'…
Have questions about Islam? Who better to answer your questions and doubts on Islam than a Muslim!…
Marriage is considered "Half the Deen" (very important part of IslamYet we are seeing failures in marriages all around us. Family Fights are on the rise, women and children are being abused and many families are falling apart. More and more marriages are ending up in divorce even amongst the most religious of families, and the Muslims are no exception. So many marriages are failing these days, even amongst the most religious of families, and Muslims are no exception. This greatly saddens me and I hope by publishing this article here on our, we might come to a better understanding and better relationship with our spouses, inshallah. -Mufti Menk…
Many of us go through things in life which cripple our souls, let not the bad days ruin our good ones. Let's join here and help each other discover the mercy of our Lord and bring that change within us. For even Allah won't change a person's life until he/she brings a change in themselves.…
Stories of Prophets, teach, inspire and build our faith. Through them we learn how to thank God,to worship God and to ask for His forgiveness in the best manner. "Indeed in their stories there are lessons for men of understanding."1. Allaah 'azza wajal commanded the Prophet [saws] to tell us about the prophets, it is mandatory for us to convey the message of the prophets to others too!2. 'La'allahum yatafakkaroon': so they may reflect. The stories of the prophets are not for entertainment, but to derive lessons from them and deeply reflect!3. Take them as role models: they are the ones who are guided. They are the best. Every human being has role models. Taking the prophets as your role models is one of the most effective ways to be productive in this life.4. Love them. Your love for them will fill your heart with life. And a heart that's beaming with faith will produce actions of righteousness!…
Everyone is their own individual, free to practice any religion they want, and free to spread the truth about a certain religion, famously known as the religion of the Arabs. Are you interested in finding out what this religion is about? And why and what is making this religion spread and grow even with people labelling it as anti-peace filled religion?! Well if Yes, then uve stubbled upon the book which would hopefully give u all ur answers. :) Peace.…
Want to know what most Muslims mean when they say that Qur'an is a miracle? Want to know how Qur'an caught the eye of almost all major Scientists? Well read this compilation of Miracles which are mentioned in the Qur'an and find out for yourself. ;)…
Want to know what Islam preaches? What Prophet Mohammad pbuh taught the Muslims? The things the Muslims should follow? The things we neglect? Well read on to find out ;)…
Gloomy? Bored? Stressed? Tired of the word 'Why Me?' ? Oh well! Been their done tat and i know those feelings ain't pretty, so....why don't u join me in this journey of short stories which would cheer u up, remove tat boredom, and wash off the word 'Why Me?' from your dictionary?! These stories are entertaining as well as inspiring and might just make ur day a tad bit better like it made mine. Give it a try, go on... hopefully u won't regret it. ;)…
This is the 108th Surah/Chapter of the Holy Quran. This Kawthar was a gift to Prophet Muhammad pbuh from his Lord. Lets read on to find the hidden treasures in this Surah and learn what Islam truly talks about.…
You have heard the verses of the Quran, the holy book of Muslims haven't you? And then you might have wondered what the words meant, right? Here is a in detailed translation of the first chapter of the Quran.Ibn Katheer and Ustad Nouman Ali Khans tafseer series is what this book contains.…
You have heard the verses of the Quran, the holy book of Muslims haven't you? And then you might have wondered what the words meant, right? The detailed translation of the last chapter of the Quran,Surah Nas.…
1. The Loyal One2. The Role Model of Modesty 3. The Great Woman 4. The Wife of A Tyrant 5. The Daughter of the Truthful and Wife of the Most Truthful. These are short biographies of the 5 greatest Gems of Islam. This series is by Omar Suleiman, edited by QuranWeekly. You can find the video online too inSha Allah. Enjoy :D…
The journey of the Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad pbuh, by night from the Holy Mosque in Mecca to the farthest mosque in Jerusalem was a miracle granted to Him by God.Also known as the night of Miraaj, lets go through this wondrous night in this short article.…
A few English-Arabic words, for people who would like to learn the language. Keep in mind though that am an Arabic student too, and Arabic isn't really my mother tongue. Enjoy. :D…