Judgement Day: Part One

Judgement Day: Part One

24,909 348 14

Arceus realized that creating humanity was a mistake. First Team Aqua and Magma nearly destroyed the land and sea, then Team Glactic nearly erased existence by creating a new universe, Team Plasma then took control of the Tao trio, finally Team Flare almost wiped out all forms of life. He prepares to end humanity but before he does he needs to select two humans so if he ever decides to remake the human race again he just has to a send them down. Pokémon is owned by GAMEFREAK and Nintendo…

Judgement Day: Part Two

Judgement Day: Part Two

3,878 47 5

After the revival of Ash Ketchum and the severing of the ties between Reflection Cave, Ash and Co. decide it's time to fight back against Arceus. What will be the fate of the Pokémon World? Will Ash and Serena stop Arceus before all humans are wiped out or will they face Judgement?Pokémon is owned by GAMEFREAK and Nintendo…