#2nd place in BLUE ROSE AWARDS in the category of "General Fiction"#trended 3rd on badboysgirl. Get Beautiful Covers by: @Cat_Walker❤A happy couple is a myth. Auguste Elmendrof who is 20 years old has been married to the man of her dreams but deep down she knows that her marriage will not last for long and soon she has to go up against her husband or her dad to save her town. She is a girl with no superpowers, but she can definitely save the day.Andrew Wager who is married to Auguste hates her. For him she is just a miserable reminder of his screwed up life. 👣"Love is a need, Unfulfilled" ❣AUTHORS NOTE:Hey,This is my first book. This book is the very first draft and is not edited. Please dont copy the storyline because it is my own and is very dear to me. I hope you enjoy the journey of my characters and support them till the end. Fingers crossed.Let's help Auguste Elmendrof by reading, liking and voting. Your's truly, ~I.Anjum Annette…