A Blind Fairy (FAIRYTAILxOC)
Ashkor Fairytamer is a girl with a well known family. Her family are known to find magical creatures but the ones they find most is...Fairys....Before Ashkor was even born her mother caught a Fairy but it turned out to be a EVIL Fairy for the Fairy caused her family to have one big flaw in there life.Soon everyone had one big flaw that mess them up on there findings and it also made something happen that can never change. Ashkor mother died giving birth and Ashkor was born blind.During the 3 years growing up the Fairytamer family left Ashkor in the woods. She was found by many diffrent creatures and with the powers she gain she became the Wilderness Princess.Soon something evil came and destroyed everything and the creatures that raised Ashkor to the 16 year old she is today runs into the Fairy Tail with out knowing. Join her quest on finding out her family's past, finding her creature friends and lastly her adventure in the fairytail guild.Who were the creatures that raised her?…