Positivity :D
In 4th grade my teacher had us copy down a positive thought everyday for the whole year. We would write them then we would talk about them together. In this book I'm going to write down a bunch of them :D…
In 4th grade my teacher had us copy down a positive thought everyday for the whole year. We would write them then we would talk about them together. In this book I'm going to write down a bunch of them :D…
What if a certain character or a certain event didn't happen in a book or movie?…
I got this idea from @f0rgesou1sinfire. I have a lot of things to rant about ranging from books to movies to tv shows etc. Most of my friends really don't care soo I'm going to put my rants here. This might be weird so if it is ummmm I told ya so.…
A Q&A book to celebrate 100 followers :D…