The Winds of Change: A Story About Overcoming PTSD

The Winds of Change: A Story About Overcoming PTSD

499 17 1

Applejack had to witness her parents' death and it wasn't a pretty scene. It was a memory that rattled her to her core. Now Applejack has been affected with nightmares, episodes of panic, and fears of strange subjects, items, and noises. Rainbow Dash wants nothing more than to help. If only she could understand how.An EQG AppleDash story. My grandfather has PTSD from serving in the military. I thought this story could help somebody else!…

The Battle of Food: A Story About Overcoming ARFID

The Battle of Food: A Story About Overcoming ARFID

860 30 2

People have always just thought Rainbow Dash was a picky eater. She hated most types of food and stuck to crunchy fruits and vegetables. Most have always been jealous of Rainbow Dash's slim figure, but the truth went much deeper than that.This wasn't picky eating. This was an eating disorder.An EQG AppleDash story. I wanted to write about ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) because not many people know about it and they don't realize that it's an eating disorder. I wanted to raise some awareness about this eating disorder. It's more common than you think.…

I Hear You: A Story About Overcoming Anxiety

I Hear You: A Story About Overcoming Anxiety

1,536 60 3

Fluttershy would trade anything to get rid of her general anxiety and social anxiety. Her friends have witnessed many of her episodes of panic and have tried their best to comfort her. However, they each have a difficult time understanding the way anxiety makes Fluttershy feel. Despite this, Rainbow Dash would like to understand more about what Fluttershy goes through. As Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy continue to grow closer, the two friends will learn that sometimes the best remedy is having someone there to listen- and that's everybody's feelings are valid.An EQG FlutterDash story. I have anxiety as well, so I wanted to write a story about overcoming it.…

Broken and Beautiful: A Story About Overcoming Depression

Broken and Beautiful: A Story About Overcoming Depression

505 27 2

Twilight has never had a high opinion of herself. Years of being an outcast at Crystal Prep hasn't done wonders for her self-esteem. Now having six friends who care deeply about her, Twilight's system was given a bit of a shock. Nevertheless, Twilight realizes that somebody can have what's considered "the perfect life" and still not be happy with themselves- now her friends have to do something about it before it's too late.An EQG TwiPie story. I've had some friends who've suffered from depression who have helped me to write this story. So thank you so much to them! WARNING: Suicidal thoughts/attempts.Cover art by @another_angsty-being (Thank you so much!)…

An MLP Reader's Tag Book

An MLP Reader's Tag Book

264 20 8

Just where I put my tags in case I get tagged. Never thought I'd be creating one of these, but here I am!…

MLP Shipping Opinions!

MLP Shipping Opinions!

7,359 330 34

Just my opinions on some MLP ships. I decided to make this, so that during my writer's blocks, I wouldn't leave you guys hangin'! ^_^…

Faded Gem: A Story About Overcoming Anorexia

Faded Gem: A Story About Overcoming Anorexia

50,947 1,032 25

Obsessed with maintaining her slim figure, Rarity begins to shun food and fill up on water. However, these actions have negative repercussions as Rarity's health begins to decline rapidly. Applejack has noticed that her best friend has been acting strange lately. She takes matters into her own hands and notices that Rarity might mean more to her than she ever realized. An EQG RariJack story based off of a real-life experience with a close friend of mine. Anorexia is not something to take lightly! If you expect that a friend is suffering from it, get help ASAP.…

The Lunar Kingdom

The Lunar Kingdom

143 6 3

In an alternate universe where Luna discussed her jealousy with her older sister, Celestia and Luna came to a compromise. Equestria would still have day and night as normal, but Luna got her own section of Equestria where those who prefer the night can live. But the dreams of everypony in Equestria must still be taken care of. Luna began asking for volunteers in the Lunar Kingdom to help watch over the dreams of ponies.It's not an easy job. Rainbow Dash knows this. She's been trying to work up to the higher ranks, but finds herself falling short time and time again. When she meets her favorite Wonderbolt in a dream, he offers to help her improve her abilities.They find themselves falling for each other, though the only time they meet is through other's dreams.(Author's Note: I want to change the cover art to something more fitting, but I do not have anything yet. I will in due time, so stay tuned!)…