The Phantom
The story follows a small girl by the name Lexus who's having a bad day because of her father who is very forced on his work and is not going to be able to go to an event that her school is tossing for parents' dayLexus is very angry but sad at the same time because she thought that she would spend time with her father, who hasn't been doing it a lot with LexusBut Lexus's day goes from bad to worse when out of nowhere a van appears right in front of her as she is walking home from school. From the van comes out a group of men in hockey masks who grab her and kidnap As Lexus is held by her kidnappers in an undisclosed area. A mysterious figure comes to rescue Lexus, a figure best described as a THE PHANTOMP.S. This is my first book, and the story is an original story of mine. So all the OC in this book are created by me…