Evaryan is a post-apocalyptic, dystopian world in which the Kingdom of Salvos reigns. Under an authoritarian government, heteronormative social and religious policies are enforced through traditional gender roles that separate the sexes and favour only those in power or those with the knowledge of the world that existed before the 'Great Decline'...Every year, a pairing ceremony is held, where sixteen-year-old high school graduates are married into the system and mandated to sire genetically modified offspring to help increase the general population.Lara's mother and six older sisters were paired successfully but when Lara's turn comes and she is deemed 'unpairable', the world around her that she had forced herself to accept slowly begins to crumble, opening the wounds of the past that could threaten the entire system.Only, there's no going back. Except when, Dorian; a dashing, young, rebel prince enlists her into a secret organization that brings her closer to.the truth that she ever thought was possible.It's only then that she realizes that there is no straight path on the journey to self-discovery or to finding your soulmate. But there are plus signs along the way...DAILY UPDATESCOMPLETION DEADLINE: DECEMBER 31ST 2020…