~{A Better Man For You}~ <[Connor X Hank]>
Connor walks inside the station, ready to face Lieutenant Hank. His other two versions were killed, the first one by the Deviant he was interrogating. The said machine shot Connor in the head and killed himself after. The second one was hit by a truck and immediately destroyed after running across a highway to stop a Deviant and a child. Though Connor's models were destroyed two times, the real version was only sent after they were sure it was perfect and that it wouldn't do anything stupid, as the previous ones have done. Even though his memory was controlled by CyberLife themselves, Connor, instead of transferring their memories to his brain, he watched the memories, making sure he didn't skip any details. And so, he entered the police department, ready to face Hank's reaction head on.(Let's go with that the 3rd Connor is the real one, sent by CyberLife, because all of his other copies seemed to have some sort of defects, such as not being able to calculate the danger of a certain situation or smaller signs of Deviancy.)Angst? Probably, depends on my mood.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? Probably Fluff? Hell yeah.Crying? Again, probably, depends on my mood.Contains ships: Connor x Hank, Markus x North, Kara x Luther (if they appear) and Gavin x being a huge dick and Markus x Sandwich. It also might contain smut and cuss words, so be careful. If you get caught reading something you shouldn't be, I cannot take any responsibility, so read this at your own risk. Have a good time reading~~Thank you for reading.Sincerely,-JailedDuck-…