vingt quatre

jimin was sat in the waiting room, the one for emergencies. the walls were a bright white, pictures of suns and rainbows that look like they were drawn by children scattered around the room. it was uncomfortably empty, silent as well. the only thing jimin could hear were the sniffles coming from his nose, not being able to hold back the tears. he doesn't know if taehyung is okay, or that he'll ever be okay.

as he got kind of bored, he lifted his head up to face the ceiling. only then was when he realized that the tiles were painted. there were birds, flowers, smiles and more. everything you need to cheer you up, because if you're here, that's what you need. you need something to mask the fact that you may never see your loved one again, or confess in jimin's case. he decided that before he gets into deep thoughts about all the things he regrets, he'd call namjoon.

he called once, didn't answer. called twice, no answer again. he called thrice, an answer.

"h-hello," jimin whispered, finding that only being able to hear his voice is very unsettling.

"why the hell are you calling so early?" namjoon questioned, jimin should hear some shuffling on the other side.

"i-i should've called sooner b-but... t-taehyung was shot," jimin barely whispered, not wanting namjoon to freak out.

"he what! who did this? i-is he alive!" jimin could hear the pain in namjoon's voice. it also sounded like he was attempting to shake someone awake.

"i'm not sure, hyung," jimin sniffled. "b-but i'm waiting at the hospital."

"okay," namjoon took a shaky breath. "jin hyung and i will be there soon."

"good.. i'm really scared, hyungie," jimin began to cry again. taehyung was fucking shot, who wouldn't be scared?

"it's okay, taehyungie will fight for you," namjoon reassured, not really believing it himself.


not a while later two boys stormed into the waiting room, hand in hand.

"w-where's my baby," seokjin cried, squeezing namjoon's hand tighter.

"in the h-hospital room, hyung. i've been sitting here since quarter to three. it's now 6:30am," jimin sighed, looking at some pictures he had on his phone.

"jiminie," namjoon frowned. "you really should sleep."

"no! not until i get to see tae," jimin whined, a yawn escaping his mouth.

"j-jimin," seokjin stuttered. "how did all of this happen?"

"o-oh," he begun. "well i got a call around 2:30am or whatever, from tae. since i'm smart, i set his ringtone to the loudest most annoying thing possible. yknow... cause if he calls me it's obviously an emergency. anyways, so while i was asking him why he called, he texted me. he said someone had broken into the house. i don't know who he is, but tae might. i'm not sure. i called the police while i was still on the line with tae. unfortunately they came too late. the criminal had found tae, told him that everything about him is ugly because he's a stupid m-mute... and then.. i-i.. i heard a bang."

jimin broke down into tears again. seokjin did as well. namjoon tried to keep calm, helping out the other two. it was hard to stay strong in this situation.

"g-guys, tae's going to be o-okay. i believe in him," namjoon choked on tears. it broke seokjin's heart.

jimin just continued to look at pictures, going through memories. taehyung is strong. he really can fight through this.

seokjin was sat on namjoon's lap, his face hidden in the younger's chest. after finally finding his best friend, he disappears from his life again.

"sh, baby, tae is a strong boy. he can make it through anything," namjoon cooed, rubbing comforting shapes into his boyfriend's back.

"i know... i'm just scared. i don't want our little taebaby to be hurt," seokjin sighed, hugging namjoon tighter.

"i know, sweetheart. everybody gets hurt sometimes, yknow? especially me," namjoon chuckled, thinking about all of his clumsy accidents. seokjin giggled back.

"i haven't known you that long, joonie. but you truly make me happy. i feel like i finally have a family again. it doesn't hurt to survive anymore," namjoon let out a tear after what seokjin had said. seokjin kissed that tear away. jimin was secretly listening to their conversation, gushing over how cute they are.

after that, it got quite silent. that was until a woman came through the door.

"are all of you boys here for kim taehyung?" she asked, holding a clipboard in her fragile fingers.

"y-yes," jimin answered.

"come with me then," she sadly smiled, having a feeling these boys were in deep pain.

the three boys followed the woman through the narrow hallway, hundreds of rooms to be seen. it was quite dark, and not as homey as the rest of the hospital. this is when you know that shits about to get real.

"here we are, room three o two, do you have any questions before you step inside?" the lady asked, tapping delicately on the back of the clipboard.

"i-is he okay?" jimin spoke up, afraid of what he might see.

"they've removed the bullet from his chest, but he has not woken up. we're not sure if he ever will," the woman answered, noticing the frown on the boys faces. "is that it?" they nodded.

as they stepped into the small dusty room, their hearts stopped for a second as they looked at taehyung. he was strapped to the hospital bed, sharp objects jabbed into his skin. he had bruises around his neck and left eye. jimin noticed that they had bandaged up his scar, probably so they make sure this never happens again.

jimin walked closer.

"t-taehyung," jimin choked out, grabbing taehyung's lifeless hand. he intertwined his fingers with taehyung, jimin didn't feel a spark as he usually does. he felt cold. it wasn't warm, it didn't make him blush. it made him cry.

"t-taehyung p-please wake u-up," jimin begged, crying into taehyung's side. "i n-need you h-here. w-we need t-to find o-out w-who did t-this."

namjoon and seokjin just watched, hand in hand. they never realized, until now, how much jimin loves taehyung.

"jimin," namjoon's voice spoke gently. "i think it's time we go. you need rest."


"he's right, chim. we'll visit him tomorrow," seokjin sighed, leaving the room with namjoon by his side.

after that day, they visited him daily. but he's never woken up.


sorry if this is crap, i'm just... kind of not feeling well.. like emotionally

it's a long (not) story hdbdjjsjd

anyways i'm getting a dog tomorrow:)

before any asks, it's a cane corso and my mom's naming it phoebe

okay i'm out i have a rly bad headache


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