
(It'll change as I learn more words...)

Afooneen: afternoon

Areon: Amazing

Ates: It

Beaornia: Bird

Bi: be

Boona: bye

Bukna: back

Bleenkeat: blanket

Blud: blood

Brootha: brother

Bweenna: better

Ceamo: come

Cindve: could

Cooma: come

Coontine: convenient

Croon: cry

Crusha: crash

Dicshunoon: dictionary

Dion: Down

Dooabool: double

Dooma: dead

Doomi: die

Doomid: died

Doomith: death

Dumpt: dumb

Dusaning: disappearing

Eema: I'm

Eemie: evil

Eue mi gamu: Oh my gah!

Foo: for

Fueesha: faster

Freendo: friend

Foony: fly

Goobi: yes

Goon: gone

Groonmi: grandma

Gruba: grab

Handri: That

Hepna: happening

Herute: Hurt

Huna: hello

Kath: Catch

Keen: King

Kneen: know

knifu: knife

Koomin: kill

Leena: line

Lima: life

Loom: lie

Luakooshi: Yes you do

Lucida: land.

Lulini: laugh

Meanu: me

Mooma: mom

Mou: my

Mue: may

Mugica: magic

Neen: now

Neet: night

Newma: never

Noopa: nope

Norminat: Not

Ookney: okay (or ok?)

Ooshima: Heal

Pleena: plane

Plooma: now

Quoon: queen

Seef: safe

Shiinaoo: group hug

Shuma: Shy

Sloomp: sleep

Smin: spin

Snooki: stole

Soopa: sorry

Spucial: special

stucka: stay

Syupid: Stupid

Swoove: swerve

Teeoom: time

Theena: thief

Toosha: toss

Tu: to

Twu: too

Uueeka: Loyal

Ulacoo: What's wrong?

Unlooka: unlucky

Upa: up

Veealop: violence (🤩)

Watchia: Watch

Weevoo: Weave

Woombe: Well

Woots: what (or what's)

Wruta: write

Wrutaun: writing

Yeeb: yep (maybe yes)

Youeaku: you're welcome

Yuke: you

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