Operation Suzukaze 40
A/N: If not otherwise, all non-imported characters in this story are fictional and the names are generated by this site: http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com
Four months before, over Okinawa.
Two F-22J Raptors from the Japanese 204th Tactical Fighter Squadron, had just completed their tour of duty in Korea are now flying a routine combat air patrol over the skies of Okinawa. Despite China had given military support to North Korea, the former, as they are not officially at war with Japan. are not yet exploit the opportunity to fully engage the Japanese air and naval assets in the area, including the disputed Senkaku Islands. However, violations of Japanese airspace by Chinese aircraft had increased fourfold since the renewal of hostilities.
The 204th TFS are one out of two squadrons (the other is the 101st Squadron, disbanded in 1968 but reactivated in 2001) in the JASDF, and later JNAF, to operate Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, acquired in January 2001 as the United States government, thanks to massive lobby by Lockheed Martin, had overturned a prior 1998 ban of the export of the world's first 5th generation stealth air-superiority fighter, first to Japan, later Canada and Israel also acquired the Raptor (unlike in real life which saw the F-22 export ban never rescinded until the formal termination of the program in 2017). In Japan. Mitsubishi took responsibility to assemble, under special arrangement, the F-22s, designating it as F-22J. Budget pressures soon dashed the plan to purchase more Raptors, however, resulted in extensive upgrade program for the F-15Js to make up the loss of capability.
Minutes after the Raptors were airborne "Tower to Black Eagle, turn right heading 090."
The lead of the flight, Capt. Yujiro Chino, can't believe the order. The heading will bring them straight to the Chinese airspace. He requested confirmation and the control confirmed the order, with a special Japanese word "Hamakaze" (Beach Wind)
As they entered the designated holding pattern 15 miles from Senkaku Islands, Yujiro's radio went to life. "Ohayou, Black Eagle flight. This is your General speaking." The message turns out to be from the JNAF Chief of the Air Staff, General Hideyoshi Nii.
The general continued. "Black Eagle 1-1, you will see something approaching you on your portside at 11 o'clock. You are to move in but do not engage. I repeat, you are not authorized to shoot it down. Understood?"
The lead Raptor soon checked his 11 o'clock. Before that, he redirected his mike to his wingman. Capt. Miyazono Nakata.
"1-2, master arm switch on," He means that Nakata must arm all of his weapons; guns and missiles.
"Yes sir!"
Less than one minute later, Yujiro saw a glint in the distance and followed by Nakata, get into the visual range. They are shocked on what they see.
It's a brand-new Chinese stealth fighter, the Chengdu J-20. Built to rival the American F-22, F-35, and Russian Su-57, the J-20 is a formidable beast and some of it's capabilities are rumored to surpass the Raptor or the Lightning.
Yujiro closed in on the Chinese plane's portside, while his wingmen went behind the J-20, ready to shoot if the pilot breaks off and engage both Japanese. The Chinese pilot soon waved at him and rocked his wings, acknowledging the Japanese escorts. Yujiro does the same and extends the "thumbs up" gesture, which the Chinese replied in return.
For sake of increased security, the three-ship formation went further northeast to land in Gifu Air Base, Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture, further escorted on its way home by four Raptors from Naha.
In the debriefing, the Japanese, along with the defecting Chinese pilot, Major Bai An, under increased security by both Japanese and United States forces in the area, via teleconference, the Chief of the Air Staff directly explained that a joint operation by Naicho (Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office; Japanese foreign intelligence service), American CIA, and Israeli Mossad had managed to persuade Bai An, a Chinese Christian, to defect with the fighter. A separate operation also managed to smuggle his family out from China to Japan.
The jet are soon examined and later used in training for 85 days before being returned to China, in a disassembled state. Major Bai himself, which had some understanding of Japanese language, opted to become a Japanese citizen, changed his name, and given a commission in the JNAF.
Back to present. Osan Air Base.
August 31st, 2018
"This operation will be codenamed: Suzukaze 40 (Suzukaze means cool breeze)" said Hamada as the 4th TFS are being briefed for the next mission.
For this mission, Kousei's flight has been rearranged, as Major Natsuki has been assigned to lead Symphonia 3, switched on with the former school idol, Major Honoka.
"Major Honoka is assigned to lead me in this mission? To be honest I like her. But thankfully Emi is still in my side, and I will be careful to not piss her off." Kousei said to himself as the Colonel continued his briefing. For this mission he will be Honoka's wingman, despite he had more kills than her, while Emi leading the second element as Symphonia 2-3.
"Your objective will be overhead cover for Coalition strike aircraft attacking enemy's supply depot in Huichon. Expect heavy enemy air presence in the area and I must be blunt to you all, the enemy has stealth capability in form of J-20 and J-31 and these aircrafts might already been deployed to Korea. In plus size, the threat enable high command to spare some of F-22s and KF-25s, to support us."
"Any questions? If no, go out there and show those Commies who's boss!"
"Symphonia 2, form on me and keep formation." Honoka ordered as the her flight of Eagles had reaching an altitude of 30.000 feet over the east coast of North Korea, watching vigilantly as the large strike package raced on towards the specified target.
Behind Symphonia 2 and another F-15 flight from the 202nd TFS, callsign "Chariot", a flight of four F-22s, also Japanese, positioned themselves while keeping their stealth intact. The F-15s are to be the first to engage aerial threats, or for fifth generation fighters, to lure it into the trap which F-22s will dispatch the threat.
"Heads up, bogies, 650 miles north, heading straight south." said the battle-manager on board an E-12 Constellation AWACS callsign "Doughnut"
Within seconds. "This is 2-4, multiple radar contacts up ahead." Symphonia 2-4, Capt. Robin "White Sun" Chen, reported.
"2-2, confirmed, two group of bandits, two Chinese J-11s heading straight south, and two NK J-10s, 40 degrees, heading north-southeast." Kousei confirmed Chen's finding.
The J-10s are closer, but soon they turned hard-right with an intention to draw the Japanese into the range of Axis SAM sites. Symphonia 2 kept their course and decided to engage the Flankers instead.
"Missile, break, ECM full power!" The J-11BS Flankers are the first to engage the Japanese with it's long-range PL-21 radar-guided missile.
The Japanese flight soon break off in perpendicular to the missile and activate the ECM system to jam the missile's radar. Some also deployed chaffs, and it works. Soon, helped by the F-22s sharing targeting coordinates to the Eagles, Symphonia 2 retaliated by firing two AAM-4s, one hit, and one severely damaged to extent that it crashed into the Yellow Sea.
"Nail 'em" Chen said.
"More contact up ahead, 450 miles north, heading south-southwest towards the strike package. Confirmed as North Korean MiG-21-93s. Engage and destroy!"
"All Symphonia 2 listen up, this might be an ambush. Do not engage unless you or the strikers are fired upon by those MiGs. Understood?" Honoka instructed her flight.
Symphonia 2, increased their speed to greet the Fishbeds, while the Raptors and supporting Eagles maintain their speed and course, providing overwatch in case of another group of bandits appears on radar.
"Just like I expected" Kousei muttered as his flight closing in into the MiG formation.
"I got faint contact closing in, could be J-20s." Emi reported.
"Those MiGs are closing in for an Adder shot. Now break, chaff out!" Honoka ordered. The maneuver will render the F-15s to be the MiGs hunted, forced the latter to spend fuel to chase the Eagles. In addition; "Be advised we have second radar contact bearing 120, 240 miles, heading straight south. Possibly stealth, we're still working on it so keep your eyes open." said Doughnut.
"Be advised, second contact ID'ed as J-20s." AWACS Doughnut confirmed Emi's guessing, as eight F-15s are heading south to lure the MiGs and its stealth escorts into the trap.
JNAF Eagle drivers had extensively trained before and during the course of the conflict against Raptors simulating Chinese J-20, especially after the latter's characteristics are further be known by the defection of a Chinese pilot with the jet. Still, planes like the F-22, F-35, and J-20 are made to defeat legacy ones like the F-15 the 4th Squadron fly.
Upon reaching the ambush point somewhere above Sea of Japan, Honoka barked on the radio. "Now!", as her flight turned to face the MiG squadron head-on.
Two pair of 202nd Sqn F-15Js immediately ambushed the Fishbeds using the AAM-5s from two direction; from above and below, caught the North Koreans by surprise.
Curses and shouts were heard on the radio as the Japanese dispatched the modernized MiG-21s in the massive dogfight. The Eagles maintained their mutually protective pairs during the ensuing pursuit of remaining Fishbeds, as the North Korean pilots they encountered has significant combat experience.
"Those Imperialists are here, help us.." a North Korean call for help was silenced as an AAM-5 from Kousei destroyed his MiG.
"Incoming missile, break!" Chen frantically called as a barrage of PL-21 radar-guided missile has been detected heading for the Eagles, which had just defeated the North Koreans. The Chinese J-20 Finflashes has arrived and ready to avenge their fallen ally.
"I'm hit, losing control, ejecting!" One of 202nd F-15 has been hit; the PL-21 shattered it's tailfin and engine, sent it into an uncontrollable spin and forced the pilot to bail out.
"Black Eagle flight here, we're engaging the Finflashes." the Raptor flight lead contacted the AWACS.
The remaining F-15s regrouped and checked their datalink connection into the F-22s to assist each other to engage the formation of nine J-20s.
The Chinese soon closed in for a WVR engagement primarily with the Raptors. But the Eagle pilots are eager to make name for killing some of enemy stealth fighters as well.
One of the Raptor pilots, Capt. Nakata, one out of two which escorted the defecting J-20 four months before, obtained a good lock using his HMD against a J-20 beneath him and fired an AIM-9X SIdewinder, destroyed it. Despite assembled locally, most of Japanese Raptor fleet are still using American supplied air-to-air missiles like the AIM-9X and AIM-120.
The kill, his fifth, rendered him an ace and the first Japanese who killed a 5th Generation fighter in combat. His wingman, Lt. Moto Ruri, soon warned him that two more J-20s are behind them. As the result they executed Kulbit to turn the tide.
Ruri then positioned her F-22 inverted and fired a well-aimed burst of 20mm into one of the Finflashes, destroyed it.
The WVR engagement, which negated the stealth factor, created opportunity for Eagle pilots like Kousei to execute maneuvers using their slightly better agility compared to the J-20 in order to lure the latter for ambush by their comrades.
"Missile away!" Kousei launched one of his AAM-5, destroyed one J-20 chasing his leader. Meanwhile Emi soon splashed two J-20s in the same fashion.
Honoka increased the Chinese's misery after two high yo-yo, she gained lock on a turning J-20 and destroyed it with her 20mm.
"Splash one! Faito dayo! (Fight on)" She reported, and in the process pumped up her pilots with her catchphrase during her days as a school idol.
After twenty more minutes of dogfight, outnumbered and badly mauled by the Japanese, the surviving Chengdu fighters, three out of nine, retreated in shame, in context of the type first combat operation, but not before they destroyed one F-22 in the process.
To relieve planes that was damaged or out of ammo, two more flight of Coalition aircrafts, this time American and Korean F-16s, are dispatched from Kunsan Air Base.
Meanwhile, as the CAP keeping the Axis planes occupied, Tsubaki and Watari keep their Strike Eagle in formation as they approached their target.
"Temple lead had reached the IP"
Upon the announcement from their lead, Tsubaki switched from the AAM-4 on her conformal tanks to two JASSM cruise missiles hanging beneath the fuselage.
"Rattlesnake lead to Temple, and Thunderstorm, we're our of HARMs but we will be remain on station to jam any remaining radar as far as we able. Jaguar flight are on their way out." The lead EA-18G from VAQ-141 "Shadowhawks", embarked on the carrier USS Carl Vinson, which had relieved the Ronald Reagan one month ago, piped in.
"Temple 3 copies"
"Temple 4, roger"
"Thunderstorm, affirmative", The American Strike Eagles soon break right to attack some other targets in the city, meanwhile Temple 4 broke left.
The American than called 20 seconds later "Doughnut, what's the status of the drones?
"Some has ben shot down but the rest are still doing their job.. stand by, the location of targets that you will engage are being uploaded into your on-board computer" the AWACS said.
"Coordinates received, we're closing on the release point now" Maekawa replied.
"We're entering release point, release your missiles!" He soon ordered, and eight JASSMs were soon heading towards the city, its lights were out; the Filipino Hornets must had hit their power supply.
"Estimate to impact, 45 seconds" Watari said, as they keep their plane in a safe distance from the city. Tracers rise to greet the incoming missiles, one was shot down by Chinese air-defenses but the rest hit their targets in several large explosion.
"Temple flight, we confirm good hits on target, we're going to assess the damage. In the meantime, regroup with Thunderstorm flight and prepare to egress.. wait a minute. We're tracking six bandits on radar, from heading 358, 50 miles, Angels 15, might be reinforcements for the enemy engaging our CAP.. They are diverting towards the city. Suggests you head East and regroup with Thunderstorm flight." the AWACS warned.
However. "Radar spike!" Abe shouted.
"Negative, Doughnut, we're spiked and already going defensive!" Maekawa replied.
The Eagles formed up and engaged the bandit, Venezuelan JF-17 Thunders (In real life Venezuela didn't have JF-17s. In this story they acquired the joint Chinese-Pakistan made fighter in 2008 to replace their barely operational F-16s due to American embargo, resulted in lack of spare parts).
"Fox three!" Eight AAM-4s flew towards the Venezuelans as the latter has already launched their own PL-12s in retaliation.
"Break, break!" The Japanese split into pairs and broke off to avoid the PL-12s.
Maekawa and his wingman, Seto "Dipper" Yoshinori, are turning towards the missile along perpendicular, receiving up to 5 G in the process while attempted to track and lock the remaining JF-17s. Tsubaki and Abe also doing the same, while the Venezuelan are closing for visual-range engagement with the larger F-15.
"Missile off target" Maekawa's CSO, Capt. Chieri "Doe" Oomiya reported.
"I got a lock, Fox two!" the flight leader launched two AAM-5s which destroyed one remaining JF-17s and damaged one other.
In other engagement, Tsubaki and Watari finally obtained Ace title as one of the JF-17, passing their Eagle, passed them head on and attempt a turning fight, only to be dispatched by an AAM-5 heatseeker.
"Doughnut to Temple, regroup on Thunderstorm and Temple 4 immediately!" The controller ordered.
Know that his flight are running low on fuel, Maekawa, somewhat frustrated have to end the fight before he and his flight could destroy the entire compliment of Venezuelan fighters, ordered. "Regroup on me, we're done here and will head East to refuel and return to base."
The Allied strike package soon returned to their respective base unmolested.
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