Where is Strickler!!!???
Everyone so this is the last extra chapter I'm going to do before we start season one part two I hope you enjoy also I'm pretty sure that's judging by the title you know where this is going so just a fair warning this might get a bit dark
Narrators point of view
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(Play music with the scene please)
Jim and streak were getting ready for a very busy night, they looked at the map that Namora had given them. It contained the locations of areas where the Janice order had retreated and there were 10 of them in all and on this night The symbiote pair was going to attack every single one in tandem virtually destroyed what was left of the German order in Arcadia
Streaks smiled as he pointed out that first target: this shit's gonna have nuts in it
Fast forward a little bit , Jim and streak were in the half transformed form beating down on a changeling while repeatedly asking the same question: where Strickler?!!
Another change Ling tried to rescue the other one by hitting Jim across the head with a pool table it broke on impact but I did very little thanks to street he instantly heal the wounds and the other changed and found himself impaled by one of streaks tentacles killing them very quickly
I thought changing straight up into human form and I was at the gun shooting gym seven times in the back, blood started to flow out in the gym is closed but the girls in soon stopped when streak heals his wounds, Jim just slowly turned around and look at the rather scared enemy and simply ask: where Strickler?
Changeling terrified tried to run away but there was no point. fast forward a bit to Jim was back in his garage with his clothes that was soaked in blood but he crossed off one of the areas on the map, he left out of breath breath and nodded to himself knowing that there were nine more places where he could ask his question and hopefully get an answer
Just before going out to the next location he looked down at him self and realised he was completely soaked in his own blood and also his jacket and spider engraved shirt had several bullet holes trying to oneself he decided that it was probably best to get a change of clothes
After he got changed he headed over to the washers, despite the fact that he had a perfectly working on at home he didn't want to explain to his mother why he had bloodstained clothes with bullet holes
he was writing ways of life wanting to get back to the hunt, when an elderly blind woman gave him a bit of advice: seltzer, water and lemon for blood or just wear red... Dumbass
Jim was confused because he was certain that the woman was blocked he looked at his reflection where street looked equally as confused as him the both of them just shrugged and decided to go with it
Later Jim walking to what was supposed to be an abandoned building but it was surprisingly filled with people in. Apparently this change Ling was running some sort of underground fight club called the rest of the people in this building were humans.
Jim took the advice of the old lady and was wearing a red T-shirt and this time and was also wearing streak as a mask to hide his identity. Once they spotted their target they push their way through the crowd until they were face-to-face with the changeling he tried to reach for a weapon in his pocket but streak with an end that when he formed a sword around Jim's arm and stabbed their opponents arm to the wall, To get the other humans to leave gym shock to the gun that shapeshifter was carrying to scare them all off it worked perfectly and now it was just the troll hunters and the changeling
Jim removing the sword from the wall releasing the changeling at fell to the floor grasping his hand in pain But it didn't end there Trollhunter pointed the gun at the shape shifter: don't make me ask twice... Where is Strickler?
A gunshot was heard and Jim and street we're back in the garage and crossing off the area once again streak removed himself from Jim's face: made me ask twice... Are you muffling my voice?
In a mirror which reflected streak instead of Jim the symbiote shrugged: I don't think so
Jim calm down a bit: whatever let's just move onto the next one fully armed this time
In the next attack the symbiote and human power were in their armoured form as they came bursting in through the roof of an abandoned building with multiple chain killings below some were in their true form others were in a human form but none of them were able to react before they found themselves impaled on The tentacles of streak which each had separate versions of daylight on each end
Jim yelled as he killed two of them with a single strike: where's Strickler?!
No answer is there Jim moved onto the next one, he threw a changeling in its troll form over a desk not noticing that there was an elderly man in the corner who looked casual about the whole thing: where the fuck is Strickler!
Fast forwarding a bit of gym was now in a small hallway battling multiple opponents, he stabbed one with daylight and then using his other arm and blocked another attack before stabbing the Changeling directly in the face causing them to blow up in a puff of smoke
Quickly going back to the garage gym crossed off another area which had cleared but had received no answer for the question he kept asking
Moving onto one of the weirdest changing posts, Jim was now sitting at the driving seat of a lawnmower for some unknown reason this change Ling had been assigned to work at the nearby IKEA of Arcadia which is only a few miles away and Streak had stabbed the shape shifter but it was still alive and in its true form it was crawling away trying to get away from Jim and streak who are coming at them in the lawnmower as he crawled down the aisle way trying to get away
Streak laughed at the creatures desperate attempt to get away: ha ha ha ha ha you're about to be killed... By a lawnmower
In a different time in a different location a woman goes flying across across the room landing in a pile of boxes with a broken nose Street scream: where's Strickler?
The female set up holding her nose to stop blood from coming out of it pleaded with the attacker: no please
Jim pretending to be mortified: oh, God! I'm so sorry
Suddenly but not surprisingly a Changeling jumped from behind him and got on his back but Jim and streak easily pulled her off and through to the other side of the room: oh you little spider monkey
Jim quickly exited a public stall that was now covered in what was left of a changeling that had to relieve itself
Back at the time at the bank Jim and streak we're just about to finish it off another One of their enemies while the old man watched seemingly not to care about the two monsters before him
The shape shifter got to head stuck in a small safe with the took full advantage, The human started to slam his opponents head with the steel door of the safe while asking the question he been asking all night: where *slam*... is *slam*... Strickler *slam*
Back with the female changing that was still in her human form, Jim was having doubts about what to do: This is confusing. Is it sexist to hit you or is it more sexist and not hate you? I mean the line here is real ....blurry
Back when Jim and streak were fighting many opponents in a very thin hallway they were actually doing really well but they still hadn't received an answer to the question so Street decided to do something different this time
Streak as they beat up one of the changelings: Dónde està Strickler?
Back at the time when The chaotic duo was at the IKEA the shape shifter that they were chasing after it and the lawnmower was still grasping onto life as they crawled away
Jim yelled: tell me why you're fucking boss is or you're gonna die!
However that was not exactly the case because from a different perspective a person could see that the enemy that they were after was a fair distance away from the lawnmower and the vehicle was moving very slowly towards its target
Streak yelling to maintain a threatening atmosphere: in about five minutes!
Jim had returned to the garage a few hours later and just write out the IKEA on the map, and that was now filled with exes on each of the locations where the changelings were supposedly at. within a couple of hours the symbiote and the human had wiped out all the hideouts where the rats were hiding but none of them ratted out their leader
(Stop playing the music)
Streak fed up: unbelievable not one of them told us what we wanted to know!
Jim: well to be fair we didn't really give them much time to answer
Streak: okay you got a point but what are we going to do now we still have no clue where Strickler is or what he's planning
Jim decided to move off the topic of his former favourite teacher: do you know what let's not worry about strictly for now it's past midnight and it's a school night and so let's get some rest besides we need to pick something up from sticklers office tomorrow something that might help us with the Darkland situation
so that is what Champions of Merlin did they decided to cut their losses and go to bed ready for the next day
Darci point of view
Going back to school after all that's happened feel so weird yet delightful, are used to hate school and don't get me wrong I still kinda dislike it but it's nice to have something normal after all the craziness that's come to light I don't know it just feels like I can finally take a breather not to mention it gives me some time to talk to Claire and Mary separately
I don't know what happened but ever since they were rescued they've been acting... Weird like not talking to each other weird and avoiding each other at all costs which is beyond weird we're best friends we always stick together did something happen during the rescue
I noticed Claire walking by herself I take this as an opportunity to talk to her about what happened: hey c-bomb
Claire no just me calling her and smiled and waved back: hey Darci
We walk to school together for the rest of the way: so how are you holding up with this... Whole situation
Claire: I will admit it's a struggle with that little monster pretending to be my brother but with my mum's help and able to deal with it somewhat okay he seems to be dealing with it okay but I'm not sure how true that is. How are you dealing with the reality of it all
I tell the truth: honestly it's not bothering me as much as I thought it would I mean it's like they say every legend has a small bit of truth I guess in this sense it's just a lot more truth to it I mean let's be honest with all the stories of mythical creatures in the olden times how to be a slim chance that at least some of them are real
Claire: I guess you have a point when you say it like that It really does make more sense
With that out of the way I decide to ask the big question: okay don't hate me for this but what exactly happened between you and Mary because you haven't been talking for the past few days
Claire looked at me just clear in her eyes she was angry but after she sighed the anger went away: it's nothing really it's just Mary being Mary she's upset that I kissed Jim
.... Okay I'll admit that was not the answer I was expecting, certainly a wellspring of jealousy springs over me but I contain it and not let it show: oh really why is that upsetting to her
Suddenly Mary came out of nowhere and by between us and stared at Claire: because I kissed him first
Claire argued: you didn't technically kiss him because streak needed to transfer from your body to his it doesn't count as a kiss
Mary: our lips touched and he enjoyed it I enjoyed it so it's a kiss
Claire rolled her eyes: oh really, and how exactly do you know that Jim enjoyed it?
Oh snap, that really got Mary going to have them stay and started yelling at each other in the middle of the street people are beginning to stare at us and I gradually moved away just further enough to make it seem like I wasn't with the two of them. I've got an in between the two of them when I came to these types of fights before and I knew that it would not end well for me if I got in the middle of it thankfully someone who stopped them from fighting came along
Jim: hey girls
Mary and Claire's attitude completely changed from hell have no fury to serenity: hey Jim you look really tired are you sleeping okay
Jim wrote his eyes as we all walk to school together: No I'm sleeping okay just last night mean streak were out searching for the other changelings that escaped we were hoping to find one of them had connections to Stricklers location but we weren't so lucky
Oh yeah then there's that whole thing as well it's still hard to believe that the teacher that was like the classes Dad was actually running a secret organisation of Shapeshifters this. If someone told me that before I knew about the whole troll world thing I would say they were completely insane but now that the evidence before me I can't help but feel like it was obvious the whole time I mean no one is that nice especially a teacher
Claire: so you really think Strickler is going come back? It seems like that would be the last thing he wanted to do I mean you guys completely destroyed him the time you fought during the rescue
Jim explained: that is true Claire but his reputation is on the line he can't admit to the other leaders of the Janice order that he lost to a 16-year-old boy and an alien from outer space and the other factions of the journey so they're probably losing faith in him as we speak he will need to do something drastic to keep himself at the top
Yeah that makes sense I think I mean I'm not really an expert when it comes to the secret society thing but I'm guessing it's not work something like running a business you have to show your employees and your investors that you are the ideal person to run the company if not you're in danger of an uprising
Jim walked up the steps to the school: anyway it doesn't matter at the moment Main Street I've Gotta get something from sticklers office not Enrique should already be there waiting for us
Mary scoffed at the mention of that little monster: not that I'm an expert when it comes to this whole thing but how can you trust that little mongrel
Jim shrugged: I can't but he still believes that I've got this whole Killswitch over him so he'll do what I say for now, I'm planning on doing something that should help us with rescuing Clares brother but I need something that was left in the Stricklers office for it to work meet me in the storage room at lunchtime I'll explain there
I gym then walks into school going in the direction of Strickler's office me and the girls look at each other rather confused we don't really know much about this whole troll world thing but we know that Jim is more of an expert on it and us so we shouldn't question what he's got going he's been doing a good job so far might start doubting it now
A few hours later
It's lunchtime and me and the girls have done exactly what Jim has asked we are just outside the storage room that he told us to meet him in, when we go in he is already there with some weird circular thing on the floor and what appears to be... A gnome?
Street comes out of jim neck: hey girls you might have a seat
I'm still rattled by streaks appearance but he's a friend of Jim sound well somewhat a part of him as well so I guess that means he's okay. Me and the girls sit down on the floor close to where the circle thingy is
I decide to ask: so what is this supposed to do and how is it gonna help us get Claire's brother back?
Jim explained: okay this thing is called fetch it's what brought not Enrique out of the dark lands and into our world it's like a small crack into the Darklands
Okay I think I get it it's like a back door sort of, still don't understand what he intends to do with it is he planning on going through that to get to the dark lanes?
Mary asks for me: are you going to use that to get into the dark lands
Jim shook his head: No I'm actually going to send Chomsky hear the gnome to the dark lands, for you see the dark lenders supposedly an endless labyrinth of course even if we did go in there to save Clares brother there's a good chance we could get lost quite easily so I figured why not send someone to scout ahead
Claire nodded in understanding and I'm beginning to understand as well: I get it you're sending the gnome to find a location of my brother that's a smart move, but will he be okay and there is a small guy
Shriek chuckled which frightens me just a little bit: Believe it or not gnomes are very tough creatures besides Chomsky is a scavenger if anyone can survive down there it's him, the plan is rather simple we send Chomsky down to the dark lines using our fetch he finds the nursery in the dark lands
Mary: okay great plan but how is he going to get back I'm pretty sure we can't leave the portal open
Jim: we're not going to there's another fetch on the other side it's how the changelings get from the nursery into our world once Chomsky find the nursery you'll find the other fetch and he'll be back in our world and he'll have a map of the dark lands in his head
Okay that's actually a really great plan it's better than just going in guns blazing because even if by some chance we avoided the trolls that want to eat us we would probably get lost trying to find the nursery
The fletch thing activates and without any hesitation the gnome just jumps down straight into it ... Can I hand it to the little guy he is determined
Claire: so when he gets back that's when we going to go save my brother
Jim rubs the back of his head sheepishly: we'll... we might have to wait a little longer after he returns . I'm sorry Claire it's not that I don't want to risk your brother it's just I'm already on thin ice with the elder of troll market. He's not exactly pleased that I kept the whole end of the world thing a secret until the last minute so I don't think he's gonna let us to open the bridge any time soon I need to get back in his good books before even asking
It does seem to upset Claire just a bit but she nodded in understanding: Okay I get it right we might need his help come to the rescue better to be on the lead is good side for that
Jim: yeah don't worry I'm sure Will get there soon, although there is another problem according to some other ancient books gunmar he's supposedly invincible I don't know if that's true or not but it is concerning apparently the only major wound he ever got is when he lost his eye in a battle
Yeah that would be a problem nothing is worse than a big boss that just won't die: okay so what are we gonna do about that
Jim: we're gonna need more time to research there's got to be a way to defeat him no one is invincible whether they're human, troll or symbiote every living thing as a week and we can exploit that when we find it
A bit scary for him to say that but he is right everything has its Achilles heel and once you find it you can often exploited to get victory that's what we need to do with this so-called dark under Lord
Streak: Oh by the way Jim has a meaning to mention this but there's something mysterious going on in Arcadia I don't think it's got anything to do with Strickler or trolls in general but to be more precise than a feeling it's got something to do with that... Other thing that happened that day
Jim's eyes widen somewhat, he seems worried about something I look to my girlfriends in hopes that they might be able to give me an answer to why James behaving like this but they are just as confused as me
Jim noticed our worry and confusion and places a small smile on his face: it's nothing for you guys to worry about for now, it could be nothing but just in case I know it's gonna be difficult but if you see anything out of the ordinary call us and buy out of the ordinary I mean really out of the ordinary like out of this world
Mary made a sarcastic comment: do you mean besides the fact there is a society of trolls living under us?
Jim response: yes... It's getting to the end of lunch we should head back
Jim leaves in the storage room without saying anything else, he just leaves us with more questions what were he and streak talking about what's happening in Arcadia that has him so worried it's not something to do with Strickler we know that but that just leaves more questions like who or what has them both so worried and what happened on that supposed "thing" that happened on that day
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