No way home part 4

Hey guys so I because of the amount of people that commented on the previous chapter and also sent private messages about adding in more girls to The harem and some even message me about some they wish to see included which I will say for some of them I will include but just for one individual who will remain nameless and they know who they are I just wanna say... "Absolutely not" for those who sent a private message about some of the other characters they wish to include I will say "hell yes that's a great idea and I'm honestly surprised I didn't come up with it myself" I'm sorry for confusing some of you I just want it to be a surprise

And as for the thing I don't want to mention well I just don't wanna mention it... Let's just say if push things a little too far okay enough of that on with the next chapter

New part I've combined the fourth part and the fifth part together to save space

Streak point of view

In Happys apartment

This is by far the most terrible idea I've ever heard and I am nearly 10000 years old and I've heard some pretty terrible plans, why is it a nearly every Peter Parker it's so dead set on helping people so dead set on helping people I'll admit it's a noble quality but this is just pure insanity helping people that tried to kill him and another version of him in an alternate dimension yeah insanity might just be the word used to describe it.

To top it all off we were tasked with helping out the Eddie Brock the one with the baby venom... Just thinking about helping out that idiot makes my non-existent skin crawl . Even sitting next to him makes me wanna vomit well at least he's in chains along with Eddie Brock the one with the stronger version of venom know Eddie Brock doesn't seem to need help with venom in fact apparently is all he's got left and he's fine with that

(By the way I'm calling Eddie from Spider-Man three just Eddie and the One from venom Eddie Brock)

Eddie foaming at the mouth: let me out of here so I can rip you to pieces!

Jim Rolling his eyes: yeah that sounds like a perfectly logical reason why we would let you out, what is your problem

Eddie: our problem is Spider-Man caused all of our pain!

I understand wanting a pound of flesh but I don't see the point in trying to kill this Spider-Man I mean for starters it's not even the same one as the one that supposedly ruined this Eddie Life and what I can gather from the hive mind any kind of ruin that him self

Eddie Brock interrupting us: how did you get your Symbiote Jim

Jim explained the story: nothing that special I was in the forest for a school trip I was by myself but I usually was I came across a dear that was stuck and I helped it the deer bit me and turns out that was because streak was inside ever since then two of us have been attached to the hip

Eddie Brock:oh how do you deal with it?

Jim turned to him and raised an eyebrow: deal with what?

Eddie Brock: well he's a Simp you're right that means he has to do you know eat you know what Aunty probably winds a lot and always wants to do something crazy I mean how do you deal with that little of you seem to be practically best friends me and venom we can just barely stand each other

I don't disagree with that I fully hate venom to my very core if I had one it stands to reason than that his host can barely stand him at the very least. Let me and Jim don't have that kind of problem with a perfect duo

Jim: well... Okay I'll admit Street can be difficult sometimes

I am disgusted by that claim I am delightful to live with: hey!!!

Jim continues: he's also my best friend, for a long time I was alone . I thought at the start it was by choice but as I got older I began to realise that I was just scared of interacting with people because I didn't want to get hurt like I did before but then streak came along and he helped me along , Yes he can be annoying with his paranoia and weird cravings not to mention his inability to shut up sometimes. But at the end of the day he's got my back and I've got his we've been through so much together that we are practically brothers. I know where you're coming from Eddie Brock it is really annoying sometimes to share your body with another being but maybe if you stop focusing on the negative so much and start seeing the positive sides to it you might get along better

That's actually a very good statement if I had a heart it probably be warming up right now, and I do have to admit I'm probably not the most easiest symbiote to live with but in my defence Jim is not the easiest human to live with sometimes but I guess that's what makes us good friends we both admit that we're not perfect

Eddie Brock: ... I guess I never really thought about it that way very hard to ever since I got them on it seems like they're just been problems over and over again

Jim: I can relate to that though it's got nothing to do with streak in fact his whole plan and I got turned upside down he was trying to lay low and instead we are creating a ruckus somewhat

Eddie Brock: oh what happened

I take this time to reveal myself out of Jim's neck: It's sort of a long story but let's just say some responsibility found its way to us, those bits of metal you saw on our body that was a piece of some legendary armour created by a wizard and chose us to be the champions of two worlds we don't know why he chose us but it's a responsibility that we cannot turn away from... at least that's what Blinky says

Suddenly venom appears out of any boxes body as well and flashes his disgusting face: responsibility is for the mediocre, me and Eddie save the world what did you do streak

I grip my teeth: we saved our world

Jim disagreeing: technically speaking no we didn't let's be honest streak even if that guy did escape from his prison with his army I don't think he could be 21st-century technology at Best we probably saved our town and a few towns over

I turn over to the gym how could he say that directly to those idiots faces I'm never gonna hear the end of this from any venom: Jim! Why did you say that we did save the world I mean we also risk it in the process but still we save the world

Jim: no we didn't let's be completely honest year streak do you really think that he could of invaded the world when he had a severe weakness to sunlight not to mention he hadn't been on the Earth in her nose how long of the time so he wouldn't know about 21st-century technology so I'm pretty sure at the very least he would be able to take over a few towns probably estate but then the government will step in and nuke them all... Hey we still save many lives we should at least consider ourselves lucky I will plan was a bit risky

I hate it when he's right because usually when he's right means I'm wrong which doesn't happen that often: whatever enough about this how exactly are we gonna help rage bomb?

Eddie enlighten dust on what he thought we could do to help: You could untie ice and let me rip Spider-Man from-

He couldn't finish talking because I grabbed a tablecloth from the table and stuffing in his mouth honestly he was getting on my nerves. All this talk about how I'm going to kill Spider-Man in multiple ways yeah join the club pal there's at least six others here that would do the same thing or maybe 5 1/2 not really sure where Norman stance on this

Maybe we should go talk to Peter he might have some ideas, we stand up we move past Dr Octavius, Sandman and electro a.k.a. Max we eventually make it to Peter who is working with Osborne to find a way to cure a doctor octopus

Narrators point of view

Jim speaking up getting the attention of Spider-Man and the good side of green goblin: Peter look we have a bit of a problem

Peter finishing up the last adjustments on the inhibitor for Dr Octavius: what's the problem?

Streak spoke up: it's about the angry Eddie Brock, there's no real way to get the symbiote off him unless the symbiote wants to come off I suppose Eddie could try rejecting the symbiote but that would be incredibly painful and by the sounds of it the two of them are getting along very well with their mutual hatred of you

Norman: can't you like talk to it it's one of your kind is it?

Streak grumbled in annoyance: even if I wanted to which I don't think wouldn't listen to me we've got history or at least alternate versions of us have history besides the symbiote following its basic instincts find a host and kill survive that venom isn't as sophisticated as the other one which by the way that Eddie Brock is completely fine he's comfortable with his symbiote we don't have to worry about him

Peter confused: wait if he's okay with it then why did he come along

Jim: It might be due to the fact that a person he brutally ripped the head off of is probably around New York looking for him with their own symbiote which by the way I recommend that we don't try curing them because he's a serial killer and that symbiote is the murderous of all so let's just cure these guys and then send them all home because from what Eddie told me I don't think carnage or Cledus will see reason

Peter: but we can't just send them back to their world to die

Streak: Peter I don't wanna sound like that guy but Cletus was gonna get executed until he found the carnage so technically he should be dead in the eyes of the law soooo maybe we just let nature take its course with that one

A moment of silence followed as the four of them looked at each other until Norman spoke: Peter I kind of agree with Jim and streak if that man was going to be executed anyway by an actual execution that was deemed necessary by the law then perhaps there is no helping him and chances are even if we did somehow help him he'd still be executed anyway

Spider-Man of the universe was unsure about this proposal he saw the reason within, hey serial killer had been sentenced to death by a judge and a jury that made sense but another side of him thought that there was still a chance that he could help. Luckily for him he didn't have to worry about that because Dr Octavius is cure was ready

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch video from 0.25 seconds and just imagine that wealthy Eddie Brock's and Jim are in the video)

Jim and street looked surprised and admired Peter for what he did he help someone who tried to kill him, both the human and the symbiote knew that neither of them would've done that. With this victory came hope that maybe just maybe they could cure them all

However outside party things were getting darker not only did Jane Gemma Jamison track down Spider-Man he was willing to Implicate him in a bunch of crimes which Peter had none involved in, ever since the attack on the bridge and Peter saving all those people daily Bugle's popularity had taken a spiral down into the gutter and Jamison was willing to do anything to get him back on top. But that wasn't a darker part of what was happening outside in a dark alleyway a little further away from the apartment building there was The super powered Bonnie and Clyde with the symbiote friend carnage

Shriek looking up at the giant building: you sure this is the place

Cottage: yeah I can sense the presents all three of them are up there

Cledus looked up at the building and smirked: looks like they're having a party in there without us what do you say baby should we crash it

Back in the building Jim and streak had come up with a cure for the anger issued Eddie and we're explaining it to the others: okay so we think we figured out how to cure the rage balm over there but it's risky

Max: whiskey like how

Streak explained: well there is a thing that symbiote to do to each other when we beat one another we exhaust the other one into our bodies perhaps we can do the same thing with that version of venom The only problem is there is a slight chance that maybe-

Both streak and Jim suddenly stop talking as everything around them slow down for a moment they couldn't describe it but they felt an incredible amount of danger and emanating somewhere they came with two only one solution

Streak: Cledus and carnage there outside

Eddie Brooke standing up: oh man what do we do what do we do that I can attest to shreds he's got shriek with him

Jim trying to keep everyone calm: okay Um i'll go downstairs and see what's happening and if I see either of them I'll try to knock them unconscious and bring them up here then we can decide what to do with them

Sandman crossing his arms: you're not going to try and help them?

Jim spoke up: that's still up for debate Cletus is a serial killer that's already been convicted to death so technically I even if we were to help him he'd still suffered a life sentence and as for shriek weird not really sure what to do with her either way they're danger right now and they are outside Peter continue helping with the curious mean streak will see what's going on

Peter uncertain about all this: are you sure I mean I know you're strong but-

Streakinterrupted him: You're right we are strong, but we might not be a chance for a red symbiote but we got a better chance than the venoms And one of them beat carnage that's got a count for something at least besides even if we did have a lease help carnage and clean it with no every move I make at least with us we have the element of surprise. Look we both know this is insane but with great power comes great responsibility

With that streak and Jim left the room transforming into streaks slim form with his tentacles shooting out wide ready for a fight before they did anything Jim was curious about something

Jim: streak where did that come from that was really profound

Streak shrugging it off: It was nothing it's just something that most Spider-Man say, and honestly considering what we've been through it kind of fits really well think about it we've got an amulet that gave us Power now it's our responsibility to use that power to help people

Jim nodded: well then shall we use our great power and our greatest responsibility to fight this enemy

Streak called out the amulet and smiled: absolutely

Both of them together as they ran straight for the window: for the glory of Merlin daylight is ours to command!

They transformed just as they busted out the window where carnage and shriek or trying to be sneaky climbing up the building but when they heard the sound of broken glass they looked up to see the bright blue light and then suddenly another symbiote using his tentacles to stand up right on the Glass just waved

Jim and streak: hello

Before anyone can react and Jim and street let go of the wall and came down on the other symbiote pair like a wrecking ball forcing them back into the ground and cracking on the floor then using one of the tentacles through the maniac symbiote Away along with his High pitch girlfriend then proceeded to jump after them confusing the hell out of Jade Joe Rogerson

Jamison: what in the actual f-

Carnage and shriek landed on a building a 300 m away from their main destination, streak arrived seconds later ready for a fight

Carnage: you're not Eddie or venom who are you

Jim and Streak responded: you can call us blue Street, now I know Eddie has been an asshole to you And trust me we would happily let you eat venom but right now we're trying to help those people and we can't do that if a psycho path comes bursting in through the window and so why don't you make this easy on yourself and surrender so that w-

The two of them didn't even get to finish the sentence because they were interrupted by a sonic screen which I almost forced the symbiote and human to split apart but they managed to hold on however streak was forced to retreat back into Jim's body

Carnage/Cletus: we are after Venom and Eddie but you'll make a nice appetiser before the main meal

Jim scurrying back and getting some help from streak managers to stand up, knowing that there was no chance for victory unless he got rid of shriek ignored carnage and went straight for his girlfriend

She unleashed another sonic blast towards Jim but he was able to dodge it this time and it hit carnage instead forcing Cledus to come out

Shriek: i'm sorry baby he got out of the way

Cletus shaking his head getting rid of the disorienting feeling: it's okay baby I still love you, but this new kid is really starting to bug me

Jim talking to streak telepathically: Streak are you okay?

The symbiote weakly responded in the shared mind: i'm okay but I'm gonna need a minute before I can come out again

Jim thoughts: well that's just typical I sure hope Peter is having better luck than us

Meanwhile back at the apartment

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(just imagine that both the venoms are there but they made a getaway when electro through Doc Ock out the window)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(i'm sorry I couldn't bring myself to write this scene too emotional 😭😭😭 I don't own any of these videos)

All of the chaos had caught the attention of the others that were on the building Cledus and shriek smiled while Jim looked in horror. The people that they were trying to help had just caused a disaster and Were running away and he didn't know what happened to Peter and May

Cletus: looks like the patients don't want to be cured, by the looks of it and he's making a run for it to do yourself a favour kid don't get in the way

Streak covered gym up and they were in their form they charged at Cledus without a second thought only to be picked up by the giant claw of carnage, Jim and streak struggled against his graft trying to get loose but they couldn't he was too strong and then one of his tentacles went straight through their chest

Jim let out a cry of pain and as carnage leaned in closer to his ear: You thought you could take us kid that's laughable I may not be that old but I know how simply out to work I'm a red one that means I'm at the top of the food chain while you're a blue one at the bottom and that's where your remain for the rest of your very short life. You know what you're so weak you're not even worth a meal.

Carnage them through gym and streak down the alleyway below they landed on the hard concrete and that's when Jim passed out along with streak is as they organised in pain and blood started pouring out from both of them

Carnage roared in his victory: let there be carnage!!!!!!

I don't own any of the videos used in this

Narrators point of view

In ned home

MJ and ned sat inside silence as they watched the news of the report of the deadly battle that happened at Happys apartment and how one person was confirmed to be killed, MJ patiently waited for her boyfriend to call her and tell her what they should do but there was no call and when they tried to call him there was no answer. It was also concerned about their new friend James lake Junior has been no sign of him or streak since The battle they were concerned that Might have run off and leaving Peter with all the trouble

MJ looked at the cube: i'm gonna press it

Ned looked at her in shock: what? But-

MJ explained her recent: I know he told us to wait but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna press it, this needs to end

Ned waving his arms around in a fuss: I just wish we could see Peter or Jim

In that moment as the nerd of the two waved his arms with Dr strange is magic ring on his fingers there was a small spark in the centre of the room catching both attention

MJ: ned... Do that again

He nodded as he repeated his words and waved his arms around this time a small circle of sparks appeared but it quickly vanished, Ned tried one more time and he managed to open a portal to a back alleyway where there were two distant figures one of them looked like Spider-Man

MJ: Peter! Is that Jim with you?!

Two figures in the alleyway quickly ran to the On the portal and once they were through Ned and Enjay realised that It was not The Spider-Man or Trollhunter They knew, once both of them went through the portal it was clear that this was a different Spider-Man and a different troll hunter. Needs grandma screamed as she threw something at both the Spider-Man and the troll hunter

Spider-Man trying to calm the The woman down: it's okay it's okay I'm a nice guy

She then threw A pillow at the armoured Trollhunter who simply caught it and threw it away:Lady please just calm down I know I look scary but I'm actually really nice

The elderly woman ran away from the two that emerged from the portal and MJ and Ned were left looking at Peter that wasn't there Peter and Jim that wasn't the one they knew, The Spider-Man remove his mask to confirm that it truly was a different Spider-Man

The Trollhunter just remained silent as he kept his armour on that covered his face. He had more weapons and he was clearly more armoured than the Jim they knew in fact his armour looked more futuristic it also gave the appearance that he was a demon

(This is the Trollhunter from my blinded story, if I was gonna do a Multiverse episode I may as well try to include my other Trollhunters The artwork was created by necro5s go check their work out on DeviantArt)

Peter Parker number 2 (that's what I'm calling him): my name is Peter Parker

MJ resident: that's not possible

Blinded Trollhunter: yeah that's what I said, guys in my world of Spider-Man the comic book character imagine my surprise when I meet him in person

Ned: so... Your James lake Junior in your dimension and you're the troll hunter in your universe

Blinded Trollhunter nodded: Yeah pretty much, you see I was in the middle of training then the next thing I know the floor gave it out and I feel like I'm falling on until I end up in dark alleyway having no clue where I am, I start hearing about how spider-Man save that much people on a bridge and with the help of some blue creature that's when I ran into this Spider-Man we've been trying to find your Spider-Man and the other Jim for the past day

Spider-Man 2 nodded: same thing happened to me

MJ not believing it: prove it, prove that you are actually James lake Junior and Peter Parker

Peter number 2: I don't carry ID around with me kind of gets rid of the whole enormous superhero thing

The blinded troll hunter just shrugged and deactivated his armour revealing his face it really was James lake Junior only difference was he wore glasses and now had a cane in his arms

Ned waved his hands in front of the blinded Jim , Which he obviously didn't like he grabbed his arm to stop him from doing that: yes I'm blind but that doesn't mean I like having hands flowing around in my face

MJ Threw some bread at the other Spider-Man trying to see if he had the tingle thing, however it didn't reach its target because blinded Jim caught it with his cane

Blinded Jim: okay he is peter parker trust me, I have this thing when I can tell when people are lying on the sides don't we have bigger things to worry about right now

Peter Parker number 2 nodded: he's right, can't you do that portal thing again try to get to the Peter Parker you know I just have this feeling that he needs my help

Ned nodded as he tried to Open another bottle it didn't work the first time or the second or the third they managed to open a portal behind them and once again they were disappointed to find it wasn't there Peter Parker or the Jim that's a new

Peter Parker number three: um hello? I hope it's okay We just came through ... Portal thing

This different version of Jim that walk through the portal with him looked much older then the other two and he had remnants of blue skin and that look like they were as hard as stone called and he had horns coming out of his head he was also quite well built

(that's the troll hunter from my first ever troll hunter harem story I didn't have any artwork for that one)

The older James lake: um ... Hi other me?... wow that sounded really weird to say out loud

Ned completely confused: Wait so you're Peter Parker to end your James lake Junior the troll hunter in your reality

The older Jim: I was... Retired now

Peter Parker number three: Lucky, we found each other while we were searching the city for our counterparts Since yesterday-

Peter at number three stopped talking when he saw Peter in number two: that's not your-

Suddenly the two Spider-Man launched the spider webs at each other both of them dodged the first attack then did a backflip and Peter three managed to get his webs on Peter twos web shooters stopping him from shooting anymore

Picture number two was actually impressed,ned was confused: so wait your Spider-Man too why didn't you just say that

Peter Parker number three shrugged it off: it's not something I go advertising about

Blind Jim: that's what this Peter Parker said

MJ still wrapping your head around what was happening in the room: that's exactly what he said

After cleaning up the website that were left by the short and confrontation between both Spider-Man Peter number three and the older Jim had something to say

Peter number three: this is gonna sound weird but I've been looking for your friend ever since I got here

Order Jim: same with me but I've been looking for the Jim I can just sense that there is something... that he needs my help

Blind Jim and Peter Parker number 2: our help

MJ looked around: yeah they do

Ned adding on: yeah but we don't know where either of them are

MJ: in Peters terms our Peter is where all he has left, we have no idea what to do with Jim

Peter Parker number three: well... Is there a place that ... Has meaning to him. Like a place where he would go just to-

Peter Parker number 2 finished the sentence: get away from it all

Peter Parker number three nodded: for me it was The top of The Chrysler building

Peter Parker number 2: empire estate... better view

Blind Jim smirked: I bet

MJ began brainstorming about where Peter would go to get away from it all and only one place made sense to her in her mind: I know where he is Peter... Our Peter but I don't know where Jim is

Blind Jim: okay well then, you guys go find Peter Parker of this reality, me and well... Me will find the other me

As confusing as that sentence was everyone somewhat understood MJ, ned and the peter parkers left the building leaving the Trollhunters to think of places to look for the other troll hunter.

The older James lake Junior came up with an idea: let's search nearby the places he went missing maybe we'll get lucky

The blind Jim agreed with that as the two of them I went outside the house and headed to the last known location of Jim and streak

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Jim's point of view

That is the second time in two days that we have been impaled, and I hate it. I hate the fact that we lost I hate the fact that we lost so badly and so quickly I thought we were stronger than that but I guess I was wrong... Who am I kidding of course I was wrong we are strong against people and trolls but against another symbiote we are the weakest of the bunch

Streak managed to heal the impale month after we landed in a pile of trash, when I eventually came to it was already too late The FBI the police everyone had arrived on the scene of the attack there was no remnants of Peter or any of the others except for may Who is found dead at the scene, I didn't know her that well but... For the short time I knew her she was a very nice lady I can only imagine what Peter is going through

Streak speaking in my head: so... Partner what do we do now?

I shrug as i White away some tears: I don't know streak, what can we do it's like Carnage said we are at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to fighting other symbiote, I mean seriously we lost so quickly that I barely even had time to process all of it maybe we should just go home we tried our best but it wasn't good enough

Streak: but a troll Hunter never quits that's what Blinky told us we can start quitting now

I cleaned my fists in fury I don't want to quit but what other choice do we have!? ever since I found streak I've had this overwhelming sense that I'm invincible and it felt amazing I felt like there was nothing we couldn't do but now being so easily defeated it reminded me that we're not invincible we know we're close

I yelled: What do you expect me to do streak!? We lost! We lost so bad and because of that a woman is dead maybe if we go running off thinking we were invincible Peters aunt would still be alive! I think we should just go home before we make anything worse!

Voice came from behind me it sounded familiar: but a troll hunter never yields

I turn around to figures in the shadows, but as they move forward I realise that there... Maybe one of them looks older and has horns on his head along with some remnants of blue skin which look like they're made out of rocks. The other one has some glasses on as a cane I think he's blind. So the spell must've brought alternate versions of me along for the ride... But that doesn't make any sense if it wasn't a streak I wouldn't be in this situation to begin with

I look at the two of them and the resemblance is so cool and yet disturbing: oh my God

The older me: yeah it was a long for us to take it as well, so you're thinking about quitting

I look at the older version of me: well yeah... I mean what does this have to do with us only reason we're here is because streak knew about Spider-Man being Peter Parker I mean I assume that's correct

The blind me: technically no in my reality and he is Peter Parker and Spider-Man are comic book A comic book character so technically we did know who Peter Parker wise course I guess but that's not important how do you even think about quitting the amulet chose you

Yeah but not for this, this is completely out of my element here we were supposed to be protecting both the human world and the troll world now we've got to help out some super criminals that tried to kill us that was not in the Trollhunter job description: what do you expect me to do this isn't my problem it isn't Peters problem those guys that died in their realities we should've just sent them home from the beginning then maybe... May would still be alive

The older me: look I know what's upsetting you you feel responsible you I think you were invincible but you weren't and the realisation of that is hitting you hard believe me I know you want to fight in my world I was part of a legend about how I was going to save the world/universe and I thought that because I was part of those legends I couldn't die or or anyone around me couldn't die... I was wrong I was so so very wrong

The older me look sad she went twice from tears, he really does know what I'm going through I don't know how he does but I can tell in his eyes that he knows the pain I'm feeling. 

The blind me tells his story: yeah I know can understand that as well,  you feel like there was something you could've done if you just did something differently believe me I know how that feels I had a... friend wants a she was one of the most bravest women I've ever met she sacrificed herself for the safety of people that hated her, and every so often I ask myself was there something else I could've done... Could I have saved her and the answer is always the same yes I could've I could've if I just did something different but I can't do anything about it now all I can do is keep moving forward

Both of them look me down saddened by the memories of whatever they've been through, I know exactly how I'm feeling and I know how hard it is with all this pressure for us to save the world/keep it safe and by the looks of it they've done it without the help of a symbiote

The old of me: look... I don't know how far you are in your life of being a troll hunter but I can tell you this you can't let this one Lost defined you, you must keep moving forward it's the only way but you can be a good hero

I look down i'm still doubting myself: but what if I'm not good enough...

The blind me: then do the best you can that's all anyone can truly ask for Tom to talk to none of us asked to be the troll hunter and none of us wanted to at first I think but it's looks like that's who we're destined to be in every reality so I'm gonna ask you this are you going to be one of the only Trollhunters that just says screw it I give up or are you going to fight!

Oh he's right or I'm right whatever I can't just quit because things aren't going my Way, that's not how the troll hunter should work on a troll hunter fight to the end no matter what and they never quit

Suddenly before I could say anything or attention is brought to a nearby giant scream as That reporter that hate Peter comes on

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Statue of Liberty that's where the final showdown's gonna happen, how are we going to get there so quickly. The villains are probably already on their way. No don't think negative there's got to be a way to get there quicker

Streak appeared out of my neck: I've got an idea how we get there quicker get me to a car

Few minutes later all of us are in a car speeding towards the Statue of Liberty I'm in the driving seat but I'm not the one driving streak is doing all the work I still don't know when he had time to learn how to drive but I'm not complaining

The blind me chuckle is a bit catching the attention of the older me and myself: sorry it's just... This is so cool I've always wanted brothers

I guess this is kind of weird... Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be in a car with two altered versions of myself and one of which looks like he's half Demon

I decide to ask about that: so what exactly happened to you I mean the horns and a bit of blue skin look like they're made out of rock were you born like this or...

The older me: oh no no I was born human like little of you let's just say some stuff happened in my world that caused me to look like this... To put it simply my amulet was destroyed in the final battle do not ask me how that went because I don't think we should tell each other about our battles go

That's understandable All three of us are incredibly different having information from an alternate reality might not be the best idea besides I think they have already been a enough ripples in the space-time continuum I don't think we need to make anymore

The older me changes the subject: so... You guys got anyone special in your life?

Oh that's a difficult question for me to answer right now because I don't want to it's just because I don't know where I stand with all that happened in my world I mean I like Claire but I also like the other girls even Claire's mother which I shouldn't be feeling this way then again she was the one that seduced me. No don't think that way brain not now focus on the task ahead

Blind me: oh yeah I don't know if you guys have her in your dimension but I'm dating aja butit's a bit awkward at the moment

Who aja? That name doesn't sound familiar could she be going to my school and I just haven't met her yet: wait what do you mean it's awkward right now

Blind me runs the back of his head rather sheepishly: well Claire is all in love me and if I like her but I don't want to well you know

Sounds to me like he's in the same position I am somewhat, having to choose between people that i've fallen in love with least I know I'm not the only James lake Junior that has to deal with this

Older me just laughs: sorry sorry I'm not making fun of you but... Well the truth is I actually have married at least nine women I won't say who they are. Just in case but do you wanna know something they all love me equally and I love them equally you might not have to choose between I mean come on guys we save the world practically on a daily basis don't you think we deserve at least one liberty

Okay for some reason that makes somewhat some sense, and he's right we do save the world a lot we can take some liberties can't we? I'll have to think about that there's something else I wanna know about these guys: okay I am what are the craziest villains you've ever faced

Blind me smiles: oh that is a good question... Let me think oh I don't know if either of you two are like this in your world but in my world I am someone of a superhero like Spider-Man, people call me the demon of Arcadia And I thought someone called in themselves the plague doctor at flamethrowers and everything and the guy was completely nuts... And if I'm being honest he was a lease crazy of them all as I can and tired Supervillain community in my world

Order me: oh I fault A alien God in outer space, man that was a close fight

Blind me: oh that reminds me I actually thought to an alien Hunter that came down to earth to go on safari he got more than he bargained for that's why my armour is different than yours it's got his technology embedded in it

Wow it really sounds like they have gone through a lot, the older version of myself said he's retired now and he no longer has the end of it but he still able to and I "turn into a troll which I think will come in handy. Eventually we arrive at the closest we can get to the Statue of Liberty where it looks like the parties already started.

Streak: so do we have a plan or are we just going in Halfcocked again?

I smirk: yeah we have a plan let's cure some bad guys

Narrators point of view

Peter number two was being held against the floor by doctor Connors a.k.a. the lizard: hey Dr Connors

The lizard hissed: hello Peter

Then out of nowhere the blind troll hunter in his full armour and came in and kicked the lizard off the Spider-Man, the Trollhunter pulled out his spear and hand blade: mind if I cut in?

The lizard roared blind gym just got ready for another fight: Get the cure for Sandman up to Peter number three, let's see if there's more than one way to skin a lizard

Peter Number to nodded and swung back into action heading up to the Statue of Liberty where Peter number three was waiting while also being chased by Sandman.

Meanwhile the older Jim had arrived in his troll form and Jim and streak was on the bottom floor looking for the rage bomb Eddie Brock but they couldn't find him but they did find the other Eddie broke

Jim used one of those streaks tentacles to swing himself next to the other symbiote user: Lottie did you see your other alternate self!?

Eddie Brock shook his head: no man however I did find Cletus and shriek I shouldn't be a problem right now I'm still stuck on the mainland I've got no interest in getting involved with this! I wanna go home as much as the next guy so what can I do to help!?

Streak spoke: help us find the angry version of you, and you're going to need to hold him down!

Both the symbiote agreed for a temporary truce, as they swung around the Statue of Liberty trying to find the other venom and avoiding getting electrocuted by electro

The Trojan was climbing up the Statue of Liberty trying to get close to electro, when he finally got to a point where he could jump to the villain he took his chance he managed to grab hold of him just before he could turn into energy is, the troll jim held Max down while dock oak who appeared out of nowhere placed the antidote for him on the electric user as all the electricity started to flow out of his body

Meanwhile in the Statue of Liberty Peter number three finally got the cure for Sandman and and activated it where Flint Marko transformed back from sand back into flesh and blood

Peter number three took off his mask to mostly get the sand out: don't worry Flynn we gonna get you home

However this victory was short lived because almost a second later black webbing appeared around Peters neck and he was being choked as the evil voice of his world venom whispered in his ear as he licked his cheek: Peter... Time for a payback

Peter number three tried his best to fight against the evil symbiote but he was so tired and out of breath from nearly being smothered to death by Sandman luckily for him the good venom arrived and punched the scrawny out version of himself off of the Spider-Man

He then held him back up stopping him from moving as he squirmed trying to escape, venom scoffed: stop moving you little mongrel take your medicine!

Streak I jumped down from a higher platform in front of the smaller symbiote, venom held the smaller version of himself as blue tentacles entered into the smaller venoms body emailed with pain and has venom was being ripped from Eddie Brock's body but It worked venom and the angry Eddie were completely separated and now venom was a part of streaks body, he couldn't change the colour so he decided to make a Spider-Man symbol on the centre of his chest is using venoms colour

Streak asking is arch enemy how he look: what do you think?

Venom dropping the other Eddie Brock: cliché

Back with the blind troll hunter he was holding his own against a lizard but he was definitely no match against the giant lizard, so he called out to the others: guys! I really need the cure because I don't know how much longer I can hold him off!

Peter number one was the only one that heard that called for help, he grabbed the cure for the lizard and jumped down getting in between the two just before the lizard could bite off blind Jim's head instead he bit open into the cure where green gas emerged from the container as the lizard man turns back into human

Peter Parker number one: welcome back Dr Connors

Little did he know that Dr strange was watching and he was generally impressed though he still thought that it was best to send the villains back now before anything worse could happen also he was still very annoyed about Peter leaving him in the Grand Canyon for 12 hours

Strange teleported to where the pizzas were and he was honestly surprised to see three of them, but even more surprised that below him stood three Trollhunters each one looking remarkably different than the other

Doctor strange: kid I am generally impressed that you have managed to give them all a second chance but this has to stop

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the Statue of Liberty began to fall all the curate villains and Spider-Man along with the Trollhunters gradually made their way down anyway they could to get to safety, the troll jim used his big body to cover the other two along with venom and Eddie as to the brief fell to the ground and the sky begin to light up with cracks appearing in the very fabric of reality

Streak: oh god this is worse then it was before

Jim looked up at the sky as it fractured a part of he could see millions of people up in the sky or at least the outlines of people some of them look like people others look like monsters one of them actually look like a rhinoceros

The troll Jim pointed to the sea line: hey isn't that Peter... And the green goblin?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

With the goblin finally cured and it seems like it was all over however the cracks in reality began to get bigger and there were more of them appearing by the second Peter swung up to Dr strange to see what they could do to stop all reality from collapsing

The Sim biotic Jim turned to his counterparts: in case this is that the end of all existence, I want you guys to know that I'm really glad I met you and thanks for talking some sense into me well us

Blinded Jim Play start his hand for a handshake which Synbiotics Jim gladly took: no problem, besides Trollhunter stick together no matter what

The troll Jim transform back into his relative human form: yeah Trollhunters stick together no matter what

Venom interrupted the moment that to the three Trollhunters were having: oh that's so nice just so we're clear streak the next time we meet we will be enemies

Streak appeared separately outside of Jim neck: wouldn't have it any other way

Venom then took his leave and he took the scrawny version of Eddie with him to make sure he didn't try anything, Peter then jumped down landing in front of the Trollhunters

Peter number three: so you guys are gonna go home soon we've managed to find a way to get you all Home

Symbiotic Jim smiled: well that's good to know... I guess this is goodbye Best of luck to you Peter something tells me you're gonna need it

Peter number three smiled: Best of luck to you too Jim something tells me you're going to need it more

Peter number three then swung away and meeting up with his counterparts, as the crisis was about to be dealt with all three of the Trollhunters looked at each other

Blind Jim: Best of luck to you Jim and older take care of your family because if you don't I'll come over to your reality and I'll give you a rule three

Older Jim laughed: I could say the same thing to you, best of luck to you too if you're future battles are anything like mine always push forward and remember a troll hunter never quits

All three of them are not as they all of them began to glow gold as they began to fade back into their own reality is, when gym open his eyes again if I'm in self back in the garage where he left before and it looked like it was night again he didn't seem like any time in the past

Streak curious: are we back in our reality?

Jim: I think so I mean where in the garage and- oh Janet we left our motorbike in the other dimension!

Streak spoke sarcastically: oh dammit do you think insurance is gonna cover that?

Jim: why are you joking about this bike cost you a fortune

Street laughed a bit as he pulled some things towards his Trollhunter friend: maybe because while we were in another reality I decided to take a few things

Are the things that streak took were brought into James view it was the arc reactor that electro was using it must've snuck it off of all the gym when he wasn't paying attention, and then there was the goblins glider

Jim was confused: wait hold on I can kind of guess how you got the arc reactor but how did you get the goblins glider without anyone noticing

Streak explained: oh while you were saying your goodbyes to your ultimate sales I used one of my tentacles to touch it just before we disappeared I guess that means it came along with us, I mean come on we just got sent you another reality nearly died and we lost our bike I think we deserve some compensation for that I mean think about what kind of bike we can build from scratch with the arc reactor as an engine or are we thinking too small... I mean this is literally endless supplies of energy this could change the very world itself

Jim had to admit that did sound tempting and also despite the goblins craziness he really wanted the glider: well I guess you're right I'm just glad this whole thing is over with I really need some sleep

Streak laughed in his mind: yeah thank God that is that it's over

Outside of Arcadia

A small crack in the sky was created and from it multiple lights came shooting down to the Earth, two of them landed in the woodland area of Arcadia they both made a small crater in the ground but from that crater emerged a red claw

Alright that is it for this chapter and that is it for the no way home part of this fanfiction I hope you have enjoyed, I also wanna let you guys know that I'm going to be continuing doing this fanfiction next week as well because at the moment my fan fictions are in an odd number so I can't do two new ones every week I've got to do one twice and I've decided I'll do this story because it's grown in popularity recently anyway I hope you enjoyed please leave a comment and they vote and I will see you next time

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