Becoming part 1 

Okay so this is when Trollhunters officially starts I hope you enjoy and just for those who are asking me why I called the symbol BlueStreak It sounded cool in my head and I couldn't exactly go with carnage or venom and blue streak sounded cool pacifically cause I could just shorten it to streak i'm sorry if it didn't sound is called you guys it's just it sounds cool to me alright enough with that on with the chapter

Streaks point of view

It's been a month since I came here and was partnered up with James lake Junior. And I do have to say things are going better than previously expected, at first I thought I would have to fully take over gym or at least attempt to but appears to be alright with my way of living and I'm okay with his we do our chores in the morning we cook for his mother and I get chocolate and tater tots from that Stan person and exchange we protect him from any other lowlife's by that I mean we eat them.

In exchange for these things I give Jim incredible strength and more intelligence than he could possibly imagine next to my ability to tap into every brain cell in his Head it's like he's got a photographic memory. And a couple of other things that I can do helping out sometimes like right now when I'm trying to wake him up after he sleeps through his alarm

I bring myself out as a head as a yell in his ear: get up!!

Jim wakes up and grabs me: what the hell are you doing you could've woken up my mum!

I defend my actions: dude you slept through your alarm clock again and you wouldn't wake up when I spoke in your head so I took the only other option available I screamed in your ear. Do you want to be late for school again because if you don't get up in the next 15 minutes even with my speed you will be late

Jim gets up, and then he goes over to the wardrobe after stretching ever since I arrived I've had a thing for spider like clothing and every time we saw one in a secondhand shop or shop in general I insisted the jim that we buy it since he no longer wanted a vesper because of how fast we could go on the bike he went along with it of course it had to be in the price range between $10 and $20 which was a reasonable agreement but now we had a vast selection of spider T-shirts of different colours and different designs

(the T-shirts are really important for something that can happen later on in this fanfiction besides I thought Jim could use a variety of different styles of his new favourite T-shirt so I don't own any of these images. another also all of these T-shirts are available on Amazon if you would like any of them)

Jim pulled out the T-shirt with the white spider on it and a black background along with the T-shirt with the black background with the spray-painted spider

Jim asked for my opinion: which one do you wanna go for?

I look at both of the T-shirts and I think which one am I feeling today I favourite the one with the black background one with a white spider: The white spider one I'm feeling venomous today

He Nodded as he began to change out of his pyjamas: okay but if we wear the black one we've got to wear a black jacket it's only thing that goes with this

Makes sense last thing We want is a fashion disaster, Especially now thanks to me Jim has become more confident and has a lot more self courage thanks to my support and knowing that I've got his back no matter what so people are starting to notice us it also helps with our new look and we stick out in the best possible way however we still haven't gotten the attention of any of the girls he secretly desires he seems to be only aware of feelings for one but I'm in the depths of his subconscious I know he wants all three. I've decided that until he's come to terms with his truest desire I shouldn't get in his way he'll find out in his own time and besides he said not to go into his deepest most private thoughts which I did

Moving on after I did the chores and he did the cooking for our lunches and his mothers he quickly makes her some breakfast and takes it up to her she was working late last night so she's still fast asleep he leaves on the bedside and then we go to the most favourite part of the day the bike ride

I ask Jim if we can go my favourite way: oh I know we don't have to but can we go to the canal I love going down that ramp!

Jim put on his helmet: oh please is there any other way now?

I love it when we can agree, so like every other day since I got here we got on the bike and we still need across the neighbourhood at speeds only Olympians could dream of. It's so much fun we get down to the calico homes we do the same trick that defies logic when we go down at raising speed Jim jumps off the bike using my agility and then does a backflip in the air before I use my tentacles to drag him back onto the bike. We've done this every day and it never gets old.

Jim catching his breath: it's still hard to believe we can do it

I remind him: well when we work together as a team there is nothing we can do

we are about to get ready to go again when all of sudden I heard Jim's name being called: James lake

Jim asks me as he looks around: did you hear that?

I tell him in his head: yeah, but there's no one else around here I can't  smell or sense anyone else.

The voice happened again this time we were able to tell where it was coming from it look like a pile of rocks was talking to us Jim went over and started searching I helped by searching with my tentacles searching through to see anything electronic like walkie-talkie anything to explain the voice that we heard, however all that my search brought up was what appeared to be trinkets of some kind,

I pull it out of the rubble: this was anything in the rubble what is it?

Jim took it out from my tentacles: looks like some kind of amulet is anything electronic in it?

I speak to him in his mind: no there's nothing to explain where the voice came from

you brought closer to our ear waiting for the voice to come back but instead we are met with the sound of the school bell which means we are now late. So now with every bit of strength we have left we bike as fast as we can to get to the school however my mind is still thinking about this amulet that we found something about it just gives me a feeling not an unhappy feeling but not a good one either it's small what is the word.... Unsettling

jim point of view

in the classroom

Mr Strickler is telling us the history of some war but I'm not really paying attention and too captivated by Claire. Oh my god how can she be so beautiful. She's like a punk rock angel that fell from the heavens and Mary's looks as good as ever I swear that girl has a new outfit every day I don't think ever seen her wear the same thing twice. Darcy looks beautiful and very fit she's gone bulging muscles but not too big that it makes you look unladylike she's the perfect blend of beauty and strength. man they were all looks so beauti-no bad Jim you only have eyes for Claire you can't let your eyes wander

streak speaks in my mind: close your mouth you're drooling all over the computer

I respond to him in my head: no I'm not you search the Internet yet anything related to the amulet that we found?

I glance over to my computer which has one of my fingers that is covered with the blue liquid that is streak in the computer as the screen goes into matrix mode as countless bits of information flashes by the screen I can barely understand any of it: it's not a toy that it's not on any sites toys. I'm looking into historic artefacts now

I agree with him: yes keep searching, I want to know this thing is you sure it's not extra terrestrial

streak: if it is it's nothing I've seen before and I've been to over a thousand planets across countless galaxies so if it is from our space it's new to me

I don't know whether or not a good thing or a bad thing, I mean things on our planet that look like an amateur objects don't just talk. I know most people would think twice about what happened to when you have a being from outer space literally living in your body you know when things are strange and right now the amulet practically has a sign that says I am mysterious and somewhat magical. And maybe looking too far into it just feels like something is coming something that would change my life again something that w-

Mr Strickler's voice snaps me out of my thoughts: Jim would you agree?

His voice makes me jump a bit but I maintain my cool demeanour: yes sir?

Mr Strickler looked down at me with a small smirk: with Herodotus' opinion on his tactics of war, as I've discussed

not really knowing what we're talking about I just say: absolutely

Mr Strickler continued: excellent. Which tactic specifically?

I panicked because once again I have no idea what were talking about but thankfully my guardian angel Guardian symbiont gives me the information I need in my head, I just blurt out: oh well I much prefer the use of his guntlet hand. As in was the name of the tactical assault he created to counter attack against the Spartans. Though he also used the Ut Cultro a tergo, in England, knife to the back, as he used 10% of his men as cannon fire while the other 90% attacked from the site but that is my own opinion

Strickler gives me a proud smile which means he expected nothing less from me since I am his star pupil. The school bell goes off Strickler gives us our homework I'm getting ready to go however Mr Strickler asks me to stay because he must have a word

once everyone has left Mr Stricker starts: I'm very proud of you Jim it seems not that long ago that you were falling asleep in class and your attention was wondering but over the past month you've really stepped up

I'm happy with the present from my favourite teacher: well yeah now I just thought that maybe I should try harder schools important you know

Mr Strickler nodes: I cannot agree with you more however you are still antisocial you barely speak to anyone in the class as a matter of fact I don't believe you have any friends

well that's technically true but also not. But then again it's not like I can tell him about streak is one of two things will happen either I shall get him and he freaks out I don't trust him and he thinks I've gone crazy and be I will be permitted: I'm not as along as you think Mr Strickler I do have a friend just doesn't come here is a bit shy but he encourages me to step out of my comfort zone a little and try new things and in came up with my new fashion statement

Mr Strickler: well I do admire that you trying new things Mr Lake but I am concerned that you are spreading yourself quite thin I know it's just you and your mother now you want to look after her but I'm afraid that if you keep up the pace you're doing you might collapse from exhaustion

I laugh a little, if only he knew I could run a marathon without even breaking a sweat there's no way I would collapse from exhaustion not with blue streak by my side: you don't have to worry sir I am taking proper rest and I have got time to myself Heck have even started working out now

Mr Strickler seemed pleased with that: well if you're sure however I still believe I should have a talk with your mother can you pass my phone number on her?

He writes his phone number down and sticking up then handed to me I'm hesitant about my favourite teacher and my mother meeting. Partly due to the fact that a single mother and a teacher like Mr Strickler meeting well that's sort of the storyline of nearly any romantic movie ever. But still I think my mother should have someone else to talk to outside of our work she barely has a social life so maybe I'll give it to her after some deep thought

I take the phone number from Strickler and I'm prepared to leave when he gives me one last piece of advice: by the way Jim if you fancy Mary, Darcy or Claire I recommend talking to is better than staring at them

I walk out of the classroom just before streak can have another one of his hissy fits he's been like this every time we have Mr Strickler especially when he lost was one-on-one: I don't like that guy you could stay away from our mother

okay two things wrong with that sentence: okay first of all she's not our mother she's my secondary why do you hate Mr Strickler what's the matter with

streak responds in my head: I don't know just rubs me the wrong way it's like he's hiding something something devious

I remind him: and devious than us we ate someone last month

Streak: well technically that was me then you but you have a point all I'm saying is something is up with Mr Strickler something that I don't like or trust

honestly I love having streak around as my friend but he just gets really paranoid sometimes, I mean it's not just with Mr Strickler that he got a problem with. There's the person that works with the dentist, the lady that runs the museum and for some unknown reason he's got nothing against birds. Aaron now and he came from a society where he was the loser of the group and it was survival of the fittest so it only makes sense that he would be paranoid. And to make matters even worse becomes his least favourite lesson gym

15 minutes later

streak in my head: I hate this class!

It does this while I'm climbing a rope very slowly, I answer him back in my head: that's what you keep saying every time we have this class what you have against it?

streak answered: it is because you won't let us use our full ability. We could climb this rope in a matter of seconds and yet you insist on pretending to struggle

I give him the same answer I've been giving over the past month: well that's because it would look strange if we suddenly could be able to climb a rope a month ago I couldn't do have the things that we're doing right now we just need to make it look like we struggle to get here then we can use our abilities fully

streak answered back: how long will that take?

I give an honest answer: probably another month, can you wait until then please?

My partner grumbles:  fine but can you please talk to Claire today please your hormones every time you see her are getting on my nerves and the sweating is so weird can we just get the awkwardness of the first greeting out of the way please?!

I let go of the rope at the mention of my crushes name and falls to the mattress which didn't hurt as much as it should have thanks to streak but still I get an earful from coach about how he wants all of us to be made of iron and that's when I stopped listening and just focus on Claire. I don't really want to but I can see why this would be upsetting streak this might be the first time he had to go through puberty and judging how his people are symbiotic it's possible that they don't have to experience something like this so it is probably most uncomfortable for him. Besides I got to talk to Claire eventually might as well try it now while she sitting over there with her friends

the three girls are watching something on Claire's farm as I walk up and try something in Spanish: Buenos noches

Claire looked up good middle got her attention, along with the other two girls Darcy and Mary. Claire looks surprised not bad surprised good surprised: you speak Spanish?

I chuckle a little bit: yeah little please tell me I said the right thing I did say something stupid

streak in my mind: you definitely said the right thing you should never ask that

however Claire giggles back and gives me an honest answer: no what you said was correct however your pronunciation could use a bit of work

honest greys that's a good sign I was gonna speak more but then Darcy stopped me: weight: I know you know that guy wears those cool spider shirts totally work for you!

I blush a bit at the mention of my fashion statement: thanks a friend of mine said they suited me and I have to agree with them they just feel right you know?

Mary responded she looked as ecstatic as Darcy: oh yeah I totally get what you mean everyone can have their own identity and what better way than to show it in the type of clothes you wear to say your decision to wear those shirts was a bold one and it totally paid off.

I raise an eyebrow at my actually getting a compliment from Mary the girl that known as the biggest drama queen of the school: you really think so?

Mary: oh absolutely, I don't know what you did but they just fit you will want to wear those clothes and you totally make them work no matter what colour you you have the minute they just work for you instantly

I'm a bit embarrassed I don't really know what else to say right now and have been praised this much by the opposite sex before: well thanks

how great there's going to be an awkward silence something think Jim think what can we talk about thankfully streak chimes in: Claire's got a poster in our arms asked her about it

I take his advised: so hey what's with the poster

Claire hands it to me. it reads Romeo and Juliet I think that is a Shakespeare play. Yet now it's coming back to me it's about a boy and girl falling in love from rival families and then getting married however tragically strokes in the end I can't remember how

Claire asked me: do you like Shakespeare?

I just blur out: yes absolutely I love his work

the girls get up and walk away because the final bell is gone however Claire looks back at me: then you should audition for Romeo having trouble finding boys to audition

I answer her nervously: yeah I'll think about it

later in the changing room

streak was celebrating in my mind: thank you final talk to her and you have a way in the play

he has a point but I'm still not sure about this: I don't know man isn't a play a little little to us now

streak: well yes but you want to mate with her to you not?

Why does he always have to say it like that: well yes and how many times you have to tell you did not sounded like that it's weird

streak  my mind: no one else is with someone's been watching since this morning

in a panic I look around everywhere in the gym change well there's no one there or at least no one can see: this someone's been following us around all day and you haven't said anything?!

Streak defended his actions: in my defence I don't sense any hostility towards us so whoever they are they don't want to harm us so what I suggest is we go on our normal routine and perhaps they'll go away if not only become hostility to us we will be able to take care of it

As much as I hate to admit it he has a point there is no point in stirring up trouble where none exists so I just walk out of the boys changing room and get my bike pulling along to go home until I hear the sound of bullying. I look over to see Steve and his buddies shoving Toby into a small locker they got him stuck  halfway through. And the sounds of whining from the other rocker next to it sounds like you are so it appears that Steve and his pals were to their old tricks

streak: asshole

I agree with him: you're not wrong, should we help them out

Streak asks the same question you've always asks when it comes to matters with Steve: can I eat him?

I shut down that idea immediately as I walk towards the skirmish: no not yet there are too many witnesses

that trick seems to calm my symbiont friend down: yeah you're right we get a chance oh I bet his muscles will taste really really could

okay the creepy buyer that out of the way I walk over, where Steve is tormenting the two boys about something they saw hamsters fighting under the bridge with razor-sharp clause and stone white skin when a minute that is where we found the amulet... Now way can't be probably just their imaginations during the best of them either way they should be tormented for that

I tell Steve: okay Steve you had your fun let them out and which Toby

Steve walks up to me trying to look intimidating but I know I can take him: are you trying to tell me what to do now? You think your new look and this whole cocky demeanour you've got going makes you a different person is still the same old loser you were a month ago

I roll my eyes I really don't care what he thinks: yeah okay okay I get you don't like me but seriously just let them out there's no point to this so what they think they saw two stone monsters is not a reason to torture them

Steve laughed menacingly: well done are of course it is because it's stupid and it's really funny to see them suffer

a classic bullies answer: Steve look just let them out it's not funny it's just sad that you're picking on someone that have your size

an audience soon gathered around us at the mention of what I said Steve had a furious expression as he grabbed my collar and was ready to punch me: are you calling me pathetic?!

I shrug: no I called you said your colleges are pathetic it's nice to see that you're finally dealing with your issues

the audience laughs at my comment I give a small struggle as well this only further fuelled Steve's rage lover he was about to blow a gasket, he raises his fist ready to give me the beating of a lifetime. Of course I envision in my head what would happen if I let streak out he would take out the two bullies with his Spears and then you'd lift Steve up as he begged for his life while wetting himself and then you'd probably say Eyes, lungs and pancreas so many snacks so little time before biting his head off

but I restrained myself from that dark fantasy: oh come on then hit me see what happens

Steve was confused: what you're asking for beating

I nod: yeah just go crazy, I mean you won't be able to do this forever because in 20 years you're gonna be fat balls and working in a muffler shop while Toby becomes a world-famous magician and Eli becomes an entrepreneur and earns millions what you've got right now is fleeting so why don't you enjoy it while you can come on do it hit me

everyone else gasps and Steve looks nervous his fist is shaking is probably the first time someone has given him a real dose of reality before anything could happen coach comes in and sees Steve about to country Steve tries to get out of it but coach orders him and his friends to get Toby out of his locker and let Eli out as well then following to his office

Steve put me down whispers in my ear: you want to fight well you got one me and you Friday night I will kill you

with that he walked away with his annoyed friends and everyone gives me a cheer for my bravery I have to say it's nice to be noticed and it's nice to be seen as the hero, but regardless it's time to go home and had enough weirdness for one day

narrative point of view

at Jim's house

Jim and blue streak past his mother on the way into his house, Jim wanted to give her Mr Stricker's phone number but with what his symbiotic friend had said about his favourite teacher had really rattled him especially today so he decided not to at least for now. They had much bigger fish to fry like finding out what the amulet was.

Jim held it out as blue streak appeared as a face examining it more closely: I have never seen anything like this the craftsmanship is human yet it's giving off a weird vibe almost as if it's extra terrestrial

Jim: so you're saying this from outer space

streak: no I didn't say that I do think there's something strange about the artefact perhaps if we-

streak was interrupted by something that came from the basement he disappeared back into Jim as the human on the relationship went downstairs. Jim examined the basement there was nothing or no one down there at least that's what he hoped but little did he know something with six growing yellow eyes was creeping up behind him

the creature yelled out frightening Jim: Master Jim!

This caused Jim to reverse straight back into the heater where his hands touched the furnace and because streak was weak to fire the sudden exposure to it sent a nervous pain straight through Jim's brain as he fainted along with streak inside is my

the creature with six eyes looked at is good value who was a giant stone like creature with green hair on its back: I think we might of scared the poor boy perhaps we should come back another time


Jim and blue streak woke up found themselves still the basement gym quickly looked around to make sure that the master he saw was gone: what the hell is that!?

Streak was just as scared as Jim: I don't know I never seen anything like that before could have been the- wait no he wasn't the ones following us someone else was someone much smaller

Jim raised an eyebrow: you could tell their size?

Streak explained: well yeah because they were watching us from the air vents in the school and I think there just outside the back door

wanting answers Jim raced up the stairs into the back garden to find no one there he searched around but he could find no trace of anyone or anything for that matter: today just keep getting stranger and stranger

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(okay watch the video and just imagine Blue streaks head coming up from Jim shoulders watching)

blue streak and Jim sang together: this is told last time!

The celebration was cut short by the sound of careful voice coming from beside: so you are a troll hunter

the symbiont and is your partner look to their site to see a small green skinned woman crawling closer looking rather hesitant, at first Jim was in a panic because someone had seen three but when he noticed the young woman's eyes when she gazed upon his symbiont he could see that there was no sense of fear in them there was only curiosity.

Carefully walked over to the visitor trying not to scare her he kneeled down so he was face-to-face with her: do you know what this hamlet is

she nodded, with that now Jim and streak nodded to each other understanding what they needed to do next: well would like to come inside we really would like some answers

she nodded again and followed the boy and his symbiont into his house, little did Jim and blue streak know that they were in for the adventure of both their lifetimes

that is it for this chapter and man was it along one I'm glad I did this one on my computer, and yes that strange green skinned woman he saw was Nari I know I'm adding her in quite soon but honestly I felt like doing it because I wanted to see how things would have worked out differently if Nari was always there to help besides Jim could use someone else that knows about his symbiotic friend. So anyway don't forget to vote or leave a comment it just shows

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