1. The SS Elysium

The SS Elysium had departed from its home harbour on planet Earth precisely fourteen weeks, three days, nineteen hours, forty-five minutes and seven seconds ago. The scout ship had yet to enter the limitless area of empty space foreign to the Intergalactic Federation to explore new planets and properties for humankind to thrive.

Captain Kim Hongjoong stood behind his panel and watched the colourful holograms on the windows flicker with constantly updating data. Everything was in order. The time until they would reach the outskirts of the established zones displayed in bright blue letters. Still, three weeks left to go. Three weeks of cruising the infinite blackness of the cosmos with its boundless possibilities and gorgeous celestial bodies.

No hurry befell the crew as they calculated their course. Their navigator, Yeosang, perched behind his screens, pleased with their velocity and impending entrance into uncharted territory.

Their fuel would last them far beyond the border and the crew's determination rose with each day. This opportunity would be a monumental entrance into the reputation at work for several crew members. Hongjoong was proud to be leading them, and he had high expectations for all of them.

Like every morning on the bridge, the crew analysed and chronicled all indispensable data. Their AI flight system was the most modern of the time, and Hongjoong had never been urged to dive in and correct its faults before. Work passed in a flash with its aid.

Pleased, the captain stepped back from his panel when the other three men in the room rose from their seats, too. All of them registered their negotiation with the current statistics to ensure everything was in order. Then they turned to Hongjoong expectantly.

Hongjoong gifted the group a sunny smile for a duty well done as he motioned them to follow him to breakfast. With a skip in his step, Wooyoung caught up with Hongjoong. The Chief Engineer had no inhibitions to hook his arm around Hongjoong's. On his other side, Yunho evened the pace of his long legs, too.

Yeosang trudged behind them; never too much of a social person.

"It's been weeks since we passed Ginda 66VL! I'm so excited to see what is beyond. We're so close, Captain!" Ever the cheerful mood maker, Wooyoung's grin brought a smile to all of their faces. Hongjoong brotherly bumped shoulders with him as they marched down the orderly white corridors.

"I hope they have food we can ingest there. I would love to try out something exotic and boast with it," Yunho agreed with a giggle. His tall frame filled out their boring black and white work uniform in all the right spots. Sometimes when they had random games of declaring a winner of the week in the most nonsensical categories, Yunho always won in the fashion department.

Hongjoong's mind was full of wild imaginations and wonders about the galaxies beyond, too. Even before Bang Yongguk from the chief department of the Intergalactic Empire had extended the invitation for the group of eight men to scout out space, Hongjoong had been a dreamer. He had dreamt of contacting new alien races unbeknownst to their current society and visiting strange worlds as depicted in the movies. Whatever new colony they would find, even if just a barren planet, Hongjoong and his team would see what man had never seen before. A tremendous step for all of them.

Their team of experts comprised young, thriving graduates at the top of their health. They all had gone through extensive examinations and hours upon hours of discipline to establish that they were the ablest, the most successful. They were in the top 0,01% in the Universal Space-travel Academy. And Hongjoong was thrilled to delve into the galaxy with all of them.

Hongjoong himself was a lateral entrant, an unexpected ace among top students. When he had been declared the team leader and captain of the Elysium, his joy had been beyond worlds. While regarded with envy by many, Hongjoong strived off his father's pride. Albeit timid he had taken full responsibility for the ship right away.

And here they were. Weeks away from entering the future of the federation.

Dragged by Wooyoung, the group arrived in the kitchen. Yunho took over printing duty and accepted their orders while they sat down at the foldable desk. When Yeosang shuffled on the bench next to Hongjoong awkwardly, polite smiles passed their lips.

Yeosang was his second in command, but he kept their relationship strictly professional. Hongjoong blamed it on his shyness since the man had opened up considerably in the time he had spent checking logs at late hours together with Hongjoong. Albeit being a pretty and orderly man that could quickly be written off as vain, Hongjoong never doubted his capabilities. Yeosang had been popular at the academy even before he had been announced part of the scout team, and it wasn't only for his handsome looks.

When Yunho put their mugs down, Wooyoung wrapped his fingers around his hot drink with a pleased sigh. The ring on his fourth finger brightly reflected the light from above for a split second. It was the vow that he was engaged to San, their Medical Officer. For the past two weeks ever since the proposal, Wooyoung hadn't stopped showing his ring off at any second. It was adorable. The love that had blossomed the day they meet on the Elysium brought an air of affection for everyone.

Hongjoong accepted his drink from Yunho with mumbled words of gratitude. Wooyoung and the tall man were still in the middle of consulting about what sort of food they might encounter and whether they would be able to smuggle some beyond the borders to present to their friends. All in good fun, Hongjoong hoped. He wouldn't allow smuggling on his ship.

Wordlessly, Yeosang sipped his hot chocolate. A pleased smile curled around his mischievous lips before he focused on listening to the banter again.

Since it was breakfast time, it didn't take the rest of the crew long to come stumbling in. Hongjoong had promised to forgo the obligatory daily meetings as long as they detailed their thoughts and progress during their shared meals every morning and evening. Eager to get as much free time as possible, the crew had complied.

Seonghwa and Jongho came in together, leaving only Mingi and San missing. While Jongho went right over to pile more orders to Yunho's list, Seonghwa's eyes searched the room for Hongjoong. When he found him behind their navigator, Yeosang tactfully scooted aside so they could sit together. As Seonghwa tucked his long legs under the bench, his arm came up around Hongjoong. Soft lips pressed a kiss in greeting to his cheek.

"Good morning," Hongjoong smiled, returning the gesture. His boyfriend was still sleepy after they had spent a long night talking about everything and nothing. Hongjoong let him rest his head on his shoulder while he took a sip from Hongjoong's coffee. His dark hair tickled the captain's neck.

Wooyoung left it to Yunho to sit facing Seonghwa, since he still waited for his love to appear. When Jongho planted himself down opposite Hongjoong, the two brothers nodded at each other over their cups.

Jongho had grown up on Mars, just like Mingi. Other than their IT Engineer, however, Jongho had gathered his expertise in the rough way. When Hongjoong's father had adopted him from the slums at a young age, Jongho had already been able to build lethal weapons with his bare hands. It came to no surprise that once sent to the academy; he surpassed the others far by sheer will alone.

Jongho never talked much about his past or how he had ended up in the ghettos of that planet. But he had never forgotten his skill even when long not needed anymore.

When San finally arrived in the kitchen, a welcoming shout received him. Instantly, a dimpled smile lightened the purple-haired doctor's features. He hurried over to deliver a bone-crushing hug to Wooyoung as if they hadn't seen each other in days. Hongjoong chuckled at them while they sorted themselves. San had to sit on the bench so that Wooyoung could sit on his lap, but it also had to be in a corner, since the combined volume of their thighs didn't fit under the table.

Complicated, but apparently worth it. They snuggled lovingly to whisper sweet nothings at each other while they shared breakfast.

Just as Yunho got done printing food for everyone, Mingi tumbled in. The red-hair gave them a winning grin, as if his hair didn't stick into the air as if he had just fallen out of bed. He dropped next to Yeosang with a yawn.

Yunho didn't have to ask him to know what he wanted to eat. Right away, he turned to print some more.

When Hongjoong took the arm he had wrapped around Seonghwa away to eat, the man sat up with an unhappy sigh. They sat pressed together down the length of their sides as they enjoyed their food.

"So, anything new today?" Hongjoong kicked off the conversation without looking up from his eggs and sausage. When Wooyoung's voices piqued up without missing a beat, the table broke out in mutual chuckles.

"We concluded the morning review and everything is in order. I'm pleased to announce to the crew that we will reach our destination in three weeks," Wooyoung began cutely. The crew lit up at the prospect of their goal nearing.

"Any planets to visit before that?" Seonghwa asked curiously. Wooyoung didn't spare him a glance, as usual, chilly around him. He still responded dutifully.

"Nope. Unless Yeosang hides something from us?"

When Yeosang blushed at the sudden shift of attention and hastily shook his head, Mingi reached out to pat his shoulder brotherly. The navigator sunk further into himself. He nearly disappeared under the white plastic tabletop.

"I'll check the engines once we ate but since we haven't exploded yet, I dare say they are working just fine," Mingi added to divert the spotlight from their shy friend. The silent solidarity between those two warmed Hongjoong's heart. It was impossible not to be soft for Yeosang, but Mingi, their straightforward friend who liked to drive them all mad with his need to argue over trivia, was extra protective of him. Hongjoong was glad that his crew got along so well. A long trip like this would have been difficult if they all had hated each other.

"Same goes for me. Everyone is breathing, so everyone is fine," Jongho chuckled sinisterly. When Yunho punched his shoulder gently, they broke out in giggles.

Jongho handled the spacecraft maintenance. He controlled oxygen, water, and heating on board, so they all did well not getting onto his nasty side.

When Hongjoong glanced at Seonghwa curiously to see what the Communications Officer had to say, Seonghwa smiled gratefully. Among the crew, he was quick to be dismissed and excluded from the general joy of their meetings because of his status. In turn, Hongjoong took extra care that his voice was heard.

"I have received no more messages to decode but my sensors are alert and bracing for conversations with whatever alien race might welcome us."

Proudly, Hongjoong nodded and dropped today's questioning round. Having Seonghwa as their CO had proved to be bothersome internally. While an expert in his field, he hadn't been affiliated with the crew well. Some members quite disliked him not only for his old criminal record of robberies but also looked down on his rank since Hongjoong had specifically requested him. Seonghwa was proficient, but he wouldn't have got into the team under normal circumstances.

Hongjoong thought it was imperative that they learned their past didn't define any of them. And that Seonghwa was a precious person to him who deserved his position. While some of them accepted that fact, none were too keen on their regular hours of sharing their issues with him. They much preferred to talk to Hongjoong for team bonding.

Regularly late at night, Seonghwa voiced his worries and feelings for being dejected with Hongjoong. And protective as he was, Hongjoong always tried even harder to get them to warm up to each other.

After fourteen weeks, they had made an immense improvement. But especially Wooyoung harboured his malicious mindset still. Hongjoong counted it as a win that he wasn't too loud about it at least.

Hongjoong finished breakfast first and cleaned his plate. Gradually, the mood inside the room warmed as the crew fell into casual conversation and shared random trivia of their lives. For the coming few weeks of travelling through empty space, they wouldn't have much to do but have fun with each other.

"Anybody want to play a game together once they are done with their tasks?" Yunho asked eagerly. When Yeosang looked mightily apprehensive, Mingi wrapped an arm around the smaller man's shoulders and hauled him in. Flailing, Yeosang sunk against him like a scared bunny.

"You can count on us! Are you two in?" Mingi glanced at Wooyoung and San, who were still wrapped around each other like raking plants. They nodded enthusiastically. Wooyoung took over to glance at Seonghwa.

"Join us?"

"I would love to." The grin on Seonghwa's lips was genuine, and even Wooyoung couldn't help but sympathise with it. Fond like a father, Hongjoong watched them get along with each other.

"I'm in a team with Jongho!" Yunho declared loudly. He had tucked the struggling man under his arm, similar to Mingi doing the same with Yeosang. Jongho's weak protests that he hadn't even given his consent to play got muffled in Yunho's chest.

"Then I want Captain!" Already decided on who the two teams would be, Mingi pointed at Hongjoong. Just as undecided as Jongho, Hongjoong peered at them over his shoulder.

"Hey! If you do it like that we'll have to split up!" Wooyoung complained brusquely. Like a ruffled bird, he straightened on San's lap.

"Then you take Seonghwa, Mingi. We'll play by bench division," Yunho ended it gravely so the two lovebirds could stay in one team. Not that this benefited the team spirit, since they were more engrossed in one another than in the grand scheme of things. But since the team with Yunho was consistently the winner team, they would be in the clear.

"It's a pact." Mingi extended his palm over the table for Yunho to take. As they shook hands gravely, Hongjoong put his plate into the closet, chuckling.

At least they had fun during their travels through galaxies and shining stars in the night sky.


General warning right here: This is a murder mystery meaning that character death including ateez members will be happening. I will avoid putting the death warnings in the chapters so it won't take away from the tension but there will be multiple ones. Also, gore warning for them.

Smut warnings will still be there.

I hope you enjoy reading~

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