Act 3: The player murder (Part 1)

Within a small cave like room we find a groups of players gather around and listening in to a female player as she explains the plan to the players.

??? 1: We'll wait for the monsters to get into the village and killing the NPC's. After that we'll go by them and take out the boss. Sound like a plan?

They all agree with the plan however another female player came up and said.

??? 2: That's a stupid idea. We are not letting the people in that village to die.

??? 1: They are only NPC's. Even if they die they can always respond.

??? 2: So it's cool to allow a village get massacred just so we can defeat a boss?

??? 1: You may not like that idea but its the only plan we have so it's best to accept it.

The two of them share a glare and then the female player with a balck hair turns and make her leave. All the players stood there and watching hee leave while the lead female player just sighs to herself.


We see Y/n, Silica and Pina travelling along the dirt road until they come across a sigh that leads them to a town called Danac and when they climb up a hill they see the town up ahead.

Silica: (smile) We're here!

Y/n: (smile) Looks like it. We can stay here for a bit and then we can keep going.

Silica: (smile) Yeah. You know I've heard things about this floor.

Y/n: Really? Like what?

Silica: Right now there is a group called Knights of the Blood which are a groups of players are station here until they defeated the boss.

Y/n: Oh yeah I heard about those groups of players before. I've heard they are really cool.

Silica: (smile) Way cool!

Pina agrees as well as the two walk down the hill and were minding their own business when they heard someone called out to them.

???: Hey you two!

They stop and turn to see a long black hair female player looking at them as she approaches them and then ask.

???: You two are new here right?

Y/n: Yeah. We just arrived here. You live here?

Kiko: Guess you can say that. Names Kiko, your name?

Y/n: (smile) Names Y/n and this is Silica and Pina.

Silica: (smile) Hi.

Kiko: Hey. (Turns to Y/n, noticing his armor) A golden armor? Must be a legendary armor?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah in fact my inventory is all legendary. So much so players call me "The Golden Knight."

Kiko: Sounds a bit cliche.

Y/n: Meh just a bit.

???: There you are Kiko!

Soon another female player came up to them and soon noticed some new visitors which surprised her but smiled and said.

???: (smile) Hi there, you two new here?

(Sometime later)

We see the group inside a small cafe and eating as Y/n explains to the female player named Asuna about himself and how skilled he is. When he show her his inventory this made out chock her food to see all the legendary weapons.

Asuna: (shocked) Holy crap that's a lot! You must be a pro player.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. But unlike other pro players I always have time to help out the low ranking ones. Like Silica.

Silica: (smile) Not only he help me bring Pina back but also given me some of his legendary weapon and gear.

Asuna: (smile) I'm very glad for that. I wish someone who is nice enough for once.

Kiko: Never gonna happen.

Asuna: (angry) Oh screw you!

Y/n: Um right. Anyway Asuna I noticed your wearing a similar armor as the Knight of the blood. Are you one of them?

Asuna: (smile) Yep. I'm actually second in command to the leader of the Blood of the knights, Heatcliff.

Y/n: Huh he sounds like a interesting player.

Silica: (smile) Still really cool.

Kiko: Not really.

Asuna: That's because you refuse to join them.

Y/n: Why is that Kiko?

Kiko:.....I have my reasons.

Y/n: Okay? Well then what does it take to-

Suddenly they heard a scream coming from outside as they look at each other and they race outside. Once outside they see a gather of people around the bell tower as they look up and to their shock they see a player impelled and holding on to life.

Silica: (shocked) Oh my god.

Asuna: Somebody get him down!

Y/n: I'm on it!

He race inside and climb up the steps and soon reach to the top of the tower as he reach out his hand to get him but it was too late as he disappeared as he is gone forever. This shocks everyone to see a player die in a safe zone.

Kiko: Do you see a player with a red icon up there!

Y/n searches around but there was nothing.

Y/n: No! It's all clear!

He sees the sword still impelled as he took it out and look at, thinking this was the murders weapon.

He came down as he sees Asuna, Silica and Kiko calming everyone as Y/n shows Asuna the sword.

Y/n: This is what it is left. Apparently whoever did it must be quick.

Asuna: I see. (Turns to the crowd) Has anyone say anything?

???: I have.

A young and scared female player came out from the crowd and approaches them.

Kiko: Are you the person who screamed?

Yolko: That's right. My name is Yolko and the player who was impaled was Caynz.

Asuna: Have you saw anyone who impaled him?

She shake hee head for no and she is shown tobbe terrified as Asuna comfort hee while Kiko took the sword and looks at it.

Y/n: You know who belongs that sword?

Kiko: No but I know who will help.

Asuna: Right. I'll take Yolko home.

Y/n: Right. (Turn to Silica and Pina) You two go with Asuna and Yolko.

Silica: Sure thing.

Silica and Asuna take Yolko home while Y/n and Kiko head off to take the sword to someone who can help them.

(Sometime later)

The two were at the market places as they walk through the streets as Y/n turns to Kiko as he start a conversation.

Y/n: long have you been here?

Kiko: Same as everyone.

Y/n: Oh right. Well I like your armor. Pretty nice.

Kiko: (sigh) Your kinda annoying.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh come on its good to have a little chat for once a while.

Kiko just sighs once more and they arrived at Agil's Shop as we see a player working in as he turn to see the two.

???: (smile) Hey Kiko. Long time no see.

Kiko: (smile) Hey Agil. We were hoping you can help us with something.

Agil nodes and when he looks over to see Y/n he immediately is shocked and pulls Kiko towards him and whispers to her.

Agil: (whisper) Do you know who he is?! He's this crazy overpowered player with all the legendary armor and weapons. Why are you with him? Don't tell me you two are-


Agil: Ow! Sorry, just asking.

Y/n: Um is something wrong?

After that Kiko shows the sword to Agil which he takes it and suspect the sword. As a Blacksmith he can know who owns the blade of players by pressing on the info button.

Agil: This is interesting. This sword belong to a player named Grimlock.

Y/n: As in a dinobot?

Kiko: Not that type of Grimlock idiot.

Y/n: (smile) Just lighting up the mood. Jokes aside who is this Grimlock?

Agil: I can't say this gives me a lot of information however it does say was a leader of a small party guild called the Golden Apple.

Kiko: I see.

Y/n:....Maybe Yolko would know more about the sword and who Grimlock is.

Kiko: Maybe. (Turjs to Agil) Thanks for everything Agil.

He nodes as the two make their leave as they decided to go over to where Yolko and the other girls are at and talk to Yolko.

While walking Y/n noticed some players looking at Kiko which he tells her.

Y/n: Seems like your famous here.

Kiko: Not quite.

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?

Kiko: I'm what you call "A beater." Aka the beta tester.

Y/n: So your an actual beta tester to sword art online?

Kiko: That's right. Ever since everyone is trapped here some players blamed us for it. Some players don't trust them while some just kill them for their loot.

Y/n: That must be hard.

Kiko: Yeah. Are you one?

Y/n: No I'm not. It's a long story.

Kiko: I see. Well better tell me that another time.

Y/n: Roger.

(Short while later)

They soon arrived at Yolko's place and they tell the girls about the sword and who it belong to. When they mention the name "Grimlock" thus shocks Yolko which they noticed.

Asuna: Do you know that name?

Yolko: Y-Yes. He is our leader.

Kiko: So you were apart of the Golden apple?

Yolko: That's right. Long ago we formed together and was lead by two leaders. Griselda and Grimlock. Me, Schmitt and Caynz were apart of that group. We were like a family but one day, everything changed. You see, we discovered a ring after we killed a powerful boss. It was a ring that gaves additional statistics to the holder +20 Agility.

Y/n: That must be one lucky loot drop.

Yolko: It was. However we discussed on what to do with the ring. Some wanted to keep it while some wanted to sell it. Soon Griselda had enough and decided to sell the ring. However.....she never came back. It turns out she was killed by other players so after that we disbanded.

Asuna: That's sad.

Silica: Yeah we're very sorry.

Yolko: But.....that's what they think.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Yolko: I think someone within our group killed her. Still after hee death Grimlock went into a deep depression and could have ended her life. The reason why is because he and Griselda were in love. maybe possible their spirits have come back to life to get revenge on us!

Y/n: There is such thing of players became ghost and hunt this game. That's simply impossible.

Yolko: Even still we might be next. We could already be dead.

The group looks at each other and then leaves hee place as they stood outside of her door as they discusse about it.

Y/n: What do you all think?

Silica: It's obvious someone is killing the group for some reason.

Asuna: Yeah but what for.

Kiko:.......This ring. There is a likely chance this killer is looking for the ring. If someone in the Golden Apple did kill Griselda for the ring, its maybe possible the person must have hide it and now someone is gonna kill them until one of them can lead to the rings location.

Asuna: Sounds crazy.

Kiko: Crazy or obvious. You know how players are like about rare, supee rare or legendary items.

Y/n: She's right. I've been hunted down because of my gear. What's the say this killer will do the same to them.

Asuna: So what should we do?

Y/n:.....I think the best option is to gather whatever left of the Golden Apple.

Asuna: Well Griselda is dead and possible Grimlock. Caynz was impaled and Yolko is safe. Which leaves....

Silica: Schmitt. That leaves him.

Y/n: Right. I'll get Schmitt and tell him what has happened while you all take Yolko to somewhere we can have a talk. Time to solve this case.

They agree and they head off to do their job while on the roof we see a mysterious cloak figure spying on them and then the figure turns and disappeared from thr roof.

To be continued........................................

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