Act 2: The golden Knight

Y/n: I've been trapped in this game for years. Ever since then a lot of things have changed. A lot of players are killed either by the monsters of this game......or other players themselves. Guess being trapped this game took its toll on those who have trapped here for years, can't blame them. What's worse are some players called "Beta testers" has been blamed for failures information or other reasons. As such they have either been kicked or band from joining other parties....or killed. Even some think I am a beta tester because of my skills and my loot. It doesn't really matter what they think, I still have a duty to get everyone out of this game and saving lives. I will not give up.

(Forest of Warndering)

In the middle of the forest we see a part of players with two girls arguing about healing crystals as the young girl named Silica was arguing to an older girl named Rosalia while the three male players watch them argue.

Silica: (angry) It's not far how I don't get to have any healing crystals while you have them all.

Rosalia: (smirk) I needed them so I won't die of course. Besides you have your pet dragon with you which can heal you so why do you need it?

Silica: Her name is Pina and I can't always use her to heal me, it isn't far! Besides you never at the front line.

Rosalia: (smirk) Whatever you say little bra.

Male player: Hey let's calm down and-

Silica: You know what, I can't take up anymore. Have all mu stuff, I'm leaving, Goodbye.

She then turn and leave as Rosalia and her partu watched her leave. Several hours later it became night time and we see Silica get attacked by five gorilla monsters wielding maces as she was hit by them and slammed into the tree.

Her health bar went down a bit but Pina came over and heal it all up.

Silica: Thanks Pina.

Pina nodes and then turn to the gorillas as he growled at them and then fly towards then.

Silica: Pina no!

Then Pina was immediately hit by one of them and land hard onto the ground. Silica quickly crawls over to Pina as she pick him up. Pina slowly looks up to Silica and then disappeared leaving its feather as Silica couldn't believe that he is dead.

The Gorilla monsters approaches her as Silica slowly turns to them as this is where she will die as one rasied its mace to end her life.

(Epic battle music)

Then they heard something metal moving which cost the Gorillas monsters to turn to face someone while Silica looks by them and stepping out of the forest and onto the field was a golden Knight wielding both a legendary sword and shield as he stare at the Gorilla monsters.

The Gorilla monsters growled with some roared while the Golden Knight doesn't say anything as the first Gorilla monster charge towards him and attempt to strike at him but hits his shield and immediately was hit back and exploded into crystals.

This shocked Silica as she never seen a player wielding such powerful weapons in her life. Then all Gorilla monsters charge towards him all at once which the golden Knight swings his sword back and then with a singal slash, he made them all disappeared. Silica sat there shocked as the golen Knight walks over to her and then stood over her.

The two share glances at each other as Silica fear he might kill her and take her stuff but she was wrong as he lifted his hand out to her.

???: You okay?

She sat there surprised and then she take his hand as the golden Knight helped her up.

(Battle music ends)

???: That must be close huh. Good thing I came here just in time.

Silica: You save me. Thank you.

???: It's no problem. Besides we have to stick together since we are trapped here right?

Silica: Y-Yeah. That's right. My name is Silica.....and you are?

Then the golden Knight removed his helmet, revealing his face to her and revealing to be Y/n as he give her a nice smile while telling her.

Y/n: (smile) Names Y/n L/n, other players call me The Golden Knight. Kinda Cliche but hey, can't blame them. I'm basically made out of gold armor (taps his chest) I'm I right?

Silica: (thought) Wow! He's really handsome. He's like an actual Knight.

Y/n: (smile) Say there is a nearby town with a hotel we can spent for the night if you want?

Silica: Oh yes! Of course!

Y/n: (smile) Great! Let's go!

She then follows Y/n as she can't help but to stair at him as she finds him very attractive which made her blush as her heart skipped a beat.

(Sometime later)

They arrived at the town called Mishe as we see them at the hotel as they sat at the café where Y/n begins to eat the food which Silica sees that he must be very hungry as he finished eating.

Y/n: (smile) Aaahh, that hits the spot. Who knew hunting Drunken Aps is hard work.

Silica: You were hunting Drunken Aps? What for?

Y/n: (smile) Just for their XP's and loot. But mostly training, those monsters maybe scary but they are good training dummies.

Silica: (giggle) Training Dummies. You really are strong.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I get that a lot but I'm only wanted to be strong so I can protect any players that are needed. So tell me, why where you in the middle of the forest alone?

Silica: I....I left my party because a girl named Rosalia didn't share me my healing crystals and treat me like a kid. So I left however I was attacked by those aps and Pina.....Pina was killed.

Y/n: Pina?

Silica: Yeah. He's a Feathered little dragon and he died trying to protect me. The only thing I have now is this.

She show Pina's feather to Y/n which he looks at it for a bit and then tells Silica.

Y/n: Actually there is a way to bring Pina back to life.

Silica: (surprised) Wait, seriously?!

Y/n: Yeah. On floor 47, there is a flower called the Pneuma flower that has an ability to revive any players beats pet. Since there are rare players have beats with them, the flower is really rare but I heard it is at the 47th floor.

Silica: (surprised) Wow and you know about it? How?

Y/n: Well I study the games mechanics and floors. I find this flower thing out when one of the players talked about it. Then I find the liberty and study the flower and what it can do. Maybe it will help you bringing back Pina and I can help.

Silica: Really? But....I'm not much strong as you are. I might get in the way.

Y/n: (smile) There is no reason to doubt yourself like that. Powerful or not, I'll help any player that needs. Plus, I've been alone for a very long time now and I could use some company.

Silica is surprised by the offer which she smiled and said.

Silica: (smile) Sure thing!

Y/n: (smile) That's the spirit!

We then see Rosalia poking her head out of the door with a smirk on her face as she disappeared from sight.

(Next day)

They arrived at the 47th floor and they were teleported to Floria where the Pneuma flower is at. Once there they were met by beautiful flowers which Silica rush over and look at the flowers.

Silica: (smile) Whoa! Look at all the flowers! They're see pretty!

Y/n: (smile) Yep. This is actually a place where couples go to for their dates.

Silica: Couples?

Then she look around as she noticed and blushed to the imagin her and Y/n are on a date which made her nervous while Y/n sees this and ask.

Y/n: You okay?

Silica: (quickly turns around while blushing) Oh yeah, I'm okay! Now let's go!

Y/n: (smile) Whatever you say.

And so they head off as they follow the trail to the location and while walking Silica asked Y/n.

Silica: So where did you get all the cool gear?

Y/n: (smile) Well I'm what you call a hard-core player. I take my time by searching around for secret loots and take on dungeons that seems impossible for players to take on. I've been doing this for a long time. (Pulls out a small Journal) I keep all my information, dates and time in this journal.

Silica: (surprised) Whoa you are very organised.

Y/n: (Nervous smile) Yeah but I'm sometimes a bit upsets with organising my inventory just a bit.

Silica: (smile) I bet it is a hard job.

Y/n: I know right! Whenever I get a loot, I need to place it into what it is even it is a sword, shield or what. I do not want to pick up some weapon that is trashed.

Silica: (smile) Yeah I totally agree. Rosalia always hands me some useless weapons that barely works.

Y/n: She sounds like a cyber bully.

Silica: Yeah.

Y/n: (smile) But don't you worry, you have me and I'll treat you with respect, 100%

Silica: (nervous smile) Th-Thank you, your soo kind.

Silica: (thought) Whoa! I've never met someone who treats me like this. Oh my god, he's such the nicest player I have ever met!

Y/n: Hey look up ahead!

Silica look up and sees something shining on top of the cliff so they head over there and once there they see the flower. Silica rushes over and then takes the flower.

Silica: (smile) We did! We got it!

Y/n: (thumps up) Yeah!

Silica smiled but then noticed something behind Y/n which she step back. Y/n noticed this and turn to see Rosalia standing there.

Rosalia: (smile) Hello Silica.

Y/n: I guess she is Rosalia?

Silica: Yeah.

Y/n: What brings you here Rosalia? If you want to take Silica's flower then too bad, she got to it first.

Rosalia: (smirk) I don't need that brats flower. (Points at Y/n) I want your loot and gear. Hand them over to it now.

Y/n: (smirk) Seriously? What are you gonna do about it?

Rosalia: (smirk) It's not me that will do something to you. It's them.

Then a few players came out of the bushes and appear in front of her to which Y/n immediately recognised them.

Silica: (little scared) Who are they?

Y/n: Titan's head. They commit various crimes to get ahead of everyone else in this game. To them.....its kill or be killed. (Looks at Rosalia) And i suppose your one of them right?

Rosalia: (smirk) That's right. So hand over everything you have and we might spare you?

Y/n: (smirk) Never.

Rosalia: (smirk) Okay then. Boys, get him.

Then they charge towards Y/n as Silica shuts her eyes while Y/n pulled out his sword and quickly he slashes at them which cost them to be sent flying back and crashed in front of Rosalia who is shocked. Their health bars were inches away of dying which shocked them as Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Listen hear Titan's head, I do not kill players because I'm not a type of players that kill other players. Even if they deserve it or not, it is my choice to not kill them. However, harming innocent players just for fun is something I can't stand. Sometimes I do decide to kill a player if that's the only thing to save a life or don't kill them because I understand the pain and suffering they have gone through while being in this game. So I'm giving you two choices. One; You all leave and I don't kill you. Two; Attack me and i will kill you. So.....

He then stabbed the blade od his sword onto the ground, costing the ground to shake like something heavy dropped while cracks forms and each cracks go straight to each players including Rosalia as Rosalia is nervous including the rest as they slowly look up at Y/n as he stood there, intimating them.

Y/n: Which one will you choice?

They all look at each other and seeing they don't want to die slowly gets up and leaves. Rosalia also leaves in fear to not be killed and soon they were gone. Silica is surprised by this as Y/n stood there and then he smile and said in an exciting tone.

Y/n: (smile) That was awesome! (Turns to Silica) That was amazing, did you see that?! I was so cool! Damn, that was awesome!

Silica: (smile) You sure are.

(Sometime later)

They find a hotel so they can stay and also revive Pina to life. We see them outside of the hotel as Pina fly around Y/n and then lay on his shoulder and nuzzle his neck which he laughs.

Y/n: Hahaha, your soo cute. (Pets Pina)

Silica: (smile) I guess that's the way to say thanks for protecting and helping me.

Y/n: (smile) I believe so. Say sorry I'm a bit annoying. Some players find me annoying sometimes.

Silica: (smile) Oh no that's alright. In fact, I love your friendly and kind personality. It's kinda cute.

She then realised what she said and blushed very mad however Y/n smiled and reply.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks! I also like your personality as well. Your maybe soft and not as strong, but you do have a kind personality to anyone, even everything right Pina?

Pina agrees which made Silica fall for Y/n even more as Pina flies over to Silica's shoulders and then Y/n enter hid inventory and sent her some of his loot.

Y/n: (smile) Here, I want you to have these.

Silica opens her inventory and was shocked to see some legendary and rare loot in her inventory.

Silica: (surprised) Wow, your given me all of these? I....I can't accept this.

Y/n: (smile) That's okay, keep them. Besides I have my favourite weapons so you can keep them.

Then she noticed a ring which she equipments and it appeared in her finger as she sees looks at it.

Silica: What's this?

Y/n: (smile) That's an enchantment ring that allows you to deal some extra damage to enemies. (Pulls out his rings) zi even have one as well. I was thinking about selling it to someone but decided to keep it and I guess it was a good thing.

Silica blushes even more seeing they have two rings like a married couple as Y/n tells Silica.

Y/n: (smile) So Silica, ready to go?

She look at Y/n and to Pina who smiled which she smiled and then she said.

Silica: (smile) Yeah! Let's go!

And so the two head off together as Silica and Pina were glad to meet the most powerful but most friendly player ever in Sword Art Online.

To be continued.......................................

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