Act 1: A special delivery
It was the middle of the night as we see a small cabin that has its lights on with the full moon up in the night sky. The forest seems very quiet and empty until one by one we see mysterious soldiers wielding slince weapons as they look around the cabin in front of them. They have night visions on them as they stared at the cabin for sometime as the squad leader signals his men to move forward.
They node in agreement and they move forward towards the cabin while we cut inside the cabin to see terrorist inside as we see two terrorist locking up the president within a bedroom and standing guard. The terrorist were ready as they stand and ready at the front, back and kitchen door entrance just waiting for someone to burst in any minute now.
They remain slinet for a bit as the terrorist ready themselves at each entrance. Then the ones in the kitchen heard something coming from the door which cost one od then to come over and investigate it.
The terrorist soldier slowly walks up to the closed door, slowly moving his hand towards the handle and then pull the handle and then slightly opening it and peak out. He doesn't see nothing as he goes to open the door and-
He slowly looks down and seeing he step on a trip mind and seconds later there was a explosion follow by the terrorist open firing as each terrorist that were guarded the entrance open fire through the door.
Once they ran out of ammo they each kick open the door and look around only to see no one at the otherside which confused them.
"Hostage has been taken!"
They jump into action as they race back to bedroom and open the door only to see the Hostage gone along with a window open as the terrorist look out and see nothing as we cut to the team of soldiers taking the president away and soon they arrived at a black van as the team leader puts the president inside and then shut the door.
"Hostage has been rescued! Game over!"
We then pan out through a first person veiw of the team captain as we see that the whole time was a video game as we see the team captain named Y/n L/n stretching his arms while groaning as his team telling him through chat how genius that was.
Player 1: (chat) Bro that was awesome as fuck!!!!
Player 2: (chat) Dude we were like shadows to those guys!
Player 3: (chat) (chuckle) Yeah we show them!
Y/n: (smile) Come on guys it's only a game. Well gonna go now but catch you all later.
After they say their goodbyes Y/n log out and turn off hid computer as he lend back while letting out a sigh. He then turn to his close window and once he gets up he walks over and then opens it, revealing a bright sun shine and a peaceful city.
He smiled while he open his window and let out a sigh as he decided to go out for a walk so he grab his coat, put on his shoes and his house keys as he step outside and make his walk through his neighbourhood and into the city.
This is the year 2022, a world of new technology such as new gaming system such as the NerveGear which allows players to be transferred into the game and experience the world around them within the game like they are living in the world.
However Y/n couldn't afford to the Nervegear but its not gonna bother since he is really good at every game he plays. Players even saying that his powers is to be good at gaming which made him laugh a bit. Still we see him arrived at the city and enter a store to get something to eat. He was looking through the food and drinks and soon grab some and head to the front desk to buy them.
While he waited for the employee there was a TV next to him so he turn and sees an ad about a new game for the Nervegear called "Sword Art Online" which interests him. Then a teenage employee came out from the back ans scan his food and then turn to see the ad.
Teenage employee: (smirk) Man, your gonna be one lucky player to get that game.
Y/n: (smile) You can say that again.
Teenage employee: Hey you play games right? Do you have a Nervegear?
Y/n: Nope. They're too expensive to buy. Besides there's other games I can play.
Teenage employee: Guess I can't blame you.
After Y/n bought his food he turns and leaves the store. Once out he make his way home and once back home we see him watching some TV in the living room as he is eating his food when his phone rang.
He pick up his phone and it was from his dad so he answered it.
Y/n: (smile) Hey dad!
Riku: (phone) Hey son. I'm just checking on you to see how your doing?
Y/n: (smile) Doing well dad just having my lunch. How's your travelling business doing?
Riku: (phone) Very good as always my son. It won't be long for me to come back home but how was work?
Y/n: (smirk) Well not gonna brag but I got a promotion as an assistant manager.
Riku: (phone) Really?! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me?!
Y/n: I tried but you didn't answer.
Riku: (phone) Oh right my phone died, my bad. Anyways good job son. Well I gonna go now but call me whenever you need anything okay?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing dad. Take care.
Riku hang up and once that he looks across of a picture of him when he was younger, his dad and mum as he smile at the picture and wishing her mum was here to see how strong they are.
Then it was interrupted by the sound of a doorbell. Hemake his way over and open the door only to be met with no one. He look around but then looks down to see a small box in front of him.
He pick up the box and it was sent to him which was staring because he didn't order anything. He shrugged and take it inside and shut the door behind him. He take it to his room and open it up only to be surprised. He pulled out a Nervegear which shocked him and not only that a copy of Sword Art Online as he pulled it out.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow this is awesome! Who sent me this?
He look inside the box and noticed a letter so he set the two items down and pick up the letter. He looks at it and then open it and read through it.
Y/n: "Dear Y/n L/n, If you are reading this then it means the delivery was a success. Understand that you are the only hope that can possibly save the world. I've sent you the Nervegear and the copy of Sword Art Online because I know that you are the only player in the world that can beat this game and save the world. If you do get out of the game and save everyone, I will sent you another letter that will lead to my address. Remember, you're the only hope."
This made Y/n confuse as he look at the Nervegear and look at the letter and then shrugged. He place the letter onto his table and pick up the Nervegear and the game and then set it up.
Soon he set up the Nervegear and put in Sword art online game as he put it on and after that lay in bed as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Okay goes nothing.
Suddenly a flash of light hits him and he feels like his soul was moving away from his body as he can only see is light before suddenly it turn black.
(Sword art online)
(1st floor)
Y/n slowly open his eyes and find himself in a fantasy like vtown with a lot of players around him as he look at himself, seeing that he can see his hands, arms and feet as he smiled in amazement.
Y/n: (smile) Now this is really cool. I feel like I've been just transported into a new world.
He then smirk and then runs through the town, exploring this amazing open world game as he is met with many players as they talk to each other or buying items as he is looking around in amazement and soon reach a open field.
Y/n: Huh, let's see what I have in my inventory.
He opens it up and search through the inventory and finds a common Sword which he summon as he appeared onto his hand.
He looks at it in amazement and then he smirked and said to himself.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright then, let's see what the combat system is like!
He then rushes out onto the field, trying to find any monsters to kill and soon he did. The monsters try to attack him but he moved quickly and cut down his first monster that turn into crystal as his XP goes up. He smirked even more and then goes on to kill more monsters as his XP goes up and up until it reached level 2.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright! Let's keep it going!
He continue cutting down more and more monsters while on tip of the hill we see a long black hair women staring down at him for a moment and then turn and walk away.
(4 hours later)
Afternoon came within the game as we see Y/n walking back into town while his sword rested onto his shoulder as he reached to level 5 and got some loot from the monsters he has killed.
Y/n: (smile) Man this game is really fun! I can play more tomorrow and see what else this game has.
His mind about the letter didn't cross him as he thought I must be some weird letter just to mess with him as he goes to the menu to log out but realised it was not there.
Y/n: Huh, that's odd? Where is the log out button? Maybe it must be a glitch or something? But impossible.
Suddenly he was teleported into a circular arena along with many players who were confused just like him and then the sky turned red and then a very huge cloak figure appeared in the sky and looking down at everyone as he tells the players within the arena and looking up at him.
Kayaba: Greetings players. My name is Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of Sword Art Online. As you maybe aware, your menu shows no log off option and thinking it is a glitch. Well it is not. This was on purpose.
Y/n and the other players were shocked by this as Kayaba goes on to say.
Kayaba: I have trapped all of you here in this game and your objective to get out is to reach the final floor whoch is 100. Do that and you will leave. Try to remove the helmet by force or someone removing the helmet by force will shock the Brains of your body, killing you in the game and the real world. Also, if you die here then you will die in real life as well. I wish to make a game realistic as possible, including this.
Suddenly there was a flash and then everyone's players Suddenly changed, showing what they really look like in the real world as Kayaba goes on to say.
Kayaba: I wish you all good luck and I hope you all enjoy my game.
Then he disappeared and the sky turn to normal. Moments later and everyone burst into a panic except for Y/n as he immediately leave before things would go nuts.
(Short while later)
We see him standing on top of a hill as he is looking on yhe veiw as he understood what the letter ment as he look at his sword and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I don't know who sent me that Nervegear or this game but if what he is saying is true then I'm might be the only one that can reach to floor 100 and end this game and get everyone off.
He shut his eyes, knowing his dad will be worry for him as he reopen his eyes, stare out to thr distance and then sprint off to his adventure.
Y/n: (thought) Alright on!
To be continued..........................................
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