Chapter 7: Unexpected Tragedy.
Aincrad Standard Time 16:00. Floor 20, Battle Corridor..
The four of them approached the location where Lind and the others were believed to be stranded. But despite being in the right area based on the coordinates, there was no way to the floor that they needed to reach.
Lai: Eh?
Koharu: What's going on here? We can't find any ways to the floor where they are..
Lai: Maybe some secret passage we have to discover on our own? There must be..
Argo: I don't think there is.. Passages are oftenly unlocked by some specific quest we need to take.
Lai: Oh.. So we can't reach them at all..
As they both busy figuring out how to.. Someone calls from their behind.
???: Huh? Lai? Koharu? Is that you? What are you two doing in this dungeon?
In the result, they both got shocked.. But at the same time, they recognize the voice.
Koharu: Sachi?! Where did you come from?
Lai: You scared me! I thought you were a monster spawn.
Sachi: Hehe! Sorry! I didn't mean to spook you two!
Upon closer inspection, it seemed like the other members of her guild, the Moonlit Black Cats, were all gathered with her as well. A player who dressed as a thief seems to be very excited.
Ducker: So you two are the ones who helped Sachi!? Man, I heard a lot about you two as the top tier players, my name's Ducker and it's nice to see you! This is Keita, Sasamaru and Tetsuo!
The other three members greet at them with utmost respect.
Koharu: Uhm.. Nice to meet you all!
Lai: Me too. So these guys are your friends, Sachi? They seem pretty... decent tho. *Sweatdropped* (Not to mention all of them are just between level 10.)
Sachi: They're insisting on coming to this floor. ^^"
Koharu: These are the front lines, you know. Are you sure you all should be here?
Sachi: Yeah, we're okay. We're on a quest that lets us keep a bodyguard NPC for anything other than boss fights. Which is a problem because I don't think we can take on the boss for this quest by ourselves. So I talked it over with the others and we decided to try again later after leveling up a little bit more.
Lai: So how did you stumbled up on this quest?
Keita: Well, after we arrived on the 20th floor, we came across this quest in a safe zone that brought us to this dungeon here. The boss room for that quest is along this passage up ahead, but... Are you telling me you can't see it?
They both shake their heads.
Lai: No.. All I see is just a wall. And I bet it isn't an illusion.
Koharu: Sounds like that about confirms it. Unless we take up whatever quest Sachi and the others are doing, or else we won't be able to access that path.
Then, the silver devil asks..
Sanya: May I ask you a question? Does this quest of yours conclude once the boss has been vanquished?
Sachi: I don't think so. The NPC with us said, "Only those who pass the trial may go on to challenge the true threat." That makes me think there's probably more to the quest than just a boss fight. It could lead into another fight with an event boss who's even stronger, which is why we've held off on moving forward for now.
Liten: Then it's possible Lind and Shiva are trapped inside that boss room as we speak..
Lai: Yeah..
Sachi: Uhm... You all seem troubled. What happened?
Lai: Well, the leader of the DKB, Lind. Is trapped inside this dungeon along with his party. Without the leader, DKB will fall anytime and the other members would wage war against the ALS.
Sachi: That's horrible!
Ducker: Yeah! We should rescue them as soon as possible!
Keita: You helped out my friend, Sachi. I would like to offer my help with your rescuing.
Sanya: That's very kind of you all to offer, truly. However, we couldn't accept such assistance in good conscience.
Sachi: Why's that?
Sanya: You said it yourselves: You're hesitant to fight the boss even with the quest rewards in reach because you feel ill prepared. Knowing that, it would be wrong of us to ask you to put yourselves in such danger merely for our sake.
Lai: Yeah, don't risk yourself getting involved in our mess. We can't bear of losing you, Sachi.
She pauses there for a moment..
Sachi: You're right. I'm sorry. I wish we could do more to help. If only we were a higher level, then it wouldn't be such a problem.
Koharu: You'll get there. After all, you've already made it this far in the quest because you all want to get stronger, right? So don't feel like you have to rush it, okay? It's fine to take it slow. I'm sure we'll still be around once you've caught up.
Lai: Yeah, just stick with your friends and you all will catch up with us!
Argo: For sure! In the meantime, we should all just focus on what we can do in this situation and go from there! Take a look at the details for the quest Sachi and her crew are on. If it looks doable, I say we get to work on it right away. For starters, can you all gather the items we need to proceed with this quest?
Lai: Sure, you got it!
Argo: Great, I appreciate it! We'll touch base again soon! See ya later!
She takes her leave from the dungeon to take on the quest same as Sachi's.
Sachi: I think we'll explore this dungeon more and then go back to the lower floors. I figure it doesn't hurt to know for future reference.
Koharu: Okay! You all be careful out there!
Lai: We'll escort you all out!
Ducker: Don't worry! We'll stay low from the front lines!
They both leave the dungeon with Sachi's party..
Timeeskip... Twilight Forest..
After parting ways with Sachi and the Moonlit Black Cats. Lai, Koharu and the rest of the party rushed for the dungeon exit. When they made it back out into the field, they came across a rather curious sight.
???: How unfortunate. Just when I thought that strait-laced guild leader would off himself, trouble arrives. The plan was to make it look like ALS extremists spread false info so the DKB boss would be trapped inside that dungeon. I even had evidence prepared to "prove" it. But if he comes out alive, the whole thing falls apart.
Then, the hooded man emerged, his face concealed, leaping in front of Lai and the others, blocking the way forward.
Lai: Huh?
Sanya: Who... Are you?
As Lai notices his cursor is Orange. He immediately unsheathes his sword. The hooded man murmurs..
Orange Player A: I let someone else take care of the Black Swordsman. But the Devil's sword and those two top tier players' equipment will be mine.
They both get what he really means..
Koharu: !!
Lai: You..! I won't show any mercy!
He charges with his Adel Sword and performs a Blitz sword skills. Leaping up and strike the hooded man. He backsteps away and the same goes to Lai as well. Lai stands in front of Koharu.
Koharu: Lai, what's going on? Wait, don't tell me he's-!
Lai: He's Orange.
Koharu: No way..! You're right!
Sanya: I figured as much. I realize that it may not be my place to say it, but I shall do so anyway. As a certain someone said earlier, this is no mindless enemy NPC that stands before us. This is a living, breathing player we've been confronted with.
Lai: We can't let our guard down!
Sanya: Yeah, but I realize you may be hesitant to fight, but there comes a time when one must protect themselves and those they care for, yes?
Lai: ...
He takes a quick peek at Koharu and Sanya as he was concerning about their safety very much.
Sanya: You needn't concern yourself with my safety, Lai. After all, just as I said soon after we first met... I'm prepared to draw my sword on another in SAO if it comes to it!
Sanya draws out her sword and clashes up with the hooded man.
Orange Player A: I have little interest in crude, slashing blades... But, if the weapon's rare, then I'm happy to add to my collection.
Then, Lai interferes their clash as he kicks the hooded man's face. He got sent back and Koharu catches up with them.
Koharu: You two okay?
Lai: Yeah.. Be careful..
Then, Sanya taunts at him..
Sanya: What's the matter? For someone so confident before, you sure seem to struggle against two top players and a "Devil." I would be careful not to get hurt, if I were you. Even the slightest injury will put you at an even greater disadvantage.
Lai: Don't let your guard down!
Sanya: I won't.. Nevertheless, if you truly intend to relieve me of my sword, you'll have to go at me far harder to have any hope of taking it! Or did you perhaps think you could defeat me without so much as a plan? Because if so, you've gravely miscalculated my strength!
Orange Player A: I guess nothing does top an Estoc when it comes to thrust weapons. Spears are fine, but aren't suited to anyone inexperienced.
As he starts stepping back, they all move forward in order to capture him..
Koharu: We've got him against the ropes! If we can just capture him..
Lai: (Why he's alone..? Don't tell me...!)
As he just figures out, he notices another guy was behind them in a second.
Lai: (He's a decoy!?)
Despites Lai's best efforts to protect Sanya, another figure swiftly appeared behind her without warning. They had likely been hiding in the bushes. Whatever the case, they were now slashing at her and Koharu with a knife dripping a green substance.
Sanya: Gah!
Koharu: Ahhh!
Lai: Koharu!
He swings his sword at him at full force. But the guy dodges it like it was nothing to him.
Lai: Take that!
Orange Player B: Whoa, watch where you swing that, buddy! Oh, and who do we have here...?
Due to his over confidence, his leg was grabbed by Lai.
Lai: Feck OFF!
He smashes his leg, causing him to moan in pain and he throws straight with his head crash onto a tree.
Lai: You two okay?
Koharu: I.. I'm okay! It's just a scratch!
Sanya: As am I. I was only barely scraped in that encounter.
Then, he stands up from the crash..
Orange Player B: Oh, that's on purpose. There's a reason behind that. Yes, there is!
Sanya: Don't be so roundabout. If you have something to say, simply come clean with it and explain yourself!
The assailant laughed as Sanya closed in on him before he starts to condescendingly mimic her.
Orange Player B: "I would be careful not to get hurt, if I were you. Even the slightest injury will put you at an even greater disadvantage."
He starts clenching and shaken a lot as his hatred and rage floods in. Blood starts boiling up a bit.. But he still keeps his stance and stand by.
Sanya: What is the meaning behind this mockery? You should consider your position at the moment before indulging in such arrogance. Underestimate me at your own peril. I'll have to know, I had you all figured out as soon as your sneak attack fai-!
Then, something's zapping Sanya's body.
Sanya: Huh?! Urgh... Augh! M-My body, it...
Lai: Sanya!
She falls onto the ground and unable to get up on her own.
Koharu: Sanya! What's wrong!? Are you al-! What the...?
Lai: Koharu!
Her body slowly losing control and falls down..
Koharu: Hey! What's... Going on? Now my body's...
Seeing two of them down was a massive shocking for Lai to witness..
Orange Player B: Two down.
Sanya: What... Did you... Do to us!?
Lai: The green substance..! It's the poison!
Orange Player B: Bingo! There's something different about you. When you attacked me. I had even less room to maneuver than with those two girls.
Then, he points to Koharu's armor.
Orange Player B: The armored girl will survive. Her plating didn't give me much to work with. Ugh, I need stuff that can get through plating already. That would be so much better in this situation. Don't you agree?
He stands in front of the girls. Glaring at him with angry expression.
Lai: You're gonna regret this!
Orange Player B: Hey, no need to look so angry. I'm a coward, you know. I'll call my buddies over if I have to.
Then, his allies arrive the scene. Outnumbered all three of them..
Red Player: I got tired of lying low for so long. What's it gonna be? Can we just kill 'em all and get it over with?
Then, another one casually roasts him..
Orange Player: What are you, stupid? If we kill them right here, we can't have any fun with the girls later.
Red Player: Is that really such a good idea? Ganging up on these nice, defenseless players and tormenting them like that?
Lai: (This isn't good, I've got to act fast!)
He looks around him as they were surrounded by Orange Players.
Orange Player B: Not in the mood to fight back, are we? You can keep trying to dodge all you like, but me. I've got better things to do, if you don't mind.
The Orange Player started to show off a knife, spinning it around before promptly pointing it straight at Lai.
Lai: I'll make you pay for hurting them!
Orange Player B: Now that's more like it! Let's see what you're made of, huh!?
They both charge against each other. He ducks to dodge the stab and upper slash the Orange Player into Aerial, then he hops up to him and slams him down the ground with huge force with Aerial Slam Sword Skills. The others were watching them fighting 1 v 1.. Including Koharu and Sanya.
Koharu: (Lai's in danger! I need to get up!)
The paralysis blocks her from standing up. Helplessly watching them fight. Lai dodges a lot of his stabbing and slashing attacks. Lai counters back with Hard Hit Sword Skills, flinching him by hitting with the hilt of his sword very hard. He strikes him as he's vulnerable and thrust his stomach, finally a Blitz from top to bottom slash as the finisher combo. Despite being outnumbered by the violent orange players, Lai put up a brave fight. Under intense pressure with no one's help, he barely turned the tide in their favor. However...
Orange Player B: Ugh! Alright, everyone! Listen up! We're changing up the game mode! We've been playing versus mode, but now I'm feeling like some practice mode instead!
Lai interrupts him and attacks again and again without answering out. He announces while he hops away.
Orange Player B: Here's what I have in mind!
He suddenly grabs Koharu's both arms. Forcing her to stand up, she struggles herself from his palm. There's no way for Lai to attack the front.
Koharu: No... Stop!
Lai: You bastard!!
Orange Player B: Okay, could you stand up for me? Oh, but don't move or else I'll slit your throat. How are things going on your end?
They force the girls to stay down on their knees. With knife Koharu's neck and a blade on Sanya's face. From Lai's view, it was a total nightmare for him.
Orange Player A: Just fine. The Devil is a lot more subdued now.
The Orange Player threatens him.
Orange Player B: Just so we're clear, I don't want any funny business from you or else things won't end well for the girls. Got it?
Lai: You cowards! Get your hands off from them!
Orange Player B: I'm glad you understand what's at stake. Hey, can one of you come over and look after this one for a second?
He suppresses his anger and hatred as he breaths heavily while his eyes couldn't bear the sight of it and shaken violently. Slowly putting his weapon away, hoping it can lasten their safety..
Red Player: Oh, we'll look after her, alright, as long as you don't mind us playing with her. Hmm? Why'd you put your weapon away?
Orange Player B: RPGs are fun and all, but I like some fighting games, too. Always exciting pulling off sweet moves... Like this one, for example! You clenches your fist tight, pull your arms back and... Oh yeah, I think they can this a Senda? ...Hey, look! My fist lit up!
Lai: !!
He shows his fist and he's about to punch Lai.
Orange Player B: Now brace for impact! Haha, I always wanted to say that! Hope you don't mind losing a few teeth!
Lai tries to block it but his mind moves his arm away. Willingly to take the hit. Lai got knockback and almost falls onto the ground by the punch. His mental state starting to become unstable.
Lai: Ugh!!!!!
Koharu: Lai!!
He stands up on his feet.. Calmly soothes Koharu with his words.
Lai: I'm fine... Koharu...
Orange Player B: Good. That's what I like to see. I like it when someone can take a good hit. Now get up. Tell me something: You one for fighting games too?
Lai: ...
Orange Player B: Nothing to say? 'Cause if you are, I'm sure you'll agree that the best part of them is always when you land a big, meaty attack. I love fancy ones especially, the kind that are hard to hit on moving targets... Which is why I'm glad I've got a nice practice dummy! But enough talk! Let's get to work on that practice!
Lai: Argh!!!!
Lai: Urgh!!!!!
Lai: AHHH!!!
Despite the pain he got, he still standing up, feel powerless. His mental state almost reaches the peak that the system can't handle it.
Koharu: Stop! Please, no more! How can you be so cruel!?
Sanya: You're a coward! Haven't you any shame!?
Orange Player B: Me? A coward? You've got it all wrong. Nobody's being forced to do anything here. That's literally nothing stopping this guy from dodging my attacks and bringing me down.
Orange Player B: But that's not what's happening. Lai is clearly happy to play along as a favor to me, seeing as we're both big gamers and all. Isn't that right, Gamer?
The man hits him one more time..
Lai: Aaaagh!!!
She cries..
Koharu: That's enough! No more! Please, Lai! Forget about me! Don't let him push you around! I know you're better than him! Please!! Stand up for yourself and fight already!! I don't want you to die because of me! I... I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you...
Orange Player B: Aww, isn't that touching? It almost makes me want to cry. Sadly, it's game over for you now!
The Orange Player summoned two of his knives and spins them once more, clearly intending to end things in earnest. Light enveloped the grisly knife as he closed in on Lai. But before he could deliver the final blow...
Orange Player B: Sayonara... Player..
100% System detected! Limit break activates!
Both of his arms were crushed by Lai who is blinded by rage and hatred which increases all of his stats. In a mere second, he grabs both knives dropped from him and penetrates through the other two's eyes and brains to set the girls free. Then in another second, he rushes to them and pins them down to the ground with both of his palms. Then pushes the knives deeper into their heads till they burst into fragments.
It... Hurts... A lot...
He turns back and see the Orange Player who just stands up.
Orange Player B: What the-!?
Before he could react what just happened, a spear descends down with Lai and stabs him from head all the way to toe. The man bursts into fragments before he even realizes.
Red Player: Wha-!? No way!!!!
Lai violently grabs him in claws in front of him, start punching, eating his guts out and ripping all his HP out. He screams in horror.
Red Player: Aaaagh!!!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!
After the guy destroyed into polygons. Lai screams out very loud that everyone in this floor could hear him clearly..
In the meanwhile...
Argo: Huh?
Liten: What?
Klein: What was that!?
Argo: Sounds like Lai's in berserk. Again. That means they're in trouble!
Back to them...
Koharu: Lai?
He starts his massacre on all the Orange Players and all the mobs that drawn by his aggro. The orcs surround him, completely blocking the view from Koharu and Sanya who are still in paralysis.
Koharu: Lai!!!
Sanya: No... This can't be happening to him..
A lot of slashing and player's screaming in horror echo the scene. They both couldn't watch it or even hearing it anymore. As only the orcs are walking away, Lai disappears in thin air..
Sanya: He's... He's gone!
Koharu: Lai! LAI!!!!!
Klein and Argo, who are the first one arrived at the scene. Argo removes their status ailments with healing crystals, Liten and Sachi help them up from the ground. Argo starts asking..
Sachi: I got you!
Argo: What's happening? Everyone in this floor just heard the scream.
Koharu: *sobs* We were attacked by the Orange Players. Lai went all out in the end and vanished!
Klein: What!? You girls alright?
Sanya: You're late! Klein! We're not okay!
Koharu: What should we do?
Argo: He's still there. So I guess he'll be fine and calm down eventually. I just accepted the quest and let's focus on our mission first!
Koharu: No! We should find him first! I can't let anything happens to him!
Argo: But...!
Koharu: Please! He almost died from that! He won't last long!
She sighs..
Argo: Alright... Let's find him first! I'm charging him for this.
The search party had just begun. After half an hour, they couldn't find him anywhere. They all gathered up at the same place.
Argo: Any leads to him?
Klein: No.. I can't find him, he isn't replying to my message at all.
He starts to get frustrated as he worries..
Klein: What is he thinking!? I told him we'll be there for him!
Sanya: Well, if you arrived earlier, this wouldn't happened to him. Or even us.
Klein: Hey.. Stop blaming everything to me, okay? What happened here is already happened and we all wouldn't want it at all. I wish I could notice sooner.
Koharu: Where could he be? I'm so worried..
Liten: It's not your fault. He would went all out, losing his sanity just to protect you makes me think he wouldn't want you to worry about him. Maybe he'll come back after calming himself down.
Koharu: I know him a lot, Lit. After Lai and I had being through all of this together, I just couldn't let him go ahead and leave me here.
Argo: Then, how'd you gonna search for him?
She went speechless as she was asked by Argo..
Koharu: Uhm... I don't have any clue..
Argo: Yeah, and we all don't. So that's why we can only do is to pray for his safety.
Koharu: Sorry.. I should've calm myself down.. I'm really worrying about him. It's like I'm losing a part of myself. Literally...
Klein: Don't worry. He's strong and he'll come back to you eventually. Let's focus on what we're doing.
Koharu: Y-Yeah...
Liten: At least we both are in the same boat.. I can know how you feel at all.
Koharu: Don't say that... It hurts...
She starts feeling unease and the same goes to the whole party... A cheering, optimistic type of her starting to disappear as she became very worried about her partner, Lai.
After Agil joined up and they had collected all the key items for the quest and they are about to arrive at the entrance of the dungeon, but unexpectedly...
Argo: Wha-!?
Agil: I can't believe this...
Liten suddenly rushes forward..
Koharu: Liten, where are you going? Wait, is that-!
Liten: Shiva!
Standing at the dungeon's entrance were none other than Lind and Shivata.. As soon as she spotted him, Liten rushed over to Shivata as quickly as she could.
Shivata: Lit!
Liten: Shiva! You're... You're okay! Thank God you're okay!
Shivata: Thank you, Lit. I always knew you would come...
Liten: I never gave up hope. I always knew you were... Still alive... Waiting for me to... To come get you.
Overcome with emotion, Liten tried her best to keep talking as she sobbed between words.
Shivata: I'm so sorry. Lit, I'm so sorry I put you through all this.
Liten: It's okay. I'm just... Glad you're still alive. That's all that matters.
With a massive weight lifted off her shoulders, Liten continued to cry, relieved that the worst hadn't come to pass. In return, Shivata pulled her in and held her gently.
Koharu: I'm so glad they're okay... But still...
Sanya: It's okay, Koharu. He'll be fine..
Then, Klein breaks the atmosphere as he feels something is strange.
Klein: Uh, sorry to break up what's clearly a feel-good moment, but can I say something's strange happened?
Sanya: Honestly, just once in your life, try to read the room.
Klein: I know but..
Argo: He's right, Sanya. Aren't you all trapped inside the dungeon? How did you, Lind and the rest of the party managed to get out?
Lind: Yes, we did. But Lai saved us all from the dungeon. Unbelievable is... He took down the Event Boss by himself with some kind of incredible buff. He keep insisting of having us leaving. So he could proceed further to the Floor Boss. Then... We did as what he told us to.
Shivata: He even kick us out of the trouble when we're trying to help. Also, he said some weird things too like "Don't let her down or even make her worried." Something like that.
Argo: He obviously means your Liten, duh. But what kind of buff he had?
Lind: I don't know.. Clearly, his stats increased a lot. Then, we don't know what happens next as we escape.
Argo: Some kind of buff, huh? This gives me excited to find out. Anyway, you better give an explanation to both ALS and DKB ASAP.
Lind: Yeah I was about to do that. I'm going to speak with the DKB and ALS and explain what happened. I'm at the center of the mess. It's only right I apologize for it.
Liten: I'll go with you. If I serve as a witness for the ALS for what happened, that'll hopefully make them more likely to trust you.
Shivata: That's... Very brave of you, Lit.
Lind: Thanks. That would really help if you did that for me.
Klein: Just be careful as you're making the rounds, you two.
Shivata, Lind and Liten all teleport to DKB's base. The rest of them decided to stay on this floor.
Klein: What about you, Koharu? Lai is still missing..
Koharu: But I don't know where to find him...
Then, Argo receives an urgent message..
Argo: It's from Kibaou.. Give me a sec..
As she checks and reads the message.. She gasps a bit..
Argo: No way...
Klein: What's wrong?
Argo: The Guardian Beast.. The toughest thing around on this floor has been defeated.
Agil: Wait what!?
Koharu: How!?
Argo: I can't believe it too.. Lind did mentioned about him heading to the Boss Room alone. But it's a fact right now. I believe it was Lai's doing with that buff of his. And Kibaou wants us to be there to explain the rest of the story.
Agil: What should we do after that?
Argo: I don't know... We'll discuss that later. You think you can handle it, Koharu?
Koharu: Yeah...
Argo: It must be a total traumatic for you and him after you lost sight of him. But don't push yourself too hard for it, okay?
Koharu: Okay... I just hope he'll be fine in the end.
They both couldn't do anything in their current situation but to head to ALS's base...
End Of Chapter...
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