Chapter 6: Broken Souls.
Year 2023, January 1st. Aincrad Standard Time 14:00 in Floor 20, Hill Of Offering..
Having cleared the 14th floor, Lai's and Koharu's adventure continues. With them in level 80+, their progress through SAO continuing to go well, the pair finally arrived at the 20th floor within several days.
Lai: We're in Floor 20 now..
Koharu: Yeah, that means we're a fifth of the way through Aincrad now, huh?
Lai: It is.. But we've been through a lot, don't you think? I don't know if I can keep up the pace..
Koharu: Yeah.. But we can't give up yet. So we need to stay sharp here.
Lai: You're right. We still have to be as careful as ever. After all, who knows what dungeons and monsters we'll find waiting for us on this floor.
She smiles at him as usual.
Koharu: So that's why we need to stay sharp.
Then, Klein shows up and greets to them..
Klein: Ah, looks like you guys made it too. I'm glad. I figured you two wouldn't just up and kick the bucket, but it's still good to see you're in one piece.
Koharu: Klein!, You're here!
Lai: Can't keep you down either, I see.
Klein: Haha, you bet! Me and the others in Furinkazan all made it here together.
Lai: That's good to hear.
Klein: Since clearing in Floor 14, it looks feels like we've been on a roll. But don't worry, we're not letting ourselves get sloppy or anything. Now's when we've gotta get extra serious and stay focused. Because the better things look, the more dangerous they can turn.
Lai: We know that, Klein.. But you sound really serious.
Klein: Course I am. I'm not that kind of dumb, reckless guy. Come on, give me a little more credit.
Lai: Sorry...
He sounds a bit stressed.
Koharu: You know he didn't mean it that way, Klein..
Klein: Oh sorry about what I just said, man..
Agil: Yeah. I don't think that's too far off the mark. If you ask me. You're definitely not the sharpest, that's for sure.
Then, Agil shows up as well.
Klein: Not you too, Agil!
Koharu: Oh, you're here too! Awesome!
Agil: Yeah, we got here just a little before you. Let's show them who's boss on this floor too, alright?
Koharu: Of course!
Lai: I'm glad you're here too.
Agil: Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand, I agree with what Klein here was saying. We've still got monsters and whatnot to worry about, but right now, there's an even bigger problem going on that needs our attention.
Lai: Let me guess, ALS and DKB are fighting again?
They both nod silently as they don't wanna upset him about the guild war and the competition..
Lai: Damn it.. They never learned!
Agil: Hey, calm down. Klein will explain what's up to them.
Klein: Sure thing. Well, you know how the competition between the ALS and DKB over who can clear Aincrad first is heating up, right? Because of that, we're starting to clear floors pretty fast. Sometimes we're out and onto the next floor in less than two weeks.
Koharu: I noticed we've been picking up the pace, yeah.
Lai: But still.. A problem is a problem..
Klein: Yeah, and the problem is.. It might seem like things are going smoothly right now. But this race between the two biggest guild is starting to make them seriously butt heads.
Agil: Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if all they had going on was a healthy rivalry. But it looks like things are starting to take something of a turn for the worse between them.
Lai: And do people knows about that?
Klein: Yeah they do, about what he said. We're not the only ones who sense this, either. There are top players who are starting to worry what might happen eventually.
Agil: And they have good reason to be afraid: the ALS and DKB have been antagonizing one another more than they really should. You see them locking each other out of good hunting grounds, for instance. And I'm sure you've heard about how they've withheld information on labyrinths to try and jump the gun on the competition too.
Klein: They're not just keeping it between them, either. Even Furinkazan's gotten blocked out of places we needed to be. It's so bad lately that mid-tier guilds like ours have to share less effective hunting grounds those two won't touch just to grind levels.
Koharu: Unbelievable... That's awful.
Lai: We have to do something about it.
Klein: Well, it'd be one thing if we were as good as the Knight of the Blood Oath (KoB) and literally everyone in our guild was some crazy good high-level player.
Agil: Yeah. With that level of influence, the Big Two would probably listen to reason and knock it off.
Klein: But we're not that strong compared to the KoB or the elite groups in the ALS and DKB. That's just a fact of life for us, unfortunately. But what we lack in that we make up with our unity and perseverance. We're just as good as anyone on that end, even you two!
Lai: Yeah.. *smile*
Koharu: That's the spirit! You and your guild are so dependable, Klein!
Klein: It's nice to hear you two say good things about my guild, so thanks! You all could be good mediators.
Klein: Oh, sure. We'll just walk on over and have a quick chat with them and then everything will be sunshine and rainbows again!
Then, he changes the mood.
Klein: ...Yeah, right! If it was that easy, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!
Koharu: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so naive..
Klein: It's fine. That's the real Koharu I know and that's what she used to be! And I bet her personality suits for Lai the most! Like a nice cup of tea for him!
Koharu: Ehh!? *Blush*
Lai: Hey! What's that suppose to mean?
Klein: Haha! Just kidding! Anyway, at least they're not out trying to kill each other, knock on wood. We might be inside a VRMMO, but this is no mere game we're playing here. This is a serious situation and everyone knows it.
Lai: It's good to hear they're not.. But what about the Orange players who raids other players?
Klein: Them? You know the KoB would deal with them. Don't worry about that!
Lai: But still.. It bothers me a lot.
Koharu: Lai.. It's okay to worry about things like that. But Heathcliff and his guildies will take care of that. You can always count on them.
Lai: ...
Klein: Fighting each other and getting hurt, especially being overthinking isn't going to get us out of this nightmare any faster.
Then, a message icon pops in Klein's view..
Klein: Oh, looks like someone just messaged me. Sorry, I should take a quick look at it.
He walks away a bit and opens the message..
Klein: ...What the--?!
Agil: What's up? Did someone already beat the floor boss or something?
Klein: Man, I wish it was that. It's Lind, the head of the DKB, he's gone missing. The system apparently says he's still their leader so he must still be alive.
Lai: He must be stranded in somewhere..
Klein: Probably.. But he hasn't been seen in two days and nobody can get a hold of him, so the guild's freaking out.
Agil: Can't say I blame them. This is a real crisis they have on their hands.
Klein: Yeah. And it gets worse. Obviously, people are worried for Lind's safety and all that. But it's also fueling the fire between the DKB and ALS, as you can imagine. The DKB thinks the ALS is behind it and is really out for revenge.
Lai: Fueling the fire...? Someone must've been sabotaging their relationship after Lind's missing.
Agil: Do you think it's done by someone else?
Lai: Yeah.. I think Kibaou wouldn't do such a thing.. Although he always abuse his authority, but he always keeps his word to Diavel.
Klein: Haha.. I can't trust that guy at all.
Agil: Hm... He's actually right.. They wouldn't use such low tricks against their rivalry guild.
Klein: So it's someone who did this.. But why? And how?
Koharu: Let's not discuss that first.. Continue what you're saying, Klein..
Klein: Oh yeah, of course the ALS says they've got nothing to do with it. They think Lind tried rushing ahead and is now stuck somewhere he can't get out of, so are pinning the blame entirely on the DKB. It says in this message: things have gotten do bad between the two of them that fighting could break out at anytime.
Lai: That's where we begin. So we have to stop them ASAP.
Koharu: Agreed! Lai and I are coming with you, Klein, Agil. We've got to defuse the situation before this whole thing gets out of control!
Klein: Fine by me. I figured you two would come along.
Agil: I hate to drag you with us, but we'll take all the help we can get.
Lai: Life's at stake. Then we'll ask them later.
Agil: Thanks.. Now let's go.
The group rush to where the two players from different guild are clashing up. While they're on their way, Killer Mantises is about to ambush them in their traps. They all just notice that except Koharu.
Agil: Wait! Hold on a second!
Klein: Stop right there, Koharu!
Koharu: Huh?
Lai grabs her arm and pulls her close to him, then arms himself up with a sword. Repelling back their attacks.
Koharu: Uh... Th-Thanks, Lai.
Lai: You alright?
Koharu: Yeah.
Klein: Stay alert. We're not out of the woods yet.
Agil: It seems they knew we were coming.
Klein: Yeah, like they were waiting for us to come through here. They just keep coming out in waves.
Agil: I've heard of these monsters before. Bigger than humans and sporting scythe-like claws. I think they're called Killer Mantises.
Klein: Well, they sure know how to make a good first expression. Yeesh. Anyway, what do you think we should do? We don't exactly have time to waste fighting these things.
Agil: Yeah, but there are so many of them, I don't think we can ignore them all and try to push our way through.
Klein: You're right. Should we try to find another way around?
Lai: I don't think they're going to let us walk away quietly.
Klein: Then I guess we're barging through. Lai, Koharu, we've got to clear these Mantises out fast or else who knows what'll happen.
Agil: If we can each take out five mantises, I think we can keep moving. But you kids don't push your luck, okay?
Koharu: Of course!
Lai: Just.. Stay close to me as always, okay?
Koharu: Okay! Like Agil said, you be careful too, Lai!
Four of them arm themselves with their weapons and split into two groups. Lai strikes it with upper slash in the air and Koharu slices and slams it down to the ground with her dagger, it bursts into polygons.
Lai: Next!
He slides dash to another one to deal the first strike to it. He dodges slash to deal damage on multiple enemies around him. Then switch out with Koharu.
Lai: Switch!
Koharu: Got it!
She slices the enemies around her after switching out, defeating them at once.
Koharu: They're down!
Lai: Okay! This should be the last of them!
Klein: Hey, are you two okay?
Koharu: W-We're fine, thanks!
Lai: Yeah.. For somewhat or somehow, we're still here. Alive...
They all notice something's bothering him..
Klein: It's good to hear you're both doing alright. I can tell that even the fodder enemies are getting stronger the higher we go in this game.
Lai: Yeah.. I've noticed that too. You and Agil look like you're doing okay too. That's good.
Koharu: I'm glad you're not hurt.
Agil: All's well that ends well. I've got to say I think you two are even stronger than before.
Lai: We are getting stronger, in virtually of course.. But I'm not sure that can get us anywhere tho. But in another thoughts, I'm not gonna end up like Diavel so I won't run away or even sacrificing myself.
Klein: Dude... That was like months ago.. Why are you still hanging on that?
Lai: Sorry.. this whole situation could be really changed completely if he's alive. Then, we don't have to worry about the guild war and focus ourselves on clearing floors.
Agil: But what happened from that time is already happened. So there's no reason to dwell on that.
Lai: Yeah.. Sorry.. I'm getting more and more uncertain right now. Wait.. C'mon! What am I saying!?
Klein: Is he really okay?
Koharu: I don't know.. He must be missing Diavel a lot..
He shakes his head to clear his thought.
Lai: Okay! Let's continue the search. They won't hold on too much longer.
Agil: Alright, don't get me wrong. About what Klein said is true. The monsters in this game are definitely getting tougher. But you kids are keeping up. That fight might not have been quite a walk in the park, but you definitely held your own there.
Koharu: I'd hope so after, well... Everything we've been through just like Lai said.
He grits his teeth and nod silently..
Lai: Yeah... Even many people lost their lives in this game..
They both explain the loss during the floor boss fight in 13th floor.
Agil: ...I see. I didn't realize you two were caught up in that whole mess.
Lai: It's okay.. Anyway, let's just keep moving on..
All: *nod*
They continue back on their way through the woods as they're unable to say anything more, Agil quietly began to walk, Klein likewise said nothing as silence started to hang over the group. The four of them continued not to talk for a while as they moved forward until Agil suddenly spoke up once more.
Agil: All of us are equals here in SAO. We all started playing at the same time and we're all trying to get to the same place on this journey.
Lai: Yeah...
Agil: Although I guess you kids have some experience on us since you played during the beta test and all that. But still, if something's just too hard for you to handle, let us know, seriously. Don't try to shoulder it all by yourselves.
Koharu: We can't ask you to do that...
Lai: Agil.. It's rude to say that but although we're just kids in your view. Life is getting hard on everyone but Koharu and I had made it this far alive. So I believed that as long as we have strong will. We can take on anything even though we're the soft-hearted person.
Agil: I don't care. You come talk to us. It's our job as adults to support kids like you first and foremost.
Klein: He's right. Agil and I are the grownups here. I know this might make me sound full of myself, but I'm going to say it anyway. Agil and I have been alive longer than you two. We've been around the block and know how tough life can be out there. We can't take away your pain, but we can sure as hell sympathize with it and give you two a shoulder to lean on when you need it.
Then, he starts smiling to lifts up their spirits.
Lai: Thanks.. I can feel it..
Koharu: Wow, Klein. You sound like you speak from experience...
Klein: Oh, stop. Don't look at me like that. What's going on here is nothing compared to what the real world can throw at you. Don't underestimate what us grownups can handle. At any rate, we're always here for you.
Koharu: Hehe, alright. Thanks, Klein..
Lai: Then, we can always count on you. Anyway, you sure do sound pretty cool! For an old guy, of course!
He retorts back..
Klein: Hey now, you take that back! We're not THAT old! I'll have you know Agil and I are both still in our 20s!
She starts laughing out loud with her usual grin that everyone adores.
Koharu: Ahahaha! Oh, sorry, I'm not laughing at you. I just think this conversation is funny.
Klein: There's that smile I was looking for! I knew you had it in you somewhere!
Lai: Yeah.. It's good to have the real you back, Koharu.
Koharu: Thanks.. Lai.
Klein: But yeah, I'm still in my early 20s, at least. Once you get to be our age, you tend to know at least one or two people who have come out maybe a little... "broken" you could say.
Agil: Yeah... You could say that.
He stares back with a confused look.
Lai: Like for example?
Agil: We don't mean physically. We're talking emotionally. They weren't given an outlet to vent or other stuff that they needed.
Lai: Yeah.. I get it.. Kinda..
Agil: You'll know.. But you kids are strong, but there's still that risk if you're not careful. In fact, it's bigger risk because you're so strong.
Lai: Is that so?
Agil: Yeah, it's not just those "broken" people who suffer, either. It's hard on their friends and loved ones, too. It's tough watching them fall apart and not be able to talk to them or help them through it even a little.
Lai: That's why we have to keep moving forward.
Agil: Correct and that's why we're giving you two this big lecture. We don't want to see either of you end up that way.
Koharu: Yeah, I get it... Thanks, Agil, Klein.
Lai nods silently as he is unable to say anything to thank them.
Klein: Anyway, let's get back to business, shall we? We've got to pick up the pace.
Agil: Seriously. It took so long to beat those mantises, I'm getting worried they might've already started fighting.
Lai: Oh yeah! I almost forgot that!
Koharu: Right! We should move on!
They both continue their way first before Klein and Agil.
Klein: *chuckle* Those kids..
Agil: They both set a perfect example to the people in this game.
Timeskip... Twilight Forest.
Lai: Hey! I think we saw them!
Klein: ?
The other two follow up and notice someone as they arrive.
Klein: There they are!
Agil: Good. Looks like they're still only staring each other down.
Klein: Yeah. Hopefully they can hold off just a little longer until we can get to them!
Koharu: Wait.
Lai: Huh?
Koharu: I see Sanya! But what's she doing here?
Lai: She might be caught up to it.
Koharu: Right! Let's go talk to her!
They both catch up with them eventually, seeing the white hair witch from another world, Sanya and two other players from different guilds are arguing.
Sanya: Honestly, your leader is missing right now. Shouldn't you prioritize searching for him and ensuring he's safe rather than fighting them? Suppose you fight here and Lind reemerges unharmed after all. Don't you realize how foolish you'll all look in hindsight?
DKB Member: Gah, but we can't just let those dirtbags walk away! Not after what they did to our leader!
ALS Member: Say that again! I dare you! It's not our fault he's too clueless to keep himself out of trouble! Don't pin this on us, buddy!
Then, his word starts getting toxic..
ALS Member: Oh, how far you guys in the DKB have fallen. I can't believe people ever thought you were in OUR league!
DKB Member: Don't think I'll let you get away with dissing us like that!
Lai: You guys! Stop this!!
They're not listening as they were blind by hatred.
DKB Member: I'll kill you! I don't care if it makes me an orange player, nobody gets away with disrespect!
The DKB Member turned to his comrades to announce his intent as he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, readying himself.
ALS Member: Draw you sword! I dare you! I ain't as tough as Kibaou, but I'm still with the Assault Team! I can take you! That butter knife can't scratch me! Actually, that's an insult to butter knives. They're still sharper than Lind and that sword!
The ALS Member also began to brandish his sword as he continued to hurl insults at his rival guild member.
Koharu: No, don't!
Lai: You two, stop it! And think rationally!
The DKB Member retorts back to Lai.
DKB Member: Shaddup!
ALS Member: Yeah, stay out of this! This ain't got nothing to do with you!
Lai: Say what!?
Not listening to reason, the two men raised their blades, ready to fight.
Sanya: They're not listening at all.
Koharu: What should we do? At this rate!
Lai: Those two really disgust me.
He rushes in between them as their blades are about to clash each other's. Lai unsheathes his sword, parries both of theirs and sends both up to the sky. Disarming them as well.
ALS Member: Wha-!? He's-!
DKB Member: The Reaper!
Then, instead of using violence. He just pinches and pulls both of their ear very hard.
ALS and DKB Member: Ow! Ow! Ow! Let me go! It hurts!
Lai: Klein! Agil!
As he calls out their names, they both caught each other the members from behind.
ALS Member: Hey! I'm not finished with him!
Klein: I'll only let you go if you put that sword of yours away. So what's it going to be? Huh?
DKB Member: Fine. Would've saved everyone a lot of trouble if I could just waste this fool now, though.
Klein: Uh-huh. Have you finally calmed down yet?
DKB Member: Come on, how long are you going to hold me like this? Let me go already!
As they both shake off from Klein and Agil, they recognize them immediately.
DKB Member: You're that Klein guy, ain't you? Guess I shouldn't be surprised you'd take her side when you're friends with a dirty beta tester anyway.
Klein: Okay! You and I need to have a talk.
Lai: No.. Let me be..
All: Huh?
He gives each of them a punch to the face.
ALS and DKB Member: Hey!!
Lai: This one just to wake you up from reality. You remember what Akihiko Kayaba said the day he put us in this mess, right? This is VRMMO we're in here! Emphasis on the "MMO" part. This isn't some offline RPG where the world revolves around you. There aren't just mindless NPCs running around. There are a lot of living, breathing people trying to survive here, too! So that's why we have to clear floor 100 in order to save everyone!
Klein: Yeah, and I get it, man. I really do. It's natural to get angry and feel insulted when someone bad mouths you or something you care about. And tempers are bound to flare up even more in a life-or-death situation like this. But that doesn't mean you can lash out at people when you get angry. And I don't just mean fighting them. I mean yelling at them too.
Agil: Klein's right. You two need to pick your battles a lot more wisely. So I suggest you take back what you said to Lai and the girls and apologize to them. Or are you so immature you can't even do that? Because if we need to teach you both a lesson, we'd be more than happy to.
Agil paused for a moment to stare at the DKB Member who drew his sword first, glaring directly into his eyes.
Agil: I know you said you don't care if what you do turns you into an orange player, but as far as Lai and I are concerned, you're already red.
DKB Member: Sorry. I'll back off...
ALS Member: Yeah, I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have said all that if I noticed you are the Reaper.
Lai: It's okay. Why don't we have a deal first for me and the two of you?
DKB Member: A deal?
ALS Member: To do what?
Lai: Let's say. Both of your guilds had worked together once, right? I want you two to work together again and focus your energy on beating the floor boss this time instead of rescuing Lind. About that, we'll go rescue him and his party in the meanwhile. Sounds good for you?
Sanya: I was about to do the talking but you stole my line. But, it sounds good to me anyway.
His suggestion initially caused a stir among the members of both guilds, but eventually they agreed and pulled out of the area.
Lai: Phew...
Sanya: That punch wasn't necessarily tho..
Lai: Sorry.. I'm so sick of it that we have to clean up the mess they're causing since floor 5.
Sanya: Oh.. I know how you feel. Anyway, now to find where Lind was last believed to be headed. If we can determine that, we can hopefully still extract him.
Klein: Sounds reasonable. But where do we start?
Sanya: By conferring with the information broker, naturally. I sent an urgent message to her earlier while all of this was still unfolding.
Then, Argo the rat shows up..
Argo: Yep! And now here I am! I'd be more 'n happy to help!
Koharu: Oh, hi, Argo! That was fast!
Lai: Yeah.. Still as usual.
Argo: And you still haven't give me an explanation in Floor 5.
Lai: Sorry.. I don't really know how I did that.
Argo: *pout* Never mind. But you know me! I'll stay on day or night until you recall it. I'll always answer the call! At least, I wish I was as cool as that.
Lai: So you're on a request already?
Argo: Yeah, it was the DKB who had requested my services, so I was already in the area searchin' for Linda's whereabouts when she rang.
Koharu: That makes sense! Does that mean you already have some leads to share with us, then?
Argo: Nah, nothin' solid, sadly. This is the rare assignment that's givin' me grief. Just gonna have to narrow things down the hard way. From what I gather, ol' Lind likes to keep his movements secret, so he'd only inform some of the top brass where was headed. And as for those folks--
???: Um, excuse me!
A player with a full plated armor shows up and everyone recognize her.
Argo: Hmm? 'Sup, Lit?
She looks a bit worried..
Liten: I actually know one of the higher ups in the DKB. His name's Shiva. He's a... Uh, a good friend of mine! Please, you have to find him!
Argo: What? You know him?! I mean, I'd love to help but you gotta give me somethin' to work with or else I won't know where to begin.
Liten: Oh, Shiva... I hope you're okay!
Liten closed her eyes and brought her hands together as she thought long and hard about her missing lover, Shivata. As she did so, a faint blue light shine from between her fingers. They all notice its light.
Argo: Lit, is that what I think it is...?
Liten: It's a protective charm. I got it after we arrived on this floor.
She opened her hands, revealing a lone tree seed.
Argo: That's perfect! Say, did ya happen to split this here charm with that "friend" of yours?
She nods..
Liten: Uh-huh!
Argo: Great! We might be able to use this to track down where he wandered off to!
Lai: Uhm... How?
She starts explaining..
Argo: You must not know. Seeds like this are popular charms up on this floor. They normally come in pairs. When ya squeeze one of 'em tight, the other's supposed to light up. They're basically signals. You can only use 'em a certain number o' times, but you'll often see couples give 'em to each other. There are some things words can't say alone when you're in love, you know?
Koharu: That's romantic.
Lai: I guess it is.. So that's what this charm is good for?
Argo: Yep, it lets you to communicate with your lover even when they're in places you can't otherwise message 'em.
Lai: So even in different floors?
Argo: Hm... I guess it's a yes.. But I haven't tried it before but I'll do that later. Thanks for the suggestion!
Lai: You're welcome.
Argo: It's technically a consumable, but since its durability is set to 999, you can walk around carrying it without worryin' about breakin' it.
Lai: So we can send some signal to reach him!
Argo: Exactly! I guess you probably don't know what's a Morse code is.
Lai: What is it?
Argo: It's a code to encode text characters using the duration of the signal. So with that, we can even talk to him and try to figure out where he is. Luckily for us, one of the guys in the DKB's upper echelons knows how to operate boats, so they should know Morse code line. Plus, judgin' by that light we just saw, I'd say it's fair to assume Shivata's squeezin' his charm as we speak. Or at the very least, he's got it out and is lookin' at it, 'specially if he's in trouble!
Lai: ...I guess that's our only way to find out. What do you say, Lit?
Liten: Alright! Let's give it a try!
Argo: Awesome! Can I see it for a sec? Now, what're the signals again? Uh, right... Okay. "Where... Are... You...?" Sent.
Lai: ...
A few moments after Argo relayed her initial message, a response came in, also in Morse code. Argo figures out it's numbers.
Argo: Numbers? Am I readin' this right?
Lai: Perhaps it must be coordinates..?
Argo: Oooh! You're genius! These are indeed coordinates! If I'm right, they point to... The dungeon in the ancient ruins!
Klein: Okay. Why all the secrecy about where they are and stuff? You think there's some kind of special quest tied to it or something?
Agil: It could be a quest with an access or player limit, yeah. Whatever it is, the items from it must be good, so I can understand.
Klein: Sure, I can see why they'd want to check it out, but those items won't be worth jack if it gets them all killed!
Agil: Indeed. If there's an access limit to this quest, we can't concern ourselves with it, not with lives at stake. That said, I'd rather Sanya and Lai not have to go alone. Klein, how many guys from your crew can you spare?
Klein: I'd send 'em all out if I could, but all my men are busy working on a different dungeon at the moment, so I've got nothing.
Agil: Same here. It's going to probably be a while before anyone from my groups gets back, either.
Argo: I hate to interrupt you, but I just got another message and it sounds bleak. Says they're runnin' out of time.
Lai: How are their status?
Argo: I tried that, obviously, but they haven't gotten back to me since. So your guess is as good as mine.
That worries her a bit..
Liten: Wh- What do we do? If anything happens to Shiva, I'll... I'll...
Lai: Don't worry, we just know that he's safe. Let's just make our way over there and we'll get him and the others out safe and sound!
Koharu: He's right! Sanya and I are coming with you!
Sanya: Very well!
Argo: I better join us, too. You'll need a guide to make sure you don't get lost on the way. Plus, accordin' to my Intel, the area around the dungeon's crawlin' with orcs, to boot.
Lai: That's useful. Thanks, Argo.
Argo: Great! Now we better move on! Follow me!
Four of them formed a team and they're heading their way to the dungeon in Twilight Forest where the coordinates is pointed.
Klein: You guys be careful! Agil and I will catch up to you later with our groups!
Timeskip... Twilight Forest.
They walk through the forest while avoiding fights with the monsters, Argo stops before Koharu and Sanya. She asks.
Argo: Lai? What's holding you up?
Lai: Huh?
He snaps out his thought as he notices he's been falling behind from them.
Lai: Uh.. Sorry. I was thinking something and I just don't get it..
Argo: You're thinking about the both guilds?
Lai: Not really.. It's their leaders. Lind and Kibaou...
Koharu: What about them?
Lai: ...
After a while, he decides to speak out what's in his mind.
Lai: Listen.. After the arguments from the members of both guilds and Linda's party being missing. I kinda start losing my trust to ALS and DKB.
Koharu: Why?
Lai: Simple version, both leaders, Lind and Kibaou. They're not cooperating at all. They're just being selfish, unreasonable and their actions are really shady. Not from what I'm expecting to be at all.
Sanya: So that's why you're so sick of it?
Lai: Yeah, and I just wanna say, Koharu..
He puts his hand on her shoulder..
Lai: Remember you told me that you wanna follow your own path, not just from someone else?
Koharu: Uhm... Yeah. I get it what you mean and we both don't wanna get involved by anyone's mess. But this is different, things are getting tougher for us and we have friends to protect.
Lai: *sigh* Yeah..
He pauses there for a moment. Lai starts clenching his fists..
Lai: (I wish I could be stronger and break through my limit. Then, I can control any situations before it gets really bad, especially the war between ALS and DKB. But I can't leave Koharu alone because of the Orange Players..)
He recalls back to the time when he fought back against 10 Orange Players all by himself to protect themselves from getting raid. In the end, he barely won the fight and the Orange Players eventually were arrested by the leader of KoB, Heathcliff. Then, his teeth starts gritting and Koharu could tell he's in fear..
Koharu: Lai..
He faces up to Koharu with serious looks and continue back like nothing's happened at all..
Lai: Nothing.. Let's move on.
He moves on forward first.
Argo: What's he thinking?
Sanya: We better not to ask him. Anyway, if those coordinates we were sent earlier are right, we almost should be at our destination.
Lai suddenly rushes ahead where a lot of orcs are gather there, unsheathed his Imperial Sword.
Koharu: Wait!
He clashes up against them and parries all of their attacks. His sword glows in white light. Stabbing multiple orcs with his Bayonet Charge. Then, he turns his sword 90° degrees and slashes three of them vertically from bottom to top and the mobs explode in million glass. He shouts out.
Lai: Haaah!
He dodges roll away from orc's attack. He hops and slash diagonally from bottom right to top left. Then, he strikes downward and perform a finisher combo with full horizontal swing. His sword glows again and unleashes 13 wide attack combos that gives him invulnerable from enemy's attack. Rampagely slashing 8 times and bashes 4 more hits to random targets before a full moon front cut with a front flip. Unable to fight back, the mobs was brought down in short order. Lai sheathed his sword on his back while catching his breath.
Lai: *Pant!* *Pant!*
Koharu: ...
Sanya: How did he become that strong?
Argo: I don't know. SAO's switching function is what makes the game a special brand of combo based combat. But since it can be done by a single player. I guess it's kinda like a humiliation towards all players who formed parties or guilds. Anyway, he's a huge pack of surprises, isn't he?
She steps up forward to him..
Koharu: Lai!
Lai: Huh?
As she reaches him, her head suddenly bows down as she worries him..
Koharu: We both really need a talk.. Just the two of us alone..
Lai: Koharu..
Koharu: Please... Let's talk things out.
Lai: ...Okay..
They pause for a long while, both of them unable to find a way to start up their conversation as both of their feelings are messed up.. Lai suddenly apologizes to her.
Lai: Koharu.. I'm sorry..
Then, she suddenly hugs him and cries..
Koharu: No! Don't say that! I don't want you to leave me because of that!
Her cries makes him feel bad even more..
Lai: I'm not leaving you! Because we made ourselves a promise, remember? Even if we both split up.. Our promise will keep us alive forever. Just stay strong, Koharu. And I'll always be by your side. No matter what...
Koharu: *Sobs!* *Cries*
Her face leans over his chest as he cuddles her. On the other side, Lai couldn't bear of her getting hurt emotionally at all and his hug getting tighten up to soothe her heart.
Argo: Those two really are something else, right Sanya?
Sanya: It's beautiful but sad and bitter.. So that's what life's really are. Even in this Virtual World..
After Koharu finally calmed down, four of them had arrived at the destination..
Argo: Ready, guys?
Sanya: Yeah!
As for the other two..
Lai: Feeling better now, Koharu?
Koharu: Yeah.. I think.. But I'll always keep our promise in mind. No matter what happens to us..
Their hands were holding together. She grins out serenely with her pure smile to her partner and Lai does the same back to her. Despite the danger they both will face up, their connection will never break.
End Of Chapter...
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