Chapter 51: The devil in me
Japan Standard Time, 4:35pm.. Lai's Apartment Complex, Underground Shooting Range.
Lai: ...Ugh..
Recovered his consciousness from the injuries he suffered from his dad's punishment. Lai soon realizes himself on a mattress as his bed, them finds out that he is now in the shooting range.
Lai: How did I end up here?
Struggling to get up on his own, he grabs onto something solid to support himself up. Finding a way to contact Akihiko Kayaba becomes his priority as he wants to know the current situation. As he looks around, he notices his phone is left at the counter where the guns are tested. Assuming that Koharu left it for him after fully recovered.
Lai: Aki?
Akihiko: Lai? Are you alright?
He replies weakly..
Lai: Not too well.. What's the situation now? How long did I went out?
Akihiko: You were out of consciousness for an hour. Koharu managed to take care and dress up your wound before you suffer a blood loss.
Lai: Where is she now?
Akihiko: In ALO.. But I have something to tell you.. It's about Koharu herself..
Lai: Huh?
Meanwhile... Back to ALO...
The atmosphere turns silent after the heated fight ended with Koharu stabbed through Eugene's head and caused him to forced log out on its own. After a moment of pause, Koharu stares at her hands, not a single blood were stained on it at all but she felt satisfied.
Koharu: ...
As she gets up and returns to where Keita and Yuuki are. She feels an awkward yet terrified glance from many players in front of her. But she ignores their view and talks to Keita..
Koharu: Are you okay, Keita?
Keita: Did.. Did you kill him?
Koharu: ...
She reveals no reaction to his question as she expects it to be the first question from Keita after what happened to Eugene. But she brushes that off as she did not care about what happened to him, stating the fact that they're in game that doesn't harm the players like SAO.
Koharu: You do know we're in ALO, right?
Keita: Yeah.. But.. What was that?
Confused by the sight of Eugene's unsual defeat. Koharu couldn't give concern what happened to Eugene at all, and asks Keita to focus their objective.
Koharu: Does it really matter at this point?
Keita: No.. It's just..
Her eyes point to the leaders who are still in shocked and silent, but mostly curious about Koharu herself.
Koharu: Good.. Because we still got a lot of explanation to do..
Before heading back to the conference meeting. Leaders of both races, Sakuya and Alicia just arrived and join in their conversation.
Sakuya: What in the world is going on, Keita?
Surprised by Sakuya's sudden demand, the Undine player stutters a bit.
Keita: Uh.. It's a long story.. We came and escorted Lord Alicia not only just for the alliance, also for this request of ours.
20 minutes later.. Keita managed to explain their motives and also introduced Koharu to the leaders.
Alicia: I can't believe there are SAO survivors also roaming in Alfheim Online as well.
Koharu replies along with a nod as a respect to the Sylph leader.
Koharu: We're really need your help on getting us to the top of the World Tree.
Sakuya: Well, that's what every players are aiming for.. To beat the World Tree's Grand Quest and meeting with the Fairy King, Oberon and also acquire the unlimited flight as a higher race than any nine races, Alf. But you seem pretty adamant about it.. I assume there's something special behind your objective?
Keita: ...
Koharu: ...
They both stare at each other with troubled expression as neither of them wanted to tell them the truth behind the Grand Quest. Alicia demands them to spill the beans.
Alicia: Hey.. You two seem have something to say.. Mind if you spill it out so we can understand your intention at least?
Keita: ...
Koharu: Ugh...
Their silent answers only make their curiosity grows. Koharu knows it is inevitable and they will know sooner or later. So she decides to excuse herself and discuss with Keita first.
Koharu: I'm sorry.. Can I discuss with Keita first?
Alicia: Oh.. Sure...
Koharu joins with Keita and they both take a few steps away from the leader before starting the discussion.
Koharu: What should we do, Keita? I suggest we have to convince them the other way.
Keita: I believe there's no need. We might complicate our explanation and end up confusing them.. Plus, there's one reason..
Koharu: Huh? What reason?
Keita: Like putting disguise on their operation base. You do know the fact that ALO is just a huge cover for their research facilities for the project.. Once we exposed them publicly, not only that every players will know about their scheme, the entire people in the real world will eventually know about it. So it's best if we make it clear for them now since it already involved every ALO players..
Koharu: But can we trust them on keeping all this truth as a confidential matter, or even us? They might misunderstood us since we're the ones who will be telling them. Plus, we don't have any solid evidence it was Sugou..
Keita: That's exactly what I thought right now. But this is the risk we have to take. Or else we won't get through the Grand Quest without their support.
She let out a sigh despite already fed up after the previous fight.
Koharu: *sigh* I'm ready with this..
They both turn around.. Keita struggles to start a conversation..
Keita: Uh.. About our request..
Alicia: Don't worry! We trust you two!
Koharu: Huh?
Alicia: I thought you already knew Cait Sith whose not only has sharp eyes. We also have a great sense of hearing, perfect for eavesdropping.
Koharu: ...
She let out a sigh under her breath.
Koharu: That was surprisingly easy..
Keita: I guess we got lucky..
Sakuya: So I guess that's enough reason for you both to tell us what is going on?
Keita respectfully bows down to them.
Keita: Uh..! Sure! Thank you for your trust!
Keita explains the reason of their arrival and Koharu's objective.
Alicia: No way.. So the whole Grand Quest was just a cover up!?
Sakuya: Well, that was hard to believe at first. And also disappointing if this turn out to be true.. But at least we had discovered the truth behind the World Tree.
Keita bows down to them again as he apologizes.
Keita: Sorry for listening to our absurd explanation and our selfish request too! We currently don't have any solid evidence to prove their crime yet!
The Sylph leader simply shakes her head as she feels Keita's utmost sincere.
Sakuya: There's no need for apology, Keita. The remaining 298 SAO survivors can serve as a solid proof for me.
Keita: Really?
Koharu: What do you mean by that, Sakuya?
She crosses her arms, tracing her thoughts back to the past.
Sakuya: To be honest.. A few months ago after SAO has been officially cleared, many of us are curious what happened to the remaining 298 survivors who are still in coma. The news announced that their mind are still trapped somewhere within the server but the police are unable to locate them at all.
Alicia: Wait! So you mean-!
Sakuya: Yeah, I had my suspicion that it was RECT Progress who is behind all this. But now it became obvious for me since RECT Progress is the only one who took over SAO Server management two years ago, after Argus went bankrupt, and along with the mastermind, Akihiko Kayaba went missing. The company is still managing the SAO server to this day.
Koharu: I see..
Sakuya: And now knowing this from you. It makes sense why they're still in coma even after the game is cleared. It's horrifying that 298 of survivors are not only still trapped in this game as well, but also being experimented by those researchers.
The Cait Sith looks away in disgust.
Alicia: That's really messed up if you imagine what they are doing right now..
Koharu: Sorry that you have to know this truth.
The Sylph leader shakes her head..
Sakuya: You're being too courteous.. It's admirable of you to save them despite having the same fate as them as well. So you should have our utmost respect instead.
Alicia: Yeah! Especially how you saved us from the Salamanders! Our conference wouldn't go well if you procrastinate your arrival any longer.
Both of the leaders gratefully bows down to them with utmost sincere. Haven't receive such genuine compliment from someone during in her cruel times, Koharu looks away in embarrassed.
Koharu: Don't be... I'm just an ordinary girl in the real world..
Alicia: So are we! We should have a good celebration for your complete domination against the Salamanders before we discuss our plan to beat the Grand Quest!
Sakuya: Maybe a cute, little pub in Swilvane would do. Of course, it will be my treat!
Alicia childishly pouts at Sakuya.
Alicia: Hey! You do know she's a Cait Sith, right!? That means she's one of our own!
The Sylph chuckles confidently.
Sakuya: Don't try to fool me, Alicia. You would brag about how capable she is during the fight if she's already one of your own. So that means I can recruit her as my personal bodyguard despite of different race.
Alicia: That's not fair!!
As both leaders are arguing, Koharu and Keita drops their sweat.
Keita: I hope this is just friendly argument.
Koharu: Seriously, I don't want to be part of their unit. I'm out of here.
Keita: You're heading back?
Koharu: Yeah.. Lai probably needs me right now. You should take care of Yuuki at the moment. I think I will be back at evening.
Keita: Oh! I almost forgot about Kirito and Leafa are here!
Hearing such familiar names, it gains Koharu's attention immediately. Shocked becomes her first reaction to Keita's words.
Koharu: What!? They're here too!?
Keita: I was surprised too.. But they both got knocked away by Eugene before he kills me.
Koharu: Damn it.. Don't tell me they got involved as well..
Keita: Well, Asuna's one of the 298 survivors after all.. I'm sure that's why they're here.
She curses under her breath..
Koharu: Damn...
Nevertheless, she opens her setting in the menu. Before tapping the log out button.. Koharu requests Keita for healing Kirito and Leafa for her.
Koharu: Still, I will leave them to you. I'm logging off now, so spare me the reunion moment.
Keita: Okay..
She logs off from ALO, returning back to the real world.
Alicia: Hey wait up!!
Koharu's avatar disappears as she has been logged out successfully before Alicia could catch up to her.
Back to Lai's Apartment Complex..
Waking up from her bed, she takes off her AmuSphere. Despite having enough rest in physical, her mind feels tired and beat up. Letting her blood circulation flows throughout her brain normally, she closes her eyes for a while to rest her mind while taking a deep breath till her brain feels refresh enough to even think.
Koharu: I feel dizzy...
Gently rubbing her head with just her fingers as a massage. She gets off from her bed and check on Lai who's resting in the basement. As she just steps out from her room and arrived at the lobby. A stench of blood and the unpleasant smell of rotten flesh are the first scent that invades her nose.
Koharu: Ugh... This stench's getting me irritated..
She quickly heads downstairs with her ceasing her breath for a while until she reaches the stairs to the basement. She could hear several faint loading noise as she heads down. Assuming Lai's already woken up and managing his weapons. She let out a sigh of relief by the fact he's okay now. But also worry that he might require more rest to tend his wound. She greets him with a knock on the door as she arrives at the basement's shooting range.
*Knock* *Knock*
Lai: Koharu? You're back..
She calmly replies, but also genuinely concern about his health.
Koharu: ...You should rest more.. Your wounds are all over your body.
Lai: I'm fine.. Being beaten up and stabbed multiple times aren't enough to stop me..
Koharu: ...
Her silent gives him an awkward response.. His eyes look away from her.
Lai: You're.. Awfully silent.. I guess I will just get straight to the point. About a guy called Eugene in ALO.
Koharu: Wait.. You knew..?
Lai: Aki told me about the fight you had just half an hour ago.. He told you to stop, remember?
Koharu: I...
Lai: He's dead... Koharu..
Koharu: *Gasp!*
Hearing the impossible outcome from her partner truly shocks her. Her eyes widened up as she is curious.
Koharu: Ehh!?? How!? Isn't the AmuSphere-!?
Lai: No! The cause isn't the AmuSphere's fault. It's the system itself.. That's what Aki said, at least..
Koharu: I..! I don't get it! Just what happened!?
Lai hands her over an earphone while showing his phone with Akihiko's name as the caller.
Lai: I will let Aki do the explanation.. I only knew about his death just a while ago. I'm a bit confused..
They both wear the earphones on their ear, listening to what Aki has to say..
Akihiko: It's true.. Eugene's dead now.. I accessed and scanned his AmuSphere and I can confirm that his brain activity isn't responding at all but his heart is still beating normally. The source of the damage caused, is actually the pain absorber system that results his death..
Koharu: Pain absorber?
Akihiko: It's a system that nullifies pain whenever a player takes damage from any causes. I'm not surprised that RECT Progress has implement such system in the purpose of aiming for realism.
Koharu: Just cut the crap and tell me what the hell happened to him!
Her impatient interrupts Akihiko before he could continue his sentence. He ultimately let out a sigh as he feels irritated..
Akihiko: Ugh... As far as I know.. Eugene is suffered a total brain stem dead, which is simply brain dead. Like I said.. I can still detect his heartbeat via his AmuSphere's sensor.
The news shocked them both completely, loud gasps are the only reaction comes from them. Lai freaks out as he realizes how dangerous it is in ALO for Koharu.
Lai: What the f**k!? Is the whole SAO thing is still happening!? In ALO as well!?
Shocked by the fact, Koharu was still confused but also a bit horrified.. She adds up as it totally doesn't make any sense.
Koharu: Impossible! How in the actual hell does this AmuSphere device made it into the market if this case is still happening!?
With them freaking out that made them back step a bit.. Akihiko tries to calm both of them down.
Akihiko: Calm down, you two! I haven't finished explaining..!
They both calm themselves down, the duo sighs to disperse their panic.
Lai: ...Not this sh*t again..
Koharu: Ugh... Yeah..
Despite realizing the nightmare comes back to them, they both continue to listen carefully..
Akihiko: As you can see, the AmuSphere is designed to be the better version of the Nervegear, which is much safer, compact and required less signal input into the brain when playing any VRMMO games without suffer any performance issue. So there's no way it has the ability nor enough microwave to fry a player's brain.
Lai: You said it was the system's fault, right?
Akihiko: Yes.. To be specific, it was the Pain Absorber's fault. With that system being turned off or set to absolute zero, the game will recreate all the pain that Koharu had dealt on Eugene's avatar, straight into his real life body depends on which part Koharu hits.
Lai: So the one who turned it off would've be..
Koharu: The System Administrator.. Sugou Nobuyuki.. But why is Eugene not defeated back then? I landed so many hits that could've down him immediately!
Akihiko: Simple... Godmode..
Lai: ...Huh..?
Koharu: The System Administrator can use Godmode on other players?
Akihiko: Yes.. The System Admin has the full control of the player's database and their status. You can say he's basically a god in ALO that could mess with his own world and his "people".
Koharu: But Godmode shouldn't have kill him in real life, right?
Akihiko: No but there's one catch.. Although it does give immortality to player but that doesn't mean they can't feel pain unless the pain absorber is set back to maximum or enabling a command that ignores the pain completely.
Lai: So what's his motive for doing that? ALO's and RECT Progress's reputation would've taken a heavy hit if this goes out.
Akihiko: I can assume two things or more that Sugou can do with Eugene's death.. He can use it for either, threaten you both to submit your mind to him of course, or he can just secretly leaks Eugene's death to the public and.. Making more innocent people and players involved and stand in your way to stop Sugou's project. Both in real world and the virtual world.. So that's why I have to stop Koharu before she goes for the kill.
Overwhelmed by the fear of people knowing her doings, the insult of being tricked by Sugou, her eyes widens in shocked as her mind refuses to accept the conclusion of what Akihiko is about to say..
Koharu: So that means...
The guy replies with serious tone as he anticipates her conclusion.
Akihiko: Yes.. You have walked into a trap set by Sugou.. With the cost of another innocent soul...
Knowing she just got tricked by Sugou.. She clenches her fists in silent rage..
Koharu: That scumbag...
Being familiar with firearms she had wield before, Koharu skillfully grabs a M1911 Black Ice and her Karambit before she got stopped by Lai grabbing one of her arm tightly. Preventing her from doing anything impulsive.
Lai: What are you doing!? You're not storming into the company and starts shooting everyone, aren't you?
Akihiko: Calm down, Koharu! Acting more rash at this state will be much difficult for us to stop Sugou!
Suppressing her rage and being logical, she calmly replies to him while ignoring Akihiko..
Koharu: You clearly knew what I'm about to do. And we both are already familiar on doing this on countless Yakuzas.. So why bothered with this?
She shakes her arm off hard enough to escape from Lai's grip. Lai rushes to the door before her, ultimately blocking the exit with his wounded body.
Lai: You're not doing that, Koharu..!
She glares at him furiously this time but calmly at the same time.
Koharu: Please.. Step out of my way.. This whole mess has to end, the sooner the better...!
Despite receiving cold response from her, Lai insists to stop her from leaving the basement.
Lai: You do know Asuna's father is the CEO of RECT Progress.. You're not making Asuna being fatherless for the rest of her life, right? Especially knowing you're the one who will be stained by his blood.
Koharu: But it's just a matter of time before his company crumbles and getting himself thrown into Jail for the rest of his life. Tell me what's the difference does it make of Asuna being fatherless?!
Lai: He's innocent and he could turn into a scapegoat who will take the blame for Sugou's crime anytime once this matter got released to the public. It's just not worth the trip!
Koharu: ...
This time, silent treatment is the only response Lai could receive until she said something that is beyond Lai's anticipation.
Koharu: I don't really care at this point.. I had enough of this..
Lai: Huh!?
Koharu: I'm not like you.. I already lost my father when I was young.. My mother is still unconscious in the hospital.. And now I had lost my only place I'd call a home.. Leaving me with no support at all made me hopeless in this world as well. Can you imagine this everlasting torment and suffering feelings I have right now..?
Bringing up all her traumatic event made her heart aches, also left Lai and Akihiko both speechless.. Koharu continues, her voice starts to become emotional as she endures her pain behind her face.
Koharu: I figured I should get this out of my chest soon.. Do you know how the guild, "Moonlit Black Cats", rose up to the top in the first place?
Lai: What does it have to do with this?
Koharu: Ask that "genius".. Kayaba knew everything about the SAO casualties after all.. But I know he kept it from you..
Lai: What!?
Akihiko: !?
Confusing for the other two, especially for Lai. Something just reminds Akihiko that shocks him completely.
Akihiko: Wait..! Don't tell me!! Those five thousands...!
She chuckles under her breath.. But also look disappointed before revealing the truth.
Koharu: You thought half of the player base's deaths were all Lai's doing? You're the worst developer, Kayaba... Letting him shoulder the entire burden of five thousands deaths alone.
Akihiko: ...
Realizing the fact Koharu was part of thousands deaths as well just now.. He tries to calm her down as he already knew how capable of Koharu's true nature is, especially when she is mad.
Akihiko: ...Koharu.. I'm clearly aware that you hated me to the core.. But there's no point to sow discord nor sabotaging our mutual trust, especially not at desperate times like this...
His logical sense only makes her blood boils as she retaliates back with all his wrongdoings in SAO.
Koharu: You cheated in your own damn game too..! So what makes you an exception when you were the same as Sugou in SAO for two years!? Two thousands deaths at the beginning plus another thousand that got sacrificed in those boss room!? Crushing you in the end barely compares to what you did to us!
Her rant shuts him up completely as he couldn't counter the facts of what she just said. To clear out the confusion that just brought up by her, Lai asks her about her doings in SAO during their separation.
Akihiko: ...
Lai: When did you started this..?
She confesses without any hesitation..
Koharu: It was after our separation after what happened in Floor 20.. Before I even become the Commander of the Moonlit Black Cats. I started my revenge crusade with the very same purpose as yours.. Eradicate any filthy rats in SAO.. You thought everyone was scared of you so they didn't become criminals? Your legend created more criminals with pure intentions of just killing you off.. But as you guess it.. I killed them back.. Every single one of them..
He didn't feel surprised just as she is expecting, he only frowns at her as he believes her story.
Lai: So you went the same path as mine in the end.. Koharu.. That wasn't a path for you!
Koharu: But it was a right path chosen by you.. So as your partner.. I can't just abandon you alone..! And I do not blame you for this either.
She continues her explanation..
Koharu: The part that makes me still laughing till this day is, I had once sabotaged the so-called ties between the Aincrad Liberation Force and the Holy Dragon Alliance guild with just a few raids and disguises. Eventually, I made them killing each other off till their last breath, then finished off the surviving ones. With those loot accumulated from all I've done from those scums, that's how the guild grew up to be one of the top guilds.. And that's how I trained the girls and founded the Valkyrie squad with them.. It was an unfortunate that you finished off the Holy Dragon Alliance first.
Uncovering the hidden efforts and hard work done by Koharu alone, Lai felt flabbergasted that he is loss of his words. Only a question that can be said from his breath after realizing how much she had gone through in SAO.
Akihiko: I can't believe this...
She explains further with deep regrets this time, about the guild members they had helped before..
Koharu: We solved a lot of conflicts between these two guilds when we were together as top players. But you were right in the end, those players are just too foolish to listen to their senses and ended up being someone's slave. I guess Humanity can be stupid sometimes. Like literally what everyone in Japan are doing right now.. Even the so-called genius mastermind, Akihiko Kayaba.. And even us..
Lai: Koharu... Why go through all of these changes? What would they think after knowing what you done in SAO?
Koharu: They already saw my true nature, right after how I shattered Kayaba up into oblivion after your death.. And I don't really give a damn about it.. But as for you, I do wish you're the last person to know about this side of mine.
Lai: Still.. I don't see that reasonable enough. Why go through the same path as mine!?
Koharu: Isn't it obvious, Lai?!
Lai: Huh?
Koharu: After the separation, I realized we are the two sides of a same coin, having the same capabilities but with different mindset. But I don't want to be left behind and become useless to you..! In our journey in the beginning, I swore myself to stick with you till the very end! I looked up to you and admired how righteous you are! I'm always happy being by your side as partners! Even if you had changed or not!
Lai: !!
Koharu: The loss of my home and my mother made me realized how weak I still am in the real world. Your brutality and cruelty mindset are the ways for me to regain my true strength back. Everyone in the real world will fear me, same as those that had feared you in SAO..
For him who expected her hatred intentions that drives her to this day. It was just selfish love she would sacrificed anything for him..
Lai: ...It's all because of me in the end?
Koharu: Let's face it.. We always need each other's back during times like this.. You and I had done something that we can't go back at all.. We brutally murdered countless players on our way, escaped countless deaths and survived SAO eventually.. And this is what the real world treated us in the end.. If this is what I'm up against.. I'm willing to do it again and thoroughly this time..! I will put an end to this madness myself!
A slap to her face interrupts her sentence.. She feels confused and surprised by his action..
Koharu: ...What are you doing?
Lai: I'm sorry that I abandoned you for your safety.. Twice.. But if Asuna's father got killed just because of me.
He hardens his fists as he gets into his fighting stance.
Lai: I don't think I can allow that. So I'm not letting it happen!!!
Despite she already expected this outcome from the beginning, a part of her still shocked and confused by her partner's decision. Koharu still remains adamant for her decision.
Koharu: You're going to fight me? Just for Asuna's father!?
Lai: She's our friend!! She had gone through the same torture as us and now she's been harassed by Sugou every single day! So I'm not letting her suffer because of us!
Akihiko: Stop it, both of you!!
They both ignore his warning like he doesn't even exist.
Koharu: Fighting you isn't my intention. Please step aside, Lai!
As she approaches to him, Lai shoves her back away from the door. She quickly recovers her balance from her fall.
Lai: If you're still worrying about my injuries. I think you just made a grave mistake.
Koharu: You..!
His expression turns serious as he guards the exit with his body.
Lai: Since you already made your decision, you have to go over my corpse first! KOHARU!
She unsheathes her Karambit before getting into her stance. The advantage of having a weapon on her side doesn't faze Lai at all.
Koharu: Fine then..! I'll just put you down instead!
The boy rushes forward with his punch ready to swing during the first strike.
Koharu weaves to the left from his punch. But he slams back with his back fist after he misses, catching Koharu off guard but manages to block with both arms. Lai cracks his neck and his knuckles as he pumps himself up before going towards her aggressively. Koharu throws a kick to his stomach to shove him away, then throws another to his wounded chest. Inflicting pain on him.
Lai: Ugh!
Able to tolerate the pain, Lai immediately retaliates with a headbutt that knocks against her head with enough damage to stagger her. Then, Lai jumps forward with spinning tornado headbutt to her stomach that push her back.
Koharu: Agh!!
She manages to keep her balance, rushing forward and grabs Lai's hair up as he is trying to get up from the fall. Landing a knee strike to his nose then kick his face up that makes him stand back up unbalance. Lai notices blood drips out from his nose. Shocked by the fact how ruthless Koharu has become, but he still maintains his stance with his bare fists without showing any weakness to her. Lai rushes forward with his arms guarding his upper body. He weaves from her Karambit strike and counters her knee strike that is about to land on his waist to break his guard with an elbow strike. He punches her waist after the counter, then launching a punch to her face directly as soon as she got staggered. Koharu takes her chance to slice his stomach with her Karambit but Lai backsteps away from her right after the punch. She spits out a drip of blood from her mouth.
Koharu: You..!
As Lai closes in, Koharu swings her Karambit to keep her distance since he doesn't any weapon but only bare fists. Lai could only dodge from her blade weapon so far. Koharu starts advancing forward, weaves her upper body away from his counter punch and manages to land a few cuts on him. Lai felt a cold steel just cuts the surface of both legs and his left waist, then he receives a sharp pain from his new injuries. Koharu steps back away from him as he got weakened.
Lai: Ugh!
Koharu: You know you can't win at all! Just give it up!
Lai: Not yet..!! This isn't over!!
Koharu raises her guard up as Lai got enraged while holding up his pain. Blood drips out despite having his hands are applying pressure on his wound. He yells at her, loud enough that echoes through the basement.
Lai: You bastard!
He rushes forward in all out, Koharu dodges the first quick jab and throws back with a knife strike, Lai backsteps away but he counters with a gut punch to her stomach.
Koharu: Agh!
Lai manages to grab on one of her arms while she's on pain. Grabbing her hair and slams her head hard against the wall, then throwing her across the counter with full strength, within the wide gun range area. Lai jumps up from the counter, with his fist ready to plunge down to her with a devastating blow from the falling momentum.
Koharu: !!!
She rolls away his blow from above. As soon as he lands, he rushes forward and brutally kicks her a few feet further away.
Koharu: Ugh!!!
Blood still dripping from his wound, enough to leave trails are left behind him. Lai takes his breath to relax his muscle for minimizing the sharp pain whike Koharu still enduring the pain that she just received from Lai's kick.
Lai: *Huff!*
Akihiko: Stop it! You two!!
His warning ultimately got ignored by the duo as they are busy getting back on their feet.
Koharu: *Cough!* *Cough!* Ugh!!
Lai: I'm sorry that I have to do this...
Able to recover from the pain, she replies in hostile tone as she feels disgusted.
Koharu: I feel insulted hearing that.. After knowing you're standing on their side now.
Her misunderstanding hurts him further as he responds back with much louder tone this time.
Lai: Koharu! I'm not defending him! There must be another way to stop Sugou without harming any of Asuna's family!
Koharu: Then why do you care so much about her?
Lai: It's because I'm doing it for your sake! Do you think you are able to cope with Asuna suffering the loss of her father!? Especially knowing the fact that he died by your own hands!?
Koharu: She still has her mother and a brother! What about me!?
Lai: Isn't it obvious!?
Koharu: ?
Lai: You still have me! You know we're in this together! I promise I will take care of you on behalf for your mother!
She rushes towards him, throwing a big slash with a jump attack. As he dodges away, she closes in with a side spin that able to cut him during her second slash, result the blade grazes his chest, leaving a long cut across his torso. Koharu follows up with a roundhouse kick on his head to stagger him, then a forward kick to his chest that pushes him against wall.
Lai: Ugh!
He weaves away from her Karambit that stabs to the wall. He pushes her away for creating distance. Lai analyzes her leg movement with his guard still on while Koharu is just waiting for him to strike.
Lai: (Her dagger bladework combined with a series of fast kick combos are one hell of a match.)
Koharu: ...
She suddenly launches her attack while he's still in his train of thoughts. Lai snaps out of his mind and rolls around to where her back is with quick reflexes.
Koharu: !?
Before she could retaliate to her behind. Lai throws a straight right punch, follow up with left punch, landing a right punch on her waist before a left kick, he executes a finishing right punch that knocks Koharu down to the ground, then he throws down a frontflip kick directly to her back.
Lai: Take this!
Koharu immediately rolls away that causes his kick to miss. While he's on the ground, Koharu springs back up and takes her chance to land a direct kick to his face. The impact flips him away. Lai quickly recovers his balance from his fall and raises his guard stance against her assault. Koharu effortlessly breaks his stance with a full 360 backflip kick. As soon as she lands, Koharu makes a rush and swiftly throws a precise stab that only slices his waist lightly. Despite the cut is not too deep just as she intended to, but it is enough to weaken him to the ground on his knee.
Lai: Ugh!
Akihiko: Lai!
Koharu sheathes her Karambit back after confirming that he is now weakened.
Koharu: I would've gut you alive if you're just some random street punks, Lai...
Lai: *Pant!* Ugh...!
She watches him groaning in pain as he applies pressure to his wounded waist with just his palm. Guilty by the fact his blood was now spilled by her. She apologizes to him.
Koharu: I'm sorry.. I just want you to live without having any worries.. And I can't afford to lose you too. If I can save you this way, I'm gladly to take all of the burdens we both have carry so far.
Lai: Not yet..!!!
He forcefully stands up on his own, blood starts dripping down from his bloody palm that is pressuring the wound. Lai grits his teeth as he bears with the pain, resume the fight as he gets back into his stance.
Lai: I'm not going down easily!
Shocked by his tenacity, she also gets annoyed by his persistent.
Koharu: Just quit it, will you!?
She approaches him with her Karambit carefully, waiting for his guard to go down since he is injured. As soon as his arm guard creates a gap due to his pain, Koharu dashes forward for the direct assault but Lai swifts around quickly, right to where her back is.
Koharu: The same trick won't work on me!
She swings her arm to her behind, but got blocked and caught by Lai's arm instead. He pulls her towards him and slaps her with the back of his fist. Lai throws five quick succession jabs to her back, follow up with three kicks then he throws a charged kick with his entire left leg, launching her away but Koharu recovers her fall with just forward roll that springs her up back on her own. Koharu rushes forward for counterattack. Lai backsteps away from every knife strikes and kicks she deals. Koharu closes in and uppercuts him but still miss as Lai weaves away again, prioritizing at evasion instead of offensive approach. Koharu closes in again, this time with a full dash towards him.
Lai: !!
Unable to dodge away her grab, Koharu opens her arms apart while dashing forward. Using her forward momentum, she grabs his waist on both sides, spins him around entirely with her whole body and throws him to the ground. He groans in pain as his injured waist got worsen by her grip.
Lai: Ugh...
Bearing the pain from his waist as she walks pass him after being defeated, Lai firmly grabs ahold on one of her legs with all his strength just to stop her. Knowing his desperate attempt to convince her, Koharu simply pauses, avoiding eye contact with him and also without replying anything to him, to cope her hurting feelings and the urge of crying as she is adamant with her decision.
Lai: I'm begging you.. Please don't make this mistake! Koharu...!
Koharu: ...
Hearing his desperate cries, she simply shakes off his grip with her leg. Lai helplessly watches her walks back to the armory until the pain chips away his consciousness completely.
Lai: Ugh...
Knowing she can't hear his voice anymore, Koharu pauses for a while before proceeding back to get her loadout. Koharu still has her regret for hurting him, but that way she can now be parted with him to sacrifice her life for his happiness.
Koharu: I'm sorry, Lai.. I'm not the girl you once knew in the beginning anymore. If ending this chaos makes me a criminal. I'm glad to become one.
As she reaches the door and to upstairs, something strikes on the side of her neck down from her behind.
Koharu: Ugh!
As soon the girl falls unconscious onto the ground, the woman rushes into the shooting range and swiftly vaults over the counter. Seeing Lai who is defeated on the ground, she immediately analyzes his injuries and check his pulse on his neck.
Joyce: Vincent was right, these two almost kill each other out.
Fortunately, a few weak pulse can still detected by her. Joyce carefully carries him to the nearby table to place him down. As for Koharu..
Joyce: You can only blame yourself for almost killing my son.
She drags the unconscious girl to nearby room to lock her down temporarily before treating Lai's injuries.
End of Chapter...
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