Chapter 50: Fate

Japan Standard Time, 3:30pm.. Lai's Apartment Complex in Kashiwa, Chiba.

Upon arriving back to home via the van. As they are about to open the door, they both notice a group of Yakuzas who are trying to invade through the Anti-UV window, all ended up lying around outside the apartment, bruised and beaten badly. They both soon realize that someone's here before them. The duo duck back behind the door as cover while hiding, readying his 9MM pistol and her Desert Eagle respectively.

Koharu: Somebody's here..

Lai: Who could've be here at this hour?

Koharu: Who knows.. Could be your mother paying a visit?

Lai: Possible..

Koharu: Tsk.. She's gonna break one of my arm for sure. You should go deal with her.

Lai: Don't worry, she's not hostile. I believed it's just a misunderstanding last time.

Koharu: I will cover you and keep check any of these Yakuza bastards who are still alive around.

Lai: Thanks.

Despite his injuries, Lai opens one of the door and jumps out from the car with his handgun raised in front of him. Carefully proceed to check the beaten up Yakuzas one by one, only to know all of them are merely got knocked out and lost their consciousness. A man got launched out from the main entrance of the Apartment which Lai dodges away from.

Lai: What the...?

In front of him where the man got kicked out from. He notices a familiar figure and immediately recognizes that it's his father, Vincent.

Lai: Dad!?

Looking at his father, Lai feels different vibe just from his expression. The once confident and carefree father that Lai commonly seen is now gone. Only a serious, calm and a grin with a cruelty mindset behind his face.

Vincent: Oh.. It's you.. Kento..

Observing his father, he notices both of his spiked brass knuckles are dripping blood. Obvious enough that he had rough up a few Yakuzas pretty hard before Lai and Koharu even arrived.

Lai: You picked the worst time here, dad..

The man chuckles.

Vincent: Nah, it's the opposite.. I haven't rough up some street trash this hard. Especially it pisses me off when the law went to crap like this.

Lai: So what are you doing here?

He takes one of his brass knuckles off. Cracking one of his fist on its own.

Vincent: I was just checking out this place with some time left after my dealings before I leave this sorry city called "Tokyo". But..

Suddenly, Lai feels a heavy blunt trauma on his stomach. A gut punch causes him vomit out blood.

Lai: Argh!! Ugh!!!

The pain causes him to kneel down in front of Vincent while holding his pain.

Vincent: Why go playing hero in this world too, if you almost got yourself killed..? You clearly know Yakuza aren't the type to be easily messing with..

A door got kicked open from the van, Koharu immediately aims at Vincent's head with her Deagle regardless of the fact he is the father of Lai. Lai raises his hand up to stop her while still kneeling.

Lai: Wait! Koharu!

Despite with a gun pointed at him and the girl refuses to elaborate with a cold-blooded face. Vincent examines his partner, sighing by the fact that she got involved deeply as well.

Vincent: Now that's just great..

Venting his anger without letting out his emotion, he unsheathes a combat knife from his jacket and grabs a weakened Yakuza up by the hair, instantly cutting off the entire hand of the man without any effort. Blood spills out like geyser all around.

Yakuza: Ugh! Ahhh! Ahhh!!!

Koharu witnesses the scream of fear and pain from the man before his inevitable death terrifies the duo..

Koharu: !!

Lai: !!

Vincent: Cutting off fingers and writing papers with blood are just part of the Yakuza's old fashioned tradition. But I prefer cutting off their hand and paint the paper. A picture worths a thousand words after all.

His cruel jokes left them both silent. Lai tries to reason with him.

Lai: We had no choice. Koharu almost lost her mother..

Vincent: No, you got it wrong. Plus, I think that should be more reason for you to bring her to safety, isn't it?

Lai: Like you said, Tokyo is now become a sorry place that nowhere is safe now. Especially being hunted by Yakuza.

Vincent: You do got a point. I really do agree with Joyce and letting you defend yourself with all the firearms I've left for you. But about that single night, does this Seitoku University rings a bell to both of your ears?

Koharu: !!

Lai: That's-!! Wait!!

Before he could explain, Vincent grabs Lai entirely by the clothes and pins him against the van, pressuring very hard with both hands, to the point that the spikes of his brass knuckles start digging into the flesh of his chest, gripping tight of his clothes as his dad doesn't want to let go at all. Koharu got horrified by the scene where Lai helplessly screaming and got overpowered by his father.

Koharu: Lai!!

Vincent: But that doesn't mean you can go on with your killing spree!!

The pressure gets more intense to the point it's slowly crushing Lai. The boy struggles to get off as he keeps swinging his legs. Grabbing his father's arm which is pinning against him with.

Lai: Ugh...! Agh!!

Koharu: Stop! You're crushing him!

His enraged tone gets more louder and more intimidating, overwhelmed Koharu's voice.

Vincent: Those were teachers and young students!!! They ARE innocents! You think you're saving Japan just by eliminating their lives all you want!?

Lai: W-Wait! Dad!!

Koharu, who has seen this familiar situation multiple times, which she helplessly watches her partner's life on danger. It pushes her to her edge. She raises her gun at Vincent while he was focusing on his son.

Koharu: Don't...

The image of her deceased partner with two familiar blades that got stuck behind his back flashes through her mind. Koharu recognizes both of the blades are belonged to Heathcliff's and Laughing Coffin's respectively. She grits her teeth hard, blood starts boiling up in her vein as she plants her finger to the trigger and fire without any hesitation.

Koharu: To hell with this!!!


A loud gunshot frozes Vincent, loosen his grip as he turns his view to aside. He notices Koharu is now pointing at him with her Deagle. Ready to fire another shot point blank at him.

Vincent: Did you just..

Koharu: Those people were after our lives!! How the hell are we supposed to do!?

Vincent: Huh?

Koharu: Tokyo has fallen into a state where people attacking people! And you people overseas are watching this mess, watching us fighting for our lives against people and you don't have the right to judge us!

Vincent: ...So what are you gonna do? After proving such a point..?

Refusing to reply, Koharu rushes towards him while unsheathes her Karambit. Vincent throws a straight kick while still pinning down Lai but Koharu dodges it to the side, her quick reflex catches the man's leg with her arm and immediately plants the tip of the blade to Vincent's knee cap.

Vincent: !!

Koharu: Kill him and kiss your goodbye to your knee!

Lai: Koharu...! Stop..!

The three of them are now in a middle of intense mind game as Koharu trades the knee for his partner, neither of them wanted to go soft in the end. Vincent eventually cools down and releases Lai from the pin, falls down onto the ground while Koharu releases Vincent's leg from her arm. Vincent throws his last compliment before taking his leave.

Vincent: You sure got a decent girl.. Her fierce gaze reminds of your mother. Also, I suggest you two rest up if you don't wish to see me mad again. I'll be doing some "social working" while I still got the time.

Lai: Ugh...

The man leans in until he reaches near to Lai's ear, whispering.

Vincent: You better start praying for miracle that you don't go insane from all the deaths you have caused in this world for the rest of your life, I don't give a sh*t if it's some random punks or Yakuza, etc.. But if I ever see an innocent soul dies by your hand, you best hope you can survive on the street for the rest of your life.

Lai: !!

The man releases his son from the pin, Lai falls onto the ground while Vincent takes his leave and bids his farewell to them like nothing has ever happened. Koharu immediately drops her handgun and rushes to her partner's side for assist, carrying him over her shoulder with all of her strength. Lai starts coughing, having trouble breathing as he couldn't bear the intense pain from his wounded chest while simultaneously bleeding out from his already bloodied shirt.

Lai: *Cough!* *Cough!*

Koharu: Lai!! Hang in there!

Lai: Ugh...!

Koharu realizes Lai has reached his limit from bearing too much pain and punishment he could take, as she notices he barely keeps his eyes open. Showing signs that he is about to pass out.

Lai: Sorry... Koharu..

Koharu: Lai!! Wake up!! Don't go passing out on me!!

She could feel his grip slowly losing on her shoulder until she can't feel the grip anymore, he inevitably falls down to the ground in front of her. Koharu calls out to him.

Koharu: Lai!!!

Grabbing by his hand, she could not feel his grip anymore. She could feel her hands are starting to shake. Worse is, the one Vincent had beaten up were just woken up, all slowly standing up in front of her who is alone now with her unconscious partner. Despite being panicked, the sight of their presence is enough to cause Koharu gritting her teeth hard and clenches her fists tight as her rising rage and grief invades her mind. The horror of Koharu's cruelty begins as she grabs her MG42 from her back, kicking off a pistol away from a Yakuza who is trying to grab it. She stomps on his hand, crushing the bone with a few twists from her foot. With her LMG pointing at his head point blank, he could feel the wrath of Koharu's anger.

Koharu: All of you...!! I'm gonna paint the sidewalk with your blood!!

Then, she pulls the trigger..


The sound of a machine gun roars through the street as she starts butchering all of the Yakuzas around her, reducing them into meat sludges. The gun relentlessly eating up the ammo belt from her backpack full of ammo and scattering all the casings around her while spewing out a devastating line of fire that shreds through flesh just from sweeping across with the gun. Blood splashes out from flesh by bullets. Her continuous fire without ever releasing the trigger, the gun's high rate of fire eventually empties the backpack's ammo, but yet Koharu still pulling the trigger despite the gun only respond with a click. Venting out the rest of her anger, she screams out to the sky in pure grief and rage.


Her scream dies down slowly as she gradually feels despair. Koharu eventually kneels down onto the bloody ground in front of her partner who is unconscious, her MG42 eventually slips out from her hand as she loses her grip, drops onto the ground with a large clanking sound. Both of them are stained with the blood of the others she had killed. Seeing her partner motionlessly lying on the ground and temporarily out of combat, she is now back on her own now. She cries out silently, blaming herself.

Koharu: I'm alone now.. Again.. And again.

She stares at her hands which both are completely stained with blood. Her face expression turns blank.. Shutting her mind off for meditation as she stares at her partner and gently rubs his cheek with her bloody thumb. She becomes calm quickly as her mind drifts into much darker place while dragging him back to the apartment.

Japan Standard Time, 4:00pm. Lai's Apartment Complex,

After dragging unconscious Lai back to the Apartment and lie him down onto the sofa carefully, she brings out any necessary medical supplies to his need. Ignoring any negative feelings she feels, she was able to focus on his injuries. She cleans up all of his wounds with ointment and patch his wound up with the bandage around his chest. She also absorbs the blood out from inside the hole of his gum where his teeth are lost with a few cottons. Finally, she applies several ice packs for the bruises to avoid inflammation and swelling. After she did what she could on his injuries, Lai still shows no sign of movement. Koharu mumbles under her breath and doesn't care if someone hear it or not.

Koharu: Please.. Take a rest.. You've done enough..

She becomes calm as her mind drifts into much darker place. Only her blank expression surface up from her face.

"My dear..."

Then, she heads back to her room. Continue what she had left off in ALO.

Alfheim Online, Cait Sith's Capital.

Upon logging in with her Cait Sith avatar, she realizes herself in front of the Capital and just remembers what her current objective is. Then, she notices a message icon appears in front of her. Showing the content of the message written by Keita after tapping it.


Due to time inconvenience, Yuuki and I are escorting the leader of the Cait Sith, Alicia. To the location where the Sylph and Cait Sith are signing their peace treaty. It's just at the World Tree, near the Butterfly Valley where we went through.

She closes her eyes as she swipes the message away.

Koharu: (Keita... I hope I'm not too late for this. I'll bury every Salamanders if something happens to you and Yuuki.)

Sharpening all her bladed weapons is always one of her top priorities as soon as she opens her equipment in the inventory menu, before start stocking up her healing items and other buff potions and food she can get. As she organizes her items in the inventory, Akihiko links up his communication with Koharu.

Akihiko: Koharu.. Do you have time?

Koharu: I'm listening..

Akihiko: Where are you heading now?

Koharu: Back to the World Tree.. Their peace talk should be there near the Butterfly Valley.

Akihiko: So... How are you feeling now?

Koharu: Huh?

Confused by his concern, Koharu still remains cautious and clinging her leftover grudge towards him in her mind.

Koharu: Why do you even care?

Akihiko: I witnessed what happened to him.. I feel sorry for what he had gone through.

Koharu: Save your sorry.. I can't even forget how you drag us into your mess in the first place.

Akihiko: ...Do you always bring this up?

Koharu: Every morning, whenever I wake up and question myself about how me and Lai had gotten into this huge mess in the first place, your presence always surface up in my mind, I can't think anything else but to hold a grudge against you, it's just become something that I can't even control. Just please leave me alone and take care of him..

Akihiko: ...

Despite her hate towards him, Akihiko can only accept it as he still has clear conscience about the fact that the entire mess was his fault after all and also feeling guilty about it.

Akihiko: Understandable.. Koharu..

Koharu: ...Anything else you want to say?

Akihiko: I want you to take this as my request.. Don't go too overboard. That's all I could ask from you, for Lai's sake..

Koharu: ...

Akihiko: You may always see me as Heathcliff in SAO as much as you want to. But I want you to know that the fact I'm now nothing but just a lost soul and I only bear intentions that can benefit for you and Lai's health in any way.

His words somehow carries comfort that calms Koharu's mind as she knows she still has someone as her ally.

Koharu: ...I see..

Akihiko: I'll update you about Lai's status if anything happens.

Without any reply from Koharu, Akihiko went quiet and took his leave. Leaving Koharu who is still speechless..

Koharu: (Is it all true..? From the bottom of his heart?)

Her heart felt reassuring a bit. She resumes back to her objective after organizing her items. Akihiko still worries about her mental condition.

Akihiko: (I have a hunch that this isn't going great later.)

Meanwhile... World Tree, Titania's cage in Floating City.

Asuna Yuuki, who is now a damsel in distress, stuck in a fairy queen avatar named Titania and also trapped by Sugou in a giant birdcage. Despite down below is nothing but only an endless clouds that blocks her view, she hopelessly stares down from her cage until the door of the birdcage. But it doesn't surprise her anymore as she expects Sugou is the only one who visits the cage in his King Oberon avatar.

Asuna: ...!?

Sugou: Enjoying the view like always, Titania?

Asuna: I told you to stop calling me that, Sugou..

The man gradually walks to her side. Asuna couldn't do anything but to mentally raise up her guard as she prepares to endure another torturing event from him.

Asuna: Ugh..!

Sugou: Still resisting, huh? You're no fun.. You know in this world, I'm the Fairy King, Oberon. And you are the queen, Titania.

Asuna: You're wrong.. I'm still Asuna Yuuki myself.. Aren't you wasting your time trying to convince me to be by your side, especially in a child's roleplay as someone who doesn't even exist?

The system administrator only reacts with a chuckle to her insult.

Sugou: Hmph... Who said human can't have imaginations and fantasies. Especially for male who wants to take woman he lusts for by force.

Asuna: You're disgusting!

Sugou: Plus, Titania and Oberon. Doesn't it rings a bell to you? It's a reference to a play which created by William Shakespeare. Don't you think that's a nice touch? I believe you watched it when you were young.

After finishing his sentence, one of his hands already grips onto the string that is part of her avatar clothes. Slowly loosening the knot which will cause her clothes to drop. Asuna warns him about his action.

Asuna: You know I'm still a minor, right? You won't get away with this if my father knows!

Sugou: Ha! Even if I did get caught, I will make sure you enjoyed it, every last bit of it.

As he is about to loosen the knot, he let go of it and chuckles arrogantly.

Sugou: Like I said before, I wouldn't be forceful. I will make sure you will be the one coming after me.

Asuna: In your dreams..

Sugou: Yeah, yeah.. I will be leaving now, Titania. Consider yourself lucky that I'm busy today.

He walks away from Asuna. The girl let out a silent relief as she watches him heading to the door.

Asuna: ...

When she thought it's the end, Sugou decides to spill the bean about what happened to her friends.

Sugou: I think I can still spare a few minutes for some context about your friends.

Asuna: Huh?

Sugou: Lai and Koharu.. Right? They're probably in much deeper trouble than you as we speak.

Asuna: What do you mean by that?

He smirks as he talks about them.

Sugou: They were supposed to become my finest test subjects for this project. Unfortunately, they chose to resist their inevitable fate and both of them are now suffering more than you do right now. You should be thankful that you're my fiance.

She gasps as she never thought her friends also involved back in his mess.

Asuna: Wha.. What have you done to them!?

He chuckles proudly.

Sugou: I merely just cooperate with some yakuzas from the underworld and now the leader became my right hand man. As long as thousands or even more of those oh so simple-minded goons are hunting their heads. Those two nobodies can't do anything but to fight all of them back, to the point they wish they would be better off dead anyway since they had murdered a lot of men in these past couple of days. Just like what they had done in SAO...

Her eyes widened as she remembers the horrible scenes where they kill a lot of KoB members and tons of ALF Members.

Asuna: You...! You're a monster!!!

Then, he laughs manically as he is now delighted to see Asuna having breakdown after knowing what happened to them.

Sugou: Ahaha!!! That's the best reaction from such a serene face!!

Asuna: They're innocent! You can come at me whatever you want! Why dragging them in this!?

Sugou: Innocent? They selfishly murdered other players for fun and pleasure. Does every human being in this world to even see them as the same species despite what they had done?

Sugou: Why? They wouldn't even get involved in all this fighting if they knew their rightful place in the beginning. Seriously tho.. Fighting against such things as inevitable fate that I have offer them as a god is the dumbest decisions that any humans has ever made and it's actually pretty funny for me. But.. The truth is, making them to kill as many as possible is also part of my plan actually..

Asuna: !!

Sugou: I can imagine them slowly losing their sanity because of the deaths they had caused. It'd be thrilling if I get to watch them killing each other off after they finally went insane. And even they somehow survived, regardless of the endings they might have, their lives are already and utterly ruined forever. Every people in the real world will hate them for eternity, so much that the world will no longer accept their existence as normal human beings...! Such pitiful and pathetic creatures like them are the biggest scum of the earth that I, the Fairy King, the absolute genius must wipe out for the better future! Hehehahaha!!!!

His evil laugh drives her mad.

Asuna: Stop making fun of them! They're the one who saved me and others from SAO!

Like rubbing salt to her wound, he sarcastically reminds her about their deeds.

Sugou: But they caused a lot of deaths.. Thousands of lives were sacrificed because of their unjustified killings. This isn't morally right for you to defend such serial killers. A girl like you whom born in a rich family shouldn't even give thoughts for those low life scum.

Labeling her friends as murderers drives her mentally crazy. She yells as she wants to justify their kills.

Asuna: That's not true! Akihiko Kayaba did all that! The Laughing Coffin did all that! And now you're the one who did all this!! YOU'RE THE MURDERER!!!

Despite being yelled at, he simply ignores her and smirks and being arrogantly cocky as usual.

Sugou: Say what you want about us and your friends. In everyone's perspective, we're the innocents here. I'm merely just building my own world as the system admin and letting the players to enjoy the game as much as I do.. As for them, we will visit them at the pacific ocean, where their graves are! That's what happened to them for disrespecting such god like me!

Asuna: Tsk!!

Being angry but ultimately feeling hopeless, she kneels down in front of Sugou, clenching her fist as she feels frustrated.. Realizing that both virtual worlds and reality were never treated them fair even once in these two years of their suffering. She can't even imagine their situations in the real life. All she can imagine is them dying in the most brutal way possible. In the meantime, Sugou enjoys torturing Asuna mentally.

Sugou: Aww... Don't be so sad, ruining your face will just turns me on instead.. My cute Titania. You will feel in bliss eventually, I can promise you that as a true gentleman.

Finally he left the cage after having his eye scanned by the security's biometric detection. Leaving Asuna alone and desperate..

Asuna: Lai.. Koharu... I'm so sorry...!

But before he steps out from the cage, he turns around..

Sugou: Oh yeah.. I forgot about this..! Koharu has been playing the game for just a few days ago. She's probably trying to unite races to beat the Grand Quest right now.

Her friend presence sparks a hope inside her, but yet doubtful since she's hearing it from someone like Sugou.

Asuna: Huh?

Sugou: Hmph.. It's true.. I wouldn't lie to my queen like this. It's real that Koharu's here alone, most likely planning to finish the Grand quest in the World Tree, where we have our fun~

Asuna: You better hope she doesn't break you into pieces.

Sugou: But there's one catch.. Even the Grand Quest is cleared somehow, I had set the door locked and it's inaccessible for anyone except the System Administrator. As for the player's ragequit after finding out, I'll just use my brainwash project to force them back in. Turning this world into a paradise for men!

Asuna: You..!

Sugou: Gyahahaha!!! Imagine her reaction when she reached the door! She can't help but to watch me breed you so hard that Kirito would choose to kill himself!

Asuna: You're despised piece of crap!

Sugou: How's that feel when you had your hopes, just to get crushed by someone superior than any human beings?


Lashing out on Sugou, Asuna managed to get a slap on his face. Sugou feels surprised but soon enraged and ended up throw a punch to her face, knocking her back to the bed.

Sugou: Crazy wretch! Better be glad I haven't break your mind yet!

The Admin furiously left the cage, leaving Asuna sobbing on the bed. But also holding anger and wishing for the duo..

Asuna: Kill them all.. You two...

As he was just came out from the cage, a slug-like guard got his attention for status report. Showing Koharu parkours through Butterfly Valley and also a large group of Salamanders flying to the same area where the conference is as well.

Sugou: Now this is getting interesting.. Let's see how your friends handle your true self..

Japan Standard Time, 4:15pm.. Record Room in Police Headquarters.

The detective is now investigating about the ALO. Suddenly, she got surprised by a door knock from her husband.

Vincent: Yo!

Joyce: What brings you here? You know this isn't an area for civilian.

Vincent: Well, they're too busy to even notice me at times like this. So may as well just welcome myself in.

Then, he falls down onto the couch to relax himself. Without wasting any second, the detective gets to the point with her husband while browsing through the files related to the Python Clan.

Joyce: What is the situation at the Apartment?

Vincent: ...

He went silent for a while.. Only a sigh is what he can let out before the apology.

Vincent: I might've gone overboard this time to be honest.. I'm.. Sorry about that..

Joyce: ...

Judging by his tone, she could already tell what he had done to Lai despite not knowing how severe the punishment Lai had received. She tries to make him understand his son's situation.

Joyce: Do you think what happened to them right now can still be called as fate?

Vincent: I hope you're joking, Joyce.. Because it's not funny since it involves their lives.

Joyce: I know.. That's what I would answer too.

Vincent: You should be asking that who's in the control right now. Is Fate really the one that led them to this state, or the other way around? Do they bow to their fate or do they choose to fight against fate?

Joyce: Huh?

Vincent: Everyone get to choose whatever they wish to be. But if they don't fight against what the fate had set for them to be. They may as well abandon their dreams. They chose to do this because they refuse to die. Plus, they're just like us, Lai and the girl aren't the type to back down easily, even when killing is necessary at this point. As for us, we may as well help them out secretly.

Joyce: It's a risky plan. What if they know you're planning on hitting them as well? The reputation you've built might be ruined.

Vincent: Like I'd give a single sh*t about that at this point. If that can draw their attentions to me and lighten up the burden they're carrying instead. That's the risk I'm willing to take. They should focus on their main objective.

Joyce: Right.. The project..

He stands up after feeling himself rested enough.

Vincent: So you're not coming with me?

Joyce: Sorry, a detective can't go on shooting people blindly and just brush it off as self-defense. But I will provide info about the clan's families and the protestors that got connection with them, along with their whereabouts.

Vincent: Aw come on.. You're ruining the fun. I genuinely thought it might be a chance to go out with you.

She chuckles..

Joyce: Maybe next time. I wish I could fight with you..

Meanwhile... Green Plain Cliff near the Butterfly Valley..

During conference about peace treaty of two peaceful races, the Sylph and the Cait Sith. Sakuya, the leader of the Sylph is satisfied about the deal that the leader of the Cait Sith, Alicia Rue has offered.

Sakuya: I'm surprised this conference went pretty well, Alicia.. Surely you didn't pull any sort of strings?

Alicia: Heh very funny, but I figured that was a predictable response from someone like you, Saluya. My people may have a few conflicts with yours in the past but both of our races has been in a very good term for a few of months. So it's normal that this conference went naturally well.

During their peaceful talk.. Meanwhile, Keita and Yuuki are currently keeping their eyes on nearby players while guarding beside Alicia, both spotted nothing on the sky so far. But Yuuki starts to feel impatient about Koharu's absence as more time passes.

Yuuki: Aww! Where is Koharu!? She knows this conference is vital for all of us!

Keita: I get a feeling she won't be here on time. But I believe she must've read the message I sent.

Yuuki: Looks like we have to rely on ourselves.

Keita: Yeah, thanks to the checkpoint being destroyed by Koharu. We managed to escort the leaders to the destination. This conference going so far so good.

Yuuki: But why choosing a place like this? Players from other races might come attack us.

Keita: If both side wants to be fair, I guess this place is the most suitable venue without stepping into each other's territory.

Yuuki: That makes sense..

Cait Sith Guard: Incoming!! A massive force of Salamander are approaching!

Keita and Yuuki: Huh!?

A guard suddenly alerts everyone in the area. Thus, abruptly interrupted the conference. The leaders and the members raises their guard up as they realized the massive army of Salamanders slowly approaching to their conference venue.

Sakuya: Why I'm not surprised..

Alicia: But if they managed to get through my guards with that many alive.. The one's in command must be..

As the Salamander's massive forces eventually stop their tracks in the air, right front of the conference, a player surface up among the army as the troop step aside for their leader to speak up. With legendary gears equipped and his appearances that is easily recognized by many players, Alicia reveals his identities in disgusted tone.

Alicia: Of course, Mortimer... Tsk.. I guess that means Eugene is also here..

The leader of Sylph stands up to confront Mortimer..

Sakuya: What is the meeting of this, Mortimer?

Mortimer: I'm here to settle all the accounts between the Salamander and the Cait Sith. But since I heard you're forming alliance with them, Sakuya. I guess that's two races to get rid of. Talking about killing two birds with one stone.

Eugene: That's right.. And I will be the one who does the killing.. But I'm waiting for someone else before I start the butchering your race, Alicia..

Alicia: What do you mean!?

The Commander raises his voice as he is pissed.

Eugene: Stop with your pathetic acting..! I heard there's a certain Cait Sith player that has been rampaging on my men. With both leaders surrounded by a thousand of Salamanders. I doubt she'd be sitting duck on this one. Or perhaps she's escaping because she's a coward.

His insult towards Koharu made Yuuki's blood boils.

Yuuki: What did you say!? You don't disrespect Koharu like this!

Keita: Yuuki! What are you doing!?

Her retort gains the Salamander's attention, including the Leader and the General. Keita tries to stop her from antagonizing them.

Eugene: Oh? So you know her?

Yuuki: You're right! I was there with her, massacring your lackeys.

Keita: Yuuki! Are you gonna get us killed!?

Eugene: Hmph! Too bad I ain't waiting just to fight you.

Yuuki: Just come down here for a fair duel then! Or are you chickening out!?

Eugene: No, because you're worthless.

Yuuki: Huh?

Eugene: Do you really think you had fought alongside with her and then I will expect you are as strong as her? Don't make me laugh.

Yuuki: You..!!

Snapped by his insults, Yuuki unsheathes her Obsidian Breaker sword and springs forward up from the ground in a large distance to the air. A squad of three Assault-class players rush forward to encounter the incoming Yuuki who is aiming at the General. Yuuki dodges a slash from one of them, using their avatar to boost her flying speed further and saving her stamina for fighting against General Eugene.

Yuuki: Don't underestimate me!!

As her sword is about to strike at the General who is just floating still, Eugene simply swings a two-handed sword down. But Yuuki dodges it and lands a quick jab at his waist, next on the chest and then swings down with her entire leg from above after a frontflip directly on the head that makes Eugene bows down a bit. Without letting him to rest, she swings a kick on the head.

Yuuki: Eat this!


The kick didn't connect to Eugene's head, but instead the leg is now caught by his hand. Now grabbing one of her leg, he spins her avatar entirely and shoots several kicks on her back where her most vulnerable part is.

Yuuki: Ugh!!

He grabs her avatar entirely and brutally slams her back down on his knee.

Yuuki: Aaggh!!!

Then, he throws her back straight to where the leaders and Keita are. Fortunately, both leaders manages to feather her fall with their protective shields. Keita rushes up to Yuuki and starts healing her.

Keita: Yuuki!! Are you okay!?

Yuuki: That was a cheap shot!

Sakuya: As I expected from the strongest player of ALO. He is a master in both ground and air combat capabilities, along with tactics that exploits his opponent's avatar body part. With his toughness and attack power, along with his quick reflexes. He's basically has zero weakness in any part of his avatar. Not to mention his two-handed sword, the Demonic Sword Gram.

Keita: Not even Yuuki is fast enough to outrun his reflex. Nor breaking his armor.

Eugene: Did I proved my point? That you're inferior to me.

Yuuki: Damn you!!

Eugene: I had fought 100 of my men, handpicked by me just for the sake of my training. You think your duel is enough to match-

Mortimer: Enough..

Eugene: Eh?

The Salamander leader halts their conversation with his hand raised.

Mortimer: Spare your flexing, General Eugene. I think we had wasted enough of time so let's just kill them all.. We're not waiting for her or else the reinforcement will arrive. That would be embarrassing.

Eugene: Ugh.. That was disappointing..

Without wasting much time, a hand signal from the General is enough to command the entire force to launch their attack on the conference. But before the whole army strikes. A bullet speed fast hits the ground and creates a short duration of smoke. It reveals a spriggan and a sylph as the smoke disappeared.

Keita: That appearance!

???: Sheath your weapons! All of you!

The surprising entry shocks everyone in the area. Keita eventually recognizes the voice of the Spriggan.

Keita: It can't be..! Kirito!? Leafa!?

The player turns around with a confidence look. Seeing a familiar face in such desperate moment sparks a hope in his mind.

Kirito: Long time no see, Keita..

Leafa: That was unexpected..

Keita: Yeah.. But not at times like this..

Kirito: Of course..

They both face towards the army of Salamanders who are ready to attack them. But Eugene pauses the assault and casually ask about the spriggan's presence.

Eugene: What's a spriggan like you doing here?

Kirito: Mind if I have a word with you?

Eugene: Regardless of what you say, I'm still going to kill you all. But gor your bravery, I might as well hear what you say before your death.

Kirito: My name is Kirito. And I'm an-


Kirito: Ugh!?

In the next second, the General flies in high speed and brutally drills a punch into Kirito's guts. Sending him off far from him by the knockback, Eugene follows up with a few heavy slashes with his Two-handed Sword on Kirito's body. Kirito recovers his balance in the air but Eugene's strikes phase through Kirito's and inevitably sends him crashing into the cliff.

Keita and Leafa: Kirito!!

The General rushes back to the conference and targets Leafa next. His strike is strong enough to also send Leafa away who couldn't fast enough to react such strike.

Keita: Leafa!!!

With two intruders temporarily out of action, General Eugene stares at the remaining survivors who is now in fear and also hopeless as they all couldn't escape the massacre.

Keita: You said you would listen!!

Eugene: I said I might listen.. But unfortunately, time isn't enough for us.

Sakuya: Ugh..

Alicia: With such General in the Salamander race, no wonder we all hated you.

Eugene: ...

Without wasting any time, he lifts the sword pointing down, ready to stab Yuuki along with Keita who shielding her with his body.

Eugene: This is so boringly easy..

Then, as his sword strikes down.. In the nick of the time, a hand grabs onto the blade, effortlessly stops the sword before the tip even touches Keita's body.


Eugene: Hm?

He turns to look at an unknown Cait Sith player who just interrupted his execution. With her back facing at him, Eugene can't get a visual on her face. But he starts disrespect her as soon as he notices the two-handed sword on her back is just a newbie level type equipment. Noticing he didn't get stabbed down by the blade, the Undine looks turns around and sees Koharu in a blank expression.

Keita: Koharu!?

Eugene: Another newbie joins in, just to die like damn idiot. Players these days don't recognize their place.

Despite his insult, Koharu ignores him and refuses to let go of the sword. As both Sylph and Cait Sith leaders gets to notice her face, her blank but yet depressed expression are the only thing they can see, but yet.. They both receive a bad feeling from her, like an unknown danger aura surrounds her that is about to unleash.

Sakuya: What in the world...?

Alicia: What the...!?

After a few seconds of silence from both sides, the player finally replies to the General.

Koharu: ..."Please"..

Eugene: Huh?

Koharu: I'm on the edge of my sanity.. So... "Please" ... Do not piss me off.. I can promise you that.. This will be your last day you see me.

Eugene: Don't come blaming me when you're having a sh*t day. I don't give a damn about it.

Koharu: ...

She tightens her grip, hard enough to make a small crack on his Two-Handed Sword. Her gritting teeth starts revealing out as her hands are clenching and trembling with anger. Like a crack to the sword, her mind and her sanity finally snaps.

*Small crack!*

Koharu: So be it then..! You pathetic piece of f*cking trash!

Eugene: You..!

He tries to pull his sword out from her grip but ultimately couldn't even make a budge.

Eugene: !?


Wasting no time, the girl shoots a straight fist to the stomach, drilling through his whole armor until it makes a dent into his flesh. Next, the strike launches the General directly back to the army. The launch's bullet fast speed with the General as the projectile, the result causes a huge collateral damage against the players who's in the projectile's range. Some of them are already defeated and turns into remain lights. She turns around, revealing her raging expression and yells at the top of her lung, screaming in anger to the sky. Both leaders gasp by the result of her immense strength and her rising rage.

Koharu: Like roaches to the slaughter!!! IT'LL TAKE MORE THAN A FEW BUGS TO STOP ME!!!

The roar of her cries manages to intimidate a lot of players who already knew what she's capable of, especially what she just did to the General.

Mortimer: This girl's got a screw loose..

Salamander Mage: She's crazy!

Salamander Assault: You..! You don't stand a chance, girl!

She verbally retaliates back with a more threatening response.

Koharu: You scumbags don't even add to my body count! NOW OUT OF MY WAY, YOU MEAT SACKS!!!

Mortimer: What are you waiting for!? Get her!

With Mortimer's command, a squad engaging to her one by one. With high level mages and archers supporting the assault squads. She taunts them with a pure threat that strikes fear deep into the heart of her enemies.


She violently jumps out from the ground, leaving a crack from it. Using the squad's body to boost her jump one by one to get closer to the massive army. She also brutalizes every single engaging enemies with a huge slice on their necks that leaves them instant death with just her Kunai. The soldiers behind her are now bursting out blood and become remain lights. With expert acrobatics and lightning speed, she effortlessly dodges a tons of arrows and magic projectiles while also utilizing the projectiles to cause some friendly fire by just using any players who are within her grab as her meatshield. As the shield players raises their guard up before she could force herself into the army. She grabs her Two-Handed Iron Sword as she approaches the shield players.

Koharu: OUT OF MY WAY!!!

*Clank!* *Boom!*

She swings it very hard that a brutal force pushes every shielders away to her left upon making contact. With guard being broken, she shoots a string that ties up a player and starts reeling herself towards her target until she gets a grip on his neck. She could not care about being surrounded as she had suffered such similar fate with much worse state. Grabbing and ripping out his jaw, then his entire head with his spine still attached. Finally, snapping the body of the player in half with just her bare hands. She looks around her, noticing she's been surrounded by the army. She yells out in madness as she thirst for blood.

Koharu: You think that thousand of you had trapped me!!? YOU ALL ARE TRAPPED HERE WITH ME INSTEAD!!! JUST LIKE IN SAO!!!

Her war cry makes the soldier creates distance gap from her. But Koharu closes up to one of them before starting her butchering as she boosts forward while swinging her blade.


Each of her horizontal slashes with two-handed manages to kill a few players in her range. Causing the army to scatter out in the air to get a visual on her while avoiding friendly fire. And as for Eugene, who just recovered from the wound, flies back and swings his sword with a continuous combo slash at her. She keeps flying backward and dodges every single one of the attack that Eugene can lash out on her.

Eugene: You crazy lil-!!

*Tush!* *Tush!* *Kick!*

To dodge his heavy slash, she gets closer and below his ginormous avatar where she's out of his range instead. Her evil smile intimidates even the General.

Eugene: !?

She gut punches him for a few times that causes him to vomit, follow up with a knee strike to the face then launch a very fast roundhouse kick on his head as soon as he bows down. Eugene manages to grab her tail as soon as her back exposes to him during her kick.

Koharu: !?

An upper kick shoots out from her behind with her entire left leg. Eugene dodges his head aside but her left leg follows up with a slam onto his face from the side. He adamantly continues to grab onto her tail and shakes her around to make her visually faint. As she's now upside down, Eugene swings his Demonic Sword Gram at her who tries to block it with her sword. Her cat-like reflexes comes into her play as she notices the blade phase through her sword.

Koharu: !?

Eugene: Got you!!


Instead of slashing her face in half, she manages to bite the blade with just her teeth. Ultimately stopping the blade.

Eugene: What!?

As she faces him in upside down position, her widened-eye expression with an enraging face terrorizes him. She pulls out a double-barrel shotgun and blast him in point blank range straight at his chest.


The full blast of the shotgun repels him away and releases her tail and his sword. As he is now defenseless, she rushes forward to stab him with his own sword.


Releasing the blade as the tip already penetrated through his avatar. She launches a knee strike that plunges the Demonic Sword Gram deeper into his guts. Then, she kicks the sword even deeper until the handguard hits his stomach.

Eugene: Ugh!!

She quickly stabs him with 8 Kunais in total from both of her fists that serves as claws, right on the chest. Next, she throws him straight to the ground after a few swings for momentum increase. Along throwing two Titan Shurikens that pins both of Eugene's arms to the ground before all the Kunai's explosive tag papers blows him completely.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

His quick defeat shocks the entire army, including Mortimer who is still in the command. Koharu resumes to her genocide crusade against the army. Wielding both her Mana-Tech Rifle and her Moonkiss at the same time. Just like she did to the battleship raid, slashing each players she flies pass by, one-handedly gunning down anyone within her sight in rapid fire. Sakuya and the others are now shocked by an unknown Cait Sith player.

Sakuya: Impossible..!

Alicia: The General is defeated just like that!?

Keita: This is bad..! She's out of control!

Alicia: Huh?

Both leaders notice the Undine's worries about his friend. Alicia asks him.

Alicia: What do you mean by this, Keita!? What is she!?

Sakuya: I afraid there's no time for explanation.. Alicia.

Alicia: How!?

Sakuya: Look at the battle..

A panicked Salamander tries to log out as his retreat during the fight. But eventually, his chest got stabbed and gutted widely by her Kunai, ended up being demolished by her cannon as well and blowing up his whole viscera apart. Then, she rushes towards a mage who had his barrier activated and tries to perform a sealing technique that binds a player. Koharu intentionally let herself get caught with it as she is familiar with it in SAO befote. With her tremendous willpower, she effortlessly breaks off the seal and start striking his barrier with one of her knees, leaving cracks all over the barrier. Then, she grabs the entire ball of barrier with just her bare hands, along with the panicking mage. She slams the barrier down to her knee to shatter it. Leaving the mage utterly defenseless, she grabs his head with both hands and starts pressuring until his head got crushed. She approaches to the healer squad of three females who are just chanting reviving spell to the remain lights who are floating in the air. Cutting off one of their arm, then next the head. Grabbing the staff and stabs through another's neck. Wrapping around the last one's neck with her arm from behind and choking her hard until Koharu ruthlessly breaks her neck apart, then shatters her spinal cord with her knee and watching the player falls from the sky. Koharu pants as she is mentally stress out, allowing a lot of players retreated safely via logging out. Only a few of them still stand against her. Despite her rage is yet to be faded, her voice becomes calmer but still intimidating. The Salamander leader raises his guard against her.

Mortimer: What are you..!? A monster!?

She flies towards the leader and manages to grab his face with both hands, leaning her face closer to his.

Koharu: No.. You are..!

Her thumbs forces his eyelids opened, fiercely glaring at him as she is still pissed.

Koharu: Monster like you wouldn't worth raising my fists at first. But it's not even worth a crap is..

Her thumbs start digging down into his eyeballs. The gruesome terrorizes the rest of Salamander players.

Koharu: The thought of letting you go...

Until there's no sign of struggle from Mortimer. She finally releases his face, his lifeless body disappears into a remain light. As she confirms there's no one around her except remain lights. Sheathing all her weapons, she steadily flies back to where the conference meeting is to meet up with Keita and the others. As she is about to arrive there, Eugene rushes back in fast speed with his speed boost. Swinging his two-handed sword at her but she managed to block his arms with hers. Clashing in close combat.

Koharu: Figured you won't go down easily..!

Eugene: That was very surprising.. But I will make sure I pay back the same to you. Huh!?

He feels something's off from his avatar. She separates and grabs both of his arms, starts pulling with strong force with one of her leg support that is pushing his chest.

Eugene: Ugh!!!


The sound of dislocation can be heard within his arms. She leans closer and whispers to his ear in a menacing tone.

Koharu: You won't.. Because I will make you wish to kill yourself in real life after this.

She brutally slaps his face two times with each big swings. Then, she lifts him up, jumps and slams his head straight to the ground.

With his back shown upside down to her, she sprints and then double dropkicks directly to his back, the impact breaks the spine apart, the damage caused Eugene to puke out and the result launching Eugene away. As the amount of damage Koharu caused should've kill him, but Eugene managed to stand up on his own.

Koharu: !?

Without overthinks and avoiding confusing herself too much, she takes the advantage to strike before he retaliates back. Koharu shifts to his left side, swinging down a heavy strike with her combined fists, along with a knee strike to his guts. He pukes out saliva by the massive damage.

Eugene: Agh!??

Causing his body to bow down and exposed his vulnerability to her. She first disarms him with a knee strike to his elbow, the reaction caused him to suddenly yell in pain. Then a punch to his face to stun him. She grabs his head and starts bashing continuously with her knee in a violent way.

After 20 knee strikes that caused him to kneel down as he is now exhausted his health and stamina entirely. Koharu hammers his head straight down with her fist, knocks him down to the ground, dragging and roughing his face against the muddy terrain. She grabs by his hair, swinging an uppercut that caves his face in and facing up to the sky while kneeling down. Then, she steps back a few and then jumps forward back in to launch a flying knee strike straight to his face. Causing Eugene knockback to the ground again.

Eugene: Agh!!!

She jumps into the air, with a full brutal dropkick.

Recover from the fall, Koharu sprints forward for the final kick to the head.

Koharu: HAAAA!!!


His head brutally kicks by her that launches him away. Koharu stops her attack as she observes Eugene's state who is still hasn't defeated yet. Alicia throws out a celebration pose.m for her victory.

Alicia: That was outstanding! That's the power of the Cait Sith!

Sakuya: Wait, Alicia..!

Alicia: Huh?

Despite being defeated, Eugene still managed to move a muscle and slowly pick himself up but barely standing up.

Alicia: Geez..! How many times you want to fight!?

Sakuya: But isn't it weird that he doesn't turn into remain light after taking all that hits? Most of them got defeated in one hit from her..

Alicia: It's the General after all. His tenacity is something else that can't be underestimated. But.. Isn't he getting too dramatic with all the pain scream and yelling?

Sakuya: Then we should try to stop her. I have a hunch something's off.

Alicia: But how? She's already in the heat of beating the crap out of him.

For Koharu, seeing him still alive after all the hits she had land on him is a total insult for her. She yells in furious tone.

Koharu: You...!!!

Feeling enraged again, she approaches to him with her fists round up and harden, gritting her teeth.

Eugene: Wait...! Something's wro-


A punch shot to the stomach, causing him to bow down again. Koharu throws another punch to his cheek from the right, causes him knockback a bit. She punches his face on the left this time. Akihiko, who just came back to check on her, tries to stop her as he detects something wrong from Eugene.

Akihiko: Wait, Koharu!!

She yells in anger as she throws an uppercut to his neck that launches him up..

Koharu: SHUT UP!!!!!


She launches him up to the air with a brutal uppercut. Then, she starts throwing a lot of fast, rapid punches to any part within his torso. During her fast punches, each of her hits shatter bits by bits of his armor. She yells out loud as she speeds up her punches as fast and brutal she can deal on him.

Koharu: HAAAA!!!!!

She keeps on rampaging on him until his armor got completely shattered by her bare hands. With his defense broken down, she throws out a finishing blow that knocks him back to the ground.

Koharu: HAYAAAAA!!!!!


After her finisher, she sits on top of him. Continue to bash his face with her punches as her rage grows. She unsheathes her Moonkiss, grabbing back-handed as she goes for the killing stab on the head.

Koharu: I'LL BREAK YOU!!!


The blade struck into his forehead that truly ends Eugene. His hands fall down and she feels no sign of movement from him at all until his avatar glitch out and disappears into million data fragments, not in the same way as logging out nor leaving his remain light when defeated, it's a glitch that forces the user out of the game when the user's nerve is damaged. The scene shocks both leaders and the others, Keita was at loss of his words after seeing such glitch in the game.

Did you... Kill him?

End of Chapter...

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