Chapter 45: Lai's gravestone 1
*Bang!* *Bolt Clicking* *Bang!* *Bolt Clicking*
Loud gunshot rings throughout the shooting range, the boy snipes the target with Kar98k Sniper Rifle as his practice. Pulling and pushing the bolt each time he makes a shot. With just 30 meters and trained precision, he is able to make a Pentagon shape on the target with all the 5 ammunitions loaded in his Kar98k.
After the training, he takes care of the wound on his right shoulder. Tightening back the bandages a bit to stop the bleed before preparing for their next assault.
Lai: Anything you find?
Akihiko: I'll start the briefing to you with the Sniper's info. He is a professional hitman hired by the Python Clan, just like you assumed. His name is Yael Okuzaki. An Elite Sniper with homemade, firearms, ammunitions and even robots to assist his assassination.
Lai: I guess we're now dealing a guy with such dexterity.
Akihiko: But there's one thing that might pique your interest. Which is, he always roll a dice to determine how many shots he need to use to kill his target.
Lai: Oh? Also a gambler type Sniper. But that's all I need to know for now.
Akihiko: You know I haven't finished briefing yet..
Lai: Print a report for Koharu, she will develop a strategy when she comes back. And I want you to focus on collecting info about the protestors. We're hitting them tonight instead.
Akihiko: What about the Yakuza?
Lai: ...I'll leave the defense to you.. I pray our base doesn't get demolished by those bastards while we're away.
Akihiko: The lack of manpower really took a toll on our operation.
Lai: Yeah, no kidding.. There are only two of us and you.
Akihiko: I'm doing my best in my role. In the meantime when I gather info on their base of operations, multiple protestors are approaching. My expectation is them attempting to leave a warning sign on your wall.
Lai: ...
He rushes and immediately grabs a AK-47 with drum mag. Also attached a bayonet on the end of the muzzle.
Lai: Damn it! They better not spray on my wall!
Leaving the shooting range without cleaning the empty casings. He storms his way to the outside. Fending off the protestors.
Meanwhile.. ALO, Rainbow Valley: Flaming Fortress.
*Slash!* *Slash!*
Koharu: HAAAH!!!
Be it monster mobs, Salamanders or any hostiles, Koharu slashes the enemies one by one, pulling someone with a string and tackles with her shoulder along with a headbutt. She closes in, jumps and spins herself with her Greatsword entirely in airborne, performing a Windmill Cleave. Upon landing a smash on the ground with the target, she slashes through him with her Moonkiss.
Koharu: Take this!
The saber of the blade cuts through the avatar in literal pieces. She binds and pulls another mage in, throwing a punch that wrecks the mage's face and pummel to the ground before a stomp that crushes the head and a shotgun blasts to the whole body into smithereens after throwing it in airborne. Then, a Cannonball blows up a tower from Koharu's Cannon on her shoulder. Next, she shoots the incoming Salamanders with her Magic-Tech Rifle and her Nailgun, along with various potions: Acid, Lava. Also with Explosive Kunais that specially made to counter a group of enemies in her equipment.
With the girl on the Frontline, Koharu destroys almost any Salamanders that comes in their way through the Rainbow Valley with little to no effort. But despite outpower the enemies, Koharu still in her high guard and put a lot of strength in every of her slashes and shot. That's the main reasons why she was able to one hit everyone and nearly dominate the battlefield, leaving Yuuki and Keita.. Well, standing there and watching.
Yuuki: ...
Keita: I don't remember she'd be this overpowered in SAO..
Yuuki: I agree.. She's taking it all without sharing any to us.
Her overpowering stats unintentionally carries the whole team without having them to interfere. After tearing the whole fortress down effortlessly. The sole survivor of the assault is just a small goblin just happened to roam around and got caught in the fight. But Koharu grabs its leg and brutally slams on nearby rock debris continuously until its head popped off due to heavy blunt trauma, like she had a feud with it. She stabs it with an Explosive Kunai and kicks it to the air before the explosion.
After the end of the battle and everything has been settled down. Koharu turns around to check her teammates.
Koharu: You guys okay?
Turning around, Koharu noticed both of her teammates are just standing, unharmed at all. Both look shocked..
Yuuki: You didn't left any for us to do the fighting.
It snaps her from her seriousness to shock.
Koharu: Ah! I'm sorry! I was... Getting carried away. I have to get very serious since I can't lose.
Keita: ...
The healer Undine sighs..
Keita: It's okay to get serious. But I want to remind you that it's just a game after all. Nothing will harm you in real life if you got hurt or died.
The girl scratches her head..
Koharu: I'm sorry..
Yuuki: Why are you feeling bad for? At least we got rid of them and proceed our journey. It's just a couple of miles away to the World Tree. Then we can get ourselves rest up!
Koharu nods back in response. Keita remains silent behind them.
Keita: ...
The three of them continue their journey to the World Tree. In the meantime...
Outside the Apartment Complex..
*Full-Auto Bang!*
With a 60 rounds drum magazine attached to the AK-47. Lai guns down several intruding protestors in an instant, but the protestors using the "in and out" tactics. Throwing lethal objects and Molotov Cocktails to his apartment's window and walls to cause property damage and then fleeing back. Some of them managed to sneak inside his Apartment but unfortunately got torn into pieces by the PKM Turret installed at the entrance and corridors. Lai did his best defending by driving the protestors away, using bayonet to stab on the neck with the whole gun as spear weapon. Pulling out and swings a slash that leaves a wide cut mark on attacker's chest, shove him back with rifle's wooden stock and charge with a bayonet towards another vulnerable attacker, shoving an entire blade into the left lung until it reaches at the other side, then he slashes the protestor's neck with the combat knife for the kill. Countering behind himself, he detaches the drum mag, shoving another attacker back with his back elbow and bashes on the head with the weight of the drum mag mercilessly until his head spills blood to his face. He faces up, noticing the wall of his apartment has already ruined with paints and graffiti. This humiliation left him rage.
Lai: I hope your whole family dies!!
He pulls the rifle's bayonet out from the guts, loads the bloody drum mag and start firing in full auto as he presses hard on the trigger without any pause. 7.62x39mm rounds rains down, penetrates through the bodies of every protestors. Lai quickly replace the drum mag despite its heavy weight. Resume back in firing on the protestors. Lai dodges several long range Molotov Cocktails counterattack. Soon, they quickly flee from his fire as they suffer a lot of casualties on their side. But one of them ambush him from behind.
Lai: !!
The protestor strangles him from behind with a bat. Lai struggles to break free.
Lai: Get off!!
As soon as he turns around facing to the wall, he hears a loud gunshot from his behind. Hitting the protestor's back that releases Lai from the strangle.
Lai: (Koharu's offline already?)
But as he turns around where the shot just came from. He noticed a Sniper from the rooftop, immediately recognized it was the Sniper from before.
Lai: Shiet!!
As Lai shakes off the corpse and quickly raises his gun, Yael already changed his bullet, ready to fire another shot.
Yael: ...
A .22 Caliber that was supposed to hit his chest, but hit the Drum mag directly instead, just as Lai raises his gun, the bullet impact breaks his drum magazine. Rendering his AK-47 can't be used anymore.
Lai: Shiet! Not good!
Without anything to fend off, Lai becomes a fish in a barrel for Yael to shoot at. His only option is to rush back inside Apartment.
Lai: I gotta run!
He attempts to rush forward back to indoor. The Sniper fires again but hits the wall as Lai dodge rolls away. Then, another shot is fired, Lai quickly grabs a nearby corpse to tank the bullet for him. Lai managed to get back inside the building, barely..
Yael: ...
After managed to escape from him, Lai takes his deep, one-second breath from his near death experience until he notices a protestor just hiding away from the turret's sight in his apartment, ducking down at the shoe cabinet.
Lai: !!
Protestor: Shiet!
He immediately pulls out a spiked bat, but also grab a nearby vase to fend him off.
Lai: !!
Lai unfortunately takes the damage from incoming vase assault. Break into pieces as it hits him. As Lai clears his vision on the enemy. The protestor tries to push Lai with spiked bat but Lai blocks the swing and retaliates back with a headbutt, along with a flying headbutt as he staggers the protester. Then, Lai quick draws his Coonan M1911 out and breaks the bat with .357 Magnum round. Then, he melees him, knocking him out of consciousness.
Lai: You are not welcome in my world!
He then rests on the floor. Breathing heavily as he couldn't let out a word without insufficient breath.
Meanwhile.. Unknown location..
While the duo are doing their work in the meantime, Akihiko still busy researching about protestors info via encrypted online messages, protected video calls, private group chat and secured links, he collects every chat logs, voice messages, images and videos. Until he sees something that catches his attention.
Akihiko: Hm?
Back to ALO, Alne..
After going through the Rainbow Valley, the group finally arrived at the root of the World Tree, along with Alne, located near of the World Tree's root. Koharu stares at the World Tree, surprised after witnessing a Tree with such size of a world while they are flying towards the city.
Koharu: It's huge.. Which race occupied the city?
Yuuki: It's actually a neutral city that freely accessible for every race. It's basically a safe zone for every players.
Koharu: For every race? So it's like the main hub?
Keita: Yeah, the city also serves as main raiding base for advanced dungeons, act as central trading market for players and also a chill place for tourists and those who doesn't want to get involved in the race war.
Koharu: Does the Salamanders roaming in there a lot?
Keita: No.. They can't do anything else to drive other races out the safe zone.. For now..
Koharu: For now..?
Keita: Yeah.. Whether it's a glitch or a bug, Hardcore players tend to find a way to abuse it against the system and their opponents somehow. It's just a matter of time until they discover it.
Koharu felt disgusted after realizing that players would do anything to win.
Koharu: Ugh.. I hate this already.. That's how the Red players and the Orange players did their crimes back in two years ago.
Keita: Exactly.. We encountered this kind of issue in SAO.. It was pain in the butt to be honest.
Yuuki: Oh yeah! So now we're here. Keita said you suspect some bad guys are keeping the SAO survivors in this game somewhere. Where would you think they're keeping the survivors in?
Koharu: ...
She goes silent for a few seconds, knowing that going alone in such gigantic tree would be a suicide regardless of how strong she is.
Koharu: On top of the World Tree.. That's what Lai said to me.
Keita's eyes widened as he just realized where Sachi is kept at.
Keita: The World Tree!?
Koharu: I assume there must be something fishy on top of there. But I have no idea what's in store for us when heading up. Do you know anything about the World Tree?
Keita: The World Tree has a Grand Quest that allows the players to visit the floating city located on top of the World Tree and meet with the Fairy King Oberon. The reward of completing this quest grants the player the ability to fly endlessly in the air instead of 10 minutes, and also removes the height barrier so they can fly as high as they want.
Koharu: That sounds.. Totally useless.. For me, at least.
Keita: You think so?
Koharu: I'm already granted with flight and the ability to fight in airborne. Why would I need an unlimited flight since 10 minutes is enough for me? Anyway, I'll log off for now once we're in the city.
Yuuki: You're not staying with us?
Koharu: I'm sorry.. Lai and I are occupied with our IRL stuff for a few days.
Keita: Mind if I ask a question? It's been pondering in my mind.
Koharu: Ask away.
Keita: How much time do we still have?
Koharu: ...
Her eyes widened, not prepared for this kind of question from him. She answers with an uncertain one.
Koharu: Not sure.. I'll try to ask Lai. Hopefully we still have time.
Uncertain about the time limit they have, Koharu starts to worry, crossing her arms.
Keita: I have a backup plan, just in case if we run out of time.
Yuuki: What is it?
Keita: This will sound risky. But if the scenario happens. We'll have no choice but to storm our way to the top of the World Tree with the Undine's help only.
Yuuki: You mean the chances of completing the Grand Quest is slimmer.
Keita: That's right.. But if the Undine refuses our request...
Yuuki: That will be the worst case scenario..
Keita inevitably nods.. But Koharu frowns as she's being serious.
Koharu: I won't allow that!
Keita: That's why we need the help of the Sylph, Undine and Cait Sith. But we need to solve the Salamanders issue first.
Koharu: Damn it..
Keita: Let's get to the city first..
The group fly their way to the city's entrance until they're within the safe zone. Koharu is about to tap the log out button.
Koharu: Then I'll log off for now.
Yuuki: See you!
Koharu taps the log out button, waving goodbye to them before the system takes her mind back to the real world.
Japan Standard Time, 1:00pm.. Lai's Apartment Complex...
Waking up with the AmuSphere, she immediately feels the sharp pain from her wounded leg.
Koharu: Damn! It's still hurt.
Bearing the pain, she gets off from the bed carefully, walking out from his room before calling out for him in the lobby.
Koharu: Lai? You there?
She receives no response from him. Assuming if he's outside or somewhere in the basement, Koharu slowly walks down from the stairs. The pain alerts her to get a painkiller.
Koharu: I must be away for a while. The painkiller is losing its effect.
She leans onto the wall or holding on something to lessen the use of her right wounded leg until she finds her way to the Kitchen where the medical supplies is. Fortunately, a tablet of painkiller pills is just on the dining table, along with a glass of boiled warm water. Realizing that Lai anticipated that Koharu will log out anytime and will start to feel the pain again. She gladly takes the pill and gulps down the whole glass of water.
Koharu: Thanks, Lai..
She resumes on searching for Lai after taking her meds, the shooting range in the basement is the first place she could think of, so she heads to the elevator to the basement.
Koharu: (I hope he is here.)
It only took her a few seconds to reach the basement. As soon as she exits out, she can hear an orchestra music playing out loud. But as she walks closer, Koharu could hear a faint yell covered by loud music. It is a sound of someone is shouting. It alerts her in an instant, grabbing her Karambit and slowly approach to a room where the sound is coming from. She turns the doorknob silently, but the creaking sound shocked Lai who is interrogating a protestor with a set of torturing tools on the table.
Lai: Oh! You startled me!
Koharu: Lai?
She noticed a wounded protestor completely tied to a chair and seal his mouth as well, along with a set of torturing tools: Hammer, Revolver, Gas-powered Chainsaw, Nailgun and Fusing Cables for electrifying. His face is badly disfigured and some blood stain flowing from his mouth due to blunt trauma, being conscious in such painful state is a miracle. But the scene feels disturbing for her.
Koharu: What's going on here?
Lai: Some of them were trying to spray warning on my wall. And I caught one of them for interrogation.
Koharu: And what are gonna do with the info?
Lai: We're hitting the protestors tonight instead.
Koharu: But what about the Yakuzas?
Lai: They sent a Hitman for our heads. There's no point for them to deploy more men to kill us.
Without any second thoughts, she agrees to it.
Koharu: You got a point there. And fine by me..
After removing the tape from his mouth, the enemy coughs, response with a cocky but desperate with fear tone in his voice.
Protestor: You think you can get away with this!? I am a trained and intelligent student with now working on behalf of General . Unlike you degenerates who plays games for two straight years! Killing me would mean no future for Japan!
*Tush!* *Tush!*
After politely letting him finished his sentence, Koharu then brutally bashes him with a few hit right on the face with a prepared hammer on the table. Then, she pulls his hair up in such violence that could pluck his hair off, forcing his head facing up and showing the neck.
Koharu: What's your comeback? A spit in my face? I've done that a lot in SAO and you're no exception in the real world too! So tell me how many of you guys and tell me everything about your base of operation!
He panics a bit, breathing more frequently but eventually answers back..
Protestor: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. There's no base of operation in the protest!
Despite being tough in such situation, Koharu could sense the lies in his words thanks to his fear shows the duo the obvious answer of how he actually feels.
Koharu: ...
She instructs Lai who is spinning the cylinder of the empty revolver, telling him to use the saw blade.
Koharu: You know what to do.. With the chainsaw.
He grabs the gasoline-powered chainsaw, inspecting the weapon.
Lai: Since this used for cutting tree, it shouldn't be a problem for cutting someone's neck.
Then, he pulls the string to activate the chainsaw. But its old engine fails to activate the chain properly. Lai pulls the string a few times to activate but to no avail, while shaking to test if there's gasoline inside.
Lai: Ah..! Damn it! I'm sure the gasoline is full!
While he is struggling to activate the chainsaw. The protestor laughs maniacally and taunt at them.
Protestor: F*ck you and f*ck your so-called justice!
After a couple of tries, Lai eventually managed to activate the chainsaw. The engine roaring and the blade spinning in chain startles the protestor. It scares him further as Lai moves the chainsaw closely until it is a few centimeters away from his neck.
Protestor: No! No! NO! Stop! Stop! Okay I'll tell you, damn it!!
Lai lowers the chainsaw, letting him talk while Koharu still pulling his head.
Protestor: What do you want to know!?
Koharu: The protest! How many of you in the base and what are you planning now!?
Protestor: Seitoku University..! The place we fortify and serve as our base. Inside there has large group of students, teachers and other armed people with bows, Molotovs, spiked weapons and firearms. But you'll never make it there, we have checkpoints everywhere, looking for you and her.. And soon they will find this place..
He gathers his breath during his sentence until he finishes with a shout.
Before Lai could even activates the chainsaw back, Koharu already blast his head off with her Desert Eagle in point blank without any mercy. Blood pours down like waterfall. Koharu mercilessly pushes the body down on the ground and empty all 6 remaining rounds inside the clip to the corpse, leaving the gun slide open. Hot shell casings bounces a few times, smoke escapes out from it as she unattached the clip. Replace with a new one and releases the slide back in. Lai is completely dumbfounded for a few seconds while looking at her flips her long hair from her face.
Koharu: Save your gasoline.. Not worth the waste cutting his head off.
This snaps Lai back, he deactivates the chainsaw and sets it back to the table.
Lai: Looks like we're up against something worse.
Koharu: What's the point worrying that? We've been through something worse than this.
Lai: ...
She sheathes her Desert Eagle before leaving the room back to the Shooting Range to resupply her ammo. Leaving Lai alone to clean the mess. Still stunned by her badass.
Lai: (God... Damn..!)
Seeing that she's now fearless towards the threat she just received from that deceased protestor. It reassures Lai but a part of him feels wrong about her. But he informs her what Aki found in his investigation.
Lai: Aki has obtained the info we need. You should go check it out while I clean up the mess here.
Koharu: Can I ask?
Lai: Hm?
Koharu: How much time do we have left?
Lai: Judging that knowing Sugou's planned marriage with Asuna yesterday, plus he said it's only a week left before that. I'd say we only got 6 days left.. But about the progress of the brainwashing project. I'm afraid I can't determine that..
Koharu: 6 days left.. Is it enough for us, Lai?
Lai: I pray it is.. What's wrong?
Koharu: It's a long story.. The players needed my help so they can help me to get to the World Tree.
Lai: You think they can be trusted?
Koharu: Depends.. But they are just players in a normal vr game. So I have to soften my view and my worries on them since nobody can't actually die or trapped inside the game.
Lai: You got a point there. But don't drop your guard yet. Sugou is still the admin in ALO.
Koharu: I know.
Lai: Are you planning to head back into the game later?
Koharu: No. I need time to plan for the assault and that guy who shot us in the morning. A plan that won't end up getting us killed.
Despite being professional from her experience as MBC commander in SAO. Her lack of confidence and hesitation escapes out from her tone, enough for Lai to notice. He places his hand on her shoulder.
Lai: Call me if you need my assist. I'm sure we can pull this off.
Her hand joins with his, as she desperately craves for his warmth.
Koharu: Thanks...
After that, she heads back to the lobby alone. Lai sighs as he turns off the loud music. Cleaning the corpse and mopping the blood.
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 3:00pm.
After lunch, Koharu reads every chat logs and voice messages dug up and printed by Akihiko. Knowing that they are armed to their teeth with firearms just now. Repeating what she had found in these clues.
Koharu: So you said the protestors had some secret trades with some unknown organizations?
Akihiko: Yes. These chat logs are from their private group chat. But not sure if it's one or many of them. However, fortunately that they only used the firearms for defense, for now..
Koharu: Bringing firearms into public would mean war against the government. Life imprisonment or death penalty is possible if getting caught.
Lai: But what are their intentions?
Koharu: Like pouring gasoline to fire. To stir things up even further until Japan is beyond repair.
Lai: This is too absurd!
Koharu: This is just my assumption until we confirm it. Putting a stop to them and destroy what they have in possession will be our objectives.
Lai: I have an idea. I could get some help from my mother..
Koharu: How?
Lai: We will first launch an assault to their base, breach their defense and then having my mother lead the police to arrest them and confiscate their firearms. That way should take care of our problems without making a hell of a bloodbath and a sea of flame there.
Koharu: It's honestly good but also a risky idea. The moment you file a police report, that means we set ourselves a time limit to escape. But the police will surround the building before we could even get out. So busting out with a car is the worst idea.
Lai: I doubt that.. Manpower is what they are heavily lack of since most of them are dealing the protests on the streets. We will have enough time to escape.
Koharu: Still, I prefer not to risk that. I highly suggest we use the sewer system located inside the campus. Aki will point the way out for us.
Lai: That's where the protestors used as their escape route. Plus, I afraid there might be ambush since it's too dark..
Koharu: Unfortunately, this is our only way. Don't you have night vision goggles or something?
Lai: My father collects firearms and attachments, not military gadgets.
Koharu: Oh.. You got a point..
Lai: However, I could put night vision scope on our guns, even a thermal one if you want in your arsenal.
Koharu: Great! Either them would do, I guess that's our plan for the assault.
Lai: What about the hitman? You think he will take his chance to assassinate us tonight?
Koharu: Not sure.. He could've done it anytime while we're still alive and kicking here today, especially during my time in the game. What makes him hesitate?
Lai: Well, he appeared again when I was fighting the protestors outside. Almost got me back there and his bullet broke my gun unfortunately.
Her worries spikes up as she just knows he's in danger while she's in the game.
Koharu: Damn.. Are you okay!?
Lai: Barely.. Thanks to that encounter.. I can tell he's not the guy who simply walks into someone's Apartment Complex all by himself. He sure took his chance well when I was outside.
Koharu: I see.. So we're technically invulnerable while we're indoor. As long as we don't get caught in his sight.
Lai: You could say that.
She went silent for a while.. As she requires a deep focus and thinking for a plan.
Koharu: I need some time alone. I'll leave the loadout customization to you.
Lai: What do you prefer this time?
Koharu: ...
She had no idea what she needs for the assault..
Koharu: I haven't think of that yet.. But give me something threatening enough to make them surrender and something that is destructive.
He leaves her alone just as she requested.. Koharu grabs the photo of the Sniper that shot them in the morning.
Koharu: ...
Meanwhile... Shooting Range..
With Koharu's planning on the assault, Lai is now in charge of choosing their weapon of choice for the night assault. He first grabs two Thermal Scopes for their primary weapon as it is essential for them to identify the enemies in the dark. Lai tests both of them and make sure they are fully functional and charged. Then, he struggles with the option of customizing her XM8 with various attachments or search through his father's collections for something to replace her XM8 rifle.
Lai: Most rifles has 750 RRM of fire rate. And Koharu said her new rifle feels heavy after long use.
Then, that's when he stumbles a gun he would recommend. The Howa Type 20.
Lai: This will do..
He starts the customization, removing the iron sight and equips with a thermal scope at the top rail of the gun just as she requested, flash suppressor on the muzzle to hide their flash in the night, vertical front grip under gripping barrel for dealing recoil and default light plastic stock for stability and decrease gun weight. He also loads up a 30 rounds magazine in the gun, along with other 10 of 30 rounds magazine serve as reserve ammo. He remains her MP7 in her loadout, with some upgrades as he adds flash suppressor, 60 rounds mag, iron sight, folding grip and folding stock. As for her pistol, since he already knew Desert Eagle will be as her go-to, Hand Cannon weapon that tears off a person's flesh. He simply leaves that off. Or...
Lai: Some modification wouldn't hurt, right?
A few hours later..
After finish planning, Koharu stretches herself as she is done drawing her completed plan about the assault route in Seitoku University, along with alternate Plan B if things go wrong. She checks on Lai's doing in the shooting range. Coincidentally, she notices him just comes out from the basement, with a bag of guns required for the assault.
Koharu: How's your doing so far?
Lai: I followed what you requested, I'll brief you the weapons you will be using.
Koharu: What time is it?
Lai: Evening, 6:00pm..
Koharu: Great.. We still have a lot of time to review what I had in plan.
Lai: When we will strike?
Koharu: Midnight, 12:00am. I can tell most of them are asleep and taking shifts on guard duty.
Lai: There should be evening news at this hour. Mind if I turn on the TV?
Koharu: I'll do it.. You should decide the dinner for us.
Lai: Got it.
He heads to the kitchen, decided to have a rice as dinner this time, scooping out two cups of rice, washing it in the bowl before putting into the rice cooker. While the rice cooker doing its job after activation. He grabs a canned luncheon meat and canned eagle coin fried dace with salted black bean. As for Koharu, the first frame of TV offers to her eyes is the news that broadcast the current protests campaign. She sighs in frustration as she tries to change to other any channels to lighten her mood, but turns out all channels are out of order. This shock her hard and leave her let out a sentence.
Koharu: You gotta be kidding me...
Inevitably, she watches the protests with the purpose of knowing their latest movement. Protesters are pushing their territory wide in Tokyo. Supporters and opposers of full dive tech are pitted against each other. Police force are underwhelmed by the amount of anger protesters and vigilantes as 10 districts across the city were rocked by violence. Worse is, public transport are halt as the protesters are blocking road traffics, disrupting train services by stopping carriage doors from closing, even taking over the arrival hall of Japan's international airport. All the doings in the protests campaign results nothing but only making her blood boil further as she grits her teeth, but soon got interrupted and snap back to her sense as Lai calls her to prepare.
Lai: Dinner's almost ready.
Koharu: Huh? Okay!
She turns off the tv.. Heading to help Lai to prepare the silverware and chopsticks. She notices two dishes are served on the dining table, Luncheon meat and Fried dace. Along with two bowl of rice. The fragrance of both dishes could make her drool while her stomach screams loudly.
Koharu: Damn.. I'm drooling already..
Lai just places his stir fry bean sprouts on the dining table in front of her.
Lai: Both dishes are just canned food tho.. I thought you might be disappointed instead without all the Japanese cuisine.
Koharu: Ah! No! I don't really mind about that.. It's better than having instant ramen all the time.
Lai: That's what I thought as I made tonight's dinner
After serving three dishes and two bowls for the duo on the dining table. Both pray with their usual phrase before meal.
Lai and Koharu: Itadakimasu.
They both take their chance to have their short moment as they are enjoying the dinner before the assault. Lai asks about what she had found from the news.
Lai: So how's the situation in Tokyo?
Koharu: *sigh* Have you ever heard about the Imperial Japan who boasts about glory during WW2.. And how brutal they were back in the 19th century?
Knowing what she is trying to describe.. Lai immediately knows and prevents her to explain further.
Lai: Oh.. Don't even mention that... I don't wanna lose my appetite.
Koharu: Great.. That means I don't need to explain it. But that's the same goes to those protesters now..
Lai: But how do you learn about it? I remember that they didn't teach that to this generation.
Koharu: My mother.. She knew that the education system doesn't teach that because people want to hide what they did.. She taught me about it on her own in advance when I was 12, because hiding away won't solve anything. I have to accept the truth one day, no matter how messed up it is.
Lai: But.. Are you able to handle it?
She sighs, settling down her chopsticks as she recalls the memories.
Koharu: At first, I had nightmares about what those poor people had gone through, confused what's the purpose behind the cruelty. And eventually, I cope with it as I think of it as an unchangeable past that isn't worth looking back at for me.
Thinking that a gentle mother would teach her own beloved daughter with such painful truth can be unbelievable. Lai goes silent as he doesn't know how to respond to this sensitive topic.
Lai: Oh.. Wow..
Knowing Lai would be speechless about this as his face written with struggling expression, Koharu lights up their mood by talking about what she had gained during that.
Koharu: But look at the bright side, I got to spend a few nights sleeping with my mother instead of alone in my room. So the exchange wasn't bad after all.
Lai: Yeah.. I guess..
She smiles at him.. Telling him not to worry..
Koharu: Relax.. Nevertheless, I still take it as simple history lesson from my mother so I didn't overthink it. But right now.. We're up against something similar to.. That..
Lai: If it is.. I guess we won't hold back our trigger then.
Koharu: Great..
She picks a piece of fried dace, along with a few of black beans. As soon as it touches her tongue, the fragrant saltiness widen her eyes. Lai notices her surprised expression as she savors it.
Lai: Did it tastes good?
Koharu: Yeah.. You made it?
Lai: No.. It's from a Chinese canned food product. So it's not common in Japan.
Koharu: I can tell that since this is my first time.
Lai: My father loves this kind of canned food besides luncheon meat during his military days. I still have a lot of these.
Koharu: The fragrantly saltiness of black beans combined with sweet fried dace. But.. It's too oily..
Lai: Yeah.. Not worth gaining weight from that..
She grins at her partner.
Koharu: But I like it anyway.. Thanks for tonight's meal.
As they haven't have such simple moment for a while, a simple compliment could make him smiling.
Lai: I'm glad..
They both soon have their fill from their meal. Then, they prepared their gears, combat knife, handguns and hoodies for preventing exposure before heading to the Seitoku University with Aki driving the car.
Timeskip... Year 2025, January 21.. Japan Standard Time, 12:00am.. Seitoku University..
Arriving via the highway bridge route to Seitoku University. As expected, barricades are already formed with railings, umbrellas and large garbage bin on every entrance. They stop the car at the far end of the bridge. Preparing their assault.
Koharu: What's our gear this time?
He grabs a Howa Type 20 to her from the backseat.
Lai: Howa Type 20, 5.56 modern assault rifle for JSDF. You can count on its accuracy, even in full auto. I added Thermal Scope to spot enemies easier and a suppressor to cover the muzzle flash.
She receives it and test the scope's function, she can clearly see Lai in white figure in a black vision due to his body heat temperature.
Koharu: Perfect.. And the secondary?
He simply hands her a MP7 but with a few modifications.
Koharu: I was expecting something with destructive capability.
Lai: I afraid you can't handle explosive. I only taught you the grenades.
Koharu: *sigh* Then, you should teach me other weapons as well.
Lai: Which why I brought this..
He grabs a pump-action grenade launcher for her before introducing the weapon.
Lai: China Lake grenade launcher. Works like other Shotguns but the ammunitions are 40mm High Explosive grenade rounds instead of shells. 3 rounds in tube, 1 round in chamber. Can store 4 rounds in total.
Koharu: Does the round explode easily?
Lai: With enough impact will trigger it. But try not to drop..
Koharu: *Gulp* I can see why you're against it.
Lai grabs his loadout, a M1014 muzzle suppressed with normal shotgun shell. A Karabiner 98K with thermal scope.
Lai: It was hard to attach the thermal scope on it since there's no rail on it. What's the plan?
Koharu: Remove the barrier, storm inside, try to break what they got their hands on and get out. I'm just worried our ammunition might no be enough.
Lai: That's all we can carry, unfortunately. Compare to that nightclub, we should limit ourselves with melee, only use our guns if necessary. Ready?
After they had their painkiller on, she nods as a reply.
Koharu: Let's do this.
They exit out from their car, bringing everything from the car trunk and the backseat before Aki drives the car away to the extraction point. The two of them are now on their own, advancing silently to the barricade in the dark, walking along the bridge with bricks placed everywhere that could easily make them trip over if not careful enough. Koharu checks every corner in front of them with the thermal scope, scanning for any white figure in the dark vision to spot enemies. She can see several guards are patrolling at the balcony, windows and entrances. As she scans on the rooftop for movement, she notices a split second of white heat from the muzzle flash from the rooftop and a gunshot.
Koharu: !!
She immediately pushes Lai away before rolling to aside. Lai recovers his fall quickly.
*Bullet hit*
Lai: !!
Koharu: Sniper!! On the rooftop!
Her sudden shout and gunshot alert the whole protesters in the building. Lai quickly scans the rooftop and return fire at Yael who is on the rooftop. Soon, he disappears from Lai's sight.
Lai: Now our cover's blown!
He rushes forward first, so does Koharu follows behind him.
Koharu: Damn it!
The bricks are slowing their advance as they try not to trip over by accident. Before the spotlight could spot them, Koharu fires a 40mm High Explosive grenade round at the barricade. In result, the barricade is torn apart by the explosion and widely open for them to storm in.
Lai: Nice!
Pumping out the empty grenade round, Koharu switches back to her rifle. They both start the assault as soon as they pass through the barricade line. Shooting down several protesters who are loading the catapults with acid bombs. Koharu also snipes down several of them armed with petrol bombs and Molotov cocktail while Lai covers her front as several melee fighters rushing towards them. Koharu quickly suggests something to him.
Koharu: Let's break in! We're still in his sight unless we're inside the campus!
Raining buckshots on the melee fighters, scaring away the others. Lai proceeds to push forward with his shotgun. Putting one shell on the chamber before closing back in and quad loading up inside the tube under the barrel until it is full.
Lai: Right!
Koharu follows behind him as they both storm inside the campus, vaulting over the barricade brick wall to the foyer where most of supplies and weapons are storing around. Koharu can feel she steps onto a line of something else, follow up by a triggering sound.
Koharu: Did I...?
Lai: Huh?
After the first explosion, a sudden barrage of follow-up explosions blow up behind the duo. The impact pushes them forward, suffering with a few cuts from the debris and brick pieces littered on ground, also a minor blunt hit on their heads. Both soon grab their guns as they stand back up. Fortunately, their weapons are still functional after a huge blast.
Koharu: Ugh... Are you okay, Lai!?
Lai: My vision just went blurred for a second. Seems like they have prepared for us.
Koharu: ...
They look back, the clear corridor has been occupied by a sea of flame. But as they look in front at the foyer, the place was once filled with educated people is now become in such a chaotic mess with inappropriate graffiti that brainwashes the exploited students and just more barricades to fend off against police. Lai couldn't let out a word to describe the scene that unfolds in front of them.
Lai: Holy..
Koharu: That's what a makeshift fortress is.. Even SAO's one are cleaner at least.
Lai: I'm damn sure I would not apply an education here at all..
Koharu: Agreed..
Protester: They're in the foyer! Find a way and surround them!
Koharu snaps back from her thought as she hears the outrage of the protesters chasing the two of them.
Koharu: We can't stay here any longer! Let's destroy what they have before escaping.
Lai: What are we aiming first?
Koharu: Weapons and equipments.. Aki said those are stored inside the campus and some located within the vicinity of the empty swimming pool where they used to test their homemade weapons!
Lai: But the campus area is too damn huge with multiple buildings around. There could be a lot!
Koharu: We just have to break anything we come across.
After getting a private call from Lai and had a battalion of riot police silently surround the Seitoku University. She watches around the campus area with her binoculars, locating the duo for their progression secretly. But suddenly got interrupted by chief inspector who leads the riot police who is just right beside her.
Chief inspector: What's with the delay, detective!?
Joyce: I just witnessed some infights and commotions inside the campus. I suggest sit back and watch them.
Chief inspector: They are still civilians, we can't just-
She shows him with a photo of illegal firearms, containing with Sten gun and other firearms that are craftable with less materials.
Joyce: I found out their commitment in illegal trades with unknown organization. That means they are also criminals in disguise as civilians.
Chief inspector: Does the commissioner know about this?
Joyce: He's busy dealing with reporters issue unfortunately..
Chief inspector: Damn.. So what are they gonna do with the firearms?
Joyce: You know about gun control in America?
Chief inspector: Meaning?
Several gunshots can be heard inside the campus area as Joyce is about to explain. She facepalms herself with the fact that her son is in a huge mess apparently.
Joyce: Basically with zero gun control...
Back to them..
They hurried their way to locate where the gears and weapons are stored at. Luckily, it only took a few minutes of searching to locate the equipments but...
Lai: ...
Koharu: ...
The area is full of supplies with food rations, water and medical supplies. Gears such as construction helmets, vest, umbrellas, spiked weapons, bows and arrows. With some materials for example: corrosive liquids, gasoline, magnesium, napalm jelly, cloth and liquor bottles to craft explosives, all piled up on the tables. They both are shocked by the amount they have looted.
Lai: How many stores did they loot?
Koharu: God knows how many.. Get our grenades ready.
Lai: Right.
Both unpin their grenades and release the striker from the safety lever quickly before throwing it deep into the center of the supplies pile. The grenade's explosion affects near the inflammable materials, causing multiple chain reaction as flames grow up around the cloths then to the napalm jelly and petrol bombs, spreading the flames in an instant.
Koharu: That's one down.
Lai: Incoming!
Multiple Molotov Cocktails being thrown at their direction. The duo backs off from the flames while bullets fly pass around them. They retaliate back by returning fire at them while simultaneously backing away to the foyer. Koharu shot down two of them from the second floor with a few gunshots to each. Switching to her MP7 rather than reloading as they are in the heat of battle without cover and constantly moving around. Lai covers her rear while she tries to find a route to escape from them. The duo end up back to back, shooting down any protesters who are engaging themselves at them. Soon, Koharu runs out of ammo of her MP7's magazine, needed to reload. Unfortunately, a Molotov Cocktail is about to hit her directly.
Koharu: !!
A spread of buckshots pierces through the bottle, the flame lands on the ground in front of her. With shotgun resting on his shoulder and his arm, Lai twin loads inside the tube with shells, pause in the middle as he draws his pistol to counter the attackers before resuming back loading his shotgun. Lai snaps her back from her shock.
Lai: Anytime now, Koharu!
Koharu: !!
She unattaches the empty magazine and shoves a new one in both her Howa Type 20 and MP7. She resumes defending themselves with her rifle. Unfortunately, they are ultimately surrounded by the protesters due to being outnumbered after their reinforcement arrived. They stop their fire as soon as they notice their inevitable situation.
Protestor: This is the far as you can go! Drop your weapons!
Lai: Shiet...
Koharu: We're surrounded..
Pausing themselves with their guns and result ending the fight, both of them slowly drop their weapons just as they are told to, before stepping backwards with their backs facing each other. Both grab a hold on a pin of something else.
Protestor: Thinking that the two of you would attempt to assault a large fortress like this is probably the dumbest idea ever.
Protestor: Wait a minute, those are the ones with guns. We had suffered a lot of casualties because of them!
Protestor: Let's say we hang their heads on ropes and show the world we are ruthless!
The others yells out in agreement. Then, they slowly approaching to the duo. Koharu suddenly calls the shot for them.
Koharu: Now!
They both pull out the pin, revealing their smoke grenades out on their palms from their military pouch. The smoke blinds all the protesters in the process, they take the chance to grab their weapons and make a run away from them.
Koharu: Let's get out of here! There's no way going after the second one!
Lai, who just reloads his pistol. Simply follows behind her on their run.
Lai: Right behind you! Let's go!
They rush to the nearest manhole within the campus to the sewer system. She pries the metal lid and lifts it open. They also got a call from Aki via the Bluetooth headphones.
Aki: The police are approaching the University. You two need to escape!
Koharu: Working on it!
After Lai enters down the sewer with her, Koharu blows up the ceiling of the campus from the manhole with the China Lake, causing debris to fall and block the manhole entrance, she dodges away as some of the concrete falls into the manhole where she is standing. After keeping the protesters away from them, both let out a sigh of relief.
Lai: Phew...
Koharu: We can take a breath.. For now..
The duo looks around them in the sewer, noticing the only one way is the front.
Lai: Find the car and we should be able to escape.
Koharu: I hope so.. But we ain't out of danger yet..
Lai: Who?
After a second, he realizes it was the hitman she tries to mention.
Lai: Oh.. That bastard..
Koharu: Let's keep moving. I can't stand this smell already.
She coughs a bit while covering her nose with her arm.
Lai: Yeah..
Koharu notices the size of the pipe is larger than they thought. Leading her to assume one thing.
Koharu: This sewerage might lead us out from this University's drainage.
Lai: Aki better be there waiting for us..
Without putting much thoughts, they continue their way out from the sewer.
After the siege of the university, most members of the protest turn themselves in as soon as the riot police storms in. While some of them resist with firearms but ultimately neutralized or pinned down. None of them had escaped the arrest so far. After Chief inspector confirmed the amount of the arrested, he reports back to the detective.
Chief inspector: All of them are now arrested.. Some are unfortunately neutralized.
Joyce: Tell that to the commissioner.. I have no authority here, sadly.
Chief inspector: But thanks to the part that you're the one who found the illegal trades. I expect nothing less of you, detective.
Joyce: My job here has already done as soon as the assault begins. I'm merely just a spectator with you.. And now...
She walks away from the scene as she takes her leave.
Chief inspector: Where are you heading?
Joyce: I'll leave the report to you. I'm sure you can do well without me.
Chief inspector: Hey! Are you trying to skip the report!?
Back to them...
The duo roams through the sewerage for several minutes, following the faint light supply from the light bulb hang on the dirty ceiling. The noises from all the commotion inside the campus slowly dies down until their loud footsteps is the only thing can be heard for them. Lai notices a ladder that leads back to the surface. Koharu climbs up first while Lai covers her. Soon, they got out from the sewer
Koharu: Where are we?
Lai: Huh?
After Lai stands back up with her help, they found themselves in container yard.
Lai: Container yard?
Koharu: Where's the car!?
Aki: Just outside the container yard. Can't afford barging in there.
Koharu: Great..
Aki: Wait! Another car just crash in!
Koharu: What?
They both rush out from the container to the open area. Noticing a car is driving towards them in high speed.
Koharu: Is that..!?
Lai: That's not our car for sure!!
They duck back to cover, avoiding getting hit by the car. The duo goes to the other way out from where they came from but unfortunately they got blocked by the car again. And this time..
Lai: Ah.. Shiet..
Koharu: Run!
A stream of bullets spew out from the car's mounted minigun, dominating the tight corridor of the container after Lai pulled her to the other narrow corridor way. Both end up in another cover while looking out for any movement in the open area in front of them.
Koharu: We're sitting ducks in here with him driving around like a maniac.
He grabs his Karabiner 98K rifle while Koharu takes out her Howa Type 20.
Lai: I guess we need to deal with him in the end.
They both rush out with their guns. Lai squats down with his Scoped Karabiner 98K for stabilizing his aim. Having Koharu deals with the minigun by shooting at it in full auto, hoping to jam the minigun with a few rounds while Lai aims at one of the car's tyres.
Lai: You're asking for this..
As soon as his scope's crosshair is within the tyre, A 7.92x57mm Mauser round being fired in high velocity, penetrating off the tyre and result flipping the car over them. Oil spills and electricity causing the car to blow up.
Koharu: We did it!
Lai: No, he's still alive!
A silhouette of a man appears in the flame, escapes out from their sight.
Koharu: How!?
Lai grabs her hand, running back into the container maze of corridors to escape his line of sights. Unfortunately, they encounter a dead end where they come into just now.
Lai: Dead end!
They both sprint to their cover before scanning the open area in front of them. Looking for the sniper's location.
Koharu: Where'd he go?
In a sudden, a sound of bolt-action loading can be heard from a far. Gaining their attention that Yael is now on top of the container, already in his sniping stance. Both wouldn't dare to fake their movement to waste his shot.
Koharu: Damn..
Lai: He got us in his sights..
Scanning around the open area, he notices that the corridor on their other side leads to the exit where Aki is waiting with the car. Lai suggests his idea to her..
Lai: If we don't make it to the other side of the corridor between the containers from here. We're screwed.
Knowing the fact they had ran out of smoke grenades and leaving them without any options left. Koharu soon makes a bold and reckless decision.
Koharu: Then we'll just have to go for it.
Lai objects her idea immediately..
Lai: Hold it! We'll be sitting ducks out there if we're not careful. And I ain't ready to die just yet!
She tries to reason with him about the sniper's timing can be used as their advantage.
Koharu: Trust me on this one, Lai. He doesn't know when we'll go. So we'll run to the other side from here on three, okay?
Her words fails to convince him at all, but yet he has to accept her plan nonetheless as it's only the way for the both of them.
Lai: That's not a plan, that's a gamble! I'm the one he's after, you know. If you screw this up, you'll be the next one he's after. And you'll be on your own!
She grins with a chuckle at him before their final move.
Koharu: I wouldn't want you to haunt me for the rest of my days, now would I? It's either we live or die trying together.
Lai: *sigh* Damn it..
On top of the container, Yael compliments their foolish.
Yael: Fools.. It's over..
Aiming where his bullet trajectory will land, all he needs is timing. Koharu informs Lai to ready with her.
Koharu: Let's go.
Lai: Right.
They both prepare to rush out from their cover as she begins the timer counting up.
Koharu: One... Two... Three!!
Yael: Four.
The moment they expose themselves from their cover after her timer counts on three. A .22 Caliber directly penetrates through Lai's forehead, resulting blood spilling out in front of Koharu before the fall.
Koharu: !!
His body falls onto the ground, the amount of blood creates a pool around his lifeless body. She rushes to his side immediately.
Koharu: Lai!! Hey!!
Her hands are now stained with the blood as she gently lifts his head up, with face towards her for the last time as she calls out his name. She holds him close to her while desperately shaking him to wake up.
Koharu: Lai!! Get a hold of yourself!!
It only takes her a few seconds to realize her words couldn't reach him anymore. She could not take it at first..
Koharu: No.. No!!
A scream unleashed from her fear that will mark into her mind as her deepest nightmare.
Yael simply taunts at her sorrow towards his demise.
Yael: How does it feel to watch your partner die before your very eyes?
The hitman disassembles his sniper rifle before putting all back into his suitcase while enjoying his last conversation with his target.
Yael: You have only yourself to blame for going through with such a reckless plan. Now do you realize how powerless you truly are?
She bears with her pain despite the heavy blow she just took a toll from. Insulting back at him, gritting her teeth hard.
Koharu: Being hired around like a dog really suits you. Judging on how much you wanted us dead.
Yael: Hm?
Koharu: You've shown me that you know your way around a gun. But if you ask me, you're nothing but a gun yourself.
She gently sets his head down, covering half of his face with the hood on before resuming back with the insult.
Koharu: Without someone to hire you and pull your trigger, you're just a worthless tool that lacks a will of its own.
Yael: Be grateful, that is the only reason you are still alive.
Koharu: Then why don't you just shoot me!?
Yael: Unfortunately, my dice has rolled into one. The lady luck gave you some of her sympathy before death. I suggest you should cherish your final moment with him.
Without a word from him, he disappears from her sight. Leaving her alone kneeling in front of her deceased partner. Soon she stands up, grabbing his shotgun before leaving the container yard.
Koharu: I'll get you next time.. I swear to Lai..
End of Chapter...
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