Chapter 44: Damsel in Destruction.
Chiba, Sakura..
In a bustling city, a man just arrived at the building with a suitcase. Ignoring all the crowd's that is focusing on people that are doing the protest and the growing rebellion. Heading upstairs to the top of the building. But he was stopped by the armored protestor with a homemade crossbow that is guarding at one of the rebellion's checkpoint as their base of operation.
Armored Protestor: Show me your identification card! I have to make sure you're not one of the under-
A .22 caliber has been fired in suppressed, with penetration so through that pierces one of the guard's lungs. The guard's fall opens the door, reveals out his breach-action hunting pistol to the protestors inside the building, showing no mercy nor pity to the dead. His intimidating appearance shocks the others that attacking him will be a bad idea. But he pays no attention to their operation as he heads straight to the rooftop without getting himself in a fight.
Year 2025, January 20.. Japan Standard Time, 10:00am. Chiba, Seirei Sakura Citizen Hospital.
The duo are now visiting unconscious Haruna who is resting on the bed, recuperating from her injury. Koharu transfers her thoughts through physical contact by holding her hands. Hoping her to get well soon, while Lai leans against the wall. Waiting for her to finish what's in her thoughts.
Koharu: (Mom.. How are you holding up? Lai and I are doing fine since I start living with him in his complex, just for temporary so don't worry about that.)
Her hand releases from her mother's. Asking Lai if he has something to talk to her mentally. Instead, he shakes his head as he doesn't want to interfere their mother and daughter moment. As soon as she finishes what she have to say in her mind, she rests her head to her mother's palm to offer her daughter's warmth to Haruna before leaving with her boyfriend. Both of them are able to enter with their firearms sheathes thanks to Joyce's personal instructions for letting them in. They both are now on the 1st floor via elevator.
Lai: Anything you want to say?
She checks her phone, looking out for Keita's update while casually spinning her Karambit in very fast pace with just her index finger since she's an expert on dagger and throwing weapons.
Koharu: No, I think I have finished what I should say. Let's get back to work once we're home.
Lai: ...
With just observe on Koharu, Lai is able to tell she took a great hit on her heart when it comes to about her mother. He brings her into his embrace with just one of his arm. But she moves away to hide her sorrow, staying strong.
Koharu: You know I'm not that fragile, right?
Lai: Sorry..
Koharu: I've experienced losses of people in SAO during my time as MBC Commander. Yet, I still shed a tear to this day.
Lai: But now it's just the two of us, instead of having your own squad risking their lives in every missions.
Koharu: Yeah..
She sheathes her Karambit back in the holster.
Lai: We're-
Koharu anticipates what Lai is about to say..
Koharu: "We're humans after all, it's okay to feel that way." Is that what're trying to say?
He nods..
Koharu: I heard this for several times, from NPCs and other players.
She swipes a few times on her phone. Akihiko Kayaba just send a video to Koharu as updates about the protests.
In the video, the first thing is the sounds of public property being vandalized, the scream of people's fear from the citizens, anger from the rebellion and anti-protestors group echoes in the city. Violent clashes in the street erupts in the crowd, creating "unbearable to watch" scene like an old man being set on fire and burnt alive by a raging young protestors. And it wasn't the fight between the police and protestors makes it worse. The city is now in a warzone for everyone. But it doesn't surprise Koharu anymore as it becomes common for their lives in the real world. But at least, the video shifts her mind away from worrying about her mother. She sighs in her sentence.
Koharu: Just regular day in Tokyo, huh?
Lai: This is one of the reasons why we bring weapons..
Koharu: ...
Lai: What's wrong?
Koharu: I had something in my mind needed to discuss with you. But not right here.
Lai: Right..
They both exit out the hospital. Faint tire screeching from a far distance can be heard. Alerting the duo in result.
Lai: !!
Koharu: !!
They both find their nearest cover before looking out what they are dealing with. A van suddenly appears in the street, both expecting armed men to come up.
Lai: Just a regular day..
Before the door reveals the attackers, their attires with mask and hats to conceal their identities shocks them hard.
Koharu: !?
It isn't armed men with black suits that serves as Yakuzas this time. It is the protestors armed with bows, Molotov Cocktails and homemade guns. Several attackers pours out from the vans. Almost there are twenty of them.
Lai: Protestors!?
The attackers shouts out with a nail bat swinging out in the air. Other nurses and patients are terrorized by their hostility.
Protestor: Lai! Koharu! We know you both are here!!! Give yourself up and show up!
They both hide themselves in their cover. Ready to draw out their guns but with hesitation to shoot as getting involved in them isn't their intention.
Lai: Shiet...!
Koharu: (Damn it! In a place like this!?)
She grits her teeth, her cursing in her mind worsen her mental as she starts growing urges to kill them all, quick and fast.
Protestor: This is your last f*cking warning! I advised you to cooperate!!! Or else we will torture the f*ck out of-
*Bang!* *Plak!!!*
A .44 Magnum round being fired out, the velocity of just a single devastating shot blows the attacker's head off entirely. Making a small bloody firework show with brain pieces flying out as for rejecting to cooperate with them. Koharu remains with her calm expression but Lai knows she is pissed right now, and the gunshot causes the citizens around panicked.
Koharu: Sorry about that.. You don't get to make a choice for us!
She quickly blasts another one's heart as soon as the guns's iron sight points at the chest, sending the guy flying back to the ground. Each of her shot's velocity blows every targets back. Lai joins in regardless of how the situation has escalated.
Lai: Damn it!
He draws out his M1887 shotgun. Quickly take out the melee fighter in close range shotgun blast. Lai notices several with bow aiming at them and homemade guns. He ducks down below cover to avoid getting hit by them. Luckily, their homemade pipe gun isn't accurate to hit him. Lai tears off another protestors flesh with shotgun blast as the attacker tries to jump on him from his cover. Koharu sweeps out the enemies in the battlefield with her MP7 in one-handed, keeping her Desert Eagle back inside her hoodie. She looks behind, noticing a protestor is about to choke her with the bat from behind. She stabs on the chest twice with the Karambit before the tip of the blade drills into the person's chin from below, then with a bullet on the head and kick away the corpse in full swing to finish the kill. Koharu dodges away another protestors's machete and punch his liver, causing him to flinch, then she stabs straight into the neck and ruthlessly tears open his throat. Blood stains on her face, grits her teeth as she feels the rush of the battle, crushing his head as she loathes them a lot. In the meantime, Lai kills two other protestors with buckshots, spinning his gun each time he makes a shot. The casualties of the enemies drive the others to retreat.
Protestor: Retreat! They got guns!
The living ones hop back to their vans in attempt to escape. Lai hijacks the last available van with Akihiko as the driver. Signalling Koharu to get in before the escape from the protestors.
Lai: Let's get out of here! The police are alert by the attack! And the protestors will be back with more.
Koharu hops into the van and fast reloads her MP7's magazine. The van starts speeding up and escapes the scene as fast as it can.
Koharu: How did they know we're here!?
Lai: I have no idea!
Aki: I'll conduct analysis once we get home.
Lai: I assume they got information about us after what happened at the mall. But this is ridiculous that they even knew where we're going!
Koharu: Darn it! That means my mother's gonna be involved as well!
Lai: Let's not dwell on that for now!
The van travels in full speed ahead with the direction heading to Lai's Apartment Complex. But the road isn't safe and smooth anymore as the streets are completely blocked by protestors with vehicles, road spikes and cones, forcing them to go alternative route. Koharu starts to have a bad feeling until she sees a truck coming out from the alley, ready to ram the van to aside with them inside.
Koharu: Watch out!
Lai: !?
The road block tactics, the weaponries, the attack and the truck ambush are just the tip of the iceberg of what the protestors are capable of.
(New Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids!! - Oral Cigarettes. Author's note: Imagine this video.)
As the drum and the guitars play out the starting music, the scene shows the debris of the floating castle Aincrad scattered around the land. The scene changes to the boy holding a shotgun, next scene to a girl with a Magic-Tech Rifle. Both holding their weapons firmly as everyone honors their heroes during the night.
Tonight, we honor the hero!
The guitar starts rocking as the next scene is them fighting their best on their own. Executions on the Yakuza in real life in the most cold-blooded way possible, while another one mass murder on the Salamanders as she went into killing spree with her Moonkiss and her Magic-Tech Rifle. The boy destroys the incoming vehicles one by one with his shotgun filled with FRAG-12 Explosive Shells, then blows up the Attack Helicopter with a M406 40mm HE (High Explosive) Grenade with his M79 Grenade Launcher. The girl executes the Salamander Commander by chopping his arm off and goes straight to his skull with her Moonkiss. Then, the boy dual wields with two MAC-10 for cleaning up the street then transitioning to the girl who brutally tackles another Salamander down, immediately slicing his whole body apart with her Two-handed Sword before the screen shows the title, Sword Art Online.
Fusagu NO men ni kowasu kyouran Kids
As the guy sings along the lyrics, the scene shows Koharu leaning against the wall, holding her XM8 Rifle with 100 rounds LMG drum mag, staring at the sky with doubts and hopes.
Uso KIRAI? houkai? hibi o touka shite
The next scene shows Lai walking along the bloody street with a Quad barrel shotgun resting on his shoulder.
Amai taion no mitsu nioi tatte
The next scene shows Kayaba with a lab coat, floating in a virtual world surrounded by a running coding program. The lyrics sync with their gunshot as they fire in a back to back stance.
*Gun cocks*
Just wanna hold your hand..!
Tokyo has fallen into total chaos with the protesters roaming the streets. Some of them are raising their boards in front of the government. Some of them are vandalizing the public property, some of them are looting the store during the chaos. Most of them are fighting against the US Military.
Just wanna hold your hand!!
The souls of 298 SAO Survivors are still trapped inside Sugou's grasp for his brainwashing project. With Asuna inside the birdcage on top of the world tree, hopelessly gaze down the land as no one will save her.
Just wanna hold your hand~ (Hey people! Let's go back to zero!)
The leader with his Yakuza army is armed with heavy equipment and at the same time with the army of Salamanders in ALO as well. All just to capture the duo who are trying to change their cruel fates by murdering every single one who are standing in their way in the shadow. Spilling their blood and guts everywhere. They both engage in their battles, one in the real world and another in the virtual world.
Kurutte Hey Kids! shidai ni jidai wa kawatte!
After busting through the cracked wall, Lai guns down one by one with his automatic shotgun through the hallway as the Yakuza appears out in front of him.
Owaranai shousou!
Meanwhile, Koharu is slashing against 12 Salamanders who are going in for the attack on the bridge.
Kurutte hey kids!!
He wields two Uzis as he launches their assaults in the night club owned by the Yakuza.
Deau hazu datta anata too
Koharu executes a Salamander player with a Moonkiss on his neck. Bashing his head to mush.
She drags the body.
She throws the body to the wall, bounces back.
*Boom!* She blows the whole body with a Double barrel shotgun in full blast.
Kurette naita! Wasurenai ai o sagashite tsunagitai zutto
The ammo belt from his backpack chained to his MG42, pulling the bolt before he starts sweeping throughout the street and the helicopters as he keeps his trigger pulled. She meets a looter by cutting off one of legs and splits his skull in half with her hatchet. Then shove a Frag Grenade before kicking him away.
Kurutte hey kids! Soredemo mirai wa again and again~
They both fight back to back, trading gunfire from all sides.. Koharu dodges, rolls forward, grabs a RPG and shoots a rocket straight to the tank.
Kurutte hey kids!! Kudaranai egao koboshite
Multiple shotgun shells rain on the ground as he dual wields two Automatic Shotgun at the heavily armored Yakuza until he explodes.
imi no nai kousou
Lai hugs Koharu from the back with affection.. Acting as her mental pillar support.
Kurutte heiki
Their blades clash again and again. She dodges all multiple hits from General Eugene during their duel.
Watashi no namae o again and again
Lai mows down everyone through the corridor with his MG42.
I swear I respect the hero!!!
A mounted M134 Minigun on a driving truck fires constantly at the Helicopter until the copter shoots several missiles at him before transitioning to the title "Sword Art Online".
End of Opening...
Katsushika City, ruin street..
Lai: Ugh...
His head spins a bit from the blunt trauma after the van got hit by something hard, his sight becomes temporary blurry for a minute. Blood stains on his palm, dripping from his chin. He realizes he is still in the van but it is now turn over in 90 degrees to the left side. Also noticing Koharu is recovering her consciousness from the blunt hit, luckily there's no sign of bleeding for her.
Koharu: Ugh! Are you okay!?
Lai: I-
Before he could answer back, both of them suddenly receive a massive violent force from the outside that has been unleashed on the van itself. Pushing the flipped van until it crashes against the building. The impact causes them to bump against the ceiling inside the van.
Lai: Ugh!
Koharu: The truck is ramming the van!
Without thinking further, Lai shoots the glass window of the van above them with his shotgun, creating an escape. The duo climbs out from the van. The driver of the truck ambush escapes as soon as they see them living and kicking. Koharu tries to shoot them for a few shots with her Desert Eagle but fails to hit them as the hit affects her vision. Frustrated that she couldn't get her revenge from them.
Koharu: Damn it!
Lai: We can't fend them all at this point! Let's go!
Koharu: ...
She bites her lips as she swears to kill them all next time in her thoughts. They both run across the street, hoping to search another vehicle to get themselves away but the protestors soon trying to surround as they appear in their sights.
Lai: To the alley!
Koharu headshots a few incoming armed protestors from a long range before joining with Lai in the alley. Running as fast as they could while slowing the protestors chase with their firearms.
A man put his suitcase down, opening it to reveal a scope, muzzle, grip, stock and other different gun parts that can be assembled into a Sniper rifle.
He starts assembling his gun in a very smooth way, just like he has done this each time before the assassination, both assemble and disassemble as well. With such skill with a gun, it only took a few seconds for him to assemble his Sniper Rifle.
Back to Koharu and Lai, all the alternative route in the alleyway option became unavailable as the protestors already occupied the area, forcing them to rush out back to the street.
Lai: They sure are certainly swift in blocking our routes! It's like they know our every move.
Koharu: We ain't getting out of here without a ride! It's just a matter of time until we get ourselves surrounded!
Lai: Agree!
While they are fleeing out from the grasp of the protestors, rushing out the street after spotting a civilian car that is still functional. The man leans against the railing with his homemade Sniper Rifle. Picking his first .22 Caliber from the suitcase.
Locking the bolt with a twist, he throws a dice, showing up a four on above.
He gets into his stance with his Sniper Rifle, aiming at a certain area after determined that there's no strong wind that will possibly affect his bullet trajectory while waiting for his targets. He soon fires his first shot as his targets are moving into his sight.
???: One..
The bullet travels in subsonic speed, taking a few seconds to reach the destination that is a kilometer far. Meanwhile, the duo are chasing in the street.
Koharu: We're almost there!
As they are about to reach the civilian car to hijack and escape. Koharu can hear the sound of a bullet's subsonic travel noise and hit the flesh of a person.
She turns around, noticing Lai is now being shot on his right shoulder from behind, lying on the road while holding his pain as he stops the bleeding with one of his bare hand. The image of him being injured shocked her to the core.
Koharu: Lai!
Lai: Son of a...!
He desperately points at the direction he assumes where the bullet flew in. Thanks to his direction, Koharu could see someone is at the rooftop during her eye scan on the buildings.
Koharu: A Sniper at this range!?
The man unlocks the bolt of his rifle, switching the empty casing with another homemade bullet before locking the bolt back.
While the man aiming his sight back to the target after reloading, Koharu couldn't care anything else as she focuses on dragging her partner as quick as possible to behind cover that can avoid the sniper's line of sight.
???: Two..
As Koharu hears a faint gunshot this time, assuming it is going for Lai's head.. With all the strength she can gather, the girl throws Lai to the side and behind cover before joining with him, but she fails to avoid the bullet as she got shot in the leg this time, causing her to fall on the ground, yelling out in pain.
Koharu: Ahhh!!!!
Lai: Koharu!
Lai drags her by her clothes behind the car as cover with him. Both of them are leaning against the car as they are now injured by gunshot.
Koharu: It hurts!
She grabs her Deagle out, trying to return fire but ultimately stopped by Lai.
Lai: You can't snipe him with just an iron sight! Our equipment ain't work on target this far!
Koharu: Crap! What do we do?
*Clank!* *Glass breaks!*
After bashing the car's window with his M1887 shotgun, Lai opens the front door for Koharu.
Lai: Get in! And get the hell out of here! Then we figure how we deal with that! Now come on!
Koharu crawls onto the driver seat and switch to the passenger seat beside it. Lai managed to hijack it with Aki's control before shutting the car door and successfully escaped out from the Sniper. After losing his targets, the man simply disassemble his rifle before walking away with his suitcase.
???: ...
Timeskip... Lai's Apartment Complex..
After observing the wound and where the bullet is stuck at with a flashlight. Lai sighs out in relief as thankfully that it only stuck in the flesh and the bone still maintains sturdy after taking gunshot with such velocity. The same goes to Koharu as she removes the bullet from his shoulder. But it is still a painful experience for the duo to withstand such pain during the removal. After dressing their wound with bandage and placing the bullet on the metal pan, Koharu lies down on the couch with her wounded leg resting, while also examining the bent-up bullet with Lai who is tidying up the medical supplies at the moment.
Koharu: This bullet.. Looks thinner than the rest that we used so far. Also I never seen this color before.
Lai: It's obvious enough that he did the paint job on his bullets. What Caliber does this bullet belongs to?
Koharu: It's a homemade one.
Lai: What?
Koharu: I study a bit about firearms and ammunition variant. A bullet with that thin as .22 Caliber, but also long enough as a Sniper round. Judging the time taken for the bullet to travel in such range. I noticed it took a few seconds to hit us.
Lai: So it travels in subsonic speed.
Koharu: But unfortunately, I can't tell what rifle he is using.
Lai: The bullet itself is already gave us the information.
Koharu: But there are so many questions left unanswered. Just bullet itself alone is not enough..
Lai: Such as...?
Koharu: Purpose, background, connection and then tactics. Those are the information I needed.
Lai: That many?
Koharu: Sorry.. It's just a discipline made just for myself as a MBC commander. That's the key part of making the guild become successful.
Lai: Can you tell me more?
Koharu: Knowing enemy's purpose grant us clues of what they're aiming for. Their background shows us their past experience and what tactics they had used before. Understand their connection gives us ways to figure out the mastermind. And last is to decide which tactics should we use to counter them back.
Lai: Aki can dig those infos for you. Then, we should prepare what we need to deal with him. Think you can do it?
The man replies in their Bluetooth headphones.
Aki: Consider it done.
Lai: Great.
Koharu: And one more thing, Lai.
Lai: Yeah?
Before going through the plan, the girl requests something from him and his body.
Koharu: Mind if you give me a syringe? I need something out from your body. Just take it as failsafe, will you?
Lai: Huh?
He got weirded out by her stange request.
Lai: Are you.. Trying to take my seed!?
She blushed by his word and yells back, scolding him for thinking ecchi stuff.
Koharu: Idiot! Now it's not the time for that! 💢
Lai: Alright, I'm just messing with you. But before that, you have a meeting in ALO today, right?
Her eyes widened as she just remembers it.
Koharu: Oh! Yeah.. I hope the injury doesn't affect me in game..
Lai: You know you can't feel your body once you're in the game, right?
Koharu: Ah.. I supposed that's true. What about your shoulder?
Lai: Might be a problem since I can't move my right arm a lot without causing the wound to bleed more. Also, when did you trained with a Deagle, Koharu?
Koharu: As I just said, I study a bit about firearms with some practice. But don't worry, I can handle the recoil on my own.
Lai: "Just some", huh?
Judging from Lai's facepalm expression, it is useless for Koharu to hide it with her excuses.
Koharu: Okay, okay. I'll try reserve some of the ammunitions next time. Especially that we are now got ourselves involved with the protestors.
Lai: But how did they know we're in the hospital? And also anticipated our routes?
Koharu: Come to think of it.. It does sound strange that they know our move. Also, don't you think they are getting bolder and bolder? That's what I was thinking about back in the elevator.
Lai: Launching Assault with vans and ramming us with truck. Yeah.. That was beyond what I'm expecting.
Koharu: I afraid that.. They might set up something that we really should take care of as soon as possible.
Lai: For example?
Koharu: Their own military forces, place of operations, hideouts, weapon manufacturing or even support from others whether it's financial, manpower or weaponry etc. Like ALF guild would normally do to conquer.
Lai: If you say it that way. This might be hard with just the two of us. But I'll prepare as much firepower as I can for both of us. You should hop back to ALO now.
Koharu: Sure.. You should be careful while you're on your own. God knows when the assault happens again.
Lai: Yeah, I know..
Koharu enters Lai's room before locking the door to prevent anyone except himself breaching in. Lai still feels the intense pain from his shoulder as he lifts his right arm.
Lai: Damn.. That hurts like hell..
He heads down to the underground shooting range to test if he still able to handle firearms at his current condition.
Koharu's POV
I just messaged Keita via phone chat, asking what his current status. Surprisingly, he is currently active in the game as Keita just replied back after sending the message for a few seconds. But regardlessly, I grab the AmuSphere and dive back into ALO to resume the mission.
ALO, Nezim Wetlands..
As soon as I log in with current Cait Sith avatar, I immediately received a gift from unknown.
Koharu: Hm? A gift?
Akihiko: Welcome back, Koharu.
Koharu: ...
I open the gift category in the main menu, taps onto the unclaimed gift and the system summons a medium-sized box with a ribbon on the ground. I grab it and open the lid, noticing a large Double Barreled Shotgun resting inside the box. Named "Lai's Lucky Charm".
Koharu: A shotgun?
Akihiko: This weapon is requested by Lai himself. Suitable for shredding a group of enemies apart and sending threat messages with its loud gunshot.
Koharu: I wouldn't be surprised if shotguns are his best gift. But I'll delightfully accept it since it's from him. Also, I already have many weapons in my inventory.
Akihiko: *sigh* I suggest you ask him directly. He said your weapons aren't "devastating" enough.
*Click!* *Shell drops*
I open up the breach of the gun and two empty shell casings springs out from the barrels. Then, I shove another two shells inside the barrel from the shell box with infinite sign.
Koharu: Whatever.. Tell him thanks for the gift anyway. I always need more firepower. So where we're heading?
Akihiko: Keita should be waiting inside the Undine's Territory.
Koharu: Right.. Better make it qui-!
Her sentence got interrupted by another player's shouting.
???: We just need some words with your leader! That's all the Salamanders could ask!
Undine Player: Dream on!
I turned around, noticing a small battalion of Salamander are blocking the main bridge, preventing her and other players to enter or exit the Undine's Territory. The scene already gave me the question of "it will be a long fight" and my answer "I won't back down". I told Aki to assist Lai in the meantime.
Koharu: I think I'll be busy at the moment. Lai needs your help.
Akihiko: Right..
The leader of the battalion continuously demands an explanation from the Undine's leader.
Kagemune: Come on! After trashing our battleships and then hide in the palace? I would say that's a new low.
I draws out my shotgun just in case, slowly approaching the battalion from behind.
Salamander: Huh? Shi-!
*Click!* *Heavy Bang!*
40 pellets in one single blast completely tears off a player's chest before turning into remain light. The loud bang gains every players attention to me, but it is still unbelievable for them to think taking down battleships has become Koharu's feats.
Koharu: If it's for the battleships, it was my doing all alone.
Keita and the others arrived at the scene as spectators at the bridge. Yuuki immediately rushes forward to assist Koharu.
Yuuki: Koharu!
Ultimately, she got stopped by Keita.
Keita: Hold up, Yuuki!
Yuuki: What are you doing!? We should help her!
Keita: I might be sound selfish but.. This is the best chance for every players to realize their only hope has arrived. And we get to see her true combat capabilities.
Kagemune: What a surprise.. A Cait Sith like you could take down battleships.
I quickly change with another two shotgun shells in just a few seconds. Drawing out my Moonkiss, spinning her one-handed sword in a casual way.
Koharu: Let me demonstrate in a way you won't forget.
Several soldiers lunge towards me at the same time as first strike. At the first sight, I launch myself forward, simply went through them with a sword thrust. After swinging my blade, 10 sword slashes lands on every attacking enemies behind her. I kept my serious expression as I slowly approach to the leader.
Undine Player: With a single thrust!?
Yuuki: 10 slashes!?
Keita: What's wrong? Can you see her movement?
Yuuki: Speed is always her specialty. Whether it's dealing damage from a distance or dashing past her enemies. She was able to do at least 3 slashes that is not visible to others except her opponent.
Keita: So that wasn't just a thrust.
I can assume behind me was nothing but remain lights from being defeated by my blade. With my shotgun on my left, resting on my shoulder and Moonkiss on my right. The battalion backs away as I take one step at a time forward, until I lost my patience as I don't want to waste any time.
Koharu: *sigh* I'll just make this quick..
I burst forward in subsonic speed into the battalion. Multiple casualties already happened in a just a second. With various weapon arsenal, I can extend my combo using weapon switch to no end.
*Slash!* *Bam!* *Boom!*
I blow up a group of Salamanders with the cannon, blast another one's face with the shotgun before he could react. Chaining my kills as I slash through the battalion with my sword. As another second pass, I'm already in the battalion group and surrounded by hundreds of players, I throw a Titan Shuriken that cuts through enemies in half that stands in its way. Throwing several Explosive Kunais before switching to my Magic-Tech Rifle, melee to shove them back and sweeps the field. Killing everyone in the vicinity. I close in as I switch to my Greatsword that crushes the attacking enemies one by one with every swings. Left Horizontal slash, Right Horizontal slash, Downward slash after a spin then uppercut slash before a devastating smash on the ground that causes an earthquake around me. Unfortunately, some of them escape the earthquake by flying up in the air. I dodge away several fireballs from the mage and jump away from flame pillars that pops up from the ground. Irritated that I missed.
On the other side, Yuuki and the others who are watching her fighting alone. She notices something as she looks at Koharu's expression.
Yuuki: That expression..!
She notices an expression that is first time appeared on Koharu's face. It is the cruelty that intimidate the opponent.
I retaliate back with my Rifle. Gunning down several on the air. Bashing, ripping and tearing apart the shielders with my Greatsword's devastating crush, removing their defenses. Without wasting any time, I unequip my weapons and dash forward, straight to where the leader of the battalion. I unleash two invisible strings, binding the leader's avatar. I swing a kick on both of his legs to get on his knee before drawing out the shotgun, aiming at his head point blank from behind.
It took a second for him to realize what just happened.
Kagemune: What.. Was that?
The rest of battalion are about to attack until she threatens them as she holds the leader as hostage.
Koharu: If you wish your leader to be spared, drop your weapons.
Kagemune: I suggest you look around first.
Koharu: !!
She notices the remain lights that got defeated by her, eventually revived by the mages. The leader smirks as he is taunting her.
Kagemune: You know they can be revived, don't you? Is this your first time playing ALO, kitty?
She remains calm but chuckles out as reply while loading her shotgun with malicious intent in her mind.
Koharu: But they can't even lay a finger on me. I'll just tear them up bits to bits until they give up.
Kagemune: This is all just a game. Why even get serious? Players will just lose stats and skills as death penalty, not their life. I'm sure you don't want to make this personal-
His chest completely tore open with a large hole by pellets from two Shotgun shells. Her expression slowly turn from calm expression to very angry. She bashes his head down to the ground with her gun.
Kagemune: Ugh!
Koharu: Like I'd give a damn about the your stats..!
She humiliates the leader in a casual tone as she continuously bashes him with her shotgun.
Koharu: Too weak, too slow, died after just one hit! But still acting like scums that I despise, just like in SAO!
She then continuously crushes his head with her stomp until it turns into fragments. She loads another shotgun shells, ready for another round.
Koharu: Those that wish to die, come forward!!
Instead of running away cowardly, the battalion got pissed by her taunt.
Salamander: Get her!
Koharu: Fine by me!
She retracts her strings back. As soon as one of them charge towards her, she rushes past through the battalion.
Salamander Player: She- She's behind us!
Koharu: Too late!
Swinging her blade once, unleash a loud singing sword as multiple brutal slashes chops down a couple of them into pile of bloody gibs and meat. She blasts another with her Cannon, gunning down several mages with her Rifle until she jumps, down stabs through another player's entire head down from above before pulling his head off with the Kunai. She slashes through the enemies while flying around the battalion, utilizing air strafing to the max. She dodges away, fires out a spear from Lai's perforator that impales multiple mages in a row like a skewer. Koharu dashes and shreds the impaled players with her Greatsword.
*Slash!* *Slash!*
Koharu: Haaaah!!!!
Forming a X with two heavy slashes and a devastating thrust, the players got disintegrated in the end by the combination Greatsword's power and Koharu's STR, also breaking the spear in result. Without the mages to revive the remain lights floating around her. The Salamanders could not do anything but to retreat. The rest remain lights then disappeared around her.
Salamander: We'll get you next time!
The battalion suffered a lot of casualties and retreat out to the sky in front of Koharu. She takes a breath from exhausting herself wielding the Greatsword. Keita catches up with Koharu.
Keita: Koharu!
Her expression immediately turns back into concerning one.
Koharu: Keita! I'm glad you guys are okay.
Keita: We're just trapped in the Territory. They can't do any damage to us while in the safe zone.
Koharu: Where's Yulier and Thinker?
Keita: They're currently offline. Unfortunately, they're occupied with IRL stuff.
Koharu: Damn..
While the two of them chat, Yuuki pops into her mind. As she is about to ask Keita, Koharu notices Yuuki is just standing behind Keita. Seems she is lost in her thoughts.
Koharu: Yuuki?
The girl snaps back as she hears a familiar voice.
Yuuki: Huh? Oh! Koharu!
Keita: What's wrong? You usually the first one who jumps on Koharu.
Yuuki: Ah! Nothing! I'm just in total awe, seeing Koharu in action as one man army!
Keita: ...
Koharu: I guess I made you shocked with all the action. Anyway..
She throws her Greatsword to the air, disappeared as she unequips it.
Koharu: I assumed they are here because of the battleships we destroyed?
Keita: Yeah.. So they decided to block the entrance and demanding for Undine leader's attention.
Koharu: Have you asked the leader yet?
Keita nods in reply.
Koharu: What did the leader said?
Keita: It's an approved from him. We act as the messenger to the Cait Sith and Sylph to form an alliance to fight off the Salamanders. And as for us, we'll be on our own.
Koharu: The five of us?
Keita: Actually, it'll be three of us here.
Koharu: Huh? Why!?
Keita: Yulier said they will be much of a burden than a help to us. I know you may think you can easily handle a battalion of them on your own but you can't possibly protect all of us all the time, especially in battle.. And if they manage to kill any of us.. You know the scenario, Koharu.
Realizing they have to go all the way to rejoin party. Koharu sighs in annoyed as she rants something out from her mouth.
Koharu: *sigh* The dev are really suck at developing the game, not to mention balancing the game. This journey ain't easy without teleportation, having to walk all the way if defeated.
Keita: That's what I thought.. It's better that they should stay in the Undine.
Yuuki: So the fewer of us means lessens our worries. Plus, we're capable on our own. So we should be fine, right Koharu?
Koharu: I agree.. Teamwork is crucial in this situation.
Keita: Now, let's get to our roles. Koharu will act as the Main DPS. Yuuki will be as our damage support. And with my mastery of Water magic. I should be capable as Healer in the battle.
Koharu: But are you able to fend them off by yourself?
He closes his eyes, his silence gives her the answer.
Koharu: I see.. Yuuki and I will do our best to protect you.
Keita: Thanks for understanding.. I guess that's our formation. Now we should go to the World Tree through the Rainbow Valley.
Koharu: Right... Let's not waste any time.
The three of them depart from the main entrance, heading towards the valley.
End of Chapter...
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