Chapter 43: Counter attack.

Somewhere in her dream.

Koharu's POV

I feel my head is now resting somewhere with the familiar warmth that I can recognize it. As I open my eyes, the first thing I can see is that Tokyo city has now fallen into everlasting flames with people fighting against the government. It is an all-out war between the people and the military just because of the full-dive tech. I watched it happen before, at the mall. But the only thing my mind would only care about is the familiar warmth, ignoring the chaos that happens in front of me. But this dream I had, only lasted for such a short time.


Japan Standard Time, 8:00pm.. Northeast of Tokyo, Katsushika City. Somewhere at the back alley between buildings.


During the early night in Tokyo, the sound of far away explosions and the outrage of the people can be heard throughout the City, enough to wake Koharu up from her short dream, sleeping on Lai's lap. She found herself and her partner is now waiting in a car that Lai has stolen from the burglary.

Koharu: Is this..?

He notices Koharu has woken up.

Lai: You're awake.

Koharu: Where are we now?

Lai: Katsushika City, North East of Tokyo.. But we're still far from our target.. Those idiots protestors set up roadblocks everywhere with bricks they pry off from the pedestrian pavement. Look at the front.

Koharu: Huh?

She notices a large group of protestors parade throughout the City. Like a group of cannibal corpses roaming in the street that will attack anyone they see. They both watch in a car with their lights off to conceal themselves in the dark.

Koharu: My god..

Lai: Now we're just waiting until the attacking group parade walks away. All of our weapons are on the backseat. Check your ammo and weapons for now.

She looks behind, noticing a bunch of firearms lying around in a mess due to all the bumping from unbalanced roads and avoiding road obstacles. She grabs her XM8 Rifle and wears the sling around her to carry the rifle without actually holding it. She chugs a Standard 30 rounds mag in it, grabbing from their shared ammo supply rucksack and notices all of their weapons are silenced.

Koharu: Silencers?

Lai: Aki told us there are snipers on the rooftop guarding one of their "facilities" disguised as nightclubs. And we're hitting them tonight, very hard.

Koharu: What's the plan?

Lai: We're taking down the snipers first and quick. Then, we will use the RC Plane to blow up the Nightclub. Causing a distraction and then we strike straight front. Kiss our "pacifist" self goodbye and kill everyone we can.

Koharu: Sounds bold.. But I can't think of any better than this.

Lai: *sigh*

Koharu: So how are we gonna escape after the attack?

Lai: He will stay here for a while. After we switch our weapons, Aki will drive the car to the escape point and get us out. I trust his driving skill.

Koharu: But don't you think people will notice a car without a driver would cause a lot of controversy?

Lai: Relax, everyone are so absorbed to the protestor parade. Also here, please take this.

He grabs an VSS Vintorez Rifle with the default silencer, paired up with a PSO-1 Scope attachment. Koharu knows what her role will be during their objective. She pulls the charging handle in midway, checking if the gun is loaded or not, she pushes it back and puts it back on the backseat.

Koharu: Another rifle, huh?

Lai: The recoil of it is pretty friendly, so don't worry about hurting your shoulder.

He grabs out a FN EVOLYS LMG from the backseat. Attaches a box fed, 5.56mm magazine on it, opens the dust cover, connects the first bullet to the chamber, slams it back and pulls the bolt. Koharu loads a 9x39mm mag into her VSS Vintorez Rifle and pulls the bolt. Lai also equips his already prepared Remington ACR. Grabbing all of their weapons before getting out of the car. Koharu struggles on carrying both of her rucksack and her backpack at the same time.

Koharu: Ugh! It's heavy!

Lai: Just bear with me.

They set all of their firearms and ammunition into the car trunk. Grabbing the weapons they need, the Remington ACR and the VSS Vintorez for the purpose to take out the Snipers first before closing down the trunk. They conceal their weapons into the rucksack which they're bringing with them. Both move out as soon as they're ready.

Lai: Aki.. Give us a location.

Akihiko: It should be just further up ahead. Find your way up to the rooftop.

Koharu: Right..

They proceed with caution, the sound of the outrage and the chaos becomes much clearer as they proceed further up along the alleyway. With Aki's guidance in the dark. They advance all the way up to the rooftop via the rusty fire escape stairs. Both grab their rifles out as soon as nobody is around the rooftop, scanning around them. Koharu just witnesses the City Lights scenery of Tokyo mix with graceful raining snowflakes in winter season while they find their way to vault over railings and travel between buildings.

Koharu: Wow.. So this is Tokyo during night time?

He replies back..

Lai: Yeah.. We could visit here one day after all of this.

She feels a bit excited about his words.

Koharu: Really!? So it's a promise then!

Lai sighs in disappointment.

Lai: I wouldn't get my hopes up, judging how much damage they had done to Tokyo..

Koharu: Ah.. You got a point..

She changes the subject to about the protestors.

Koharu: Speaking of them, don't you think they are going a little bit.. Bolder tonight? Just a feeling I'm getting..

Lai: Not sure... You saw how capable they can be at the mall and it was during day time.

Koharu: You got a point there.. Again.. And do you see any snipers on the rooftop?

Lai: No.. It's barely visible to anything far for us at night time. Maybe I should bring night vision device.

A voice came from their call via bluetooth device. Telling them to wait.

Aki: I strongly recommend that you scan the area with your phone's camera. I'll mark the target as soon as your camera len scans across them.

Lai takes out his phone, scanning around in front of them. Aki is marked with a small square. Knowing that they are far away. But there are only two of them.

Lai: It really worked.

Koharu: Now we have the advantage.

Lai: Stay prone.

Hearing his command, they both lay down and go in prone positions together, using the gap of the railings to hide their positions while also having their barrel able to peak out a bit. Lai and Koharu check their phones to refresh their current locations. Their eyes then shift focus on their rifle's scope. Holding their breath on to stabilize their aim as they lock onto one they can find. Utilizing communication.

Lai: Locked onto one at the west.

Koharu: Marked one at the east.

They take their time with Koharu waiting for his call.

Lai: Drop them.

*Bang!* *Bang!*

They fire several rounds. Thankfully, the crowd's noise is loud enough to cover their silenced firing sound. After downing two snipers from the other side. Lai quickly unzips his rucksack, revealing three RC Planes with C4.

Lai: Okay. Now's our chance before any of them see their corpses!

Koharu: What should I do?

Lai hands the plane to her. Instructing her what her role will be.

Lai: Spin the propeller and toss it to the air. I'll take control and you do the look out. Inform me everytime if it hits or misses.

Koharu: Right!

She throws the plane to the air and resumes back to a prone position, watching closely to the nightclub. The plane stabilizes its flight as soon as it receives Lai's control. With the camera on the front plane, Lai is able to know where it's flying towards. The plane did a U-turn and started to descend down to where their target would be landing.

Koharu: It's heading straight!

Lai: All right!

The plane crashes against the glass door. The impact to the C4 detonates the explosion.


(New Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids!! - Oral Cigarettes. Author's note: Imagine this video.)

As the drum and the guitars play out the starting music, the scene shows the debris of the floating castle Aincrad scattered around the land. The scene changes to the boy holding a shotgun, next scene to a girl with a Magic-Tech Rifle. Both holding their weapons firmly as everyone honors their heroes during the night.

Tonight, we honor the hero!

The guitar starts rocking as the next scene is them fighting their best on their own. Executions on the Yakuza in real life in the most cold-blooded way possible, while another one mass murder on the Salamanders as she went into killing spree with her Moonkiss and her Magic-Tech Rifle. The boy destroys the incoming vehicles one by one with his shotgun filled with FRAG-12 Explosive Shells, then blows up the Attack Helicopter with a M406 40mm HE (High Explosive) Grenade with his M79 Grenade Launcher. The girl executes the Salamander Commander by chopping his arm off and goes straight to his skull with her Moonkiss. Then, the boy dual wields with two MAC-10 for cleaning up the street then transitioning to the girl who brutally tackles another Salamander down, immediately slicing his whole body apart with her Two-handed Sword before the screen shows the title, Sword Art Online.

Fusagu NO men ni kowasu kyouran Kids

As the guy sings along the lyrics, the scene shows Koharu leaning against the wall, holding her XM8 Rifle with 100 rounds LMG drum mag, staring at the sky with doubts and hopes.

Uso KIRAI? houkai? hibi o touka shite

The next scene shows Lai walking along the bloody street with a Quad barrel shotgun resting on his shoulder.

Amai taion no mitsu nioi tatte

The next scene shows Kayaba with a lab coat, floating in a virtual world surrounded by a running coding program. The lyrics sync with their gunshot as they fire in a back to back stance.


*Gun cocks*







Just wanna hold your hand..!

Tokyo has fallen into total chaos with the protesters roaming the streets. Some of them are raising their boards in front of the government. Some of them are vandalizing the public property, some of them are looting the store during the chaos. Most of them are fighting against the US Military.

Just wanna hold your hand!!

The souls of 298 SAO Survivors are still trapped inside Sugou's grasp for his brainwashing project. With Asuna inside the birdcage on top of the world tree, hopelessly gaze down the land as no one will save her.

Just wanna hold your hand~ (Hey people! Let's go back to zero!)

The leader with his Yakuza army is armed with heavy equipment and at the same time with the army of Salamanders in ALO as well. All just to capture the duo who are trying to change their cruel fates by murdering every single one who are standing in their way in the shadow. Spilling their blood and guts everywhere. They both engage in their battles, one in the real world and another in the virtual world.

Kurutte Hey Kids! shidai ni jidai wa kawatte!

After busting through the cracked wall, Lai guns down one by one with his automatic shotgun through the hallway as the Yakuza appears out in front of him.

Owaranai shousou!

Meanwhile, Koharu is slashing against 12 Salamanders who are going in for the attack on the bridge.

Kurutte hey kids!!

He wields two Uzis as he launches their assaults in the night club owned by the Yakuza.

Deau hazu datta anata too

Koharu executes a Salamander player with a Moonkiss on his neck. Bashing his head to mush.


She drags the body.


She throws the body to the wall, bounces back.


*Boom!* She blows the whole body with a Double barrel shotgun in full blast.

Kurette naita! Wasurenai ai o sagashite tsunagitai zutto

The ammo belt from his backpack chained to his MG42, pulling the bolt before he starts sweeping throughout the street and the helicopters as he keeps his trigger pulled. She meets a looter by cutting off one of legs and splits his skull in half with her hatchet. Then shove a Frag Grenade before kicking him away.

Kurutte hey kids! Soredemo mirai wa again and again~

They both fight back to back, trading gunfire from all sides.. Koharu dodges, rolls forward, grabs a RPG and shoots a rocket straight to the tank.

Kurutte hey kids!! Kudaranai egao koboshite

Multiple shotgun shells rain on the ground as he dual wields two Automatic Shotgun at the heavily armored Yakuza until he explodes.

imi no nai kousou

Lai hugs Koharu from the back with affection.. Acting as her mental pillar support.

Kurutte heiki

Their blades clash again and again. She dodges all multiple hits from General Eugene during their duel.

Watashi no namae o again and again

Lai mows down everyone through the corridor with his MG42.

I swear I respect the hero!!!

A mounted M134 Minigun on a driving truck fires constantly at the Helicopter until the copter shoots several missiles at him before transitioning to the title "Sword Art Online".

End of Opening...


The Japan's police forces give their all, trying to repel and disperse the group with tear gas and water cannon while defending the Katsushika City's perimeter. But the protestor at the front line of the parade relentlessly throwing bricks, stones, Molotovs, petrol bombs, arrows from crossbow or even fireworks minigun. The outrage from the group grows more intimidating, worsening the situation. Joyce watches the situation from a safe distance on the rooftop, while talking with her husband who is overseas via phone call.

Vincent: How's the view out there?

Joyce: I will never get used to this.. Father asked me to stay out of any matters involved with this. You know the scenario.

Vincent: Still being overprotective even at that age. I'd give him that.

Joyce: You're being awfully optimistic, Vince.. Even at times like this..

Vincent: That's the key to keep ourselves and our family from falling apart. Our son's mental state is probably still unstable from all the trauma he got from that death game. So you gotta keep that mood positive, even if you don't feel like it.

She sighs out casually but still concerned, both the society and her family..

Joyce: He always shares his problems with you first before me, don't you think, Vincent?

Knowing that his wife tends to overthink sometimes. He comforts her.

Vincent: Joyce.. I know you're a great mother and you can't help but worry about him because of the Yakuzas. But this is his battle and he decided to deal with this on his own. The chances should be much better with all the firearms I offered to him.

The woman sighs..

Joyce: *sigh* Right now I need a dri-


The explosion shocked Joyce back to wide awake and gained her concern. But surprisingly, the explosion didn't happen on the police side. But it's on the parade instead. The crowd on the parade's rear start to disperse as panic spreads out to the citizens.

Joyce: An attack!?

Meanwhile... Alleyway..

A few minutes after the explosion, Lai and Koharu quickly change their weapon loadout. Tossing their rifles to the car trunk, grabbing FN EVOLYS LMG and XM8 Rifle out this time. They also brought their backpacks. Pulling the bolt of their guns before strapping to their back.

Lai: Let's make it quick! I believe the crowd's already confused about what's going on. Get a smoke on the street there. We don't want others to see us.

As soon as they step out from the street, the duo toss their smoke out from the alley, the thick fog comes out from two Smoke Grenades. Covering their movement towards the attacked Nightclub. Each Yakuzas inside the club unsheathes their pistols, Katana and submachine gun. Yelling out is arrogant.

Yakuza 1: What the hell was that!?

Yakuza 2: Who the f*ck messing with-!


Multiple 5.56 Ammunition fired out at a very fast rate, gunning down Yakuzas across in horizontal direction before they could retaliate back. Their heavy gunfire not only tore meat chunks out from their corpses apart but also demolished the wine glasses, bottles and lights, shattering every glass into shards everywhere during the process. The duo proceeds forward, Koharu headshots anyone who is still breathing with her M1911 while Lai massacres the incoming group while proceeding. As the situation quiets down, both approach the stairs to the second floor. Lai decides to take the lead, leaning on the wall to check corners.

Lai: Check our rear first and cover me.

Koharu: On it.. Don't block my fire.

She scans around, making sure all the bodies are just corpses instead of living one before covering Lai who is advancing with caution. Unexpectedly, two unpinned M67 Grenades dropped down from the stairs. Lai turns around and tackles Koharu away from the stairs.

Koharu: !!

Lai: Get down!


Hugging and covering her from the explosion with his body, Koharu retaliates back with her pistol after the landing. Shooting down two Yakuzas charging down with Katanas. Koharu helps him up.

Lai: Thanks.

Koharu: Are you okay?

He shakes off the glass shards from his clothes.

Lai: I'm fine..!

To counterattack, Koharu sweep fires at the stairways with a few shots. Then, she switches out with Lai to lay down suppressing fire, gunning several down. Koharu suggested something while Lai reloads his LMG, replacing the 100 rounds box magazine with a new one, opening the breach And connects the first bullet to the chamber before shutting it down tight and pulls the bolt.

Koharu: I'll flash them out!

Lai shoots down the glass door for her to throw in with a flashbang. The grenade unleashes an unbearable flash that blinds anyone inside the second floor. Lai breaches in first with his LMG before Koharu. Scanning on the left while she scans on the right. Both sides are trading gunfire from pistols, submachine gun and shotgun as the goons reveal from their cover. Both of them strafe to a nearby couch for cover, wiping out any Yakuzas in cold-blooded. Koharu notices some of them are running away, escorting their goon boss she assumes.

Koharu: I'm getting him!

Her reckless action breaks their formation and also leaves Lai's back vulnerable. He has no choice but to stop firing and follow her.

Lai: Damn it!

Koharu guns down the escort bodyguards. Got ambushed by a Yakuza from her side with a Katana. She blocks with her rifle, kicks on the nuts, thrust his face with her rifle stock and pulls out her secondary pistol, immobilizing his legs with a few pistol shots before slicing his head off with the Katana she just snatched from the assailant. Lai kicks the standing, headless corpse away while Koharu resumes back to pursue. The duo follow them upstairs to the rooftop. As Koharu kicks the door several times, the first bullet penetrates through the locked door and grazes her long hair.

Koharu: !!

The bullet graze causes her to be stunned. Lai pulls her away from the door as more bullets invade through the door.

Lai: Get down!

He pulls her, both prone down to the stairs. More bullets shred down the locked door. Lai unpins a M67 Grenade and throws it to the rooftop. Koharu then throws a M18 Smoke Grenade to blind their sight. Both rush and spread out to avoid their fire. Flanking them from the sides in the smoke.

*Splack!* *Tush!*

Multiple head pops off from gunshot. Lai and Koharu check on them.

Lai: Dead!

Koharu: This one's done for.

The helicopter's propeller blows the smoke away, revealing the two of them on the rooftop. The duo covers themselves with their arms. Just knowing that the Helicopter is getting away as they uncover it. Both try to shoot its propeller down in full auto. Koharu detaches the magazine and replaces it with a new one.

Koharu: He's getting away!

Lai: Keep firing!

Bullets grazed the helicopter, dealing very ineffective damage on its body. A Yakuza who mains a mounted Minigun on the helicopter, retaliates with its massive firepower.

Lai: Run!

The duo quickly ducks back to the stairs where they came from to avoid the Minigun's fire. A stream bullet cuts through the buildings like lasers. Destroying anything inside while the duo keep their heads duck down. As the gunfire stops, the duo come out, noticing the Helicopter has escaped successfully.

Koharu: Damn it!

Lai: At least our job here is done. Let's head back.

Koharu: Lai! Look over here.

Lai joins you with her who is pointing at the street. Noticing many people are filming the scene so they prevent staying at the railings from getting facial recognition. Koharu asks Lai for an escape route.

Lai: Looks like we had gained their attention.

Koharu: Where should we go?

Lai: Through the fire escape!

They head down the fire escape stairs, all the way back to the alleyway. They rush along, switching to their secondary pistols, also set their rifles on their back. Thankfully, there is no one lurking in the alley and their escape car is just up ahead, driven by Aki.

Lai: Great! We should be able to-!

Suddenly, someone rushes out from the left side of the alley. Swinging a swift kick towards him. Her high heel tip stabs against Lai's chest bluntly, while her kick sends him away.

Lai: Ugh!!

Koharu: Lai!

She quickly draws her pistol towards the attacker. The woman throws her knife, knocking the pistol out from her hand. She grabs her rifle out, only to be disarmed by the woman. Joyce steals her XM8 rifle, detaches the magazine so the gun itself renders useless for the moment.

Koharu: Damn it!

She whips out her Karambit knife in back handed. While Lai is stunned by the unbearable blunt trauma. Koharu can only fend for herself at this point. Joyce also draws out her knife claw.

Joyce: You ain't going anywhere.

Koharu: We'll see about that!

She swings her Karambit, going for the kill. Joyce backsteps away, dodges her slices. The woman retaliates back with an upward claw slash, Koharu dodges forward, punches her waist that staggers Joyce.

Joyce: Ugh!

Koharu lands another strike on her other side before with a follow up uppercut stab with Karambit. The woman backs away, causing Koharu to miss.

Koharu: A back away at this position!?

Having no mercy shown, the woman grabs Koharu's arm. Turning the whole table with her basic arm lock, she twists and pushes down her whole arm with Koharu's back bends down and also facing towards her. The pain shot to her entire body that drops her Karambit, reacting with her silenced groan as she grits her teeth hard.

Koharu: Argh!!!

Joyce: I was going easy on you, girl..

With her knife on Koharu's neck, Koharu has almost no chance to turn the table this time. Lai was still groaning towards the pain on his chest.

Koharu: Ugh! L-Lai...!

Her mind suddenly triggers a flashback in Floor 20 of SAO. Where the red players had humiliated them, the part also where she had lost her beloved for the first time. All the memories and trauma boils her blood to the max.

Koharu: You're not taking him away from me!!!

She grits her teeth, taking the risk of having the knife injure her neck. Koharu headbutts Joyce's nose with the back of her head. Breaking off the shackles from Joyce's grip. Her teeth firmly grips onto the blade of the knife, snatching away from Joyce.

Joyce: Damn!

Koharu grabs the knife from her mouth as she turns around, immediately throws out the knife in a straight line at Joyce who isn't expecting that at all.

Joyce: !!

She dodges to the side, thanks to her reflex. But the knife breaks one of her earrings in the process. Koharu picks her Karambit back up, both trade their glaring stares with their battle stances until Lai calls her out.

Lai: Mom!?

Her glare softens down into a concerned one, looking back at Lai who is struggling with both of his feet up.

Koharu: Mom?

Her stern look changes into her casual smile.

Joyce: Hm.. I'm kinda impressed with your girl. I'll let you off this time.

The woman looks at her son, who just got helped up by Koharu with Lai's arm around her after picking up all her weapons. Joyce continues as she picks up her knife and sheaths it back to her holster under her jacket.

Joyce: Sorry for the rude introduction. But you sure put up a good fight.

Both looking at her with their guards on, showing no sign of soften down. But she decides to let them escape, Joyce takes her leave first.

Joyce: I'll be leaving then. And please guide her well in the future.

The woman waves her goodbye before taking her leave from the alley, both resume back to their escape as Aki is still waiting for them.

Lai: Let's just keep going, Koharu. I'll explain later.

Both hurry themselves to the car while the duo bears the injuries they had gotten. Lai holds his pain from the blunt hit on his chest that causes internal bleeding. Koharu tries her best to carry him despite having her arm injured by Joyce's disarm technique before holding Koharu into a hostage state. They toss their weapons on the backseat before entering the front seat.

Aki: What took you so long?

Koharu: Just drive! He's hurt!

Aki: As expected.. Fasten your seatbelts.

The car begins driving at high speed, escaping the scene as far as they can in a short time. They both eventually managed to get in the car to escape without anyone witnessing them.

Timeskip... 11:00pm, Lai's Apartment Complex..

After Lai had his fair amount of painkillers to deal with the pain from the bruise on his chest and both had their upper clothes taken off during the treatment session but also with Koharu's bra still on, and now he is treating her wound. Helping with her arm gently moving around for a spin while asking her if she hurts or not to avoid painful movements. Lai also applies a towel filled with ice cubes on her shoulder to reduce inflammation and pain. Also, a medical plaster has applied to dress the minor cut wound on her neck.

Lai: How are you feeling in this position?

Koharu: Feeling fine, but still be careful. She wasn't holding back at all. Ugh!

She reacts to the pain as Lai accidentally moves her arm into a specific movement.

Lai: Sorry..

Koharu: I think I would need the ice pack for a couple of hours before heating. You should treat your bruise, Lai.

Lai: I had my painkillers for tonight. A few ointment and a few weeks of rest should make the bruise fade off.

Koharu: That takes too long..

Lai: She wasn't holding back from that kick as well..

He sighs before comparing the reality and the full dive virtual reality.

Lai: Usually, we just recover our HP by drinking revitalize potions and any wound we suffered from battles would just magically go away in SAO.

Koharu: Back there.. We were so used to SAO's mechanics, logic and rules. Now in the real world.. I guess worlds have their own set of rules.. That's what we can tell for sure.

He gently massages her shoulder along the muscle around her neck to release the tension out of her before her sleep.

Lai: Yeah.. Except virtual worlds that are governed by a human who is disguised as god.

Reminding her about Akihiko Kayaba.. Koharu immediately asks him to drop the subject.

Koharu: Let's not dwell on that too much. It reminded me how we got tortured throughout the journey.

Lai: Sorry..

She let out a sigh that sounds something is troubling her mind.

Koharu: *sigh*

Lai: You okay?

Koharu: Huh? Nothing..

Lai: I recommend not to bottle it up, especially when you're injured.

She grits her teeth and frowns.

Koharu: I expected a good ending after we fought against the mastermind in SAO and beating the game. But now, we successfully escaped, just to end up in another hell with constant calamity happening around us. I can't help but to hate how reality treated us.

Knowing that she is forced to do something she doesn't want to do but needed to, that is resorting violence and kill to protect.

Lai: Cruelty is part of reality, sadly.. Expect nothing good come out from it.

Koharu: Don't you feel the same way?

Lai wouldn't attempt to lie but to honest to her with his thoughts and feelings.

Lai: Honestly, I thought the same way but..

He stutters a bit in his sentence, trying to reason with her something else. Koharu patiently wait for his response.

Lai: We've beat the god of SAO, right? Now we just have to change our world in our way, right? I won't give up as long as this world still worth saving.

His words left her silent instead of agreeing..

Koharu: ...

Lai: Come on.. At least it's not like we woke up in a zombie apocalypse or disaster that can possibly destroy the whole world like any movies. It's just people clashing each other with different opinions and a clan of Yakuzas are trying to get us.

She drops a sweat..

Koharu: Aren't you being too optimistic?

He becomes nervous as soon as he knew he messed up.

Lai: Well! My point is, since we're capable to beat the Aki in his own creation that made the two years as the worst year in our entire lifetime. So a group of Yakuzas is basically a Tuesday morning for us.

His joke makes Koharu cracks a smile.

Koharu: And why Tuesday?

Lai: Because that's the blandest day ever.

His answer finally makes her laugh a bit.

Koharu: Haha..! Maybe that's true.

Lai: I hope it clears your mind.. At least for now..

Her laugh creates a wholesome atmosphere that offers comfort for both of them. Koharu feels the bliss when he's around her.

Koharu: Being able to open up to you feels a boulder lifts up from my heart.

Lai: Glad that worked out perfectly.

Koharu: *Relief sigh*

She let out a sigh of stress releasing, setting free of her worries and tension escapes out from her mind, thanks to Lai's gentle rubbing. She could feel his devoted and soothing love regardless of his own injury. Her hand joins up with his as soon as his hand places on her shoulder. Rubbing the back of his palm with her thumb.

Lai: Huh?

Koharu: Can we do something that makes both of us relax for the whole night? But since the bruise is on your chest. I.. Believe the chances of you saying yes is extremely low..

Lai: ...

He inspects the bruise on his chest, which is now left with red color due to minor internal bleeding. But it will be painful if rubbed harshly.

Lai: I believe the pain's gonna wake me up in the middle of our sleep. Damn.. She wasn't holding back at all, just like you said. You sure you're not curious about my mom?

Koharu: *sigh* It's not that I'm being rude. But now's not the time for introducing partners to both of our parents while we're introducing ourselves to the dangers right now.

Lai replies back to her request, but his voice sounded a bit embarrassed as he had a bold idea.

Lai: Yeah.. About your request.. Maybe we could have our sleep... Without our clothes on.. We can warm each other up in our sleep that way.

His suggestion piques Koharu's interest.. She chuckles silently but happily, also genuinely excited about it.

Koharu: Without the clothes on for a whole night, huh? Sounds heartwarming for me..

Lai: I bet it will be..

Knowing she will be sleeping with Lai nakedly. She isn't sure that she should have her bra on or not. She places her hand on her chest as she feels her heart thumping hard, knowing they will be having an intimate moment. Blushing as always whenever doing something bold with her beloved. She asks without turning her head around as Lai is still applying the ice on her shoulder.

Koharu: So.. That means.. With my bra off.. Right?

Lai: Huh?

Koharu: Don't make me say it again..! It's kinda unfair if you're the only one being completely naked in the bed, right?

Lai: Uhm...

He stutters a bit but boldly replies back since it's rare to have this moment.

Lai: Yeah.. If there are just two of us here..

Koharu: Great! But.. There's one thing..

Lai: Hm?

She chuckles silently, and decides to tease him with a seductive invitation.

She gathers her long, straight hair with both hands before bringing it in front of her so she can show the backside of her pink bra clearly.

Koharu: You see.. My dominant right arm is now injured and I might hurt myself just to reach my back. And my left hand is too clumsy to undo it. So mind if you.. Do the honor?

Then, the keyword that captures the heart escapes out from her lip.

"Anata~". ❤️

Despite boldly sending out the invitation to him, her blushes start surfacing out from her cheek and she doesn't have the courage to look around to check his reaction. Lai is surprised by her femine charm just now but keeps his cool. As soon as his finger touches her back, Koharu's body reacts to it with a twitch as he fiddles with the hook on the back of her bra.

Koharu: Eek!

Lai: Huh? I just thought you're kinda bold today. (What kind of invitation is that!?)

Koharu: Y-You're seriously doing it, right here!?

Lai: Didn't you want me to take off your bra?

Koharu: Yeah but-!

Lai: Here!

Without letting her finish, it only took a couple of seconds for him to undo her bra after figuring out the hook mechanism. Her breasts springs out as the moment they get out free from its suffocating space inside her bra. Koharu covers her nipples before she turns around.

Koharu: Can you do that in your room next time? Geez.. You're so impatient.

Lai: Sorry, I'll try to be next time.

She grins a bit while keeping her hair behind with her other hand.

Koharu: Well, I guess we can sleep on the couch together for tonight!

She surprises him with her tackle that pushes him onto the couch, with Koharu now on top of Lai. He holds the pain by gritting his teeth to keep his voice from coming out.

Lai: Argh! Easy on the tackle!

Koharu: Sorry!

Lai: *sigh* I need more painkillers.. But take that!

Koharu: Stop it! That tickles!

They both have their fun and enjoy tickling each other's bodies playfully until the drowsiness washes their minds away that makes them fall asleep with their blanket on, as well with Koharu on top of him.

Meanwhile... In a private nightclub owned by Python Clan in Tokyo.

???: What a nuisance.. Now they managed to trash one of my places.

Sugou: I never expected them to be this persistent.

The glass in his hand cracks a bit.

???: How humiliating it is when you can't even handle some brats.

Sugou: Well, our project will still continue to develop without their brains. However.. Now they knew about our plan and showing no sign of lowering their guard down once raised. That's the main issue right now so I'm afraid I'll have to leave this matter to you.

Rubbing salt to his wound, the leader brings up the hospital scene that humiliated Sugou possibly.

???: I heard how he roughs you up good in the hospital. Other people would die by laughter once they know this.

He still keeping his formality despite being mocked by his partner as he doesn't want to screw up the relationship between them because of his impulsive.

Sugou: I suggest not to bring that up. It's getting on my nerves..

The leader takes a sip of blood rose wine.

???: Anyway, I have sent out someone to have their heads off. As the price for going against the clan.

Sugou: Have it your way then. I'm here just to inform you that the brainwashing tech is now 40% complete.

???: Don't worry, you will be seeing their grave by the time the project is finished.

The head of the research team drank his share of liquor before taking his leave, warning the leader about them.

Sugou: By the way, don't underestimate their capabilities, they're survivors from SAO after all.

???: Hm?

He pushes his glasses up and remains his stern look.

Sugou: Their combat prowess are equal to martial artists, their sharp mind are superior than any trained military personnel. Plus, the actions they made are perfect spot on.

???: What do you mean?

Sugou: How did they anticipate the burglary attack and other assault you threw at them? How did they even know that nightclub is actually one of your base of operation? I don't think pure coincidence or wild guessing can make such feat.

???: Come to think of it, how did they get Intel like this?

Sugou: To put it simple, they have a hidden contact backing them up. Like a god watching over them from the sky.

???: I see..

He observes the photos of the duo wielding their firearms, fighting side by side.


Year 2025, January 20. Japan Standard Time, 8:00am.. Lobby in Lai's Apartment Complex..

With their wound treated before the rest, they both are now sleeping on the couch, nakedly.

Koharu: Huh?

She wakes up, rubbing her eyes to clear the dust, feeling that she is sleeping on something warm and.. A bit hard and solid. First thing she realizes is her sleeping with her head resting on top of Lai's chest, with their skin still glueing against each other. She sighs as she rests her head back on his chest, regretting for missing the chance of them having their first mating moment due to the lack of stamina they can afford for it.

Koharu: I missed the chance.. Darn it.. I guess we're too tired..

Her stomach let out a rude growl that demands for food right now. She got interrupted by it, sighs before she does se stretches as soon as she gets up. Covering her exposed nipples with one of her arms since she isn't wearing anything and same goes for Lai. She grabs the clothes she had wore last night from the floor. But the stench of the sweat she had worked out from the assault had dominated the shirt. Making it unbearable to wear.

Koharu: *sigh* Now I have to borrow clothes from him.

Since there are only two of them in the complex, she feels comfortable enough to roam around with her exposed alluring body. Her revealed thick thighs display out in the sexiest way possible as she walks around. She heads to the mirror in the bathroom, checking the cut on her neck that has been dressed up with bandage. She feels a sharp pain as she lifts her head, facing up that stretches the skin of her neck.

Koharu: Ugh.. Damn it..

She sighs as she exits out the bathroom. Heading straight to the kitchen for something for both of them to have breakfast. She murmurs to herself about using someone else's property.

Koharu: He wouldn't mind if I use his kitchen, right?

Then, that's when she notices something else.

Koharu: Huh?

Japan Standard Time, 9:00am..


This time, Lai wakes up, still feeling a bit pain but also tingly from his chest. Forcefully get himself up. He can tell Koharu is already up.

Lai: I wonder how she's doing.

He hears something from the kitchen, assuming that is Koharu's doing. He greets her with a good morning.

Lai: Ohayo, Koharu.. (Good morning.)

The outfit of the girl shocks him to the core.

Lai: Huh!?

The girl he just saw is his partner in her naked white apron, probably the one that his mother used when she's young. Her bottom and her back is totally visible for him even with the huge bow tied on her back. She notices Lai's presence from behind.

Koharu: Lai? Ohayo!

She turns around, carrying with a tray of two sadnwiches and two glasses of orange juice.. Her b-cup size breasts are perfectly covered by the apron. Also with a short dress on the front only that can possibly exposes her pussy if she squats down with her leg spread out. Lai drops a sweat as he just discovered one of her sides that no one would know.

Lai: Wow.. It really fits you well.

She explains it to him in case if he got the wrong idea.

Koharu: I have to make it clear. It's not I wanted to do that. The clothes is unbearable to wear with all the sweats stained on it.

Lai: Yeah.. Still, you look great on it. But let me carry the tray. I assume your arm hasn't fully recovered yet.

Koharu: Thanks.

She passes the tray to him. As soon as he turns around to place it on the dining tabel, Koharu sneaks on him with a hug that stops him.

Lai: Koharu!?

Her hand immediately traces down to his crotch, stroking something hard with her hand. Kissing his neck from behind as she brushes her chest on his back.

Koharu: You already got this hard just looking at me? How perverted are you? Mind if you tell me what you think of me?

Lai: Is this your payback for what I did to you at the counter?

Koharu: I'm just making it even for us. Plus, you want it this badly, right?

He chuckles to the fact she already guessed it correctly without putting any effort. Lai went along with it.

Lai: Do your worst then~

Koharu: Hehe..

Her hand strokes the tip where it is the most sensitive part. His dick twitches a bit in response to her caress. A soft whispers to his ear from Koharu excites both of them.

Koharu: Please~ Paint my body in white~

His shaft twitches harder as it is on the verge of ejaculating. But without holding back, his member offers a huge warm cock milk that dampens her entire palm. She demands for a kiss from her beloved as her hand still continues to stroke it to calm it down.

Koharu: Kiss me.. ❤️

Without any consideration, Lai trades a few loving kisses with Koharu before the breakfast. While both of them are unknown what dangers that befalls on them.


A mysterious man with a white two piece suit while holding a suitcase, just received orders and two targets to assassinate from the higher-ups.

End of Chapter...

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