Chapter 42: Comrade from the past.

Japan Standard Time, 3:30pm.. Undine Capital, inn.

After logging back in as a Cait Sith, Koharu opens the received messages from Keita for the meeting.

To Koharu,

Yulier, Thinker and I had meet up at the gate, waiting for your presence, gear yourself up and check your equipment. If you need materials for Ammo or new weapons, you can ask me.


She closes the message interface. Opening her inventory.

Koharu: Let's see...

She checks her inventory. Several Ninja Kunais, Explosive Papers, Shinobi Ninja Element Scrolls, Status Ailments Potions, several Titan Shurikens, Moonkiss, Several mags of 139.7mm nails and drum mags of Arrows, a Nailgun, an Automatic Crossbow, Lai's perforator, several boxes full of spears and a Magic-Tech Rifle. She grabs the Rifle from her inventory. Curiously detaches the crystal that is infusing the rifle with Mana energy.

Koharu: Magic-Tech Rifle..

Akihiko: Lai used it before when he was Floor 50. Remember the Factory that produces Mana Crystals?

Koharu: Yeah, I remember.. That place is also a place for creating weapons. That's why it was filled with Golems.

Akihiko: This weapon was made by Lai back in SAO, a powerful rifle that consumes Mana Crystals Magazines. But it was too costly to use since Mana Crystals aren't rechargeable. So I merely modified the coding, its appearance, its feed system and element modifiers so it can be recharged using your mana points. You can also switch between elements.

Koharu: I see..

She chugs it back and pushes it in. The steam of the energy escapes out from its venting system. She tests it in her hip fire motion and aims down to its iron sight to see its reticle. Toggling with the button near her trigger. The Crystal and the gun itself changes its color, from red (Fire) to blue (Water), from blue (Water) to green (Wind), from green (Wind) to brown (Earth).

Koharu: ...

Akihiko: I'm sure your massive arsenal is enough for your journey.

Koharu: No.. I still need one..

Akihiko: Huh?

Timeskip... Undine's Blacksmith shop..

After exiting out the weapon shop, a Two-handed Sword with a huge iron blade strapped behind her back. Just in case if she wants to uh... Make things quick and smooth. Aki drops a sweat as he sees Koharu's new weapon added to her arsenal.

Akihiko: How insecure are you, Koharu?

Koharu: This will cure if it can cut people in half in a gruesome way.

Akihiko: That adds a reason why not to mess with you.

Koharu: I know this is just a normal video game for me and everyone else here.. But the only thing that everyone doesn't know except me is the SAO survivors are still suffering. So I have to do anything to survive. I can't let my death delay my objective. That's what Lai is doing right now in real life.

Akihiko: ...

The former game director of SAO and the commander of the Knights of Blood Oath, gives her an advice.

Akihiko: Try not to stress your mind. Emotions and mercy are your mind's greatest enemies.

Koharu: ...

Keeping his advice, she continues her journey to the meeting point, where Keita and the others.


*Plane flying noises*

A C4 armed RC Plane, roaming around the air as Lai controls it for the first test on the rooftop of his Apartment Complex. The plane landed in front of Lai successfully. He inspects the armed bomb plane.

Lai: Test complete.. The C4 weight affected the plane's flying a bit. Need to be launched into higher altitude to perform air strike. And of course it's a two-man job to do that.

After the test, Lai grabs the airplane and returns back to lobby. Resuming back on refilling the weapons for both of them. Also preparing their backpacks, filling with several grenades and clips.

(New Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids!! - The Oral Cigarettes. Author's note: Imagine with this video.)

As the drum and the guitars plays out the starting music, scene shows the debris of the floating castle Aincrad scattered around the land. The scene changes the boy holding a shotgun, next scene to a girl with a Magic-Tech Rifle. Both holding their weapons firmly as everyone honor their heroes during the night.

Tonight, we honor the hero!

The guitar starts rocking as the next scene is them fighting their best on their own. Executions on the Yakuza in real life in the most cold-blooded way possible, while another one mass murder on the Salamanders as she went into killing spree with her Moonkiss and her Magic-Tech Rifle. The boy destroys the incoming vehicles one by one with his shotgun filled with FRAG-12 Explosive Shells, then blows up the Attack Helicopter with a M406 40mm HE (High Explosive) Grenade with his M79 Grenade Launcher. The girl executes the Salamander Commander by chopping his arm off and went straight to his skull with her Moonkiss. Then, the boy dual wields with two MAC-10 for cleaning up the street then transitioning to the girl who brutally tackles another Salamander down, immediately slicing his whole body apart with her Two-handed Sword before the screen shows the title, Sword Art Online.

Fusagu NO men ni kowasu kyouran Kids

As the guy sing along the lyrics, the scene shows Koharu leaning against the wall, holding her XM8 Rifle with 100 rounds LMG drum mag, staring at the sky with doubts and hopes.

Uso KIRAI? houkai? hibi o touka shite

The next scene shows Lai walks along the bloody street with Quad barrel shotgun resting on his shoulder.

Amai taion no mitsu nioi tatte

The next scene shows Kayaba with a lab coat, floating in a virtual world surrounded by running coding program. The lyrics sync with their gunshot as they fire in back to back stance.


*Gun cocks*







Just wanna hold your hand..!

Tokyo has fell into total chaos with the Protestors roaming the street. Some of them raising their boards in front of the government. Some of them are vandalizing the public property, some of them are looting the store during the chaos. Most of them are fighting against the US Military.

Just wanna hold your hand!!

The souls of 298 SAO Survivors are still trapped inside Sugou's grasp for his brainwashing project. With Asuna inside the bird cage on top of the world tree, hopelessly gaze down the land as no one will save her.

Just wanna hold your hand~ (Hey people! Let's go back to zero!)

The leader with his Yakuza army are armed with heavy equipments possible and at the same time with the army of Salamanders in ALO as well. All just to capture the duo who are trying to change their cruel fates by murdering every single one who are standing in their way in the shadow. Spilling their blood and guts everywhere. They both engage in their battles, one in real world and another in the virtual world.

Kurutte Hey Kids! shidai ni jidai wa kawatte!

After busting through the cracked wall, Lai guns down one by one with his automatic shotgun through the hallway as the Yakuza appears out in front of him.

Owaranai shousou!

In the Meanwhile, Koharu is slashing against 12 Salamanders who are going in for the attack on the bridge.

Kurutte hey kids!!

He wields two Uzis as he launches their assaults in the night club owned by the Yakuza.

Deau hazu datta anata too

Koharu executes a Salamander player with a Moonkiss on his neck. Bashing his head to mush.


She drags the body.


She throws the body to the wall, bounces back.


*Boom!* She blows the whole body with Double barrel shotgun in full blast.

Kurette naita! Wasurenai ai o sagashite tsunagitai zutto

The ammo belt from his backpack chained to his MG42, pulling the bolt before he starts sweeping throughout the street and the helicopters as he keeps his trigger pulled. She melees a looter by cutting off one of legs and splits his skull in half with her hatchet. Then shove a Frag Grenade before kicking him away.

Kurutte hey kids! Soredemo mirai wa again and again~

They both fighting back to back, trading gunfire from all sides.. Koharu dodges roll forward, grabbing a RPG and shoots a rocket straight to the tank.

Kurutte hey kids!! Kudaranai egao koboshite

Multiple shotgun shells rains on the ground as he dual wields two Automatic Shotgun at the heavily armored Yakuza until he explodes.

imi no nai kousou

Lai hugs Koharu from the back with affection.. Acting as her mental pillar support.

Kurutte heiki

Their blades clashes again and again. She dodges all multiple hits from General Eugene during their duel.

Watashi no namae o again and again

Lai mows down everyone through the corridor with his MG42.

I swear I respect the hero!!!

A mounted M134 Minigun on a driving truck fires constantly at the Helicopter until the copter shoots several missiles at him before transitioning to the title "Sword Art Online".

End of Opening...

Back to ALO... Outside of Undine's Territory, Nezim Wetlands.

Keita: Ah.. Koharu! You arrived in time.

Koharu: Where should we take off? Imp territory?

Keita: Yeah.. The girl I mentioned about in the Inn should be there. I also have planned our route to the Cait Sith and the Sylph without going through Salamander's territory. For now, let's head over to the south.

Koharu nods to Keita's idea. Thinker almost forgots something to gift Koharu.

Thinker: One more thing I almost forgot, Koharu. Here's the map of ALO.

He gives a map item to Koharu. She checks it immediately as soon as she receives it.

Yulier: As you can see, Undine's Territory is on the east side of the world. The Imp's Territory is just on the south side of our location.

Koharu: So how are we going to the Sylph's and the Cait Sith's if the Salamander's Territory is in our way? I don't really mind neutralizing them who stands in our way.

Keita: There are three large pathways to the World Tree, which are called "The three Valleys" as well. Rainbow Valley is in Undine, luckily.. Another is the Dragon Valley, located on the Salamander's and the last one is the Butterfly Valley that takes us to the Cait Sith's.

Koharu: So that means we can go through the Valleys and straight to the Cait Sith.. But there's a Valley where the Salamanders come from.

Keita: Yes.. But it will be a long road and tons of battles..

Yulier: Since you are here. We have the chances to travel through the Rainbow Valley and get both races to form an alliance after we get her from the Imp's Territory.

Koharu: Sounds like it ain't working without a fight..

Keita: Alright, check your weapons and gears. Make sure to bring enough rations as well.

Koharu detaches the drum mag of her Automatic Crossbow, chugs back in and spins the drum of her crossbow. Making satisfying clicking noises.

Koharu: Let's go to the Imp's Territory first then.

The group set off to the Imp's Territory through the Wetlands area.

Meanwhile... Lai's Apartment Complex, Rooftop..

He puts several RC Planes with armed bombs and several controllers with notes telling which one controls the right RC Plane, stuffing all of it inside the duffle bag before zipping it and load onto the Car Trunk he stole from the burglars. He sighs as he is very unknown about if two of them can pull this out successfully. With that is enough to stress him out already. He slams the car trunk shut, the sound of it snaps his thoughts off.

Lai: ...

He grabs a few masks that are possibly suitable for them. But he chooses two of them out randomly in the end. Then, he heads to the underground shooting range to customize their weapons. First of all, he tinkers a bit of Koharu's XM8 Rifle, attaches a thin-size silencer at the muzzle and twists for a few circles to lock it firmly. Changing her drum mag to a Standard 30 rounds mag. Also adding silencer to her Combat Master 1911 Pistol. As for himself, he changes his primary weapon to a Remington ACR, adding the same attachment loadout as Koharu's XM8 Rifle.

Back to ALO... Japan Standard Time, 4:30pm.. Wetlands area..

After an hour of flying through the Wetland area, Koharu already annoyed and bored how the process is, especially when they can only fly for 10 minutes, stop and then fly for another 10 minutes process since she isn't used to long travelling. (Author's Note: I can't imagine taking couple of hours to reach another territory, also only able to fly for 10 minutes.)

Koharu: How long until we get there!?

Keita: If we get to there without any encounter with the Salamanders. It should one or two hours.

Koharu: What!?

Keita: I know it's a long journey, Koharu! Bear with me.

Yulier: Honestly, we could take a ride on the Aeropolis, straight to the Imp's Territory.

Koharu: Aeropolis?

Yulier: It's a moving city that drives through every race's territories in circles all around ALO. Its main purpose is for the Tourist. Like a cruise ship.

Keita: There! In front of us!

The group notices a big metropolis, built on a moving tracks that permanently powered and drives in circles route all around ALO. Just like Yulier explained. The size of metropolis is thousands times bigger than player's.

Koharu: Whoa...

Thinker: Unfortunately, it moves much slower than our flying speed. It takes a whole day to reach to the region from another. I can't imagine the amount of power required to move the whole city.

Koharu: That.. Makes sense..

They could hear a explosion of something shoots off.

Keita: Enemy incoming!

Koharu: Huh?

A huge cannonball being shot straight at the group. They all managed to evade it luckily and dodge the rest of the barrage of cannonballs. Koharu notices several Aerial battleships from a far ahead of them, piloted by the Salamanders judging the flag on the ship. Koharu unsheathes her Magic-Tech Rifle and charging straight towards the Battleships as their sudden attacks enrages her, gritting her teeth hard.

Koharu: Tsk!

Keita: Stay away from the battleships! Koharu will finish them off! Survive the assault!

Meantime, Koharu shoots out multiple of magical beam in full auto as a counter attack from long-range combat. Exchanging gun fire from her and the Battleships, dodging every cannonballs in her Aerial acrobatics. Her magical beam rains down on the crew who are on the ships, pierces through the wood and metal but deflected by the barrier that is protecting the engine. Koharu gathers her strength to her virtual muscles that is supporting the wings, boosting her flying speed to one of the battleships.

Koharu: Haaa!!!


She stomps as she lands on the ship. Alerting the crew that she is on board. The DPS are about hop on her with their weapons on. She grips onto her Two-handed Sword, throwing out with a full swing that obliterates her surrounding enemies.


In a single slash, multiple bursts could heard around her. Knowing that she just slained the attacking DPS players. She sheathes her Two-handed Sword while shooting with her Magic-Tech Rifle at the incoming enemies from the dock. Switching to her Moonkiss, she hacks and slashes her way while shooting off the enemies on the sky. She tears off someone's wings with bare hands, using him as her meat shield while shooting with her Rifle. After that, her sword cuts the head of the Salamanders, then the torso in half. Kicking away the chest part before heading her way to the pilot's deck through the dock. As she massacres the crew in the corridor, Koharu also anticipates any players who tries to ambush her from corner. Stabbing them with her Kunai, to the heart, the head, then blast the whole body with her Rifle. She kicks down the door to the ship's captain. She slides dash forward immediately, sweeping the leg and then grips onto the head with her arm, ruthlessly twists his neck in 180 angle degree, releasing a loud snap. She contacts the group via Party Chat messages.

Koharu: I hijacked one of their ships. I'm taking down the rest!

Keita: We will stay in a safe distance. Give them hell!

Koharu: Will do.

She heads to the weaponry where all the cannons are stationed. Koharu randomly picks up one of them among the column.

Knowing what her next move is, Akihiko warns her that players with weak STR can't carry stationary weapon. As she is about to pull one of them out just as he expected.

Akihiko: This is a stationary weapon, not a "gun" for your arsenal!

She pulls out a whole cannon from its wooden station cart, loading a cannonball in the barrel and stores all cannonballs in her inventory before heading out from the dock. She carries the whole cannon onto her shoulder, using the button on the side of the cannon as a trigger to fire.


A flame coated cannonball has been fired out towards another battleships from Koharu's shoulder. The recoil pushes her back a lot but like a punch to the face, the velocity of the cannonball is able to knock the target ship to aside. Koharu inserts another one into the barrel. Using the recoil and the explosion's push, she launches herself towards the next one. Switching to her Rifle in mid-air, raining down Magical beams upon the enemies. Pierces one upon landing, slashing one and another with her Moonkiss. Going through the same way, she takes care of the captain of the ship before invading the last one. During her mid-flight, she witnesses a player with purple long hair fly out from the last ship, wearing hood and obviously different from other Salamanders she had encountered so far. But the player wields an Obsidian sword as soon as the player sees her presence, preparing to take her on. Koharu does the same, both of their swords clashes against. She grits her teeth as she presses forward.

Koharu: Get out of my way!

The player summons another Obsidian sword from her other hand. Prepared to swing down. Koharu pushes the player away, shoots out several Magical beams during her flight, the player dodges away in mid-air and closes the gap between them. Koharu blocks with her Two-handed Sword. She swings it continuously, the player simply dodges her slashes and blocks it with both swords. She repels Koharu back but Koharu returns with a retaliation, shoots out a spear from Lai's perforator after quick switching. The player reacts to it and cut it in half. Koharu switches to her Moonkiss. Both trade a few clashes with their swords. With Koharu's attack speed, she is easily able to keep up the Player's dual wield attacks. Using her Two-handed Sword as a landing to hop herself, she dashes forward with a drill attack. The player dodges to her left and launches her assault this time. But before that, her Two-handed Sword retracted back to its owner with the invisible strings, about to hit the player in its way. She deflects it back in time with both swords, Koharu immediately shoots a kick from behind as soon as the player had her back turned towards her.


Player: Ugh!

After Koharu making her first, clean strike, Keita and the others noticed Koharu's fight against an unknown player. Keita identifies the player who is battling against Koharu currently.

Keita: That player.. Wait!

Meantime, Koharu closes in with her assault stance after the first strike, the player fends her off. Both trade several blows during their clashes each time they fly towards each other. Koharu locks her blade against the player aggressively. Taking her opportunity, using her tail to grab a Kunai and stabs the player's waist.

Player: Ahh!!

The damage staggers the player and Koharu takes her chance to swing and drop her entire leg down onto the player, sending her straight to the ground. Keita recognizes the player as he notices the long purple hair, but it was too late as Koharu flies straight down to the player, takes out her Cannon and shot a cannonball straight down in point blank. The cannonball sends the player like a meteor, explodes upon landing and leaving a huge crater on the ground. Koharu let out a sigh of relief as she finally defeats the player while landing and witnessing the player turns into a Remain Light.

Koharu: That's a tough one...

Keita and the others catches up to Koharu's location.

Keita: Koharu? Are you okay?

Koharu: I'm fine. Just getting warmed up. She seems formidable, but somehow familiar.

Keita: Yulier. Revive her.

His command confused Koharu. Warning him that it could be an enemy.

Koharu: Huh? Why!? She could be an enemy of ours.

Keita: Before I give the answer, you don't recognize her at all?

Koharu: Not sure.. I encountered many players with purple hair before and they can dye their hair anytime they want. Plus, I don't think the dual wielding Kirito prefers that color.

Keita facepalms himself.

Keita: You surely don't remember..?

Koharu: Then tell me the answer. Enough with the riddles!

He sighs out.

Keita: It's Yuuki. One of your Valkyries team back in SAO.

Koharu: Huh?

She looks back at the Remain Light. Couldn't believe that the one she defeated is one of her team in the previous game.

Koharu: Wait!? That's her!?

After Yulier successfully brought Yuuki back to life, the first thing they all could hear is her excitement after a fight even with her losing in the end.

Yuuki: Yahoo! I've never thought I could meet you again in the battle in another world, Koharu-chan!

Koharu: Uh..

The short Imp girl happily greets her. Also surprised by the fact Koharu is a Cait Sith player. Admiring her tail wiggling a bit, her ears and also her whiskers.

Yuuki: And whoa! You're a Cait Sith!? It's been a long time since the last time I met one because thanks to the Salamanders territory is in my way! And that explains how you were able to damage me with your Kunai!

Koharu: ...Uh..

Receiving an awkward reply from Koharu, Yuuki's face slowly changed from happy to a concerning one.

Yuuki: What's wrong? You're.. Not happy to see me?

She shakes her head immediately. Breaking from her stunned expression.

Koharu: No! It's just.. I'm surprised.. But why didn't you say it was you in the first place? I mistook you as Salamander's secret weapon or mercenary. I was aiming to destroy you.

Yuuki: Well, I was ready for a fight as well. The Salamanders sure does pose a challenge to me when their race has more power than any other races. But for me, they're just small fry foot soldiers tho.

Koharu: And how do you know we're here looking for you?

She reveals out with proud tone.

Yuuki: Oh! It was Keita's plan. We could just have a normal meeting in the Imp's Territory but.. After knowing your arrival from Keita. I... Uh.. Made an odd request for him. To have him arrange a battle for us and those battleships are the best choice for the encounter!

Koharu: ...

The Cait Sith shoots a glare at the MBC leader.

Koharu: Keita..?

Keita: Sorry if this upset you, Koharu. You two didn't get to meet for a few months. Plus, you know what and how Yuuki would usually "greet" whenever she meets you.

Koharu: Always end up in a fight first..

Yuuki: That's right! Koharu is the only one I would "greet" in such a way since she was once as my superior when it comes to combat!

Koharu: But since you're here with us. I guess that saves us a lot of time and we can head to the Rainbow Valley right away, I think..

Keita: Yes, we should get out of here before any reinforcement from the Salamanders show up.

Thinker: Yeah..

The others agreed before advancing back to the wetlands and then Rainbow Valley, one of the large pathways to the World Tree in ALO.

Meanwhile... Lai's Apartment Complex..

After preparing their bags full of ammo and throwable explosives, along with water bottle. Lai also sets up several electronic stationary PKM machine gun at the end of the corridor as turrets, testing the gun with Aki controlling it.

Lai: Alright, do a horizontal spin and vertical adjustment.

The turret slowly and gradually turns to the right, then to the left after reaching its end. Knowing that the turret can only face one single direction with certain degree. Gladfully, the gun itself is detachable from the turret and can be used as LMG.

Akihiko: It's suitable to set it on any places that the hostiles can use to flank the complex. Windows, doors and corridors for example.

Lai: Got it.

He sets the rest of the stationary weapon on any places Aki recommended to him.

Lai: So how's Koharu doing right now?

Akihiko: She's doing well so far. But...

Lai: But?

Akihiko: How should I say.. Let me think..

Lai: Just out with it.

Akihiko: She carries too many weapons at once. I think she's slowly turns into a maniac because of your influence.

Lai: Isn't that means she will be much safer?

Akihiko: But.. I afraid to say that the Koharu everyone know is fading away, slowly.. Because of the battles.

Lai: ...

Akihiko: You're already aware of it. What will you do when that time comes..

The boy frozes in his place, worrying about Koharu's mental status due to the fact she is pressured by not only the real world itself, also the virtual world as well. Her mother being unconscious in the hospital is her biggest worry currently.

Lai: Time will tell us how.. I'm already glad she's holding up fine on her own for now. If it's for the others, I think they would freak out completely at the first sign of trouble.

Akihiko: If we could go back to the past. I should've end Sugou's career when I got the chance.

Lai: Never thought a genius like you would dream such unrealistic wish.

Akihiko: A human's mind is capable to explore the universe of limitless imagination. Even one such as myself trapped inside this Cyber World.

Lai: Speaking of capable.. Mind if I request one more thing?

Akihiko: Out with it.

Lai takes out a paper and draws out something else with a pen before showing it to Kayaba who is in his TV screen. His calm, mature expression immediately changes into annoyed one as soon as he views Lai's creation.

Akihiko: You both are hopeless...

Lai: A human's mind is capable to explore the universe of limitless imagination. That's what you said.

Japan Standard Time, 6:00pm. Back to ALO, inside Undine's Territory at the bridge.

After heading back to Nezim Wetlands, Koharu just realized the time already reach the evening.

Koharu: Darn it.. It's already evening.

Keita: You got something else to do IRL?

She nods..

Koharu: Yeah.. I afraid I have to stop here and resume back in tomorrow.

Yuuki: Aww! I was about to play with your tail!

Koharu: Sorry.

Thinker: Don't sweat it. We all sometimes busy with things in real life.

Keita: It's good to take a pace. But Sugou's research..

Koharu: If he succeeds somehow. Lai and I will put a stop to them. He's not getting away with this, unscratched.

Yuuki: What are you guys talking about?

Keita: I'll fill you in with the details. Anyway, we'll wait for you and continue on tomorrow morning ASAP.

Koharu: Got it.

She opens the settings to the log out button, her avatar disappears as soon as she logs out.

Lai's Apartment Complex, Lai's room..

(Author's Note: There's a scene I had wrote but it is deleted because it's a hardcore one that some of you might can't handle it. If you want to check it out, it's in another lemon book called "Koharu's Happiness")

She takes off her AmuSphere as soon as she recovers her conscious from her sleep. She slowly gets off from the bed, Koharu can still feel the dampness in her underneath while her body still feeling aroused a bit just from remembering of Lai teasing her pussy with his fingers while rubbing his shaft on her thighs.

Koharu: Geez.. He's making my body ache for his cock. I can't imagine if he sees me with my Neko avatar.

She wipes off the liquid in her crotch, feeling a bit tingling sensation in her body. She immediately stops it and decided to rest back for a bit on the bed after exhausting her in mental.

Koharu: *Sigh*...

Then, a door opens suddenly that surprised her.

Lai: Oh? How long have you been awake?

Koharu: Just now.. I was about to lie down for a bit. How are you doing alone in the Apartment?

Lai: I just prepared our dinner before heading out together. I got everything prepared except you. We can take some time off to rest up your mind.

Koharu: No.. We should go after dinner.

Lai: But..

She cuts his sentence with a smile that tries to reassure him. But it didn't stop him for showing concern towards her.

Koharu: I'm fine.. It'll stress me out eventually as long as our problem persists. I doubt I can even have any appetite as long as the Yakuza still out there and alive.

Hearing how eagerly she is when it comes to save the world. He eventually nods..

Lai: Well, I feel the same way..

He helps her up from the bed. She switches off the AmuSphere before they exit out his room.

End of Chapter...

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