Chapter 41: Into the Lion's den.
Japan Standard Time, 1:00pm.. Lai's Apartment Complex, Kashiwa, Chiba..
Lai: ...
Koharu: ...
The duo are now facing the hard decision together, wondering which one of them should enter into ALO. Obviously, both of them are dare to take on anything that the game could throw at them with the converted stats from their old SAO account, but none of them dare to face against Sugou as they worry about the brainwashing tech he had in his disposal that could easily turn one into his sides, instantly put them in grave danger. After a moment of silence, Koharu decided she should dive in before Lai could decide to dive in himself.
Koharu: I made up my mind! I should be the one diving in..!
Lai got shocked by her sudden and bold decision..
Lai: Wait! Are you sure? Sugou's brainwashing technology can be very dangerous if taken lightly!
She chuckles a bit as she tries to sound optimistic for her reason.
Koharu: Yui can break me out from his brainwash, hopefully.. If it didn't work, maybe you can cure me with a kiss? Just like one of those fairy tales when the prince cures the princess with a kiss and they both live happily ever after. But... If that didn't work too.. Promise me.. That you will shove a Frag Grenade straight down to Sugou's throat for me so we can watch his brain pieces flying apart.
Lai chuckles a bit by her cruel jokes as she tries to lighten up his worries for her..
Lai: Heh.. I'll still be doing it to him even if you're safe. But still.. I'd rather prevent that happens to you.. Prevention is always better than cure tho..
His words of comfort made her smile a bit, knowing that someone will always be by her side. Even she's just showed her cruel side.
Koharu: Thank you for your kind thoughts.. That's what I love about you..
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 1:30pm.. Lai's Room..
After lunch and other preparation.. Koharu, who is now wearing the Amusphere with ALO installed, is connected to a nearby power plug on the wall, her whole body is now lying on Lai's bed while the boy, who has his Mossberg 590M Drum Mag Shotgun leaning against the wall, holds the girl's hand firmly. Wishing both of them to be safe in game and in real life as well before starting the device. Both of them pray to the god for their safety in this chaotic world before they got separated.. Again..
"We ask for your mercy, god.."
"As we make to journey across dark waters.."
"Grant us sound feet.. And silent breath."
"Refuge from storm. And safe passage to the end.."
After that, the duo have their short, loving kiss with their eyes locked onto each other's. Their eye contacts remains stable and undisturbed until both of her eyes slowly close, losing her sights of her beloved as she fully ready to dive into ALO..
Koharu: Link start!!
Then, the Amusphere begins its function, transferring her mind to the game's server. Lai could feel her grip strength slowly softens down as her mind is entering the world. Lai holds it tightly with both hands as he wishes for her safety. Placing it to his forehead.
Lai: Koharu..
Lai said out her name before sighing out in grief as he won't be seeing her active around for a while, but his hand still holding firmly with hers, remain unbroken until he got a call from Kayaba, alerting him that several Vehicles and Attack Helicopters are approaching. He stares at her one last moment before he exits out the room for a fierce battle, alone.
Lai: Way for ruining our moment..
He sheathes his Mossberg 590M Shotgun to his back, grabs a M79 Grenade Launcher and loads a M406 40mm HE (High Explosive) Grenade after opening the breach. He closes it back up, ready to clean up the street.
(New Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids!! - The Oral Cigarettes. Author's note: Imagine with this video.)
As the drum and the guitars plays out the starting music, scene shows the debris of the floating castle Aincrad scattered around the land. The scene changes the boy holding a shotgun, next scene to a girl with a Magic-Tech Rifle. Both holding their weapons firmly as everyone honor their heroes during the night.
Tonight, we honor the hero!
The guitar starts rocking as the next scene is them fighting their best on their own. Executions on the Yakuza in real life in the most cold-blooded way possible, while another one mass murder on the Salamanders as she went into killing spree with her Moonkiss and her Magic-Tech Rifle. The boy destroys the incoming vehicles one by one with his shotgun filled with FRAG-12 Explosive Shells, then blows up the Attack Helicopter with a M406 40mm HE (High Explosive) Grenade with his M79 Grenade Launcher. The girl executes the Salamander Commander by chopping his arm off and went straight to his skull with her Moonkiss. Then, the boy dual wields with two MAC-10 for cleaning up the street then transitioning to the girl who brutally tackles another Salamander down, immediately slicing his whole body apart with her Two-handed Sword before the screen shows the title, Sword Art Online.
Fusagu NO men ni kowasu kyouran Kids
As the guy sing along the lyrics, the scene shows Koharu leaning against the wall, holding her XM8 Rifle with 100 rounds LMG drum mag, staring at the sky with doubts and hopes.
Uso KIRAI? houkai? hibi o touka shite
The next scene shows Lai walks along the bloody street with Quad barrel shotgun resting on his shoulder.
Amai taion no mitsu nioi tatte
The next scene shows Kayaba with a lab coat, floating in a virtual world surrounded by running coding program. The lyrics sync with their gunshot as they fire in back to back stance.
*Gun cocks*
Just wanna hold your hand..!
Tokyo has fell into total chaos with the Protestors roaming the street. Some of them raising their boards in front of the government. Some of them are vandalizing the public property, some of them are looting the store during the chaos. Most of them are fighting against the US Military.
Just wanna hold your hand!!
The souls of 298 SAO Survivors are still trapped inside Sugou's grasp for his brainwashing project. With Asuna inside the bird cage on top of the world tree, hopelessly gaze down the land as no one will save her.
Just wanna hold your hand~ (Hey people! Let's go back to zero!)
The leader with his Yakuza army are armed with heavy equipments possible and at the same time with the army of Salamanders in ALO as well. All just to capture the duo who are trying to change their cruel fates by murdering every single one who are standing in their way in the shadow. Spilling their blood and guts everywhere. They both engage in their battles, one in real world and another in the virtual world.
Kurutte Hey Kids! shidai ni jidai wa kawatte!
After busting through the cracked wall, Lai guns down one by one with his automatic shotgun through the hallway as the Yakuza appears out in front of him.
Owaranai shousou!
In the Meanwhile, Koharu is slashing against 12 Salamanders who are going in for the attack on the bridge.
Kurutte hey kids!!
He wields two Uzis as he launches their assaults in the night club owned by the Yakuza.
Deau hazu datta anata too
Koharu executes a Salamander player with a Moonkiss on his neck. Bashing his head to mush.
She drags the body.
She throws the body to the wall, bounces back.
*Boom!* She blows the whole body with Double barrel shotgun in full blast.
Kurette naita! Wasurenai ai o sagashite tsunagitai zutto
The ammo belt from his backpack chained to his MG42, pulling the bolt before he starts sweeping throughout the street and the helicopters as he keeps his trigger pulled. She melees a looter by cutting off one of legs and splits his skull in half with her hatchet. Then shove a Frag Grenade before kicking him away.
Kurutte hey kids! Soredemo mirai wa again and again~
They both fighting back to back, trading gunfire from all sides.. Koharu dodges roll forward, grabbing a RPG and shoots a rocket straight to the tank.
Kurutte hey kids!! Kudaranai egao koboshite
Multiple shotgun shells rains on the ground as he dual wields two Automatic Shotgun at the heavily armored Yakuza until he explodes.
imi no nai kousou
Lai hugs Koharu from the back with affection.. Acting as her mental pillar support.
Kurutte heiki
Their blades clashes again and again. She dodges all multiple hits from General Eugene during their duel.
Watashi no namae o again and again
Lai mows down everyone through the corridor with his MG42.
I swear I respect the hero!!!
A mounted M134 Minigun on a driving truck fires constantly at the Helicopter until the copter shoots several missiles at him before transitioning to the title "Sword Art Online".
End of Opening...
Meanwhile... Koharu..
Touch: OK
Sight: OK
Hearing: OK
Taste: OK
Smell: OK
Welcome to
Alfheim Online!
Koharu's POV...
This immediately brings back all the horrible memories I had that could traumatize me. But after how I saw Lai's expression that is worrying about me.. I know he will protect me from the real life. Plus, it was my decision after all..
Her IRL player model just spawn at the characters creation lobby, fairly similar to the one from SAO.
Koharu: Lai was right.. This really is a sloppy reskin of SAO.
She looks and walks around a bit until she hears Kayaba's voice in her ears.
Akihiko: Testing, 1, 2, 3.. Are you able to hear me?
Koharu: Yeah, loud and clear, Aki..
Akihiko: Good. I'll serve as a guide for your journey throughout Alfheim Online. I'll brief you about all of your stats and weapons so you can remember your previous fighting style.
She replies back in a normal tone. But also a bit gloomy as she somehow still worries about Lai.
Koharu: Thanks..
Kayaba is able to sense her emotion since she's in a virtual world right now.
Akihiko: Still worrying about Lai I presumed..?
Koharu: I'll be fine.. So it's none of your business..
Akihiko: Good to hear you're in fine condition.. I'll see you in the-
The game's system voice interrupts their conversation.
System: Welcome to Alfheim Online! To begin, please enter your character's gender and name.
Koharu: ...
She immediately receives a textbox for filling username, a combo box for choosing gender and a confirm button for her to proceed type after filling the form. She casually types in with her real name, Koharu and choose the gender to Female. Kayaba interrupts her as it is risky to expose with her name.
Akihiko: I recommend you not to type your real name as your username. Even though your username is mostly will be concealed and only will show to Guild members, party members and players you made friends with. So..
Koharu: ...
Instead of responding back verbally, Koharu taps the confirm button after entering "Koharu" and chose "Female" in her form.
Akihiko: I guess this is fine. Now to the interesting part.
System: Great! The next step is race selection.
The system shows 9 characters models with different designs.
Koharu: Race..?
Akihiko: There are 9 total races in ALO. Cait Sith, Gnome, Imp, Leprechaun, Pooka, Salamander, Spriggan, Sylph and Undine.
Koharu: Uhm..
Akihiko: Don't worry, I'll only show the races that I highly recommend to match with your current stats.
Koharu: Which are..?
Akihiko: Cait Sith, a race that specialized on beasts taming, also comes with high speed and enhanced eye sight. Based on your current stats, with your high level of beast taming skills, you can tame nearby monsters to fight by your side and won't trigger mobs hostility easily.
Koharu: Sounds useful..
Akihiko: Your Agility stats from SAO is twice as Lai's. But since this race enhance your current Agility stats even more, you can dish out damage way faster and move around 4 times than Lai's agility, but not as quicker than the Sylph since they have the fastest speed on the game. And the enhanced eye sight pair up with your aiming skills makes you very deadly at very long range shot, also able to spot camo and invisible enemies.
He explain his next recommendation of race for her.
Akihiko: Sylph, just like I said before.. Are considered as the fastest race in ALO and master of wind magic. I'll explain the elements later but.. With insane speed as the Sylph, your attack speed is 6 times faster than Lai's, better air movement control and quicker weapon swapping and faster executions. Also, you can cast Wind-type Magic for all sorts of attacks. Consider this race if you prefer very fast-paced, large combo attacking player. Just like the games that Lai being a fan of..
Koharu: Doom?
Akihiko: Probably.. I'm not interested on that one. And the last one.. Actually, I don't recommend Spriggan race for you.
Koharu: Why?
Akihiko: Spriggans are excel at illusion magic, used for intimidating enemies, act as decoy and even fool enemies. Also master of treasure seekers and secret finders. It's definitely not suitable for your set, unless you want some decent weapons, tools for your massacring. Just like Lai would do during his desperation days.
Koharu: It's kinda pointless to choose Spriggan if you managed to transfer my weapons into my ALO account.
Akihiko: Yeah.. It reminds me of someone..
She stares at the black sprite of the Spriggan's outfit.
Koharu: Kirito?
Akihiko: Yeah.. I hope he is doing okay. Now you should choose one of these two recommendations of mine. Cait Sith or Sylph. To make it simple, it's precision or speed.
Koharu: Cait Sith's enhanced eye sight or Sylph's speed advantage...
Both of the two races Kayaba recommended to her with, makes it very hard to decide for her battle style as she dwells deep into her thoughts. Before making her choice, she asks him about her weapon arsenals that are still available for her.
Koharu: Can I know about which of my weapons are still available.
Akihiko: Well, the weapons in your inventory when you're still in the SAO are: The One-Handed Sword, Moonkiss, which used to be just a Dagger named, Night kiss. An Automatic Crossbow and a Nailgun. But both of them needs ammunitions that cost rare materials so I added a new ranged energy weapon that requires your mana point instead since your mana point can be regenerated constantly all the time.
Koharu: Means unlimited ammunitions?
Akihiko: You can say that way, but still, the gun itself still needs to be manually reload.
Koharu: I'm fine with it. Anything else?
Akihiko: All of your potions, scrolls, tools and your invisible strings are still available in your inventory. But try to ration with your tools since all costs materials to make.
Koharu: I guess sticking to my swords and my guns. It should be enough.
Akihiko: Good.. Choose your race and I'll teleport you to Undine Capital. The only region that is holding out against the Salamanders.
Koharu: Can you locate Sugou's research facility..
Akihiko: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, the location of the research facility is in the World Tree. We will continue our conversation about your gears after we arrived at the Undine Capital. We still got a lot of things to prepare before we launch a strike.
Koharu: The World Tree.. Okay..
She presses the button, confirming her selected race.
System: You have selected Cait Sith! You will now be transferred to the Cait Sith's hometown. We wish you the best of luck.
The system teleports her to Cait Sith's hometown.. Changing her outfit and appearance. But Kayaba modifies her teleport's location to Undine Capital.
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 2:00pm.. Undine Capital in Alfheim Online..
*Teleport noises*
She just spawns in the starter zone at the Central of Undine Capital. She looks around Players and NPCs with blue hair having fun in the Capital, until she notices a huge castle-like structure far away from her. One slight of stare could leave her admiring the blueish scenery that the Undine territory offers. She mutters under her breath.
Koharu: Wow... This is beautiful..
However, some of the player's attention got attracted by Koharu's appearance, which is belong the Cait Sith race. Koharu got confused by their curious stares.
Koharu: Huh?
More attention were pointed to her.. Some of them starts gossiping around.
"Is that a Cait Sith? What is she doing here?"
"Maybe she's a survivor from the Salamander's assault?"
"She looks so cute with that ears and tail!"
"Her gears looks different.."
All the stares makes her feel uncomfortable.. Kayaba interrupts her thought and suggest her to get away.
Akihiko: Focus, Koharu!
Koharu: Oh!
She sprints away as far as possible from the crowd who are still looking at her, standing..
After avoiding the public attention, she let out a sigh of relief.
Koharu: *Sigh* What was that about? Why there are all staring at me?
Akihiko: I have to brief you, this is the Undine territory. And you are a Cait Sith. So the player's around will be surprised seeing one wandering around.
Koharu: A Cait Sith..
She is feeling her ears are twitching differently, along with the feeling of the urges to scratch her ears lightly. She also feels something swinging from her lower back, noticing a brown tail appear in her sight. She caresses its fluffy fur of her tail gently.
Koharu: Are those Cat Ears and Tail?
She feels her hair isn't reaching her back anymore. Knowing that she is back to her short hair since her avatar is created from 2022.
Koharu: Back to my short hair...
Akihiko: Yes, feel free to pick a mirror and look at yourself.
Koharu: !!
She opens her menu immediately, quickly choose the settings, looking for the Log-out Button. Thankfully, the icon of the Log-out Button is still sitting there. She let out a relief before opening the inventory for mirror. Kayaba reassures her.
Akihiko: Sugou expected you both to be captured by his men anytime. But isn't expected you infiltrating his research facility.
Koharu already noticed something's wrong.
Koharu: Anytime? Did he launched another attack!?
Kayaba brushes that off with calm expression.
Akihiko: He's fine. Focus on your mission.
Koharu: No way! Lai might not be able to handle the assault!
Her worries about his safety surface up in her mind, Kayaba persuades as she should focus on her objective.
Akihiko: They're slowing down your progress. If you complete it sooner, both of you will be safe. Otherwise, more people will suffer by him.
Koharu: ...
She feels forced that she has to end this as soon as possible.
Koharu: Okay.. Brief me about my next move.
Kayaba resumes to their objective.
Akihiko: I detected several players with names matched with the ones in SAO's Player database. I'll mark their locations for you. Perhaps they'll give you info about this world and its current situation. One of them is Keita.. That's only I could say..
Koharu: Keita! So he's here as well!
She opens her map, immediately notice several markers moving around slowly, tagged by Kayaba. She closes it before sprinting to her targets.
Koharu: (I wonder who are they..?)
She heads out from the alleyway to the markers.
After looking at herself from the mirror, with the same Valkyria's Garment appearance from SAO, just only with additional Cat Ears and Tail, as she's a Cait Sith in ALO.
Koharu: My appearance is just as the same as SAO.. Can I check my weapons as well?
Akihiko: I suggest you should keep your weapon holstered. The Undines around are keeping their guards up towards other races. Plus, they can damage you while you can't damage them since you're in Undine Territory zone.
Koharu: That's a major disadvantage..
Akihiko: At least it's better than staying in hometown raided by other race.
Koharu: Nothing's easier.. As always..
Akihiko: I'll disable the zone's race protection, in case if fight breaks out. We're not having fun or being fair as a player, just to remind you.
Koharu: Thanks..
She approaches to her first target. A woman with a blue, long ponytail hair. She feels familiar towards her first target's appearance. She interacts the person with her guard still on.
Koharu: Hey.. Are you..?
???: Thinker? I never expect you-
The person turns around, revealing her face to Koharu.. The girl shocked with her eyes widened..
Koharu: Yu-Yulier!?
The woman gasps by Koharu's presence.. Her familiar appearance remembers her name as well.
Yulier: Koharu!?
Koharu: Uhm...
Yulier leads Koharu to a nearby restaurant for a chat and also a drink, as they got a lot of things to talk about.. An Undine NPC serves up two blueberries juice on their table.
Yulier: I've never thought I'd meet you again in this world too.
Koharu: It's been a while after SAO had cleared. How are you doing?
Yulier: My daily life is slowly recovering back to normal. But things in the real world.. You know..
Koharu: Yeah.. It's about the protest going around. None of us had a good rest, Especially for SAO survivors like us, who just escaped..
Yulier: That's why I wanna stay in this world.. It's even reassuring for me since AmuSphere has safer security than the Nervegear and the design is potentially won't microwave the user's brain.
Koharu: I'd stay away if I were you..
Yulier: Yeah.. I know how the other's feelings after getting trapped for two years.. Especially for those who hasn't woken up yet..
Koharu: How is Thinker right now? I heard you said out his name.
Yulier: Thinker is stocking up the supplies for our expedition near the outskirts.
Koharu: Why the outskirts?
Yulier: Unfortunately, the Salamanders push their way through the Undine's defenses and blocked Rainbow Valley.. One of the large pathway to the World tree.
Koharu: World Tree?
Yulier: Oh yeah.. You're probably new to here.. And you're also a Cait Sith. I can't imagine you travelling all the way here alone..
She notices Yulier doesn't know how Koharu got here.
Koharu: Uhm.. Yeah.. It was harsh with the Salamanders actively patrolling around.
Yulier: I guess their detection skills are still no match for your perfected Agility.
Koharu: It's not something to be proud of..
Kayaba interrupts in her mind with his voice.
Akihiko: Ahem! Mission!
Koharu: Oh yeah! Can you tell me more about the World Tree?
Yulier: Sure.. But which one?
Koharu: So what is it on top of the world tree?
Yulier: Hm.. I don't know, none of them had fought the World Tree yet.. Not even the Salamanders.. Most of their soldiers are in their guarding post, not letting any races to pass by, so they don't have enough manpower to take on what's inside the World Tree. I remember the Salamanders got annihilated by the guardians of the World Tree during the raid for their Grand Quest.
Koharu: The Grand Quest?
Yulier: The Grand Quest is what this whole game's main objective and events. But the rewards is only for the first group who managed to complete it.
Koharu: And what are the rewards that the Grand Quest can offer?
Yulier: The rewards for the players who managed to beat it and reached the floating city, get to be reincarnated as Alfs, a higher fairy race than the rest of the nines and granted with unlimited flight by the Fairy King, Oberon.
Koharu: Sounds unfair for other players in other races..
Yulier: Come to think about it.. It does sound that way as you just said.. But I couldn't care about the Grand Quest.. I just only wish I could live with Thinker in this world and that is enough for me..
Koharu: You guys haven't met in real life yet?
She chuckles..
Yulier: No.. It's not what you think..
She sets her cup on the table..
Yulier: Actually, our marriage is just around the corner..
Hearing the news from her is a total shock for Koharu. She congrats her.
Koharu: Really!? Congrats, Yulier!
Yulier: Not really.. With all the recent chaos in Tokyo caused Thinker to delay our ceremony.
Koharu: Huh? No way...
Yulier: We can't tell how long the protests are gonna be.. That worries me a lot.. And also for everyone's safety..
Koharu: ...
Knowing the protests has affected a lot of people's lifestyle and messed up their plans. She murmurs out under her breath..
Koharu: I'll put an end to all of this..
Yulier: Did you say something?
Koharu shakes her head..
Koharu: No.. I have something to deal with first.. Can you help me locate Keita? I heard he's an Undine as well.
Yulier: Sure, Thinker and I are about to meet with him at the Capital's entrance.. But what for?
Koharu: Just meeting with my old friend.. I need to discuss something with him first.
Yulier: Is there a problem you're facing against?
She reassures her with a serious expression..
Koharu: Yes.. But you don't have to worry about it. Thanks for asking..
Yulier: I know it's just my guess.. Is it about the SAO incident?
Koharu: ...
She silences a bit..
Koharu: Yulier.. You should enjoy your time with Thinker.. You don't have to get involved with this, again..
Yulier: Well, if the protest persists because of the SAO.. I'm not staying and just waiting everything to turn better.
She advices her to stay out of trouble.
Koharu: This is different from SAO, Yulier.. It's way worse this time.
Koharu softens down her tone, tries to reason with her since they both have their partners in their lives.
Koharu: We both had met our partners... Our other half.. But.. Lai and I both met our another cruel fates unfortunately.. You and Thinker are the lucky one.. Having a wholesome wedding ceremony after meeting each other in real life.
Both of her hands tightens the grip on the drink.
Yulier: Koharu... You both went through a lot and still being alive, every SAO survivors considered you both as legendaries.
Koharu: Legendaries... I just want to finish this all as soon as possible..
She finishes her drink and stands up..
Koharu: We should go now..
Yulier: Thinker hasn't arrived yet.. I wonder what he's up to..
She just received a message from Keita.
Yulier: It's Keita..
As she reads through the message, her eyes widened as she just receives a bad news.
Yulier: !!
Koharu: Yulier?
Yulier: The Salamanders got Thinker!
Koharu: What!?
Yulier: They must've caught him while he's outside the Territory!
Koharu: Let's go! Hurry!
They both storm outside the Cafe, heading to the Capital's bridge after Yulier left her Yrds for their drinks.
Timeskip... Undine Capital's Main bridge..
They rush outside the Capital's territory zone, at the bridge. Koharu whispers to Kayaba under her breath as they head to the bridge.
Koharu: Kayaba! Are my weapons ready?
Akihiko: All ready for combat!
She quick opens her inventory and search for her Light pink, Energy-powered, One-Handed Saber, Moonkiss. She equips it while both of them rush outside the capital as fast as they can. They both notice Keita heading towards them at the end of the bridge.
Yulier: Keita!
Keita: Yulier! And..
The Undine boy immediately notices a familiar face with the Cait Sith appearance.
Koharu: Keita!?
Keita: Koharu!? How did you ended up-!
Yulier breaks their conversation as she rushes forward first to the Salamander group with Thinker at their hands.
Yulier: Save the explanation later! Where are they bringing Thinker!?
Keita: They're heading to the Rainbow Valley's guarding post for interrogation!
Yulier: If they reach there, the Salamanders in the post will outnumber us!
Koharu: Leave it all to me!
As a Cait Sith, her speed boost increased surpasses both Keita and Yulier in a few seconds. Reaching to the Salamanders group which has around 10 players who are on the sky in the plains, heading to the valley. Koharu did not expected the flying mechanics as she sees the group floating on air.
Koharu: (Damn it! It's either the Crossbow or Nailgun would do!)
She whips out her Automatic Crossbow as a Sub weapon. Gunning down the Salamanders with the arrows to gain their attention.
Salamander 1: What the-!? Shoot her down!
All of them are alert by her presence on the ground level. Some of them are surrounded with glowing text, summoning several fireballs on her. She speeds up her sprints, dodges left and right between the fireballs and jumps over the a fireball blast with her acrobatics skill. She maintains her momentum after landing back to ground. Returning fire at them with her Crossbow in full auto.
*Tuf!* *Tuf!* *Tuf!*
Salamanders: Ugh!!
Her arrows managed to struck a few of them down due to their poor air movement control while in their flights. As they fell down, Koharu pierces through all of them in her air drilling strike with her Moonkiss, the damage obliterates them into their remain lights. She replaces her drum mag with a new one from her Crossbow and continues to gun them down. Some of them in the group didn't have any choices but to lower their altitude to counter her back since their flights also have 10 minutes limits duration. They dash towards her with their swords pointing forward at her. Koharu dodges away with a sideflip, slashing them in the air each time one of them went pass her in their dash motion while she's keeping her momentum up. The rest of the group stopped and engage back to her assault. They start forming with a shield formation with 2 shield players and 2 battle mages while another 3 DPS players are trying to buy some time for their team.
Koharu: Get out of my way!!
Her converted stats from SAO overpowers the DPS. She cuts one in half with one hit, shot a kick to another one that sends him in miles and grabs the last DPS, pummel to the ground, grabs the leg and start slamming the ground left and right a few times with the entire body before throwing the body to the shield formation. The velocity of the throw staggers the shielders but they recovered back quickly. The mage summons several meteors on her, descending from the sky. She couldn't care about it as she grabs one of the shielder's shield. Bash the player, stomps his feet to release the Shield. Koharu then slams the player up and hammers him down completely with the shield. She goes around the shield and head straight to the battle mages. She counters one of the mages's melee with staff, cuts off both arms and a stab on the head with her Sword. The other one forms a fire magic barrier around him. She dodges away several fireballs from the protected mage to keep her away. She stomps the shield to bounce it up, then a kick that shoots the mid-air shield straight to the barrier. Leaving a crack on the barrier, Koharu adds up the damage with her Nailgun as she strafes around the mage until several nails projectiles goes in and pierces his body. Leaving only the shielder alive for interrogation. The shielder swings down with a shield bash. Koharu simply dodges it and pins him down from behind. With a Nailgun ready to drill his head on point blank. But she hasn't seen Thinker yet.
Koharu: Where is he!?
Salamander 1: The hell I would know!
She pins a nail through his back spine. The pain shots through his body, also immobilized his movement since his brain can't control his body through the damaged spine. He cries out by the pain enough to spit out the info.
Salamander 1: Alright! He's in the jar!
Koharu: Jar?
She sees a jar with a glowing light inside similar to the one after getting defeated by her during the pursuit.
Koharu: ...
Despite being confused, she shot a nail through his brain this time. Killing him before the Salamander turns into remain lights. She grabs the jar and observes it for a while before Yulier and Keita catch up to her.
Keita: Hey! You got him!
Two Undines manages to reach her location. Yulier focuses on the jar Koharu is holding with.
Yulier: Oh god! Is Thinker inside here?
Keita: Well, let's revive it! You still got the hang of the revival spell?
Yulier: Yeah..
Keita: Koharu, you should let him out first.
Koharu: Oh! Sure!
She opens the lid, releasing the light out and eventually floats on the ground in front of the two Undines who are ready to cast their revival spell with their magic chanting. Koharu watches them with her arms crossed as she is still clueless but curious about the new magic mechanics. The process only take 10 seconds to transform the floating light back into Thinker's avatar that Koharu and the others recognizes. Yulier rushes to hug Thinker as she finally sees him safe and sound.
Yulier: Thinker! I'm so glad you're safe!
Thinker: Sorry, I just accidentally bump into them.
Koharu informs them and Keita to return back to the Capital.
Koharu: We should head back to the Capital. More of them will notice us if we stay here longer.
Keita: You heard her! Let's go!
The group rushes back to the Undine Territory.
Timeskip... Inn.
*Window Curtain pushes open*
Koharu pushes both sides of the window curtain to see the view of the Undine's city of light.
Koharu: Wow..
Keita: Pretty view, isn't it?
Koharu: If Lai could see this too.. That would be great..
Keita: Lai.. He said he will meet me in the game. I wonder what is he doing right now.
Keita, who is expecting his arrival since Lai's the one who borrowed Keita's AmuSphere. It reminds Koharu and she starts explaning it.
Koharu: Actually, I'm the one using your AmuSphere, to be honest..
Keita: Huh?
Koharu: Lai and I sorta met in real life and I visited his home. He told me about you lending him the AmuSphere then meet up inside the game, so I took his place.
Keita: Is there something he have to deal with..?
She looks down a bit.. Knowing this isn't a good choice to reveal their dire situation to Keita.
Koharu: About that..
Meanwhile... Outside Lai's Apartment Complex..
*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom*
Lai just takes down an attack helicopter with his M79 Grenade Launcher. Chugs a new H.E. round after springing the empty shell out from the barrel and close the breach. Then, he quick swaps to his Mossberg 590M Shotgun with drum mag full of FRAG-12 Explosive Shell as he sees multiple trucks approaching. The explosive projectiles blasts out from the shell before it got ejected out from his shotgun, straight into one of the truck's engine. The explosion flips the truck all over and launches the men who are sitting in the storage. Lai switches to Koharu's XM8 rifle for the executions, one bullet on the head on each men he finds crashing down on the ground from the truck. One of them recovers fast from his falling pain and lunges towards Lai.
Lai: Shiet!!
He smashes with the rifle's stock on the man's bowel and then swing the buttstock of the rifle to bash his face away to shove him back, Lai rushes forward with a combat knife straight to the man's heart.
He stabs a few more before shooting him to the death. Then, he switches back to his Shotgun for dealing with the rest of the trucks. The explosion misleads the truck and crashes to the nearby building, also explodes all the men inside the storage into bloody guts flying all over the street. Lai hammers the drum mag to unload, reload with a new drum mag of FRAG-12 Explosive Shell.
Lai: For god's sake! How many of them!?
A tranquilizer shot passes by him from behind. Immediately knowing a sniper's laser sight is pointing on his chest. Lai dodges roll to the nearest street pole to avoid another tranquilizer shot.
Lai: Damn...
He switches to Koharu's XM8 Rifle, unloads a 30 round standard magazine, then reloads Koharu's XM8 Rifle with a 100 rounds drum mag and pull the bolt. He strafes out from his cover while hip firing in full auto to cover fire against the sniper, then switch to semi auto to outsnipe the sniper with the 4X ACOG Scope after he gets into flanking position.
Back to ALO... Undine's Pub Inn..
Koharu, Keita, Yulier and Thinker are in one room. Discussing what really happened to the SAO Survivors.
Keita: I see.. So both of you are investigating the RECT Progress. Both through IRL and in this world.
Koharu: Yeah.. Lai's the one who filled me in with the details.. Saying the RECT Progress is now in charge of SAO Server after Argus disbanded.
Keita: So that means the remaining SAO Survivors who are still in coma has something to do with them?
Koharu: That's my best conclusion I got so far.. I don't believe it was still Kayaba's work since the whole Japan is hunting him and all the airports are temporarily in lockdown due to the protest.
Yulier: But still, there's a possibility for him.. I mean, he could've prepared his backup plan for his getaway and then back to his horrible experiment.
Thinker: And most importantly, what are they doing with those survivors?
Koharu: I'm not sure.. All I know from Lai's briefing is Sachi, Asuna, Miyurin, Sanya, Shivata and Liten are still in their palms.
Keita: And where are they keeping them?
Koharu: ...
She points the map to where the world tree is drawn at. Then, tosses a blurry picture of a long-haired girl trapped in a large birdcage.
Koharu: Agil got a blurry picture of Asuna sent to Lai today, showing that she is located at the top of World Tree and that was the last time he seen her. That means we have to go inside the World Tree and head to the top.
Yulier: That's crazy.. No raid groups has completed the Grand Quest yet!
Thinker: I guess it was made to prevent us players to reach the top, for now. Until they made a move to escape without leaving any traces. It will be too late for us.
Koharu: How hard is the Grand Quest?
Yulier: The design inside the World Tree is like a bee hive. Thousands of guardians will spawn in just a few minutes and will literally cover all the possible gaps for players to break through.
Koharu: That means we need every help we can get from the Undines..
Keita: I afraid that Undine alone won't be enough.. We still need to secure at least a group of players to the top of the World Tree. Because there are so many unknowns about what is up there, they could be ready for us with something bad since they expect us players to finish the Grand Quest eventually. We need to form an alliance with other races to complete the Grand Quest and secure a group of very skilled players to the top to investigate.
Koharu: Sounds like a plan. It'll take days or even weeks to form that alliance. And how are you gonna find those players that possessed the same combat capabilities as me?
Keita: Hm... That's a good question...
The former leader of Moonlit Black Cats opens his friend lists and start swiping down with hundreds of player names.. Most of them are from Spriggan race players and Imp race Players until he sees with the name that is suitable to be in Koharu's party.
Keita: This might suit for your liking.
He passed the name tag in front of Koharu that piques her interest. She feels curious about the name.
Koharu: Who is this?
Keita: You met her before.. That's all I could say..
Koharu: Great.. Where can I find her?
Keita: At the Imp Territory.. Luckily, it locates just at the south side of Undine.
Koharu: It should be near. I guess it's only a few miles away.
Keita: No, it's actually hundred miles away that takes hours to get there on flying.
Koharu: You're kidding me, right?
Keita: Yeah.. It sucks.. Plus, you know how to fly?
Koharu: No.. I haven't gone through the tutorial yet..
Keita: Every players has their own wings to travel around on air in this free roam world. Maybe I should show you how to fly.
Koharu: Sure..
Yulier: Thinker and I will prepare ourselves for the expedition. You guys take your time.
Keita: Thanks..
Meanwhile... Outside of Lai's Apartment Complex..
*Gulp* *Gulp*
After withstanding the Yakuza assault, Lai pops out the bottle cap and gulps down the mineral water in one go. With a Koharu's XM8 Rifle and M79 Grenade Launcher strapped to his back, also with a shotgun hanging around him with the belt. Blood drips down from his other arm as he gasps for breath while he is leaning against the wall as he watches the street filled with destroyed truck, corpses, flames, blood and guns lying around the street. Very exhausted..
Lai: I can't imagine dealing this everyday..
Back to ALO..
Koharu is now practicing her basic control on flying with the one-handed controller under Keita's guidance.
Keita: Steady.. Feather down on your analog stick when landing.
She pushes down the analog stick softly as she slowly balances herself while landing on the ground.
Koharu: This is kinda weird.
Keita: First time always the hardest part. But practice makes perfect.
Koharu: You said you can fly without the controller, right?
Keita: Yes, you have to rely on your back strength. You can feel the extra bone and muscle from your back.
She keeps the controller inside. Focusing her strength to her back. She feels her wings start to flap for a few times successfully.
Keita: Can you feel it?
Koharu: Yeah! I can feel it as a part of my limb!
She flaps her wings a bit before starting to float up to the air.
Keita: Make it slowly, make sure you keep your wings moving with your muscles so you don't fall in mid-air.
She nods in response as she slowly descends back down to landing.
Koharu: I think I got the grasp of it.
Keita: Great! That's all for the basic. As for combat, it all depends how your develop airborne fighting style.
Koharu: Thanks..
Keita: Now I should take a visit to the Undine's leader.
Koharu: What for?
Keita: The leader of this territory has the same idea as we do. Forming an alliance with other races.
Koharu: Can I go?
Keita: No. Any race except Undine are restricted to visit the leader of this territory.
Koharu: Oh okay.. Where should we meet?
Keita: You should take a short break and log out from this game. I will message you where to meet up after half an hour before the four of us start the journey.
Koharu: Thanks.
She opens the settings, swiping down to the log out button and tap the icon. After confirming to log out, her avatar disappeared in front of Keita before he left.
Japan Standard Time, 3:00pm.. Lai's Apartment Complex..
After opening her eyes, she detaches the AmuSphere from her head.. Letting out a sigh of relief that now she can log out from the game from now on. She turns her head to her right side while she's still on Lai's bed. She notices a boy is napping on the chair, with her Rifle resting on his lap, blood stained around his hand from the melee action and close quarters combat.
Koharu: Lai!?
Lai: !!
He immediately woke up from his nap. Seeing Koharu has woken up as well makes him reassuring but still tired with all the sweat he has worked himself out.
Lai: You're back..!
Koharu: You look exhausted.. Did they really launched an assault again!?
Lai: I managed to hold them back for today. God knows what will be in the next day.
Koharu: What did they sent this time?
Lai: I highly suggest you not to look at the outside.
Koharu: ...
She exits out from his room to the window that is just only downstairs to the lobby. As her eyes set view through the window. Several destroyed helicopters crashed on the street, with the flames still burning out from the engine. Several corpses are lying on their pool of blood. The scenery is obviously way worse than the one they fought side by side together.
Koharu: My god...
Lai catches up with her near the window in the lobby after setting the weapons on the table.
Lai: Don't say I didn't give you warning. But now we can take a breath for today. Aki haven't detect any Yakuza activities near our location so far.
Koharu: ...
Being shocked by the bloody scenery. He pulls her away from the window to snap her out of it. She apologizes that she didn't assist him.
Koharu: Sorry that I wasn't- Mhm!
He slowly pulls her into a kiss that he really needs from her after a serious gunfight. Koharu replies back with her tongue wraps around his. They both stay in their hug after the kiss.
Lai: We both are taking care two separate worlds right now.. We might not be able to get moments like this for several days.
Koharu: Don't say that.. These moments can wait after all of this. Right now, we have to survive..
Lai: Yeah.. So how's it going in ALO?
Koharu: I met Yulier in there first, along with Keita and we managed to save Thinker out from the Salamanders.
Lai: Shiet.. Keita was right.. The Salamanders are roaming around, conquering everything else. He said the Salamanders has the advantage when it comes to strength.
Koharu: I dealt some of them while saving Thinker. It was easy..
Lai: Still, be careful of their tricks. You know players would do anything to take you down. Even when it's not life and death situation.
Koharu: Got it.. You too as well.. Since we don't know what's coming tomorrow. I will be diving back into ALO again soon to meet up with him.
Lai: I see... I'll make us dinner earlier, we got a proper target to assault.
Koharu: Brief me with that later in the evening..
Lai: Okay...
She heads to the kitchen, grabbing a kettle to pour out boiled water in the cup. Gulping down slowly to clear her mind and thoughts after spending hours on bed with an electronic device. Lai also heads to the kitchen's cupboards to see what to make for today's dinner. He grabs out instant noodle, struggling to pick which flavor for her and himself.
Lai: Hey.. Which one you prefer? Spicy or normal soup flavor?
Koharu: Normal one would do.. Here..
She refills the glass with water and hands it to him.
Koharu: I just thought you might need a drink..
Lai: ?
He notices this is the same glass that was used by her just now.
Lai: Koharu?
Her behavior starts acting a bit strange for Lai.. Hinting him something until Koharu spills out the bean first.
Koharu: You know... Yulier and Thinker are already met in real life and they both have their wedding ceremony ready up at anytime, waiting the protest ends.
Lai shocks after knowing their marriage..
Lai: Wow.. I never see that coming. But that gives us more reasons to stop Sugou.
He gladfully accepts her drink.. His lips takes the same part of the glass where the mark of Koharu's lips is still intact there. Accepting her indirect kiss. Koharu blushes by his action as he enjoys gulp down the water in the glass.
Koharu: I never expected that...
Lai: I've known you so well that I could figure out what you're trying to hint me with.
Koharu: Sounds creepy tho..
Lai: *Collapse*
She jokes it after seeing his funny reaction.
Koharu: Hehe... Just kidding~
Lai: You do know I care about you a lot.
She chuckles a bit more before she lunges herself to him for a hug.
Lai: Hey! I'm almost lose my balance.
Koharu: You held my hand until I logged into ALO.. It shows a lot more than enough for me with that.
He turns around and hug her back in his side, with their faces in much more closer this time as he holds her seducely, running his hand to her lower hips from the waist.
Lai: I can't tell what dangers stored inside ALO so I was worried..
Koharu: You don't have to worry about anything.. Focus on your doing so I can feel a lot safer under your care.
Lai: Then, you better make it quick. You wouldn't want me being tired after fights all the time.
Koharu: I'll try my best..
They both hug around for a while until Lai decides to grab her thighs and put her on the counter. Her sitting on the counter with her legs spread out a bit in front of him feel embarrassed for her.
Koharu: Are we gonna do it now?
He responds seductively.
Lai: Anytime if you want it..
His hand runs from her back and slowly infiltrate inside her trouser deep until he reaches her crotch. He starts rubbing her sensitive pussy with the underwear still covering her part while searching for her entrance to tease. Koharu holds her voice down as she moans cutely a bit from the rubbing.
Lai: How do you feel wearing my underwear?
Koharu: Mhm~! Don't! Ahh!
Suddenly, one of his fingers find her entrance as it presses down. Lai can already tell he found it judging by her reaction.
Lai: I guess I'll just "dig" in then..
One of his fingers start drilling inside and rubs around the wall in her entrance with the cloth of the underwear. Liquid starts spilling out that wets the cloth.
Lai: It's already spilling out.. Do you actually enjoy wearing mine?
Koharu: Because I don't have anything else to wear. Eek!
Another finger drills inside and it already spread her entrance wide enough that there's no room for a third one. He feels that she's tighting his fingers hard.
Lai: The other "you" says otherwise. Maybe I should put "something long and thick" in the underwear that drills around "both holes" of yours all day?
She denies it as she feels more embarrassed just by imagining from what Lai just said.
Koharu: I-Idiot! We still have people needs to be saved and the world is wanting for us to be restored!
Lai: ...
His fingers stops its moving..
Koharu: Huh?
Lai whispers her to her ears. Telling his desire and his fear to her.
Lai: I thought I was at the end of my line and never be able to meet you in real life. Do you have any idea that alone scares me a lot when I got killed by Kayaba? I was trembling on the hospital bed and couldn't even move a muscle. But my eyes kept opened like I just woke up from a nightmare.
His trauma after the fight in SAO make Koharu sympathize him.
Koharu: Lai..
Lai: But right now.. We're fighting on our own that could cost our lives. So at least, please let us enjoy this moment while we have time..
Koharu: ...Hm..
Her heart softens down and slowly succumbs to her pleasure given from Lai to savor the moment with him. Two of his fingers inside resumes back drilling around her wall.
Koharu: Nngh!!
He caresses her crotch while digging in deeper this time.
Koharu: Wait! I wasn't ready yet!
Lai: You have a meeting with Keita soon. So I'll do it quick.
His fingers start pacing up to her orgasm. Her body starts twitching and tightening up hard to his rampaging fingers. Lai kisses her deeply, invading her mouth with his tongue just to meet hers.
Koharu: (How mean of you! You knew exactly what I really want! I might be unable to be done with just your fingers!)
The bulge from his pant starts rubbing her thighs to pleasure himself. Koharu can tell his desperation for her but he doesn't want to do it right now as it isn't a good moment for them since their world is in chaos.
Koharu: (I wish I could.. Date you and do a lot of lewd stuff. But the world needs us and we need each other's love to motivate us..!)
Knowing her enjoying this, Lai triggers her orgasm with one last deep thrust.
Koharu: Ohhh!!!
Her liquids shoots out staining the underwear completely. Koharu then gasps for air on the counter after breaking from the kiss. Lai then carries her all the way to his room where the AmuSphere is. Also letting her to rest before she dives back into the game. He apologizes to her.
Lai: Sorry about that earlier..
Koharu: It's.. It's fine.. I missed that feeling of your caressing touch. Can you hug me when I dive back?
Lai: Sure..
He lies down on the bed with her, hugging from her back as she activates the AmuSphere. Lai whispers to her ear before her mind got transferred to Alfheim Online.
Lai: I love you..
After a few seconds, she manages to reply back before diving back into the game..
I love you too..
End of Chapter...
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