Chapter 39: Gear up.
Year 2025, January 18th.. Japan Standard Time, 8:00am.. Lai's Apartment Complex in Kashiwa, Chiba.
The MAC-10 machine pistol cleaned up by clean wet cloth. Now it is soaked in laundry detergent water, dissolving the blood, along with Lai's hoodie as well. Both result letting out an awful rotting smell that fills up the lobby, so much that caused Lai to stay in the basement for the time being.
Lai: Ugh.. I need a mask for this.
Akihiko: You could just hang it outside and let the wind and sunlight do the job.
Lai: Blood is thicker than water so it's harder to evaporate. Also, I need a better gun.
Akihiko: Why not just combat knife? It's durability is better than any high magazine rounds that you have to constantly reload.
Lai: Bringing knife into a gun fight is the worst case scenario. Unless you throw it with enough force and precision or just use the electrical powered chainsaw. Now let me see..
Lai just organized several fully filled Mac-10 Magazines. He decided to look for a better gun since his MAC-10 chew up most of the bullet very quick. He starts browsing through his father's large collections of weaponry, whether it's a modern firearms, ancient weapons or even from World War 1 and World War 2, anything that has better versatility and concealable weapons beside his spike knuckles. He grabs out a break action, short, no stock, double barrel shotgun with full blast modified mechanism.
Lai: This will do..
Akihiko: Double barrel? Such short shotgun would be the best concealable weapon with heavy firepower. But good luck handling the kick without the stock. What shells you'll be using then?
Lai: Standard Buckshot, Armor-Piercing Flechette, Slug Shells, FRAG-12 Explosive or even Incendiary Shells. And I'm gonna bring them all with it, load these in a belt around. So for today's schedule, what will it be?
Akihiko: I detected the delivery has arrived just now. You know what it is.
Lai: The RC Cars and Planes.. Right? I'll go get it.
He returns back to ground floor after grabbing a shotgun. Now carrying a Tactical, Semi-Auto Mossberg 590M Shotgun but with drum magazine this time, along the way just in case if things go south since he suspects nothing will always go any better with all the chaos in his life. He sets it beside, leaning against the wall, hide it from anyone outside and also conceals his double barrel shotgun, loaded with Standard Buckshot behind his back before opening the door. Noticing a man and a carrier lorry behind him, hands Lai with pen and paper for his signature.
Delivery man: Here's your delivery. Please just sign here.
Lai: ...Okay..
He grabs the pen that is tied to the board. Already suspicious towards it due to it has unnecessarily holes on both side of the pen, able to see the ink tube inside of it. But Lai doesn't want to alert them or misunderstood by his paranoid. At the same time and just as he expected, a flash just burst out from the pen in front of his face that recoils him back, his reflexes kicks in and grab the double barrel shotgun. Blows out the torso of the person that disguised as delivery man who just wields out a tranquilizer gun, blood splats out that stained the door and him as always. Then, the carrier of the lorry just reveals out several masked men armed with AK-47s as they just heard the gunfire, along with the goods he ordered behind them, fortunately. Lai recovers his sense before quickly whips out the Mossberg 590M Shotgun and reloads his double barrel. They start pressing Lai with their firepower, shredding the door apart. Then, Lai starts raining buckshot pellets on the men with his blind firing them back from his cover.
*Thum!* *Thum!* *Thum!* *Thum!*
8 pellets from each buckshots had fired out in Semi-Auto, immediately shreds through one of the attacking men with upper body got blown off in pieces. Filling the lorry with blood. The other three jumps down and immediately takes cover behind the lorry to dodge his pellets. Lai takes his chance to strike back as he rushes outside, advancing with his Mossberg Shotgun. He aims down to the truck below where their feet is exposed, shot a few shells, each pellets ricochet through the lorry and injure their leg. Lai then advances to their positions and starts hip firing down their bodies until their upper bodies turn into mince meat as well, adds up with his double barrel shotgun that blows one of their head and a middle finger to their deaths as a taunt.
Lai: Eat lead!
After the gun fight, Lai sets the shotgun to his back, immediately carries all the goods with the trolley in the lorry and salvage the guns and ammunitions dropped by the men first. Before demolishing the evidence, he puts his phone on the driver seat for Kayaba to gain access of the lorry's control before removing the phone. Driving it away along with the dead bodies only while Lai has to clean up the blood on his clothes. Also drags the body of the fake delivery man, cleaning up the empty shotgun shells and AR Shell casings left from the gun fight. Thankfully it only takes him half an hour to restore most parts except the broken door and the blood on the road still remains.
Lai: They broke the door..
Lai let out a grunt noise as he heads back inside, using the same method of blocking the bleeding area by covering with plastic bags before disposing the body to the sewer. Lai climbs back out from the manhole. Suddenly, he hears a footstep other than his in the complex, meaning there's someone had snuck into the complex. Lai grabs out his shotgun from his back, checks the drum magazine while silencing his movement on his way out from the garage. As he turns around..
*Shotgun cocks!*
Lai: Don't move!
In that one second, he is now just points the gun at the person, who is wearing a dress with a jacket on. Carrying a plastic bag contained with the hoodie of Lai's and a shoulder bag around her. She just got spook by Lai's sudden appearance.
Koharu: Wait!
He immediately lowers his weapon and his guard. Surprised by her sudden arrival and relieved at the same time.
Lai: Koharu?
Koharu: Lai? You scared me!
After confirming, he let out a sigh of relief.
Lai: Phew...
She notices one side of his cheek is bleeding out, but due to the exhaustion after dealing with moving goods, disposing body and cleaning up the blood. Lai leans against the wall with his Mossberg 590M shotgun acts as his walking stick. Koharu holds him onto her arm, showing her concern towards him.
Koharu: Are you okay!?
Lai escapes from her arm, still able to stand up on his own.
Lai: I'm fine.. Just doing warm ups early in the morning.
Koharu: What happened!? Why there's blood on the road?
Lai: We'll talk in the lobby, it's just in the second floor. I need bandages right now.
Lai wipes the blood off from his cheek. Realized the amount of blood he had bleed out covered half of his palm.
Lai: Ugh! Damn those guys!
They quickly head upstairs.
(Opening Song: Liar Mask - Rika Mayama. Author's note: Imagine it with this video.)
The old disk starts playing out the song..
Kuchi hateru you ni moyuru tsuki, Akatsuki ni shizumi yuku
(As the song starts, the scene shows the Aincrad is crumbling down to bits and bombs the land. Then it shows up the title "Sword Art Online".)
Tsukurareta kao de sotto chikadzuite Shinjiru mono wo yami ni otosu
(The Fallen Castle, which was a floating steel castle is now destroyed by them. The scene now changed to the a land full of Fairies. As the Army of Salamanders marching throughout the land while other races kneel down to them.)
Ito ni karamaru emono no you ni Tada hitasura ni sora wo aogu
(The scene now shows the main protagonist, Koharu who is in her room, innocently sitting on the bed and staring at the sky through the window while hugging tightly onto her animal plushie as she starts to worry, then the scene quickly switches to her unleashing her dark side. Then another main protagonist, Lai, who is standing behind a set of guns showcasing out while cleaning off the dust from the Glock 17, before loading in with a 9mm Parabellum Magazine, releases the slide and locks the bolt back.)
Kurikaesareru higeki bukimi ni warau ura no kao
Kore ijou nani hitotsu
(The scene is filled with newspapers titled with the mysteries of the 298 kidnapped victims after SAO incident. Then, it shows a man called Sugou Nobuyuki and behind him is a pile of female corpses that got unfortunately perished by his dark desire. The man tosses over two Poker Cards, one is with Lai's picture in a Spade King Card, another is Koharu's in Spade Queen Card to his partner, who is a cold-blooded chairman, sitting on his throne with thousands of Yakuza standing in front of him, attached with the logo of a Python snake, represent their cruelty and the desire to devour the entire Japan.)
Nakusanai you ni katana wo nuku
(The scene now shows them holding Crystal Magazine and their emptied Magic-Tech Rifle in-game, switching to the real life which they are now loading up their Heckler & Koch G36, Long Barrel Assault Rifle, ready to fight in Real Life and in Virtual Reality against large amount of enemies.)
Yami ni houmure yogoreta egao. Yariba no nai ikari, hanate!
(Lai headshots a Yakuza's head who is blocking the screen, then switch to Koharu who just cuts off someone's arm and shoots a few rounds of .45 ACP on his stomach then on the head with her FNX 45, bursting his brains out. Then the next scene is them in the airborne in Virtual Reality, Lai pulls out a Salamanders's wing and snaps his neck. Koharu shoots several Magic Projectiles from her Rifle, blasting another Salamander's body apart. Koharu slams her heel drop on someone before stabbing through another one's windpipe and blows his head apart with her Side-by-side, Custom Double Barrel Shotgun.)
Doredake no chi to namida wo nagashitara!
(In First Person's View, Lai inserts a Magazine to his M16A4 and then Koharu just chugs the fully charged Mana Crystal to the rifle. Then, back to Lai who just slaps the bolt release button before shooting down several incoming Yakuzas and the scene switch to Koharu who just uppercut melees with the weapon's stock.)
Inoru you ni kiri saite
(They both are strafing on the right side while taking fire from the enemies. As Koharu couldn't stop thinking about Haruna, who is in deep slumber, caused by a tragedy accident. The scene shows a statue of a god. Representing the god of humanity watches the duo murder their way to save the mankind from the pure and absolute evil.)
Kyou mo akaku someage yo!
(The scene shows Lai who starts wielding two Drum Mag AA12 as he mows down the Yakuzas to pieces while yelling out in berserk. As the drum hits, the scene shows the "Sword" before changing the screen to Koharu who just cuts someone's throat off and stabs on the neck. The scene changes by another drum hits to a word shows "Art" before showing Lai is wielding an Energy Chaingun, decapitating the Salamanders group. Lastly, it shows title "Sword Art Online" shaking violently with some bloods stains on the screen while the guitar plays through the session. As the drum hits again, the scene switches to Koharu who stabs the heart of a Yakuza to death in her silent kill, while Lai guns down any Yakuzas who are in his sights with his Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun. Suddenly, an Attack Helicopter mounted with Missiles Launcher surfaces up the screen and fires several missiles on them. They both noticed immediately and Lai quickly grabs an AK-47 with the GP-25 Grenade Launcher before exchanging fire to the Helicopter with a grenade.)
End of Opening...
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 10:00am..
With the first aid kit Lai provided, Koharu helps cleaning up the germ on his wound to avoid infection. Then she applies plaster strip on his cheek carefully. Lai could still feel the tingly pain from his cheek.
Lai: Ah! Thanks.. So where were we?
Koharu: Someone sent me an address of yours. So that's how I find you.
Lai immediately figures out it was Kayaba's work... Again.. But he hides it from her temporarily and go along with her.
Lai: I see.. Come on in..
Lai leads her around the first floor of the Apartment Complex. Koharu, who is looking around the interior design with curiosity since it's her first time in Lai's home. Several paintings are on the wall. With the history and photo of both his parents had went through.
Koharu: Wow...
Her curiosity got the best of her as her hand slowly reaches to the painting. Then, Lai's warning snaps her out from her thought.
Lai: Don't mess with those paintings. My parents never accept visitors before. They will know someone other than myself is here before and I'll end up taking the blame.
Koharu: Ah! Sorry!
Lai: Just don't touch any, just for my sake.
She follows him all the way to the stair and to the lobby. Lai opens the door for her, with the shotgun on his hand. Introducing the lobby to her, even though there is a lot of boxes around the living room.
Koharu: Wow...
Lai: Here we are, the lobby I mess and clean around most of the time. Help yourself out because I got things that needs to be done today.
Koharu silently looks around the lobby that has multiple purpose in one room. Kitchen and living room are just next to each other, along with the stairs that leads to several rooms as well. Koharu comments out to him who is now unboxing all the RC Cars and Planes currently.
Koharu: I'm so speechless about your home. The space in here is wide and huge. Even with my mother and I live here and it's still have enough room for the others.
Lai: Aww.. Already decided to live here right after your first time here?
She pouts as she crosses her arm. Like every tsundere does.
Koharu: Well, it's not like that. It's just I can't believe it's only for one person? Aren't you gonna be like very lonely here?
Lai: Partially yes.. My parents sometimes pay their visit here but they oftenly slept in their working place or 5 star hotels as their temporary stay. Typical rich family scenario. But I take care of this place since I was a kid.
Koharu: That's a lot of work for you alone..
Lai: Got used to it..
As he unboxing one of the RC Cars, the product fell off, picked up by Koharu.
Koharu: Toy car? You're also a fanatic of these as well?
Lai: Ah! No! These aren't used for entertainment!
Koharu: Maybe for your personal collection?
Lai: Definitely no!
She stares at the mountain of boxes. Assuming all of them are the same as the one she picks up with.
Koharu: But what's with the amount..?
Lai: This should explain clearly for you.
Lai duct tapes the first batch of explosive with the name called "C4" on the first RC Car. Lai grabs the remote control, fiddling the controls a bit. The car is still able to move around freely with the same speed thankfully. Lai reveals out to her with his very first RC Bomb.
Lai: RC Car with C4 explosive.
She yells out in panicked as she afraid of the explosive ordinance. Enough for her to back off, leaning the door, using the door as her shield.
Koharu: Ex-Explosive!?
Lai: Wait! It's not gonna blow unless it activates remotely!
She replies in exaggerated tone while still leaning against the door.
Koharu: You're crazy, aren't you!? ><"
The boy remains calm.. Even the girl is scared by the ordinance.
Lai: Well, I had my reasons..
Koharu: Against the protestors!?
Lai immediately went collapsed as she got misunderstood.
Lai: *Collapsed* No!
He sets the RC bomb to the table.. Starts to calm her down.
Lai: Look.. Remember I told you something worse is happening on yesterday?
Koharu: Yeah.. What about it..?
Lai grabs out his phone, surfing out until the screen appears with the info of Sugou Nobuyuki before showing it to her. Koharu reads it about him, just knowing he is the chief of the RECT Progress's Research Team.
Lai: Him...
Koharu: Sugou Nobuyuki.. Is he involved with the remaining SAO survivors?
Lai: I got information saying he is trapping the SAO survivor's mind in another game called "Alfheim Online", using their minds as test subjects for his mind-control/brainwash project with full dive tech.
Koharu: Brainwash!? That's horrible!!
He sets the RC Box on the table..
Lai: Yeah.. I was disappointed that it isn't over yet..
Koharu: But why not letting the police handle it?
Lai lies a bit, since reporting it will expose what they had done to all of the criminal players.
Lai: Well.. I tried.. The police station are occupied with protestors. There's no way to stop him at this point.
The recent news shocks her to the core that she just kneels down to the ground. The thought of the peace Koharu could ever hoped for since her return to the real world, has just shattered into million pieces..
Koharu: How could this is still happening..? And this time nobody can stop him.
Lai: I couldn't believe it as well..
Koharu: But..! How did you get this information from?
Lai: ...
Lai stands up and turns around to her side, helps her up from the ground and back to her feet.
Lai: I wish not to scare you off, Koharu.. But reality sure is a cruel one..
He brings her who is now confused and states at him hopelessly, both standing in front of the LG smart tv.
Koharu: What are you trying to show me?
Lai: ...Just stay calm..
The TV turns on itself and the screen immediately shows a ghostly figure. As Koharu's eyes shifts to the screen.
Koharu: !!
Her eyes widened.. Witnessing the person on the screen is Akihiko Kayaba. The one she hated to the core.
Akihiko: Koharu.. We meet again..
Koharu: !!
She backs off a bit.. Shocked by his appearance.
Koharu: Kayaba!? Is this a joke!?
Lai quickly locks her movement by binding both of her arms as her blood boils up to maximum in an instant.
Koharu: Let me go!
Lai: It's not a joke! He's still alive! But not in this world anymore!
Koharu: Not in this world..? What are you trying to say!?
As she struggles even more, Lai eventually grabs both of her arms down, pins her to the sofa with him on top of her before continuing his explanation.
Lai: He's dead in the real world! The "Kayaba" you just saw is just his mere mind printed into the cyber world. That's how he said so far..
She grits her teeth and turn her eyes away as she is on the verge of crying out tears, not accepting what she just saw just now.
Koharu: Why..?
Lai: ...
Koharu: I thought I would never see him again.. Especially not with you working for him like this! Why!?
Lai: It's because this whole thing about SAO isn't over yet.. Now people are suffering because of Sugou and I need Kayaba as my informant. And I need you by my side because they're targeting at us as well.. So please understand my situation..
Koharu: They..?
Lai looks away as he spills the bean unwillingly..
Lai: Sugou also has a whole Yakuza clan backing him up and funding for his project. And the worst part is, both now want us alive and become their test subjects as well. Means they're targeting at us, in the other words. That's why I'm making these explosives.
Koharu: You can't be serious about that..
Lai eventually releases her after her resistance got soften. He offers his hand to her. Inviting her to join with him once more.
Lai: I know there's no way to stop them.. But I didn't say "no one" can stop their projects. The two of us can still make it right.
Koharu: ...
Her eyes shifts away, making her decision.. Before that..
Koharu: Tell me about our friends.. Who is still trapped?
Lai: ...
He answers back obediently.
Lai: ...Sanya, Miyurin, Shivata, Liten, Sachi and Asuna are still in the bed.
Koharu: Darn it... They got Sachi and Asuna as well..
She looks at Lai's offer.. Eventually accepts it as she got no choice.
Koharu: Fine.. I'm in.. Someone needs to make them pay and suffer.
Lai helps her up from the couch. Along adding a few behind her sentence.
Lai: With their goddamn life. Come on, let me show you around and see what you made of..
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 11:00am..
After lunch, the first thing Lai shows her around is the basement, where all firearms his father stored for several decades. Along bringing his shotgun back for customization.
Lai: This is the shooting range with my father's collections.
Witnessing hundreds of weapons in front of her is already impressive enough for her to compliment while Lai detached the empty drum mag to refill with shotgun shells.
Koharu: Can't believe your father had been collecting this many.
Lai: Now we both can put them in good use, if you know how to.. So you're gonna need some target practices before taking on the Yakuzas.
Koharu: How long you've been fighting them?
Lai: Just a few days ago. They've been striking my complex day and night, even my goddamn sleep. I won't be here anymore without Kayaba's on watch.
Koharu: And I don't see you being tired out yet.
Lai: Well, with you finally being here by my side makes me energetic and also makes things much easier somehow. So choose one for your liking and I'll teach you how to shoot.
Koharu: Hm...
She looks around the hundreds of different guns on the displays, grabbing out an empty AKM. Observe the design, immediately remember back when she wields the automatic crossbow.
Koharu: I think I still remember how it works in SAO.
Lai: Same mechanism but with different trajectory. You'll be shooting bullets instead of arrows. Reloads, pull bolt and start shooting. But there are gun safety rules I have to apply for you.
Koharu: Not to aim at you?
Lai: Even more rules this time..
Koharu: Oh..
Lai: Don't look direct at the barrel or you might shoot yourself. Turn off the safety switch before you shoot, turn it on before engaging battle. One more thing. Do not point the gun at me.
Koharu: The last one isn't necessarily to be mentioned...
Lai: I feel relieved then.
Lai throws a 30 round mag of 7.62x39mm to her.
Lai: Here. Each guns required different sizes of ammunition. Learn about them as much as you can today. We ain't got much time left.
Koharu: Hm..
She figures out the design of the gun and how it works. But it only takes a second for her to recognize where to attach the magazine to the gun. Then, she pulls the bolt slowly, assuming that it is used for loading the first bullet. The bolt releases a beefy gun load noise.
Lai: Damn.. You're natural on this.
Koharu: Automatic crossbow and the nailgun works almost the same compare to this. Can't say it's natural tho..
Lai looks at the gun model design, aware that she might not able to handle the gun's recoil since AK-47 and AKM has high penetration power, thus the kickback will be stronger than other Assault Rifle.
Lai: But this AKM.. It has a lot of kicks in each shot. You sure you can handle it?
Koharu: Let's test it, shall we? It's only way to find out.
Lai grabs a target paper and place on the clip before setting the target far away. Koharu aims with the iron sight at the target in a normal stance. She shoots her first shot, the recoil's blowback already ruin her aims, unable to stay on the target still. It also hurt her shoulder a bit.
Koharu: Ah! My shoulder!
Lai: Told you..
Koharu: Maybe start with low recoil that doesn't hurt myself. Any recommendations?
Lai: Let's see..
He browses through the weaponry. Grabbing a G36 with the function that accepts 100 rounds, C-Mag drum magazine and 30 rounds standard, detachable mag.
Lai: Try this.
She sets the AKM on the table and accepts the gun from Lai, immediately starts observing it. She notices a switch near the trigger pull, realizing the bolt is on top and under the carry handle, instead of on the right side like the AKM. She aims with the reflex sight, testing out if she is comfortable with the gun in her stance as Lai introduces it to her.
Lai: G36, German's modern assault rifle. With the reflex sight with 1x magnification attached in default, uses 5.56x45mm NATO. Lighter than the AKM so you don't need to use too much of your grip strength.
She aims with the G36, Koharu can tell that the gun is lighter than the previous one she used with, just as Lai said. The Reflex sight also provides her much better sight on long range target as well.
Koharu: I think this will do..
Lai: I'm glad then..
Lai then provides her with 5.56x45mm standard mag. Koharu simply chugs it into the feed system before pulling the bolt. She releases it and then grips on the barrel, ready to fire.
She fires in burst, the recoil still kicks her aim away from the target. She takes her time to adjust back before firing again. Lai presses the button, checking the results of the target. Impressed that several shot are clean hit.
Lai: Nice. You managed to get the hang of it. Be sure to turn on the safety when there's no danger around.
Koharu: But I'm wondering is.. Are we gonna be using these a lot?
Lai: I don't know.. I mainly use these just for self-defense and gun testing. While the police are busy dealing with the protestors, we're on our own now defending ourselves. Unless Kayaba has proper target for us to assault. Then that's when the RC bomb comes in handy.
Koharu: Speaking of him.. Do you really trust him, Lai?
Lai: We both had our own reasons to foil his plan, that's all. But if you insist that way.. Well, I'm still not fully trust him yet. Let alone getting fully adapt living with his "virtual self" who has been living off in my TV, PC, even my phone and every other electronics.
Koharu: Hard to imagine that scenario..
Lai: Better not to.. But I have to admit, it's pretty handful with him around. Now follow me..
Lai leads around the armory until arriving at the sidearms section. Showing her a large collection with the range from Pistols and Submachine gun.
Lai: You may choose a sidearm and bring it along with your rifle before you leave.
Koharu: Can I? What will your father think?
Lai: Well, I'll just deal with that one day after all of this. Come take your pick. I'll find something that can conceal your rifle and your sidearms, also supply you with some ammo in the meanwhile. Feel free to ask or use the shooting range if you're still not used to it.
She answers back indifferently..
Koharu: Thanks.. I won't hold back then, sorry if I mess up the collection.
She casually picks out a MP7 from the display, observing its design before commenting out.
Koharu: Maybe this will do.. What do you think?
Lai: It has wide customizations, such as on the muzzle, foregrip, sights and the mag. Pretty well design and compact. Surprisingly, both rifle and the SMG you chose are designed by the Germans.
Koharu: I just choose with what I'm comfortable with. So what type of ammo this needs?
Lai: Look for HK 4.6×30mm type.
Koharu: HK 4.6×30mml... Huh?
She starts finding a suitable magazine based on the size of the gun's loader. After that, Lai watches her continues her training with the weapons she chose. He shrugs his shoulders before minding back to his business on searching for a gun cases bag for the G36 and MP7, then gathering several clips for both of her firearms as well.
Lai: Okay...
Seeing her without her expression makes him feel unsure and harder to figure out her feelings anymore.
Lai: (I guess I won't get used seeing her without a smile on her face at all. Especially for her fans..)
Koharu: Lai?
Lai: Yeah?
He goes to her assist at the shooting range. Koharu is curious with the green "pineapple shaped" ball, with the pin attached on it.
Koharu: What does this do?
Lai: Oh shiet!!
He snatches it back from her after realizing the thing she is holding is a frag grenade. He carefully sets it back into the box of MK2 grenades.
Lai: Don't simply touch it!
Koharu: Wha-? Why?
Lai: It's a frag grenade! It will explode after you pulled the pin. It's dangerous if you don't know how to use this!
Koharu: Sorry..
Lai: I can teach you with the explosives but I can't find a suitable location.. But we're not doing it in the basement, that's for sure.
Koharu: So how you gonna teach me with?
He grabs one of the MK2 grenades. Showcasing for Koharu to observe.
Lai: Unfortunately, I have to explain it very clearly to you.
Koharu: You said it will explode after pulling this pin, right? That's what Sinon told me about when we hang out.
Lai: Yeah.. Just like this..
He pulls the safety pin in accident. Koharu went speechless by his mistake, immediately backing off when staring at him who is sweating out while his hand still gripping on the grenade to keep the spring-loaded striker remain pushed inside so it does not trigger the spark yet to cause the explosion.
Koharu: ...
Lai: Don't panic.. It doesn't trigger the explosion yet.. Just put the pin back and-
The spring-loaded striker pushes out from Lai's palm, drops onto the ground.
Lai: Ah shiet...
He throws it straight from the shooting range where there's a lot of empty space available so the explosion won't cause damage to the collections. But the fragmentation of it still pose a threat for both of them so Lai alerts Koharu to get down.
Lai: Get down!
He rushes to Koharu and covers her from the threat, dives down behind the counter and wait until the explosion.
The metal shard from the fragmentation hits the ceiling and the walls, also leaving an explosion mark on the ground. Thankfully, it didn't hurt the duo since they're behind the counter.
Lai: I think that's over.. You okay?
He helps her up from the ground.
Koharu: That was very loud..
Lai: You will get used to it.
Koharu: By pulling the pin in accident?
Lai: Well, but now you had seen the real thing and demonstration. Think you're gonna need one?
Koharu: I don't think I'm gonna bring that much firepower with me.. *Sweatdropped*
Lai: You need it.. When you want to blow people apart.
She sighs in frustration..
Koharu: You're still ruthlessly cruel, aren't you?
Lai: At least I'm on the right side.. Our enemies are way worse than Laughing Coffin.
She reconsiders it as she just remembers how much she held her grudges towards the criminals and the LaffCof as well back in the past.
Koharu: Now you got a point there..
Lai: And it's good thing that they're goners for good. So anyway...
He brings out an empty double side gun cases for both of her weapons.
G36 with belt attached for carrying around, 5 of 30 rounds standard magazines, double edge combat knife and 3 of MK2 Grenades. On the other side of the gun cases contained with MP7, silencer and the night sights separated, also with 5 of 40 rounds magazines. Additionally with a Kimber 1911 Rapide Black Ice Pistol and some 9mm clips to fill up the rest of the space.
Lai: I had prepared a case for concealing both of your weapons. And take this pistol as my gift for your safety's purpose.
Koharu: That's a lot..
Lai: You'll be dealing on your own once you step out from this complex.. Plus, you have your mother to protect. So I don't have faith on how you gonna handle all of this.
Koharu: ...Maybe I can just tell her everything..? Especially the issue we're up against..?
Lai: But she will eventually learns about it. No matter what we do. They had attacked my complex for several times. I believe they will do the same to your home. (Better send a helicopter so I can hijack it with Kayaba's help.)
Koharu: Ugh... How are we gonna stop them?
Lai: Neutralize the clan's leader, Sugou and his research team. And neutralize the rest of the clan members. Sounds straightforward?
She facepalms her head, can't agree to his idea.
Koharu: Only idiot would come up with that idea. Especially you know there's only the two of us..
Lai: Ahem.. You forgot Kayaba.. He can be our greatest assist and support in our asset. Plus, both ammunitions and explosives ordinance are almost infinite so we can use as much as we can.
She crosses her arms, frown as she still holding her grudges towards him.
Koharu: But still, don't expect me to fully trust him. After what he did to everyone and you for two years.
He shrugs..
Lai: Well, I'm not trying to ask you to put your faith on him. Been able to work together with you again, especially this time is in real life, is already enough for me.
She looks away, unsure if she might be a help to him.
Koharu: You think a girl like me who can't even handle a gun properly would be a help for you?
Lai: At least someone is watching my back and cure my loneliness. I'm sure you're thinking the same, aren't you? And about the "Can't even handle a gun properly.", really? You know you fired a nailgun before with the same mechanism of MP7.
Koharu: You're right about that. Although, my mind has experience that. But in physical, that's a total no for me..
Lai: I see... So playing full dive game doesn't enhance physical capabilities. That answers the question of why you can't handle the AKM's recoil.
Koharu: *sigh* I used to be gun blazing around the battlefield with Nailgun and Automatic crossbow. But after listening to your explanation. I have to go tactical if I have to..
Lai grabs a combat knife before tossing it to her..
Lai: What about this?
Koharu receives the knife, she immediately holds in backhanded. Swings her weapon a few times to test its weight.
Koharu: The blade's heavy... Anything lighter than this if you had?
Lai: Hm...
He heads back to the collections, searching one from the knives section. Then, he returns back to her with a curved knife with lighter blade.
Lai: Try this..
She grabs the curved knife, testing its weight.
Koharu: The design looks unique..
She holds it backhanded, with the help of the finger ring makes it easier to spin around so she can change the blade to be backhanded or normal mode with the blade at the front. Or just to punch people with the finger ring.
Lai: It's a Karambit.. Indonesian's greatest creation for knives. The philipines has taken liking on this weapon and made several self-defense techniques. Hooking and slashing are its specialties. And it's even best if you aim from under the neck for the kill or any limbs to decapitate.
She uppercuts in backhanded with the blade is pointing up used to hook.
Koharu: This will hit very deadly..
Lai: And effective. That's what I want to hear.
Koharu wields it in combos, she can feel the amount of grip strength needed is lesser than she wields with combat knife. She gladfully agrees with the Karambit before handing it back to Lai.
Koharu: I guess I'll take this.
Lai: Good choice. I can imagine you cutting bad guys like you did to watermelon.
Koharu: Please don't joke with that..
Lai: I can make more when I'm still living.. I don't know how the three of us are gonna get through this whole mess. Even though with all the preparation we hope to get, the worries about the process of the battle still pressuring me.
Koharu: But we survived a death game for two years straight.
Lai: That's because we got a lot of people supporting our journey. Now it's just the two of us in real life and Kayaba in the TV, while everyone still mentally recovering from their nightmares in SAO.
Koharu: It's better than just sitting around and do nothing!
Lai: No! You don't get it. What if I lost you or something that leaves a scar on you during the battle?
Koharu: ...
Lai: If you're wondering if I will still continue to stay by your side. The answer is "Of course, I will". But will you accept yourself after the battle?
She went quiet as she wasn't prepared for that question.. But as she recognizes the situation they're in and it's a one-way out from all of this mess. She answers back with a determined expression.
Koharu: ...I will handle it by myself.. And I might need you more in the future than the present like today..
Lai: I'm glad to be around anytime.
He gently pulls her into a hug. Comforting both of them during the time of chaos they're in.
Lai: I will protect you until all of this is over..
She quietly smiles in their hug, not only to be able to feel his warmth again. But also she won't be alone this time.
Koharu: We will make it through..
He pats her shoulders before breaking the hug, returning their preparation with the arsenal. Koharu questions him about his personal loadout.
Koharu: So.. Which weapons you're using all the time?
Lai: Well..
He showcases the Shotgun he just used today, the Mossberg 590M Semi Auto Shotgun with drum mag.
Lai: This is the primary weapon of my choice in loadout. Shotgun type packs a punch and capable to decapitate limbs in one shot. So my secondary might be scaring you a little bit.
He grabs a Quad-Barrel Shotgun, one of the classified weapon created by the Ark Industries. He opens the breach of the Quad-Barrel Shotgun. Checking if all four tubes are clean or needed to clear the dust out.
Lai: I might need to borrow this for a while..
After spotting no dust in the tubes, he chugs 4 buckshot shotgun shells into the tube at once before shutting close the breach back.
Koharu: This looks devastating..
Lai: Well, if batman was a gun, he'd be this.. One shotgun shell already packs a punch. 4 shotgun shells fired at full blast is enough to wipe off one's existence entirely from the face of the earth. Only if you had the strength to handle the kick tho...
Koharu: I feel bad for those who got killed by that gun.
Lai: Well, you won't be able to see their bodies before even start feeling bad for them.
Koharu: *Pout*
Then, Lai grabs a lever-action shotgun.
Lai: And this will be my concealable weapon... The Model 1887 lever-action shotgun. Can be primed with one-handed.
Koharu: You're all about shotguns, don't you?
Lai: Well, I'm a doom fan. Shotguns are god sent weapons.
Koharu: At least the gun's concealable. I got no objections here.
Lai: Great! I almost done packing your guns. Do you feel like needing more ammo?
Koharu: I don't think I need that much.
He just fully loaded the gun and also attaches a silencer barrel on the Model 1887 before concealing it into his hoodie.
Lai: Okay then. We should continue our training. Once it reaches night, I'll escort you till you get home.
Koharu: Thanks..
Lai: Let's begin the training until evening then. I'm gonna-
His Bluetooth earbuds just receives a call from Kayaba. Lai's reaction immediately went shocked as soon as he hears Kayaba's alert.
Lai: Shiet!
He immediately grabs the Mossberg 590M Shotgun and chugs a drum mag of FRAG-12 Explosive shell into the loader. Along with loaded Quad-Barrel Shotgun strapped on his back and a Model 1887 equipped into his Hoodie, also grabs a few Incendiary and Frag grenades. Koharu tries to catch up what just happened to his sudden reaction.
Koharu: What is it!?
Lai: The Yakuza are heading to our location in Groups! We can't let them storm into the complex! Grab the guns in the gun case I just packed up with and meet up outside!
Koharu: Okay!
She quickly grabs the G36 and MP7, loads with 30 rounds standard magazines and 40 rounds box magazine before strapping the rifle to her back and the SMG on her lower back. Also grab several type grenades, the Kimber 1911 Rapide Black Ice with 8 rounds mag and a Karambit curved knife before setting in both of her pockets. Ready to head outside.
Outside the Complex.
Koharu just armed up with her newest loadout, join up with Lai who is looking out at the main road for incoming attacks.
Koharu: Are they coming yet?
Lai: Not yet.. Oh yeah! Put this earbud on. Kayaba is now keeping an eye on us and anyone around us with the satellite so he will warn you for any surprise attack. Getting hit by their tranquilizer gun from the rear is the last thing you want in the fight.
She receives one of the other pair of Lai's Bluetooth headphones so she will be able to communicate with Kayaba.
Lai: You should be able to get in touch with him anytime. But I have to warn you, if one of us is down, things will go straight downhill on us anytime. Stay focus and don't let them get you!
She finally wears the earbud.
Koharu: I just hope Kayaba doesn't backstab us..
Akihiko: You can trust my words. That's all I can say. I hope that will cure that paranoia of yours.
She feels offended by Kayaba's words. But she remains silent on his response.
Koharu: ...
Lai: Knock it off, guys! No time for argument!
Kayaba: Incoming! A truck is approaching from West side! Several men show up on the rooftop!
Lai: !!
Koharu: I'll deal with the rooftop!
Lai: I'll blow the truck up!
Both unsheathed their weapons, Lai fires out the first FRAG-12 Explosive Shell straight to the truck loaded with multiple men. The explosion impact tumbles the whole truck, blocking the main road and the rest of the incoming cars Lai and Koharu immediately sprints behind their own cover in the alleyway, dodging a few bullets in the process. Since only Koharu has the right gun, she is able to snipe them back with her G36 in Semi-Auto. But several shots just wallbang through her cover, thankfully none of them hit her but it's enough to scare her.
*Wallbang sound*
Koharu: Damn!
She moves deeper into cover and hoping not to get herself hit. As she's in a battle with them at the moment, several cars just arrives in front of the complex from the east side. Lai swears out under his breath.
Lai: Oh, f**k this..
He shoots another FRAG-12 Explosive Shell with his Mossberg 590M Shotgun, resulting explodes one of the car and the shock impact blows the men who just got out from the car with their pistols and ARs. Lai grabs his Model 1887 lever-action shotgun, swiftly blasts one by one in one-handed, spin reloads the lever-action shotgun after each shot.
Yakuza 1: Get them!
*Plargh!!* *Plargh!!* *Plargh!!*
Half of their upper bodies were blown off by Lai's Model 1887, exposing ribs and bones from the flesh while blood splurting across the street. As Lai pulls the trigger.
*Gun clipping sound*
After running out of 5 total buckshot shells in his Model 1887 lever-action shotgun, he switches to his Mossberg 590M Shotgun. Blowing out the men while covering his partner who just snipes out the men from the rooftop. Body crushes to the ground from the rooftop, blood splashes on the ground. Koharu proceeds dealing the men on the ground level after chugging another fresh new magazine into her G36 rifle. Lai still got pinned down by the Snipers on Koharu's side that she is unable to snipe them down due to bad position. Lai informs her his status.
Lai: Some of them on the rooftop are still pinning me down, coming from your side! I need your help!
Koharu: Not if we deal with these in front of us!
He barely gets a counterattack from all the suppressing fire but manages to blast several men before ducking back to cover to avoid the gunshot from the sniper and the men. Lai quickly chugs 5 Slug type Shells into lever-action shotgun and attempts to snipe them back, while hoping for miracle to hit them without any iron sights at all on his Model 1887 shotgun. Lai ducks back in again to dodge the wallbang shot.
Lai: I can't hit them far!
Koharu: Cover me while we switch position after 3! 1! 2! 3!
At the count of three, both just rush out from their cover, exchanging position. Lai hip fires at them in his sprint while Koharu whips out her MP7 to continues to lay down suppressing fire on the sniper. After exchanging position, Lai replaces the empty drum mag for a new one with Slug Shells. Ready to burst their heads open of the ground level.
*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Ta!* *Ta!* *Ta!*
Koharu outsnipes the Snipers from the rooftop on Lai's side, assuming both sides are cleared for now. She whips out her Kimber 1911 and starts headshotting them as she just notices some of the Black-suit Henchman coming from the crashed truck.
Koharu: Lai! They're coming from West side as well, the crashed truck!
Lai notices several coming from the destroyed truck and starts hip firing back at them. One just got his leg blasted away, another shot shreds a hole on the Yakuza's torso.
Lai: Damn! How many are there!?
Akihiko: Nearly hundred of them coming towards you two's direction.
Lai: They aren't letting us off this time!
Koharu: I'm throwing Smoke! We need to advance back to the complex! We're running out of Ammo!
Lai: Let's go! I'm tossing a Incendiary Grenade!
The Smoke unleashed out from Koharu's grenade temporary blinds the Yakuza's line of sight and Lai's incendiary blocks the road to prevent them coming in! Both rush back inside the complex.
Lai: Follow me! There's no time going back to basement.
Busting into his room, push the closet and reveal the secret armory. Both start grabbing what they need in the armory from Lai's room. The duo manages to replenish their ammunition.
Koharu: I hope these are enough.
Lai: Well, you will never have enough of firepower to deal with them.
Akihiko: Should I launch a missile support? I can assure this won't be noticed by the military.
Lai: You're trying to blow up my Complex apart!?
Kayaba: Depends how you both take care of the situation..
As they reach the main entrance, both hear the Yakuza are about to invade inside his home. Koharu readys up with a flashbang at the hallway, taking covers behind wall, pulls the pin of the flashbang grenade, wait for a while until she tosses it straight in front of the invaders. Then, Lai reveals out with his Mossberg 590M Shotgun, start pushing back and blasting them out from the entrance while they're still in stunned. Both of them start pushing back and outside, trading gunfire from both directions, Koharu takes on the west side of incoming Yakuzas and Lai takes the east. Both start taking down one by one in their gunfight. Bullets fly pass them as they dodge. Koharu shoots one's leg, staggers him on his knees before she rushing at him with the Karambit wields out after a spin. She uppercuts the man's torso and the hook splits his stomach apart as she pulls up, exposing the ribs and flesh, grabs him as meatshield while shooting with her G36 rifle in full auto. She grits her teeth as she pushes through while her meatshield is taking hits, blood spills on her face. Lai swiftly takes down one by one with each shotgun snipe with the Slug Shell. His shots blew one's right arm that disables the man's M16A4. Lai rushes forward, grabbing his Mossberg 590M Shotgun like a baseball bat, thrust on the stomach, smacks upwards that launches the Yakuza in the air. Then wields out his Quad-Barrel Shotgun in full blast, 32 pellets turns his whole body into blood rain. The scene terrifies the henchmen as Lai continues to rain pellets on them one by one. Meanwhile, Koharu chugs a frag grenade on her meatshield before pushing the dead body forward to the attacking group. The explosion impact is enough to tumble nearby Yakuzas. Both sides of the enemies start retreating as one of them yells to escape.
Koharu: They're retreating!
Lai: Keep shooting them! We can only be safe if they're all dead!
But the duo continues to snipe them to decrease their number as much as they can. Soon, everyone except them has disappeared from their sights. Smoke escapes out from Koharu's G36 rifle muzzle as she lowers her weapon, catching her breath as she is exhausted, eventually uses her rifle as her walking cane.
Koharu: Wow.. We managed to hold them off..!
Lai, who is still on his feet, also exhausted as well.
Lai: Yeah.. We'd be getting overrun by their vehicles without the FRAG-12 Explosive Shell. Come on..
He helps up Koharu on her feet. Rest themselves sitting on the main entrance stairs. Koharu lies down on the ground, letting out a sigh so loud that her soul just escape her body to avoid the tiredness.
Koharu: I can't believe we survived all of this..!
Lai immediately breaks down the bad news for her.
Lai: You know.. I'm sad to say.. Since we're not in SAO. Bodies don't disintegrate themselves into polygons.
Koharu: Huh?
They look at the bloody street with dead bodies and gibs around. Like a street during zombie apocalypse.
Koharu: You've gotta be kidding..
Lai: Welcome to my life..
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 2:00pm.. Honda Residence in Sakura, Chiba..
After the fight and body cleaning, both of them rest on the ground as soon as they're back to the lobby.
Koharu: Fuah~! Finally..!
Lai: I shouldn't have blow up the truck and the cars in the first time.. But I bet they're gonna be back with more..
Koharu: Seriously!?
Lai: We're officially in their aristocrat's game after that fight. So we gotta be ready for anything. Plus, one of us still need to dive into Alfheim Online to destroy Sugou's project.
Koharu: That means my mother could be in danger anytime. They probably might target her just to capture us!
Lai: Then, you can bring her here tonight. I still have rooms for you two.
Koharu: But, doesn't that mean your parents will find out about us being here?
Lai: Well, do we have other choice?
Koharu: ...
She sighs as both of them don't have any choice. But at the same time, she can't becomes his burden like in the past.
Koharu: *sigh* No.. I shouldn't burden you too much by staying here all the time.
Lai: ...
He confused a bit by her decision, knowing this will be more dangerous for her to stay in her home.
Lai: ...Do you realized the outcome of the decision you just made?
Koharu: Just supply me with the weapons and I'm good to go. I'll take care of my mother on my own. Plus, Kayaba will still be able to inform me any alerts through my phone, right?
Kayaba: I will keep watch on both of you 24/7 with the Satellite.. So please be rest assured...
Lai: ...Are you sure you're gonna be.. Fine..? Because both of you and your mother's safety is one of my priorities in this current situation.
Koharu: I will be fine..
Lai: ...
Lai eventually agrees with her, knowing that forcing her to stay will end up in argument.
Lai: *sigh* Okay.. I'll go pack up your guns before we head out.
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 6:00pm.. Sakura, Chiba..
Lai had packed up the double sided gun case with Koharu's loadout, disguised as a huge violin case. Both currently on a public bus, Lai still bringing his huge hiking bag, packed with weapon is M16A4 with M203 Grenade Launcher. Koharu is now taking a nap on his shoulder after workong themselves out in the afternoon. Fortunately, the blood on the street is washable by the rain, if there's a chance hopefully.. Lai gently wakes her up as the bus almost reach Sakura Street.
Lai: We almost reach to the destination. Come on.. We should go..
She wakes up a bit, knowing she's sleeping on Lai's shoulder. But refuse to get up on her own as she feels this isn't enough for her.
Koharu: Give me some time, my body refuses to move.. Just let's stay this way for a while..
Knowing what she's hinting about.. Lai realizes they haven't spend any time alone for themselves after all the fighting, planning, defending themselves from the danger.
Lai: How long since the last time we've been like this? Three months?
Koharu: It feels like eternity.. Even though it's just three months has been past. But knowing all this chaos in this world makes me wanna escape back to SAO..
He chuckles..
Lai: Please don't bring that up.. It's gone for good. Now we got a world to fix, right here in Japan.
Koharu: Will we able to return back to how we used to be in everyday lives? Like every normal boys and girls who are still attending school?
Lai: Not until we finish up this whole SAO issue. Just bear with me at least for a few days, Koharu..
Koharu: I'd be overjoyed if anyone can help us out.
Lai: I hope so..
The bus just stopped by at the Sakura Street in Chiba.. Lai helps her up as she carries the heavy gun cases.
Lai: Let's go..
The duo walks their way to Koharu's house after stepping out from the bus. Koharu suggests him to go back, feeling that she can take care of herself.
Koharu: I can take care of myself from here. You should head back as soon as possible.
He hugs her for just a couple of seconds..
Lai: I know you're strong.. But please be safe.. At least for your mother's sake.
She looks down for a while..
Koharu: But I'm not as strong as you do... Not even near your levels. That's the problem I can't solve.
Lai: ...You're still hanging that in your mind? You know I could've die to your dagger within a second if we spar.
Koharu: You would've already shot me before I could even get to you. Anyway, I should get going now.. See you tomorrow.
Lai: Well, stay safe. And you should chat with Kayaba when you have any questions.
She frowns at him..
Koharu: Lai!
Lai: I'm sorry.. I'm just worrying that you might be lonely, even with your mother around.
Koharu: I won't.. Thanks for your concern..
She eventually leaves.. Lai turns around as both of them separated, returning back to their home.
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 10:00pm.. Honda Residence, Koharu's room..
As she is now alone in the room, she rests herself on the bed during the young night.
Koharu's POV
After dinner with mother, I gifted her with a tight hug to reassure her before heading back to my room. Carefully brings out the gun cases hidden under my bed with the blanket covered the hiding spot. I open the case, seeing the empty G36 rifle just resting with some magazines resting inside. She grabs it, observe all the function of the gun, toggle a bit on the Safety switch, fire mode switch such as: Semi, Burst fire and Full-Auto mode. Also the reflex sight. She casually aims at nearby decorations for practicing quick aiming adjustment, also testing the weight and pull the bolt.
*Gun bolt releases*
She observes it for a while, noticing a small blood stains on the muzzle that Lai missed out to wipe it off after the gunfight. The blood of someone she had spilled out with, triggers her darkest secret that has been festering her mind.
Koharu: I managed to kill some of them.. How long since the last time I killed the Orange Players?
Flashback starts..
She recalls her past from her days in SAO, that her biggest secret has yet to be revealed. Ever since the separation from Floor 20 and her attempted suicide, Koharu starts holding her grudge and had secretly begun her genocide against the Orange and Red players whenever she's alone in the night time as her revenge. None of her friends has witness that side of hers, not even Argo or even her closest partner, Lai as well.. That's how she actually reached to the second place in terms of highest levels in SAO's player base. She remembers that one time she infiltrates the biggest Orange Player's guild headquarters on her own, no backup, no guild support from MBC guild, no safe zone at all..
All herself alone.. Just to kill all of them..
Aincrad Standard Time, 1:00am.. Orange guild's headquarters..
She just climbs up to the open window with her dual-wield daggers as climbing tool, immediately stab a guy's neck, rips out his jaw to prevent him from letting out any sound. Then proceed to stab his eyeballs for the kill. She explores with her dual wield daggers after looting out from the orange player's inventory.
Koharu: I'm here inside their HQ.. How many Orange Players can I kill so I can satisfy him..? 20? 30? Or even, 100? The more, the better.
She proceeds in crouch walk to silence her movement, checking every rooms carefully. She kills another Orange Player Criminal who is just sleeping on his bed with a pillow on the face and a stab to the brain through the pillow. She loots out the items from the body, chests around the room before heading out to kill more.
Koharu's POV..
How would Lai react when he finally knows this side of me. I was already prepared he will be disappointed as soon as I decided to get my revenge on these people.
I wander around the headquarters, murdering any of them as I come across, until I kill their leader. I cut off one's head as he walks across, crush the decapitated head into pieces. As I heard a discussion from another room, which is the war room where they discusssing their plans. I eavesdrop them while checking my equipment, trying to guess how many of them before I strike..
Orange Player 1: I heard the some merchant players are transporting weapons, guarded by the ALF guild.
Orange Player 2: The rumors about the forbidden weapon must be stored inside there. Let's go raid them tomorrow!
Orange Player 3: Are you idiot? There's no way they're transporting something important.
I counted out their numbers via the voice and from the peaking through the door hole.
Koharu: 3, 4, 5, 6...
I grab a bottle of blazing lava, extracted from the boss room from Floor 13, a kunai with explosive paper wrapped onto it. Prepared my grappling hook attached on both of my waist, in case I need to hook onto something to throw with. I breathe in silently before busting in for the quick kills.
Koharu: Haa!!!
All 6 Orange Players just knew as soon as I bust in, a bottle of lava just splashes onto someone as direct hit, melting him to death. The burning damage inflicted nearby enemies within its AoE as well. I throw several kunais, one of them hits the guy's eye, pull his whole body towards her, then a drop kick launches him towards another Orange Player. There's one woman jump onto the table, rushing towards me. I throw an explosive kunai, blows off the leg just as I was aiming at. Another kunai held by Koharu, stabs through the woman's throat during her fall. Koharu slices open her throat for instant kill. She throws the rest of her Kunais onto the remaining three continuously. Two of them are suffered enough damage from all the poisoned Kunais, leaving only the last one alive. He just pushes away the dead body that crashed him, Koharu casually grabs the nearby wooden chair in two-handed, raised up in the air. Staring at the defenseless player with no expression.
Orange Player 6: Wai-!
*Crush!* *Crush!* *Crush!*
She bashes his head into pieces with the chair until it breaks. The noises of skull bashing echoes through the dark corridor. She stares at the broken chair piece that is in her hand, then at the broken head before the body disintegrated. She drops it before exiting out the war room to kill more.
Koharu: Who is ready to die?
Flashback ends..
But in the end, I rarely get the chances to exact my revenge because of my enormous task as a MBC commander and most of my targets has already been destroyed by Lai. The feelings of crumbling all the Criminals is like painkillers to ease my pain, like a sweet liquors that eases my suffering. Hearing the news of the massacre of the Orange and the Red does reassure every players and for me. Somehow, I feel frustrated and grit my teeth. As for today, I feel refreshed after the gunfight.
Koharu: I feel relieved after killing bad guys. Spilling their blood to the ground has become my job someday. I'm slowly drifting myself further away from just a normal, innocent girl, to a killing maniac that protects her loved one at any cost.
She loads the first magazine on her G36, placing on the bed next to her. Then, she picks up the MP7 and attaches a silencer to the muzzle for better accuracy, adjust a bit of the sight for better visual and pull the stock out so the gun can lean against her shoulder for better recoil control. Then, she loads a magazine before setting the gun next to the G36 and picks up the Kimber 1911 this time. Testing her grip on the gun, loads her gun with .45 ACP magazine. She grabs the Karambit, combine her dagger with her pistol so she can perform melee while still using her pistol for range attack.
Koharu: This will work well with the pistol.
She practices her pistol and knife combination stance, with the pistol on the shooting hand, placed on top of the supporting hand that holds the Karambit. That way, she can melee while having her pistol still equipped. She keeps her guns into the cases before hiding it back to under the bed. She lies on her bed, decided to sleep early for tomorrow's meeting with Lai to discuss about the plan of diving into ALO.
Koharu: How long can I hide it from him? That's the question I have yet to answer.
End of Chapter...
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