Chapter 38: Danger close.
There's this dream.. About her.. Still remember the words she said before she ran away from me.. Before I could even console her down. I freaked her out again.
"It... Actually hurts.."
And I don't have the courage to warn her about the danger she is currently in right now and still unaware about it. But scared that she will even freak out if she sees me killing someone. No matter what reasons I have to do that. That's why I replied Kayaba with the answer of fighting alone instead.
Year 2025, January 17th.. Japan Standard Time, 8:00am.. Lai's Apartment Complex in Kashiwa, Chiba..
Lai: ...
I've been up for a while from my sleep, still on my bed.. Wondering how Koharu feels right now.. Also my hopes are filled despair with the fact Tokyo was once a peaceful city, but now the street had became a battleground between the police and the protestors, both side who wants to secure the Japan's future. But only ended up chaotic before they could even realize it. I stare up to the clean white ceiling. Wishing Tokyo will be return back to it used to be.
Lai: If I am the government, how would I do to change this...?
My mind has wandered somewhere in the train of my thoughts and my body refuses to move. Still haven't come up with a proper explanation or even how to encounter her in a proper way without agitating her.
Lai: ...
Then, an alarm just rudely goes off and disturbs my train of thoughts.
Lai: Ah! Goddamnit, Aki!
He replies back with the speaker of my phone.
Akihiko: We still have things to do. Get yourself prepared.
Lai: *sigh*
I just had my simple breakfast with sandwich and milk. Kayaba starts a conversation in my bluetooth earbuds, giving out his concern to me who sounded a bit depressed while slowly chewing out a piece of the bread with the fillings inside the sandwich, follow with a sip of milk from the glass.
Akihiko: What's wrong?
Lai: Well, you clearly knew what I've been through yesterday, right?
Akihiko: Oh, I thought you were okay with all the.. Gun fights and executions. But it is just as I expected for your reaction like this because you're still a teen, obviously.
Lai: The Second Chapter has begun and it's already come to this point.. Might as well go through it to the end. But the question is.. I don't know if Koharu and I can make it through tho.. Or even handle it well.
He replies back with easing answers. Judging how they survived through the game.
Akihiko: You both have the will of survival, the experience of getting out of trouble and solving the problems. Especially with a mindset of a true fighter.. And a gunner, of course.
Lai: Equals?
Akihiko: You will be fine.. But first let me be clear, it's not like I'm trying to push the blame to Sugou.. But he would still be doing the same thing like this today, even if I did not decided to trap the players inside SAO in the first place.
Lai: Still.. I cannot forgive what you had put everyone else through these two years.. I just can't, after everything we've experienced through in SAO..
Akihiko: Then, might as well make a good use with that experience of yours. Weaponize it to defend yourself and the people around you.
Lai: ...
I think to myself, still remembering the scene when I try to fight off the assailants during night in the Complex and then day in the bus. It left me no choice but with the only option is to kill them back.
Lai: You're right... Those guys would still keep coming even though I did nothing wrong.
Akihiko: I only hope you two will make it out safe.. Somehow..
Lai: I can't even tell what are the chances anymore.
I take the last sip of the milk.
Lai: Oh yeah I almost forgot. What did you find out from the phones I gathered?
Akihiko: I managed to recover the deleted phone calls from the records.
Lai: Who are they?
Akihiko: Just some crooks or even smaller group of Yakuza gang. But they are all belong to "The Python" clan. Drug syndicate in secret and the biggest Yakuza gang in Tokyo. Or I should say, the entire Japan. Enough to rival against the government.
Lai: The biggest? Are you sure?
Akihiko: The leader is one of the wealthiest person in the world, who got connection all over the world. Which that makes sense that he is the leader of The Python clan. Represents the snake that devours anything else. Money, power, land and even the people.
Lai: Motives?
Akihiko: He has an interest about Sugou's Full Dive Brainwashing project.. He and Sugou himself are having a solid relationship, friends in their masks, but both are scheming their way to backstab each other secretly, since both of them are very ambitious. Imagine them capturing high profile personnel and brainwash them with the AmuSphere..
Lai: So... You're telling me.. That Sugou has a connection and currently had signed a contract with the leader of the biggest, baddest Yakuza clan in the entire Japan as his sponsor and backer for developing the project?
He answers back in carefree tone.
Akihiko: Yes and that is correct.
I'm just surprised towards Kayaba's optimism after knowing the enemies we are.. I mean.. I'm up against to.. Alone.
Lai: Wow.. F*ck these Aristocrats and their noble games..
I spring up from my chair, quickly clean the glass and the plate before packing up my stuff and planning to warn Koharu and Haruna-san as soon as I can. Fending against all of them alone isn't the best choice for me anymore. I quickly grab my bag, stuff in with spare hoodie and bring a suppressed MAC-10 this time, along with several 32 rounds of 9mm ammunition Magazine. Additionally with a combat knife concealed in my hoodie.
Akihiko: You're planning to tell her?
Lai: I have to tell her. Don't see an alternative way to solve this.
Akihiko: Might as well train her under your care?
I chuckle as I did not think about that far, just after pulling the bolt to load the bullet.
Lai: Still haven't decide that yet.
I quickly head down to first floor and step out the complex. But got ambushed by a very few of gun shots from above. I hop back inside the complex and slams the door. Three gunshot penetrates the door but I took cover at the lower corner.
Lai: Shiet!
Akihiko: I detected 3 armed drone are waiting for you outside. It's wise to go other way or ambush them back from the rooftop.
Lai: Or you can tell me where are they controlling the drones!
Akihiko: Ah.. Right.. Give me a minute.
I immediately head to the alleyway, back of the complex through window. Grab out my Mac-10 and sprint my way through the alley. Several drones shows up in front of alley as well.
Lai: Oh shiet!
I dodge roll next to the dumpster for a cover. I could tell the drones are closing in to my position with the noises created from their propellers. I grab the garbage bag and throw it to the flying drones for distraction. One of them shot the garbage bag and it explodes its waste content out. I take my chance for a counter attack, shooting down the first drone's propeller with the Mac-10 in burst fire. Second and then the third one, all down to the ground, still half functional but I shot them until I destroyed the turret installed on the drones.
Akihiko: Head out the alley, they're in a vehicle!
Lai: Right!
I head out from the alley, just as what he said. But as I point my gun at their vehicle's tyres to stop them. The assailants are already got away and out of my Mac-10 range since the gun doesn't have high accuracy. Probably just as soon as the drones got neutralized.
Lai: Damn it! They got away!
Kayaba contacts me again just after the gun fights.
Akihiko: That sparks a great idea. Care if I examine the drones?
Lai: Hm? Sure.
I head back to the alleyway, checking back on the destroyed drones. Letting Kayaba to examine it with the phone's camera. The sight of the drone are larger, installed with four propellers to be able to carry the drone's body and the gun. All of drone's Carbine had been modified with no stock, no carry handle on the sight, short barrel, attached with just short 10 rounds mag of 5.56x45mm NATO.
Akihiko: Fascinating.. These are modified flying drones with Custom M4A1 Carbine attached on it. Can say it's a low budget drone. But effective.
Lai: Well, they lost 13 men last time, reasonable I guess..
Akihiko: Fortunately, yes they can. But thanks to today's attack, we also acquired a new tricks up in our sleeve.
Lai: Which is?
Akihiko: We have C4 explosives in underground, I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.
As my gun fanatic kicks in, I immediately understand what he means.
Lai: RC planes and Cars strapped with explosives?
Akihiko: That's right. So I'll be ordering some with your dad's bank account.
Lai: Hell yeah! Huh?
I immediately realized the last sentence from him.
Lai: What!?
He curiously asks..
Akihiko: Anything wrong?
Lai: You're using my dad's account! How is that not wrong!? Why not using yours instead!?
Akihiko: My bank account has been frozen under the government's order since after the start of official SAO. And I cannot use my wallet or any banknotes in my possession due to the current state of mine. So that means all of my finances are gone.
Lai: ...Can you please use the others..!? You're gonna get me killed before I could even get captured!
Akihiko: Too late, I bought 50 of them. Each cars and the planes. So there will be 100 of them, be sure to look out for their arrival from the deliveries.
Lai: ...
I frozed as soon as I heard that. But Kayaba simply just sprinkles one of his usual, overused "You will be fine" line in his sentence for damage control after actually buying the RC Cars.
Akihiko: You will be fine...
I inevitably sigh out in frustration but panicked.. Feared that how my dad will react to the bill Kayaba mindlessly spent the money with.
Lai: I'm so dead right now..
Akihiko: At least you won't die to those Aristocrats.
Lai: You're a disaster for sure..
I brought all the drones inside the complex, toss them aside on the table before exiting out and heading to Sakura.
Koharu's POV...
I'm currently in my bathroom, casually dressing myself with top blue jacket with sleeveless shirt, long jeans. My mother, Haruna. Who decides to take me out with her to the post office before planning on window shopping or just for a stroll since I need to look what's new out there during these two years of my long slumber. I feel unease as I haven't fully adjust back to my everyday life.
Ever since yesterday after her trip for groceries, I feel her mood has been brighter than before. Like the reaction of the people struck a lottery. But I didn't give too much thought to that as I felt worried how Lai's been doing. It was pretty idiot of me for lashing out to him and not asking his address. Now I have no way to see him again. Still..
The bridge fight scene reminds her with a shock, shocked with the fact that Lai killed someone in front of her, in real life, without giving any mercy at all. Revealing with no expression towards his victim's brutal death as he watched that corpse got blown off from the bridge.
Koharu: That expressionless face.. His experience through SAO made him that way..
Despite of that, she feels she couldn't leave him alone. But fear at that same time that she will become the same as him eventually if she insists staying with him.
Koharu: But this isn't a game anymore.. I can't become like him.
I struggle in my mind.. Feel myself trapped. Can't put him to aside and just leave it there. Especially since knowing him alive makes me continue to live on. Well..
Her comb gently brushes down her silky long hair, looks at herself through the mirror. Mumbling to herself as she let her feelings decide for her.
Koharu: Well.. At least he is fine..
I exit out the bathroom. Preparing my purse, phone and other belongings in a bag before joining with my mother who is waiting for me at the door while messaging to someone else with her phone. Her expression seems very delightful.
Haruna: You ready?
I reply her with usual smile nonetheless..
Koharu: Yeah! I think I'm ready.
Haruna: Great! Let's head out then!
Then, we headed out together..
Timeskip... AEON Mall Makuhari in Sakura, Chiba prefecture.
After dealing with some matters from the post office, we decided heading to the Mall. My mom suddenly asks me as soon as we entered.
Haruna: So you got plans on buying anything?
Koharu: Huh? No. I thought we're just doing window shopping together, are we?
Haruna: A lot of things came out in these two years. I think some of it might be interested for you.
Koharu: Sure! Which floor should we start first?
Haruna: Let's start from the top first. Shall we?
Koharu: Lead the way then. Since you're familiar to this place than me.
She beams with an innocents smiles to me.. Telling me to enjoy our time.
Haruna: With pleasure~! ^^
She offers her hand to her daughter, Koharu gladly accepts it as she holds it tight. Like a mother and daughter.
They both head to the top floor to start on with. Checking out the spots they both would possibly find interest in. Haruna introduces some of hers or her daughter's old favorited stores as they wandered past new stores with new furnished mall environment. Koharu, instead of her bubbly self, burst with excitement type of girl whenever she is able to spend time with her. Only able to quietly smile and nods to most of her mother's suggestion and choices on fashion clothes. The fun that builds between them only last a while until crumble as they hear an echo of people screaming out repeatedly throughout the mall.
Koharu: What is that!?
Haruna: Wait, Koharu!
Koharu quickly heads out from the store. She immediately noticed a protest had just starting on around the mall as she sees a wave of people shouting out, "Reject Full-Dive! Protect Japan's generation!" while marching across the whole mall like a wave of zombie horde. She continues to watch them from the top floor while leaning against the railing as she couldn't believe what she just saw.
Koharu: What's... What's happening!?
A lot of footsteps echoes alarms her that she quickly look on her left side right away. A group of masked protestors equipped with bricks, stone or any heavy objects, planning to start vandalizing every store they march pass by, multiple bricks were thrown and crashed through the window. Koharu panics a bit as she got overwhelmed by just sheer number of them before running away from them is her only choice. But she hesitated as soon as her mother who is still inside the store comes into her mind.
Koharu: Mom!
She couldn't see Haruna as the crowd already blocked her view. So she tries to run away from the crowd. But inevitably get caught up as they outrun her while smashing every glass and window with bricks, the shards that explode from the glass cut her skin, blood starts bleeding out lightly.
Koharu: Ugh!
As she notices behind her is a glass panel of the store and a masked man is about to throw the bricks. Her instincts kick in and tackle him with her shoulder. Both fall on the ground.
Masked man 1: Shiet! What the hell!?
*Tush!* *Tush!*
She punches his face repeatedly until she knocks him out of his consciousness. The others notice her doing just now and attempt to stop her. She grabs the brick and throw on another guy's leg that tumbles him entirely. Then kicks his head that just planted on the ground. Suddenly, another guy armed with a knife starts rushing towards her direction as he sees her as and enemy for their protest.
Koharu: !!
A bullet just shot through the crowd and penetrates his head, blood just splurts out from his head before he drops his knife.
Blood splatters all over the ground, while the man falls on the ground to his death, blood still gushes out like fountain from his head. Koharu backs off a bit as the scene of the dying man terrifies her. As the boy reveals himself in her sight, with a MAC-10 in his hand.
Lai: Thank god you're safe, Koharu!
Koharu: (That voice!)
He rushes to her aid, but got interrupted by one of the three masked protestors who disarms Lai's MAC-10 gun and snatches away while the others are trying to harm them as they consider them as enemies.
Lai: F*ck!
As the protestor who has MAC-10 in his possession, quickly points at him. But Lai throws his whole huge bag at him, tumble him down and drops the gun, ended up shot a few to the ceiling. Lai also disarms his knife as a payback by stepping on his arm, grabs it and stabs his throat, drilling down his windpipe and breaks it apart as he pulls the knife out from the flesh. Blood spilling out like fountain. Lai throws the knife but got repeled by the guy's metal bat, smacking the knife that ends struck on the ground, standing. Lai then throws his whole hiking bag at him and tackle him. Lai quickly gets on top and start punching him to death with spiky brass knuckles, but got interrupted by another one as he tries to choke Lai with the metal bat on Lai's neck.
Lai: Ugh! Get off!
He backsteps along with the men, violently bump against the glass panel. But the man still choking him.
Masked man: Die! You f*ck!
The bullet hits one of the man's leg, staggering him. Lai takes his chance to lift him up as he bends his body down, slamming the man entirely against the whole glass panel of the store, and also break free from the choke. Lai just realized his MAC-10 is now in Koharu's possession and now she's passing up the knife to him for the kill.
Koharu: Take it!
Lai grabs the knife and starts stabbing his chest and head for 13 times. Right in front of the other protestors who are just standing and filming them murdering the masked men. But all of their mobile phones are hijacked and explodes suddenly due to excessive heat up program overload, damaging their hands in the process, caused by Kayaba. The previous guy who survived Lai's punches barely stood up but got his life ended by Lai as he stabs his stomach, carries his whole body, crashing through the display glass as he swings his corpse around and throws him off the railing in the end, body crashing the advertising stalls. The boy rushes to Koharu's aid after the fight. Helping her up before escaping from the crowd.
Lai: C'mon! Let's go!
Both of them could tell the crowd is chasing on their tails to the hallway.
Koharu: We won't make it, they will catch up to us!
Lai takes the MAC-10 from her, start pre-fire back at them to keep them away. Immediately unloads the old magazine with his mouth gripping on it before putting the old mag to his pocket, then replacing a new one with one hand from the side of his bag, gripping the new mag with his mouth and shoves it to the mag loader. Pulling the bolt with his teeth grip before back to pre-fire the crowd.
Lai: Well, they won't be..! Unless they want to eat lead.
They both head to the nearest cargo lift elevator. Lai keeps on watch on their rear until the door opens. Entering the lift.
(Opening Song: Liar Mask - Rika Mayama. Author's note: Imagine it with this video.)
The old disk starts playing out the song..
Kuchi hateru you ni moyuru tsuki, Akatsuki ni shizumi yuku
(As the song starts, the scene shows the Aincrad is crumbling down to bits and bombs the land. Then it shows up the title "Sword Art Online".)
Tsukurareta kao de sotto chikadzuite Shinjiru mono wo yami ni otosu
(The Fallen Castle, which was a floating steel castle is now destroyed by them. The scene now changed to the a land full of Fairies. As the Army of Salamanders marching throughout the land while other races kneel down to them.)
Ito ni karamaru emono no you ni Tada hitasura ni sora wo aogu
(The scene now shows the main protagonist, Koharu who is in her room, innocently sitting on the bed and staring at the sky through the window while hugging tightly onto her animal plushie as she starts to worry, then the scene quickly switches to her unleashing her dark side. Then another main protagonist, Lai, who is standing behind a set of guns showcasing out while cleaning off the dust from the Glock 17, before loading in with a 9mm Parabellum Magazine, releases the slide and locks the bolt back.)
Kurikaesareru higeki bukimi ni warau ura no kao
Kore ijou nani hitotsu
(The scene is filled with newspapers titled with the mysteries of the 298 kidnapped victims after SAO incident. Then, it shows a man called Sugou Nobuyuki and behind him is a pile of female corpses that got unfortunately perished by his dark desire. The man tosses over two Poker Cards, one is with Lai's picture in a Spade King Card, another is Koharu's in Spade Queen Card to his partner, who is a cold-blooded chairman, sitting on his throne with thousands of Yakuza standing in front of him, attached with the logo of a Python snake, represent their cruelty and the desire to devour the entire Japan.)
Nakusanai you ni katana wo nuku
(The scene now shows them holding Crystal Magazine and their emptied Magic-Tech Rifle in-game, switching to the real life which they are now loading up their Heckler & Koch G36, Long Barrel Assault Rifle, ready to fight in Real Life and in Virtual Reality against large amount of enemies.)
Yami ni houmure yogoreta egao. Yariba no nai ikari, hanate!
(Lai headshots a Yakuza's head who is blocking the screen, then switch to Koharu who just cuts off someone's arm and shoots a few rounds of .45 ACP on his stomach then on the head with her FNX 45, bursting his brains out. Then the next scene is them in the airborne in Virtual Reality, Lai pulls out a Salamanders's wing and snaps his neck. Koharu shoots several Magic Projectiles from her Rifle, blasting another Salamander's body apart. Koharu slams her heel drop on someone before stabbing through another one's windpipe and blows his head apart with her Side-by-side, Custom Double Barrel Shotgun.)
Doredake no chi to namida wo nagashitara!
(In First Person's View, Lai inserts a Magazine to his M16A4 and then Koharu just chugs the fully charged Mana Crystal to the rifle. Then, back to Lai who just slaps the bolt release button before shooting down several incoming Yakuzas and the scene switch to Koharu who just uppercut melees with the weapon's stock.)
Inoru you ni kiri saite
(They both are strafing on the right side while taking fire from the enemies. As Koharu couldn't stop thinking about Haruna, who is in deep slumber, caused by a tragedy accident. The scene shows a statue of a god. Representing the god of humanity watches the duo murder their way to save the mankind from the pure and absolute evil.)
Kyou mo akaku someage yo!
(The scene shows Lai who starts wielding two Drum Mag AA12 as he mows down the Yakuzas to pieces while yelling out in berserk. As the drum hits, the scene shows the "Sword" before changing the screen to Koharu who just cuts someone's throat off and stabs on the neck. The scene changes by another drum hits to a word shows "Art" before showing Lai is wielding an Energy Chaingun, decapitating the Salamanders group. Lastly, it shows title "Sword Art Online" shaking violently with some bloods stains on the screen while the guitar plays through the session. As the drum hits again, the scene switches to Koharu who stabs the heart of a Yakuza to death in her silent kill, while Lai guns down any Yakuzas who are in his sights with his Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun. Suddenly, an Attack Helicopter mounted with Missiles Launcher surfaces up the screen and fires several missiles on them. They both noticed immediately and Lai quickly grabs an AK-47 with the GP-25 Grenade Launcher before exchanging fire to the Helicopter with a grenade.)
End of Opening...
Kayaba just disables the security camera as soon as the duo got inside the cargo lift. The door closes as Lai punches the closing button repeatedly. Both of them finally catch their breath, sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall as soon they are away from the chaos.
Lai: We're safe.. For now..
Koharu: ...
The boy notices the blood stains on his hoodie. Lai takes off his hoodie and keeps in his bag, also grabs a clean hoodie for Koharu to cover up the blood.
Lai: Here, wear this.
She shoves him away as she is still freaking out from what just happened.
Koharu: Don't touch me!
Lai: ...
On the other side, Lai just knows Koharu is terrified at this situation right now. Trying his best to calm her down.
Lai: Koharu, calm down.. It's not your fault.
Koharu: No! I'm just.. What in the world is happening right now!? Why are they vandalizing the mall!?
Lai: Uhm...
Judging by her terrified expression, it's obvious for him to tell that she hasn't heard about the protest rampage due to the terrifying full dive incident.
Lai: (Looks like Haruna hasn't told her about what happened to the world yet.)
The boy remains silent that he doesn't want to scare her with the chaos truth.
Lai: Well, you may not like it, Koharu.. But the world is not what we expected to be anymore.
Koharu: Just get to the point!
Lai: ...
He can tell her mental is a bit unstable from all the chaos. But he calmly explains everything to her.
Lai: It's just as you see. They're vandalizing the mall or any other ways to get attention from the government.
Koharu: But why are they doing this?
Lai: They wanted the government official to shut down any projects involved with the full-dive technology. It all started as soon as SAO death game begin. While we were trapped in another world, most of the survivor's family members were gathered up and form a protest against the government. And that's how we ended up here, getting away from them.
Koharu: So it's been on for two whole years..?
Lai: Yeah.. The death of 7000 people had impacted on most of the people's lives, by a single man who invented Full-Dive Technology.
Koharu: I never thought Kayaba would be such a monster..
He scratches his head as he accidentally worsen her view towards Kayaba.
Lai: Uhm... Well..
Koharu: But.. Those who got trapped in the game and died due to their wrongdoings. They all were once people but ended becoming monsters as well. So.. There's no difference, right?
Lai: I can't even tell anymore. But now we're in much deep trouble right now.
Suddenly, she remembers her mother is still in the store.
Koharu: Mom!
She picks up her phone, immediately dial up with her mom's phone number. It only takes a few seconds for her to be responded with "Sorry, the number you dialed can't be connected at this moment, leave a voice message or make emery call".
Koharu: Darn it!
Lai knocks a few times on the wall in the elevator, realized that the thickness of metal blocked the reception.
Lai: We can't make calls at this moment.
The elevator just stopped at the ground floor, doors not opening as Kayaba insists on closing the door, not letting anyone in as they rest.
Lai: And the elevator just reach ground floor.
Koharu: Then get me back up there!
Lai: That's a suicide you know.
Koharu: It's because that's my mom who is still up there! I can't leave her there like this! Please! Save her!
Lai: *sigh* I'm just glad the police are distracted dealing with the protestors at this moment.
Koharu: What should we do? You think they will be still chasing us?
Lai: We will blend into the crowd and take any alternate routes we can find so we might be able to avoid anyone that could possibly pose threat to us.
Lai passes the clean hoodie to her.
Lai: And by the way, please take this on. This hoodie will keep your clothes stained from the blood and I'm sure we don't want that as well.
Koharu: But you said the police are dealing with them. It will cause a huge conflict all around the mall.
Lai: Yeah.. This "whirlpool" will get us injured in any ways possible and we are just heading straight back in.
Koharu: I don't care! I'm prepared for any conflict they will throw at me.
Lai: ...
He unloads his MAC-10's magazine, checks the bullet amount before inserting back to the loader. Additionally, he tosses his spare hoodie to her to cover up the blood.
Lai: Well.. Don't say I didn't warn you. But I should've at least brought an AR.
She stares at his weapon, surprised by his mentality that it is still fine as nothing ever happened.
Koharu: Are you really fine with this all the time? Even it's in the real world?
Lai: Only those who poses a threat to us. You saw those with metal bat and knife, also almost got snatched and killed by my own weapon.
Koharu: But.. A life is a life still!
Lai: And our everyday lives are in stake and we are in danger zone right now! The protestors are not in just the mall! They're all over in Tokyo as well!
Koharu: No way..
Lai: Now we need to be on guard all the time. Avoid any confrontation. You see any groups armed with umbrella, bat and even knife. Get away or don't hesitate to kill them if needed just in case. They are no different from the laughing coffin at all.
Koharu: But I'm sure we won't be targeted that easily.
Lai: Like I said, just in case. Even though the police have the rioters full attention. I can't guarantee the looters will not be targeting us as well. And the rest just watching the scene with their phones filming while having popcorns.
Koharu: I just hope my mother's okay.. Where should we go?
Lai: Second top floor, the first one probably occupied by those who are chasing us down. So we head over there, find a stair then you lead the way to the store where your mother is. Think you still remember which store you're in?
Koharu: Barely...
Lai: Assume that's a yes..
He helps her up and passes a metal bat to her. As he couldn't let her go bare handed in a danger zone.
Lai: Grab this. Think you can break their bones with it?
Koharu: Yes.. Especially on the skull part. Like you always did..
Lai: ...
He silences for a while by her response. Explains that it is just a joke.
Lai: Wow.. I'm just saying that as a joke.
Koharu: Well, they got motorcycle helmet on. So there's no way for me to do that.
Lai just wipes off the blood from his knife. Sharpen the blade as he stares at it.
Lai: Just cover that blood stain well and we're good to go.
As they both are ready with their weapons concealed in their hoodie, waiting the door to open after reaching the second top floor. As soon as the door opens.. The noise from the chaos submerge back to their ears. But no one was in front of the elevator, meaning it's clear for them to head out.
Lai: No one's here..
Koharu: Great.. Let's go.
He grabs her hand, stopping her for a moment.
Lai: Wait.
Koharu: Huh?
He pulls up the hood hat over her head. Conceal her and also somehow makes her cute.
Lai: There... That should make you cuter than before..
Blushes immediately floats on her face. Bashfully replies back as she still concerns about her mother's safety.
Koharu: S-Stop fooling around! Mom is waiting for us to get her out!
Lai: Still the same Koharu, deep down inside..
The duo heads out from the corridor to the main hallway with their hands holding tight, make sure not to lose each other as they blend in with the people that filled up the second top floor. Trying to force across the crowd to the nearest escalator they could find. As they are barely escape from suffocation from the crowd and pause a bit to analyze the situation, most of the areas in the mall currently had become a warzone between the protestors who are armed with metal rod, handmade bow and Molotov Cocktail filled with Napalm Jelly. And the police who are armed with baton and riot shield, also in riot protective gear with Tear Gas launcher. So it'd be hard for them to avoid any conflict.
Lai: This place has become a warzone!
Koharu: But we're not heading this way, are we!?
Lai looks back to the crowd, immediately replies her back.
Lai: If we go back, we'll be visiting the hospital instead due to suffocation.
Koharu: Ugh.. Let's do this.
They both rush out through the warzone with their weapons ready to draw out while Lai watching her rear, dodging every fights between the protestors and the police. Unfortunately, Lai got tackled by one of the protestors who mistakes him as a cop as the suppressor of his MAC-10 blown his cover.
Lai: Shiet!
The protestor tries to snatch his gun, causes Lai quickly draws out his knife and slashe his neck. Splurting out blood after another second passed. Then, Koharu uppercuts the dead protestor's head with the metal bat that launches his body away from Lai. She offers her hand to him which Lai accepts it quickly.
Koharu: Here!
He quickly gets back onto his feet.
Lai: Thanks.. Watch out!
He throws a knife to another one who is attacking from Koharu's rear. He also rushes forward and drills the knife that stuck in the flesh to add up the pain. Then, knife pulls out and a slice on the neck is enough to end the protestor's life. Koharu dodges with backsteps from the guy's metal rod and retaliates back with a spin metal bat bash before Lai throws the knife straight into the protestor's eye. Lai and Koharu both lift the guy's body and smash him on the ground.
Lai: Let's go!
Koharu went ahead on herself first as Lai watches anyone who are close to them with his bloody knife still equipped on his hand. The boy parries against the protestor's metal bat with his punch and a stab on the stomach, then rips out his intestines as he pulls it horizontally all the way out from the waist before kicking him away. He hears someone rushes at him with a huge flower pot, ready to bash him heavily. Lai dodges away to the side, draws out his MAC-10 before shooting both of the attacker's legs. Then, Lai grabs the nearest fire extinguisher and proceeds to bash the person's head until brain pieces starts flying out. Then, he tosses it to the attacking crowd, shooting the bloody fire extinguisher until it explodes, blowing the crowd's guts and limbs all over the place as he catches up with his partner after grabbing a Molotov Cocktail. Meanwhile, Koharu are trying to look out for any available escalator for their way up. She slides down quick to dodge the arrow which it just crossed its path with her, ending stuck on the wall. She lies down into her prone position. Crawling across the hallway while calling her partner.
Koharu: Lai! Protestor with bow on the other side!
He takes cover from the railing. Decided to draw out his MAC-10, returning fire to them. Everyone on the duck down as they hear the violent sound of the bullets bang to the wall. Lai takes his chance to get Koharu up from the floor.
Lai: Come on!
Koharu: We should've blend back in instead! Never expect they have bows!
Lai: Better be glad their aiming skills aren't good as Sinon!
After getting her up and rushes forward as they can, he burns the path of the bridge to keep the melee protestors away as they run pass it. Koharu found an accessible stairs for the upstairs, but Lai pulls her away back into the corridor as soon as he sees a group of riot police heading downstairs.
Koharu: That was close!
Lai: It will be hard standing against them.
Koharu: You're not planning to fight them, aren't you!?
Lai: No..! It would be count as a crime for assaulting them. The protestors are different. They are just rogues breaking our world apart. Killing them should decrease their numbers, as well as doing a small favor for the police.
Koharu: I just hope my mother's okay.. I won't let them off if they land a hand on her!
As Lai peeks out from the corridor to the hallway, confirms the course is clear as he is watching the police went far away from them while they rush out to upstairs.
Lai: Okay! Lead us the way to the store!
It only takes Koharu a few seconds to remember and recognize the route to go. She heads to the right side, where the attacker groups are.
Koharu: This way! She's just right ahead of us!
Lai: Wait!
Koharu: Huh?
He grabs the rest of the 32 rounds Magazines and put it in his pocket.
Lai: There's too many for us to take on at once!
Koharu: We're forcing in!
Lai: Wait!
She rushes in alone. Lai couldn't catch up with her.. So he aims up..
Lai: Ah! Feck it!!
He shoots one of the protestors to gain all of their attention to him, drawing their fire all to himself. Koharu notices their reaction. Some of them run away as they don't want to get shot. Several of them changes their target on him, just as what his plan is. Charging at him with metal bat.
Koharu: Again!?
She couldn't start worry about him as her prioritize is still her mother's safety, hurrying herself to look for her. As she reaches to the store where mother stuck in. Turns out the store was empty. She takes out her phone, just realized a phone call has just made from her mother. She quickly picks it up.
Koharu: Mom!? Are you okay!?
Haruna: I was about to ask that! Are you hurt!? I saw you got overrun by them!
Koharu: I'm fine! I'm just-!
She looks outside, where Lai is fending against the protestors right now.
Koharu: I'm in the elevator, heading to ground floor. Where are you now?
Haruna: I just got out..! Sorry I wasn't able to get you out!
Lai stabs on the neck part, then the brain through the ear mercilessly on the body shield after grabbing the enemy from behind. Shooting in burst to stagger the rest, just finished up the fight. Koharu sweatdrops as she just witnessed something that her mother wouldn't be able to handle it.
Koharu: I'm safe currently... Don't worry.. Just stay there! I'm coming for you!
Lai snatches a metal bat and uppercuts the protestor's head as soon as the person kneels down from the damage Lai dealt at him. He continues to bash the head into meat sludge, along with shattering the skull into million pieces and teeth flying out during the brutal kill, blood splurts even further during with an additionally combined stomp with both of his leg as his mind recall back to his traumatized scene in SAO until Koharu stops him.
Koharu: We gotta go! My mother is safe on outside right now!
Lai: Give me a moment!
She looks at her partner, who is unsatisfied and also afraid that the protestors he just defeated might be still alive, pretend to be dead and waiting for them to lower their guard before they strike.
Lai: F*cking die!! You piece of sh*t!
He holds his bloody metal bat, start bashing the other's heads as well. Koharu stops him as they are running out of time before more police reinforcement or more protestors arrived in the mall.
Koharu: Okay, that's enough, Lai! They're already dead!
Her words recovers him to his sense that he finally pauses his attack. Responding back to her. As well with one more bash as for confirming if they are still moving.
Lai: I'm sorry..
Koharu: Let's get out of here!
He tosses away the bat and reloads his MAC-10 as they move out as fast as they can to the nearest cargo lift to escape as Lai watches their behind. The elevator opens its door, Koharu quickly punches the Ground level button after getting inside safety.
Both of them are back to rest on the ground, leaning against the metal sheet of the cargo lift. Tired out from all the fight they just had in the mall. Lai let out an exhaustion sigh while wiping the blood out from his face, only got lashed out by Koharu.
Koharu: Do you seriously have to do that? Have you ever considered their loved ones!?
Lai: I only see them as enemies. If they have loved ones. They shouldn't be taking part of this. Look at the mess they made and the danger they dragged your mother and us in!
Koharu: ...How is this happening..? Is there a way to stop this war?
Lai: This isn't SAO anymore. Both of us can't change the protestor's thought or the action of the government. No matter what ways we have to use. Because it's too many of them.
Koharu: Too many for us alone to handle I see..
Lai looks away.. Unable to tell her the answer.
Lai: I'm afraid that the best you can do is to mind yourself and stay safe.
Koharu: What about you?
Lai: And I still have something to do.. We both already know this whole SAO mess hasn't end yet.
She hugs both of her retracted legs.
Koharu: Yeah.. I just realized we only just cleared the SAO itself, not the problems SAO has caused in our world.
Lai: I'm sure the war will end. It's just we won't know how it will end.
She sighs out in despair..
Koharu: I agreed...
She sinks her face between in her legs. Never thought their world has changed this much. She suddenly innocently grins a bit with a question that catches him surprised.
Koharu: So.. You met my mother yesterday, huh?
Lai: Eh? What?
Koharu: Did she also told you that we're in the mall as well?
Lai: What makes you think that way?
Koharu: There's no way my Mom will leave me out there alone. And I've never seen Mom being so happy ever since yesterday. So I assume it was you when you suddenly came to my rescue in the mall.
Her explanation left him silenced.. Only with a few words.
Lai: Well.. You got me completely..
Koharu: And the gun.. I remember you told me you're a gun fanatic, aren't you?
Lai: Yeah but I just happened to be born in a family with risky careers, serving the country and both being overseas all the time when I was born till now.
Koharu: You must be lonely, aren't you?
Lai: I have full responsibility on taking care the apartment. Also mastered my marksmanship with the firearms.
Koharu: Wow...
Lai: Anyway.. I'm sorry that I frightened you at the bridge...
Koharu: ...What done has been done.. But you knew mistakes like this can't just be brush off with a "Sorry". Don't you feel regret about this?
Lai: I know.. That's where you're wrong.. Because that's what the dead wants me to feel.
Koharu: ... (Now I feel Sinon might can learn something from him..)
Koharu asks his motive...
Koharu: So what is your reason, going through all this mess just to look for me?
Lai: ...Well.. The truth is.. Most of us are finally awakened from our slumber after clearing SAO.
Koharu: "Most of us?" Isn't everyone able to wake up after SAO is cleared?
Lai: No.. Hundreds of them are still in their bed.. And something worse is happening.. And I don't even know if this is a good time to tell you that. *Sigh* Damn those protestors..
His short explanation confused her and raises her curiosity.
Koharu: What are you..?
But unfortunately, the elevator only took a while to reach back to ground floor, ending their conversation so they can get back to action.
*Elevator rings*
Lai: I guess this isn't the right time..
Both of them feel the moving just stopped, knowing the door will open anytime. They stand up immediately, weapons on hand and ready to bust out against any hostiles. Fortunately, the course was clear with several staffs just noticed them. They conceal their weapons as they relief with a sigh..
Koharu: Finally safe.. I guess..
Lai looks around, most of the people are just minding their business. Concealing his weapon.
Lai: Yeah... Let's go find your mother. Think you can reach her phone with yours?
She nods with a determined expression..
Koharu: I will try once we got out first..
They find their way out from the shopping mall while Koharu making calls to Haruna, ignoring the chaos that causes around them. Eventually able to get out from the shopping mall.
Lai: Finally, we're out..
*Phone rings in vibration*
She picks it up, immediately knowing it is from her mother again.
Koharu: ...
Koharu suddenly tugs on Lai's shirt. He just stops and look at her who is now with her phone towards her ear. Waiting for Koharu to answer back.
Lai: Hm?
Koharu: Thank you for all of this, I think I can go find my mother alone. So I'm afraid this is where we have to part our ways..
Lai: Will you be okay on your own? Your metal bat is almost done around its edges.
Koharu: It'll be just for a while until I find my mother. I still have some fighting skills to defend myself with. I just hope I don't have to go through this again. And what about you? I assume you only have a few bullets left after all the excessive amount of shooting..
Lai: Hm? Is it?
He checks all of his magazines, just knowing there are all empty and the current magazine inside his gun has only a few rounds left, judging by the weight of it.
Lai: Oh yeah, you're right. I don't have much left to defend myself. Should've grab the knife back there..
Koharu: Hey..
Lai: Huh?
She suddenly hugs him for a short while.. Gazing at each other after releasing..
Koharu: When will you tell me that?
Lai: ...
The boy could tell the time is running out. And he has to spill the beans sooner..
Lai: One day, I promise...
Koharu: "Promise..." Huh?
She forcefully pushes him away, result breaking the hug in a sudden, just from hearing the "promise" part.. She looks away, couldn't bear to look at him.
Koharu: I'm sorry.. I don't have faith on your promise this time..
Lai: ...
Her upset reaction left him feeling guilty..
Lai: I.. Uh..
Unfortunately, her phone rings from Haruna's second call, breaking Lai's sentence and their conversation.
Koharu: I'm sorry.. My mother's waiting for me..
After that, she immediately leaves with her bloody metal bat still armed with her. Leaving Lai alone outside the mall as several ambulance car just drives pass beside him.
Lai: Well said.. Lai.. *sigh*
He eventually leaves on foot after losing all the reasons to stay around any longer. Then, someone with a pair of glasses, staring at them in a car, along with his "business partner"..
???: Two test subjects, finally get to meet each other.. How cute...
Another one just releases out a cloud of smoke from his mouth.
???: Especially that girl.. Is she the "gratitude" you're showing me about?
???: She's just merely a small gift for you to have fun with.. After the project is finished.. I can offer you a lot more around in her age.. I'm sure this will benefit your clan and yourself, so it's a double win situation.
???: The other brat sure had wasted a few of my men.
???: Yes.. Unfortunately, they all underestimated his capabilities. Or those men of yours are just simply that useless except being loyalty to you all the time?
???: They are just delinquent with no class at all, it's no surprised hearing their deaths. It's better for them to be dead instead of leeching off from my clan.
???: But enough talk, can I really trust you to handle this properly? Those two are the key to our project. You must know that boy has the strongest mental resistance, and that girl has the unique personality type!
???: Are you judging my capabilities?
???: ...
???: I'll catch them alive. There's no way those two can take on thousands of my men.
???: We'll see.. Let's head back..
His subordinate drives them away from the shopping mall.
Timeskip... Honda's Residence in Sakura, Chiba..
After escaping from the chaos, Haruna and Koharu both finally back home, exhausted. Especially Koharu with the bloody hoodie Lai gave her. Despite the tiredness is weighing her spirit down, still concerning for her mother who is fine and feel the shaky after all the mess they went through.
Koharu: You should take some rest, Mom..
Haruna: Sorry for leaving you out.. Koharu..
Koharu: Well, it's a better choice for you to escape on your own instead of coming for me. You know I can... Somehow manage on my own.
Haruna: I know you would.. But that hoodie of yours ended up messy tho. And I don't think I've seen you wearing this before, right?
Koharu senses her suspicious towards her and immediately come up with an excuse.
Koharu: Well, Uhm..! I just grabbed this from one of the store so I don't get stains on my jacket!
Haruna immediately can tell where the hoodie is actually from. But she chooses to go along with her daughter's white "lie". Also teases her a bit with the fact the hoodie is very loose to her size.
Haruna: Ah I see... But it seems its design and its size are obviously for boys. I assume you're doing it on purpose?
Her face immediately went red.. Knowing the hoodie got Haruna misunderstood.
Koharu: Ah!! No! I just picked it up randomly and wear it! There's no way I have another intention for it!
Haruna nods as she comes up to her conclusion.
Haruna: Hm.. Yes, someone's still feeling lonely after all.
Koharu: Mom!! ><"
Haruna: Hehe...
On Koharu's POV, she feels completely surprised that her mother did not freaked out by the blood stain on the hoodie.
Koharu: Did she read his memory as well?
Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 10:00pm.. Koharu's bedroom..
They spent the whole day at home since they could hear the noises of the people protesting outside, both wouldn't dare to go out again. Koharu decided to stay in room, searching up internet for info about the recent protests. Also she just knows about 298 SAO Survivors are still in bed, unconscious and the government are dealing with this issue currently.
Koharu: Lai was right.. 298 people are still unconscious.. And what does he really mean that "Something worse is happening".
She grabs her phone and start reaching out to Lai, but only immediately realizes that she has yet to ask him for number.
Koharu: Oh.. I didn't get his number in the end..
She sighs out in disappointment, blaming herself because of her pride..
Koharu: How childish of me.. Letting my pride get in the way.. I shouldn't argue with him..
She lies in bed.. Wondering about the world which it had took its major changes when she was still stuck in another world.. Then, she receives an unknown message.. She reads it and surprised, but also uncertain about one thing..
Koharu: ...
"Can I really trust him this time...?"
End of Chapter...
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