Chapter 37: Looking for an opening.

Year 2025, January 16th.. Japan Standard Time, 8:00am.. Lai's Apartment Complex in Kashiwa, Chiba.

*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

Lai: Argh!!! What is it this time!?

I slam my fist on the alarm that disturbed my sleep just now. I got frustrated as I got rudely woke up by Kayaba, again.

Lai: Huh?

I realized it is now morning as I notice the sunlight invaded my room. I let out a yawn and stretch myself, then collapse back to the bed and hug my Cacodemon figure Plushie tightly.

Akihiko: You do know we have things to-

Lai: Just give me a sec or minutes.. I didn't get enough sleep after dealing all the mess..

Akihiko: We have to clean up the stain.. Or else it's gonna leave an awful stench that you'll regret.

Lai: Oh.. The blood is still there.. How did it ended up there?

Now to think of it.. It was unfortunate but rewarding at the same time.

Flashback to 6 hours ago.. Japan Standard Time, 2:00am..

*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

Lai: Ugh... Didn't I set the alarm to 8:00am?

Then, I receive a phone call, ringing in vibration mode. I take the call.

Lai: Moshi Moshi....?

Akihiko: Lai, arm yourself. I'm detecting a suspicious activity through the surveillance cameras on the street, a white BMW car is heading to your complex.

Lai: That could be my Mom or Dad..

Akihiko: In the middle of the night?

Lai: ...

I just realized that my parents doesn't come back in the night.

Lai: Oh, on the second thought. They're still asleep at this hour. Who could it be? Can you identify them?

Akihiko: No.. I cannot identify them without having proper devices to possess. I can assume it might be burglars. And it could be several of them in that white BMW car.

I spring up from the bed, pushing my closet and access to the armory. Quickly grab a Benelli M4, load the first 12 gauge Shotgun Shell filled with buckshot ammunition into the opened chamber. Then, I load the rest of 5 Shells into the Magazine tube just under the gun's barrel. I also turned off the Safety.

Lai: Well..

I casually pick a FN 57 as my sidearm and attached a Standard 20 rounds Magazine filled with 5.7×28mm ammunitions before pulling the slide quietly.

Lai: They will be heading back to their makers instead of MY complex.

I exit out armory, get on with my earbud for communication before heading out from my bedroom.

Akihiko: They had breached the entrance and currently on the first floor. They all attached with flashlight so you should be able to spot and ambush them back easily once they're going up through the stairs.

Lai: Time to reenact the Home Alone movie.

Thankfully, with all the security cameras installed around the complex long ago. I was able to know their current location with Kayaba's update on their position. Standing by right beside the end of the stairway where they could possibly access with to the second floor. I can tell they're close as I see the flashlight on the wall, aiming and ready up with my Benelli M4 Shotgun. As soon as I see the head popping out in my sight.

*Bang!* *Shell ejects*

The first one got his body blasted to the other side of where I am. Head got blown off and blood splurts out to the floor as usual.

???: What the-!

The gun shot startles the others, I took my chance to advance through the stairs while taking down the other two in my sight who are about to fire at me.

*Bang!* *Bang!*

Another two Shotgun Shells ejected out and onto the ground, one of their whole bodies crashes against the wall and drops his AKM, leaving a huge blood stain on the wall as another corpse falls down the stairs and drops his AR-15. I additionally pick the AR-15.

*Footsteps sound*

Lai: !!

I heard a footstep, quickly know that the last one is escaping. I jump down from the stairs and switch to my FN 57 sidearm. I stand in my position, both of my hand raise up the pistol as soon as I saw the last one at the doorstep, aiming. Then, a 5.7×28mm bullet just shoot out and hits the man's leg.

???: Ugh! Argh!!!


I immediately shot straight to his head, taking down the last one.

Lai: Any sign of the others?

Akihiko: The driver in the car..

Lai: !!

I storm outside, quickly snipe the driver who just noticed my presence with the Red Dot Sights.

*Pling* *Plak!*

The blood splattered on the other side of the car window. I let out a relief..

Lai: Phew.. Almost got away..

I look around, surrounded with closed business buildings. Hoping that I did not disturb their sleep.

Akihiko: There's no one around you. I can assure you.. And I supposed that's all of them.. Better clean up the corpses.

Lai: What should we do on the car?

Akihiko: Bring out your phone and put on the car.

Lai: What for?

Akihiko: I can access through the wire and start the engine, you just have to get the door open at the garage.

Lai: Okay.

I head back to the complex and to the my room, quickly grab my phone before heading back outside and bring my phone to the white BMW Car. I randomly put it near to the driver's steering wheel.

Lai: Now what?

Akihiko: Witness this..

After a few seconds, the car starts up its engine that genuinely startles me.. Then, it leaves my jaw dropped as I watch it drives on its own. Kayaba snaps me out of my thought in my earbud.

Akihiko: I told you to get the garage door opened.

Lai: Ah! Sorry!

I headed to the garage and punched the open button. The door eventually opens up and letting the car drives itself in. Coincidentally, the garage was empty until getting the first car.

Lai: How do you even do that!? I mean where is your vision at?

Akihiko: Excellent question.. With that car camera they had installed on top of the front seat view. I can use it as a pair of my "eyes", I also have the ability to delete all the data that the camera had stored so far, thus destroying the evidence of what we did just now.. Although, there is one catch...

The car suddenly crashes against one of the pillars that startles me.

Lai: !!

Kayaba tries to reverse back away, turn around and reverse into parking, also ended up crashing on the wall again from behind due to that he couldn't tell what's behind him. As Kayaba drives back to forward, only accidentally knocking off one of the side mirror against the pillars in the end. I could tell Kayaba is now embarrassed after I witness his several fails to park it without suffering any scratches on the car. I stepped a few away so I can avoid getting hit by it.

Lai: *Sweatdropped* I see..

Akihiko: I definitely need some practice on the driving skill since I'm not a person anymore.. *Sweatdropped*

Lai: But that's already impressive for me..

Akihiko: Save the compliment later... You have corpses to clean up with.. Get this man off the car first..

Lai: Ugh...

I soon sigh out in frustration as it'll take a lot of time for cleaning up before heading back to sleep. Kayaba also gives some suggestions on identifying them first before starting the corpse cleaning.

Akihiko: I highly suggest to identify them first before the cleaning..

I added up..

Lai: And loot their items, they need to pay me for invading my property.

Akihiko: Cruel but understandable..

I head back to the entrance, turn on the lights, blood is already splattered around the entrance. I notice all of them have their cloth masks on. I ask Kayaba for suggestions.

Lai: Now what?

Akihiko: Get some plastic bags to cover the bleeding area. Stop the blood from messing the floor. Also grab a stapler, you know what to do with it..

I have a bad feeling about this..

Lai: This is gonna be nasty af..

I grab several random large plastic bags from the gathered pile in the kitchen and a large stapler. I head back down to the corpse. Covering the broken head and staple on the man's neck. I also tear one of the bag and wrap on his injured leg to stop the bleeding before the staple it into his flesh, just to prevent the bag from falling off.

Lai: What's next?

Akihiko: I noticed there's a manhole cover in your garage that leads to the sewer system. Maybe that's where you dispose the corpses? Lai?

Lai: Busy right now..

I check on the bag, found a crowbar, flashlight, lock picking tools and ropes, also contains several of 9×19mm Parabellum and 357 Magnum Ammunitions Magazines on both sides of the bag. Then, things got interesting as I search throughout his trousers, first finding a Type 54 from his front side pocket.

Lai: Type 54, eh? Judging by the black star... The Chinese's plagiarized handgun model from the Soviet.. But the Quality still top-notch.

The next thing I discovered from his boot is the Glock 43. Makes sense for its smol size since he hid it inside his boots.

Lai: That's cute.. Maybe it can fit as Koharu's very first sidearm.

I flip the corpse over, checking his rear pockets. Ended up finding a Black Deagle, AKA the Hand Cannon pistol.

Lai: Yes, everyone else would pick a Deagle at least..

Then, Kayaba cuts off the sentence.

Akihiko: Ahem.. I recommended on transporting the corpses to the garage before the looting? The blood is gonna stench the whole Complex.

Lai: I'm gonna need a trolley.. Because they are heavy af.

Akihiko: I hope no one's file a noise complaints to your Complex.

Lai: And I hope there won't any of them. Because ruining my sleep is really the absolute bastard move that can happen to me. And look out for me, will you?

Akihiko: I supposed it's pretty understandable for someone with absolute cruelty..

Lai: Sounds like you're describing yourself instead..

I covered the other's bleeding areas before getting the trolley from the storeroom in the first floor. I lift the corpses and gathered to the trolley, rolling to the manhole cover in the parking garage which is pretty empty as always. I pry open the cover with the crowbar, leave it opened before resuming on looting. I let out a sigh as I start picking up any weapons and items.

Lai: Ah.. Let's see...

I grab all of their wallets, bags and any belongings they had owned out from their pockets, bags and also pry open the car's trunk with the crowbar, discovering several ARs, Shotguns and Submachine Guns before throwing the dead bodies down inside the manhole. Then, I climbed down to the sewer through the manhole, where all the dead bodies had landed in.

Underground Sewer Tunnel..

I could tell how deep the Sewer is based on how much time I take to climb down. After climbing down to a certain point. I could hear a noise of stream flowing and the stench of the sewer starts invading my nose.

Lai: Argh! It stinks!

Akihiko: Good thing I don't have to suffer with you..

As I finally reach down to the sewer and landed on the corpses. I genuinely shocked that how big the tunnel actually is as I look up to the view..

Lai: Wow.. I thought I'd ended up in waterway..

Akihiko: That's pretty convenient..

Lai: I supposed dispose the bodies to the stream?

Akihiko: Isn't that obvious?

Lai: Right..

I flip the bodies until it falls on the water.. Letting the stream do its job on washing the corpses away. Then, I climb on the ladder back to the Complex..

Lai's Apartment Complex, Garage..

After finally out from the manhole and push the cover back to close.

Lai: I wonder where the bodies could ended up in..

Akihiko: Let's see... According to the Sewer Map I read from the Waste Disposal Station. It should ended in the Sewer Canal, Ocean or even the Storm Drain.

Lai: Meaning...?

Akihiko: Limit the kills. Too much bodies could clogged the system..

Lai: Can't you control the flowing system or something?

Akihiko: I could but.. I afraid of getting suspicious by the people.. Anyway, who are these people?

I grab all the looted items to the second floor, placing all the firearms and tools on the table to analyze.

Lai: No idea.. They all wear mask and black clothes, remind of Sir Edgelord, Jesus-Kun, AKA Kirito and his fidget spinner coat.

I emptied out the cash, credit cards from all the wallets. Counting there are around 100,000 yen in total.

Lai: These can be my pocket money. And mind if you can hack their PIN numbers out so I can withdraw all their money?

Akihiko: Do not let the greediness get into your head..

Lai: A man can never have enough money in his life. You know...

Akihiko: You're just 16.. You don't even have any pride of a man.

Lai: ...

My head bows down.. Instantly depressed as I just realized I didn't age well and got roasted by Akihiko Kayaba.

Lai: I thought I'm already in 22 or something...

He virtually shakes his head after facepalming his forehead..

Akihiko: But still with the mental age of a kid in the end.. Good grief...

I noticed a strange gun with a few of darts as ammunitions. Assuming it as for tranquilizer gun.

Lai: Oh yeah.. I just found a tranquilizer gun and darts.

Akihiko: I see...

Lai: Got any ideas..?

Akihiko: They were aiming to kill or capture you alive.. It's very strange to see that many men and each of them even carried that many firearms with them just for a normal burglary.

Lai: I felt it fishy already as soon as I see that Black Deagle.

I panicked as soon as Koharu flashes through my mind. Realizing she might be in danger.

Lai: Wait! What about Koharu!? If they targeted me.. So they're preying on Koharu as well!

Without thinking anything else, I grab two of random sidearms, pull both of the slides. Reload with a full 5.56×45mm NATO magazine and slap the bolt release of a Red Dot AR-15. About to head outside to Sakura.

Akihiko: Hold on..

Lai: Hm?

Akihiko: I detect no activity at the Sakura.. But there's only one that would shock you..

Lai: Which is?

He shows a screenshot to my phone. I opened it just to see my mother is in her car.

Lai: Mom!? Why is she doing there!?

Akihiko: Apparently, your mother is spying on her future daughter-in-law.. So they didn't have their chance to do so..

Lai: *Collapsed* Well, that's her profession after all..

Akihiko: Makes sense.. Plus, are you gonna head out with that pajamas of yours?

I scratch my head as I realized I am still in my fireblu pattern pajamas.

Lai: Ahaha... Definitely no..

Flashback ends...

(Opening Song: Liar Mask - Rika Mayama. Author's note: Imagine it with this video.)

The old disk starts playing out the song..

Kuchi hateru you ni moyuru tsuki, Akatsuki ni shizumi yuku

(As the song starts, the scene shows the Aincrad is crumbling down to bits and bombs the land. Then it shows up the title "Sword Art Online".)

Tsukurareta kao de sotto chikadzuite Shinjiru mono wo yami ni otosu

(The Fallen Castle, which was a floating steel castle is now destroyed by them. The scene now changed to the a land full of Fairies. As the Army of Salamanders marching throughout the land while other races kneel down to them.)

Ito ni karamaru emono no you ni Tada hitasura ni sora wo aogu

(The scene now shows the main protagonist, Koharu who is in her room, innocently sitting on the bed and staring at the sky through the window while hugging tightly onto her animal plushie as she starts to worry, then the scene quickly switches to her unleashing her dark side. Then another main protagonist, Lai, who is standing behind a set of guns showcasing out while cleaning off the dust from the Glock 17, before loading in with a 9mm Parabellum Magazine, releases the slide and locks the bolt back.)

Kurikaesareru higeki bukimi ni warau ura no kao
Kore ijou nani hitotsu

(The scene is filled with newspapers titled with the mysteries of the 298 kidnapped victims after SAO incident. Then, it shows a man called Sugou Nobuyuki and behind him is a pile of female corpses that got unfortunately perished by his dark desire. The man tosses over two Poker Cards, one is with Lai's picture in a Spade King Card, another is Koharu's in Spade Queen Card to his partner, who is a cold-blooded chairman, sitting on his throne with thousands of Yakuza standing in front of him, attached with the logo of a Python snake, represent their cruelty and the desire to devour the entire Japan.)

Nakusanai you ni katana wo nuku

(The scene now shows them holding Crystal Magazine and their emptied Magic-Tech Rifle in-game, switching to the real life which they are now loading up their Heckler & Koch G36, Long Barrel Assault Rifle, ready to fight in Real Life and in Virtual Reality against large amount of enemies.)

Yami ni houmure yogoreta egao. Yariba no nai ikari, hanate!

(Lai headshots a Yakuza's head who is blocking the screen, then switch to Koharu who just cuts off someone's arm and shoots a few rounds of .45 ACP on his stomach then on the head with her FNX 45, bursting his brains out. Then the next scene is them in the airborne in Virtual Reality, Lai pulls out a Salamanders's wing and snaps his neck. Koharu shoots several Magic Projectiles from her Rifle, blasting another Salamander's body apart. Koharu slams her heel drop on someone before stabbing through another one's windpipe and blows his head apart with her Side-by-side, Custom Double Barrel Shotgun.)

Doredake no chi to namida wo nagashitara!

(In First Person's View, Lai inserts a Magazine to his M16A4 and then Koharu just chugs the fully charged Mana Crystal to the rifle. Then, back to Lai who just slaps the bolt release button before shooting down several incoming Yakuzas and the scene switch to Koharu who just uppercut melees with the weapon's stock.)

Inoru you ni kiri saite

(They both are strafing on the right side while taking fire from the enemies. As Koharu couldn't stop thinking about Haruna, who is in deep slumber, caused by a tragedy accident. The scene shows a statue of a god. Representing the god of humanity watches the duo murder their way to save the mankind from the pure and absolute evil.)

Kyou mo akaku someage yo!

(The scene shows Lai who starts wielding two Drum Mag AA12 as he mows down the Yakuzas to pieces while yelling out in berserk. As the drum hits, the scene shows the "Sword" before changing the screen to Koharu who just cuts someone's throat off and stabs on the neck. The scene changes by another drum hits to a word shows "Art" before showing Lai is wielding an Energy Chaingun, decapitating the Salamanders group. Lastly, it shows title "Sword Art Online" shaking violently with some bloods stains on the screen while the guitar plays through the session. As the drum hits again, the scene switches to Koharu who stabs the heart of a Yakuza to death in her silent kill, while Lai guns down any Yakuzas who are in his sights with his Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun. Suddenly, an Attack Helicopter mounted with Missiles Launcher surfaces up the screen and fires several missiles on them. They both noticed immediately and Lai quickly grabs an AK-47 with the GP-25 Grenade Launcher before exchanging fire to the Helicopter with a grenade.)

End of Opening...

Back to present.. Japan Standard Time, 8:30am.. Lai's Apartment Complex in Kashiwa, Chiba.


I soaked the sponge in a water bucket filled with detergent water before wiping off the blood on the wall and floor.

Lai: Gotta clean out the goddamn blood...

Akihiko: I have schedule for you to follow today, I suggest finish it quickly if you wish for Koharu's safety..

Lai: I know! I'm doing it already!! I need a sleep..

Akihiko: I thought nobles like you have maid or butler that takes care of the house while their owner is away.

Lai: No.. My parents never hire anyone to take care of the Apartment. First, they have trust issues. Second, they probably don't want me being lazy tho.. So yeah, I've been taking care of the Complex on my own.

Akihiko: Understandable.. Perhaps you might need an A.I Vacuum Cleaner since it's gonna be messier than this..

Lai: So they will just keep coming?

Akihiko: Depend on their mood. But I'll keep you updated when they will strike again.

Lai: I better let Koharu know about this.. But it's not gonna be easy for me to persuade her. She has her own mother to take care of..

Akihiko: It'd be impossible for me to just approach her like how I did to you yesterday. Based on your exaggerating reaction that is somewhat funny..

I stopped scrubbing the wall as I have zero confidence on approaching her as well..

Lai: Only me.. Huh?

Akihiko: Yes.. Only you can convince her..

I rethink on decision as I still remember about yesterday at the bridge..

Lai: But I gave her the worst impression during our reunion.. And actually.. It's better letting her mother shower her with love. The only thing I could give her is death and destruction in the end..

Akihiko: But do you even realize the burden you're about to carry is even bigger than the one you did in SAO?

Lai: But I have enough weapons and you! I'm sure that's enough for me to deal what's coming for me..

Akihiko: ...What a foolish reply..

We both went silent and speechless... Then, Kayaba repeat my journey..

Akihiko: She had been around you as your partner in crimes since the start of SAO.. Or are you wish to carry her share of burden so she can end up feeling more guilty for not being a help of yours whenever you're in trouble..?

Lai: ...

I paused myself to think as the blood already soaked on my hand through the sponge. Thinking about all I did for her in SAO..

Lai: I carried our burdens so she could live happily with her friends and the Assault Team could go smoothly as well..

Akihiko: She did have her fun with her friends.. But she could not stop thinking about you... I think it's about time to share that burden of yours to her.. I'd let her join if I were you..

I quickly clean up the blood, grab the bucket to the staircase to clean the rest of the blood stain. Insist on my decision.

Lai: Even if I want to share that.. Do you think she would accept it if she can't even accept who I am anymore..?

Akihiko: ...

Lai: Yes, you can say we are the same in terms of strength and battle experience. But in terms of feelings and mentality, I could tell we are in different worlds. I was so used to killing with a proper reason. But Koharu.. She just.. Couldn't.. I fought for two years, killing every scumbags in Aincrad while Koharu helping out the Assault Team. If you were me, you would do the same with that woman of yours.

I grab my bucket to the garage, cleaning up the blood on the car window before pouring out the bloody water to the sink.

Akihiko: (Is it going to end up with the same results as mine? Just like how I abandoned her...?)

I suddenly call out to him..

Lai: Hey...

Akihiko: ?

Lai: Actually.. I was ready to die in Floor 75.. But you piece of shiet still save my ass in the end.

Akihiko: I consider that as a thanks..

Timeskip... Kashiwa Street, Chiba..

After storing some of the recent looted firearms to my armory in the room and refill the Ammo Depot with the stolen ammunitions. I followed Kayaba's schedule, preparing a mountain bag, stuffed with a Full Auto Glock 18 Suppressed Machine Pistol and several of 33 rounds Extended Magazine, hidden with an extra clothing in case of blood stain, I casually grab another hoodie, equipped with a Glock 34 Combat Master with a suppressor attachment and standard 17 rounds Magazine, along with two extra Magazines. Heading out to Sakura again with the location of Koharu's current address that is scooped out from the hospital by Kayaba, pinned on the map for me to follow.

Akihiko: I just found out there's an empty room in your Complex's underground floor before heading out. Wonder what it used for.. Especially with a saw and other tools.

Lai: I don't know.. It's still pretty clean but I did not bother that much. You know there are also two vacant rooms on the upstairs of the lobby hub since it was just only me alone in the Complex most of the time..

Akihiko: I see..

I pause my walk at the bus stop, kept both of my hands inside the pocket as I felt a cold wind blowing from the side. I could a tiny steam from my breath. Kayaba curiously asks..

Akihiko: What happens to your reunion? I highly expected a good ending I could imagine..

I sat down to the nearest seat while waiting for the bus..

Lai: Shiet stormed fast yesterday. Blame myself for not checking the "weather" first.

Akihiko: Care to be specific a bit?

I soon sigh in frustration..

Lai: Some dudes want to get revenge on Koharu who beat up one of their guys, interrupted our reunion and I.. Uhm... Just put them to sleep..

Since I'm in public, I have to censor the word to not make it sound obvious.

Akihiko: You don't even have to hide it from me.. I could tell it was you who killed them in the end.

I immediately shut him up for saying that loudly..

Lai: Shh!

Akihiko: I'm talking through your earbuds. Only you can hear it.

Lai: But still, don't say it so often! Well, they were asking for it.. It was just self-defense act. We were clearly outnumbered in that situation.

Akihiko: You do realize you're in the real world, not in SAO...

Lai: Well, all I did was just for survival.. What's the point of being pacifist in a death game and ended up getting myself screwed in the end? I should've just... Take them out in the first place in Floor 20 before the tragedy even happens. That's how it caused Koharu started to think she's a burden to me.. Especially is, I don't believe there'll be a karma just for punishing the bad guys since she's a b*tch. So why not just D.I.Y on taking them down so they don't bite you again like a mad dog because they are already goners.

Akihiko: ...

One of my hand reaches out, letting the snow land on my palm. I stare at the shape of the snowflake while replying to him..

Lai: But.. I want to make sure. I do not enjoy that at all.. I just want peace.. So simple yet so hard to make that come true.. That's how reality works in this world.

He soon sighs..

Akihiko: ...I admire your experience.. I can't imagine a story of two 16 years old who murders their way to save the humanity. You deserve a good future..

Lai: It's already fecked up with all those people around who tries to hurt us..

Akihiko: I supposed yes to the fact that it's already happening.. I genuinely hope Koharu is okay.

I look around my surroundings as the snowflakes gracefully glide down to the ground coated with a light layer of snow.

Lai: It's already snowing.. It was quite sunny yesterday..

Akihiko: Yeah...

Lai: What can you actually do of having consciousness in the internet and being a virtual ghost?

Akihiko: Give me a reason of why should I tell you?

Lai: Since we're working together. It's natural to know about each other. You knew almost all about me. So I should know about you as well.

I hear a sigh from him.. Having no choice but to be honest to me.

Akihiko: ...I guess I have to.. I was the one who made the request after all.. As you can see all my capabilities had did so far, which is possessing any electronic devices, manipulate data and gathering intelligence.. You can say I can be an informant who will guide you through the dangers.

I spin the pistol with just a finger and swiftly sheathes it back in my hoodie.

Akihiko: I only just getting the hang of it.. Maybe there's more I can unlock..

Lai: Like... Encounter people's mind in the virtual world?

Akihiko: Maybe.. But I don't want a certain obsession of mine get a hold of me.. God knows what I will do if I succumb to that..

I feel uneasy after understanding his obsession since he is a former scientist on technology.

Lai: ...Uhm..

Akihiko: You understand what I mean.. So if you have some crazy ideas. Please keep it to yourself. You might tempt me on accident in the end.

I went silent, feeling the threat of him who can basically do anything in the internet. Also noticed a bus coming from a far.

Lai: (I could not imagine if he gets ahold on nuclear weapons.)

The bus eventually arrives and I board on it. Tapping Sakura on the screen as my destination. The bus eventually starts up on its way to the National Road. Noticing most of the seats had been occupied with total 13 of passengers as I take the farthest one of behind seat with only three. Is it just me or I noticed some of their clothing look kinda bulky, even with their coat on. Then suddenly, before I could even sit on. I noticed a woman lunge towards me, immediately see a syringe in her hand as I block her arm with mine, forcefully pushing down until the needle thrust into my torso.

Lai: Ugh!!

Without thinking, I quickly draw out my Glock 34 and shoot her head twice, instantly kills her with blood splats on the ceiling. Then, everyone in the bus immediately take action while I quickly change my target to kill the other two with 2 shots on torso before the third on the head each. They all start pinning me down with their SMGs and Pistols based on how I hear the rate of fire.

Lai: At time like this!?

I grab the body, using her corpse as meat shield and blind firing back at them to pin them down. Then, I push the corpse forward away and quickly access to my bag while one of them shoot through the seat while unloading his whole SMG, grabbing a Glock 18 with 33 Extended Magazine out and starts firing back in Full Auto. One of the shots unfortunately hit the driver and cause the bus to lose control. But one of them take control of it. I reload the Glock 18 with another Extended Magazine and Glock 34 with the standard ones, pull both of the slide simultaneously before grabbing the rest of the extra ones. 9 of them still trying to kill me and I could hear several of their guns cocking as well. Kayaba quickly suggests that I should take my chance.

Kayaba: Take them out while they're reloading!

I took my chance to rush out to the middle, just as he said. Dual wielding with both Glocks. I headshot the first one at the very front with 34 while gunning down with 18 on the other one who are closer to me on the left, hiding in his seats. I accidentally left out the one on the right as a 30 year old guy tries to flank me. I evade to the side, dodge the first bullet that breaks the window and I take my chance, unloading back to him with around ten 9×19mm low caliber bullet all over his torso, blood splurts out and dye the window in red. I shot a kick so hard that launches him out through the damaged window. His body ended up crashing by the upcoming lorry, then got ran over by several vehicles by accident, painting the road with his blood. I resume on advancing to the front as I headshot on the right with 34, mowing on the left with 18 before taking cover on the left seat. I keep the Glock 18 and 34 in the pocket as I switch to Uzi SMG from the corpse, I take a peek while lying on the ground where I can see their feet moving around. I shoot one of them, a woman falls down and I shot her on the neck, then I notice another feet is rushing towards my position, knowing he is gonna kill me with his prefire. I quickly shoot his leg, ended himself up falling over and kick his windpipe during his fall that suffocates him to death. I immediately stand back up as I saw the last two imitates my move by lying on the ground.

Lai: !!

I stood back up, jump onto the seat away from the ground to avoid the bullets. Killing one with my prefiring that penetrates through the seat. I throw away the Uzi and rush up to the last one for hand to hand combat. He tries to point his MP5K at me but I push the gun away with full strength focus on my left hand, causing him to miss his target as he desperately to shoot me with it. We both clash against each other until I quickdraw with Glock 34 and shot his head right up from the chin. He eventually releases the gun and falls as the blood spills on my face. I catch a breath for a second, switch the Glock 34 to 18 and quickly reloads it before I take out the driver. The driver draws out his double-action revolver but I kick away and unloads a full 33 rounds all over his head before the body in just a second, splatting his guts across the driver seat from his head. And it is now occupied by Kayaba with my phone on the steering wheel. He shows his concern to me through the earbud communication.

Akihiko: You're doing okay?

I reply back to him tiredly after dealing with 13 assailants and also got my entire face bloody.

Lai: *Huff!* *Huff!* Do I look even okay for you, Aki!?

Akihiko: Good. Now move his head away, he is disturbing the steering wheel.

I grab the corpse out from the bloody seat and throw out from the bus after Kayaba opens the door for me. Then, I take a rest to the nearest seat.

Kayaba: You sure pick an unfortunate ride.

Lai: Yeah.. Now I need a change. No point of driving the whole bus back to home.

Kayaba: Who are these assailants anyway? You sure you did not offend anyone yesterday?

Lai: Only those guys on the bridge. But it's definitely not them since sending 13 of them with a stolen bus just to prey on a single target is f*cking ridiculous!

Kayaba: Now's your chance to identify who they are.

Kayaba drives it in the left lane to keep the ride slower, granting me enough time to search through the corpses before arriving to Sakura, as I quickly and thoroughly search on their corpses, just knowing that they all had syringes with them but can't tell the substance inside of it.

Lai: They all have syringes. But I can't identify the substance, probably sleeping one. And.. They look like civilians at the first sight. Probably just their disguises. No sign of showing who they really are.

Kayaba: I have an idea.

Lai: Which is?

Kayaba: Grab all of their phones, remember to turn it all off so more of them won't track your location. We cannot let them mess up our schedule. I will analyze on all of their phones to scoop up some information that can benefit both of us.

Lai: Good idea..

I follow his advice.. Grab their phones out, power off on all of it before storing in my bag. I additionally grab someone's coat to wipe off the blood on my face before grabbing the extra, clean hoodie out from my bag. Then, I stored all my firearms inside the bag, still keeping my Glock 34 back inside my hoodie. Suddenly, I immediately notice that Kayaba just play out a music with the lyrics of German language.

I immediately went dumbfounded as I recognize the music was from the Wolfenstein game. I chuckle a bit.

Lai: Oh, f*ck off, Aki! XD

Akihiko: It's good to tune our mood back to normal after what just happened.

I proceed back to scavenge out all of their Ammunitions, SMG and Sidearm Pistol weapons, still have a lot of space since it's a hiking bag. Suddenly, Kayaba comes up with a question.

Akihiko: Care to tell me, why are you suddenly start calling me Aki?

Lai: Well, to make it at least not obvious since we might talk a lot in the future.

Akihiko: Never expect you'd be so thoughtful.

Lai: Please do not make it weird.

As I busy organizing my bag, I could hear a chuckle from him..

Akihiko: ..Hmph...

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 9:30am.. Sakura's Street, Chiba..

After arriving at the Sakura, I grab my bag and take a breath before stepping out from the bloody bus filled with dead bodies. Remind me not to take a bus again.

Akihiko: Where should I drive it to?

Lai: Hm... Drive it off to somewhere's cliff. Make it an accident or something..? And can you delete all the security camera's data that had filmed the bus while on the way to Sakura?

Akihiko: Cruel but understandable.. Coincidental is, that's what I'm thinking as well.. You should take a rest after all the intense fighting and let everything else to me.

I look around and noticed a vending machine filled with cold, fruit soft drinks. I walk up to it as I feel thirsty that I could chug a whole 300ml soft drink down.

Lai: Good point.. Thanks..

I watch the bloody bus drives itself away from my sight before I start walking on the street. As soon as I grab out my wallet, opens it. I just realized I have no coins and most of the money are actually 5,000 yens, 10,000 yens banknotes. Just with a few of 1,000 yens and 2,000 yens. I have to remind myself to break the bill since I somehow remember that most of the vending machine does not accept 5,000 yen and 10,000 yen. Probably for counterfeit prevention reasons.

Lai: I need to break the bill someday..

I put a 1,000 yen banknote to the machine. Immediately tap the Fanta Orange Juice with the price of just 320 yen. I open the lid and start gulping down the whole content. Letting the soda and the sweetness freshening my mind while quenching my thirst at the same time. Letting out a breath of relief after emptying the whole bottle.

Lai: Ahh~ I love the soda!

Akihiko: It's bad for your health if you gulp it all down, especially it's soda.

Lai: Does it matter to you?

Akihiko: You're still young.. It's essential to mind your health. Ignoring it might affect your combat performance.

Lai: You're just exaggerating..

Akihiko: Take it as a concern of mine.

Lai: So after heading this location, what's next in the schedule?

Akihiko: A visit to Tokyo. I have a lot of things that you need to do.

Lai: I wonder how much changes Tokyo had in these two years..

Akihiko: You will be shocked..

Lai: I can already tell from your words of surprise.

I continue on my journey, heading my way to Koharu's residence. As I think about her, my worries start to well up as I concern about her condition. My walks started to slow down unnoticed. Couldn't think of any worse scenario that can potentially happen.

Lai: You think she will slap me again for tracking her address without letting her know?

He jokes in a technical way.

Akihiko: Based on my calculation, it'll be 99.99% chance of her doing it again.

Lai: Now I wish to be that 0.01% germs.

Akihiko: I would press X..

I look around for a garbage bin to throw in. Luckily, I just see one that is just other side of the street and it isn't far from me. I casually take my shot and throw the empty bottle to the bin, only to be missed and hit the edge instead, hitting on the ground and roll to a lady who is walking to my direction.

Haruna: Hm?

Lai: Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to!

I stand up quickly and try to grab the bottle.. The lady replies back to my apology.

Haruna: Ah, it's okay! Let me help you.

The lady tries to grab the empty bottle for me as well. But as soon as our hand physically met each other in accident.

Haruna: !!

I hear a gasp from the lady..

Lai: ?

She suddenly back off for a few steps.. Assume that I hear her freaked out just now. I look up after grabbing the bottle and throw it into the bin. Her eyes widened out with one of her hands covering her mouth while still holding an Eco bag filled with daily needs.

Haruna: You're-?

Lai: Huh? Who are you?

I took a step back as I raise my guard. The lady silences as she is loss of her words.

Haruna: ...You have memories with her.. And she had the same one but with yours..

Lai: ...?

I did not understand what she is saying at all. I slowly move my other hand to my pocket, ready to draw out the Glock 34 if she attacks. Then in the next second, she walks slowly towards and suddenly pulls me into her tight hug.

Haruna: I finally get to meet you in person!

Lai: Wait!

She buries my face in her warm chest, also drops the bag.


Both of us are now sitting on swings at the playground. The lady just reveals herself as Koharu's mother.

Lai: Ehh!!!? You're Koharu's mother!?

She happily answers back..

Haruna: Yep. But you're already know she doesn't have a complete family.

Lai: But how can you confirm it was me who kept her safe? I'm sure I did not tell her how I actually look.

Haruna: Hm.. Since you have a close relationship with my daughter.. Maybe I should tell you something..

Lai: Which is?

She suddenly offers her hand.

Haruna: Here, hold my hand.. And try to think about something else. Anything would work.

I feel confused about what she is going to tell me.. She closes her eyes, waiting for me to hold her hands. I follow her what she told me to and our hand met each other. I was thinking about her taking care of the Tarantulas.

Haruna: You are thinking about my daughter who is taking care of the Tarantulas, aren't you? What a bright smile my daughter has..

Lai: Huh!?

My hand retracts back immediately and look at my palm before looking at hers. There's nothing else on both of our hands.

Lai: How did you do that!?

Haruna: I can somehow read people's mind through physical contact.. You can say it's a psychic ability of mine.

She looks forward..

Haruna: With this, I was able to maintain our mother-daughter relationship solidly well and keep her in a right path. Koharu had been a wonderful, sweet girl to me that I deared the most.. Until that day.. You know it..

I notice her smile slowly disappears, trying to cope her sadness..

Lai: I'm sorry..

Haruna: Don't be.. What happens now is already happened.. At least she is safe in the end.. I wanna say thanks for protecting my daughter in that VR game..

Lai: But I left her traumatized in the end..

Haruna: Don't worry.. Leave everything to me.. I know my daughter well. I can guarantee that she will forgive you eventually.. But.. I don't have that capability of yours in order to protect her.

Lai: But...

She suddenly smiles..

Haruna: So how about we work together? It's pretty simple, I can offer my love to her while she can also have better protection from you. I'm sure we'd make a perfect team on mending up Koharu's broken heart. What do you say?

Hearing her request lights up my hope of consoling Koharu.

Lai: If it means fixing her back to her cheerful self, I'm in for 100%.

Both of her hands clap each other as she is happy about I agree on protecting Koharu.

Haruna: Great! That's a deal then!

Lai: How is she doing right now?

Haruna: She spends most of her time with me as usual, don't worry.. I knew what you both did yesterday but I could not bring it out to the discussion without avoid hurting her..

Lai: I'm sorry..

Haruna: It's okay, I'm just glad she isn't hurt. I don't want her to be the one is in danger and ended up badly injured instead. She is my only kin I have in this family after all. Knowing that she can now protect herself and having someone like you actually lessens my worries a lot.

Lai: But she sacrificed her personality in the end.. The Koharu that always cares a lot to the others before herself..

She gently holds my hand with both.

Haruna: Well, that's what we're planning to do.

Lai: Miss...

Haruna: To change her back, of course! So don't fail me now!

I nod back eagerly.

Lai: I'll do whatever I can.

Haruna: That's the spirit! Want me to take you to my home so we can talk more?

Lai: Hm..

Knowing Koharu's mother is taking care of her. I changed my mind as I still have schedule to follow today.

Lai: Maybe later.. I think she needs you more than me actually.. You're the one who took care of her the most from the day she is born after all.

Haruna: Oh.. I see.. Let's introduce ourselves to each other before we part ways. I'm Haruna, Haruna Honda. But you can just call me Haruna.

She let out a serene smile that is resemble to Koharu's.. I reply back by introducing myself as I accept and shake her hand.

Lai: Kento Lai, Lai is actually my family name so just call me Kento.

Haruna: A cure of happiness.. What a meaningful name you have. I can already feel relieved entrusting my daughter to you someday.

Lai: Thanks! I feel relieved too, knowing she is doing fine with you.

Haruna: Mind if you leave your phone number? In case she wants to talk to you.

Lai: Absolutely!

She brings out her phone and hand it to me. I type my phone number on her phone. Then, she makes a test call to make sure if my phone rings or not. Also leave a call history in her phone as well so she can store it in her contacts. She bows down to me with her thanks. Also asking me if I'm planning for hiking as she is curious about me bringing a huge hiking bag.

Haruna: Thank you.. Also.. Are you planning for hiking today?

Lai: Ah! Uhm..! Yeah! To get some view, especially being trapped in other world for two years!

Haruna: Oh.. Is that so? It's good to have some breathtaking view, especially for young people like you..

Lai: You're right! Then, I'm going now!

Haruna: Alright, I hope we can meet again.


After giving out my phone number to Haruna-san before we part ways, I can feel a boulder just lifted away from my heart.

Lai: Phew...

Kayaba just calls in my earbud.

Akihiko: You're not heading to Koharu's home?

Lai: Just met her mother, on accident. She's taking care of her right now. Hope her mental gets better.

Akihiko: Wise choice.

Lai: So we're heading to Tokyo next, right? For what?

Akihiko: Getting the new Full-Dive Console.. AmuSphere, the second generation of the Full-Dive machine.

Lai: ...

I literally stopped my walk as soon as I heard what Kayaba just said.

Lai: Another Full-Dive Console!? You try to get me killed again!?

Akihiko: Unlike the Nervegear's high frequency that has the possibility to fry one's brain. The AmuSphere has low frequency instead, created by the RECT Progress.

Lai: That's even worse! That means it's Sugou's creation if it's from RECT Progress!

Akihiko: But it has been officially approved by the government after checking it has no possibilities of harming the mankind. Plus, do you think Sugou affords modifying the AmuSphere that are sold to the public?

Lai: I still ain't buying your shiet! I thought you were planning for me to scout on Sugou's Laboratory in some remote area!

Akihiko: Unfortunately, his laboratory is located in the Virtual World.. Called "Alfheim Online". That's what your account and Koharu's comes into play. Sorry for not telling you about it soon..

Lai: ...

After knowing that I have to Full-Dive into another Virtual game.. I went shocked and fed up at the same time as I hardened my fist. Cursing out to him.

Lai: You are an absolute f*cking idiot...!

He still remains his usual calm..

Akihiko: Thank you for the compliment..

Lai: *Collapsed*

But without any choice, I still have to follow it as I cannot see no other way around better. I head to the Subway to take a train to Tokyo.

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 11:00am.. Tokyo..

After arriving to Tokyo via train this time, the crowd flood out from the train, struggling myself to get out from the train and the crowd as well as I step out of the train. As I'm currently heading out from the subway to the surface, I can already heard a loud echo saying "Reject Full-Dive era! Protect the Generation!". Then, I witness a large group of protestors occupied most of the subway hall area as I, along with all the civilians that aren't involved in the protest, following at the side in a straight line, all the way to the surface. I mumble out quietly as I didn't anyone know I'm working with the mastermind that started all this mess. As I continue to witness, most of them wear yellow headbands, written with "抗議" (Means "protest") in Japanese, shown on their forehead. Some of them even carry cardboard sign says "Reject Full-Dive! Protect the Generation!". The sight of it and the amount of people had gathered is already a goddamn chaos for me.

Lai: Holy Shiet..! That's what you're trying to say!?

Akihiko: Pretty shocking, huh? We aren't even reach Tokyo yet.

I retort him back immediately with the fact he is the one who brought up the disaster.

Lai: You're a f*cking disaster... Aki.

Akihiko: You will be fine..

I exit the subway and reach the surface eventually. The very first things I saw in front of me is a gathered large group of angry protestors, colonizing and blocking the street from the vehicles while shouting the words. I notice on the police side who are defending against the riot with their shield line up in formation while blasting the angry crowd away with the Water Cannon from the fire truck and tear gas from the flying drones, some people even try to shoot it down with their slingshot and throwing stone, empty soda can and even bricks. I stood there, hopelessly watch the once peaceful had turned into total chaos because of the terror of Full-Dive Tech.

Akihiko: We ain't got time for this.

I snapped myself out by Kayaba's alert. Prioritize on getting out of trouble.

Lai: Need to run..

I immediately rush away from them, sprinting to a peaceful and lesser crowd before continuing my objective on getting two AmuSphere devices and two VR games before getting out of Tokyo. Following with Kayaba's map guide to the nearest game store from my area that only takes a few minutes to get there. I sprint my way through the people as fast as I can. As I reach there, a group of protestors are already at the store's outside, blocking the entrance like a large group of zombies trying to barge in with their violent way while shouting like rabid dogs, when several people quickly finished their shop in the store except the terrified cashier and some staffs who is resisting the protestors as they insist to open their store. I got despair as I see no hope of even getting into the store without dispersing the group.

Lai: They block the goddamn entrance!

Akihiko: This will be difficult... We cannot afford spending energy and time just for heading to the other game store that are few kilometers away. But those delinquent protestors had occupied every stores so the result is still the same with this method.

Lai: And there's no way I can get out of the store with the AmuSphere without pissing them off.

Akihiko: I hate to say it but you might want to steal from the others who had bought it.

Lai: No way, Aki! Ain't gonna do that!

Akihiko: Then, that will be a lot harder for me and you to get the AmuSphere.. You should retreat at this moment.

Lai: Yeah..

I ran away from the crowd and return to the subway, heading back to the Chiba.

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 12:00pm.. Lai's Apartment Complex..

After rushing back, I immediately fall down to the ground as soon as I arrived the lobby hub. With the hiking bag full of ammo, weapons and phones pressing on me entirely..

Lai: I'm so tired!!!

Akihiko: Thanks to those delinquents. Now we're derailed from my schedule. And there's no way to get into the game.

Lai: Am I really gonna use the Nervegear again? Oh yeah.. Speaking of it..

Akihiko: Hm?

Lai: I stored a .zip file using the GM's Emergency access. Mind if you can run a check on it?

Akihiko: Connect it to your PC. I'll see what I can do..

Lai: Okay..

I leave my hiking bag on the couch, heading back to my room upstairs. I opened my closet, bringing my Nervegear out from the box. Then, I connect it via USB Cable to the PC desktop.

Lai: Done.

Akihiko: Now's your chance to rest up until you receive further notice from me.

I can tell his words start to sound like when he was a KoB Commander in SAO.

Lai: We're not doing this KoB roleplay stuff, alright?

Akihiko: Old habits die hard..

Lai: Good grief...

I head downstairs, open my bag and grab the bloody hoodie. Rub some detergent on the stains before throwing the hoodie to the washing machine in the laundry room and starts its cleaning process.. Then, I brought my bag to the shooting range before emptying the bag's content out. As usual, all ammunitions to the depot, some of the weapons on display and the rest is in my room. Hoping my dad doesn't get suspicious. I head back up, decided to have ramen again for today's lunch. I grab a cooking pot, filling it up with tap water before putting on a electric stove, starting up the fire. In the meantime, I casually grab a pack of noodle with curry flavor and an egg this time. Kayaba suddenly calls out to me as I forgot to take off the earbud.

Akihiko: I suggest putting a slice of cheese as a topping on the broth.

Lai: What for?

Akihiko: Increase the broth's flavor, gives you a richful of protein and calcium.. Also able to fill your hunger more easier.

Lai: Wow.. You're a chef before?

Akihiko: Just a hobby of mine. It was a pleasant time when I was a student.

Lai: Well, let me finish this and see how it goes.


After pouring the rest of the broth and noodles on the bowl, adding a slice of cheese, several slices of fish cakes, seaweed and an egg. I can already smell the fragrance of it that makes my stomach growl and cause a drool almost escapes out from my mouth before I can even set the bowl on the table.

Lai: It smells good already.

I immediately scoop up a spoonful of broth. As soon as it touches the tongue. I can fully taste the heavy fragrance of the richful flavor inside my mouth.

Lai: Oishii desu~!!

Akihiko: Tasty, isn't it?

Lai: You done a lot of experiment on food as well?

Akihiko: Yes.. They don't just call scientist for nothing. Scientists does a lot of test on every aspect of our lives. Especially the technology.

Lai: You said your hobby is cooking, right?

Akihiko: Yes indeed. Too bad I can't taste any good Japan cuisines. Everything come with a price, you know?

Lai: Then, why are you doing this to yourself? I remember copying your consciousness to the internet was your goal, right?

Akihiko: You can I'm somehow got lucky in the end. The chance of doing this kind of operation is 0.001%

Lai: 1/1000 chance? How do you even justify that?

Akihiko: That was just my assumption actually. Because surviving the microwave of the super high-powered scan from the modified nervegear is an impossible feat to pull it off. But at least the subject must hold it up until the scan is complete before the machine destroys the physical body. But the process.. Ugh...

I can tell his trembling voice, assuming it was about the pain he went through. I dropped a sweat as I can't imagine the pain when machine burning his brain.

Lai: Pretty painful, isn't it?

Akihiko: To the point I don't even want to remember that.. But the reward is, now I have the ability manipulate any electronic devices and knowing all of the world's secret that are stored in the internet.

Lai: Oh..

Then, I immediately realize that he might can scoop out my secrets anytime.

Lai: Oh!!

Akihiko: What's wrong?

Lai: !!

I immediately slurp out several strings of noodles at once from the ramen bowl. Sweating out more as I secretly worrying if Kayaba tries to search my PC's files to get a hold of my handle.

Lai: *Sweating intensifies* (Please don't find HDoom. Please don't find HDoom! What if he finds it and suddenly blurts it out to Koharu!?)

Lai's Imagination...

A massive-size Koharu's punch just shot straight towards mini-size Lai.

Koharu: I had never thought you're an actual pervert in this entire time!!!

Lai: Oh shieeet!!!

My body instantly got disintegrated before I could even touch her Pervert Slayer 9000 punch coming in like Meteor.

End of imagination..

I choke a bit by the noodle. Coughing out loud and gasp for breath.

Akihiko: For the love of god, take your time.. We ain't rushing this.

Lai: I'm sorry...! The ramen is just too good! The noodle absorbed the entire cheese!

He sighs in disappointment, shaking his head..

Akihiko: *sigh*...

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 1:00pm..

After lunch, I head to my room to check on Yui's status. I ask Kayaba for current status.

Lai: So what's the status?

Akihiko: The mental health counseling program. Codename: Yui. It was a genius move to copy her backup .zip files to your nervegear storage before the entire SAO got deleted.

Lai: It was Asuna's request and thanks to Diavel's info.

Akihiko: I see..

Lai: What changes had you just made?

Akihiko: I converted her .zip files to be compatible to Alfheim Online. Didn't take much time for me to change her coding since it's just a sloppy reskin of SAO.

Lai: Wait.. What do you mean "sloppy reskin"?

Akihiko: Alfheim Online was just a clone from SAO, except it has races and magics involved. And it infuriates me that my work got plagiarized by those degenerates scum from RECT Progress.

Lai: But you trapped a lot of players in SAO...

Akihiko: Are you still wanna argue that?

Lai: Well, I just can't let it slide, can I? Since your rules made me killed 5000 of those degenerate scumbags.

Akihiko: And now we're in the same boat, aren't we?

Lai: Temporary.

Akihiko: Great.. Also.. Do you remember the MBC Leader?

Lai: Keita? Him?

Akihiko: Yes, I had checked on the surviving SAO Players and their living conditions. And I found out that Keita has the AmuSphere and the game in his possessions. It should be easy for you to make a loan with him.

Lai: How convenient... Looks like there's still hope.

Akihiko: I'll send the address to your phone. Gear yourself up and head over there.

Lai: I almost forgot about the phones. Mind if you analyze these while I'm away?

Akihiko: I'll keep you updated once I find something.

I wipe off the blood stains inside the bag and head out with the same loadout, Glock 34 and 18 combination.

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 2:00pm.. Tsuchiura, Ibaraki.

Tsuchiura, located in Ibaraki Prefecture. Just the north side of Chiba. I decided to call a cab instead as the trip from Kashiwa to Tsuchiura is almost the same distance as from Kashiwa to Sakura. Also to avoid any trouble as well. I followed with the Keita's home address provided by Kayaba. It should be easy for me to loan his AmuSphere and the game. Not sure what's next after this.

Lai: So what's next after this, Aki?

Akihiko: I can't tell if this possible, maybe try to convince Koharu?

Lai: Not sure. We'll deal with that later...

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 2:30pm.. Tsuchiura, Ibaraki.

I just stepped out from the cab with a huge hiking bag after paying the fee. It only takes a couple of minutes with GPS's guide. Eventually arrives at Keita's residence. I took a deep breath before pressing the door bell button.

Lai: Here goes..

My index finger presses against the button, letting out a huge door bell sound from the residence.

*Ding!* *Dong!*

After a few seconds, I could a hear someone responds back while getting the door. The door opens and I noticed a boy in an instant. Immediately recognize it's Keita. Only wore his T-shirt.

Lai: Keita?

Keita: Are you...?

He stares at my appearance who wears a blue hoodie this time. But slowly shift his focus as he curious about the huge size of bag I'm carrying.

Keita: Sorry.. I'm not in for hiking today..

Lai: *Collapsed*

I didn't expect he didn't recognize me at first sight. As he curiously look at my bag, first thought I'm just merely inviting him fot hiking trip. I introduce to him with the player name he can recognize with.

Lai: Wha-? Wait!! Don't you remember me!? It's me, Lai!

His eyes widened, my presence completely left him shocked as he finally recognizes me.

Keita: You're-! Impossible!!

Lai: Hm?

Keita: You're still alive!?

I immediately remember that time I faked my death to everyone in Floor 75 boss room.

Lai: I.. Uhh..! I was almost at the death's gate but got out successfully.

Keita: No way!

We both awkwardly just standing there as Keita takes his time to accept this.

Lai: Uhm.. Are you gonna make me stand all day?

Keita: Ah! Sorry! I just..! I couldn't believe it.. At all..

He eventually let me into his house. Serve up with two cup of teas for him and me. I took a seat on the couch in the living room, still with my bag on.

Keita: So.. How did you find me? I'm sure we didn't exchange our home addresses while we're trapped in the game.

Lai: Uhm.. Long story short.. Do you have an AmuSphere?

Keita: Huh? Why's that?

Lai: It's because.. Erm..

I stutter a lot as I couldn't come up a lie. So I look around before asking him if there's anyone in the house beside Keita himself.

Lai: Is anyone here beside you?

Keita: My mom headed out to work today. So I'm watching over the house.

Lai: I suggest you to close the window and pull the curtains close.

Keita: Uhm.. Okay.

We both close every windows around the house possible.

Keita: So what's with all the secret talk?

Lai: You heard about the 298 Players who still haven't woke up after the SAO incident?

Keita: Yeah, most of us heard about this and the protest has been getting more riling up because of this.

Lai: I think I know where the remaining 298 players are held up at.

Keita: You do!?

Lai: That's why I need your AmuSphere.

Keita: But what can you do with it? The data in SAO server has been deleted. How can you know where their location in?

I open the logo of the RECT Progress, with the picture of the Chief of the Research Institute, Sugou Nobuyuki with my phone before setting on the table, passing to Keita to read while I summarise out the explanation.

Lai: Sugou Nobuyuki.. Chief of his Full Dive Team in the Research Institute of RECT Progress.. Had been confining the players in his laboratory.

Keita: No way..! That's horrible!

Lai: I need your AmuSphere so I can stop what he's doing. To stop the threat against the humanity.

Keita: That means.. Sachi is in his palm right now.

Lai: Sachi? She hasn't awake as well?

Keita: Yes.. I asked the doctor why she hasn't woke up yet. Her heartbeat rate and other condition are in normal status. He assumed her mind is still trapped somewhere and there's no way anyone can save her.

Lai: You should ask the Technician or other one that specializes in Full-Dive VR instead.

Keita: But how? I don't even have their contacts! But..!

He kneels and begs me. I immediately lift him back up.

Lai: Don't..! Keita!

Keita: Since you're heading in there..! Can you save Sachi as well?

Lai: And the others? Absolutely.. Because the whole thing hasn't end yet until we get everyone out. Now get yourself up.

Keita: Thanks.. I'll go get my AmuSphere right now!


I grab the AmuSphere visor device from Keita after he heads back downstairs to the living room and hand to me. Surprisingly, the device is way less bulkier that the Nervegear. Nevertheless, I store it and along with all the necessary cables inside the bag. He gives his warning to me as he is about to hand me the game.

Keita: Be careful..

Lai: Huh?

Keita: Alfheim Online.. The game that supports PvP with the world itself as battlefield. Also, the Salamanders are ruling the world now..

Lai: Salamanders? The f*ck are they?

Keita: There are 9 races in Alfheim Online, each races has their own specialized abilities. And Salamander is one of them, also most players considered it as the Strongest race among the other 8.

Lai: How long have you been playing as?

Keita: I'm currently playing as an Undine for a week. A race that specializes in water magic.

Lai: Well... Things never get easier, aren't they?

Keita: What are you gonna do?

I confidently answer back..

Lai: Kill them all. That's what I always do to those degenerates in Aincrad.

I gently pat his shoulder, not to worry anything. I grab my bag and I was about to wear my shoe before exiting out his house.

Keita: Hey! One more thing..

Lai: Hm?

Keita: Is Koharu okay? After she saw how you died..?

Lai: Huh? What do you mean?

He looks away, stutters..

Keita: I guess you didn't see it.. She was.. Showing the side of her we never imagined her to be..

Lai: I already knew and I already regret that decision. She knocked my soul out. But yeah, she will be fine.

Keita: I hope so..

Before I reach the door, I almost to ask something to him.

Lai: Oh yeah.. One last thing.

Keita: Huh?

Lai: Once this is over.. Are you gonna rebuild the Moonlit Black Cats?

Keita: Hm... But it will be hard for the two of us..

I offer my hand to him.

Lai: I will gather the rest of them. Just leave everything to me.. Promise?

Eventually, he shakes my hand as an agreement.

Keita: Promise. I'll hold on to that.

Lai: Great.

Finally, I left his house and return back to Chiba. Planning persuade Koharu to join the cause with me..

End of Chapters...

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