Chapter 36: Unexpected, Warming Reunion

Year 2025, January 15th. Japan Standard Time, 8:00am.. Honda Residence in Sakura, Chiba.

Koharu's POV

I woke up, just knowing that I'm in my mother's embrace, as I was being able to sleep soundly since yesterday. I could feel the cuddle is still tight around me.

Koharu: Mother...

I slowly try to adjust myself from the embrace. Not to disturb her too much. The hug eventually loosen a bit and I was able to get out without waking her up. After getting up from the bed, I smile a bit and give a kiss on her cheek. As I was able to sleep well because of her presence.

Koharu: Sleep well.. Mom..

I slowly open the door and head back to my room to get myself changed on my outfit and refresh myself. Brush my teeth, showering, hair combing. Suddenly, I started to miss the days when I was just a high school student before getting the nervegear through a lucky draw in some Game Stores... Before the whole disaster ever happen.


"Mom! I'm home!"

That was the usual, old me with the attitude of the happy-go-lucky and enjoys my life with my mother, Haruna. Every time when I just got back home. I always set my shoes to the side before rushing to give a daily evening hug to my mom. She replies back happily but calmly.

"Geez.. You never fail to surprise me.. Koharu.."

She never gets mad at me or even raises her voice once.. Instead, she showers me a lot with her love, especially with that blissful smile of hers. Always lead me to the right way, by reading my mind through physical interaction.. Regardless of the influence from the society.


A cold tear dropped out from my face, ended up dripped on the back of my palm. Then several tears dropped into the sink. Grief that I could no longer be the same happy-go-lucky girl that my mom always expecting me to be.. I hate that..

Koharu: I'm sorry.. Mom..

Despite of that.. Despite of me apologizing to her for a countless times.. She always comfort me no matter what.. That's why I don't want to make her sad again..

Koharu: ..Hm?

Then, I heard a sound from my phone.

*Phone notification sound*

I went out from the bathroom with a towel on my hair. Picked up the phone as soon as I heard a notification sound. Noticing an icon of a message in the SMS. I opened the chat. An image pop up that got me completely shocked.

Koharu: !!

I gasped silently with my mouth covered as I could not believe it at all.. Trying to suppressed my surprised reaction. Then, that's when I just received a message this time. I went silent in the end after reading it.

Koharu: ...

Meanwhile... Lai's Apartment Complex in Kashiwa, Chiba.

*Boom!* *Click!* *Click!* *Boom!* *Click!* *Click!*

Lai's POV

A 12-gauge Shotgun Shell just got ejected from the Mossberg 500 while another one touches on the ground. The sound of the satisfying shell drop is always like a music to my ears, although the gun is still loud af. I grab two shells at a time, forming a row and push in, loading two shells at a time with Dual Load technique. I just remember it's been 4 years since I started taking care of this place. Every time when School's over, taking care the firearms was always the first thing I have to do before the chores, also prohibited to use any of it for any reasons of course. But I did it without asking why, since this is my home as well. And I could barely squeeze some free time for video games.


When I was just a kid, I was just 10 as a complete newbie to the firearms. My father and I are at the shooting range for the first time, both of us had our ear protection wore. I first watched him fire in Semi-Auto for five rounds, he first loads one on the chamber, lock back in and speedloaded his Benelli M4 with Quad Load technique, grabbing 4 shotgun shells, two in a row, load twice at a time, resulting load with 5 rounds in just 3 seconds. That's when I admire his experience with the firearms.

Vincent: This is how you do the Quad Load technique. Even Keanu Reeves is trained to do this and that's how John Wick borns.

Lai: But DoomGuy doesn't even have to reload... Not even in Doom 2016.

Vincent: But he reloads his Super Shotgun all the time. So it's still the same...

I put my hands behind my head.

Lai: Well, I guess I can't deny that fact.

I look at the result of my dad's shot. All the shots were hit within the target.

Lai: Are you sure you're entrusting the shooting range for me to take care?

Vincent: Hey. Don't get misunderstood. I only assigned you to do the cleaning. I'm sure it'll get rusty eventually if left untouched. Because you would never use it. Maybe I could teach one or two basics to you once you get older enough.

Lai: But you just said I would never use it as well.

Vincent: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Lai: What makes that so certain?

Vincent: For protection, of course. You think you could just let the matters handed to the police after being robbed cleaned by the burglar. So..

He takes off all of the protective gears and tosses to me. I quickly catch it on both of my hands. He grabs my shoulders, telling me to toughen up with his serious expression.

Vincent: You gotta do things by your own. Get them first, before they get you.

I casually ask..

Lai: Even when it comes to.. Kill?

He suddenly glares at me with his serious expression.

Vincent: Yes.. To anyone who does nothing but harm to you. Keeping them alive only make things worse. Especially for you.

We both look at each other, making sure that I'm understanding to what he really means. His face suddenly softens down and back to his carefree look.

Vincent: Well, since this is Japan. I guess you would never get the chance to use it for any real situation. ^^

Lai: *Collapsed* Then, what's the point of it!?

My dad smiles..

Vincent: Well, you still gotta learn anything you could.. To survive!

Flashback ends...

I look at my 2mm Kolibri pistol..

I chuckle silently at the size of it. So small that is holdable with only two fingers, the smallest gun I've fired with. And funny is, it is the very first gun I've used when I was just a novice. So memorable and had a lot of fun when I trained with my dad. But now.. After that SAO incident.

Lai: I'm already got used to killing whenever I need to.. Hopefully.. Feck those people anyway.

I recall back to the time I struggled to get the guilt over with.. Because of her.. Because I afraid my influence will inevitably change her forever. Because of my doing will cause her traumatized permanently. But to think of it.. It's still happen in the end.. I blame myself to it..

Lai: You brought nothing but tragedy and sorrow to her in the end. And almost caused yourself deaths at the gate, again.. Good going, Lai.. Good goddamn going, Lai..

I keep the 2mm Kolibri Pistol back on the display. Still have my hopes that things can be changed to a better place.

Lai: I guess I have to move forward... Doing my best as the ideal partner that she could rely on once I finally get to meet her.

"No use on blaming yourself.. The reality just want to screw everything up whenever it feels like to". That's what I always persuade myself. I cleaned up several of empty shotgun shells on the ground, pump the shotgun to check if it's still loaded or still functioning well before keeping the Mossberg 500 Pump Action Shotgun and the protective gears back to the display before I take off the tactical gloves, exiting out the Shooting Range. I don't have to worry about the ammunitions dry out since my dad would just replenish the depot back as always through these years. I take the stairs instead of Elevator to my room in the lobby hub, for working out obviously..

Timeskip... Lai's Room..

I boot up my Alienware Aurora R11 desktop computer and sit on the gaming chair, spinning around a bit for fun.. I still remember the PIN number, somehow after being trapped for two years. I decided to just checking out the Doom server groups in Discord for today, discovering the Doom mods I had missed out for the entire two years. Excited to see what Doom community had offered to me. I noticed the Brutal Wolfenstein: Über Hero Edition has been released in full version. And surprisingly, Project Brutality 4.0 has been released out as well. (Because the Author actually likes Doom and have been a while in Doom community as well.)

Lai: Yes! It's finally out!

I downloaded the mod's PK3 file immediately before opening it with the GZDoom 4.7.0 Source Port. Preparing my ZDLauncher.. Can't wait to launch the game. Gladfully, it only takes a few minutes to finish the download since it's just a 1GB and hundreds of MBs in total. As it finally finishes, added Brutal Wolfenstein: Über Hero Edition first before clicking "Run". Suddenly, the screen black out in an instant.

Lai: !?

I panicked a bit as I thought my desktop might got blue screen in the end.. But it's way worse than I thought. After a second, a ghostly figure of a man shows up in front of the screen. I couldn't believe it at all that my body recoils back. Realizing that the man is actually.. Akihiko Kayaba.

Lai: (Ka-Kayaba!?)

Akihiko: Hel-

Lai: *ALT + F4 intensifies*

I immediately pull off the fastest ALT + F4 shutdown on my window before I spring up from the chair and rush to the bathroom. Washing my face intensely as I was completely shocked after seeing his face, breathing heavily as I couldn't believe it at all.

Lai: I must be seeing things! Hm?

Then, I feel the vibration of my phone as it receives a phone call. I wiped out the water from my face with the towel and picks up the phone from my pocket, turns out it's an unknown call before answering it politely after calming myself down.

Lai: Moshi Moshi~? ^^ (Hello?)

Then, I recognize the voice immediately.

Akihiko: Do not-

Before he could finishes the first sentence, I immediately take off the SIM Card and cut off the network of my phone. Additionally throw my ASUS ROG 2 phone on the bed and lie on the couch in the lobby hub. Resting my mind as I catch my breath and calming myself down, again..

Lai: Huff.. Huff... I guess I'm just overthinking too much that I'm hallucinating right now.

Suddenly, an 80 inches Sharp 8K HDR LG OLED TV with self-lit pixel in front of the couch activates on its own. Showing the man with the Scientist Lab Uniform with the 8K Ultra Quality Screen. He asks me while still keeping his cool.

Lai: (Ah! Shiet!!)

Akihiko: Have you calmed down yet, Hero?

I turn around. My eyes narrow down as I look at him, showing him with no reactions at all this time.

Lai: ...

After a few seconds of staring at Akihiko Kayaba, I turn around to the other side and head back to sleep, ignoring his presence. Confirmed that I got myself trapped in a nightmare and having hallucinations at the same time.

Lai: I'mma head out of this nightmare... Please don't disturb my beauty sleep.

Akihiko: ...

He hijacks both of the Speakers placed side by side of the TV. Turning up the volume to maximum before yelling out loud, just to wake me up.

Akihiko: You're back to the real world. Not trapped in a nightmare or hallucinating anything..

Even though he's on his calm tone. The massive sound wave of the maximum volume still startles me and caused me jump up from the couch. Immediately respond back as I cover both of my ears.

Lai: Augh!! Okay, okay!! You'll break the speaker!! Aah!!


I accidentally fall off from the couch. Ended up smacking my face on the ground.

Lai: Oof!!

I got up and look at him, unpleasant..

Lai: Geez.. My ears are gonna explode... What are you doing with the TV? And how DO you got into the screen anyway?

He releases the speaker, remains to his calmness as he adjusts the TV's volume.

Akihiko: To see you again.. But I have to make myself clear that I have no intention of harming you or any other people.

Lai: Seeing you alive is already harming my mentality...

I stare at Kayaba who is only existing in the screen.. My mind have filled with curiosity and questions that I eagerly want to ask him. Kayaba could tell what my mind is saying through my confused expression.

Akihiko: I believed you have a lot of questions to ask.. But I'll answer one by one as we got a lot of time.

I cough a bit to clear my throat..

Lai: Why are you appearing in the screen? You're an A.I or something?

He answers back formally.

Akihiko: I was once a human. But the only thing what is left of me now is my consciousness..

Lai: A virtual ghost? In the Cyber world?

Akihiko: Yes.. I'll explain further about that when we have another opportunity to do so. Any questions?

Lai: Erm.... That explains you've been reduced to the point that only appears on my phone, my desktop and the TV. But what do you want from me?

He ignores my insult and starts the discussion about his incoming deal.

Akihiko: I want to make a deal with you personally..

Lai: A deal?

Akihiko: Yes.. A deal.. But it'll be after we finish off our ene-

I immediately switch the TV's Channel to YouTube.. Watching Caramelldoomsen dancing 10 hours loop while DoomGuy glory kills demons.

Lai: No.. Not interested on getting involved in your mess again..

He changes the channel back to his avatar figure on the screen.

Akihiko: Can you please listen to what I'll say?

Lai: Hm... Still no..

I switched the channel back to YouTube again. With the scene that dad just knocks on the door furiously.

But it eventually got switched back to Akihiko Kayaba.

Akihiko: Do NOT.. Test my patience..

Lai: But my quest on defeating Floor 100 boss has finished. And I'm not available to accept any other quest at the moment, sorry.

He tries to say something before I press the switching channel button..

Akihiko: Well, without your help.. I guess there's no hope for the remaining 298 Players...

I jump up into sitting position on the couch.

Lai: Wait! You know what happened to the 298 Players!?

Akihiko: Yes... It's such a piece of cake for me to locate the mind of the remaining SAO Players..

Lai: But why do you need me for?

Akihiko: Our conversation would go smoothly if you let me finish what I want to say.

Lai: You told me that you would answer my questions!

I got annoyed by his behavior.. Sigh out before I listen to his request with my arm crossed.

Lai: ...Fine..

Akihiko: Good..

He resumes to his explanation..

Akihiko: I assume you still remember that one certain player called "Alberich", huh? I noticed there's a history between you two.

Lai: Alberich...? Alberich...

A picture of him shows up in my mind and I recognize him immediately.

Lai: Oh! That Cocky Prince wannabe? I remember the fight was rather short. Or you can say he fought like NPC Guards from The Elder Scrolls IV tho. Despite with that fancy, yellow hair with shiny knight armor.

Akihiko: Yes, with white knight armor and yellow hair. Anything else you can remember?

Lai: Last time I remember is... Yeah.. I dragged him down to the underground and left his head on the surface. And... He wields a weird... Dagger.. With the blade that looks like a short twig? I assume that's the length and size of his own PP in real life? Pfft!

I could hear Kayaba secretly chuckles a bit to my joke. I add up to what happened to that day when I encountered Alberich.

Lai: And... In the end, I stabbed him in the eye and he got teleported to somewhere else. I think that was the very last time I see him.

Akihiko: I see... That sums up everything...

Lai: What do you mean?

Akihiko: That guy you had faced against with.. He wasn't a part of Aincrad. Nor one of the 10,000 SAO Players as well.

Lai: What? Is he an imposter? That's sus..

Akihiko: You could say that way.. He somehow logged himself in SAO and his goal was to capture Player's mind by teleporting them to somewhere with that weird dagger you just talked about.

Lai: A dagger that teleports players?

Akihiko: I ran a check on the Dagger's stats and its coding.. I confirmed it has the ability to teleport players to a certain location.

Lai: You said it sends them to a Lab.. What kind of experiment he's doing with those players?

He stops the conversation for a while.. I could feel a very bad feeling about it..

Akihiko: ...Before I reveal.. I strongly suggest having your mentally prepared for this.

He shakes his head..

Lai: No... Tell me who he is first.. I need information about this guy.

Akihiko: Wise choice.. Lai.. Listen carefully.. he is-

Joyce: Kento! You there!?

I panicked a bit as soon as I hear my mom's voice. Kayaba hears that clearly as well.

Lai: Ah! Close the TV!

My mom knocks the door.. As she enters in, she notices me just taking a nap on the couch.

Joyce: What are you been up to? I called you for many times and you didn't answer.

Lai: Ah! Sorry! I left my phone in my room!

I rush to my room, grab my phone and insert back the SIM card. Kayaba shows up on my phone's screen. Staring at me..

Lai: Don't say a word..!

Akihiko: ...

I click the power button and temporarily left my phone in sleeping mode, grabbing a pair of wireless bluetooth earbuds for communication. Bringing it downstairs with me back to my mom..

Lai: What's wrong, Mom? You forgot something at home?

Joyce: I found the girl you're asking for.. Didn't take too long searching throughout the surviving players list.

She hands me a folder. I open it up and see a bunch of photos of Koharu and start reading the details about her. My mom sits on the couch, resting herself up before heading back to the police department.

Joyce: Almost got found out by the chief, but it's still worth the trouble if she's your better half.

Lai: Thanks.

I continue to stare at the photos. My mom adds up with a compliment on Koharu's look.

Joyce: Quite a beauty, isn't she? You sure know how to pick a girl..

Lai: And is she awake?

Joyce: Yes.. That's the good news. She is awake and she's probably living around Sakura..

Not too long, I put it all back inside the folder.

Lai: In Chiba?

Joyce: Yes.. But the distance is still far on foot..

I look at my mom while talking to her..

Lai: Yeah.. I'm still heading over there regardless.. Of course I'll take the bus.

Joyce: You're going to find her on your own?

I grab my wallet, keys, my phone and casually pick a sidearm and a brass knuckle that can be fully concealed in my light green hoodie. Ready to head out to Sakura in Chiba..

Lai: Well, we made a promise! Gotta keep my word! Anyway, thanks for the help!

I exit the lobby hub and wear my shoes. Additionally bring an umbrella with me.

Lai: I'm heading out now, mom! I'm sure you have the key, right?

Joyce: Yeah!

I close the door, leaving my mom alone in the lobby hub..

Joyce: Geez.. Remind me of your dad's reckless personality just to win my heart.

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 8:30am.. Sakura's Street.

I took the bus ride on the highway, I can tell the journey to Sakura city will be short and easy since I just have to pass through Shiroi and Yachiyo city along in the National Road before reaching Sakura city. I was so excited to see her in person. After reaching there, I exit out the bus to the bus stop. Taking a deep, full inhale of fresh air.

Lai: Ahh~! Fresh air!

That's when Kayaba disturbs the atmosphere.

Akihiko: You know where she actually lives, don't you?

Lai: ...Ah?

I silent a bit as I keep up the smile.. Trying to figure it out while being awkwardly silent to him.. Kayaba just patiently waiting for my answer.

Akihiko: ...

After another second have passed, I start to panic as I just realized I have no idea where to find her..

Lai: I don't know where she actually lives!

Akihiko: *Collapsed*

He facepalms himself.

Akihiko: Maybe you should listen from your mother before coming here..

I retort back to him as I yell at the phone.

Lai: Oh! Shut up! Stop trying to possess my phone as it's your home! That's literally violation to my privacy!

Akihiko: I'm not interested on discovering your privacy..

I check my phone's activity immediately. Just found out that the app "One Punch Man: The Strongest" just opened up recently. I immediately suspect that it was Kayaba's work.

Lai: Then, what are you doing with the game?

Akihiko: Just completing Daily Quests of yours... You sure have a bad luck on Gacha hell.

Lai: And you're not my servant as well! I can do this on my own!

I hold the power off button on my phone and immediately stuff it into my pocket.

Lai: For god's sake, I can already sense the trouble is brewing up someday from just hearing your voice!

I walk away from the bus stop furiously.. Still feeling that Kayaba is just right beside me no matter how hard I try to ignore him or shake the thought of him out of my mind.

Akihiko: ...Good grief... Why do I even bother these two...?

(Opening Song: Liar Mask - Rika Mayama. Author's note: Imagine it with this video.)

The old disk starts playing out the song..

Kuchi hateru you ni moyuru tsuki, Akatsuki ni shizumi yuku

(As the song starts, the scene shows the Aincrad is crumbling down to bits and bombs the land. Then it shows up the title "Sword Art Online".)

Tsukurareta kao de sotto chikadzuite Shinjiru mono wo yami ni otosu

(The Fallen Castle, which was a floating steel castle is now destroyed by them. The scene now changed to the a land full of Fairies. As the Army of Salamanders marching throughout the land while other races kneel down to them.)

Ito ni karamaru emono no you ni Tada hitasura ni sora wo aogu

(The scene now shows the main protagonist, Koharu who is in her room, innocently sitting on the bed and staring at the sky through the window while hugging tightly onto her animal plushie as she starts to worry, then the scene quickly switches to her unleashing her dark side. Then another main protagonist, Lai, who is standing behind a set of guns showcasing out while cleaning off the dust from the Glock 17, before loading in with a 9mm Parabellum Magazine, releases the slide and locks the bolt back.)

Kurikaesareru higeki bukimi ni warau ura no kao
Kore ijou nani hitotsu

(The scene is filled with newspapers titled with the mysteries of the 298 kidnapped victims after SAO incident. Then, it shows a man called Sugou Nobuyuki and behind him is a pile of female corpses that got unfortunately perished by his dark desire. The man tosses over two Poker Cards, one is with Lai's picture in a Spade King Card, another is Koharu's in Spade Queen Card to his partner, who is a cold-blooded chairman, sitting on his throne with thousands of Yakuza standing in front of him, attached with the logo of a Python snake, represent their cruelty and the desire to devour the entire Japan.)

Nakusanai you ni katana wo nuku

(The scene now shows them holding Crystal Magazine and their emptied Magic-Tech Rifle in-game, switching to the real life which they are now loading up their Heckler & Koch G36, Long Barrel Assault Rifle, ready to fight in Real Life and in Virtual Reality against large amount of enemies.)

Yami ni houmure yogoreta egao. Yariba no nai ikari, hanate!

(Lai headshots a Yakuza's head who is blocking the screen, then switch to Koharu who just cuts off someone's arm and shoots a few rounds of .45 ACP on his stomach then on the head with her FNX 45, bursting his brains out. Then the next scene is them in the airborne in Virtual Reality, Lai pulls out a Salamanders's wing and snaps his neck. Koharu shoots several Magic Projectiles from her Rifle, blasting another Salamander's body apart. Koharu slams her heel drop on someone before stabbing through another one's windpipe and blows his head apart with her Side-by-side, Custom Double Barrel Shotgun.)

Doredake no chi to namida wo nagashitara!

(In First Person's View, Lai inserts a Magazine to his M16A4 and then Koharu just chugs the fully charged Mana Crystal to the rifle. Then, back to Lai who just slaps the bolt release button before shooting down several incoming Yakuzas and the scene switch to Koharu who just uppercut melees with the weapon's stock.)

Inoru you ni kiri saite

(They both are strafing on the right side while taking fire from the enemies. As Koharu couldn't stop thinking about Haruna, who is in deep slumber, caused by a tragedy accident. The scene shows a statue of a god. Representing the god of humanity watches the duo murder their way to save the mankind from the pure and absolute evil.)

Kyou mo akaku someage yo!

(The scene shows Lai who starts wielding two Drum Mag AA12 as he mows down the Yakuzas to pieces while yelling out in berserk. As the drum hits, the scene shows the "Sword" before changing the screen to Koharu who just cuts someone's throat off and stabs on the neck. The scene changes by another drum hits to a word shows "Art" before showing Lai is wielding an Energy Chaingun, decapitating the Salamanders group. Lastly, it shows title "Sword Art Online" shaking violently with some bloods stains on the screen while the guitar plays through the session. As the drum hits again, the scene switches to Koharu who stabs the heart of a Yakuza to death in her silent kill, while Lai guns down any Yakuzas who are in his sights with his Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun. Suddenly, an Attack Helicopter mounted with Missiles Launcher surfaces up the screen and fires several missiles on them. They both noticed immediately and Lai quickly grabs an AK-47 with the GP-25 Grenade Launcher before exchanging fire to the Helicopter with a grenade.)

End of Opening...

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 5:00pm. Honda Residence in Sakura, Chiba.

Koharu's POV

I'm about to head outside again. This time with a loaf of bread, as I'm planning on feeding the Koi fishes at the long bridge in Lake Inba-Numa once in a week. The idea was actually recommended by my mother. As she encourages me to spend some time on mediating my mind from all the VR's brutal experience, by treating the others well as I can. Hopefully that it will somehow make myself feel better and have my consciousness clear to be able to forgive myself.. Just as Lai wants me to be.. Also.. To find out about the mysterious message.

Koharu: I'm heading out, Mom!

Haruna: Be safe out there!

I headed out with a loaf of bread, also with a new umbrella. In case for sudden rain and of course, for self defense purpose. I exit out the house and head over to the bridge by bus.


Lai's POV

A boy just panting out heavily for breath after spending his whole day finding Koharu.

Lai: *Sigh!* I can't find her at all..!

Akihiko: And you skipped your lunch as well..

I paused for a while.. Freaking out as I remember that I had never use my phone at all after shutting off.

Lai: How are you still in my phone!?

Akihiko: Well.. I'm still here just to see how long a human's stupidity can last.

Lai: Says the one who was once a proud GM but got his butt handed by a mere player in the end!

Akihiko: You never stop roasting, are you?

Lai: Not until you get out of my sight! You gave me enough nightmare!

I just noticed a lady with a kid both staring at me weirdly. I react it with embarrassment and walk away immediately. Quietly whispers to my phone.

Lai: And embarrassment as well..!

I could feel myself exhausted from all the searching. Coincidentally walked past the playground and decided to sit on the swing.

Lai: *Sigh* Honestly.. I'm kinda worried about her..

The voice of the man replies back to me. But I don't really care about him anymore.

Akihiko: About..?

I stare at the leaves glide away by the wind as I look at the sunset.

Lai: I sacrificed myself and left her alone, twice.. She could not handle the blow at all after what happened in Floor 20. I can't imagine what she will do this time..

As the thought of something bad could happen to her anytime worsening my mind. Suddenly, a cat walks in the playground, slowly approaching me and want a pat. I let out a smile and gently pat the cat's head as it snuggles against my palm. Then, a memory plays the very scene when I gave her the final kiss in my mind.

Lai: I broke the last Oath.. Right in front of her.. The promise of meeting each other in real life.. I know I can fix with the fact I'm still alive and kicking.. But I don't know if that can fix her feelings tho.

Akihiko: She will be fine..

Lai: ...

I went silent immediately.. Confused what he means with that.

Lai: ...What?

He repeats again through the Bluetooth earphones.

Akihiko: I said "She will be fine".

Hearing what he just said, I curiously ask..

Lai: How can you even tell from that?

Akihiko: She's in her mother's care. I'm sure she will be okay..

Lai: I died! Right in front of her, thanks to you! Now you're expecting her to be perfectly fine!?

The cat got startled and ran away from the playground. Accidentally scare away the cat from my palm.

Lai: Wait..!

I sigh out as the cat is already out of my sight..

Lai: Sorry..

Akihiko: ...

Lai: You could have just let us off after beating the hell out of you.. But no, you just can't accept your defeat and went all out on us!

Akihiko: But isn't this a part of your plan?

Lai: What do you mean?

Akihiko: You tampered with the console in my office, registered yourself and took over the Cardinal System once you're dead in virtual as your failsafe plan. Then, I never thought you revived me back up after ripping me in half so Koharu could get her revenge on me and kill me again. And the last thing I saw is you posed as a Titan who is about to chug the whole Steel Castle on me. That's why I know you had planned it out from the beginning.

Lai: ...

I kept silent as I couldn't get a word out.. Kayaba just waiting patiently.

Akihiko: I assume I got it right?

Lai: ...

The tension starts rising up between us. I went silent as I struggle to find the answer to his question.

Akihiko: ...

Lai: ...

Suddenly, I couldn't help but to joke with it in the end..

Lai: Ah..! You figured it out already.. Just as I expected from geniuses like you. ^^"

I could hear the sound of something hit on the ground.

Akihiko: *Collapsed* And you're not even try to deny it..

Lai: Well.. Not a bad plan, isn't it? But it's already over.. So it doesn't matter anymore.

He suddenly replies back, sounds like he got offended.

Akihiko: You crushed my dream, along with the Steel Castle I had worked for decades and call yourself a hero? Human can be this despicable and arrogant even though I saved you both from him.

Lai: Says the one who trapped 10,000 of them in a death- Wait..

I immediately feel suspicious from his reply.. I stare back at my phone with the screen that is on a phone call.

Lai: What did you just said?

Akihiko: ...

The phone shuts down itself by him. I noticed it and quickly try to boot my phone back up.

Lai: Hey! What do you mean by that!?

As I boot it back up, the phone functions back to its usual state. No sign of Akihiko Kayaba possessing it at all.

Lai: Damn it..!

After a few seconds, I just received a message from an anonymous. A message that says "Lake Inba-Numa", along with a screenshot of a place marked in the map.

Lai: ...

I can already tell that I have a bad feeling from this. But at the same time and somehow, I can't ignore it. Good thing is I brought a sidearm with me today, still concealed in my hoodie. I decided to go to the location that is marked on the map in the screenshot, regardless of the risk.

Then, someone is stalking him via the security camera, starts tracking Lai once he made his movement.

Timeskip... Bridge in Lake Inba-Numa.

Koharu's POV

I teared up the bread into small pieces and sprinkles out into the lake. I could see several big fishes already surfaced up, trying to snatch away the food. I enjoy watching the view of the fishes swimming lively. But my mind is off to somewhere else far as I struggle to believe if the message was true or not. The picture I received, along with the message is actually shows Lai holding a handgun. And seems that he is in his target practice I assume. His appearance is exactly the same from what he looks like in SAO. So there's no way that someone could imitate his look and photoshopped in with it, and asking me to come to the lake without any reason. Several of bread pieces slipped out from my hand without me noticing it at all.

Koharu: Ah!

I snapped out from my thought quickly, trying my best to relax my mind as I take a deep breath and close my eyes. But it didn't help me clear out the doubt about Lai's status. I genuinely believe that he is still alive.. Somehow.. That's what my heart gave me hope for that at least.. But still, the scene of him disappeared in front of me is already burned in my mind, the ashes I could not wipe away and became the mark that would always remain for eternity.

Koharu: ...

I realized I still couldn't handle my emotion. Feeling emotionally weak as I hug myself. Trying not to burst out in tears in the end.

Koharu: Am I still weak and insecure after all? After how I beat Kayaba?

I quickly pack up my things and immediately start heading home in a rush.

Meanwhile... Lai arrived at the bridge and almost reach to the middle.

Lai's POV

I casually stroll through the long bridge with my hands behind my head, while walking through the bridge in slow pace.

"Even how I saved you both from him".

I struggle to figure out the meaning behind Kayaba's word.

Lai: (I wonder what he means with that..)

I try to figure out about why Kayaba suddenly blurt that out of nowhere, disappeared and sent a location for me without any reasons.


Then, I felt a huge impact from something else as I accidentally bump into someone else who is coming fast from the opposite.

No one's POV

Lai and Koharu: Ah! I'm sor- !!

They both surprised as both of them quickly recognize each other's voice. But still unsure..

Lai: Is that...?

Koharu: I know this voice..

They finally look up at each other.

Koharu: Lai?

Lai: Koharu?

Lai got surprised even more by new straight, long hair of her. As for Koharu, she was shocked that her partner is still alive, lively in front of her. Both of them were just standing there as their mind couldn't help but to accept what they just saw. The silent breaks when Koharu asks the person she didn't expect for.

Koharu: Is..! Is that really you? Lai?

He looks at her.. Her name is the only word his mouth could come up with.

Lai: Koharu..? You look...


But before Lai tries to formulate a sentence. He immediately feels a quick slap from Koharu that leaves a red tint on his cheek.

Lai: !!

Then, the next thing he receives is a tight hug from Koharu who bursts out crying in his chest while desperately yelling out to scold him, venting out her suffering at him..

Koharu: You left me again, Lai! How could you...! How could you do this to me!?

Lai: Koharu..

He could clearly hears her cries getting even louder as she worries him even more.

Koharu: I want you to live! But I couldn't protect you in the end! I keep blaming myself till this day because of that!

He feels guilty to the point that saying sorry isn't going to resolve the fact that he caused his partner traumatized with his death.

Koharu: I almost drop my hope of you being alive! I don't know if I should be happy or mad at you! It's been very awful for me, even though it's just two months! And I struggle to get over the feelings because a part of me always been longing for you!

He hugs her tight to keep her in control. She struggles to get out at first.. But inevitably let go of her resist as she feels slowly and genuinely happy that he is alive deep down inside of her feelings. Ultimately calming down her heart. They both release a bit to stare at each other, locking their eye contacts. Then slowly, their faces start leaning in until both of their lips are finally connect.


Both of their lips stay attached, as they are kissing willingly, letting out quiet smooches. Both of them push their lips in for more while feeling each other's affection what they have been longing for. After 10 minutes, they finally break the kiss, still holding each other very close. Like both of them didn't want to let go of each other yet.

Lai: I almost forgot our last promise.. So I came back to fulfill it.

Koharu: ...

She closes her eyes, finally letting go of her grief. Resting in his embrace.

Koharu: Still... It's hard for me to forgive you.. You scared me so much..

He comes up with a cheerful jokes.

Lai: Well, Satan rejected my love letter and Hades just friendzoned me. So I came back to you, to think if you will accept my letter tho..

She pouts quietly, as she couldn't just laugh it off.

Koharu: Geez... You sure choose a wrong time for jokes.

He chuckles..

Lai: Can't let you being sulky forever. At least, we had saved everyone out of SAO. Including ourselves...

She felt relieved to the fact that they both cleared the game. Just as what they promised.

Koharu: Yeah..

She hugs back and buries her face in his chest this time, Lai can still hear her silent cries as she is still scared of losing him.

Koharu: Just.. Don't leave me again.. Okay?

Lai: I won't.. Koharu..

Lai continues to caress her long hair.. Koharu felt embarrassed as she feels his gentle caress..

Koharu: Please don't make a mess on my hair.. Lai..

Lai: You look.. Differently beautiful somehow..

Instead of her lagging in the middle of her sentence, she looks down as her face blushes.. Whispering out her reply to him.

Koharu: Don't say that.. You're making me blush..

Lai chuckles silently.. As both of their feelings finally settled down.. Lai is about to confess his feelings..

Lai: Koharu.. I love-

Before he could say the sacred word.. His sentence got cut off rudely as he notices several men just approach from behind Koharu.

Lai: Huh?

Koharu: ?

She looks around, noticing several men coming from Lai's behind. Resulting both of them being surrounded.

Koharu: Behind you!

They break their embrace in an instant before checking the situation they're in. Noticing 4 on each sides, some of them armed with a metal bat.

Man 1: Oi! B*tch! I heard you hurt one of my buddy! You got some nerves, don't you!?

Their unpleasant approach irritates Lai. But he calmly asks his partner.

Lai: You know them?

Koharu: Just some random guy I beat up at the store... Apparently, their attitude needs some fixing.

Lai: Damn.. All that survival experience has finally paid off, isn't it..?

Koharu: But it costs my mentality in the end.. I don't think the reward is worth with the price like that..

Suddenly, one of the man going for the attack towards Lai while shouting arrogantly.

Man 1: Hey! Don't ignore him when he's talking to-!

A Spiked brass knuckles fist just uppercuts on the man's stomach.


Man 1: *Cough!* Ugh!


*Blood drip*

Several blood drips on the wooden bridge. As the spikes of Lai's brass knuckles stabbed on the stomach.

Lai: *sigh*

He slowly twists his fist, the spikes drills around inside the flesh, resulting delivers a continuous pain on the man that drops his bat. Lai eventually pull out and pushes him away, he grabs the bat, proceeding with a bash on his head that knocks him out of his consciousness before throwing it away.

Lai: Things never changed, do they?

Men: Get them!

Koharu clashes up against another man with her umbrella. Thrust against his chest like a bayonet. She grabs his head and bash on the metal railing mercilessly and stomp the man's face. Lai strafes away from the man's punch, punching on the upper chest, the brass knuckles breaks his ribs while the spike stabs the lung. Then, Lai carries him entirely, kick away another one who approaches with incoming attack before throwing the man out from the bridge.


Lai bounces the metal bat with his stomp, then tosses it to Koharu after calling out for her.

Lai: Koharu!

She catches it as she already knew Lai's next move. But it immediately rings her with a memory, the one when she was fighting Kayaba in dual wielding after her partner's death. She grips both of her weapons hard and shouts out her battle cries as she goes for the kill.

Koharu: Haaah!!

She parries one with her umbrella and thrusts his stomach, causes him to bow down, then she immediately smacks his face back up with the metal bat. She swings a roundhouse strike with both. Smacking him so hard that crushes the windpipe and pushes the man off the bridge.


Eventually, in order to put a stop on the fight. Lai suddenly pulls out a suppressed Coonan 357 Magnum M1911 pistol from his pocket. Pointing straight at the next one's forehead in a distance. The man immediately stops his move, the same goes to the others once they noticed Lai has pulled out his sidearm pistol.

Man 3: !!

Koharu notices Lai as well, shocking her as Lai still keep his cool.

Koharu: Is he!?

After a few seconds, instead of being terrified.. He sarcastically laughs out loud.

Man 3: Hmph.. Nice try scaring me with that airsoft gun of yours..

Lai: ...

Koharu suddenly remembers he has experience of the firearms when she saw the picture of him firing a gun. Also that time when he mentioned his father is the chief of weapon manufacturer.

Koharu: Wait! Don't!!!


Instead of 45 ACP Ammo like other M1911, a 357 Magnum Bullet just shoots out from his Coonan M1911 pistol. Resulting of blowing his whole head off like a water balloon. The blood stains around the wooden bridge and the railing, some of the brain pieces even stain on Lai's hoodie. But the gun sound was suppressed by the attached suppressor on its muzzle. The momentum of the 357 Magnum bullet strikes so hard that launches the headless man's body off the bridge.


Lai: Like an airsoft gun needs a suppressor..

The others just witnessed the death of the man. They drop their bat and start running away from the duo. Lai changes his target and shoots on the escaping man on the heart. Then, he shoots the other two who are running away from Koharu. Then finally, he ends the life of the remaining two who got knocked down to the ground with bullet on their heads without any mercy.

*Plak!* *Plak!*

Except the duo, the others did not survived from the fight at all. Koharu just witnessed the violence, gore and the blood all around her partner who just concealed his sidearm pistol back to his pocket, terrified by his cruelty. Lai also takes off his hoodie and wraps it around his waist to cover up the blood since his shirt is still clean. She calls out to him..

Koharu: Lai?

Lai: Hm?

She asks with her terrified tone and expression..

Koharu: Do you realized what have you done?

Lai: ...

Lai finally explains to her..

Lai: You let them go.. They'll come back with more. Just to get you back.. I'm sure we don't want that at all... Or else we will end up in the same situation that happened in Floor 20.. And I will not allow it to happen again..

His remind about the Floor 20 gave her enough reason behind the action he just did.. But Lai could tell she has troubles to accept the fate after their reunion.

Koharu: ...So it's still happening to us... They'll just keep coming no matter what..

Lai: Koharu...

She stares down to the ground, thanking him in her quiet tone..

Koharu: Thanks for protecting me...

Lai: Koharu..

As Lai tries to comfort her.. She distances herself from him.

Koharu: I'm sorry! I need time to think! I don't want to see you at this moment.. At least until I calm down.. Please give me some time..

After that, she runs away without a proper goodbye to him, nor even for exchanging phone numbers. As she couldn't accepts their cruel fate, especially what her partner has just became now..

Koharu: (I'm sorry, Lai...!)

She already disappeared from Lai's sight, leaving him alone with several corpses lying around him motionless. On the other side, he couldn't do anything for her but to let her have some space and time to accept him and what happened today. Lai picks up all the empty bullet casings he just spent on the ground, additionally kicks the corpses for a few times for venting out his frustration.

Lai: Thanks for "warming" up our reunion, bastards..

He leaves the bridge, like nothing has ever happened..

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 7:00pm..

Lai's POV.

I just took a ride on a random bus, sat at the far corner of the seat, leaning my head against the window while looking at the evening night as I'm currently heading back home.. My mind filled with worries about Koharu after what she had seen what I did back at the bridge.

Lai: (Hope she can cope it somehow..)

I hope I'm just overthinking. But I can tell her personality has changed completely. In SAO, she was the one who used to cheer everyone up whenever we face some difficulties.. But this time, in real life, it's my turn to cheer her up no matter what.. Especially after how she went through the horrifying past.. As I worried about her.. Kayaba just interrupt in, without any notice.. In my wireless earbuds.

Akihiko: How is the reunion?

Lai: You're the one who arranged this, aren't you?

Akihiko: Well, I didn't expect you'd figure it out..

Lai: Just tell me what you want from me..

Akihiko: Don't be misunderstood, I only need the help from the two of you instead..

Lai: Good luck approaching her.. She will just break her own phone.

Akihiko: ...

He silences for a while.. Then, he shows a concern for her.

Akihiko: How's her condition right now?

Lai: Traumatized, of course.. And she just gave me a slap to my face for abandoning her again.

After answering, I didn't hear a reply from him..

Lai: You there?

Akihiko: ...Nothing.. We'll resume our conversation once we are home..

Lai: ...

Timeskip... Lai's Apartment Complex..

Once after I just got back home and finally back to lobby hub.. I toss my belongings onto the couch. I immediately vent out my exhaustion from all the trouble I went through just to find and reunite with Koharu. I also toss my bloody hoodie straight to the washing machine, decided to wash it first after dinner.

*Stomach growling*

Lai: Ah...! I'm really famished right now..! I can't skip my dinner this time!

I tiredly head straight to the kitchen, grabbing a cooking pot, filling it up with tap water and place it on the electric stove before starting up with low fire. I grab 4 packs of instant ramen noodles with chicken flavor out from the cupboards filled with other noodle pack, along grabbing two eggs, some Japanese fish cake and other fillings, a pack of spring onions from the smart refrigerator. I set it on the cutting board and grab a kitchen knife, start chopping it all into pieces before filling up the small bowl with the chopped pieces. I could hear the electric stove just turned off on its own, out of the sudden. I immediately assume it was Kayaba's move.

Lai: Was that really necessary?

Then, the electric stove turns back on after I called out to him. I realized I wasn't wearing the earbuds anymore. I sigh out loud as I worry how my life will turn out to be with Akihiko Kayaba being around.

Lai: *sigh* I don't know if I should get used to it or not..

Once the water is boiled up, I put all 4 dried blocks of noodles in. Waiting until it all gets soaked and softened eventually. Next, I pour some seasonings from the packets. Later adding two eggs in the end. Once it's all cooked, I simply pour it into a big bowl and sprinkles with some spring onions and some Japanese fish cakes. I carefully set the bowl onto the table.

Lai: Done! Itadakimasu!

Timeskip... Japan Standard Time, 8:00pm..

After dinner, I apply a detergent on the blood stained part of my hoodie by rubbing on it before starting up the washing machine since the blood is still fresh, letting the machine do the rest of the cleaning as I return back to my room

I set my sidearm on the round table in front of the bean bag chair. Detached both the magazine and the suppressor before pulling the slide out to eject the loaded bullet and start cleaning up the Coonan 357 Magnum M1911, the suppressor, all the empty bullet casings and anything that got stained with blood during that fight with tissues before throwing it to the toilet and flush it. Then also throwing the empty bullet casings into the trash can. I just wear the earbuds on to stay on contact with Kayaba..

Lai: I'm on.

Akihiko: Great.. Now proceed to our conversation about the deal.

I continue cleaning up my sidearm, pulling the slide for a few times to test if the gun is jammed or not. Lock the bolt by pushing up with the lever.

Lai: Where were we left off?

Akihiko: About the man you fought against before. Alberich..

I release the gun's bolt back by pushing down the lever with my thumb.

Lai: Oh yeah, who the hell is he? What is his motive?

He reveals the true name and the man's history, also shares any relationships with him involved.

Akihiko: Sugou.. Sugou Nobuyuki.. A genius who went to the same college as mine back when we're just around your age.. Also.. How should I call.. Just a "rival" of mine.

I grab the ejected bullet and insert it back to the magazine. I could hear the sound of my desktop just boot up on its own by Kayaba.

Lai: Oh god.. Another one of those prodigies with psychopathic motives like you?

He immediately replies with a yes..

Akihiko: Probably yes, but he is way worse than mine..

I reply back while walking towards the closet.

Lai: But I can only tell yours is no different than him anyway... But.. Tell me more about it..

I push the closet away and reveal an automatic door disguised as the wall before accessing to my well-hidden armory.

Akihiko: Well, the only difference is our goals.. And what we pursue..

I put my Coonan 1911 pistol on the wall display, grabbing a feather duster before wiping the dust away from the guns.

Lai: How come?

Akihiko: I'm merely aim for creating a world and be freed from the law and restrictions. But he aims to be the only human that is truly created by the god and thinks he is far more superior compared to the others.

Lai: So...? How is he gonna do that?

Akihiko: Remember the 298 SAO Survivors still haven't awake?

Lai: Yeah.. I also remember you said he is experimenting with the players.. What is he gonna do?

Akihiko: ...Mind control.. In other words, brainwashing..

I snapped out and reply with a shocking tone.

Lai: What!?

I accidentally inhale some dust, ended up sneezing out loud.

Lai: *Cough!* God damn! Hm?

I quickly got out from the armory. Noticing the monitor has booted up and already shown with the information of Sugou Nobuyuki. I sit on the chair, spinning around once before start reading the info and bios about him.

Akihiko: Unbelievable.. Isn't it?

I just read the article that Kayaba share the link to me. Just knowing him currently working as the Chief of RECT Inc's Research Institute.

Lai: No wonder... But how did he even do that?

Akihiko: If I remember correctly.. The security system of the SAO will automatically shut down once the game is clear. I assume he took his chance to reroute the player's mind to his laboratory. Using them as his test subjects..

Lai: That's messed up.. The government should've known it!

Akihiko: The government are still new to the Full Dive Tech.. Only me, because I'm the only one who discovered this kind of technology so I know its in and out, better than anyone else at least..

Lai: I see..

Despite his explanation is very clear, but it did not clear off my doubts about Kayaba.

Lai: But how can I trust you? I have doubts of you secretly working with him..

Akihiko: You will need my help.. And I need yours.. So it's a win-win situation..

Lai: I rather hand this information over to Detective Yong, she's dealing on this case now.

Akihiko: Doing that will result both of you and Koharu in danger.

Lai: How?

Akihiko: I had retrieved the data of Koharu's and your avatar's stats and history. If they run a check on the data.

Lai: Which means...

He whispers quietly..

Akihiko: Yes... They'll know what actually caused the player's deaths. And they'll know it's you..

Lai: !!

I just realized all the crimes I did against the Orange and Red players. I'm curiously ask that could shock me completely.

Lai: ...How many did I got rid of?

He went quiet for a while.. But still answer back regardless.

Akihiko: Half of the entire SAO's Player database..

Lai: ...

I lie back.. Just realized the all the Orange, Red, other ALF and HDA guild players I've killed result that I had annihilated half of the SAO.

Lai: Damn.. Did I purged out criminals that many?

Akihiko: I regret having the PvP system in.. Should've make it like Toram Online from Asobimo.

Lai: I was about to say that.. But why do you still keeping my account?

Akihiko: You will know in the future...

Lai: Uhm... Okay..?

Without wasting any time wondering, he goes back to the topic..

Akihiko: Back to the topic, the Cardinal System itself has been protecting the SAO servers against any hackers. So the police assume it was my work, for now..

Lai: They did not find anything inside the storage because of the Cardinal.

Akihiko: Yes.. Now all the data inside the server has been erased. So you can rest assured.. For now.. And another thing is.. Sugou already has his eyes on you and the girl..

Lai: !?

Hearing the warning from him, I started to worry about her..

Lai: Wha-!? Why her!?

Akihiko: You will learn about-

Lai: Cut the dramatic bullshiet and tell me!

Akihiko: I am still investigating on that on my own. So I don't have the right answer for you yet..

Lai: ...

Listening to him warning me about that Sugou guy. My guts start sensing a bad feeling about this matter.. Very, very bad.. But my mind was filled with worries about Koharu's safety.

Lai: Will Koharu be safe..?

He answers back without a doubt..

Akihiko: ...She will be fine..

I head back to the Armory, refilling the clip with the 357 Magnum Ammunition.

Lai: ...You better be right about that.. What should I do to stop him?

Akihiko: I advise you to see him in person first.. I've seen some records of him visiting Yokohama's General Hospital once in a week.

Lai: That's on the other side of Tokyo, isn't it?

Akihiko: Yes..

Lai: But what for?

Akihiko: For visiting the KoB second-in-command, Asuna..

Lai: Asuna? She hasn't awake yet!?

Akihiko: Correct.. Rumors said he is.. Asuna's real life fiance. Chosen by her family..

Lai: WHAT!?

Akihiko: I guess he had became that desperate after got himself rejected by her. But let's put that aside first.

Lai: Oh yeah, I guess some of my friends are still trapped in somewhere.

Akihiko: I will collect the list of the 298 SAO Survivors. For you to see who hasn't awake yet. Just as you said, some of your friends might still in the same status as Asuna's..

Lai: So it hasn't ended yet, huh?

Akihiko: Well, be glad this isn't part of my plan. Putting a stop to Sugou's plan is now my main intention. I will check the schedule for his next visit.

Lai: What are you gonna do next after all this?

He sends a password protected zip file into my desktop's download folder.

Akihiko: To give my message to her.. Koujiro Rinko. I want you to meet up with her in person and give her with this txt file in this zip file once this is over. That is the only request I have for you. Do we have a deal?

Lai: ...

I went silent, curious about his relationship with her..

Lai: Is she.. Your woman?

Akihiko: Correct.. I am... How should I say.. Somehow still concerning about her safety in the real world.

I stopped the conversation for a while, as I consider of taking this request from him. The man that gave everyone two years of living hell. I have to explain to him before giving out my answer to him.

Lai: I have to make myself clear.. I ain't doing this for you. Because I can't deny the fact you're the one who made this mess in the first place. But I can't just simply ignore a woman who got left behind by her beloved. I just.. Don't want it happens to her, just like what happened to Koharu, twice.

Akihiko: So I assume it's a yes...

I cough out to make myself clear.

Lai: Maybe I will.. Or maybe not.. Because I could not understand the mind of the prodigies like you anymore.

It was an unsure answer, but it gave Kayaba enough reason behind my decision.

Akihiko: Very well... Then...

He declares out our newly formed cooperation.

Akihiko: I look forward to working with you.. Oathkeeper..

The monitor returns back to the desktop screen with several shortcut exes.

Lai: ...

I resume on gathering information about Sugou before quietly shutting down my PC.. Also taking care of the firearms before closing the door and pushing the closet back covering the hidden door. I head downstairs to get my hoodies dry out the water after getting it washed by the washing machine. I switch off the lights in the lobby hub before heading back to my bedroom. Decided to sleep in earlier, preparing myself for any disasters that the future is gonna throw at me..

End of Chapter...

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