Chapter 31: Dark Hope.

Several hours ago, before the raid starts...

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 11:30am.. Floor 22, Serene Shore.

Nishida, who was about to take a break from his daily fishing. Carries the bucket and his fishing rod, about to head back to his wooden shack. Suddenly, he encounters Lai.. Who is about to call him out, seeing him with his hands inside his pockets.

Nishida: Oh, it's you, Lai! I thought you guys are at the front lines. What brings you here?

Lai: I just need a talk before joining the raid..

He immediately accepts his request..

Nishida: Sure. Come on in! I'll prepare some tea for both of us.

Inside Nishida's shack.

Upon entering, Lai could immediately notices a lot types of fishes hanging at the walls as display, represent Nishida's pride and achievements. Lai casually takes a seat at the couch, waiting till Nishida serves up with two cups of tea for both of them.

Nishida: So what brings you here, Lai?

He stares down the tea, not intended to drink it yet. He replies back.

Lai: I supposed you met Kirito and Asuna before they left?

Nishida: Yeah.. You all were about to join the floor raid so I was seeing them off. What's wrong?

Lai: Nothing.. What were you three talking about?

Nishida: ...

He takes a sip of his tea, asking him a question before starting his explanation.

Nishida: It's November 5th... Do you know what that means?

Lai: Huh?

Nishida: I assumed you already forgot.. It was the day when the sales of Sword Art Online has begun.

Lai: How do you remember that?

He answers back honestly..

Nishida: I wrote a diary of me surviving through this death game.. How I adjust, settle my life here. Especially how I made it this far. In case if one day that I ever died in this virtual world, someone from police investigations or the governments will eventually see my diary through the data mining. So the people in the real world will know about my journey and how great the view is in this world.

Lai: Is that even possible?

Nishida: Even though we just advanced to Full dive technology and there's still a lot that left to be discovered. Our minds are actually in a Cyber World.

Lai: Are you sure about that?

Nishida: Don't take me as a typical normal folk. Although I'm fisherman in this game. In Japan, I was head of the network security for a company. Called Tohto High-Speed Internet.

Lai: Tohto High-Speed Internet?

Nishida: Yeah.. It's the network operator company that worked with Argus. I remembered I was in charge of maintaining the network connection for this game before being trapped in the game.

Lai got curious after knowing Nishida's job in real life.

Lai: Wait!

Nishida: Hm?

Lai: If you're the head of network operator.. Who's in charge right now?

He sighs as he couldn't find the answer.. He replies in depressed tone.

Nishida: I afraid I can't answer.. We all don't even know what's happening in the real world while we're in here.. But there's one thing I'm certain about.. It's about Argus..

Lai: What about it?

Nishida: I supposed that the company, Argus might've been inevitably disbanded long ago due to the incident of 10,000 players trapped in their game. I mean inevitably.. Even the government ignores this.. I'm sure many of the player's families had took action towards Argus..

Lai: Being sued by many of their loved ones.. I can assume that issue alone resulting the company in bankruptcy?

Nishida: That's right, Kid.. If they went in bankruptcy, then I have no clue what company they sold their rights to.

Lai: Damn... That's why this game is still on..

Nishida: I expected the government could get us out of here.. But now it's been two years.. So that means we're on our own.

Lai: Yeah..

Nishida: I know what you did that night after party.. Lai..

Lai: Huh?

Nishida: You managed to find the console inside this game and got most of the players away. I'm genuinely impressed by you. You could be a hero once they spread the word.

He chuckles a bit..

Lai: Hero? I don't really care that much.. You and I are survivors. It's naturally to help each other up. Anyway, I guess you also encountered the error as well?

Nishida: No.. I didn't leave because of the error..

Lai: Huh? Why!?

Nishida: Actually.. I'm happy that you all had been working hard risking your life on clearing the game. Even if I make it back somehow, I don't know if I can return to my old job... Or even find a new job at this age.. So I took this two years as my retirement year. You can say I already had given up on escaping..

Lai: Nishida..

He adjusts his glasses..

Nishida: I'm not sure how much this body of mine could take before I could finally go down. But I'm sure it'll be soon. So I told myself that I should be spending my time here as much as I can, fishing while staring at the beautiful view that this world could offer before I passed away..

Lai: But..

Nishida: I know what you're about to say.. It's my decision after all..

Hearing his decision has been made, Lai couldn't help but to stay silent on this.. Until he changed his mind.

Lai: No! I'm still getting you out of here!

He went silent a bit.. Then, replies back with just a few of words.

Nishida: ...Give me a good reason..

Then, he explains out..

Lai: I totally agreed with you that Aincrad did offered a lot of sceneries, I would definitely missed this place once we got out from this game and I totally get it! But this is not the world that we're originally from. We wanted to go back to the real world is because of course.. We missed our homes, our lifestyle and the view that we see every single day, so we could enjoy back to our peaceful lives. Yeah sure, I've seen better views from this world compared to ours. But there's one thing I'm certain about.. Is that in terms of realistic, our world can't be compared to this world at all.

Nishida: ...

Lai: I wish I could felt it back as a real thing for me. A scene that is genuinely true to me. That's what makes ours even more beautiful and memorable. Because of its reality..

Nishida: Lai..

He smiles out to him, giving him the hope that he wanted for..

Lai: So Koharu and I will save you! Then, we could go on for some fishing at the lake once we met! I bet you probably still craving a lot for soy sauce in Japan!

Suddenly, he shouts out in excitement as Lai just mentioned the soy sauce part.

Nishida: Oh yeah! The soy sauce in Japan is still number one for me! I guess I have a reason now.

He collapses down..

Lai: (Should've said that earlier..) *Sweatdropped*

Soon, he finally agrees with Lai.. His hand reaches out to him as he makes a promise with him. Lai got surprised by his offer.

Nishida: Thank you, Lai.. It's a deal then!

Lai gladly accepts it as another promise.

Lai: Deal! I'll hold onto that!

Nishida: Hope we meet again in real life. And we'll go fishing for real.

Lai: I guess we'll see you tomorrow..

He stands up, about to head out.. Nishida stops him.

Nishida: Wait.. Before you go..

Lai: Huh?

He looks at him with serious expression..

Nishida: This conversation will turn out a lot more sensitive.. Do you wish to hear it out?

Lai: ...

He agrees casually with a nod as he couldn't think what kind of question he would ask.. He sits back down to the couch.

Nishida: If you feel it sensitive, just bear it with me, okay?

Lai: Okay...

He takes another sip of his tea, setting it on the plate before asking for the sensitive question.

Nishida: About those you've killed...? Do you ever spare a thought for them when doing that..

The boy pauses there for a while after hearing the questions from Nishida.

Lai: You're not the only one who asks with this question.

Lai: I've done it to the point I'm comfortable to do it. To put it simple, I just got used to it.. Spare their lives or even a thought for them. You're out from this game. That's what I told myself.

His answers takes the old man a few seconds to accept..

Nishida: I can understand your situation that time.. But what I'm worried is about the public tho..

Lai: ...

He silences for a while. Nishida explains it again and more specifically this time.

Nishida: I'm saying is.. Once we get back, if someone knows all of your doings and told the media.. I can't imagine how the world will treat you..

Lai: ...

A lot of hate from the public and getting beat down by the victim families he had killed are the first thought he could imagine. The question alone is enough to make him worried, not only because of him, it's because it will drag Koharu into the mess as well.

Lai: If the world rejects me.. I might as well be going somewhere unknown, somewhere unthinkable. I believe there's somewhere I belong to..

Nishida: Lai.. Sorry for asking this...

He smiles at him..

Lai: No, it's okay.. Like I said, you're not the only one who asks this kind of question.. I'm very used to it right now..

The old man silents a bit.. Letting the boy to finish his explanation.

Lai: Trading with the wicked, tainted souls I've killed in exchange for saving the innocents will always be the best choice for me. It's not about winning or losing, no matter how many Criminal Players appears in this world, I will never stop killing until I achieve world peace, especially as long as I can prevent any innocent lives being taken away. Then I can rest..

Nishida: ...

He takes a breath to let out the negative feelings away. Nishida compliments him.

Nishida: You're braver than any of the players who risked their lives. You could be the Japan's greatest asset. It's just.. It's sad that the people might not appreciate your doing.

He chuckles..

Lai: Well, that's why I rather chose the painful truth over the pleasant lies. Our real world is way more beautiful than this Virtual World.. Because of its cruel reality.

The old man silents down.. Trying to convince him to stay alive.

Nishida: I remembered that she adviced me to live to the fullest. She's a fine girl with great spirit.

Lai: Is that so? Glad you met her..

Nishida: What I'm trying to say is, I want you to stay alive to the end. I believe our promise is not the first one you had made with, am I right?

Lai stops his step as he hears it..

Lai: Yeah.. Most of it I had made is with Koharu..

Nishida: Then, try to stay alive. At least for her.. I'm sure you wouldn't want her to experience the pain of losing someone precious to her.

Lai: She'll be fine.. She still has her mother to support her..

Nishida: What if she doesn't?

Lai: ...

He takes a deep breath, struggling to recognise the lies that persuading him that "she'll be fine".

Lai: Then, I'll be damned for sure.

Nishida: Lai..

His depressed expression starts to reveal out as he gradually losses his smile..

Lai: I'm fine.. I'm running out of time now, I still have other things to prepare for the raid.

Nishida: Wait!

He immediately leaves the shack, leaving Nishida alone. He murmurs out under his breath as he walks further away..

Lai: Yuuki...

Then, he looks back to the shack.

Lai: You all will be back to the real world soon.. I don't know if I can come with you.

Then, he takes out a Teleport Crystal. Decided to revisit Floria in Floor 47 for flower picking..

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 12:00pm.. Floor 47, Hill of Memories.

The weather is still clear at this hour, calm winds gently blow through the land. Lai just arrived at the Hill and walks through the ocean of fauna, filled with different types of colorful flowers as his mind wandering around the void. He stares up to the blue sky as the warm wind blows through his coat, while standing on the sea of flowers. Lai reminds back to what Nishida had said to him as he couldn't simply take his eyes away from the beautiful scenery and the memories he had with Koharu.

Lai: It's different from what you said, Nishida.. It's not I don't want to leave this place because of this beautiful scenery.. It's because the memories I had with Koharu. It's her- No... It's the dreamland that we both wished for..

He carefully pluck up a bunch of White Orchids and a bunch of Purple Aconites separately. He inspects the view during his final visit before joining the raid.

Lai: Wish I could store this picture to you as a final memory of this place..

The view just reminded him how they traded their feelings with the flower language, still clearly remember the Red Tulips, the type of flowers that Koharu chose for him. And of course the other is Red Rose, the flower that he chose for her. He searches both of them as well and just pluck one for each. He takes a sniff on the two lovely couple flowers, giving him the most pleasant smell ever with the combination of the flower fragrance. He keeps the Rose and Tulip inside his storage, heading to Floor 1 with a bouquet of White Orchids and the Purple Aconites on his hand. Then, he walks to the Teleport Gate.

Timeskip... Floor 1, Black Iron Palace.

The boy arrives in front of the Monument of Life, with the flowers he just recently plucked rest on his hand. Lai sets the White Orchids bouquet on the left for the lost of innocent lives he couldn't save, Purple Aconites on the right for the one who deserves to perish horribly and brutally.

Lai: I'm sure she'll be safely return back to the real world. For me.. If I die here, I would definitely be visiting you all and kill you all again.

Then, he sets the Red Rose and the Red Tulips on the middle, forming in a cross, as a mark of their eternal love. He takes his leave after bowing down in front of the Monument of Life. Then, he takes his hood on.. Preparing all the potions and ammunitions he could get.

Back to Floor 75's Boss Room..



"An enemy of endless might"

"I can feel the hope is fading away.. Filled with doubts"

"But I can't give up.."

"Not until I get her out of here"

Couple of seconds has been passed after the knockdown, Lai quickly and gradually recover his consciousness.

Lai: Ugh....

As he slowly regains his consciousness back, but his vision is yet still in pitch black as he hasn't fully recovered from the knock down, he could hear his breathing noises, couldn't know how is the status of his HP. He could feel an impact planted on his stomach that rudely wakes him up.. He could faintly hears her shouts to him.

Lai: Gah! Huff...!

Koharu: Don't hurt him!!

Then, his vision starts to recover. Immediately realize the situation they're in now.

KoB Member 1: You're awake, huh?

Upon opening his eyes, he looks for his partner, as Koharu is always the first one he has in his mind. As he sees her being held captive by the player he got despised from, Nautilus.. With a dagger placed on Koharu's neck. The worst is, a Fish-lipped, ugly bastard KoB Member tries to take advantage on Koharu's body.

KoB Member 3: Hehe... Let me explore your body before you die..

Koharu: Screw off!

She immediately shot a kick right on his face before he could even set his hand on her skin. The knockback blows him far but Godfree got his back.

KoB Member 3: You wretch!

Suddenly, he got stopped by Godfree who is secretly standing on their side. Standing by until they will break free.

Godfree: Touching her might dirty your hands. We are the KoB and we do not mix our blood with the degenerates.

KoB Member 3: Hmph! That's right!

Lai yells out while resisting away from the other members who held him.

Lai: Don't you fecking dare touch her!

Then, he looks back at the KoB Group who were boosted to Level 800 recently by Akihiko Kayaba. Worse is, they stole all of Lai and Koharu's ranged weapons, recovery, buff potions and all of their ammunitions except their Daggers and Swords. Two of them are carrying Automatic Crossbows, one has the Pump-Action Crossbow in his possession, Saber Rifle is another KoB Member. More worse is, another one is actually holding his Perforator, but fortunately is the player didn't know that it hasn't loaded yet due to his lack of gun knowledge. This made him let out a quiet sigh until he hears the barrels of an Arrow Minigun are spinning, the Nailgun's loading sound and the Pipe Bomb Launcher being set. All of them pointing at him with the ranged weapons they just acquired.

Lai: (Great... Why would I even brought a Minigun to a raid?)

Akihiko: It's sad to see you like this, Lai...

He retorts back..

Lai: If you're talking about your storyline. Well, I'm sorry for your loss. To be honest, I pity you. Spending decades of year making this game and two more years of developing everything. Just to see how pathetic your story has gone through..

His words triggers him deep inside, but the mastermind ignores him.

Akihiko: Your words won't help you.. Or even save both of you.

He yells back..

Lai: At least I could talk shiet before I'm dead!

Akihiko: Nautilus..

Nautilus: ...

The blade starts to press against her windpipe, slowly grazes on her neck, leaving a small cut. She gasps for air as she trembles a bit.

Koharu: Guh! Ugh!

Lai: Wait! Stop!

He signals Nautilus to stop.. Koharu tries to persuade him, also secretly dragging the time for both of them.

Koharu: I know you hated him.. But you sold us all out like this?

Nautilus: I'm doing all this for Yuna..

Koharu: And we're doing for everyone and you only care about Yuna?

Nautilus: I know I'm selfish.. But I got no choice..

Koharu: No! You're way horrible than any KoB Members! Yuna will be very disappointed seeing you like this! Look at her!

He peeks at Yuna, who is motionlessly lying on the ground, barely making her eye contact with him. But they could tell that she's in despair.. As she witnesses her friend, Koharu's life is in the hand of her childhood friend.

Nautilus: ...

Akihiko: I think that would shut that mouth of yours... I guess I'll be waiting for you at the Ruby Palace.

Lai notices him walks a bit before leaving, he takes his chance to stop him.

Lai: What about our battle? Don't tell me you are forfeiting?

Akihiko: ...

Lai: If you say that you're leaving because of our battle is a joke. Before it even started..

He chuckles as he pities for him more.

Lai: Then, let me tell you this.. Seeing you, the Man of Legend first leaving the battle is the real joke for everyone. Including you, Akihiko Kayaba.

His words successfully letting him to stay a while.. He sighs..

Akihiko: *sigh* Humans are really unpredictable.. I thought you were just a player who will easily be manipulated by the others. But you're actually a scheming person.

Lai: Scheming person? Huh?

Suddenly, he could feel something weird is crawling out from his pocket in slow pace. Quietly making its way out to the top. Then, he recalls it.

Lai: Well, maybe I am.. Maybe not.. But at least there's one thing for sure..

As the memories of Floor 20 starts to trigger him. He grits his teeth hard.

Lai: I'm definitely not like these degenerates scum who obediently became a dog to you. And Koharu is way far beyond to compare to you all, you all piece of dirt!

He reveals his evil smile..

KoB Member 2: The hell you just said!?

One of them unsheathes his Sword, ready to stab and gut him standing.

Lai: When I break free.. I'll tear your head off, rip your guts out and cut all the limbs out of you all!

KoB Member 2: Screw you!

Before the player strike another hit, a Tarantula suddenly hops out from his shoulder and surprisingly lands on the attacker's face, biting his face and his eyes merciless. The player flinches and screams in horror. Lai spreads his legs and jump kicks both of the Members that are still held his arms, instantly let go of him. Nautilus panics a bit and Koharu could tell he's loosen a bit unnoticed. Then, Koharu warns him that he's heavily targeted by most of the KoB Members.

Koharu: Watch out! Lai!

He immediately notices all of them about to gun him down in full auto.

Lai: Shiet!

He quickly grabs one of the tumbled KoB Members, cutting all of his limbs off and became his Meat Shield. The victim shouts out.

KoB Member: Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Lai: I dare you! You piece of dirt!

As he manages to trigger them, Lai hides behind the body as the KoB Member is forcedly taking a full beating by the other Members with ranged weapons. As he could tell that the player's HP that he is using with as a Meat Shield is in Red Zone. He quickly equips a Kunai and backstabs the player's heart, then a stab on his head that the tip of the blade pokes out between the eyes of the player's. He pushes up, eventually splitting the player's face and his brains in half, killing him in a brutal way. Nautilus quickly commands them to switch attack.

Nautilus: He's back in Level 800!! Just attack!

Godfree: No you don't..!

Nautilus: !!

The Swordsman could feel a stab from behind, as Godfree penetrates him with the Nightkiss Dagger. The Swordsman eventually let go of Koharu before Godfree quickly hands her the weapon.

Koharu: Thanks, Godfree!

Meanwhile, he quickly sets his 1280 status point on his STR, then 768 status points to his CRIT and AGI.. Then the rest back to VIT and DEX in 512 each. All of the KoB Members except Akihiko Kayaba step back a bit.

Lai: Ahh~ I guess I don't see the point of restraining myself from killing you all.

Meanwhile, Lai rushes forward, swiftly snatches back his Automatic Crossbow from KoB Member and snaps his neck, then shooting several arrows straight at the player's face before chugging the arrows even deeper with his palm as he unleashes the "God's hand" Martial Art Skills to kill him. Then, he launches out a Meathook that pierces on another player who is holding Koharu's Nailgun as well. He pulls him over violently and throw his punch so hard that penetrates through another player's stomach and pulling out his whole spinal cord out, along with his head still attached with the spine. Lai quickly acquires back the Nailgun and tosses it to Koharu.

Lai: Here!

She grabs it perfectly.. Quickly thanking him as a reply.

Koharu: Thanks!

Lai: Behind you!!

She hops back immediately and backsteps away to dodge Nautilus's incoming slash. He immediately executes Horizontal Square that catches her in his attack range.

Nautilus: Die!!

Koharu: No u!

Her whole body completely lowers down to the ground, dodging away from his attack range. A kick shot straight to his chin for an uppercut, pushing him entirely up to the air before she wields out her Nailgun. She unloads an entire 40 rounds mag of Nails in full auto, pierces through Nautilus in every part of his body until all of the nails completely pinned him on the barrier.

Koharu: You won't die with all the nails I shot you with, unless your lady luck finally abandons you. Which I don't want that to happen because of Yuna's sake.

She catches her breath a bit.. While the duo are in battle, Godfree commands Koharu.

Godfree: You guys take care of them! I'm taking Akihiko Kayaba down!

Koharu: Huh? Don't!

She tries to stop him but the man already rushes far from her as he didn't hesitate to his reckless decision while rushing straight to Akihiko Kayaba who is just calmly standing there.

Godfree: I will set them free! Die!!

The mastermind casually adjust the setting of Godfree's status. Setting him on Level 1 and also applies paralysis on him.

Godfree: Augh!!

Akihiko: Skipping the fights then goes straight to the boss? I guess this is why you amateurs always perish in such foolish way.

She panics a bit by the fact she is still level 1. Blocking the attacks coming from three different KoB Members at the same time, while the rest are fighting Lai as their primary target.

Koharu: Darn it! Lai! Godfree's in danger!

Lai: Huh?

He turns around and notices him lying on the ground, struggling to get up. But immediately got interrupted but the others.

Lai: Man! Feck off!

He brutally gouges out both eyes and tears his opponent's head off from the victim's body. He kicks away the body that explodes into fragments. Immediately heading to Godfree's aid as his priority.

Lai: Hold on!

He desperately tries to reach him, knocking off the KoB Members that stands in his way. Before he could even reaches him. Unfortunately, a KoB Member just murders him in one single strike in cold-blooded. That one strike that triggers the duo.. The man apologizes to them as he couldn't do anything..

Godfree: I'm sorry.. You both..

His whole body disperses into fragments, slowly disappears into thin air.

Lai: ...

He snaps back and jump in side flips, dodging all the fire from the KoB Gunner that wields out the Arrow Minigun. His grudges shot up to the top by the loss of their friend.

Lai: God damn you!!

He swiftly approaches fast in strafing, successfully hijacked the KoB Gunner by landing a few cuts on both kneepits, causing him to kneel down by the weight of all the Ammo the player is carrying on, Lai mercilessly starts stabbing the Gunner's head for 5 times until the player dies. Successfully retrieving his Arrow Minigun back in the process. Meanwhile, Koharu still hesitates on attacking them and keep on dodging, while grieving about Godfree's death.

Koharu: Godfree..

She snaps back and reacts to the attack, hopping away. Her mind couldn't stop grieving about Godfree's death but she has to focus on the fight. She keeps on dodging..

Koharu: I won't..!

The feelings of anger and rage starts to burn inside of her. As she wants a revenge for her deceased friend.

Koharu: I won't forgive you!!

She lands back, launches a surprise tackle that launches a player to a far, then she swiftly cuts off another one's throat, causing the player to bleed out a lot uncontrollably till death. She approaches the third one cautiously with her Nightkiss Dagger. Then, they both lunge at each other..

Koharu: Haah!!

KoB Member 4: Haah!!

She blocks the Swordsman's slash with her dagger and immediately jabs him on the waist where the vulnerability points are. She forcefully pulls his head down and bash his skull with her knee 3 times. Then, she kicks him away to a distance before unleashing her own Solo Technique "Kitsune's Claw Slash Combos". In just a second, 8 total Kunais appears on both of her hands, clipped between her fingers, 4 Kunais on each hand, representing as her claws. Her eyes narrows down and starts revealing out her Crimson Red eye pupils in the gap between the Kunais as she enters the Kitsune's stance.

Koharu: Don't move...!

She rushes forward and land the first diagonal slash from top right to bottom left with her right hand, a second diagonal slash from bottom left to the top right with her left hand, a third horizontal slash from right to left with her right hand, a fourth diagonal slash from top left to bottom right with her left, furiously slashes out 4 times with both of her claws. A fifth uppercut slash wave that launches the victim up to the air. Koharu jumps and sends her opponent away with another claw slash. She pulls out a string and drags him back. Stabs the victim with all 8 Kunais at the same time. Then, Koharu throws him away back far and immediately shoots out all 8 Kunais at the victim and successfully struck on the target. All of the Kunais reveals a paper bomb attached.

KoB Member: Shiet!

She wields out her Titan Shuriken, starts spinning up into a giant cutting blade.

Koharu: You don't get to leave this world alive!

Then, she throws it out and cuts half of the KoB Member's body. Finally, the Titan Shuriken also triggers all of the paper bombs and detonates at the same time. Destroying her opponent completely and regains her Level to Level 800. Immediately set her AGI to 1792 and the rest of her 4 stats to 512. She goes to assist her partner who is fighting the KoB Member. Lai bends his body down, dodges an arrow from one of them with the Saber Rifle. Then, the player struggles to fire the Rifle again as he keeps pulling the trigger.

KoB Member: What's wrong with this gun!?

Lai got triggered and cut both of the player's legs in one swing and cuts one of his arms. Then, proceed to crush his torso with his stomp. While retrieving his Saber Rifle back.

Lai: It's a Sniper Rifle! You moron!

He quickly pulls and pushes the bolt back, shoots an arrow that explodes another one's head and retrieves his Pump Action Crossbow. Koharu targets another one who is about to attack Lai.

Koharu: No you don't!

She fires her Nailgun and staggers her target. Lai bashes him with the weapon's stock in melee, Koharu hops up in mid air and Lai catches her arm, he swings her whole body who has her kick ready to deliver that blows the KoB Member away from them before she lands to his embrace. Then, her partner approaches the ambusher and kills him by ripping his heart out with his left hand, pulling out the intestines with his right hand at the same time. Then, he swings his kick in backward roundhouse, crushing his face.

Lai: Dig the prowess! The capacity for violence!

Then, he sees a Tarantula got thrown out by the player who got half of his face and one of his eyeballs completely eaten. The Savage Spider burps out in response.

Tarantula: *Cute burp*

KoB Member: God damn you!

He shoots him with the Meathook and drags him to Lai. Throwing a bone shattering punch.


Lai just penetrates the player's whole face with his entire fist, saving the Tarantula's life. He pushes the corpse out from his arm. The Spider jumps onto Koharu's palm, snuggling to her finger that is gently rubbing on its head. Thanking it in her gentle tone.

Koharu: You snuck out and helped us out. Your mother will be very proud of you.

She hands it out to Lai as she thinks he needs it, but Lai insists her to keep the Tarantula to her as her lucky pet charm.

Lai: You should keep it to yourself, Koharu..

Koharu: Okay..

Exclude Akihiko Kayaba, they both face back to the 9 remaining KoB Members who are stepping back as they stand no chance against them as the duo's levels had exceed theirs. Even though Lai's Perforator and his Pipe Bomb Launcher are still in their hands.

Lai: That's 11 of them down.. 9 of them left..

Koharu: They still won't give your weapons back?

He reloads his Automatic Crossbow with another 50 Rounds Drum Mag and pulls the bolt handle to load the first round to the chamber, unleashes a beefy gun loading sound.

Lai: Well, they sure are persistent piece of shiet..

Koharu wields out her Dual Nailguns both in side grip, stretches out her right arm while her left arm stays close to her face.

Koharu: Perhaps you should use a bit more gentle words.

Lai: Sorry.. You can't be nice with those who wants us dead.

Koharu: Pretty understandable.. In the other way, of course..

Both of her weapons slightly adjusts and aims at the one with the Pipe Bomb Launcher equipped. Coincidentally, Lai was planning to get his Perforator back.

Lai: I'm getting my Perforator back then..

She adds in with her plan combined with his.

Koharu: Not to worry, I've got this one handled.

He points at them with his Automatic Crossbow while another Automatic Crossbow rest onto his shoulder.

Lai: Be careful for the Spider web.

Koharu: Right!

They both dodge the Pipe Bomb, avoid getting stuck in the web. Koharu shoots the Launcher and the hit messes up his aiming, she kicks one of the legs that forces him to kneel down in front of her. She shoots the player on the head and jabs his head with her knee to push the arrow deeper into his skull before the body of the KoB Member goes burst.

KoB Commander: Die!!

Another Commander with the Perforator quickly pulls the trigger. Only to realize that it's empty.

KoB Commander: What the!?

He panics instantly as he starts searching for suitable ammunition, doesn't know that the Perforator actually needs a Spear to load in at all. And unfortunately, he didn't grab any of the Spears from Lai as he didn't thought the Spear is the ammunition for the Perforator. Lai couldn't help but to insult him while he wields out a Kunai, stabs him down from the chin all the way up to the top of the head, he pulls out his Pump Action Crossbow and blasts a huge hole on his stomach before pulling his Kunai out. Both shaking their heads in utmost disappointment as Lai retrieves back his Perforator.

Lai: God, you're so stupid...!

Koharu: Yeah..

After that, she immediately throws the weapon to her partner.

Koharu: Here's your weapon, Lai!

He retrieves back his Pipe Bomb Launcher from her as well.

Lai: Thanks!

He immediately inserts a Spear into the Perforator, also fast reloads his Pipe Bomb Launcher. Lai and Koharu are ready, back to back, both are in very serious look as they are fighting for everyone's sake. Lai can tell his partner is softening her stance with light panting noises.

Lai: You okay?

She griefs a bit about Godfree's death.. Releasing out her sorrow while she's still with her guard up..

Koharu: Godfree.. He shouldn't die like this..

Lai grits his teeth hard.

Lai: Don't hesitate on your strike. Make them pay for what they've done.

His words cheer her up and toughens her mentality.

Koharu: They need to know we're not pushovers! Let's go!

Lai tackles under through one first during his sliding momentum, launching the KoB Member up while dealing with another KoB Member. Koharu follows up with a knee strike in the air. She swings down her 4-Kunai claw, cutting his whole avatar away. Lai blocks another's one Sword attack with his arm and disarms him by forcefully pulling the entire arm off with his leg pushing against. Lai additionally blasts one of the player's legs apart with his Pump-Action Crossbow. Then, he grabs on the player's neck and slams to the barrier. He tightens his grip, crushing the windpipe and start punching the skull brutally until it breaks into pieces, only the jaws still left intact. Everyone are terrified by his brutality, including Koharu. The corpse motionlessly fell down and Lai even crushes the torso before bursting into fragment. Her sense immediately pick up that a slash is about to strike on the side.

Koharu: !!

Koharu reacts it quickly and dodges it from her side. She backsteps away to dodge another and immediately shoots a Kunai to the player's knee. He got forced kneels down and another Kunai headshots the victim. Koharu tackles him near the broken door that got destroyed by Lai when entering the boss room. She lifts up the broken door and brutally slams it on the victim's head with all of her strength, crushing the entire skull eventually. She stands up and looks at the remaining 4 KoB Member who are intimidated by her glare. Then a Two-Handed Axe got thrown out by Lai and chops one of them in half vertically. Now only 3 of them left. Lai joins with her partner as the duo walks forward, both of their faces are showing no emotions at all.

KoB Member: Wait! We can tal-!


Half of the KoB Member's upper body got blown off completely by Lai's Perforator, leaving the lower part trips down before exploding into fragment. The duo shown no room for negotiation for them so they try use the Teleport Crystal immediately. Unfortunately, the boss room they all in is an Anti-Crystal Zone.

KoB Member: Shiet!


The other one got cut off by Koharu's Titan Shuriken. Coincidentally, the only one left surviving is the Fish-lipped Ugly Bastard. Koharu is about to mow him down with her Nailgun but Lai stops her.

Lai: No need to dirty your hand on this ugly bastard.

Koharu: ...

KoB Member 3: You-!

Lai swiftly pulls his jaws out and kicks him away, shutting him up before he could even says his word out. He taunts.

Lai: Sorry.. NTR ain't my type.

He immediately equips his Arrow Minigun, all six barrel starts spinning up and begins to mow down the player's entire body with a stream of arrows. The Head got shot off first before the left arm got teared off, then the right arm got blown away and eventually, the upper body got ripped apart. Lai kicks the lower part away before it explodes in mid air. Koharu finally releases out her sigh of relief as the battle end. Until Lai suddenly calls out to Akihiko Kayaba who got startled a bit. With his Sword unsheathed, pointing straight out to him.

Lai: Kayaba...!

The Mastermind still facing his back to them, not moving an inch at all.

Akihiko: Seems like my calculations is malfunctioning on the obvious part again.

He finally turns around, plotting onto something..

Akihiko: (They are strong.. One is ruthless and another one...)


Before he could turn around to him completely... Before he could even react. He could feel something just violently trips his legs over. Then a huge impact planted on his stomach as the figure shows up in front of him. After a second, the figure reveals out Koharu who had her teeth gritted.

Akihiko: Ugh!

She shouts at him as the fist still connects to the stomach.

Koharu: Stop with your story!!

He turns his head to her face, revealing her bloodlust, angered face.

Akihiko: (She's relentless!!)

Koharu: I could have enjoy my normal life like any girls in the real world! I could have my normal love life with him! But you ruined it!

Lai got shocked by what she is doing right now..

Lai: Koharu! Calm down!

Koharu: If Lai's dead! I would do the same as he had done so far, or even worse than you can imagine!

He forcefully grabs her arms and pull his partner away.

Lai: Calm down! You're losing yourself over him!

Koharu then glares at him, both locking their eye contact to each other. After a few seconds, seeing her beloved partner slowly calms her down. Her anger, hatred and grudge expression slowly softens down to her sadness as her arm stop struggling. Her body leans forward against him.

Koharu: Why did you stopped me?

Lai: I knew you would drown by your hatred.

Koharu: But! It's Kayaba!

Lai: We'll finish him off soon! Just cool yourself and keep your heads on the-!

Koharu: Watch out!

Lai: !!

She tackles themselves away from a slash. Lai just realizes it was the Divine Blade from the Holy Sword by Akihiko Kayaba. The duo rolls away far, both facing him who just got up pretty fine and displays out a hundred of HP Bars stacking up like towers.

Akihiko: (I missed..!)

Their expression changed back to serious look instantly. Koharu advices Lai who is now very pissed.

Koharu: You hesitated...

Lai: Alright, so much for being kind, goddamnit! No more "Mr. Nice Guy"!

Lai rushes forward instantly, evaded Akihiko Kayaba's Shield bash as he ducks down immediately. He shoots one of his legs with a few arrows and shoots the right arm that is equipped with the sword to stagger. Then, he stabs right into the chest to keep him out from escaping.

Lai: Koharu!

Multiple Titan Shurikens had thrown out, the projectiles broke but the damage causes several huge impact, deleting a couple of Kayaba's HP Bars in result. Then, Koharu lands a dropkick on Kayaba, blowing him away from Lai. The duo reloads their weapons and unsheathes their blade. Additionally, Lai swings his Dark General's Sword on Koharu's Nightkiss, turning her Dagger into One-Handed Sword, Moonkiss.

Now both of them are wielding with an One Handed Sword and a ranged weapon, waiting for Kayaba to stand up.

Akihiko: (My god..!)

Lai shoots out the Meathook at him, struck on his Kite Shield which Kayaba blocks it with, Lai got pulled towards to his target. Kayaba cuts off the chain but Lai gets his grip onto his shield as he passes him, snatches his Shield.

Akihiko: What!?

Koharu: Haaah!

Her battle cry alerts Kayaba and gains his attention. Both of Kayaba's Liberator and Koharu's Moonkiss blades clashes for a few times before she kicks him away and Lai adds up the attack with the Shield he just snatched it from him. Bashes him back to Koharu, she follows up with a roundhouse Slash. Lai keeps up with a Shield Skills, "Shield Cannon", by throwing the Shield and stuns him for a few seconds. Lai grabs it back and joins with Koharu's attack who is about to slash upward with him.

Koharu and Lai: Haah!!!

Their combined attack blows him hard enough to send him away to a far before Lai drops the Shield. Suddenly, Koharu immediately comes up with a Combination Technique that she has been storing so long.

Koharu: Lai! I need your afterimages!

Lai: Okay!

The duo backsteps away, Lai creates other 3 afterimages of himself, each of them including Koharu starts spinning a Titan Shuriken, applied with all 5 elements: Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind and Earth. All 5 of them throw out the projectiles, penetrates through Kayaba, Lai immediately follows up and strikes endless of Explosive Kunais on Kayaba's every way. The projectiles then guided by Koharu's invisible strings. She pulls all of them away, then pulls off a big swing and slams it on the stunned Kayaba from upward like a Javelin. The impact causes the Paper Bombs to detonate, nuking the target in the end.

Koharu: How is it?

Lai: "Stunning".. That's for sure. Watch out!

He pushes her away as Kayaba rushes out from the smoke. Lai backsteps away and lunges forward with "Dark Stinger". In a split second, Kayaba instantly dodges to the side, about to strike him with the "Purification Slash". Suddenly, Lai changes his motion and steps on the ground.

Akihiko: What!?

He grabs his attacking arm as a monkey bar, then a knee strikes down and pins on Kayaba's head. The mastermind is genuinely dumbfounded by the sudden motion changes as Lai hops away.

Akihiko: How did you do it..?

This is when Lai starts explaining it.

Lai: Letting the system carrying my body just to perform Sword Skills sure is a pain af. So I disabled it long ago. I also taught Koharu to do that as well so no big surprise..

Koharu: And I believe our battle experiences have completely overshadowed any of your systems.

The mastermind is just standing there, confused but refuse to accept.

Akihiko: ...I refuse to believe that absurd sense of yours..

Lai joins back to Koharu with his Sword's pointing at his target while she's in the basic Swordsman stance, both holding their Swords in Two-Handed as Akihiko Kayaba just stood up and retrieves back his Shield, showing no sign of giving up.

Lai: Well then, feck around and find out.

The duo rushes forward. Lai uses "Rage Spike" while Koharu uses the "Horizontal Square". Kayaba tries to block it with his Shield while parrying Koharu's attack with his Liberator. But Lai suddenly takes the advantage of the momentum and changes his motion into flying kick. The kick blows his Shield away and letting Koharu does the damage. Her 4 times slashes are already repel him a lot. Lai swings his Sword to add up the damage. As Koharu is about to slash him back, his avatar instantly disappears into thin air. After a mere second, Kayaba just reappears behind Koharu.

Koharu: !!

She boosts forward as soon as her feet steps on the ground. Lai catches her fall immediately.

Lai: You okay!?

Koharu: I'm fine! Did he just...!

Suddenly, they both sense a danger signal from behind. A figure with red eyes shadow them. They hop away before realizing it was Kayaba's doing.

Lai: Teleportation! He's abusing the system!

Koharu: What!?

Akihiko Kayaba just glares at them with no expression at all.

Akihiko: Do you really think I'd let you two walking over and humiliating me? The frustration has gotten me completely so I'm abandoning that last rule, "playing as a player".

Lai: Wow, you do feel like a human, I thought you were really a robot. Not feeling anything after getting beaten up that much. It'd be very bad for you dealing with Captcha every time when you have to login.

Akihiko: Your comedy act won't save you at all!

The duo spreads out a bit as soon as Kayaba teleports away, disappeared. They both start to look around, not sure where is he at all.

Lai: Stay alert, Koharu!

Koharu: You too!

They both are strafing around, waiting for the Game Master to show up that gives them a chance. Just as they expected, Kayaba just appears behind Koharu. She reacts fast enough and literally slaps him with the blade of her Sword very hard that Lai could see a tooth just launched out from Kayaba's mouth.

Lai: (I can't imagine messing with her would be like...)

Akihiko: How!?

Koharu: That's an amateur move you just did.. I just knew you were going to strike at my rear.

Akihiko: Indeed..

He raises his hand towards Koharu, she immediately throws several Kunais on the attacking arm to cancel Kayaba's attack, but the damage isn't enough for him that she could feels something is squeezing her neck.

Koharu: Ugh!

As she almost drops her sword, Lai immediately shoots out a Spear, but Kayaba casually catches it with his other hand. Unfortunately, he realized the Spear was rigged with Paper Bombs and immediately explodes on Kayaba's arm. Then, Lai takes his chance to disturb his other arm that is force choking Koharu from a distance with his Titan Shuriken. She drops down on the ground and her partner immediately assists her who is gasping for air while inserting a Spear inside the barrel.

Lai: You okay!?

Koharu: *Cough!* *Gasp!* Yeah! That almost got me! Now we have to finish him off before he could even pull out of any tricks!

Lai: Right!

Akihiko: You...!

The duo both start launching out their combined endless fast barrage of attacks while both are filling in each other's striking gaps with their slashes, so they can stunlock their target as long as they want with their perfect continuous strikes without leaving a gap between their hits for Kayaba to exploit.

Lai: We both have the high ground, Kayaba! So just give up, damn it!

They keep on attacking, reaching 100 hits in just a few seconds, Lai ducks down for Koharu to strike while stabbing on the legs. Koharu lunges forward with a stab, Lai rolls over Koharu's body for a follow-up full downward slash. Koharu then slashes upward before Lai rushing towards with a horizontal slash, Koharu shoots out a few nails to the target before jumping forwards with her slash then Lai swings a kick on Kayaba.

Akihiko: (You two are brokenly strong! Your power has exceeded far than I could even expected!)

Koharu lunges forward with a stab, then violently slashes upward without pulling out. Lai jumps out with 4 somersault slashes before Koharu hops in adds another backflip with vertical spinning slash. Lai starts out his Ranged weapon combos variation by shooting out a Spear that dishes out most damage in one hit as it penetrates Kayaba's chest. Lai additionally shoots a Pipe Bomb and the blasts keeps the target in the air, adds up another damage with his pump action Crossbow blast and another Saber Rifle's shot. Koharu throws several Titan Shurikens and adds several shot of nails while Lai reloading his Perforator again. Koharu rolls out a long paper of her ninja scroll, quickly perform several hand signs before releasing the Ice Element.

Koharu: Hyōton: Hissatsu Hyōsō!! (Ice Release: Absolute killing Ice Spears!)

Multiple large sharp of ice needles surfaced out from the content and impales Kayaba in all parts in the air, confining his movement. Then, she pulls out another scroll that unleashes a huge flame that portraits as a dragon head.

Koharu: Katon: Gōryūka!! (Fire Release: Dragon Flame!!)

The Head of the Dragon is large enough to consume Kayaba in whole who is struggling on the Ice Spears. Then, Koharu detonates the Flame Blast.

Koharu: Blast!

The Flame explodes remotely by her call, blasting Kayaba. Lai starts to perform another of his Melee Weapon Combos, he begins by chasing his target down with a Two-Handed Axe, slams Kayaba straight down to the ground, causing the whole platform to shake a bit, the body bounces up as Kayaba is still vulnerable. Lai switches to his Two-Handed Spear, swinging his blade downward and then upward to keep him back in the air. Then, quickly thrusts with 10 stabs in just a second. Next, Lai switches to his Dark General's Sword, quickly charging his next Sword Skills, "Satanic Octagram". He penetrates through Kayaba with a full thrust, he controls his air motion and launches back to back up to 8 times in total.

The last thrust blows Kayaba away, then Lai switches with One Handed Rapier and another One-Handed Katana. He thrusts with the Rapier's "Star Splash", finishes it with a upward slice then with a roundhouse downward slash with his Katana, back launching him up with a dual uppercut. Utilize the use of his Dual Blades. He backsteps away, then charges forward in lightning speed with a dual "Charging Slash" as the finisher attack. The total damages has depleted half of Kayaba's 100 HP Bars. Kayaba immediately takes his chance to disappear in thin air again and instantly appears right in front of Lai. He tries to dodge the attack but he notices the blade of the Liberator suddenly homing to him, despite he backsteps away, completely dodges away the blade's range. He is still getting the hit on his chest from a distance.

Lai: Shiet! Aimbot and Infinite reach!

Akihiko: So you know about these..

Koharu: Lai was right! You're just a sore loser!

She slides dashes under Kayaba, attacking from below while spinning her Titan Shuriken. As the blade of the Shuriken touches Kayaba, her Titan Shuriken breaks as Kayaba is still standing pretty fine from the attack despite his HP drops down. The result shocks Koharu to the core.

Koharu: He didn't even flinched!

Lai: Anti-KnockBack and No Slowdown!

Kayaba simply swings down his blade to where Koharu is, the slash is able land on Koharu's Valkyria's Garment chest plate.

Koharu: Ugh!

Lai: Koharu!

He dashes forward to her side as fast as he can. He carries her in bridal style, dodges away from Kayaba's infinite reach slash with his long dash.

Koharu: What should we do? Our attacks won't flinch him at all!

Lai: Give me a minute! Take a potion to regenerate your Health! Then, we'll come up a plan!

She takes out a bottle of Restoration Potion XV that recovers 15000 HP while Lai is carrying her.

Lai: You think your AGI able to distract him?

Koharu: Yeah.. I'll do what I can!

She jumps out from Lai's carrying, both spread out, disperse Kayaba's focus. They both start speeding up their movement. Kayaba simply just throws a few slashes, but the duo dodges it in fast motion.

Akihiko: What?

Lai suddenly got a grip on Kayaba's arms, holding him confined while Koharu slides under, she tackles one of his knee, causing Kayaba to kneel down and Lai steps on it to pin him down, Koharu quickly whips out Lai's Perforator. Lai yells out to her, telling her to end it.

Lai: Do it, Koharu! Aim at the head!

Kayaba smirks secretly as he looks at the tip of the Spear pointed at him. She closes her eyes, couldn't bear to see the gore. She yells out as she ends the boss fight.

Koharu: Just give up, Kayaba!

The Spear shoots out as soon as she pulls the trigger and all she could hear is the sound of meat getting stab violently. The atmosphere returns silent, assuming that it is the end of Kayaba for Koharu. As she opens her eyes to see the result, the Spear was directly connected to Lai's stomach and noticing Kayaba disappeared. The sight of Lai who got shot by the Spear instantly shocked Koharu to the core and the terror haunts her completely. It wasn't the result that they both are expecting at all. Lai explains out before he losses his strength completely.

Koharu: Lai!? LAI!!

Lai: Teleportation... Damn it..

She goes for his aid.. Suddenly, Kayaba appears right beside Koharu who had her guard completely lowered down and didn't have the time to raise up to defend herself.

Akihiko: Checkmate...

The blade of Kayaba's Liberator glows in red, unleashing his "Heaven's judgement blade"


End of Chapter...

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