Chapter 30: Satisfaction and Regret.

Deep inside a Dream...

"Watch out!!!"

A noises of a strike knocks the skull echoes up in her dreams.. A scream resounds that haunts her.


A brutal slash knocks her to aside, helplessly watching him to fall before she faints.

"Please get up..."

Year 2024, November 5th.. Aincrad Standard Time, 3:00am.. Floor 22, Log Cabin..

Her eyes spring up wide opened as her dream rudely awakened her sleep and the nightmare results her heart beating like maniac. She murmurs out to herself silently so she could not wake her partner up in accident.

Koharu: What was... That..?

She replays the scene in her dream, although it is very blurry, she could tell she's having a bad feeling from it. But she could not care about it as she couldn't let a dream bother her sleep again. She exhales out slowly and silently after taking a deep breath. Then, when she lies back to the bed. She notices that Lai isn't there with her.

Koharu: Lai?

Coincidentally, her partner just entered back to the bedroom, immediately noticing that Koharu is now wide awake, sitting on the bed.

Lai: Koharu?

Koharu: Lai!

She immediately hops out of the bed and suddenly hug him tightly.

Koharu: Where were you? You almost made me worried..

Lai: I was just getting some water.. Something's wrong?

She tells him about the dream she had..

Koharu: It's nothing much.. I just had a bad dream..

He pats her head and rubs her hair. Reassuring her that everything will be fine.

Lai: Don't be afraid.. It's just a dream.. It can't hurt you.

Koharu: But it sures messed up my sleep.

He immediately apologizes to her..

Lai: Sorry that I left you..

She shakes her head as she just recovered back from her terrifying dream.

Koharu: It's okay.. I'm just happy that you're back..

They finally got back onto the bed. Both cuddling each other so they could feel each other's warmth as their sleeping aid. He offers his arm as a pillow for Koharu's head to sleep onto with, while she cuddles his body to warm him up. Both of them peacefully fell back asleep in the end.

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 7:00am.. Floating Palace..

The duo woke up early as usual and had their breakfast before completing their final test as only Pipe Bomb Launcher that is left to be tested by them. Similar reloads as the revolver, Lai unlatches the cylinder and push it out, revealing the part where the bombs are supposed to be loaded in. He presses the ejector, drops the shell and loaded with new ones. After that, he slaps the loaded cylinders back inside. Lai warns his partner to stay away.

Lai: Better stay away from me, Koharu. These explosives could be bouncy so..

Koharu: Okay.

He fires the weapon once to the empty land so the projectiles won't get ricocheted by the walls or any of the environment. The projectiles launches in a lobbing line. After hitting on the ground, it bounces a few from the impact on the ground and rolls until it explodes. Lai gives out a compliment..

Lai: Damn.. It'll be dangerous if used in a raid with large group of players.

Koharu: Maybe you can apply the bombs with sticky spider web, so it'll stick onto anything you hit.

Lai: Good idea. But we don't have much time for collecting it. We're joining a raid for Floor 75 boss, remember?

Koharu: Don't worry, I have a lot of rubber balls!

Lai: Rubber balls?

Koharu: Here!

She takes one from the stacks she had collected so far to him. He observes it and fondle with it. Juggling with it.

Lai: It's all soft and springy... Where did you get that much?

She nervously explains as she tries not to shock him.

Koharu: Well, I pet a Great Tarantula in Floor 47 who is protecting its kids. So I traded it with melons in exchange of its rubber ball. I still feel bad for hurting it when I was first encountering it with Agil and Klein. The rubber ball is also required material for making the strings.

He got shocked by her explanation eventually.

Lai: You what?

Koharu: Uhm.. I know it sounds exaggerating. But..

Lai: I know you're trying not to surprise me and I also did the same way as you did but.. Never thought that you became friends with it..

Koharu: Well, it's kinda cute when it's acting friendly.

Lai: It's kinda weird for me..

Koharu: You'll get used to it... Lai.. Anyway, how's the rubber ball?

Lai: I remember that it explodes on impact.. Maybe this will do.

He grabs a Pipe bomb and injects the entire projectile into the ball. Coincidentally, the ball just fits right into the revolver cylinder. Then, he fires the weapon again. This time, the rubber ball explodes out its sticky spider web out on impact just as he expected and the bomb sticks with it until its turn to explode.

Lai: Nice.. Thanks for the rubber ball.

He stores his weapon back to his equip. Koharu replies back happily.

Koharu: You're welcome. Glad I managed to help you out.

Lai: Now we both have similar weapon types so far.

Koharu: I can't imagine how strong we are if we get new weapons as we progress.

Lai: Well, I can't tell either... We should be heading to Floor 55 with Asuna and Kirito by the way..

He takes out his Teleport Crystal, about to teleport to Granzam until Koharu suddenly asks him.

Koharu: What were you doing last night?

Lai: Huh? Why?

Koharu: Sorry.. It's just my hunch telling me that you left for a long time before I even woke up. Maybe it's just a false alarm.

Lai: No.. I took some time watching the moonlight. Sorry that I wasn't there for you.

Koharu: Oh.. Is that so? I guess I can rest assured..

He looks at the time, it is now 8:00am.

Lai: We still have a few hours left before the raid. Anything else that needed to be done?

Koharu: Well.. I would like to visit the Great Tarantula again in Floor 47. We should get some fruits for the kids.

He suddenly stutters a bit, but noticeable by his partner..

Lai: Y-Yeah..

Koharu: Oh.. I forgot you're afraid of spider.

Lai: Aren't you afraid of it as well?

Koharu: But I'm used to it. You should overcome your fear. I know you can do it.

Lai: Really?

She holds his hand, encourages him with a smile filled with confidence.

Koharu: Don't be afraid.. I will protect you..

Lai: I'm trusting you to this..

They both teleport to Floor 47, Floria..

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 8:00am.. Floor 47, Floria.

The duo arrives at where the Great Tarantula and its nest, located near the Garden Shelter. The Giant Spider got awakened by the player's presence and let out its screeching noises to scare away the player. But it immediately behaves itself as soon as it notices the player's face that it's familiar with. Lai also notices its hostile icon immediately disappears as well.

Lai: It's hostile icon disappears as soon as it sees you. Amazing...

Koharu: Thanks.. Now will you offer me the melons? I'll handle the rest, convincing it that you mean no harm to it.

Lai: O-Okay..

Koharu interacts it with a pat on its head and offers the melons to the Giant Spider. It gladly accepts her gifts and it starts to savor it, enjoying the bursting rich juice of the melon. Lai watches them with still a bit of distance from them, the Giant size of the Tarantula isn't flinching him with fear at all. Until it reveals its offsprings to the player.

Lai: !!

He gasps a bit. Koharu happily introduces the offsprings to her partner like it doesn't affect her at all no matter how menacing and scary they look.

Koharu: Lai! These are the Great Tarantula's offsprings! Can't believe they had grown up a lot!

One of them has already crawled onto her arm as she offers her hand as an invitation to it. Lai was dumbfounded by just witnessing how deep her friendship is with the Tarantulas so far. She asks Lai about how her interaction with them while one of the offsprings crawls around her avatar.

Koharu: So how is it?

Her partner struggles to answer back as he still couldn't believe the sight of it at all. His avatar trembles a bit as he continues to witness its kids crawling around freely.

Lai: Uhm.. It's weirdly wholesome..

Koharu: You can come over here! Maybe I can help you overcome your fear!

Lai: You- You sure!?

She offers her hand to him. Telling him to form a bridge for the Spider to get across.

Koharu: Hold my hand! Don't let go of it or else it'll fall off!

Lai: Uhm..

He slowly offers his hand to hers as he keeps looking at the Spider who is just sitting on her shoulder that causes his hesitation holding him back. His hand finally reaches hers, he looks away and shuts his eye. Then, he could feel something is walking across Koharu's arm all the way to her palm. Until it sets its foot on Lai's skin that shivers him a lot.

Lai: Eek!!! ><"

His avatar trembles in fear as it slowly walks across his arm, balancing itself. Every times when one of its legs set foot onto his skin give out unpleasant sensation to him, causing him to panic. His partner encourages him.

Koharu: It's okay! It won't hurt you! You're doing great!

He tries to stay calm, forcing himself not to look at it and focus on Koharu instead. After a minute, it finally reaches and sits on his shoulder and that's when they release their hand. Lai asks her while still in panicking.

Lai: Is..! Is it on my shoulder!?

She nods happily, feeling proud of him that he managed to muster up his courage to his fear.

Koharu: Yep! ^^ How are you feeling right now?

Lai: The tension still getting me as long as this thing crawling on my shoulder.

Koharu: You'll be fine in the end! ^^

She invites another two to her arms, they both are steadily crawling all the way to her shoulders. Her index finger gently rubs on one's head. It wiggles its body as a response that it feels happy to her affection. Despite of the scene that looks weird but wholesome for him.. Deep down inside, he genuinely feels very impressed by her. Not only because of her power, it's because of her natural friendliness towards both of the Flora and Fauna, judging by the flowers around her are blooming beautifully and how the Spiders are hopping around happily because of her positive feelings. The sight of the lovely scene already gave Lai another reason why she needs to stay alive.

Lai: (Koharu.. Now I know why every players managed to become strong.. Not because of your strength. It's because of your unique personalities. Her parents must be very happy having her as their emotional support.)

He looks away, smiles silently with the happiness that he gets to witness the loveliest scene and meet a girl that has the brightest personality. To hide away his depressed feeling that he doesn't deserve a unique girl like her for someone who isn't special like him. Also feeling very proud that he managed to protect her and everyone just as he promised. Then, he hears a voice from the girl.

Koharu: Lai?

The boy stays silent as he doesn't want to ruin her moment.

Lai: ...

Koharu: Lai? Are you okay?

He forces his smile to her.

Lai: Yeah.. I just don't want to ruin your bonding session.

Koharu: ...

She gently sets the kids down to the ground and sprints to his side, suddenly lunges at him with a kiss directly on his lip while closing her eyes. He completely got surprised and stunned by her action. After 10 seconds, she breaks the kiss and immediately explains.

Koharu: I guess I really surprised you too much this time. But that doesn't mean I'm out of your league.

Lai: ...

She tries to convince him with her thanks..

Koharu: Actually, it all thanks to you, Lai. After all we did in the vacations, I've become much happier than before! So no more buts, Lai! ^^

Seeing her smile that can't be declined by him, he sighs as he completely surrendered himself to her.

Lai: Well.. You got me... I don't even know how did you knew about how I really feel..

Koharu: Well.. You could say my "Spider's sense" tingling, a girl's sixth sense is always accurate.

He giggles a bit at her puns, he could feels her confidence oozes out from her tone.

Lai: You sounded more confident than before.

Koharu: That's because we'll always be together. Nothing will break us apart, because we had offered our love to each other.

Lai: Yeah.. Nothing will separate us..

She grabs both of his hands.. Looks away as she blushes.

Koharu: I know I said a lot of thanks for what you had did for me and everyone. But still..

This time, she says it out loudly from the bottom of her heart to the one she loved the most. Giving out her brightest smile to him.

Koharu: Thank you, Lai! For being a huge part of my world!

Lai: Koharu..

He smiles silently, he replies back as he couldn't leave her thanks unanswered.

Lai: Thank you, Koharu... For being the light of my life..

His answer satisfies her with happiness to the brim. She hugs him gently.

Koharu: It feels nice to say it out, right? No matter how you say it.

Lai: Yeah..

As they embrace each other, their smiles and all of their positive feelings become the sunlight that shines onto the land of flowers and trees. Despite their memories may not be enough, their journey may not be something that everyone need to be proud of, they both willingly would cherish every moment they had come across and that alone is enough to connect them together. That's when Lai slowly realized about something else.

Lai: ("The True Light comes from the Darkness".. I finally understand it right now.)

He closes his eyes and gently pats her head.

Lai: (I brought her into my care so she could become more confident, I forged the path for her so she could have a better life.)

After 10 minutes of warm embrace, they both release from the hug. Koharu just witnesses the flowers are blooming elegantly.

Koharu: Lai! Look at the flowers!

Lai: They're beautiful, aren't they?

Koharu: I've never seen them blooming up this pretty before..

Lai: Me too.. It's because of us..

Koharu: Really?

Lai: Our feelings has become the sunlight to these flowers, just like how the people around you had gotten stronger because of your positive feelings.

Koharu: Don't forget it all thanks to you as well. And I'm not letting all of your efforts left unnoticed. You deserved better credits than me.

Lai: Yeah.. Yeah.. I heard you..

After a few minutes of enjoying the breathtaking view while the boy cuddles the girl from behind, Lai asks Koharu.

Lai: So what you gonna do next?

Koharu: I feel I don't have other things to do.. I just want to stay longer like this. With you.. What about you?

Lai: We still have to return back to Log Cabin and then the four of us will have to visit Granzam to join the raid.

Koharu: Oh yeah! That's right! I'm sorry that I forgot about it.

He checks his time and it is now 9:00am..

Lai: We still have an hour to enjoy the view.

Koharu: Now I wish the time would go slower.

Lai: Not enough for you, Koharu?

Koharu: Yep...

A long lost idea just popped up back to his mind..

Lai: There's one thing that I want to do before leaving this place.

Koharu: Which is..?

Lai: The first thing I had in my mind when I first set foot to this floor. It's that I want to take and walk with you through the land of flowers like this. But we already separated before we can even set foot to this Floor together, so I abandoned that idea. But you're the one who asked me out for a date.. So.. I want to do the same thing with you again. Would you..?

Without hesitation, she agrees to his invitation.

Koharu: Sure! I'd love to do it again!

He got surprised by her response but immediately stops her as he remembers the mobs are roaming around.

Lai: Hold on! You forgot the mobs and traps are still lurking around.

Koharu: Oh yeah.. Sorry.

Lai: Sadly, our walk won't be peaceful as long as they are around.

She reminds Lai about how the plot of Floor 47 goes.

Koharu: Then in that case, we should beat the Floor boss! If I remember correctly, all the mobs are the caused of the Leia, The Legion Butterfly's poison fog, right?

Lai: Defeating it will dramatically decrease their number and disperse away the fog.

She nods in reply..

Koharu: That's right!

He unsheathes his Dark General's Sword, Koharu grabs out her Nightkiss's Dagger. Both ready to race their way to the Labyrinth.

Lai: Well.. I guess we won't just having walks.

Koharu: Sorry if it didn't go as you expected.

Lai: It's okay, it'll still a "walk in the park" for us!

They both rush along the path to the Labyrinth. Slaying any mobs left and right that are standing in their way. Reaching the Labyrinth in just a few seconds. Even though it's in the Labyrinth, their strength are just too powerful enough that they could just breeze through the hordes of mobs. Eventually, they both reach the Boss room. Koharu pauses a bit and stops her partner.

Lai: Huh?

Koharu: Before we're going in, I want to train our coordinations and the combinations with all the fighting styles we had learnt so far.

Lai: It's been a while.. But you think that would still work?

She replies with confidence.

Koharu: We won't know unless we try, let's give it a shot, Lai!

Lai: Okay!

They both rush forward at the same time. He charges his sword and lunges forward as his Dark Stinger ready up. As soon the hit lands on Boss and blows it to the air, Koharu appears on the other side and lands a powerful kick, delivers it back to Lai who had his fist fully charged with Goliath's Punch, he uppercuts it straight even further up. They both join back together and start their combination attack.

Koharu: Let's go!

Lai: Yeah!

The duo speed up straight to the top, both swing their blade on the unconscious boss with full strength, slams it back to the ground. They both drop down fast to reach the target, also land their combined dropkick on the boss to increase the damage and the momentum before they both hop away. Resulting it smashing the ground and leaves a huge crater. Lai and Koharu land back, waiting for its counterattack. Fortunately, they both just hear the fragment burst so they sheathes their weapons. Koharu checks the crater they just made, surprised how high the damage they could deal out with.

Koharu: Wow..! That was quick and powerful!

Lai: Our combined damage is able to make a huge crack on the ground. We should find a tanky one next time.

Koharu: Yeah. Shall we head back? I can't wait for our date!

Lai: Sure.

Lai grabs her hand and they both exit out from the Labyrinth.

Timeskip... Floor 47, Hill of Memories..

As the mobs in most of the areas have been decreased. Both of them are having as much time as they possibly can. The sunflowers are dancing along with the calm winds, the roses are shines brightly red as they are basking under the sun. Two only players are resting under the shady tree, the girl leans against the boy's shoulder.

Koharu: Hey..

Lai: Hm?

Koharu: After being away from the Real world for two years, what would your parents still think of you?

Lai: ...

He shakes his head..

Lai: I... I can't tell anymore.. And I don't even know if they're waiting for me.. I barely get to spend time with them.. What about you, Koharu?

Koharu: ...

She retracts her legs and hugs both of her knees. Hesitating herself to reply him with answer.

Koharu: Uhm... To be honest, I don't even have a perfect family..

He immediately realizes what she means and apologizes to her.

Lai: Sorry..

She takes a deep breath before explaining. Forcing herself to smile as she faces back to her painful past.

Koharu: It's okay.. My father passed away due to a car accident when I was a kid..

Lai: ...

He lets her continue without interruption.

Koharu: That was the very first pain I had felt when losing someone that is dear to me. But my mother told me that it is part of everyone's life and it'll make you stronger in the future. She plays my father's favorite music only with her piano for him every year during their anniversary.

Lai: Do you think she's still there, waiting for you?

She nods..

Koharu: Yeah... I can tell that she's still there, hoping me that I would wake up one day. Come to think of it..

A tear just shedded out from her eyes.. She sinks her face between her knees. Holding her cries.

Koharu: I really missed her.. I'm worried about how she'll go through these two years without me being around her!

He pats her shoulder, comforting her.

Lai: I'll get you out of here, soon. So don't lose that hope, Koharu.

Koharu: How can you be so sure?

Lai: Eh?

He scratches his head, casually answers back to her and looks away.

Lai: It's just a hunch..

She sighs..

Koharu: I guess so.. Since we've been able to survive this far..

Lai: ...

He places his hand still on her shoulder so she could feel that he's always there for her. One of her hand places on top of his, enough to make her cheer up.

Koharu: Thanks.. I can tell my mother will be happy that I had found my better half!

He looks away as he feels the tension..

Lai: Well, I'd very nervous...

Koharu: Don't worry! I'll handle it, she's very easy to get along once she understands you, somehow..

Lai: Somehow?

Koharu: Uhm.. It's hard to explain it but let's not talk about IRL things and enjoy the view..

Lai got confused by her being unable to explain the reason.

Lai: Yeah...

Koharu: Anyway, what time is it?

Lai: It's 9:30am..

Koharu: Only half an hour!?

Lai: Time sure flies fast..

Koharu: Geez...

She sighs out as she feels the time isn't enough for their date.

Lai: How's the view, Koharu?

She looks up to the nature landscape, clear blue skies with colorful plains of flowers. She answers back joyfully.

Koharu: It's definitely breathtaking! Don't you think?

Lai: Yeah.. Me too..

He lies down on the grass, closes his eyes as he takes a deep inhale, gently exhaling out.

Lai: The wind feels gentle, the grass feels soft.. The sound of the birds chirping noises are soothing to my ears. You should lie down for a while.

Koharu: Yeah, sure!

Koharu lies down with him, her head places in reverse and next to her partner's.

They both stare at the exposed light surrounded by the tree branches that are blocking the sunlight, shining down on them. Koharu feels her tension just released out from just resting on the grass.

Koharu: Ah~ It feels nice... No wonder Kirito always take a nap on the grass.

Lai: And no wonder he's in Level 96.. I mean most of the players are already reached 100+.

Koharu: Yeah, you're right about that he's been a bit.. Slacking off to be honest..

Lai: Well, at least he has Dual Blades to keep up with us.

Koharu: Still wondering how he got the Skills?

Lai: Maybe he has high reflexes?

Koharu: But how did you managed get a hit on him with bare hands?

Lai: My AGI is the second highest one beside yours. Of course he couldn't react to my punch that is coming in Hyper Speed.

Koharu: So.. I guess that makes sense...

Lai: Wanna know how I think of you right now?

Koharu: Hm? Sure..

Lai: You're already proven yourself a lot to me.. And I'm actually very proud of you.

Koharu: But our level gap is still too far.

Lai: It all depends how we fight.. A level 1 player could beat a level 10 mob if he's good at dodging and combining with Combo Attacks. As long as we know how to fight together, level gaps aren't matter to us at all, even we're back to level 1. Don't let that affect our coordinations.

Koharu: Yeah... We both shared the same weaponry since we're married. We also had our skills matched up.

Lai: We got all the support we ever wanted for. But there's only we need to do..

The girl curiously asks..

Koharu: Huh? Which means?

Lai: I know it sounds weird but somehow, I need us to sworn to each other and let our souls be connected... Just take it as a praying for our relationship to last for eternity, okay?

Koharu: But what can I say?

He looks to her eyes, trusting that she'll come up something to pray.

Lai: I know what your heart wants to say..

She agrees immediately as she wants to strengthen their relationship in any way she could. She replies with determined looks.

Koharu: Sounds promising. I'll do anything for us. So let's do it, Lai.

Lai: Thanks.. Koharu.

They place their hand to where their heart is, closing their eyes. Both secretly wishing their souls to be connected.

Lai and Koharu: (We pray...)

For our sorrows to end,

And hope that our hearts will blend.

May our souls be combined as one.

So we can be perfect as one.

They both open their eyes and stare back at the sky, memorise all the meaningful words they just prayed out with. Both didn't know how they could come up with that in a sudden. Lai asks Koharu..

Lai: How is it?

Koharu: It's heartwarming.. I'm glad you suggested this idea. What makes you come up with that?

He casually answers back..

Lai: Well, it's just a hunch..

Koharu: Just a hunch again?

She smirks cutely, teasing him.

Koharu: Don't tell me you have something hiding from me? ^^

Lai: What? My quest log is empty at this moment.

Koharu: I'm just teasing with you. What time is it now?

He opens the menu, just noticed that it's 10:00am right now..

Lai: It's 10:00am now!

Koharu: What!? We're gonna be late!

He forcefully gets himself up after lying down on cozy grass for so long. Stretching himself and yawns after pulling his partner up.

Lai: Yeah! Let's go, Koharu!

Koharu: Wait..!

Lai: Huh?

Koharu: I think I feel safe after praying out our thoughts, thanks..

Lai: I reckon we have to do that. So you're welcome, Koharu.

They both teleport back to their home in Floor 22..

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 10:10am. Floor  55, KoB's Headquarters in Granzam.

They arrived at the Commander's Office. Noticed Kirito is leaning against the glass window and Asuna just sitting on the desk. The other couple immediately notice their presence as well.

Asuna: Lai! Koharu!

She apologizes immediately..

Koharu: Sorry that we're late!

Lai: I guess the meeting's over?

Asuna: They just teleported away to the nearest General Store, prepping themselves up.

Kirito: Where you guys been to?

Koharu: We just finished testing the last weapon and also visited Floor 47 for a walk. Sorry about that..

Kirito: It's okay.. At least you guys are joining raid today. This shouldn't be a problem if we look out for ourselves during the fight.

Asuna: And we still have 3 hours left before the raid starts. Wanna grab a bite? I brought some sandwiches enough to keep us from hunger.

Koharu: Sure!

The Lightning Flash takes out a white knapsack, she releases the knot and reveals out four bottles of Orange juices and a basket filled with well-made Sandwiches with tuna, tomato and lettuces fillings. Asuna hands each of the drink and food to the others.

Lai: Thanks!

Kirito: Thanks!

Koharu: Thanks! I really love that you always came prepared, Asuna!

Asuna: You flattered me!

They all take a bite of it, savoring the fragrance of the fillings inside the sandwich. Asuna starts a conversation.

Asuna: So...

Koharu: Hm?

Asuna: Have you ever considered... What's happening to our real bodies?

The others stop chewing as soon as they heard it.. Koharu unable to answer back her sudden question.

Koharu: Uhm... I don't know..? I only know our bodies probably being transferred to hospital.

Asuna: That's right.. But we've been stucked here for two years.. And our bodies had being kept alive for two years. I-

Lai: Hold on!

Lai cuts her sentence off, reminding her that they're having lunch now.

Lai: Asuna.. So you're saying we came this far... All the way this far.. That we're just gonna be goners in the end, just because of our body couldn't hold that much longer?

His reply just summarizef her explanation.

Asuna: ...

Her silent response answers him as a yes.

Asuna: Some players might have shorter time limit than us..

Lai: Who?

Kirito: Nishida, as for example.

She gasps as she just realizes it..

Koharu: It's horrible...! But it's been two years and our bodies still being kept alive in the hospital.. I don't know how but..

She looks down a bit, then replies back with determined looks.

Koharu: I can't agree with you!

Asuna: Huh?

Koharu: We can't give up yet! I still have a long path ahead of my life! Lai and I made a promise that we would meet all of our friends in IRL after saving everyone from this world! Then, I will settle the rest of my life with him!

Asuna: Koharu..

Koharu: I know it sounds despair from what you just said. But I know we can make it back to the real world, because Lai and I got our own reasons to fight!

Kirito: Even if you have return back to the real world. We're falling behind way back to the things that had changed in these two years.

Lai: Does that really matter right now? I think that's an excuse.

Koharu: I agree with Lai! We can deal with the other stuff once we get back to the real world!

Asuna: You think we still can make it? Even with just 525 players left?

Lai: We still have NPC helping us out with quests. I'm sure we can do it.

Kirito: Even if we go back, I don't know what to do anymore.

Lai: So what are you gonna do right now!? What are you feeling hopeless about!?

Kirito: Huh?

Lai suddenly grabs his collar, lashes out to him. Shouting out loud so he can force his words to Kirito's head. Koharu tries to stop him.

Koharu: Lai! Calm down!

Lai: Remember when you showed off your skills and your knowledge when we first met!? Koharu and I both were admired you! When we try to plan on raiding the floor boss, we trusted your decision making skill! We were about to worship you! Just like how I worshipped Diavel because of his undying will! And now look at you! Mopping around after just hearing there's a time limit!

He forces Kirito's face to his..

Lai: Now look at me, Kirito! Stop being an edgelord and look at me!

Kirito's eyes widened, surprised by Lai's iron will.

Lai: I've been grinding, training, learning, helping, fighting and surviving for years without any rest! So I can surpass myself! And the people I admired! Especially so I can take out those PKers bastards who tried to hurt us!

Kirito: ...

Lai: I kill to save, sacrifice to protect! I've done all of it and now what I'm seeing is him losing all hope, abandon himself in their hours of needs and just mopping around? After all you've done in the Front Lines, was that just a bunch of hot air in the end?

Koharu: Lai..

He releases his collar, sighs out in frustrations.. Telling Asuna to take him away.

Lai: Asuna.. Please take him away and knock some sense on him.

She grabs Kirito's hand, gently drag him away to avoid argument. Leaving Koharu and Lai alone in the office. Koharu calms him down.

Koharu: Lai..

Lai: I'll be fine.. Same to Kirito.. Sorry about my reaction.

Koharu: After hearing what Asuna just said and felt Kirito's despair.. It's weighing us down..

Lai: They just chose the wrong time to bring it up.. Don't let that affect you.

Koharu: I won't! You know I'm not gonna give up!

After hearing her determination, his serious look finally softens back with a smile.

Lai: That's the Koharu I had known!

She smiles a bit..

Koharu: Thanks. I hope they're fine.. The raid will start after a few hours.

He gathers their sandwiches and drinks in the basket. Hands it to Koharu who just finished her share.

Lai: You should cheer Kirito and Asuna with these. I'll stay here for a while..

She nods lightly..

Koharu: Will you be okay?

He nods back..

Lai: I'll be fine.. I just need a rest.. Thanks for your concern..

She grabs the basket and leaves the office, leaving Lai alone in the office right now. He walks to the window, looks down to the cityscape. Then, he begins to inspect the desk while slowly running his fingers underneath the surface until he presses onto something else.

Lai: (Hope this will turn the tide.)

Timeskip... Corridor..

Koharu sprints her way to the couple with Asuna's basket.

Koharu: Wait!

Asuna: Koharu?

She shows them the basket with the sandwiches that are still left to be finished.

Koharu: At least finish up the food and drink, alright? It might cheer you up a little bit.

The girl accepts Koharu's consolation.

Asuna: Is he still mad?

Koharu: No.. He just.. Doesn't want to see you like this.

Asuna: Sorry..

Koharu: Don't! He didn't want you to apologize!

Asuna: Then, what does he want!?

Her voice raised up enough to startle Koharu.. But Koharu recovers quickly and shouts back..

Koharu: He just wants you both not to lose hope! He wants you two to keep moving and become capable enough to fight for the others!

Koharu adds in more..

Koharu: He saw everyone had changed a lot after his arrival! Agil, Klein, Yuuki, Sachi, Sinon, Silica, Lisbeth, Keita, Sanya, or even Leafa, Godfree, Sasha, Yulier and Thinker! All of them has grown stronger than themselves, at least more than both of you! Not to mention my friends! Lueur, Stilla, Mater, Typhon! Hell! Stilla and Typhon both had reached GrandMaster Rank because of their combinations, even Yuna has made it there as well! If I'm right, Moonlit Black Cats is now the strongest guild in terms of power, number and even resources!

Asuna: ...!!

She just realizes how much the changes their friends had became just from Lai and Koharu's influence.

Asuna: Everyone...

This time, Kirito finally speaks..

Kirito: Is this true?

Koharu: Of course! Now it's only you two who needs to keep moving!

Kirito: ...

Asuna: ...

After a few seconds of silence between them, the boy sighs out..

Kirito: Maybe you're right.. We're falling behind of everyone.

Asuna: Kirito..

Kirito: I guess I've been slacking off for too long.

Koharu: So are you guys okay right now?

Kirito: Yeah.. What about you, Asuna?

She finally replies..

Asuna: As long as you're fine, I think we can still make it back to the real world. Thanks, Koharu.

Koharu: You can thank me after we escaped. Now let's head back to the front line, shall we?

Asuna: What about Lai?

Koharu: He has something to deal with.. I wonder what could it be..

Asuna: Perhaps he's onto something?

She beams them with her smile.

Koharu: I have faith on him.. Trust me. And don't forget About Yui, alright?

The couple couldn't help but to agree Koharu's faith.

Asuna: That's right.. Yui's waiting for us..

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 1:00pm.. Floor 75, Collinia..

Koharu, Asuna and Kirito. All three just arrived at the main city, Collinia. They could see most of their friends had arrived.

Koharu: Everyone's here..

Everyone immediately noticed Koharu, other female players who are her loyal fans approaches her excitedly.

Female players: Koharu-chan!

Koharu: !!

She got surprised by the approach. Instantly got surrounded by the girls. One of them asks her while holding her hand joyfully.

Female player 1: Koharu-chan! Where have you been!? We all missed you!

Koharu: I..! I can't tell you that! It's my privacy!

Female player 2: I heard that you took some days off with The Black Swordsman, Kirito, The Lightning Flash, Asuna and...

She trembles a bit in fear as she said out her partner's nickname.

Female player 2: The Oathkeeper...

She responds with sweatdropped...

Koharu: Y-Yeah! ^^"

Female player 1: And I heard you were the Commander who led the assault against The Army and won without any casualties! You're indeed a perfect idol for us!

Koharu: Actually! Oathkeeper helped out a lot. I wouldn't be able to do it without him.

Then, another female player creeps out on her.

Female player 3: Did you fought together with him!?

Koharu slightly nods back and the response is enough to make the fans hyped up.

Female players: Kyaah~!! That's so cool and romantic!

Then, the girls of The Valkyries pull their leader off from the crowd. Lisbeth sighs out while Silica smiles while dropping her sweat.

Lisbeth: Geez.. Looks like your reputation level just got skyrocketed again.

Koharu: Yeah.. I think so...

The Archer Knight asks about the numbers of players had joined so far.

Sinon: You think everyone's here, Sachi?

The Silent Knight responds in serious tone.

Sachi: Not really... The only left is The Knights of the Blood Oath and The Oathkeeper, Lai. They haven't arrived yet.

Koharu: I wonder where he is...

Yuuki: Maybe he's still in preparation?

Koharu: I don't know...

Silica: Hey, Koharu..

Koharu: Hm? What's the matter, Silica?

The Dragon Tamer girl stutters a bit..

Silica: Uhm... Thanks for comforting me that night and the party as well.

She smiles to her..

Koharu: Don't mention it. I wouldn't want you to be depressed..

Silica: You think how will the world turn out to be after we cleared the game?

Koharu: Uhm... We won't know until we get to Floor 100.. But I'm sure Pina will always live by your side, supporting you.

Silica: Yeah..

While the girls are chatting a bit. Agil and Klein both meet up with Kirito and Asuna. The couple noticed them in Full Armor. They recognize Agil as he is in Full Viking Armor Mail with his Spiked Two-Handed "Ground Gorge" equipped on his back, the other is Klein who is in Heavy Samurai Armor with the Japanese name 《风林火山》 applied, represent as Fuurinkazan. Also equipped with Max Refined Fire and Electric applied "Karakurenai".

Agil: Looks like the atmosphere has changed a bit positive.

Kirito: You guys! What's with the Armor!?

Klein: What? Oh yeah.. You haven't seen us in Full Armor.

Asuna: When did you get this equipment?

Agil: Well, The Moonlit Black Cats has done all the major support to the Front Lines. Thanks to the materials and ores gathering, we were able to get better gear. Plus, Lisbeth did all the refinement to our equipments and Ashley's the one who customized our armors. That's why everyone's here has became a lot stronger.

Klein adds in..

Klein: ...Except you two.. I know Asuna has to stay with her KoB Uniform. But you're still wearing your Blackwyrm Coat with that Fidget Spinner around?

Kirito's eyes narrow, annoyed by Klein's curiosity. But he accepts it anyway.

Klein: It's not that you're falling behind.. You don't think you should...

Kirito: You're right.. I might need a change..

Klein: Whoa.. What's with you? I never see you being discouraged.

Kirito: I just never thought everyone has changed a lot because of them.

Klein: Of course! We kept on growing stronger, ya know! That's what gamers would do!

Asuna: Is everyone here?

Agil: Yeah.. Kinda..

They look at the crowd in the Front Lines.. Most of the Assault Team Players were gathered at the front of the Portal Gate that leads straight to where the Labyrinth's Floor Boss located at. High Level Players from The Valkyries, The Fuurinkazan, The Two-Handed Builders, The Golden Apple, The Resurrected Silver Flags and The Moonlit Black Cats. Koharu, Asuna, Kirito, Sanya, Lueur, Stilla, Mater, Typhon and Yuna. Then, a Teleport noises ring them and everyone turns their attention to the Teleport Gate, immediately notice Heathcliff and his men with the Highest Level possible in KoB guild. Everyone give way for the KoB Commander. They slowly walk straight up to the Portal Gate. Koharu notices the KoB has just arrived before Lai, it makes her worried.

Koharu: Where is he? He should be here already..

She watches Heathcliff, who pays no attention to the crowd as the KoB group walks to the Portal Gate. They eventually stop in front of the Gate. Calmly says out to the Front Lines.

Heathcliff: I supposed he hasn't arrived yet.

Koharu: ...

He takes out a Corridor Crystal. Before he chants.. A Teleport Noise gains everyone's attention again. This time, Lai has finally arrived.. Most of the players were excited to see him, especially Koharu's fans. Koharu is the first one who rushes to him. Worrying about her partner..

Koharu: Lai! Where have you been-!

She just notices that he had his hood over to his head, resuming back to his nickname identity. She got surprised..

Koharu: Lai... Why...?

Oathkeeper: ...

He gives a pat on her shoulder, telling her not to worry. Then, he slowly walks forward straight to the Portal Gate while the Players around him are staring at him, including Heathcliff and other KoB Commanders, giving concern to him since he is the greatest asset to the Front Lines who also has the highest level in the entire SAO player base. As he is in front of Heathcliff, they both make an eye contact for a second and Heathcliff could notice his soulless expression. He grabs the Corridor Crystal out from Heathcliff's hand and walks toward Gate. Oathkeeper just raises up the Crystal.. Its light glows up within the Crystal while the Portal is being opened. The Corridor Crystal itself then bursts into Polygon Fragment. Before he enters the Portal, he turns around as he got puzzled.

Oathkeeper: What are you guys waiting for?

Everyone: *Collapse*

His sudden response makes the crowd collapse as they thought something has happened to him. He enters the Portal. Then, Heathcliff commands the others.

Heathcliff: Now, follow him!

All of the Assault Team Players are joining with Heathcliff as they march into the Portal.

Labyrinth, in front of the Floor boss's room...

After Heathcliff entered, he just notices Oathkeeper is already at the front of the door, checking the Magazine of his Crossbow before loading back in and put it back to his shortcut window. Another second later, the Corridor starts to be flooded in by the Assault Team Players. Koharu is the first one who reaches the Corridor. She rushes to her partner's side, ignoring Heathcliff's presence. She grabs his arm, whispering to him as she could tell he's hiding something from her.

Koharu: What's wrong, Lai?

Oathkeeper: I'll discuss with you after the raid. Make sure you had everything prepared.

She let go of his arm, silently replies with an okay..

Koharu: Okay...

Then, they both notice more players have entered the Corridor. Koharu couldn't ignore her friends since she's the leader of The Valkyries so she joined back with the girls, leaving Oathkeeper alone at the front. Soon, every players had joined the raid. Heathcliff suggests something to Oathkeeper.

Heathcliff: Since you're here, why not laying out some speeches before joining in? I'm sure they want to hear a word from the Strongest Player.

Oathkeeper: ...

He slowly turns around, looking at the crowd. Then, he clears his throat to gain their attention.

Oathkeeper: I'm not a leader so I don't care what you say.. I know we got a boss to deal with so I'm gonna keep this short.

He silences a bit.. Then, adds in..

Oathkeeper: I've seen you all struggle.. Getting used to this world, trying to survive. But we all have come this far and I'm sure we can pull this off if we do our part well.

The crowd starts yelling to support. Heathcliff adds in.

Heathcliff: Oathkeeper and The Knights of the Blood Oath will take the majority of the damage. The rest should discern its attack patterns and prepare to change the tactics if necessary.

Oathkeeper adds in after Heathcliff passes the role back to him.

Oathkeeper: I have to remind you that we're now in the third quarter of Aincrad, Floor 75. So whatever you do, do not let your guard down. Pull back if necessary. The rest, just do your best.

The crowd yells out in cheering response to their speeches, except Koharu and the girls, also same to Kirito, Asuna and Argo.

Argo: Quite a speech, isn't it?

Kirito: Yeah...

Asuna: Lai and Koharu had surpassed all of us. Because they had learned everything from our experience.

Argo: Well, they wouldn't be called "The Top Tier Players" for nothing. I played a huge role of grooming them up. You know, I still remember when I first met them, the nostalgia sure hits hard tho..

Heathcliff: We have faith that we can prevail. For our day of liberation!

The crowd yells out again as a response to Heathcliff. As the Commander's about to push the door gate slightly, everyone unsheathes their weapon, ready for the upcoming boss battle.

Kirito: Good luck, guys.

Klein: Hmph! Same to you!

Agil: I'm gonna make a fortune with today's drop!

Suddenly, Oathkeeper literally breaks the heavy door down violently with just a kick, sending both of it straight to the center of the battlefield. They all got surprised by his strength while Heathcliff who sighs out in frustration as he didn't expected such exaggerating openings.

Heathcliff: *sigh*

He immediately recovers and starts the battle.

Heathcliff: Attack!!

Heathcliff first enters the battlefield, the rest follows up to the KoB Commander, along with their battle cries except for Oathkeeper who is just standing where he is as he watches the players are rushing pass through him, blindly entering the battlefield without expecting what will happen to them next. He clenches his fist, as something is holding him back from joining the raid. While most of them are already in the battlefield. Koharu stops her move as she notices that her partner is standing there. Then, she grabs his hand, cheering him up without knowing why.

Koharu: Come on, Lai! Let's go!

Oathkeeper: ...

He takes a deep breath, before inevitably joining with her. Then, they both rush to the battlefield. Koharu reveals out the boss whereabouts and its appearances.

Koharu: The boss in this Floor is the Skull Reaper, The Bone Centipede! Look up above!!

Everyone heed her advice and shift their focus up above them. Sachi immediately commands the Spear and Bow Users.

Sachi: All Spear and Bow Users! Shoot it off from the ceiling!

All Users that mainly wield Two-Handed Spear throws their weapon like a Javelin to the Boss while the Bow Users try their best to knock it down to the ground so it'll be in everyone's attack range. Oathkeeper whips out his Perforator, immediately aims straight up to where the boss is and fires out a Spear. The projectile successfully shot the boss and the impact causes it to fall off from the ceiling, the whole group spread out away where it will fall soon. Oathkeeper grabs out another Spear ammunition and inserts into the Cannon. Then, he equipped back to his Dark General's Sword. The Leader of MBC yells out another command.

Keita: Spread out! Don't stay together! And do not attack up front!

The Skull Reaper falls down to the ground, reveals 5 HP bars. But thanks to the first artillery strike. Half of its first HP bar is gone. It rages out to them and attacks Heathcliff first who has the Spiritual Light skill that absorbs its aggro so the boss would target him first. He successfully blocks its Scythe slash.

Heathcliff: Oathkeeper!

The player jumps to the front, landing on one of its Scythe arm. Then, he slashes its entire arm all the way to the end. He jumps in backflip, parries another Scythe Slash and lands back to the ground. All of the Slashes that Oathkeeper had just dealt to it detonates and eventually breaks its arm. He grabs out his Sticky Pipe Bomb Launcher. A rubber ball shot out and explodes on the boss, covering it with sticky web upon impact and Yuna starts playing her battle music, boosting everyone's stats within the Boss room.

While the music is playing, Koharu commands the others as soon as she notices the boss's being vulnerably stuck.

Koharu: Now's our chance! Attack with everything you've got!

All of the Moonlit Black Cats members shouts out their battle cry as they launch out their countless attacks. Klein and his members went to its side, all charging up with same Swords skills as their combined attacks.

Klein: This is the Fuurinkazan's secret technique! Inferno Windmill!

Fuurinkazan members: Haah!!!!

All 6 of The Fuurinkazan group delivers full damage with all their strength. More enough to flip the entire boss. Then, Agil's group came in.

Agil: Everyone! Aim at its Scythe legs! Break all of them with our Meteor Shower! The rest! Give us a hand!

Yuuki: You heard him! Give them a boost!

Oathkeeper grabs Agil's hand, starts spinning up and launches up to the air. The others were being propelled up to the air as well by Typhon with other Two-Handed Sword Users and Shield Users.

Agil: Stay put!

A huge green flashes on their weapons as 4 of them descend straight to each of its Scythes legs. Dealing several huge Area of Effect (AoE) damage to the Skull Reaper.

Agil: That teach it not to ambush us!

Like cockroach being flipped over with some of its leg broken. Everyone keep on attacking without hesitation.

Skull Reaper: *Angry noises*

Despite the boss lost its Scythe and being pushed around by Players, it starts whipping its tail violently, knocking back some of the players attack from its rear. Koharu notices its attack and calls out Lisbeth and Sachi for the Technique.

Koharu: Sachi! Lisbeth! The Spear Technique!

Sachi replies seriously while Lisbeth grins out in full confidence.

Sachi: On it!

Lisbeth: Say no more!

They both switch their weapons, Sachi is now equipped her Spear as the main weapon from her Sword and Shield equipment set. Lisbeth changes to her Doom's Tip from her Mace and Shield equipment set. Both about to perform Twin Heavy Pierce.

Lisbeth: Let's do this!

Sachi: Yes!

They both charging in with their Two-Handed Spear. Penetrating its tail at the same time from both sides. Then, they lunge back and back with their thrusting attack 10 times. Breaking its tail entirely.

Lisbeth: Its tail's gone! Nice job!

Sachi: You too, Liz!

They did a fist pump after finishing executing their Technique flawlessly. Yuuki stands in front of Sinon, who is ready with her arrows pulled on her bow. As the first arrow has release, Yuuki shifts a bit left and the projectile grazes pass her blade, creating a powerful purple shot and increasing the arrow's damage. Then, she grazes the rest of the arrows that Sinon launches through her with a spinning backflip thanks to her Acrobatics skills. Resulting it breaks its legs with each powered up shots.

Yuuki: I think the damage's working!

Sinon: Phew... I was worrying I might ended up hitting you, Yuuki.

She turns around, gives a peace sign and smiles brightly to Sinon who is smiling back silently to her.

Yuuki: That means all the work we've done for "Arrow Combination" has been paid off!

Meanwhile, Koharu is now with Silica since they both are dagger users. They rush in together, slices its legs with quick movement. Koharu swiftly deals with 5 hits with "Serpent slash" in a second then immediately switch with Silica to stack up the combo.

Koharu: Silica!

Silica: Going in!

She uppercuts in her first strike, a downslash in her next strike, slices horizontally 3 times before uppercuts and downslash again, then lastly with a front direct stab. Resulting dealing another 8 hits with the "Fury Slice". Koharu rushes in while Silica jumps back, equipped her Thunder Feather on her left hand with Nightkiss on her right at the same time, a backward downslash has just executed as her starting combo before an uppercut, she spins a bit and perform a stab, then a horizontal slash from left to right, she spins her Nightkiss to the front and stabs the bone upfront, gutting it upwards to the end before she spins herself, dealing 4 other hits and a brutal double stab on the target as the finisher move, resulting slashing 12 hits of her "Blade Dance". Destroying 25 of its Scythe legs. Both gave their support to each other.

Koharu: Nice! You're doing great, Silica!

Silica: Thanks, Koharu! Go help the others, Pina! We'll be fine!

Pina: Pina!

The Dragon responds to her with a nod and flies to other injured players for healing support. The other guilds like The Golden Apple and The Resurrected Silver Flags.

Griselda: Let's go, guys!

Yolko, Caynz, Schmitt, Grimlock and other 7 guildmates attack the Skull Reaper. Lueur, Mater, Stilla and Typhon all combined their attacks straight on the boss's head.

Lueur: Let's go!

Mater: ...Okay..

Lueur rushes first at the front, charging with "Flashing Penetrator", the system boosts his speed with sonic boom, lunges straight forward like a comet. The impact causes its skull to bent a lot.

Lueur: Switch!

Mater: Haah!

She bents down her body during her rush, focus her strength on her right arm equipped with the Dagger main weapon backwards. Then, she swings up from the lowest right, cutting all the way to the very top left with the "Scar leavers". Finally, Two GrandMaster Players, Stilla and Typhon both combined their attacks.

Stilla: Typhon!

Typhon: Right with you!

Stilla charges up her knuckles while her partner joins with him. Both dash forward and swings their weapons on the target. Depletes down the third HP bar.

Heathcliff: Oathkeeper!

Oathkeeper: ...

Oathkeeper and Heathcliff both team up, forming a perfect harmony in both Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, especially in both attack and defense. Heathcliff bashes its head to the right, Oathkeeper slams its head back to the left towards Heathcliff with his blade, then the Commander charges up his Divine Blade, uppercuts it, facing up and Oathkeeper appears on top of its face, slams its head back to the ground with his "Pillar Blade". They both charge up their Sword Skills, Heathcliff holds his Sword Two Handed inside right, with the blade pointing forward while Oathkeeper holds his Sword in close left. Both charging in together, unleashed their combined Sword Skill "Double Last Resort". Inflicting damage enough to delete 2 entire HP bars, only 1 more left. Heathcliff commands the others to take it out as fast as they can.

Heathcliff: Everyone, only 1 HP bar left! Give everything you've got!

His rally support increases the morale for the others, granting ATK up buff for everyone. Every players yell out another battle cries. Asuna and Lueur borh unleashed total 16 hits of fast stabs with "Star Splash". While Kirito executes barrages of 16 hits with "Starburst Stream", follows up with 2 hit "Double Circular" as finishing move. Koharu commands the Valkyries.

Koharu: Girls! Gather up!

All of the girls respond to their leader as they all gather up. With Koharu on the middle, Yuuki and Silica on the left while Lisbeth and Sachi on the right, forming an arrow formation with Sinon staying behind them, aiming upwards with an Arrow that is the same size as the Harpoon. All 5 of them rush forward to the target as soon as Sinon releases her arrows. Executing the "Goddess's wrath" technique.

Koharu: Let's do this!

The other 4 replies back, Sachi charges in with a fatal stab with her Holy Sword, Yuuki hops onto her shield and propelled up, unleashes 22 hit of "Dual Rosario" while jumping over the boss. Silica and Lisbeth both lunge forward, thrust through the target with their Spear, then lunge back in different directions 5 times, forming a star shaped attack. Meanwhile, Koharu throws several sticky Blast Orbs on the target. Finally, the arrow struck down and detonates all the Blast Orbs as soon as it impales one of them. The explosion covers the Skull Reaper as it screams out to its death as the last HP bar depletes out completely. Resulting Koharu's the one who gets the last hit bonus.

Koharu: W-We did it!

Most of the players are cheering for the victory. Some of them even raise their weapons as a celebration taunt.

Everyone: Yeah!!

The Moonlit Black Cats leader, Keita. Let out a sigh of relief as the raid is now over, but immediately checking up the casualties as his priorities.

Keita: Report the casualties, guys!

One of the MBC Members opens up the map, still recognize the number of players had joined as soon as he sees the numbers of surviving players. Meaning that no one has fallen during the raid.

MBC Member: Zero casualties! We all made it, leader!

Keita: That's a relief! With the third quarter's boss has been cleared, the next floor may be easier!

The Silent Knight who are being very serious all the time is now changes back to her usual gentle side.

Sachi: We should celebrate for beating it without any casualties!

Koharu refuses the idea, giving her reason.

Koharu: Uhm.. Maybe someday! I had too much feasts that night!

The girl replies back with an assumption.

Sachi: You've been eating a lot of Asuna's cooking, haven't you?

Koharu starts complimenting Asuna's culinary skills.

Koharu: Her cooking never stop impressing me, it's still amazing as ever!

The Smith Girl teases her a bit..

Lisbeth: It's a miracle that you didn't gain weight after having that much.

Koharu: But we're in game.. So that means we can't actually gain weight at all.

Silica: Yeah!

While the girls and the others are celebrating, Kirito and Asuna walk up to their comrades.

Asuna: Everyone, you all done a great job!

Kirito: I was worried  there will be casualties, looks like I underestimated you all.

The Samurai smirks with confidence.

Klein: Hehe! Very impressive, huh?

Agil: I can tell the rest of 25 floors will be taken down in a swift as well.

The four joins Koharu and the Valkyries.

Lueur: Another victory for the heroine!

Mater: ...Nice work..

Koharu: Thanks!

Stilla: Not to ruin the atmosphere, Koharu.. But you missed the chance working with your partner, Lai.. I was expecting to see the combination of you two.

Her mention rings Koharu.

Koharu: Lai! I almost forgot him! Sorry Stilla, I have to find him!

Stilla: Sure.

She starts to look around, prioritize herself on finding her partner as soon as possible. Fortunately, it doesn't take too much time for her to find him as he is standing there alone, still with his sword being held on his hand.

Koharu: Lai!

As she is about to reach out to him. Suddenly, Oathkeeper disappears from her sight. She reacts and manages to track his movement. Until she witnesses something impossible..

Koharu: Huh?

Meanwhile, Heathcliff is checking the others in the map, until he notices a player rushing to his position.

Heathcliff: (Is he!?)

He quickly turns his head, realizing that the player just appears behind Heathcliff is Oathkeeper..

Heathcliff: !!

His head got grabbed, preventing the Commander to turn his head around as his Dark General's Sword is about to impale through Heathcliff's avatar.


The tip of the Dark General's Sword didn't even enter Heathcliff's avatar. Instead, it got blocked by a purple hexagon, then another one pops up with "Immortal Object" applied on it. Koharu stops her move as she just witnesses it.

Oathkeeper: Can't believe you already turn it on..

Koharu: Is this...!?

Everyone got terrified a bit by just noticed what happened to Heathcliff. Oathkeeper hops away and about to counter back against the KoB members who are immediately unsheathes their weapons for the Assault.

KoB Commander: What the hell are you-!?

Koharu: Wait!!

They all stop by her command, witnessing the popped out message above Heathcliff. Koharu murmurs out as she couldn't believe what Oathkeeper just discovered. Kirito and Asuna just arrived at the scene.

Asuna: What's wrong!?

Kirito: Is that..!?

Koharu exposes Heathcliff..

Koharu: Immortal Object... Lai was right about you! Mind to explain what's that!?

The Commander, who is still remained calm and serious. Suddenly, gives out a pleasant grin on his face that confuse the others.

Heathcliff: I guess this is inevitable.. Before this, would you mind telling me how you two figured it out?

They all are confused about what is he talking about.. They both look at each other and nod before Koharu starts to explain.

Koharu: During that night party, Kirito and I got attacked by the KoB. I immediately recognized the uniform because it was too flashy, even in the dark.

Oathkeeper: And I spotted a stalker but I wouldn't want to be bothered that much. Otherwise, I would've rip his guts off.

He turns his head to the KoB Swordsman, Nautilus. The eye contact between them is already made Nautilus flinched a bit.

Oathkeeper: Am I right, Nautilus?

Nautilus: Tch!

Koharu: Don't bother him.. I have answers that I wanted to know.

He turns away.. Focusing on Heathcliff...

Oathkeeper: Fine...

She continues to explain..

Koharu: After that duel in the Arena between you and Oathkeeper, it has been bugging me since that day until now. Not sure why, but.. I felt there's something wrong about how you dodged Lai's attack. You can say it's my sixth sense acting out again. If you don't want to explain, I guess I'll let Lai tells the story.

Oathkeeper follows up the explanation..

Oathkeeper: During our duel, you somehow managed to dodge and even fast enough to block my attacks. Thanks to that previous duel, I was able to figure out how to counter that. But unfortunately, I was really underestimated that "Sudden shift" of yours. But I'd be dead blind if I'm still unable to see that being activated for like 7 total times.

Heathcliff replies back..

Heathcliff: Your performance impressed me as always. But that was an unfortunate mistake.. Probably the biggest one.. I admit that I have the thoughts of possibly defeating you in first-strike mode so you would become the KoB's greatest asset. But I was wrong, you were too overpowered.. To the point that I have to engage the system's over-assist mode.

Koharu: So it's true.. That means..!

Oathkeeper: You're... Akihiko Kayaba...!

As he just brings up the name of the mastermind who trapped them in Sword Art Online, already make the players to gasp a bit. As for Koharu.. The truth of Heathcliff causes emotional impact to her as soon as she hears the name, more enough to make her clench her fist hard. But the Commander remains silent, only let out a sigh before grinning out and explain.

Akihiko: Yes.. I am Akihiko Kayaba. And If I may add, I am the game's final boss, who would have awaited you at the top floor.

They both raise up their guard, preparing themselves.

Oathkeeper: You...!

Koharu: You already planned to betray us? Right from the very beginning!?

He smirks calmly.. Still keeping his cool.

Akihiko: Not a bad one, is it? Because this is a part of this world's storyline.

Oathkeeper immediately pops out his middle finger towards Akihiko Kayaba as a "feck off with that" response, but covered up with his other hand so his partner won't see the sign. But as for Koharu, who is so dumbfounded by the storyline that she blurted out casually but accidentally roasting Kayaba.

Koharu: No.. It was way worse than any Story Quests I've been through... -_-

Her unintentional roasting literally shut Kayaba down and causes everyone to gasp.

Akihiko: ...

Everyone: *Surprised pikachu face"

As for Oathkeeper...

Oathkeeper: (Poggies...!!)

He clears his throat to disperse out the embarrassment..

Akihiko: I know such betrayal would definitely break a person's heart. But..

Koharu: No! You caused most of the people's death just to liven up to your storyline!? You're horrible!

Heathcliff looks away a bit, showing no sign of sympathize to her feelings. Oathkeeper snaps out from it and stops his partner who got worked out as she approaches Akihiko Kayaba.

Oathkeeper: Calm down, Koharu! He's not the type who always sympathize the others!

He catches her in his embrace, calming her down as she gets agitated by Akihiko's unreasonable answer.

Koharu: I'm sorry, Lai! I just can't let it slide like that! Especially after hearing this!

He adds his sarcasm reply to her.

Akihiko: Maybe he's right, Koharu.. Maybe I am a heartless person just as him, probably the opposite side of yours.

She retorts back with her insults to defend him.

Koharu: Maybe you should call yourself worthless might be better, because Lai has already occupied that side. So I apologise for your loss!

Her unintentional roast when she got worked out is starting to impress his partner secretly..

Oathkeeper: (I think I found the reasons why I fell in love with her and not to mess with her as well.)

Akihiko: ... (I'm starting to think she's not a simple girl after hearing what she just said..)

The Commander, who got exposed by the duo and revealed as the mastermind, walks around casually. Completely ignored the fact he is surrounded and outnumbered by the players around him. Koharu calms down a bit and regains her rational.

Akihiko: Anyway, I always thought that Kirito would be the one to stand before me at the end. Sadly to see things always go unexpected, even though I'm the one who controls this world.. But it's interesting to see you two try to turn things around. So I modified the storyline a bit as you both continue to grow..

Oathkeeper: ...

Koharu: So you've been watching us in these two years?

The man nodded..

Akihiko: Yes.. I've put a lot of time into developing the Knights of the Blood Oath and other front line players, so it's a shame I have to leave them partway. So after I left the KoB, I'll officially leave the Leader position to Oathkeeper so the Knights of the Blood Oath and The Moonlit Black Cats will join forces. Isn't it sound good for you all?

Oathkeeper: But I'm glad we won't see that day coming..

Akihiko: Dual Blades skill was designed for the players who has the fastest reaction time. To be specific, it was designed for the ones who has very high reaction speed and had fully mastered One-Handed Swords. That explains why Yuuki, Oathkeeper and Koharu also has the Dual Blade skills as well.

Oathkeeper: Wait, what?

They pause for a while, recalling what Akihiko just said.. Koharu asks curiously..

Koharu: Did we.. Acquired that as well? We thought Kirito is the first one who has that Unique Skills.

Oathkeeper: Why not check it out, Koharu?

Koharu: Sure!

They both check their skill lists immediately, which sorted out in A to Z in ascending order. Searching out for the Unique Skills and apparently, they just realized they had their Dual Blades skill fully mastered, without them knowing it at all.

Koharu: No way! There's another Unique Skills!

Akihiko: Judging by your reaction, you both just realized it?

They both nod back in honesty.. Causing everyone except the duo to collapse, especially Yuuki who's been using Two Swords all the time.. Akihiko Kayaba literally facepalms himself.

Akihiko: God... You two are hopeless...

Koharu: I thought this was a part of Dagger's Sub Skill tree! What about you, Lai?

Oathkeeper: Here..

He maximizes his Skill window panel and passes it to Koharu, showing up 100 Main Skills Trees in just a window, as she swipes down, another 100 Skill Trees are shown in the panel, shocking her to the core.

Koharu: You acquired too many skills that you got lost finding it!?

He replies nervously..

Oathkeeper: I didn't even have the time to check every one of them..

After they just realized it, their conversation got interrupted by Akihiko Kayaba who just got ignored by them.

Akihiko: Ahem!

Koharu: Hm? Oh, sorry!

Oathkeeper: Huh!? Why are you saying sorry!? He's the one who trapped us in here!

His partner just realized and immediately feels guilty because of her natural kindness..

Koharu: I immediately take that back.. It's just a habit of mine... -_-

Their conversation unexpectedly troll Kayaba off.

Akihiko: ... (My god, these two... Wait.. Why am I getting disappointed about..? They are just fooling me out. Or are they trying to calm everyone down and avoid the panic?)

He pounds the ground with his Shield, gains back their attention. Still continues his speech despite being ruined by their conversation.

Akihiko: As I say, Dual Blades skills is award to the players who has very high reaction speed, who will then act out as the Hero that challenges the Demon King. These unexpected events are part of the fun of MMORPG.

Suddenly, a KoB member suddenly tighten up his grips onto his sword planted on the ground.. Angered by their Commander's betrayal.

KoB Member: Our loyalty... Our hope...!

Then, he wields out his sword, about to jump on Akihiko Kayaba.

KoB Member: How dare you...! How dare you...!?

Oathkeeper: Don't!

After the next second, he lost his control of his avatar and falls on the ground. Noticed that he got paralyzed.

Koharu: Paralysis! Watch out!

Akihiko Kayaba applied the paralysis status ailment to every players except the KoB Members. Then, a wind from him just violently blows all the players away to the edge except the duo who are still remained on their position unchanged with their blocking stance. Next, an invisible barrier  locked everyone out and the duo inside, along with the KoB Members. The girls shouts out their names as they are in danger.

Sachi: Koharu! Lai! No!

Yuuki: Damn it!! I can't even move my body!

The duo quickly interacts the barrier and tries to break it with their weapons. Without a words, Oathkeeper wields out his Perforator and shoots out a Spear and the projectile immediately breaks into pieces as soon as it touches the impenetrable barrier. They both turn their focus to the KoB and got their weapons unsheathed.

Koharu: What are trying to do? Get rid of us and then the rest of the players?

Akihiko: Of course not, I wouldn't do anything so unfair. Even if I do, it'd be game over for you all. Since there's only 525 players left.

Oathkeeper: Says the one who had his over-assist mode being activated for like 7 times and still failed to win.

Akihiko: You can remain sarcasms all you want.. But.. I'm afraid this will be the punishment for ruining the game's player base.

He draws out a menu setting, they both could recognize it's a setting menu from a far. But they couldn't see what kind of setting he's doing. Suddenly, Oathkeeper and Koharu both could feel themselves being weakened a lot that their body bend down a bit, due to the excessive of items weight they're carrying..

Oathkeeper: Status ailments!

Koharu immediately looks up and left where her HP bar is. Strangely, she doesn't notice any status ailments icon being applied beside her HP bar. But as she sees the actual punishment that Akihiko Kayaba gave them. Her eyes widened a lot, completely terrified. Oathkeeper helps up his partner.

Oathkeeper: What's wrong!?

Koharu: Lai! Look at our level!

He looks up and left to his HP bar for himself. Shockingly, that his level has been reset to the very beginning, Level 1. He immediately realized the same punishment has been applied to Koharu as well.

Oathkeeper: We're back to Level 1!?

The man nods in pleasant looks.

Akihiko: That is correct.. But I must reward you for deducing my identity. By giving you two a chance..

Oathkeeper, who is still remain his calm, replies him.

Oathkeeper: Which is?

Akihiko: A chance to fight me.. And the rest of us who are still remain inside the barrier. Defeat me and you beat the game. Then, all the players will be able to log out.

Oathkeeper: So much for being fair play, jerk..

Koharu: Really?

Akihiko: Naturally, I'll deactivate my immortal status and other system assist. You can trust me, Oathkeeper, Koharu..

Oathkeeper: ...Yeah.. With 20 of your men assisting you?

Akihiko: I can't afford getting my embarrassed again.. Please understand my situation.

Then, he immediately turns his focus on Koharu as soon as he hears a voice from his partner who is leaning against him a bit.

Koharu: Understand your situation.. Huh? Akihiko Kayaba...

Oathkeeper: Huh?

Koharu: You're the one who trapped us in there! And you're expecting us to understand your situation!?

Oathkeeper: Koharu..

Koharu: I don't care if our levels got reset, I don't care what punishment we have to take.. But I can't forgive you the fact you had robbed away the lives of thousands people, just to fulfill your personal gain!

Akihiko: ...

The mastermind is just standing there, looking away with his eyes closed. Ignoring her words. Then, he starts a deal with the KoB Members.

Akihiko: I will set you, all the KoB Members free if you follow my command.. What do you think?

Leafa: Wait! What about my brother!?

Akihiko: ...

Without a word, Akihiko Kayaba paralyzes her and blows her outside the barrier.

Koharu: Leafa!

Akihiko: Well, I apologise of this, Leafa, but I'm sure you'll interfere this and I can't allow it. Your brother and everyone's lives are all depending on their performance.

Leafa: You bastard! You won't get away with this!

Oathkeeper: Pressuring us with their lives. Koharu was right about you being worthless would be better.

He turns back to the KoB, persuading them.

Akihiko: About the deal.. If you managed to eliminate them. The KoB will be set free, as a reward for choosing and stay on the right side all the time.

KoB Member 1: Really!?

All of the KoB Members surprised by the deal and discussed about it, only Godfree who hesitates to the offer.

KoB Member 2: Alright! Let's kill them!

KoB Members: Yeah!

Godfree: ...

23 of them, including Akihiko Kayaba and Nautilus who got their weapons unsheathed. The duo prepares themselves for the worst. Koharu could already feel the chance of winning or even making it out alive from this is extremely low. She whispers out to him as she terrifies a bit deep down inside her.

Koharu: You think we can make it out this one?

Oathkeeper: Our levels been reset, but we still got the Skills to turn the tables on them. Still remember what I taught you long ago?

Koharu: Yeah.. I've been practicing it for two years till this day..

Oathkeeper: Screw the levels, let's do this..

Before the fight about to start. Suddenly, a girl just shouts out in tears, gaining everyone's attention.

Mina: I'd rather die than playing this game!

Oathkeeper: Huh?

Koharu: Mina?

Sasha: Mina!

The girl holds to her cries and yells out bravely as she remains on the ground.

Mina: Koharu nee-san and Lai nii-san both had done so far for us so we can go back to our homes! If you get rid of them, we'll rather die than clearing your stupid game!

After hearing, the man replies back calmly but cold-blooded.

Akihiko: Is that a threat you're telling me, girl?

Mina: Eek..!

Then, Koharu's word interruptd in.

Koharu: Don't worry!

Mina: Huh?

She comforts her with her gentle tone..

Koharu: Koharu nee-san will save you out, I promise..

Akihiko: System command.. Set the Knights of the Blood Oath Members to..

Koharu: Huh?

They all just heard what Akihiko Kayaba just said.. The devastating has arrived as he reveals the numbers.

Akihiko: Level 800!

They all witness the KoB Members just raised up levels, gasped by just the number that he is setting their levels with.

Oathkeeper: What!?

22 of them has just raised up to Level 800. Completely shutting down the chance of winning. They both got shocked by the numbers alone, enough to almost drop their weapons.

Oathkeeper: Is this where..?

Koharu: ..Supposed to be the end of us?

Akihiko: Thanks to that girl's threat. If you guys plan to perish. I guess it's beyond saving for me. So I guess I'll do it quickly.

Mina: No!!

Oathkeeper: They're coming!

He turns his head around immediately as he senses one of them is already behind him.

Koharu: Watch out!!

Oathkeeper: Damn it!


Koharu: Lai!

The strike knocks him out from his consciousness. Koharu immediately goes for his aid until Nautilus appears to her side where her vulnerability shows a lot before his Sword swing on her.

Koharu: !!


The slash damages her right arm, the knockback blows her to aside. But she didn't care as she couldn't want Oathkeeper to be fallen.

Koharu: Please get up...

Her consciousness fades away as her hand falls onto the ground.

End of Chapter...

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