Chapter 29: Extraordinary Ordinary Days
(Art created by y2n4zee in Instagram.)
Year 2024, November 4th.. Aincrad Standard Time, 8:00am.. Floor 22, Serene Shore.
At the early morning with calm, windy weather.. The boys are now doing their warm up with their fishing skills. For a novice fisherman like Kirito, he is struggling on timing the catch whenever the rod gets pulled by his prey. But as for master level like Lai, especially his good reflexes, he literally pulls one and another, constantly filling up their buckets with 10 fishes.
Kirito: Hey, hey.. Aren't the fishes too much for us?
Lai: These are for our lunch and dinner. Asuna specially assigned me to catch any of A or S type quality listed on this note by her.
Kirito: But at least mind letting some space for me when I catch one?
Lai: You do know you can just release them if you're just doing warm-ups.
Kirito sighs as he couldn't say but to agree..
Kirito: Yeah..
After just a few seconds that Kirito stays back to silent, Lai manages to pull out another one already.
Kirito: Already!?
Turns out he just fishes out a "Rubber boots". Lai grunts as it just broke his streaks. Kirito adds in.
Kirito: Well, there goes your streak..
He inspects inside the boot before putting it back to his inventory.
Kirito: Not gonna throw it back?
Lai: Saving the environment.. Even in this game. Plus, this leather's still fresh. The number one tailor, Ashley might even want it.
The Black Swordsman chuckles..
Kirito: Heh.. She only accepts rare materials. And I heard you assisted her for like many times.
Lai: Yes, that girl's policy really needs a change and that's for sure if she keep putting herself in danger.
Kirito pulls out his fishing rod, sighs as he just knows his bait is already long gone. He grabs a worm and pinned on the fishing hook as a bait. Then, he executes a Sword Skill to throw the bait out to the lake far away from them. This sparks Kirito a question.
Kirito: Hey Lai.. You notice you're actually using a Sword Skills when you throw the bait?
Lai: Yeah, I guess.. I saw the rod illuminates in Yellow.
Kirito: I'm glad you had the same thought as mine.
Lai: But I believe you can't deal damage to any mobs with it.
Kirito: Hm.. I might want to test it someday.
Lai: Whatever that suits you well..
The conversation went paused there, focusing on their bait. Then, Kirito asks him.
Kirito: So.. About those who were killed by you.. Especially the Army.. How are you feeling for them right now..?
Lai went silent to his question that changes the topic of their conversation. He sighs a bit.
Lai: Brutal Kills.. Mercy Kills.. Which one? Because I done so many times that I couldn't even count them all.
His response left him quiet..
Kirito: ...
Seeing him looks away.. Lai feels he have to explain it.
Lai: You remember when I told Yulier that I watched the whole world, Kirito?
Kirito: Yeah? What about that?
Lai: It's just.. A lot of bizarre things happened.. Especially the unknown invasion and that stupid looking guy who called himself "Nectar". Literally made me puked when he said something about "Souls".
Kirito: Unknown invasion? Wait, that!?
Lai: Hm? Seems like you know something..
Kirito: A lot of Minions and Deathworms suddenly invading Aincrad somehow.. But Koharu was the one who defeated the leader of invasion. It was a woman with white hair.. But I can't remember what she called now..
Lai: Whoa... She did all that?
Kirito: Yeah.. But about the "Nectar"? You mean Vector or something?
His voice starts to become very aggressive.
Lai: "Vecta", "Nectar"..! Screw that! He's stupid and dead to me anyway!
He sighs and replies in frustrated tone.
Lai: It's nothing to go curious about.. He's probably just a boss created by the Cardinal and I gotta be honest, it really sounds like a shietty name for me! And screw that woman as well for sneaking away from me!
Kirito: I don't like that tone of yours.. Lai..
He lies down on the wooden dock. Clearing his mind away from all the battles he had went through.
Lai: Sorry, I'm just ranting. A lot of things happened that I really need to vent out.
He looks up to the sky..
Lai: During that time when I was alone. I've seen much for myself.. So much that I started to ask myself what is humanity for me..
He continues..
Lai: People really went extremely crazy for fame, wealth and power, especially their personal desires. That alone really scared me deep inside. Hell.. Some people even tried to kill with their shietty reasons. Or even, brainwashing themselves that killing is okay for them. So in the end, I had offered them a good reason, death.. And they can't do anything but to accept it.
Kirito: Some of them really treated death as part of the game.
Lai: Yeah.. That bastard Grimlock is the perfect example for that..
Kirito: And I can't imagine how much damage the Laughing Coffin would do to the Assault Team.
He spits to the grass.
Lai: Hmph! Those guys need to die! They are a huge stains to humanity. And I had wiped them clean to keep the others shining.
Kirito: Calm down. They're goners already. No need to vent on their death.
Lai: *sigh* Yeah..
They both take a deep breath, let it out in grunting noises. He didn't want to remember everything that he had done during his solo journey, especially the guild war. He hardens his fist..
Lai: When the guild war started, I almost wonder if there's anything in this world still worth saving. But when I remembered you guys will be in a lot of troubles, I gritted my teeth and braced myself as I'm about to fight against enemies with endless might. Kill as much as I can before they can take me down one day. The thought of me would survive through this was never flashed through my mind, not even once.
Kirito: But you lived in the end.. For Koharu's sake, right?
Lai: Probably yeah.. But it almost cost my sanity away during the process.. But I didn't regret that decision if I could get the smile of the people who are trying to live their best in this world.
Kirito: You know.. As everyone first knowing you, some of people put their faith on you, some of them feared your power. For me, I thought you were our greatest threat and we had tried to capture you. Koharu was the one who convinced us all, with the proof of you helping out the Moonlit Black Cats.
His eyes widened a bit, noticed by Kirito.
Kirito: I guess she never told you about this..
Lai: Yeah.. Gotta repay back what she had done for me.
Kirito: From everyone else's view, we all thought you're too overpowered. But right now I think, to maintain the world in peace. You really need that kind of power. So it's justified, at least for me..
He changes the topic immediately..
Lai: Look, Kirito.. Can we talk about other things? To make it simple, it was Crimes against humanity, alright? And I'm proud that we managed to stop the threats and restored back to what we used to be like. So I don't want to dwell onto that much.
Kirito: Right.. So is Koharu feeling okay today?
He replies casually at first..
Lai: Hm? She seems to be more energetic this morning.
Kirito: Wait! She's not feeling sick at all? Like acting in "Stomach ache like" behavior to you?
He begins to doubt his question.
Lai: What are you talking about? I seen her smiling around like usual before we're going to fishing.
Kirito: Now that's strange..
His questions start creeping Lai off.. Enough to cause him moving away a bit from the Black Swordsman.
Lai: You're creeping me out, Kirito.. What are you getting at?
Kirito: Asuna suffered "embarrassment" because she didn't disable the "Moral Code". And I guess you both don't know about it yet.
Lai: Yeah.. We don't..
He got surprised immediately..
Kirito: So wait, really!? How!?
The boys got confused.. Then, Lai got an assumption.
Lai: Maybe you were actually lusting for Asuna, aren't you?
Kirito: There's a difference?
Lai: Yep.. There are difference between lust and love, I supposed. I only wished Koharu would drop her anxiety and enjoy the bath with me. And for Koharu.. I can tell she hoped the same for me as well. Good thing the Hot Springs helped us to relieve.
Kirito: So that means it's because of the mutual feelings between you and her?
Lai: Most likely, yes.. But I'm not sure.. Feelings always very complicated.
Kirito: I see... Hm?
They both noticed Kirito's fishing rod is being pulled. Kirito rushes to grab it and pulls.
Kirito: Finally got one!
He successfully pulls out the bait, revealing the catch but unfortunately, it is just a metal scrap. Lai was dumbfolded by his catch. He stands and vents out his frustration.
Lai: 0.0
Kirito: Seriously!?
Lai: Chill.. I know you're just frustrated..
Kirito: The timing is just WAY too tight for me! Ugh!!
He let out a sigh and drops back onto the chair.
Kirito: I'm sorry that I vented out of nowhere..
Lai: Trust me.. I was like this when I was at your level. I could jump into the lake and swim in a circle if I ever catch a tuna.
Kirito: Whoa.. Isn't it too exaggerating?
Lai: It is.. But it's part of survival so I have to deal with it..
He checks the time in the menu. Knowing that it is now 8:30am.. Lai stores his fishing rod and the buckets into his inventory.
Lai: Let's head up to Floor 32. They all are waiting for us.
Kirito: Yeah.. Can't wait to see what Nishida is planning to do at there.
Lai takes out his Teleport Crystals, about to says out the name of Floor 32.
Kirito: Hey.
Lai: Hm?
Kirito: Wanna race against me?
He casually agrees to his challenge.
Lai: Oh sure..
His teleportation got interrupted again by Kirito. He glares at him.
Lai: What?
Kirito: Do you know you can also access other floors by climbing the Outer Circumference of Aincrad?
Lai: ...
The Cyan-haired boy frozes and dumbfolded by Kirito's insane challenge.
Lai: I know you're still frustrated that you didn't fish anything out but-!
Kirito: I'm serious!
Lai: ...
He immediately facepalms as soon as he receives Kirito's response.
Lai: Come on.. Don't be stupid.
Kirito: What? You're actually chickening out, Lai?
His face changes into expression that sends out a "Wtf!?" message to Kirito. Then, he let out a grunt noise as he didn't have any choice but to accept his challenge to protect his pride.
Lai: Ah.. Fine! First one sets foot on Floor 32 will be the winner. No teleportation!
Kirito: That's more like it.
They both get down on all fours, Lai does the countdown rules.
Lai: The run will start on 3.
He starts the countdown..
Lai: 1...
Lai could feel the wind just blew beside him, noticing Kirito already went 100 meter far ahead of him. Also left a response to Lai who is falling behind at the starting point.
Kirito: Sorry! Need a headstart!
Lai got even dumbfolded that he drops his jaws this time. Then, he got fed up.
Lai: You!!!
Both of his foot left a crack on the dock as he propels himself forward like a rocket. With his AGI way higher than Kirito, Lai already outruns him just after a few seconds. Kirito complains about the sudden turn of the situation.
Kirito: This is why I need a headstart!!!
He retorts back..
Lai: And that's what you get for that!
They both race their way to the edge of Floor 22. Kirito stops his run and suddenly have an idea while seeing Lai is already out from his sight, to the point it is impossible for him to catch up with Lai.
Kirito: You left me with no choice then!
He takes out his Teleport Crystal, decided to teleport anyway.
Timeskip... Floor 32, at the plain near the lake.
Asuna: Thanks! You really outdone yourself!
The whole group just noticed Kirito's presence who is sprinting to them in full speed.
Asuna: Kirito?
He stops in front of them and bows down, catches his breath heavily. Causing Asuna to worry that she assumes him running away from someone else.
Asuna: Kirito!? Are you okay!?
Kirito: I... I win.. Lai!
Asuna: Huh?
Suddenly, a voice that shocks Kirito to the core.. Then, the rest of the group noticed his presence and greets at him normally.
Lai: Ah! You're calling me?
Koharu: You're here finally, Kirito.
Klein: Oi! K-dawg!
Lisbeth: Kirito! ^^
Kirito: Ehh!?
He raises his head up, both eyes widened when he notices Lai just hands buckets full of fishes he had caught to Asuna. Kirito couldn't believe what he just witnessed.
Kirito: HOW!?
Lai: Wut?
Klein: Wat?
Koharu: What?
Asuna: Nani?
The whole group went confused by his reaction. Asuna snaps him out from it.
Asuna: Kirito! What's wrong with you today!?
Then, he figures out something with his assumption.
Kirito: Ah I see.. You used the Teleport Crystal, aren't you?
He honestly admits it to him.
Lai: Of course I do! You think I would be heading from Floor 22 to Floor 32 just on foot?
Kirito: Damn..! I lost!
Asuna pinches his cheek.
Asuna: Kirito.. Just quit it..
She drags him all the way to the shore of the lake when Nishida is scouting for fishes. Koharu totally got confused by Kirito and asks her partner.
Koharu: Lai? Care to explain what happened in Floor 22 when you're with him?
He shrugs as he grins..
Lai: Well, he's just frustrated that he couldn't fish anything.
Koharu: Oh, I can tell how he feels.. It's really a bit hard if you're not focus enough..
Lai: Yeah.. I had a hard time on that as well. I guess we should get going.
Koharu: Right!
He let her join the group before wiping away his sweat and let out his breath heavily but still on suppressed.
Lai: (Phew...! Hah! Wall running sures quite a challenge after all.)
The group finally gathers at the lake, which it is the moment where the duo meets Nishida.
Nishida: I guess everyone is finally here.
Klein: Heck yeah!
Lisbeth: Yep!
Asuna: Yeah!
She introduces the duo to the fisherman.
Asuna: By the way, this is Lai and this is Koharu! The players that I talked about yesterday!
She voluntarily offers her hand to him first.
Koharu: Nice to meet you, Nishida! I'm Koharu!
He gladly shakes her hand in return.
Nishida: Pleasure to meet you both! I heard a lot of stories about you two!
The man turns to Lai, who excitedly offers his hand to him as well. But as he reaches his hand to the old man's, his hesitation retracts his hand a bit. Starting to doubt if he has any ulterior motives or not, especially since Diavel isn't around to warn him.
Lai: Uhh...
Then, he got snapped out by his partner.
Koharu: What's the hold up, Lai?
Lai: Ah! Nothing..
The Black Swordsman cross his arm and adds in.
Kirito: Trust issues..
He retorts back immediately.
Lai: Shut it!
Eventually, he shakes Nishida's hand. Apologizing and yet still very aware of him.
Lai: Sorry for the rude response, Nishida. I'm Lai.
Nishida: Don't sweat it, Lai! I read a lot about you and your wife on the Almanac.
Lai: Almanac!? About players!?
Klein: Seriously, you don't know about it, Lai?
He shakes his head.
Lai: No.. Not at all. And so this is the Almanac about all players in this world?
Nishida: Yeah! The book was published by a girl with a pair of cute whiskers on it.
He immediately recognizes the player that Nishida's describing about..
Lai: Argo..!
Koharu: No way! Argo has been collecting player's data in secret!?
Nishida: Seems like yes, you guys want to read it? I always brought one to my side so I can identify any strong players.
Lai: Yes please! I want to know how Argo wrote about!
Nishida: Uhh.. Sure!
He grabs out a thick handbook from his back pocket, hands over to Lai as he explains.
Lai: Holy god.. It's like a mini dictionary.
Nishida: The book is still updated in every single day, thanks to her restless efforts.
He reads the content of it and Koharu leans beside Lai to peek on the book. The Almanac shows the Assault Team Players, The Mercenaries, Player Killers and the Top Players in per one page. Every pages shows with Player's face set as their profile pics, along with information of their nicknames, levels, weapons, skills, armors, their current icon status, Guild status, Marriage status, Dead or Alive status and their own threat and power levels based on how the author, Argo describes them. The description is also written very detailed with their personalities, their own battle styles, their daily activities and also, their histories. All of the players are sorted in 6 ranks and levels, based on their capabilities and achievements: E to S Rank. Novice, Amateur, Intermediate, Professionals, Master and GrandMaster. Lai already feels unease about the book.
Lai: This definitely looks like a Bingo Book for me now.
Asuna: The Almanac serves as a ranking board for the Clearer group. Even though we already have one at the Town Of Beginnings.
Koharu: And I didn't know Argo is spying on all of us in this entire time.
Lai adds in..
Lai: And I never thought she would devoted herself on writing an Almanac at all.
She compliments Argo's effort.
Koharu: I think it's great! Although it's weird that she has been observing us undetected. But still, she puts all the info in so we could know other players very well! Maybe we can even befriended with them!
He agrees with her, but nervous about any other players would try to use the info as an advantage against them.
Lai: I agree.. I guess..?
She excitedly adds in..
Koharu: We should read it more sometimes when we got time!
Lai: Sure....
As he flips through pages, decided to skip straight to the Rank A with the bookmarks. He could read most of his friends are in Rank A list.
Lai: Leader of The Fuurinkazan, Klein. Leader of The Two-Handed Builder, Agil. Every members of The Valkyries, The Black Swordsman, Kirito and The Lightning Flash, Asuna are all in Rank A!
Klein: Really!? I guess my effort's being paid off well!
Lisbeth: Well, I never thought I could be in Rank A even though I'm a Smith Player!
Koharu: But you worked hard to become a great Spear User!
Lisbeth: Thanks! And now I wonder who is in the Rank S, the GrandMaster Rank!
Koharu: Yeah! I'm excited to see who is in the GrandMaster Rank! I already know Lai will be in it!
Kirito: I agree with Koharu.
The group continues to read the content, leaving Nishida who is ignored by everyone. He clears his throat, loud enough to remind them they have a fishing day to enjoy.
Nishida: Ahem! Can we start the fishing?
Asuna: Ah! I'm sorry!
Koharu: Sorry for ignoring you!
Lai: Sorry..
Timeskip.. Aincrad Standard Time, 9:30am.
The Smith Girl just smithed 6 metal fishing rods for everyone else except for her. Hands it all out to Asuna.
Lisbeth: Here are the Metal Fishing Rods for you all!
Asuna: Thanks, Liz!
Lisbeth: So what kind of fishes you guys aiming for?
Nishida: There!
His finger quickly points at the largest sea serpent in the lake. Result in shocking everyone by his suggestion, including Lai and Koharu.
Nishida: Yeah! You guys don't believe my capabilities?
Klein: No.. It's just.. Even though you get it on your bait. I'm sure you'll be in water skiing with it in the next second.
Nishida: That's why I invited you guys, which one of you has the most STR points?
The rest immediately point at Lai who has 512 points in every types of his stats. Nishida happily compliments his capabilities.
Nishida: Well, your strength can be really handy at this!
Lai: But I'm sure the fishing rod will break before we could even catch it.
Nishida: Then you're wrong about it!
All: Huh?
He explains with confident..
Nishida: I believed with such strong fishing rod crafted by the finest Smith Player will pull this off!
A red tint floats on Lisbeth's face. Stutters to thank the fisherman.
Lisbeth: Uhh..! Thanks for the compliment!
Nishida: I'm sure we can do it! And here's the payment for your work, Lisbeth!
Nishida paid her with 1500 Cols and a Jade treasure item. Lisbeth refuses his Jade offer as she couldn't afford or find a suitable buyer at the moment.
Lisbeth: Sorry, Nishida! I only accept Col at this moment.
Nishida: Don't be! I have my reasons of giving you this.
Lisbeth: You do?
Nishida: This Jade is dropped from the "Lord of a river" from a lower floor. I suggest you should take this to an Artisan to craft it into an Accessory. Might look good on you perhaps!
Hearing his suggestion, she could feels his sincerity, gladly accepts the Jade.
Lisbeth: Ah! Thank you so much, Nishida!
Nishida: You're welcome!
Lisbeth: (Wish Kirito and Klein were as courteous.) I guess I'll be going! Have fun!
Koharu: No way! You're not staying here with us? We're about to fish the largest one in Floor 32!
Lisbeth: Sorry, Koharu.. I already have schedule with the regulars for today.
The Smith Girl waves her hand to them before teleporting away back to Floor 48. Asuna assures Koharu that she'll be invited in the other day after capturing the Sea Serpent.
Asuna: Don't worry, Koharu. I already invited her for the other day!
Koharu: Really!? Yay!
Nishida calls out for Lai since he knows that his fishing skills already maxed out.
Nishida: Lai.. I supposed catching it is a breeze for you.
He freaks out a bit..
Lai: What!? No..! I usually use fish net or swim in the lake to catch. Sure I already maxed out fishing skills but I haven't try fishing something that big!
Nishida: Then how you capture the fish that is something that huge?
Lai: I knock them down and carry them to the shore.
Nishida: Ahaha... It's good to take a swim sometimes! *Sweatdropped*
Lai: I know such strong rod will hold such monstrosity but that doesn't mean the line won't break!
Nishida: Rest assured, it won't! I'll prepare myself for that by the way! You guys can do what you want until I call you all over.
Lai: Sure..! I'll start fishing over there first.
They all grabs the Metal Fishing rods. Koharu joins with Asuna together, sitting at the shore a bit far from the boys. Koharu throws out her bait far to the lake first while Asuna looks at the breathtaking view. She sits besides Koharu and throws her bait out, deciding to start a conversation about their last night.
Asuna: So Koharu.. How was last night?
She nods immediately.. Happily response to Asuna with a bit blush.
Koharu: Yeah! I got really warm by his cuddle! And not to sound weird but.. I somehow love his soft breathing.
She smiles back to her..
Asuna: Ah! It's fine! I'm happy you both made your move!
She got startled, blushed by her compliments.
Koharu: Wha-! What do you mean!?
Asuna: Uhh! Nothing! I mean I'm glad the bond between you two had grew even more closer!
She let out a relief.
Koharu: Phew... You almost- I mean.. Yeah, I'm glad we did!
Then, Asuna's Fishing Line starts to move a bit. Noticed by Asuna and immediately grabs the rod to pull out. After a few seconds, she managed to catch a "Rainbow Goldfish". Places it on a water container.
Asuna: Yes! A Rainbow Goldfish! It looks so beautiful!
She joins with Asuna to take a look at her catch.
Koharu: Yeah! It really looks colorful!
Asuna: It'll look good in the Aquarium! What do you think, Koharu?
Koharu: Uhh...
Asuna: Hm?
She looks at the fish who is now confined in a water container. She somehow feels the guilt and sympathize for it.
Koharu: We should set it free, Asuna..
She got curious to her decision.
Asuna: Hm? Why?
Koharu: If we keep it to our own.. That means we'll confined its life inside a cage without any freedom forever.
Her reason awakens Asuna's guilts towards her doing.
Asuna: Koharu...
Koharu: I'm sorry... It's just remind me of how Akihiko Kayaba trapped us all in this game so.. I can't do the same thing to it.
She shakes her head, smiling back to Koharu.
Asuna: It's okay. I just didn't consider much to its feelings tho.
Koharu: But we can take a picture of it. You still have your Record Crystal?
Asuna: Yep!
She takes out her Record Crystal, the camera focus on Koharu who is holding the container with the fish inside close to her, smiling.
Koharu: Cheese!
After taking a few shots, she releases the fish back to the lake. It happily jumps from the container and lands into the lake. Slowly disappearing from their sights.
Koharu: How's the picture?
Asuna: It looks great when you smile!
Koharu: Really? Thanks!
She compliments Koharu's decision.
Asuna: You know... That was a good decision, Koharu.. Made by a girl with a heart of pure gold.
She smiles serenely, while looking at the sky..
Koharu: I hate to disappoint you. But I'm not what you think anymore, Asuna...
Asuna: Huh?
Koharu: I had stepped to the point where I can't call myself "Pure" anymore.. And that's my cost to be with someone who is risking his life for the others like Lai..
Asuna: But.. During that time, you have to do it, right?
She nods.
Koharu: I did ended Kibaou and the rest of the Soldier's suffering. Not because I vented out for what they had done to us, it's because I failed to protect a friend who has been around me and I went overboard in the end. I'm sure Lai did the same as well in Floor 20...
Asuna: Don't overthink about those what makes you unhappy, Koharu. It's all over now.
The girl reassures Asuna. Telling her not to worry..
Koharu: Don't worry.. I just want to make it clear.
She looks at the boys, Kirito, Lai and Klein who are fishing on their own. In the meanwhile, Kirito tries to share the scene what he witnessed them in the bathroom to Klein.
Kirito: Hey Klein! Wanna know what happened last night between your "Idol" and the "Princess" in the bath-?
Klein: Hm? Why?
Coincidentally, a large Hamachi fish just takes a bite on Lai's bait. He takes his chance to pull out with all of his strength. So hard that it literally flies out from the lake, launching straight back to them and directly slaps onto Kirito's face with its whole body just to shut him up.
Kirito: Oof!
His whole body got knock away along with the Hamachi fish. Lai apologizes sarcastically.
Lai: Oh! I'm sorry for interrupting your spoiling surprise, Jesus-Kun! 💢
Then, he immediately realized it thanks for Klein's adult logic.
Klein: Last night...? No way! What have you done to her!?
Lai: Oh God! Not you too! Klein!
The Samurai wraps Lai's neck with his arm, also drills his fist on his head as he teases him.
Klein: How long are you gonna keep this from me! You know we're buddies!
Lai: That's my privacy after all!
The girls giggles at the boys. Koharu explains more to Asuna about her decision.
Koharu: I insisted on choosing to be his better half because we know we'll be fallen someday without each other's support. We offer our shoulders for each other to lean against whenever we feel sad. We offer our embrace for each other whenever we feel hurt. We offer our kisses whenever we need to heal ourselves.
Asuna: Aww.. That's romantic..
Koharu: And now I'm happy that we managed to return our lives back to how we were during in Floor 1 to Floor 20.. I want to cherish the moment as much as I can with him..
Asuna: Yeah.. We should enjoy ourselves as much as we can.
She chuckles..
Koharu: Hehe.. You started to sound a lot like Yuuki.. Asuna.
Asuna: Huh? How come?
Koharu: I.. Uhh.. I'm not sure.. Perhaps it's my sixth sense telling me that way.
Asuna: Hm.. Maybe I do.. A girl's sixth sense always right. Talk about Yuuki.. How is she doing right now?
Koharu: I didn't visit her yesterday. But I know she's doing okay. But...
Asuna: But?
Koharu: She's being acting weird lately. Even though I knew about it clearly because she's been admiring me and Lai a lot because of our battle experience. But when it comes to our relationship.. Uhh.. How do I say.. Being crazy about it..?
Asuna: Ah I see..! She's just like a fan to your relationship. I think that's called "Shipper".
Koharu: Shipper? Like a transport or something?
Asuna: No.. It's like a fan devoted to a particular couple and the development of their relationship.
Her explanation makes Koharu feels a bit unease.
Koharu: Sounds really creepy...
She reassures her with a massage on Koharu's shoulder.
Asuna: She'll be fine.. To put it in other way, Yuuki just really envious about how you both get along through hardships together.
Koharu: I hope she knows there's a line of being a fangirl.
Asuna: Don't worry about Yuuki.. She just being herself..
She could feel her tension has been released just getting her shoulders rubbed by Asuna..
Koharu: Ahh.. It feels great.. ^^
Asuna: I'm glad you liked it.. Everything will be fine in the end. So don't sweat about it.
Koharu: Yeah...
They both suddenly hear Nishida's voice.
Nishida: I spotted the Serpent! You guys better come over here!
Koharu: Okay!
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 9:30am..
The group gathers at Nishida's side. All looking at the Sea Serpent roaming around the lake, it just sinks back to the lake, but its shadow still visible by the group. Everyone started to feel a bit terrified by Nishida's decision.
Kirito: You sure you got any bigger bait for that one?
Nishida: Yes! And this one will do the trick!
He grabs out a living salamander who is struggling out from his hand a lot and got hooked up onto the bait eventually.
Asuna: Eek!
Koharu: Poor guy... I really feel bad about it..
Klein: It had served its purpose.
Lai: F...
Kirito: Just how big is this thing..?
Nishida: You'll be surprised.. Here we go!
He throws out his bait far to the lake. Waiting for the Sea Serpent swimming up to his bait. Kirito notices the fishing rod is being pulled a little bit. Telling Nishida that it's eating his bait right now.
Kirito: Uh.. Nishida?
Nishida: Just a little bit longer!
He carefully times his catch for the moment when his rod being pulled even stronger. He pulls it as soon as he feels the incoming pull. The rod starts illuminates in Yellow as he activated his fishing skills.
Nishida: Now! I've hooked it, Lai! Grab the handle!
Lai: Okay?
He grabs the handle just as Nishida told him to. Then, he could feels an enormous force starts to drag his whole body a bit towards the lake as soon as he gets a hold on the fishing rod. But he immediately maintains his stance, starts pulling the rod as hard as he can.
Lai: I think I got it!
Koharu: Just as I expected from Lai! But I never thought Nishida able to catch something that big!
Nishida: I guess my guts telling me right! I feel myself proud already!
Koharu: Huh?
Klein: Run!
She just notices everyone except Lai who is still in tug of war with the Sea Serpent, has distanced themselves far to the forest from the duo.
Koharu: Why are you all backing away!? Lai is still-!
Her sentence got cut off as he just managed to launch a Sea Serpent up to the air by his strength. Its whole body is now floating above the duo, covering the sunlight. They both went shocked before it falls onto them.
Koharu: Oh crap!!!
She ducks down immediately, expected an impact from the Serpent. After a few seconds, she didn't feels anything before looking up. Eyes widened as she notices Lai just carries the largest Sea Serpent with both hands.
Koharu: No way!
Lai: No! It's gonna get away!
Before its whole body struggles out from his hand, he immediately throws it to the land away from the water so it could not escape. Unfortunately, because he didn't consider fast enough where he throws to, he accidentally just threw it straight to the group instead. He freaks out a bit and rushes to their aid instantly.
Lai: Oh shiet!!!
All: You idiot!!!
Everyone but only for the duo suffered a bit damage by the Serpent's impact. They both are treating their wounds with the Healing Crystals right now while the Serpent just lying on the ground emotionless.
Lai: Sorry... It was slippery so I have to throw it to the land.
Klein: Thank god, Koharu-chan didn't get hurt by it.
Kirito: Geez.. That's the first thing you care about?
Asuna: But we managed to catch the Serpent. That is something we have to celebrate about.
Nishida: That's right! Thanks for the assist, Lai!
Lai: Yeah and we'll never do that ever again.. God knows what's your next target gonna be.
Nishida: Well, I'll let that guess with your imagination!
Kirito: Kraken? Megalodon?
Klein: Or even Mermaids!?
Lai: Maybe even Nemo as well!?
The girls hold their laugh.
Asuna and Koharu: Pfft!
He answers back with determination and filled with passion.
Nishida: That's right! I'll fulfill the impossible feats as the best fisherman in Aincrad!
Everyone went collapsed by his declaration.
Koharu: It's great of having challenges and to be passionate about.. But.
He adds in jokingly.
Lai: Now that's just too much, alright! I definitely need a tons of STR on those monstrosities!
Nishida: And I'll be looking forward when that time comes!
He drops his sweat, shouting as what he said is unbelievable for Lai.
Lai: You serious about it!?
Nishida: Nah! I'm messing with you folks! It'd take thousand years to get on that level. Haha!
The group happily laugh it off.
Koharu: Phew... So congrats catching the largest Sea Serpent in Floor 32 by the way!
Asuna curiously asks.
Asuna: But why choosing Floor 32? We could do that in Floor 22 instead. It'd be safer that way since there's no field bosses to interrupt us.
Nishida: Well, I witnessed Lai just rolled the King of Lake up to the shore. So that's why that idea of getting a bigger challenge struck my mind!
Her eyes narrows, pouts at Lai while pointing the blame to him.
Asuna: You shouldn't do that...
Lai: Well, it's in your list! Asuna! ^^"
Klein excitedly asks about the celebration.
Klein: So when's the party for this?
Kirito: I supposed it'll be tonight, if Lai manages to get all the ingredients in time.
Klein: Alright! I'll get myself and the boys ready!
Asuna: Well, the fishes Lai has caught should be enough for all of us! It'll be grilled fish for tonight's dishes.
Koharu: Yay!
Asuna: But thanks to the party that day before yesterday. I have insufficient amount of soy sauce. Mind if you get me some spices and herbs. Also bring me the green herbs for the Hot Spring. Think you can do it?
Lai: Sure.. It'll take a while.
Koharu joins with him.
Koharu: I'll go with you!
Lai: Thanks.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 10:30am.. Floor 35, Mishe Town.
At the Main city, the streets were filled up with countless NPCs to maintain the bustling atmosphere. But only a few players can be seen around the safe zone. The duo didn't care much about it as they focus on getting the herbs. Despite finishing Asuna's request in the morning. This time, she requests him for gathering herbs and seasoning spices for her special made soy sauce, especially getting the rare herbs for replenishing the bottle for the Hot Spring. Koharu points out to the materials displaying at the store that they are looking for.
Koharu: Here, Lai! These herbs must be the one Asuna talked about.
He hears her call and returns to where he missed out the items with Koharu. He picks several herbs from Koharu who just randomly grabs a few from the display. He sniffs a bit to test the quality.
Lai: Its fragrance must be extremely strong. You know..
Koharu: For longer effect and much more enjoyable Hot Spring? Yeah, although it's totally obvious.
He pays the NPC staff and keep several batches of them. Casually but unintentionally speaks out her thoughts from her mind as he somehow understands what she is thinking.
Lai: I know you're looking forward to it.. Koharu.
His reply got her startled.
Koharu: Ehh!? How- I mean! What makes you say that!?
Lai: You were enjoying the Hot Spring yesterday. So much that you totally lower your guard against me even though I was right in front of you. So I guess you really liked the Hot Spring.
Her face blushes, while shaking her arms to deny it.
Koharu: Is- Is that so? I guess yes but still, I think this should be kept to ourselves only! ><"
Lai immediately snaps out as he realizes they're in public.
Lai: Oh yeah..! Sorry..!
Koharu: Geez...
Her face suddenly lunges forward to his, planted a surprise kiss to the side of his cheek before he could react, then went back covering her blushing face, her fingers spread a bit so only her lovely eyes have reveal to him.
Koharu: M-Maybe it's because of you being by my side..
Lai: Me?
Her eyes shifts away..
Koharu: Seeing your tension finally get to release out made me feel relieved.
Lai: Probably yes.. I haven't been that relaxed for years.. Now I feel refreshed because of you. So thanks, Koharu!
She beams at him with her smile..
Koharu: You're welcome!
Lai: (She just couldn't stop worrying...)
He grabs her hands which covering her blushes.. Smiling to her.
Lai: I'm happy whenever I'm with you, especially when you are in joy. And I'll definitely protect that happiness for us.
Her heart flutters a bit, with a bit blush still remains on her face.
Koharu: Aww.. Aren't you being unusually nice and sweet today?
He starts to blush as he is being serious about it.
Lai: That's because I really mean it, Koharu.
She chuckles happily..
Koharu: Thanks, Lai! ^^
He focus back on gathering materials.
Lai: Anyway, let's go search for other materials!
She nods back immediately..
Koharu: Sure!
Before they teleport, Lai just remembers about the idea he had thought of during the fishing event.
Lai: Oh yeah.. I almost forgot!
Koharu: Hm?
Lai: Can I borrow your Hookshot device?
Koharu: Uhm.. Sure.. What are you gonna do with it?
Lai: You'll see..
The duo got the herbs and went off to the other floors for the rest of the spices and the ingredients. He bought a roll of thick ropes and a Twin Blade Bayonet during their materials gathering.
Timeskip... Floating Palace.. Aincrad Standard Time, 1:00pm.
After gathering the spices, Lai just crafted an attachment Hookshot, combined with the Twin Blade Bayonet and a roll of thick rope, attached below the gun barrel.
Koharu: Is that?
The Blade extends out when it got powered up.
Lai: Well..! Try it out.
He passes the gun to his partner. She inspects the weapon and narrows her eyes down with the Iron Sight while aiming, testing the sight. She unintentionally points at Lai, causing him immediately dodges away. Giving his warning to her.
Lai: Hey!!! Don't point at me!!
Koharu: Huh?
He let out a sigh as she lowers down her weapon.
Lai: I forgot to tell you the gun safety rules. You can't just aim at people around you! They'll be hurt if you accidentally trigger the weapon out of curiosity!
She got startled a bit as she just realizes the risk of the consequences. Koharu apologizes to him with an instant bow down.
Koharu: Oh!! I'm sorry about that!! I'm truly sorry!
He immediately calms the situation down.
Lai: It's okay! Just keep that in mind, okay!?
She nods as her serious response.
Koharu: Right!
He let out a relief as he calms down the situation. Lai immediately asks about the combination they did yesterday.
Lai: Oh yeah..! Mind if you explain how you extend your blade like that, Koharu?
Koharu: The part I told you to swing on my blade?
Lai: Yeah..
She starts to explain..
Koharu: That was called "Sword Fusion". A combination skill only for Dagger user and One-Handed Sword user. To activate it, the Dagger grinds along with the blade of the Sword or the Sword swings on the Dagger. Just like a match rubs along the matchbox.
Lai: And the blade of your Dagger extends out into Saber?
Koharu: Yes! But I rarely use this skill except I'm with Yuuki, Kirito and Leafa.
Lai: Thanks for telling me this.
Koharu: Don't be.. So.. What's this?
Then he starts to explain.
Lai: Okay! So this thing down the barrel works just like Hookshot, but the blade can stuck on some certain mobs I believe. So once the Bayonet hits a mob, you'll be launched to the target or you can pull the mob straight to you.
Koharu: Sounds exactly like fishing. But a bit brutal.. How did you figured it out?
He scratches his head, nervously explains out to her.
Lai: Oh.. The idea came out recently, it was when I accidentally hit a "Whistleblower" with a fish. (Goddamn Kirito...!)
Koharu: Whistleblower?
Lai: Never mind! Most important right now is we got a new attachment! That's what really matters!
Koharu: Yeah! Hope it's be useful in combat.
Lai: Yes.. Just be careful don't shoot at the players unless you want to pull them out of danger like the attack patterns.
Koharu: Yeah, that could be useful! But the Bayonet will still damage the player tho.
Lai: Yep.. That's one of the downsides of it. But you can just use your normal Hookshot to drag them out, so problem solved.
Koharu: I'll try it now.
She aims at the trunk of one of the trees, before pulling the alternate trigger. A line of thick ropes immediately launched out in bullet speed and hits the target accurately. Next, she could feel her entire body got pulled over to the tree instantly. She adjusts her body and both feet lands to the trunk, pulling the Bayonet and lands back onto the ground. Her partner gives out his compliment.
Lai: Nice! The Hookshot is a success!
Koharu: Yay!
Suddenly, a grunts echoes up from her stomach, loud enough for him to hear it clearly, embarrasses their moment instantly.
Lai: Uhm...
Her face's temperature risen up as the awkwardness floods into her heart that she could faint at any second.
Koharu: I'm sorry! ><"
He pats on her head, calming her down.
Lai: It's fine.. I just noticed it's 1:00pm right now. Let's go back to Floor 35 for some cheesecakes! It'll be my treat.
She happily accepts his offer.
Koharu: Sure! Thanks!
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 1:00pm. Weathercock Pavilion..
They both ordered their own Cheesecake. But this time, they also decided to get a Chocolate milkshake added with cookie crumbs and with a pink heart shaped couple straw. Koharu, who is happily humming out "Tide goes out" in front of her partner. Lai casually asks while enjoying her humming voice.
Lai: You seem extremely happy, Koharu.
Koharu: Yeah! I really enjoyed spending time with you! Not only because it's kinda rare, having a date like this.. It's because you're my first love! But..
He carries her sentence along.
Lai: Surprisingly, having a relationship in a VR game like this?
Koharu: Yeah.. It's kinda weird and special. The weird part is it's because we're in a Virtual World.. About the special part is.. We still able to meet each other with IRL faces.
Lai: Hm.. That means we have something solid in our relationship! We both able to meet in person after all.
She nods as a reply.
Koharu: That's right! But...
Lai: Huh?
Koharu: Hey uhh... I want to-
Her sentence got cut out as the NPC waitress just arrived with their orders. Placing the cheesecakes in front of them and the Chocolate milkshake on the middle, with the pink heart shaped couple straw standing on top of whipped cream, some of the cookie crumbs are still visible inside for them, just like the menu picture. Lai curiously asks about what she is trying to say..
Lai: Koharu? What was that you're asking?
Koharu shakes her head as she changed her mind immediately and keep the question to herself instead.
Koharu: Uhm.. Nothing.. Never mind about that.. We should get started!
She slices a little bit of the cake and takes her bite first. Her sudden change to the topic worries Lai a bit as he went silent.
Lai: ...
Koharu: What's wrong?
He takes a small bit of it as a response to her. She didn't feel suspicious to him at all.
Lai: The cake sure tastes better and better these days..
Koharu: Yep! I think it'll be even better if we drink a bit of chocolate milkshake together!
Lai: How do you know that? You have a sweet tooth or something?
Koharu: Hm.. Not entirely yes so I'm not sure.. I just know it'd be even better if we mix the flavor. To be honest and precise, I just like the cheesecakes. Let's try the milkshake while the flavor is still remain!
Lai: Yeah!
Their mouths slowly make a contact to the couple straw together. Starts drinking it while both lock their eye contact to each other. Koharu could feel her heartbeat rising up.
Koharu: (It feels like we're kissing while sharing the drink..)
The thought of them having drink together is enough to make the girl grins cutely. On the other side, Lai enjoys the way as his partner does right now.
Lai: (I could tell she's in heaven right now.. But..)
As he looks at her more. Suddenly, the bathroom scene from yesterday just flashed through his mind. The scene how Koharu got tempted by him at the start. He freaks out by it and shifts his head, facing down while coughing down to the ground. Koharu notices his reaction and immediately gives out her concern to him who went well right after coughing a few times.
Koharu: Are you alright, Lai!?
He immediately comforts her instead.
Lai: I got choked by the crumb. Don't worry! Sorry that I ruined the mood!
Koharu: No! It's okay! I guess the crumbs are still hard, even inside the drink. Be sure to chew it well before swallowing.
Lai: Yeah.. Thanks for your concern..
They both calm the atmosphere down before Lai asks about how she tastes with the cheese and chocolate mixed flavor.
Lai: So how's the mix?
Koharu: Ah! It's sweet and creamy! It was a perfect combination! Just like us!
Lai: Now you're the one being very sweet.
Koharu: Hehe! ❤️
The duo smile at each other until they finish eating. Then, they both discuss how they want to spend the rest of the afternoon.
Koharu: So.. What's your plan after this?
Lai: I haven't come up with one.. You?
Koharu: Uhm... Maybe we should go for a walk in Floor 47?
Lai: Hm.. Maybe the Crystal Cave in Floor 55?
Koharu: Ah! We definitely should visit there again! Nice choice, Lai!
Lai: Thanks.
They both set off to Floor 55 after leaving the inn.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 2:00pm.. Floor 55, Ravine in West Mountainside.
The duo had equipped their own coats, Lai removes the boulders away from the entrance before entering together. As they look around, the crystals floods the cave with its colorful, bright glow. Along with the magical ambience.
Koharu: Still beautiful as always..
Lai: Yeah...
Their hands are holding tightly, both thumbs are brushing the back of their palms to maintain the warmth.
Koharu: It still feels warm.. Even we're in a cold, freezing cave like this place. You still remember how you took care of me when we were trying to save Kirito and Lisbeth?
Lai: Yeah.. Makes me want to spend the rest of my day sleeping here again.
Koharu: Me too!
They both enjoy the view of crystal clear lake while the magical sound of the cave ambience and the water drops meditating their ears and relieve their worries. Koharu leans herself against his embrace, wanting him to hug her.
Koharu: I love your warmth.. Lai..
He hugs her tightly as a response.
Lai: Me too..
The couple could feel their bond starts deepening itself between them just from hugging. He snuggles his face on her silky hair, sniffing her lovely scent.
Lai: I love your scent, Koharu..
The girl feels joyful but still embarrassed by his compliment.
Koharu: Aren't you being too upfront?
Lai: It's just two of us here.
Koharu: I know..
They both release a bit to stare at each other, both decided to slowly move their face to each other until their lips connected. Both of their eyes went close and enjoy their smooches for several minutes.
Koharu: Hnn!
Her chest starts pushing against his as he pulls her even closer to him.
Lai: Your kisses got even better, Koharu..
Koharu: Thanks.. I can feel your affection from it.
They break the kiss, taking their break. Their warm breaths instantly turns into steam due to the cold temperature. Lai could notice that her breath starts to get heavier and blushes a lot.
Lai: Koharu?
Koharu: I feel my heart throbs a lot now. Can you help me out?
He stutters during his reply as he feels flustered.
Lai: S-Sure..
Koharu: It's really two of us here just like what you said. So it's fine, right?
Lai: ><"
He looks around before carrying her until she's leaning against the wall. Then, he presses both of his hands on the wall, trapping her in his embrace. Causing her heart beating like crazy. Koharu shyly asks while covering her blushing face.
Koharu: Is this what they called "Kabedon"?
Lai: I suppose yes..
She trembles a bit by his romantic but dominant action. Koharu moves forward and continues their kisses. Lai presses his body against her, feeling more of his partner. Koharu feels she couldn't hold it anymore, letting out her soft voice.
Koharu: Lai.. Can you do it again? Please help me out..
Lai: Ehh...? ><"
He just realized that he is pressing her too much. Then, she wraps her arms around his neck, clinging onto him as he is about to release her away to let her breath.
Koharu: Don't leave me out like this.. Lai..
She grabs his hand and let him touch her crotch. He could feels something moist down there. That's when he immediately got the answer that she's hinting him for.
Lai: Koharu...
He unzips his trousers, something springs up and brushing her crotch. She let out a silent moan in response.
Koharu: Hng!
He moves her lingerie slightly to aside and gently rubs around her labia. Her moan slightly became louder in his chest as she feels the pleasure. She feels the electricity just runs throughout her body in a second when something just slide inside of her.
Koharu: Ahh! ❤️
Lai: I'm sorry! Is it still hurting you?
The girl shakes her head. Reassuring him that she's fine.
Koharu: Not at all.. It feels nice right now. Your thing feels warm inside me.
Lai lifts up one of her legs up and start thrusting in slow rate with his hip. Lai adjusts himself so she doesn't falls and Koharu hugs him tightly. She feels something is pulsing rapidly inside of her and spreading her wall widely. The pleasure increases more as she squeezes it with her walls. After several minutes, the thrust gradually becomes a bit faster. Koharu responses every thrusts with her suppressing moans, only can be heard by her partner.
Koharu: Ngh! ❤️
Lai: Koharu! You're so cute when you blush!
Suddenly, he feels even tighter by her squeeze. Causing him unable to hold it anymore.
Lai: Koharu! I...!
Koharu: Do it together, Lai! I'm about to..! As well!
The thrust become very fast and they both let it out together inside while she's still clinging onto him tightly. They both finally release themselves a bit. Lai turns around before they both fall onto the ground, letting her rest on top of him. Both letting out steam from their mouth as they catch their breath.
Koharu: It feels good.. I can't feel the cold at all even though we're in the Crystal Cave..
Lai: Looks like I warm you up nicely.
She giggles..
Koharu: Hehe! Thanks! I might even get addicted to this..
She rests her head on top of his chest happily. In the meanwhile, someone is blushing madly and covers her whole face while suppressing her screams like a fangirl.
Yuuki: (Oh my God!! I shouldn't be here spying on them! I'm sorry!)
She sprints away quietly without alerting them.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 3:00pm. Floor 22, Log Cabin.
They both just arrived back home after their date. Informing them that they are back.
Lai: Hey..! We're home.
Asuna: Hey guys!
Lai: Where's Kirito?
Asuna: Kirito's out investigating about the error.
Koharu: But.. We can't use the console anymore. How is he going to investigate with?
Asuna: He went on searching another console with Argo. Best to hope that we find another one so we can solve the error issue and get everyone out of here.
Lai: He better be back. This might be suitable time to discuss what happened that day.
Asuna: I agreed. I'm sure we can come up with something. Here.. I made some tea for you all.
Koharu: Thanks.
The four sat down in the living room. Lai starts the discussion.
Lai: Some players experienced Log Out Errors. 59 of them so far, right?
Asuna: Yes.. But let's not worry about the numbers. We have to find the source of the error. Kirito, what's your opinion on this?
Kirito: I think Kayaba was trying to confine them and keep them to himself.
Koharu: But what for?
Kirito: I don't know.. But it's better not to think about that..
Koharu: That's horrible...
Suddenly, Lai taps the table, quickly gaining their attentions
Asuna: Huh?
Lai: Look.
His finger points out to the window and immediately form a human finger walking sign. Hinting them that there's someone around. The other three immediately understand what he is trying to say and continue back to their discussion like they didn't notice the player at all.
Lai: So we can only assume about what causes the error because we don't have any solid clue.
Koharu: But I'm sure that will end up confusing us if we head that way.
He looks at Kirito..
Lai: Yeah.. Any findings when you're out there, Kirito?
Kirito: Well, Argo and I are not sure where to begin so we started in Floor 1.
Asuna: But Floor 1 area is big. Maybe I should ask commander to form a search party all around Aincrad?
Lai: Hm.. Sure.. But.. We might be shorthanded in Manpower. Koharu and I had counted only 525 of us are still here. Most of them are Top Players, Assault Team, Knights of the Blood Oath and also, the Moonlit Black Cats.
Asuna got curious..
Asuna: How come we'll be shorthanded? We still have time for that.
Lai: Asuna.. I believe the console can be literally anywhere. Even in secret areas that is only accessible by some quests.
The girl nods as she agrees with him.
Koharu: I agree with him. The last console we found is literally in a dungeon with a high level boss. What if the next console is located in another dungeon full of traps and mobs? The search party might be in danger.
Asuna: Oh.. That's right.
Kirito: So.. What's your game plan, Lai?
Lai: Well... Unfortunately, I don't have any.. I guess we still need some leads to investigate further.
Koharu: So the discussion ends here for now?
He looks at his partner..
Lai: Yes.. I'm sorry about that. You three probably expected that, right?
Asuna: It's fine.. We still have a lot of time.
Kirito: So how's the preparation, Asuna?
Asuna: Well, still ongoing so I might need your assist to speed it up.
The other three stand up..
Koharu: I'll be helping Asuna with the fishes.
Koharu and Asuna focuses on cleaning up the germs out from the fishes. As for Kirito, he stands up, patting on Lai's shoulder. Feeling that he's planning on something. But he only asks him if he will be okay after this instead to avoid exposing information to the player who is eavesdropping them.
Kirito: You sure you'll be okay?
Lai: ...
He chuckles a bit to soften the tension.
Lai: Well.. I only have one shot on this.. Can't mess it up..
Kirito: I'll be helping them as well. You should rest whenever you need to..
Lai: I will..
The Black Swordsman joins up with the girls. Leaving Lai who dwells himself in his thoughts alone..
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 5:00pm..
The three finally finished cleaning up all of the fishes and pickling some of the fishes for preservation. Koharu wipes off the sweat from her forehead.
Koharu: Phew... We're finally done with the fishes.
Asuna: Thanks for the help, you two! These should be enough for all of us. I figure Klein will gonna bring all of his Fuurinkazan members here.
Kirito: Don't be! It's natural to lend a hand to his wife.
Asuna: Aww! And yeah, check how is Lai doing right now.
Koharu: Sure.
She checks on her partner, noticing that he is in asleep on the couch immediately. She offers her concern towards him.
Koharu: Oh.. Lai... I guess you were too tired after all..
She heads to their room, grabbing a sheet of blanket out from their bed and covers all over him with it. Also plants a kiss on his cheek.
Koharu: Thanks for working hard for the others... Lai..
After taking care of him, she notices his Dark General's Sword leaning against the wall. Her curiosity gets ahold of her and tries to carry it to test its weight. She instantly feels the heaviness weighing her down as soon as she lifts it up.
Koharu: It's really heavy!! He has been wielding something that heavy all the time, in One-Handed!?
She forces herself on the Sword, manages to lift it One-Handed. Then, immediately puts it back on the ground where it rests against with. She hears her partner's voice.
Lai: Huh? I fell asleep in the end..
Koharu: You're awake!
He quickly regains his consciousness and apologizes.
Lai: I'm sorry. I should be helping you out with the fishes.
Koharu: Don't worry.. We already finished that. You should take a shower.
Lai: Oh.. Thanks.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 7:00pm..
All of the Fuurinkazan members including their leader, Klein just arrived at their Log Cabin. Excitedly great them just like usual. Koharu opens the door for them after a few knocks from Klein. She greets them with her usual smile.
Klein: Yo!
Koharu: Hey Klein!
Klein: How's the preparation?
Koharu: Almost ready. You guys might have to wait a while. I'll get you all a drink first.
Klein: Sure. Let's get in, boys!
Fuurinkazan Members: Okay!
They all accept her welcome and enter the Cabin. Klein immediately greets Asuna as soon as he notices her.
Klein: Yo! Asuna! Where's K-dawg?
Asuna: He's at the balcony. The Grilled fishes are almost ready!
Then, Lai just got out from their room and sees Klein and his friends.
Lai: Klein.
Klein: Hey, Lai!
They both do a brother handshakes before sitting down together with the boys as they decided to join their conversation. Klein teases him.
Klein: So how's your "love" life with her?
He immediately shuts him up.
Lai: Oh shut it.. You just wouldn't stop, would you?
He chuckles..
Klein: You know I won't.. But hey..
Lai: Huh?
Klein: About what happened that day.. You guys have any clue so far?
Lai: Sadly, no.. I think that's the only console we can find but now it's unusable.
Klein: Damn..
Lai: But there's something I don't get it. When the exit's open, you guys could have your chance to leave. But why staying here with us?
Klein: Because I got friends to save as well. And you're not the only one who carries the responsibility.
Lai: ...But what about your friends irl? Don't they worried about you?
Klein: I guess they are probably used to it and stop worrying about me. I know it sounds very harsh but.. We can't leave anyone behind in this game, right?
He gives his praise to him.
Lai: You got balls, I'd give you that..
Klein: Heh..! That's why I'm gonna name myself BallsDeep69 in the other games!
Koharu: What?
They both just notice Koharu who is holding a tray with 8 glasses of Orange Juices on it and about to put it on the table, standing there, confused. All of the boys including Lai went gasped and startled while constantly screaming "Oh shiet!!" in their mind. Lai calls her with his surprised and nervous reaction.
Lai: Koharu!? ^^"
Then, she argues with the username Klein just suggested.
Koharu: Why would you change your name to that, Klein?
Klein: W-Well! I thought that would be cool in my opinion!
Koharu: I think "Klein" would be better than that. Most of the people will think that way as well.
Lai: Yeah! I agree with her! (Damn it, you almost teach her something bad!)
Klein: I guess I'll stay with my current username! Thanks, Koharu! (Please don't murder me, Lai!)
She sets the tray on the table and everyone grab a glass of Orange Juice for themselves. They all toast their glasses together and drinks a sip of it.
All: Cheers!
They all sit down before Koharu starts a conversation. The Fuurinkazan members are talking with their comrades. Koharu asks the Leader.
Koharu: So how's your doing these days?
Klein: It was fine except.. It's just way a lot less players around today..
Lai: Yeah.. We both noticed that as well. Without the Merchant players and Smith players except Agil and Lisbeth. We might have to tough it up on our own in most of the things, material gatherings, mobs hunting and of course, bosses.
Klein: You got a point there. Well, we'll just work on our levels more harder. To get on your levels!
Lai: How high is your level?
Klein: Hehe! Me and the rest of the boys just reached Level 100+, thanks to the high EXP placee that ALF had occupied before!
She gladly congrats them for their achievements..
Koharu: Nice! I believed everyone in the Front Lines are already reached 100 or even higher! I'm sure we can do this.
Klein: Hell yeah! With you two's combined power. We definitely will speedrun through the Floors to Floor 100.
Lai: It's good to have your hopes up.
They all could hear a door knock immediately, Koharu's the first one who reaches it and opens, seeing Lisbeth who is panting for breath and beside her is Nishida who is happily greets at her.
Koharu: Lisbeth! Nishida! I'm glad you both are here!
Nishida: It's nice to see you. And I guess Klein brought his buddies to liven up the atmosphere!
Lisbeth: Did I missed anything? Sorry that I'm late! I just finished the schedules.
Koharu: Nope! You two arrived just in time!
Then, Asuna serves up several different S-type Quality Grilled fishes on the table.
Asuna: The dinner's ready, everyone! Kirito!
She calls out to her husband before starting the dinner.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 8:00pm..
All 11 players are having their own time. The 5 Members sat in the living room while the rest of 6 are in the dining room.
Lisbeth: So how's the fishing rod I made for you guys?
Nishida: It was well-made! We managed to fish that Sea Serpent in Floor 32, thanks to Lai's assist!
Lai: Yeah and... Is that?
They all noticed the Jade that Nishida gifted her with had crafted into a necklace with golden chain around her neck.
Koharu: Wow! It looks really great on you!
Lisbeth: Yep! I'm happy with it that I would never forget his gift!
Nishida: I'm glad you liked it! Seems like I've paid well!
Asuna: I guess today's a great day! Seeing everyone being very joyful! Except for someone..
Koharu: Huh?
The girl notices Asuna's voice suddenly turns a bit depressed. Kirito consoles and reassures her that Yui will be fine.
Kirito: Yui will be fine in the end. You told me that Lai stored her inside his nervegear memory.
A tear drops from Asuna's eye..
Asuna: *sob* Yeah.. I just really missed her..
Koharu: Don't worry about Yui, Asuna. She's probably will miss you a lot as well.
Lai: Then, we have to get out of here as soon as possible so we can meet Yui again.
Asuna: Yeah, Lai's right! Now I got another reason of getting out from this world.
Lai changes the topic immediately..
Lai: Speaking about it.. So about Floor 75.. Koharu and I got some info about the floor boss.
Asuna: What did you find?
Lai takes out the picture of the boss's appearances drew by the Archaeologist NPC to the table. Koharu follows up with her explanation.
Koharu: A Centipede boss with Endless Scythes, named "Skull Reaper". Which is literally has all of its bone parts shaped like a Scythes.
Lai: And we couldn't find any advantages so it's a head to head combat. You guys joining?
Lisbeth: Sure thing!
Klein: Of course! No way I'll miss the raid!
Lai: Nice. But I have to remind you that we're reaching third quarter of Aincrad so I believe the boss is gonna be very difficult to take on.
Asuna: Lai has a point there. We should mobilize all KoB forces on defeating Floor 75 boss.
She nods..
Koharu: I'll gather up the Valkyries for the raid.
Asuna: It's a decide then!
Kirito: Let's enjoy for tonight!
Lai: Cheers!
The rest of 5 follow up with Lai. He just remembers something else from Nishida.
Lai: Uhm.. Nishida? Mind if I borrow that Bingo Book from you for a couple of days?
Nishida: Ah sure! After the dinner, of course.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 9:00pm
After Klein, Lisbeth, Nishida and the Fuurinkazan Members had left the Log Cabin, the four are now resting in the living room. Lai and Koharu both sit at the couch while Kirito and Asuna resting at their single couch, face to face against each other.
Koharu: Hah~! I'm so stuffed! Thanks for the food, Asuna!
Asuna: You're welcome!
Lai: Shall we look at the Bingo Book?
Kirito: Why is it sound like we're wanted players?
Lai: Then, what do you call on this, Kirito?
Kirito: Just "Argo's Almanac" would do.
Asuna: Let's just look at the Almanac, alright? We haven't know who's in the GrandMaster Rank!
Lai: Well, I'll read it out for you all!
He opens the book, immediately flips the page straight to the Highest Rank. The first thing they could notice is of course.. "Oathkeeper".. Lai drops his sweats as he grins nervously.
Lai: Haha! ^^ For some reasons, I don't feel surprised by that at all!
Koharu then reads out Oathkeeper's profile for everyone.
Oathkeeper, Level 580
Arsenal: Dark General's Sword, Sacred Sword Xmas, Modified Automatic Crossbow, Saber Rifle, Arrow Shotgun, Heavy Perforator, Pipe Bomb Launcher, Various Potions, Throwing Knives
Armor: Abyss Coat, Engagement Ring
Most used skill tree: Darkness Blade Unique Skills, Blade Throwing Skills, One-Handed Sword Skills, Martial Skills
Status: Red Player, Alive, Married
Threat: God Level
Power: It's over 9000!!! XD Just kidding~
Description: Short version, he is the guy you cannot afford to mess with at all. But I'm glad he eradicated the Orange Players's existence out from this world so those guys won't be a pain in the butt to the Assault Team. Also, I can only see Green Players in almost a year thanks to him. To be honest, I almost died to him for like several times with the attempts of info collecting so yeah, don't mess with him. I'm actually scared to imagine if he is one of the PKers. One more thing, doesn't he feel tired at all, carrying all his arsenals and ammunitions around?
Koharu: You know she isn't going to hurt you, right?
Lai: She was literally stalking me like crazy to the point I mistook her as PKers.
Koharu: Really?
Kirito: Well, she wouldn't be called "Argo the Rat" for nothing.
Lai: We have seen the rest of our friend's profiles info except Koharu's..
Koharu: Yeah! I can't wait! But I expect I'd be in Rank A.
Lai: But I didn't see your profile anywhere in the Master Rank.. So...
Koharu: No way..
As she flips the page further, skipping Heathcliff's, PoH, Yuna, Typhon and Stilla. Until she reads a profile that has her face as the profile pic.
Koharu: Is that... Me?
Lai peeks on the book, surprised that she's in the GrandMaster Rank. He reads it out for the other couple.
Angel Blade, Level 231
Arsenal: Nightkiss Dagger, Thunder Feather, Titan's Shuriken, Modified Automatic Crossbow, Custom Nailgun, Saber Rifle, Arrow Shotgun, Throwing Kunais, Paper Bomb, Elemental Scrolls, Invisible String
Armor: Valkyria's Garment, Xmas Ring, Engagement Ring
Most used skills: Shurikenjutsu Unique Skills, Blade Throwing Skills, Scroll Casting Skills, Dagger Skills
Status: Green Player, Alive, Married
Threat: Goddess Level
Power: Same as Oathkeeper
Description: The girl that almost every players has idolize her as The Goddess of Aincrad, The Angel with a Blade and other cringey names they could come up with. But it's worth to be mentioned after all how she had stopped the unknown invasion and killed the leader who has the expression of creepy faces (Which everyone hates it so much including me). But her heart's already been taken by someone else so if you're reading this, you got no chance at all. Even if you attempt anyway, you'd be in danger with her fans and the Valkyries who are trying to protect her love life.
Koharu: Wow.. She really went exaggerating in the description..
He responses back with a question that surprises her.
Lai: Do other guys really hitting on you!?
She denies it quickly to avoid being misunderstood.
Koharu: Ehh!? No! I just got a lot of crazy fans, that's all. And most of them are girls. Also, I remembered that time there's a guy almost got himself killed by the fans because he's been stalking me.
Lai: I don't want to believe it's Yuuki...
Koharu: She's one of them but that doesn't mean she's the one who did that.. I confirmed it was just some random girl so of course she's not.
Lai: But why I don't see any of your fans when I teamed up with you as the Oathkeeper?
Koharu: Because you scared them away, Lai..
Lai: Oh yeah.. That's why...
Kirito: Pfft!
The other couple hold their laugh.
Asuna: You probably forgot how menacing you are when you're in your hood. Like everyone could see your eyes sparking in red.
He jokingly asks while leaning against the couch.
Lai: Well, do I still look menacing now?
The other three answers back without hesitation.
Kirito: Yes.
Asuna: Yes.
Koharu: Totally yes.
He went dumbfolded and collapsed.. Shocked by their answers.
Lai: You serious!?
Kirito: Well, Asuna and I almost got killed by you for like several times.
Asuna: That's right..
Koharu: And I barely turned the tables on you. I would be done for if I didn't stab an Explosive Kunai on your back..
Their comments alone are enough to shock him entirely. His eyes widened out but narrows and looking down.
Lai: Oh..
He just realized all of his doing after getting guilt tripped by them. His body trembles a bit as he can't just laugh it off that he almost done something that would scarred him for eternity.
Lai: I'm sorry..
Seeing him repent his mistakes but couldn't come up with his explanation. Koharu cheers him back up.
Koharu: Well.. But I guess it's all in the past now. The Oathkeeper we all know had took his days off.
Kirito: He better not coming back. That's what I hope for..
Asuna: Depends how the players treat Lai. But I guess most players knows the reasons for not to mess with him.
Koharu: Yeah.. Let's hope they won't.. Anyway, it's getting late. We should get some sleep for tomorrow's raid.
Asuna: Sure. Good night then. Sorry for bringing it up..
Lai: It's fine.. You two should sleep first.
The other couple head back to their room, hand on hand. After they entered, Koharu places her hand on Lai's hand, who is still feeling guilty about what he had done to them in the past. She consoles him..
Koharu: Don't worry.. You heard that nobody's blaming you in the end.. Because we'll always stay by your side.
He covers his face with both of his hands, trying to close the flashback in his mind.
Lai: Will you offer your hug, to brush away the thoughts of my awful past?
Koharu: Lai..
Her eyes widened, her tears swell up a bit. She immediately hugs him. Softly replies back.
Koharu: Of course I will. There's no way I'm leaving you alone in the living room, letting your past get ahold of you.
She connects her lips to his, both start kissing for a couple of seconds. After breaking up their kisses, he expresses his gratitude to her with his tender smile.
Lai: Thank you.. Koharu..
Koharu: We're always together.. Until we become one... I'm sure you'll keep your promises to the end..
Lai: Yeah.. To the end..
They both return back to their room.. Koharu flips up the bedsheet so they could tug inside. Lai joins with her after she lies down. As he did, Koharu slowly move closer and cuddles him, apologizing in soft tone.
Koharu: Sorry for bringing it up, Lai...
He turns around and cuddles her instead..
Lai: Then, be my pillow.. Can you do it, Koharu?
She blushes and stutters a bit after receiving his warmth hug and a sudden request from him. She gladly but shyly accepts it.
Koharu: S-Sure thing.. I hope you feel comfortable with me. And please tell me if you don't...
Lai: I might be too comfortable to be awake instead.
She giggles his exaggerating comment, then she says her good nights to him.
Koharu: Hehe...! I love you...
He replies back to her ear.
Lai: I love you too..
She smiling serenely under the bedsheet before her eyes closed.. Eventually falling asleep in the night.
End of Chapter...
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