Chapter 26: Hope's Uprising.
Unknown.. Time: ????
You did well, Lai.. I know you will..
Then, he shows a white room with a black cube.
..Somewhere in Hidden Dungeon.
You'll be able to accomplish what I couldn't, soon..
Year 2024, November 2nd. Aincrad Standard Time, 06:00. Floor 22, Log Cabin.
Lai: Huh!?
He woke up after hearing the eerie sounds that disturbed his sleep.. His head went back collapses to the pillow as he is still tired after all the fights. He noticed Koharu still sleeping soundly besides him. Lai looks away and opens the main menu to check the time.
Lai: Only 5am..? You're kidding me, right?
He decides to force himself out from the bed even though he hasn't rest enough. As he is about to step out of the door, he hesitates to leave as he couldn't leave Koharu behind. So he gently wakes her up with his finger poking her waist where it tickles her. She moans a bit..
Koharu: Ah~!
Lai: Sorry for waking you up so early..
She rubs her eyes.. Looks at him..
Koharu: Uhhh.... What time is it?
Lai: 5am..
Koharu: What are you doing at this hour?
Lai: We're going to do some... "Expedition" at Floating Palace. Just the two to us..
Koharu: You mean looting, right?
Lai: ...
He sighs a bit..
Lai: Just some "Gathering Quests" that you liked it so much..
Koharu: ..Well.. Okay, I guess... *Yawn*
They both wash their face and grab their equipment and bags. Koharu even left a note for the others before leaving.
Timeskip... Floor 22, Peaceful Forest Path.. Aincrad Standard Time, 5:20am..
The duo head to the Teleport Gate with slow walks as they enjoy the view of the fireflies flying around the forest. Plus, the weather is windy at this hour. They both are silent until Lai breaks the atmosphere after he did not see Koharu's usual smile.
Lai: You didn't slept well today?
She stops her walk. Same goes for him.
Koharu: Huh? Oh.. Kind of.. Especially after what we've been through last night. The ALF is now fallen and the people are free from their palm. But the cost was..
She stops her sentence as she couldn't describe how many lives were lost on the other side. Lai adds in..
Lai: Too many..
Koharu: I won't question that.. But it didn't left me feel better either and I don't want to recall that.
Lai: You sure you'll be alright?
She nods slightly..
Koharu: Yeah.. As long as I have you to lean against with.
She takes a deep breath before continuing their walk and changing the subject.
Koharu: Well, the view's great by the way. Maybe we should stay here for a while. I still have some Teleport Crystals for it anyway.
Lai: Why you didn't say it earlier?
Koharu: Because I need a walk to clear my mind. And I feel better right now.
He holds her hand..
Lai: Now you've been through what I had been before.. You sure you still wanna keep up?
Koharu: ...
She places her other hand on top of his..
Koharu: We've been together since the start until in Floor 20.. Sorry for repeating that.
He chuckles..
Lai: You can't wipe off what you've done in yesterday, Koharu. But instead of that, you gotta to learn to accept it, before it changes you, before it separates us apart. Again.
Her eyes widened..
Koharu: Really?
Lai nods..
Lai: Because it only haunts you and slows you down forever if you feel that way.
Koharu: That means I won't be able to catch up with you...?
Lai: Maybe.. But I never want to scare you with that facts at all.
Koharu: I won't be scared by that. But maybe I'm just overthinking.
Lai: Looks like we need a distraction for now..
Koharu: Yeah..
Lai: By the way, how do you feel now?
Koharu: I'm okay. Thanks for the advice, Lai.
Lai: Great.. I always believed that you're always strong.
She beams him with a faithful smile back as a reply before grabbing out the Teleport Crystals.
Koharu: We should go.. We got a lot of things to do today.
She teleports themselves back to the Floating Palace.
Timeskip... Armory..
The duo had returned to the Floating Castle which it's already in ruin, with debris all over the place but the building somehow still in one piece. Lai pries the door of the Armory located inside the vault at the basement where all the prototypes are stored.
Koharu: I wonder what they have been researching for.
Lai: Probably something rare, very rare. I mean they stored a boss just to throw us off.
Koharu: Yeah.. With all of the prototypes in our possession. I'm sure we can breeze through the boss of Floor 75th and continue our progress.
Lai: Hope so..
He pries the door opens with his sword. Only to be amazed for both of them by all the mass firepower of weaponry arranged properly on the shelves, showcasing. They both couldn't believe what ALF had been storing in. Just to rule Aincrad, especially for them. The shelves contains several Pump-Action Crossbows that uses Buckshot Arrow filled with 10 pellets at the tip, Modified Automatic Nail Gun with better mobility, fire rate and fire power than Normal Automatic Crossbow, Saber Rifle with the design of AWM Sniper Rifle and Pipe Bomb Launcher. Lai grabs out one of the prototypes. The Perforator, A Launcher with a size of a Portable Siege Cannon, it uses Spear as ammunitions. He tweaks a bit with the weapon.
Lai: Holy... Are they building their own Reich or something?
Koharu: Wow... How long they have been doing with these research?
He pulls the chamber after he loads a Spear from his inventory.
Lai: I don't know. But with these all in our possession. We really might be able to clear Aincrad in a few weeks.
She shakes her head as she is not sure about his idea. Then, she grabs the Nail Gun and loads a 40 rounds clip of 139.7mm nails inside the gun's magazine. She raises it one-handed to test its weight.
Koharu: Not sure. But these will definitely help us through a few floors at least.
Lai: Let's move to the shooting range, shall we?
Koharu: Not yet, we should gather all the data of these so we can find a way to make more ammunitions for our own. It should be around inside the vault..
Lai: Good point.. Let's grab everything we can.
Koharu takes off her bag and rearrange her item for more spaces to store the weapons while Lai breaks the glass and grabs the weapons at the showcase shelves. He passes the weapons one by one to Koharu and she stores it inside her bag. Lai also grabs as much ammunitions crates as he can to store into his bag, also grabbing the weapons and ammunitions data. After clearing out the vault and they are about to carry the bags. He noticed Koharu couldn't even stand up with her bag on as it is too heavy for her to carry.
Koharu: Ehh!? I can't stand up! The weight is overloaded!
Lai: Oh.. I forgot you focused on AGI.
She apologizes immediately..
Koharu: Sorry... ><"
Lai carries two bags at the same time without breaking any sweat, one on the front and another on the back while Koharu follows on his besides. She giggled a bit of how he carries the bags on his own.
Koharu: Sorry for letting you handle this. But you look kinda funny.
Lai: ...
Koharu: Oh.. Sorry for blurted out like that.. I just wanted to lift up the atmosphere. This place's pretty dead silent tho.
He went silent to her response. Then ask her about her feelings.
Lai: How do you feel right now?
Koharu: Huh? I feel alright. It's just it's so quiet that I can't used to it for the first time. Especially after how you... You know, executed all the ALF Army.
Lai: Oh..
Lai: Say, after all of this. You think we should hold a celebration today?
Koharu: For our win?
Lai: Yeah.. We're pretty wore off yesterday.. So why not have a party with the people?
Her face lit up with a smile as soon as she hears his suggestion.
Koharu: Sounds great! A party should lift everyone's spirit!
Lai: It should take your mind off for a while. You had worked hard for leading the people.
Koharu: Thanks! I thought I would never have my vacation after the fight! We should finish this as soon as possible!
Lai: Sure.
They both sprinted all the way down to the courtyard as they are excited for the celebration.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 6:00.. At the courtyard.
Lai puts the bags down and casually picks out several prototypes from it while Koharu reads out the data of the prototypes. Figuring its functions. She grabs out the loaded nail gun again and position herself into aiming stance. She could feel the weapons weighing her arm uncomfortably.
Koharu: This seems a bit heavier than the Crossbow one. With 40 of nails loaded in of course.
Lai: Can I test the weight?
She got curious..
Koharu: Huh? But it will be different for you since your STR is far greater than mine.
He rethinks a bit. Then, an idea sparks in his mind.
Lai: I think it needed some attachments on.
Koharu: Attachments?
He asks her knowledge.
Lai: How well you know about firearms in the real world?
She shakes her head.
Koharu: Uhh.. No.. Not at all.
Lai: Well, most firearms are available for installing tactical sights, custom stocks, barrels and even suppressors and flash hider.
Koharu: Hm.. Seems like you have knowledge of firearms. But how can you improve this?
Lai: Hm.. We can cut the ammo capacity in half or lower to decrease the weight. The grip, the engine that fires the nail can be modified as well if I read correctly. Most important is, it needs a sight for aiming.
Koharu: You seems to know a lot about firearms..
Lai: Well, I'm actually.. A gun fanatic. Although I know how they works. But I only have a slight knowledge about history for weapons.
Koharu: And how does that inspires you?
Lai: My father is the chief of weapon manufacturer. He showed me that guns are one of the greatest inventions in the mankind history.. Also.. He's a CEO of Ark industries.
Koharu: C-! CEO!?
Lai: I expected you to be surprised by that.
Koharu: My god... I might faint out just knowing your father's occupation. But you shouldn't be simply telling something very important to anyone!
Lai: How so? There's no one here. Plus, I trust you a lot.
Koharu: I can feel the pressure of knowing it..
Lai: Sorry..
She beams him with a smile..
Koharu: It's okay. You told me because you trust me. That makes me somehow happy.
Lai: Back to the test. Try the nail gun first before the modifications.
Koharu: Sure.
She grabs the gun and position herself, with both of hands supporting the grip while Lai observes the gun first before letting go of her. He turns off the Safety.
Lai: The safety's off. You can fire once I let go of you.
She nods in reply as she focuses on her sight. Once he let go of her, she burst fires 3 nails per shot to test the recoil. The knockback already shakes off where she aims at.
Koharu: The recoil is shaky.. I never thought it'd be hard to control it.
Lai: The Gun requires higher power in order to launch the Nail for longer distance. That's why the knockback's high as well.
Koharu: I'll get used to it eventually if I practice a bit more.
Lai: Anyway, I gotta test this one.
Koharu: Hm?
He wields out the Perforator, observes the weapons a bit. Then, he shoots out a Spear that penetrates through the grand wall of Floating Castle which has 9 meters of thickness, the power also enough to blow a human size hole. He grabs another spear and inserts into the Cannon. Then he pulls the chamber to make sure it's loaded.
Lai: Nice..
Koharu: I can't imagine if they got hit by one of these..
Lai: The upper body will literally just blown off. I bet not even Heathcliff could block the attack.
She pouts..
Koharu: Geez.. Thanks for describing it. I might lose my appetite.
They both continue on their shooting practice, as well as testing out all the weapons before leaving the Floating Palace. Koharu reloads another clip into the magazines and pulls the chamber. She tries out in dual wield this time while Lai grabs the pump action crossbow. He pulls the string and loads a buckshot arrow at the barrel, then he loads up another 12 rounds magazines into the chamber. He checks around, turn off the Safety mode that is preventing the trigger being pulled. He fires a spread of buckshot, pump the handle to pull the string back while reloading another arrow from the magazine to the barrel. He inspects the weapon before changing to another weapon.
Koharu: Hey, mind if you help me out with this?
Lai: Huh?
He sees her holding a Saber Rifle. The design of it is the same as AWM Sniper Rifle. He responds in an instant as he already knew how it works.
Lai: Oh, this one's probably a bolt-action one. So I know how this works. You see a handle between the scope and the trigger?
She inspects the rifle and immediately notices it.
Koharu: Yeah. I see it..
Lai: Rotate the handle upward and pull it.
She does what he just said by rotating the handle upward and pulls it, opening the chamber for loading the arrows inside.
Koharu: I see the chamber's opened and I guess this is the part where I load the arrows?
Lai: That's right.
She puts 5 arrows inside and push the handle forward and rotates back downwards, closing back the chamber and locks the handle.
Koharu: I guess I can fire the weapon now. Thanks!
She raises up and leans her face until her right eye meets the scope. She aims at the tree from afar.
Koharu: Alright..
As she pulls the trigger and fires, the knockback suddenly pushes her, with enough force to make her fall.
Koharu: Ahh!!!
Before her body hits the ground, Lai immediately holds her from her fall. Koharu is still in shock of the strong recoil she just received.
Lai: You okay?
Koharu: Y-Yeah! I never expected that!
Lai: Your STR isn't high enough.
He puts her back to her standing. She apologizes.
Koharu: Sorry that I fell!
Lai: Don't be. It's okay, you're still able to dual wield crossbows.
Koharu: I know.. I'll put some of the points in my STR.
Lai: Okay.
She inserts 100 of the stats points acquired from the fight last night to boost her STR status. He grabs the rifle, rotates and pulls the handle to load the arrow for her as he pushes back in. He tosses it to her as she is ready for another shot. She leans herself to the scope and fires.
This time, she is able to control the recoil, but the knockback force still enough to push her back a bit.
Koharu: Much better now. But I still need a lot of practice.
Lai: You'll get used to it.
Koharu: Of course! Thanks for the assist!
After testing out every prototypes and all of them are still functional at its finest. Lai decides to call it a day.
Lai: I think we should wrap this up for today.
Koharu: Sure, I'll arrange the items and the data. Sorry for having you to carry these bags again.
Lai: Don't mention it..
She suddenly asks him.
Koharu: Hey..
Lai: Hm?
Koharu: Before we go.. There's one thing I have to yet to make sure.
Lai: What is it?
Koharu: Since we took down both ALF and HDA. Does that means we had set everything right?
Lai: ...
He sighs..
Lai: Well.. Only for now.. Until things went south again, we changed it back to its right direction.
Koharu: You're right. We're unable to control or even maintain the world. But we still can change it.
Lai: But we'll get our hands dirty after cleaning up all this mess. Doesn't this already made you worried?
Koharu: Well, we get our hands dirty and the world stays clean. That's how I always think.
He pats her shoulder.
Lai: Then I'm glad you're on the same track as mine, Koharu.
Koharu: Lai..
He changes the subject as he avoids things getting emotional.
Lai: So, we should head back and grab a bite. Today's our vacation so don't you dare ruin it.
Koharu: Ah! Okay..
She focuses back on arrange the items before putting the items back. Lai helps out a few with her as well. After finish packing, Koharu locks her arm with Lai's before teleporting back to Floor 22.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 9:00.. Log Cabin.
Lai knocks the door before entering with her, Asuna notices their presence immediately.
Asuna: You both are back! Where you been to?
He drops the bags on the ground.
Lai: We were able to scoop some weapons data and prototypes from the ALF. With these in our possessions, we might be able to clear several floors at least.
Asuna: Really? What kind of weapon they're developing?
Lai: We'll discuss later.. Did you have our breakfast shares?
Asuna: Yeah.
Lai: And where's Kirito?
Asuna: He's fishing right now. I told him to get us some fishes for the lunch.
Lai: Does he have any fishing skills?
Asuna: I supposed not.
Lai: Well, It'll be a miracle if he managed to catch a goldfish.
Koharu: *giggles*
Asuna: Stop teasing Kirito! He tries to help me out!
Lai: Just kidding..
After breakfast, he shows Asuna the prototypes from the bags.
Lai: These are the prototypes developed by the ALF. They were storing these to get rid of anyone that are opposing the ALF. They might even able to raid the KoB with these.
Asuna: Good thing we had stopped them last night. Now things will be a lot peaceful from now on, I'm sure of it.
Lai: Indeed, no more civil wars, no more guild raiding Empire etc.. A lot more different from the early days when we're just newbies.
Koharu: I can't imagine if Laughing Coffin are still alive... Anyway, with these two guilds had fallen, KoB is now the biggest guild.
Lai: Yep..
Asuna: You think we should let the KoB handle these?
Lai: No!
He shouts out that startles Koharu and Asuna as he hears it.
Koharu: !!
Asuna: !!
He immediately calms himself down..
Lai: I apologise.. What if KoB backstabs us all?
Asuna: I'm sure they won't. I'm the vice commander, remember?
Koharu: Yeah.. Don't worry about that.
He shakes his head.
Lai: I still don't trust the Commander. Anyway, Koharu and I both have an idea of having a party tonight.
Asuna: A party for?
Lai: To celebrate what we gain from yesterday. Since everyone is safe plus HDA and ALF are fallen. Why not-
Asuna breaks his sentence and gave him with her serious look.
Asuna: Ahem..
Lai: What?
Asuna: You forgot about Yui's case that we still need answers from.
Lai: ...
Koharu: Ah! I totally forgot! We were exhausted last night. Sorry about that!
Lai: But do we even have the clue?
Asuna: Cardinal.. She mentioned about it, right?
Lai: Yes.. An AI system that has the ability to perform maintenance to itself without the help of the Developer.
Asuna: That's right.
Lai: But she did not mentioned any locations that is worth investigating. Which means we have to search every places in Aincrad. You think the four of us can accom- Oh my God...
He stops his sentence as he remembers the place that Diavel shown him in his dream.
Lai: Wait a minute.. I know where it is! It's somewhere in the Hidden Dungeon!
Koharu: You sure it's that place!? That boss might've respawn already!
Lai: That's why we don't have much time left!
He hurries himself and equips his coat. Koharu stood up and ready herself to catch up with him.
Asuna: Wait, what about Kirito!?
Lai: Just message him! We might find the answers before it's too late.
Asuna: Okay!
The three of them gear themselves and teleports to Floor 1 from the Log Cabin. Coincidentally, Kirito has brought Nishida back.
Kirito: Asuna will definitely make some-
He just notices the Cabin a bit quiet and there is no one around inside the Cabin.
Kirito: Soy sauce..
The old fisherman states at him menacingly.
Nishida: So where's your chef?
Kirito: *Nervous laughing*
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 9:10..
The three of them are back to the Hidden Dungeon. Fighting their way while exploring every inch of the entire dungeon. He rushes forward while the girls are keeping up with him.
Asuna: Slow down! The hordes around here aren't easy for me to take down!
Lai: Once that boss had respawned, it won't be easy for all of us to take down! Hurry!
Koharu: Do you remember what place Diavel show you?
Lai: A white room.. The place where Thinker trapped in! I'm sure of it!
Koharu opens the map and pinpoints the location Lai just mentioned. Turns out it was just ahead of them.
Koharu: Just a stone's away. We're almost there!
Lai looks at the left to check if the boss's presence still there. Suddenly, a blade descends from above.
Lai: Watch out!
He dodges roll forward, counters back with a sword thrown out to it while the girls back steps away.
Koharu: It respawned!
Asuna: Hurry! Head to the room!
The girls make a run to the room while Lai fights off the Fatal Scythe. This time, he can tell that his strength matches to the boss's. He rolls away from the beam attack and launches himself towards it. Tackles it and slashes it a few times. It got knockback and he continues his strike by rushing to its behind and knocks it back in reverse, then he rushes to where the boss is going to land and front kicks it straight to the ceiling. He whips out his Crossbow to pins the boss on the ceiling, then he shoots out a Spear with the Perforator as the finishing blow on its head.
*Fragments burst*
After defeating the boss, he carries the Perforator onto his shoulder.
Lai: That went surprisingly easy...
He hurries back rendezvous with the girls inside the room.
Lai: You two are okay?
Asuna: Yes.
Then, he heads a shout..
Koharu: Lai!
Lai: Eh?
She suddenly hugs him tightly as she is worrying that he wouldn't make it out this time.
Koharu: Thank god, you're okay! I thought you'll have a hard time dealing with it!
Lai: This time is different. We both got a lot stronger.
Koharu: Yeah..
She changes the subject..
Koharu: Anyway, Is this the place you mentioned about?
He looks around, making sure about his guess.
Lai: A white room and a black cube... This is it..
He directly interacts every inches of the cube. Searching for a button or a secret to activate it. Suddenly, a keyboard and a touchpad appears right in front of him. They all got confused a little bit.
Lai: A keyboard?
Koharu: What?
He frozes a bit, almost forgot how to type or how to use the touchpad. He taps the touchpad and a screen shows up in front of him, displaying the desktop with a few .exes as with the adminstrator as a GM. His body trembles as he just knew what he just found out.
Lai: Oh my God...!
Asuna: Huh?
Koharu: Is that!?
Lai: No way...! This is the GM console! You know what it means!?
Asuna shrugs a bit as she didn't get what he is about to say.
Lai: We might be able to turn the log-out button back on and set us free!!
His good news shot Koharu and Asuna with full surprised.
Koharu: Really!?
Asuna: No way! It was down here the whole time!?
Lai: Yes! It was here in the entire goddamn time!
Asuna: Yes! We finally can go back!
Koharu: Oh my God! I can't believe this!
Lai: Shh! Simmer down! Keep your heads in the game. Now we just have to figure out this console.
He calms himself down with some deep breathes before exploring the console. He mutters to himself.
Lai: Okay.. Calm down, Lai... Calm down.. Get Yui's backup file and turn on the log-out button. It should be easy to find.
He drags the pointer to the file explorer. Unfortunately, billions of data literally just shown in front of them.
Asuna: Wow..
Koharu: That's a lot of data.
Lai: Well...
Lai got dumbfounded enough that he even cursed in his mind..
Lai's mind: F**k!
Before he makes a search on the search bar, Koharu interrupts him.
Koharu: Wait!
Lai: Huh?
Koharu: Be cautious with the console. This Cardinal might be able to detect your certain activities while you're on it.
Lai: Copy that..
He searches with the terms that is relatable to Yui's, hoping for her files are still around. Fortunately, it immediately pops up with a backup folder. He clicks in it and it shows a backup .zip files with the name, 《Yui-MHCP001》
Lai: Finally... This must be the Yui's backup files..
Asuna: That means we still can save Yui!?
Lai: Yeah.. My guess is the system only deletes her in the game. So her backup files are here. My another guess is perhaps the system might need the A.I. again so that's why it still keeps the .zip files.
Koharu: But how are we gonna save her file? Or save Yui?
Her question rings Lai an idea..
Lai: Nice pun. I can somehow extract her .zip files to my nervegear. But it'll take a couple of minutes because her files are literally 53gbs. But wait a minute.. Asuna!
Asuna: Huh?
Lai: Block the entrance. We can't afford some people mess with it. Everyone's life depends on it.
Asuna: Okay. Koharu?
Koharu: Sure! I'll get some wood planks and boulders.
She got surprised..
Asuna: Wait! You can carry that!?
She proudly responses to Asuna.
Koharu: Yep! I just put some STR today! Wish I can carry that!
Asuna: Will you be okay here, Lai?
He nods with confidence.
Lai: Yes. I think I can wait, the system didn't detect the console so far.
Koharu: Nice! Let's go, Asuna!
The girls teleports to Floor 55 for some boulders in West Mountain that can block the entrance while Lai guards the console. He also checks the outside to see if any eavesdrops their conversations. Thankfully, he can ensures no one's been here except for them since he can't sense any other presence.
Lai: So far so good, Diavel... I really owe you this one.. Once we're back to the real world. I'll let them know what you did for everyone. For me... That's how I'll repay you.
He stares back at the console, still running well so far. Then he goes back to guard the console.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 10:00..
After half an hour, Koharu calls out to Lai as the girls are back.
Koharu: We're back!
Lai: Nice. Now place the boulders at the door, one at the outside, another one in the inside.
Koharu: Copy that~!
She responses happily as she places one at the outside just like he said. The others could feel her happiness from how she acts.
Asuna: She seems very happy.
Lai: Yeah.. We all can't believe that we found the key. The key to free us all from this world.
Asuna: So, do you have a way to save her data?
Lai: Yes.. Just like I said, I can copy Yui's .zip files to my nervegear but it'll take a couple of minutes to finish that. She's a hyper A.I after all.
He opens another file explorer and this time is for searching his own player data, in hope to find a suitable location in his nervegear storage to store the copied .zip files to his nervegear. The console starts pasting the .zip file into his storage.
Lai: Great! It's working!
Asuna: Nice!
Lai: Now for the log out button.. One more step and we'll be back to the real world.
Koharu: Think you can do it?
Lai: Not sure.. It must somewhere in the source code. I guess "Command prompt" would do it.
He types "cmd" in the search bar and click on the command prompt, bringing out the command window. He types out /help to display the list of available commands for him. Look out for every list of commands carefully until he founds out a command called /toggle IRLdeath and /toggle Log-out button. He sets IRLdeath to "False" and turn on the Log-out button before closing the console. Coincidentally, Yui's .zip file has successfully pasted in Lai's Nervegear storage. He opens the menu, immediately press on the setting icon and saw the Log Out Button Icon has finally appears. He mutters as he couldn't believe it..
Lai: Holy Shiet...
That's when he declares the good news to the girls.
Lai: Well ladies.. We did it. We got Yui's .zip files and the exit is open.
The girls jump in joy as he managed to complete without any detection risk. Koharu immediately hugs Lai as she is overwhelmed by joy.
Koharu: You're a lifesaver!
Asuna: All right!
Lai fills the detail of having a party to Asuna.
Lai: Okay! The only thing we need to do is to hold a big party in Floor 22 and invite every civilian players.
Asuna: A big party?
Lai: I doubt the system or the GM himself, Goddamn Kayaba will detect the Log-out activity and tries to disable it again. So we all have to do it, simultaneously. So that's why we try to gather everyone as many as we can.
Koharu: It's perfect! What do you think, Asuna?
Asuna: Sure it's a great plan! By the way, Kirito hasn't arrived yet.
Lai: What took him so long?
Kirito's been killing frogs for straight 20 minutes.
Kirito: Where the hell are they!? Don't blame me carrying all these frog meats back home after this!
Back to them...
Lai: Oh well.. He'll be okay..
Koharu: Then, shall we leave?
Lai: Yeah..
The girls take out their Teleport Crystals before casting with it.
Lai: Wait a minute!
Asuna: Huh? Something's wrong?
Lai opens the security system and registers his fingerprint and with his own face to the scan before closing the console. Ensuring no one able unlock the console except him.
Lai: I guess we're done here. I had locked the console so no one will mess with it.
Koharu: I'm relieved then. Let's get out of here!
Asuna: Let me message Kirito again! I can't wait to tell him the good news!
They immediately teleport to Floor 22.
End Of Chapter...
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