Chapter 21: The Girl of the Morning Dew.

Year 2024, October 25. Aincrad Standard Time, 09:00. Floor 22, Log Cabin.

During the morning, the Couple just got up for a while. Kirito watches Asuna as she is excited about the breathtaking view at the balcony.

Asuna: Wow~! Look at that view!

He joins her at the balcony, watching the view.

Kirito: Be careful tho. Or you might fall from the edge.

They both look at each other, smiling. Kirito wraps his arm from the back and places his hand onto her waist.

Asuna: We sure got a nice house.

Kirito: But it took all our money. So I guess we're broke. But Lai and Koharu can support us.

Asuna: But here, we can live in peace.. Kirito?

She looks at him who is in deep of his thoughts..

Asuna: What's wrong, Kirito?

Kirito: Hey, Asuna.. Does our relationship exist in this world alone?

She pouts at him.

Asuna: And why's that? Even if this is a virtual world, my feelings for you are totally real.

Both of her hands hold onto his face.

Asuna: There's one thing I've learned here. To keep doing your best, up until the very end. If we make it back to the real world, I'll find you again. And fall in love with you again.

As they were about to kiss, Kirito reveals the other two out.

Kirito: I know you both there..

Asuna: Wha-!?

He looks at Koharu who just came in from the door. Blushing and smiling nervously.

Koharu: Ah! Uhm! I..! I was just about to wake you up! ><"

Then, Lai breaks in..

Lai: Don't mind about her, it's her first time seeing a couple kiss.

Koharu: Lai!

Asuna: It's..! It's okay! ^^"

Kirito: But...

They both look at Koharu and Lai in their casual outfits. Koharu is with her White Shirt on with Lines and Long-sleeve that reaches up half of her palms, along with a skirt. Lai is just with a shirt that almost matches the color as hers but with Ocean blue Long-sleeve and Blue trousers.

Asuna: But you looked different.

Koharu: Yeah! I mean, we wear armors all the time that we're so used to it!

Asuna: What about you, Lai? You looked like you're totally changed, back to what you used to be..

His fingers brushes his face..

Lai: Am I?

Then, he places both of his hands behind his head. Smiling out like it's their first time seeing him being cheerful.

Lai: Well! Maybe I'm glad that I'm finally out from the dark! It was tough back there all these times! Really!

The three of them smile out happily..

Kirito: Glad to see your old self.

Koharu: I'm happy that you haven't lose that bright side of yours!

Lai: Hey, I told you we'll make it out in the end, right?

Koharu: You really did..

Asuna claps her hand as she suddenly came up with an idea.

Asuna: We should celebrate about Lai's return! It would be a memorable time for all of us!

Then, Kirito sounds a bit gloom..

Kirito: Is that even necessary?

Asuna: Come on, Kirito! Don't be such a party pooper! Anyway, are you joining me, Koharu?

Koharu: Sure! Please let me be your mentor then!


After Asuna showing the ropes to Koharu with the Ragout Rabbit Stew ingredients, the four of them are about to have a Ragout Rabbit Stew, some seasoning sauce and Jasmine tea as their morning party. Asuna notices Koharu's sigh..

Asuna: Something's wrong, Koharu?

She snaps out from it..

Koharu: Ah! Nothing! It's just the one-tap cutting process is too simplify. I don't get any thrill from that.

Asuna: Well.. I totally agreed on that. Too bad it designed for people who can't cook.

Koharu: I guess the Dev's just being lazy on it.

Asuna: Hehe! Probably!

As the girls laugh, the boys watch them smile before they look at each other. Unable to bring up a conversation.

Kirito: ...

Lai: ...

He crosses his arms.. Wondering something else that bugs him just now.

Lai: Just how long I was actually gone?

Kirito: You knew the answer.. It's been straight two years..

Lai: I'm not surprised that everyone and everything has majorly changed in these years but.. I kinda missed it tho.. Back in those days when we all just beginners.

Kirito: Yeah yeah, I heard it before. It was from you..

His words and their conversation overheard by Asuna.

Asuna: Hm?

Lai: We made a lot of our history in this world.. But no one in the real world would know about what we actually did..

Koharu: ...

Asuna: But the people in this world knew us all and well. And eventually they'll spread the words to the real world.

Lai: I don't trust them.. To be precise...

His head shakes a bit as he sighs..

Lai: I don't really care.. At all.. I'm just... Uhm..

He smiles after a deep breath..

Lai: I'm just happy that I found who I really am. What I used to be.. Even the world tries to change me into different person..

After hearing, the girls smile at him..

Asuna: But you changed the world instead.. I'm actually think that you're stronger than anyone else.

Lai: Nah.. I'm just overpowered.. That's all..

Koharu: That because you kept your promises. That's what makes your really strong, right?

He crosses his arms again, thinking..

Lai: I guess you can say that..

Kirito: Ahem!

Asuna: Ah! Yes?

Kirito: I'm right here, remember?

Asuna: Yeah! Oh! Sorry! The food is getting cold right now!

Lai: Yeah! Let's dig in!

Kirito: Hey! You haven't compliment me!

Three of them, except Kirito. Starts praying out before having the food.

Asuna: Itadakimasu!

Lai and Koharu: Itadakimasu!

Kirito: ... ;-;

They start having a feast. Grabbing out the rabbit stew to their plate with their chopsticks. Asuna stops her before Koharu dips it on a small plate of purple sauce.

Asuna: Wait!

Koharu: Huh?

Asuna: The sauce that you're gonna dip is actually the Wasabi...

Koharu: Oh? That's great then! Thanks for telling me!

Lai: Are you sure about that?

She blushes..

Koharu: Well, let's just say.. I'm used to it..

Lai: ...Okay then..

Koharu: Don't worry about me! ^^

She takes a bite of the meat with the sauce on. Instead of being overwhelmed by the spicy. It satisfies her taste.

Koharu: Hmm~! That's actually pretty good!

Lai: *Sweatdropped*

Asuna: Good to see that you're okay! Wanna try, Lai?

Lai: Nope! I'mma head out from this one!

Kirito: C'mon.. Try to be a man. Think about your pride.

Lai: Haha.. No.. Shut up, Kirito.. Why don't you try it out on your own since you can bear a decent level of spicy?

Kirito: Well.. I'll do that after you eat it.

Lai: To hell with that..

Kirito: Come on..

Lai: ... *Gulp*

He grabs the rabbit stew and dips the purple sauce.. Then slowly, he is about to take the smallest bite of it.

Lai: ><"

As he bites it and several chew before the swallow.. He feels normal..

Lai: Eh? It's actually pretty good.

Asuna: No way! You don't feel any!?

Lai: It feels tingly tho, probably from the spice's work.

Kirito: I don't believe it! Let me try!

He dips it in and try it out immediately. Kirito takes several chew of it to taste it out. Before the swallow, his faces turns red.

Kirito: Oh god... I need milk..

Lai: *Sweatdropped*

Koharu: What's wrong?

This time, he bursts out flames from his mouth. It shocks Asuna in results.

Asuna: Eek!

Koharu: Watch out!

The flames covers Lai and blackens his face. He coughs out from the smoke.. Kirito rushes to the Kitchen to grab the milk from the refrigerator. Asuna follows up to her boyfriend. Leaving two of them.

Lai: *Cough* What was.. That?

Koharu: Did he just turned into a dragon? How did you not get caught by the spice?

Lai: I guess it has something to do with the Fire and the Burn resistance.. *Collapsed*

Koharu: Lai! Are you okay!?

Timeskip... Woomy! :3

After the breakfast, the four of them take a stroll along the wooden walkways. Both holding hands like couples.

Asuna: So where are we going today?

Kirito: You'll find out when we get there.

Lai: To test out your dragon's breath on Heathcliff during the rematch?

The girls start giggling out under their breath immediately..

Asuna: Pff!! Haha!

Koharu: Nice one!

Kirito: Shut up! ><" I said I'm sorry, okay!

Lai: Okay. ^^

Not too long after the laughter and some walks.. Asuna suggests something.

Asuna: Hey! Try carry me on your shoulders!

Koharu: ?

Kirito: For what?

Asuna: You know.. It's no fun seeing things from the same height. With your STR parameter, it should be easy, right?

Kirito: Well.. Maybe... But... Aren't you a little old for that?

Asuna: My age doesn't matter. Come on, it's just four of us.

Kirito: O-oh okay fine..

He squats down a bit.. Letting Asuna be on top of his shoulders. As she raises her skirt a bit before sitting. She notices that he might peek.

Asuna: If you turn around, I'll slap you!

Kirito: This doesn't seem fair.

She slowly gets on top of Kirito's shoulders and he stands back up. Asuna could see the view far away on her current height.

Asuna: Hey! You can see the lake from here already!

Kirito: I can't see it..

Asuna: Then, I'll carry you later! Now let's go! Set a course, North-northeast!

Kirito: Right...

As the couple head to the lake, leaving the other behind..

Lai: Uhm..

Koharu: Mind carrying me as well?

Lai: Are you sure? You're wearing skirt today..

Koharu: Yeah..! But I trust you in this! ><"

Lai: You sound nervous tho..

Koharu: Eh!? Well..! I guess never mind then! Ahh!!

He carries her on top of his shoulders same as Kirito did to Asuna. But he feels a bit something unusual.

Lai: (Wth? Why I don't feel any weight of her!?)

As he freezes there, Koharu snaps him out from his thoughts.

Koharu: Am... Am I too heavy for you?

Lai: !? No! I feel okay with it! Your AGI must be very high!

Koharu: Oh! I maximized my Attack Speed and Evasion. And I wore light armor all the time! I guess that's why..

Lai: That's good then..

It takes him a sec to realize what really caused of it, about he has 510 STR Stats Points and it is in its maximum point.

Lai: (Must be the STR parameter of mine is off the charts.)


As they all at the forest through the lake side.. The others still curious about the fun place that Kirito mentioned about.

Lai: So... Where are you gonna bring us to?

Kirito: Well, you can say we're here.

Koharu: What you talking about?

Kirito: Yesterday, I heard a rumor in the village. Here, deep in the forest, you can see things.

Asuna: Huh? See what?

Then, he smirks..

Kirito: ..Ghosts..

Asuna: D-Does that mean... Astral-type Monsters?

Kirito: Nope.. It's a real one.

Koharu: R-Really?

Lai: I recommend you not to trust him.. Cuz it's all just data..

Kirito: Don't say it, Lai.. It's all real!

Lai: How come?

Kirito: Well, they say the hatred of the monsters that were hunted here. Takes form and wandered the field nightly.

Then, a sound of tree branch breaks that startles Asuna..

Asuna: !!

Kirito: And we're nearly there.

Koharu: To the place the rumors mention?

Kirito: About a week ago, a woodcrafter came to find some materials. As he focused on gathering it, night fell. And he caught a glimpse of something white, beneath a nearby tree.

Asuna starts pondering.. Believing it wasn't real at all. Then, she notices a white figure deep in the forest while Kirito keeps going on.

Asuna: !?

Kirito: The white shadow walked slowly into a nearby grove of trees...

Asuna: H-H-Hey!

Koharu and Lai: ?

Kirito: Huh?

She confirms it as she notices the figure again. She freaks out this time..

Asuna: Let me down!

Kirito: What's wrong?

She drops from Kirito's shoulder and hides behind him, the other two curious about what she saw. Asuna takes a peek from Kirito's shoulder and activates the night vision. Identifying the figure, it is just a young girl with a white dress.

Asuna: Guys...! Over there..!

He questions her again instead of looking at where her sight points toward.

Kirito: What is it?

Lai: A girl!?

Koharu: Really?

Lai heads towards the girl and Koharu follows up..

Koharu: Are you sure it's a good idea? But it seems very visible to us..

Lai: Nah.. There's no ghost in this gam-! Oof!


Before he could finish the sentence, he accidentally trips on a tree root. The impact sounds freaks Asuna out and squats down, covering both of her ears and eyes.

Asuna: Eek!!

Kirito: *Sweatdropped*

Koharu: Are you okay?

He got back up immediately, hand places on his head.

Lai: Yeah.. That definitely not a ghost. !?

Koharu: !?

Before the girl falls onto the ground, Koharu got her on her arms. Inspecting her gears.

Koharu: No way... A player?

Lai catches up to her.. Then next Kirito and Asuna as well.

Lai: Now this is strange.. I don't see a cursor..

Asuna: Some kind of bug?

Kirito: Probably... But why is a little kid like her playing SAO?

Lai: Well duh... Anyone can play the game. There's no age restricted at all..

Kirito: And how did she ended in Floor 22..?

Lai: That's a good question. But let's send her back to the church. Sasha can take care of her.

Koharu: Good idea.. I'll message her right now.

Asuna: No.. Let's take her back to our home first..

Lai: What? Why? You know the Sasha can take care of this.

Asuna: But there's something we need to investigate.. Like there's no cursors above of her head.

Lai: Yeah, you're right.. Let's get back..

Koharu lifts the girl up with both arms. The group head back to the Cabin and decided to take care of the girl.

Timeskip... Log Cabin.. Aincrad Standard Time, 17:00..

Koharu informs Lai after just managed to get ahold on Sasha via messages in her contacts.

Koharu: I told Sasha about the girl. We should send her there tomorrow.

Lai: Good, let's check on her now.

They enter the room with several knocks on the door.

Kirito: Come in..

Lai: How's the girl?

Kirito: She's not awake.. But one thing's for sure. Since we were able to move her here, she can't be an NPC.

Lai: Yeah, you said that already.. It's true we don't receive any harassment warning.

Kirito: And she isn't a quest giver, either. If she were, our quest log would have updated. Which means she's a player. At least, a player is the most likely scenario.

Lai: Maybe.. Because I'm still concerning about the cursors. And it's a miracle that she made it here without any gears and weapons on.

Kirito: We can't tell what was she doing there? But maybe she has a parent or guardian?

Asuna: Yeah, she must've logged in with her family, right?

Koharu: But finding them would be a challenge. I hope they both are safe.

Lai: Maybe not.. You clearly knew most of the kids at the orphanage were logged in without bringing any parents or guardians with them.

Koharu: That'd be the worst. They literally got separated by two different worlds.. But hey, she'll wake up, right?

Lai: Yeah, she's just sleeping..

He notices Asuna just frozes there, lost in her thoughts..

Lai: You okay, Asuna?

Asuna: Ah.. Yeah..

Kirito: Cheer up, I'm sure we'll be able to do something for her tomorrow.

Asuna: *nod*

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 23:00...

The group are in sleep except Asuna, who's been thinking about the girl. She tries to call Kirito up as something is bothering her.

Asuna: Hey, Kirito...

She couldn't wake him up since he's a heavy sleeper. She changes her mind and decides to take care about the girl.

Asuna: If she entered SAO all alone... If she's been alone in this world this long... She's just like me. Been trapped in here all alone.

She joins in with the girl.. Cuddle her before saying her goodnight.

Asuna: Goodnight.. I hope you wake up tomorrow.

Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 07:00..

After the recent discover of the girl, Lai and Koharu are the one who already been woke up early in the morning. Both of them are currently having their breakfast.

Koharu: Do you think the girl's gonna wake up today?

Lai: I don't know.. Let's hope she will..

Koharu: Yeah.. But hey..

Lai: Hm?

Koharu: We're about to reach the third quarter of Aincrad. Do you want to join the raid?

Lai: ...Maybe yes.. Maybe no.. I haven't plan my schedules yet.

Koharu: Why?

Lai: About no.. To be honest, I just want to focus on leveling up to the cap and distribute all my stats points to the max.

Koharu: So what's your stats then?

He sends his status profile to her. She looks at the bar. Apparently, some of the bar are completely filled with green until she saw the points, his stats is 256 STR, 256 AGI, 256 VIT, 130 DEX..

Koharu: Whoa... That's a strong attacking tank with maximum agility. But what about CRT? You do need critical rate and critical damage.

Lai: My equips fixed it up tho. Since there's no need to boost my ATK Power nor my HP. I focused my equips on full critical rate and damage so I can deal even more massive damage. Plus, the "Darkness Blade" has plenty of buffs that extends my stats even wider. What about yours?

She taps into status window and sends it in front of him.

Koharu: Here..

He reads her status carefully in order to get to know more about her. She seems very nervous until Lai got shocked and almost spill his beverage by her distributed status points. Her stats is only 30 STR, 467 AGI, 81 DEX.

Lai: Aren't you too reckless with your AGI? *Sweatdropped*

Koharu: Please don't say anything! >///<"

Lai: Your HP is too low and one hit could be your end!

Koharu: I know..! But I can dodge literally anything, especially the traps! Plus..! I still have the Ring you gave me!

Lai: You do?

She blushes, looks away and reveals her Xmas Ring that still wore on her finger.

Lai: Oh..

Koharu: You remembered it.. The stats of it assisted me in many ways. Because of it, I have 216,500 HP. I'm sure I can at least catch up with yours. Just like my Agility-

Lai: I have 481,500 HP... You're not even in half of mine... (Not to mention you're a glass cannon because of your DEF.)

Koharu: Oh.. I see... *Sweatdropped*

Lai: But I bet you can simply win lots of gold medals in any races and marathons.

She pouts angrily..

Koharu: Don't make fun of me! I did it because of some certain skills, okay!

Lai: Like?

She looks away with still a bit mad..

Koharu: "The Grandmaster Shinobi". A passive skill at the beginning of the Shurikenjutsu, it greatly increases ATK, Evasion and Motion Speed by twice of AGI I had put into. And I had learned above half of its skill tree so you can't expect me to just throw Shurikens at the time.

Lai: That would be genuinely useful. Say, what kind of skills you have in your disposal?

Koharu: Well, it's-

Asuna's voices just interrupts their conversation.

Asuna: K-Kirito! Wake up, Kirito!

Lai and Koharu: !?


They both join in, Asuna asks the girl in white dress.

Asuna: I'm glad you woke up. Do you remember what happened to you out there?

After a few seconds of recalling, she shakes her head gently as nothing hits her mind.

Asuna: I see... What's your name? Can you tell me?

???: N-Name... My name...

She speaks out as she recalls it..

Yui: Yui? Yui... That's my name..

Asuna: Yui, huh? That's a nice name.

She introduces herself and the rest of the group.

Asuna: I'm Asuna. This is Kirito. Koharu and Lai.

Yui tries to repeat the names Asuna just gave..

Yui: Auna? Kito? Haru?

Koharu: (She can't even spell our names out correctly.. That's awful..)

Yui: Lai..

Asuna: ...

Kirito: ...

He pats her head..

Lai: You tried..

Koharu: (Except him...) *Sweatdropped*

Asuna: Hey, Yui. What were you doing in the forest? Do you have a mom and dad somewhere?

She shakes her head as her response.

Yui: I don't know... I don't know anything...

Lai: Could it be.. She's having amnesia?

Asuna: That's awful..

Kirito: Hey.. Can I call you Yui?

She nods..

Kirito: Just like you called Lai.. You can call me Kirito.

Yui: Kito?

Kirito: Kirito. Ki-ri-to-

She struggles a bit..

Yui: Kito.

Kirito: It's okay.. Maybe it's little hard. You can call us whatever is easier for you.

Yui: ...Daddy..

Koharu and Lai: *Shocked*

Kirito: Me?

Then, Yui recognizes Asuna as her mother..

Yui: Auna is Mommy...

Koharu and Lai: Ehh!?!

After a few seconds, Asuna nods happily as she confirms that she's her mother.

Asuna: That's right.. I'm your mommy, Yui!

Lai: Hold on! She's having amnesia! You're gonna confused her with "Who's really her parents!"

Asuna: Don't worry.. It'll be temporary.. I just want to keep her company as much as I can, right Kirito?

Kirito: She's being all alone for two years.. She deserves some company.

Then, she smiles..

Yui: Mommy! Daddy!

Asuna hugs her tightly..

Asuna: You must be hungry! Let's eat.

Koharu: Y-Yeah! I prepared another for you two! We just had our own!


After prepared chilli sandwiches for Kirito, Asuna just brought Yui's share to her as Koharu inspects the girl at the other side of the couch while Lai is reading today's news on the middle one.

Asuna: Here you go. This is yours, Yui!

She sits next to Koharu. Instead of eating her share, Yui stares at Kirito's sandwich.

Kirito: Hm? Yui, this is super spi-

Lai: You're not gonna let her have that, right? -_-

Yui: Hm... I want the same one as daddy's.

A mace just drops onto Lai's head as he can't believes what he just heard.

Kirito: I understand. If you think you're ready, I won't stop you.

Koharu: Wait! Are you sure!? It made you a dragon last time, Kirito!

He smiles proudly as he puts the chilli sauce on the sandwich.

Kirito: Yeah! I'm sure! Because everything in life is an experience!

He hands it to Yui and she makes her first bite on it. Everyone can tell that she's struggling while she savoring the sandwich.

Lai: ...

Koharu: ...

Then, she finally able to swallow it and compliments the taste of it.

Yui: It's good...

Kirito: She's got guts. I guess tonight, we'll do a full course of extra-spicy.

Yui: *nod*

Asuna: Don't tease her. We're not cooking that!

Kirito: You heard the ladies~

She repeats again.

Yui: You heard the ladies~

They both laugh that makes the scene like a real family.

Koharu: Somewhat or somehow.. Is it just me or it feels like a real family? It's been a long time since I get this feeling.

Asuna: Me too.. We haven't get to feel that for a long time. Our parents are worried about us so much.

Koharu: Yeah....

She looks depressed enough for Lai to notice.

Lai: You forgot about me..

She snaps out from it and encourage herself.

Koharu: S-Sorry.. At least I don't feel alone.. I still have Lai at my side!

Lai: That's more like it..


After the breakfast, Yui fell asleep. The group discuss about her memories.

Asuna: What do you think, Kirito?

Kirito: She doesn't seem to have any memories. But more importantly, from the look of things...

Asuna: It's like she's regressed into a baby. I.. I don't know what to do.

She wipes off her tears. Kirito guesses what she really wants.

Kirito: You want to take care of her.. Until she regains her memory, right?

Asuna: Yeah, but...

Kirito: It's a tough problem... But the front lines need all of us, right? It'll take much longer for Yui to get out.

Asuna: Yeah. You two had called Sasha, right?

Koharu: Yeah!

Lai: And Sanya's gonna take care of her for sure.

Asuna: But I don't want to say goodbye to her.

Kirito: Me too. We all haven't experience a real home for a long time.

Asuna: Yeah..

Kirito: Don't worry.. It's not like we'll never see her again. And if she has a family or guardian, they're probably worried right now. Before she wakes up, we'll go to the Town of Beginnings.

Koharu: Get ready to equip ourselves if you need to.. That place is Army territory.

Lai: Yes.. Freaking army... That rings me to find Thinker as well..

Asuna: We should be careful. And try not to get in clash with them, okay?

He stands up and prepares the equipment.

Lai: Yeah yeah, you got it..

Yui mumbles while she's asleep.

Yui: Mommy.. Daddy..

They all grin at her sleep before heading out to Floor 1.

Timeskip... Year 2024, October 31st. Aincrad Standard Time, 9:00. Floor 1, Town of Beginnings.

Kirito: Man, I haven't been here in ages.

After teleported via the gate, the group arrived to the Town of Beginnings. With Yui carried by Kirito.

Asuna: Me neither.

The memories of Akihiko Kayaba still flash in their minds as they recall the scene. Asuna shakes away with her head and asks Yui.

Koharu: I can't believe I still remember that day..

Asuna: Let's ignore that for now.. Yui, do you remember any of these buildings?

She shakes her head as a response.

Yui: I don't know..

Kirito: Well, the Town of Beginnings is really big. Let's start at the central market.

Asuna: Mhm!

Lai: Hope Sasha's doing okay in their territory.


They all arrived at the Market district, with only NPCs at the stalls and a few players on the street.

Asuna: Hey, Kirito. How many players are here currently?

Kirito: Hmm, I wonder. Last time, they did numbers on the Monument of Life. There are about 6,000 players are still alive in SAO. Including the Army, the front lines, some of the rest are in the Town of Beginnings... Probably two thousands.

Asuna: But isn't this place feels a bit... Dead?

Lai: Most of the two thousands players must be the Army. There's not much civilians players here.

Kirito: You're right.

While on their way, they hear a woman screaming.

???: Give back the children!

???: Hey, it's the day-care woman...

???: We've been waiting for you!

Koharu: That voice!

In the next second, they can see Lai is already equiped his hood and his Dark General's Sword. Lifted up an entire stall counter from a random NPC while sprinting to the alleyway where the scream just came from.

Asuna: Lai! Wait!

Koharu: Let's catch up with him!

The others follow him.

On the other side...

Sasha: Return the children!

The Army responses back with a smirk. Pretend to be innocent.

Army Player 1: You make it sound like we're doing something bad. We're just teaching them how things work around here... This is an important part of the Army's mission.

Army Player 2: That's right! The citizenry has a duty to pay taxes.

Sanya: Looks like I can't trust the Army with their management at all.

Then, they laugh with evil tone...

Sasha: Gin! Kain! Mina! Are you over there!?

She tries to look for her children on the other side but blocked by the players.

Mina: Sasha-sensei! Save us!

Sasha: Forget the money! Give it all to them!

Kain: Sensei, that's not good enough.

Sasha: !?

Gin: They said the money and the items aren't able to cover the taxes at all, even with Sanya's donation!

Sanya: As I expected, you're no different than loan sharks who keeps pursuing their prey for something valuable.

Army Player 2: Well, you guys owe a lot of back taxes. Don't blame the interest's been raising high.

Army Player 3: So you need to leave your equipment as well, along with your armor. Everything. And the children as well..

Sanya: !!

Sasha: Leave those children alone!

Both of them prepare in their battle stance.

Sasha: Get... Get out of the way! Or...!

The Army: !?

They can see a stall counter crashes upon them all after flying over Sasha and Sanya.

Army Players: Uagh!!!

Sasha: What was that!?

Sanya: Could it be!?

A shadow hops over them and lands between the Army and the children. Oathkeeper reveals himself in front of Sasha and Sanya. Unsheathes his Dark General's Sword and the core sparks very blight.

Sasha: Oathkeeper!

Sanya: Finally, the star's arrived..

Kain: Onii-chan!

Then, the Angel Blade hops to Oathkeeper's side, ensuring the children's safety.

Koharu: You guys okay!?

Mina: *nod* We're okay!

Gin: We're so glad you came to see us, Onee-chan!

She looks back at the situation is in under control by Kirito and Asuna.

Kirito: The resistance has arrived. Tell Yui to stay with Sasha.

Asuna: *nod* Right! Take care of her!

Sasha: Okay!

Koharu and Asuna: It's okay now. Wait for a bit.

She puts the girl down and Sasha takes her away from the scene. Koharu and Asuna both join with their partner while Kirito is with Sanya and Oathkeeper on the other side. Surrounding the Army at both sides.

Army Player 1: Who the heck are you guys!? Are you going to interfere with the Army's mission!?

Koharu: Tch!

Oathkeeper stops her..

Oathkeeper: Wait..

???: Well, wait a second.

The Army Leader shows himself.

Leader: I don't know you.

His expressions immediately drops as he lets the Leader draws out his One-Handed Sword.

Leader: But you do know what it means to defy the Army Liberation-!?


He grabs his neck and lifts his body up, choking him. Another player just thrust his Sword to his face.

Army Player: Damn you!

He catches the blade with two fingers.

Army Player: What!?

Oathkeeper: You're boring me.

He grabs the blade and throws him up to the sky.

Koharu: Step back! I got this!

He throws the Leader up and punches him away. Then, he dodges and backstep away for Koharu to unleash her attack. She grabs a scroll titled (Water) and quickly rolls on the ground, casting her element attack immediately.

Koharu: Suiton: Mizurappa! (Water Release: Wild Water Wave!)

A medium wave gushes out from the scroll and splashes the whole Army down. She backsteps away from the water and grabs another scroll out, about to unleash another element attack. Oathkeeper spies the title named "Raiton (Lightning)" before he immediately warns Kirito and Sanya.

Oathkeeper: Stay out of the water!

Kirito: Huh?

Without asking, Asuna and Sanya both escape first. Koharu quickly casts the jutsu name.

Koharu: Raiton: Rakurai! (Lightning Release: Lightning Strike!)

Just like how she casts. From up to the sky, a lightning strikes down to the water and electrocutes the whole Army, deliver a massive, unpleasant feedback to their whole avatars.

Army Player 1: Aaagh!!!

Army Player 2: Uaargh!!!

It took them 5 seconds to free from the lightning strike. All seems to be completely fried, but on the bright side, their HPs doesn't drop at all due to they are in safe zone. Koharu states it out to them.

Koharu: Don't worry.. In a safe zone, your HP won't drop no matter what. Just a little unpleasant feedback, that's all. I believe that's called "Pain", right?

Leader: Run!

Army Players: She's crazy!

While the Army ran away as fast as they can. Oathkeeper got completely "shocked" by her performance, again. He even forgot to interrogate one of the Army Players to find the Guild Leader.

Oathkeeper: 0-0" *Sweatdropped* (She even has Elements Attacks!? She's not messing around with her Shinobi style!)

The Angel Blade turns around and witnesses his reaction.

Koharu: Hehe! What're you staring at? It's embarrassing! *Blushes*

Gin: That was... Awesome!!!

Mina: You're my heroine!

Koharu: That's too much for me! ^^"

Kain: But you're super strong, Onee-chan! You can even match with Onii-chan! Don't you think, Onii-chan?

He scratches his head..

Oathkeeper: Y-Yeah.. 0-0"

Asuna: Kirito!

Yui: Daddy!

Koharu and Oathkeeper: Huh?

They turn around, shocked and sweatdropped at the same time due to what they witness is the Black Swordsman got electrocuted by her Lightning Strike as well. Kirito is now laying on the ground, twitching as the electric still run through him. Sanya and Sasha got sweatdropped as well.

Sanya: Is he okay?

Sasha: Let's bring him in first! Kain! Gin! Mina!

Kain: We're on it!

The children carry Kirito and head back to the church, getting the vaccine of the paralysis for him. Sasha and Sanya gives her thanks to them.

Sanya: Thanks for the assist. Koharu and-

Oathkeeper: Just for her. Not me..

Sanya: That was a great skill you had, Koharu. I actually never seen that before.

She holds his hand.

Koharu: Well, I just demonstrated to my partner here. Hope he doesn't underestimate me in the future.

Oathkeeper: ...

Sanya: Hehe! We both are glad that you guys came back..

Asuna: Yui?

Yui: Hyaaa!!

A glitch occurs on all of them. They could a massive screeching noises in their ears. They all cover their ears.

Oathkeeper: Ugh!!

Koharu: Kyaa!! What was that!?

It ends after 5 seconds, Asuna was able to catch Yui before hitting the ground. She hugs Asuna tightly.

Yui: Mommy... I'm scared, Mommy...

After that, Yui loses her consciousness and passes out.

Asuna: Yui..

Sanya: Let's bring her to the church first.

Asuna: *nod* Okay!

Sasha and Sanya assisted Asuna on carrying Yui to the church, the duo still paused by the sudden glitch.

Koharu: What was that, just now..?

Oathkeeper: I don't know..

He snaps out from it first before patting her shoulders to snap her out as well.

Oathkeeper: Let's get inside..

Koharu: O-Oh! Okay!

They both enter the church together...

End Of Chapter...

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