Chapter 20: Just like old times.
After the confessing, they both decided to join up with Kirito and Asuna. Before Oathkeeper grabs to doorknob. Koharu tugs his sleeve. Blushing..
Oathkeeper: ?
Koharu: Should we keep this a secret?
He considers for a while.. He decided to only let Kirito and Asuna know about their relationship.
Oathkeeper: ...No.. But only for them.. We both knew what happened if everyone learn about us.
With the fact they have to hide their relationship disappoints her a bit.. But she agrees on it as it is the best option for them both.
Koharu: ...Yeah..
He holds her hand, who is being unease about their recent relationship.
Oathkeeper: ...I'll protect you..
She smiles at him..
Koharu: I know you will..
He turns the doorknob and push. He notices Nautilus and Yuna at the corridor.
Yuna: Hey! You both are fine!
She got pulled by her childhood friend, Nautilus who is being very cautious and hostile to him.
Nautilus: Stay away from him..
Yuna: What? Oh come on! He's not a bad guy!
Koharu: Yeah! Plus, he saved Yuna-!
He places a hand on her shoulder, telling her to stop while shaking his head.
Koharu: But..!
Then, he grabs her hand and pulls her with him. Leaving them alone. Yuna pouts on Nautilus.
Yuna: Naut! You shouldn't be rude on him!
Nautilus: Sorry, Yuna. He's too dubious and suspicious for me.
Yuna: But I trusted him!
They both watch Koharu and Oathkeeper walking away from them. After a distance, Koharu releases herself from him.
Koharu: Why you dragged me away? You know Naut was wrong about you!
Oathkeeper: Because I don't expect any positive response from him except he's edgy as ever.
Koharu: Oathkeeper..
Oathkeeper: People had their own different views about me. So I don't expect they should be grateful for my doing. And sorry for having you to know this.
She's feeling unacceptable as people continue to criticize him. But she can't do anything but to summit to it. Showing her concern towards him.
Koharu: It's okay... But you must be holding up a lot..
Oathkeeper: ..I'll be fine.. We should go..
She nods as they continue to walk, Koharu leads him to the room where Kirito and Asuna is. They enter the room quietly, overhears their conversation as the Black Swordsman examines the Dark General's Sword.
Kirito: I don't know.. But I admit.. His Sword looks pretty cool.
Asuna: Maybe we should ask Argo about this. I'm sure I never seen its drop and where to forge one.
As he raises his hand forward, the Sword just teleports and returns to its owner just in a blink of an eye. They both surprised.
Oathkeeper: ...This will be your answer..
Kirito: O-Oh! You awake!
He sheathes it back and the Sword glows in reply.. Asuna prepares her Rapier, awaring that he might attack them again. Kirito stops her.
Kirito: Wait.. He's fine right now.
Asuna: ...
She lowers her guard a bit.. Kirito asks him curiously.
Kirito: About that Sword of yours.. Can I know where to get it?
Oathkeeper: Why's that question?
Kirito: Come on, it's not like I had a huge fancy about your weapon..
Asuna: You do have, Kirito..
Kirito: Asuna!
He sighs... But decided to tell Kirito about the drop.
Oathkeeper: Floor 21, Elder in Lunite Village..
Kirito: Oh cool!
But then, he turns him down immediately..
Oathkeeper: But it's a single-player quest. And the quest is already finished so you can't take it anymore.
Kirito: Damn!
Oathkeeper: You're already have Dual Blades. So be cherish about what you have..
Asuna: He's right. You shouldn't be greedy about it. Plus, Oathkeeper almost loses his control!
Oathkeeper: Let's put that aside, is everyone okay?
Asuna: Oh! Yeah.. We're okay.. Leafa and Godfree just report what happened during the training. But.. How did you know they're in trouble?
Oathkeeper: I followed Koharu.. That's all.. You?
Asuna: I saw Kuradeel on my map.. Then a lot of players are heading towards his direction as well.
He nods as he understands.. Then, apologizing to them..
Oathkeeper: ...I'm sorry...
Asuna: Huh? For what?
Oathkeeper: For all the players I had killed.. Some of them are the ones I helped out before.
Kirito adds up..
Kirito: They did what their leader told them to.. Even though they knew it's suicide.
Oathkeeper: ...But..
She cuts in as she already knew what's in his thoughts..
Koharu: It's okay.. I've seen a lot of deaths.. It's all inevitable. And I knew the Holy Dragon Alliance had a grudge against you, and that guy who attacked us as well..
He got curious..
Oathkeeper: Wait... How did you know..?
Koharu: Huh?
He turns to Kirito as he knows that he and Asuna had told her. He suddenly raises his voice a little as he glares at him..
Oathkeeper: Kirito...! I told you not to tell her about what happened and that duel in Floor 74, didn't I? This has nothing to do with her!
Kirito: She needs to know, Oathkeeper! Hiding away from her won't solve anything!
He lashes out on Kirito who is trying to endure Oathkeeper's anger.
Oathkeeper: She already knows who I really am! And now she knows what I've really done! I don't want her to see me as an actual murderer! Do you really know how I feel!? To fear that she would change because of my doing!?
Koharu: But I don't really care!
Oathkeeper: !!
They all turn to Koharu, who frowns as she tries to clear his worries..
Koharu: I don't really care what you've become.. And what you've done.. I'm glad that you still think of me as an important part of yours.. I want to be with you, no matter how bad things turn out to be.
After a while, he releases Kirito as he soon calms down.. Kirito asks again with him frowned.
Oathkeeper: ...
Kirito: So are you gonna let it go and live on?
Oathkeeper: ...Fine.. I just don't wish she got traumatized by all this life and death.
Kirito: You knew she's not that fragile anymore..
Koharu: Yeah! Just don't worry about me..
Oathkeeper: Better hope so.. And by the way, I'm heading out now..
Asuna: Where?
Oathkeeper: Floor 1, Black Iron Palace... I believed Thinker still owe me an explanation about Floor 74 boss raid.
Kirito: But I haven't seen him for a while.. Must be out in the field.
Oathkeeper: Then, what about Yulier? She's the Sub Leader of The Army.
Kirito: I think you shouldn't be hasty about this. They'll come out with it in the news. Plus, they're finally back to the Assault Team and they're still supporting the Civilian Players so give them a break, will you?
He let out a sigh...
Oathkeeper: ..Fine... I guess I don't have any schedules for today.
The others are now relieved that he decided not to pursuit on the Army.
Kirito: Well then, I suggest we all should take a temporary leave and enjoy ourselves in Floor 22 tomorrow?
The girls immediately agrees on his plan..
Asuna: Yeah! Great idea! And by the way.. You know you haven't take a day off yet, not even once, Koharu.
She got surprised..
Koharu: Really? I never realized it before you mentioned it!
Asuna: And I never thought you'd be a hard-working girl on the front lines.
Koharu: Well.. Sometimes I just spend some time with my friends a bit and help them out.. But someone has to clear the game, right?
Kirito: But you don't have to push yourself that far.. Oathkeeper would be heartbroken.
After hearing it, he shuts him up immediately as he places his hand on his head while looking away..
Oathkeeper: Shut up...
Asuna: Hey! You do care about her after all.
She got blushed, but smiled serenely this time.
Koharu: I know he always did..
Asuna: What do you mean?
She goes to his side and holds his hand which surprised him a little.
Koharu: I mean to be honest! We're together now! For real this time!
Asuna: Wait! What!?
Kirito: Whoa... That's new..
Oathkeeper compliments about her being straightforward..
Oathkeeper: Looks like you took the lead.
Koharu: Because I know you couldn't bring it up! ^^
He gives them a death glare..
Oathkeeper: Just hope they won't spill the beans. And I still don't trust them when it comes on keeping secrets.
Kirito: Don't worry! ^^" And congrats man!
Asuna: He's right. Anyway, that should relieve our stress since we've been in the front lines for too long. What about you, Oathkeeper? This might be the best chance you can get once in your life.
Oathkeeper: ...
He silents for a while.. Then, he nods as he looks away..
Oathkeeper: ...I guess I can do that..
The others smiled as he makes the right decision. Koharu bursts with excitement.
Koharu: Yay!
Kirito: Welcome abroad then! Asuna and I will talk to the Commander. You two wait us at the door.
Oathkeeper: Okay.
Koharu: No problem!
All four of them just reached to the meeting room where Leafa and Godfree just came out. They all greet at them.
Koharu: Leafa!
Leafa: Guys? Glad you all okay. How's Oathkeeper?
Asuna: He's doing fine. But he almost got us.
Godfree: Glad I made it out.
Leafa: Yeah.. I'm glad I reacted that one quick, or else that's might be an One-hit for me.
Oathkeeper: I'm sorry..
Leafa: We all knew you weren't yourself when you attacked us. Because we knew you wouldn't do that out of the sudden.
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. And thanks.
Leafa: For what?
Oathkeeper: For bringing Koharu along with you.. Or else you all wouldn't be here..
Godfree scratches his neck softly..
Godfree: Ah! Well! She's just like Guardian Angel on the Front Lines!
Oathkeeper: Still.. You have my thanks...
With him being open to everyone, the others can relieve themselves. Kirito told them about their tomorrow's plan.
Kirito: We both will discuss our leave from the Knights of the Blood Oath.
Leafa: Really? With Asuna?
Asuna: Not only.. With Oathkeeper and Koharu. Anyway, how's the report?
Leafa: ...
Koharu: What's wrong?
Leafa: They decided to confront the Holy Dragon Alliance as a payback.
Asuna: What!? How!?
Leafa: Their unreasonable attacks can proof enough for that. But I just hope both sides can make it out without casualties.
Oathkeeper: Yeah..
Kirito: Well.. We'll discuss to the Commander with that..
Leafa: Okay, better watch out for him. He might blur it out without thinking.
She giggles..
Asuna: I will! ^^
Kirito: Sugu!
Leafa: Alright, I should get going! You two play nice!
Koharu: See you later then!
Leafa and Godfree take their leave from them.. Kirito advices them to stay put.
Kirito: You two stay put.
Asuna: We'll come back for you.
Koharu: Yeah! Wish you luck!
Oathkeeper: *nod*
They both nod before entering the meeting room together. The others wait at the door. Oathkeeper immediately notices Koharu is sending a message to someone else in the meantime and knows what she is up to.
Oathkeeper: To Sachi?
Koharu: Yeah! I'm getting my temporary leave as well! Wait for me!
Oathkeeper: Okay..
He leans against the wall.. Wondering how the Commander would response to their request.
In the meeting room...
Heathcliff: I understand the situation. I'll explain it to the rest of the guild.
Asuna: There's that, and we are also requesting a temporary leave from the guild.
The Commander got curious..
Heathcliff: Hm? Why is that?
Asuna: I'm starting to doubt the relationship between KoB and HDA. Thus, we both want to avoid getting involved by them.
The Commander considers for a while, then granted the permission for her request without any problems.
Heathcliff: Very well then..
They both smile after hearing it from their Commander. But he ensures them something else on their future.
Heathcliff: However, you'll return to the battlefield before long..
They both went back silent, unease about what he really means. But Asuna ignores it before taking their leave..
Kirito: ...
Asuna: ...I guess we should go now, Kirito..
Kirito: Yeah..
As the others are still waiting, Koharu just received a reply message from the Sub Leader.
Koharu: It's Sachi!
Oathkeeper: What did she said?
Koharu: She said "It's a permission granted" for two weeks! Woohoo!
She gets even more excited.. He adds up..
Oathkeeper: Good for you..
Koharu bends down a bit as she tries to look up straight to his face through his hood, asking him while smiling at him. Both of her hands are combined while her arms are behind her.
Koharu: So what you wanna do today?
Oathkeeper: No idea.. You?
Koharu: Hm... Let's wait for them first.
They both turn to notice Kirito and Asuna who just came out with their slight grin.
Koharu: So? It's a yes?
Asuna: Yup! It is!
Koharu: Great!
Kirito: But the Commander said we'll return back to the battlefield before long. Not sure what that means but he seems pretty sure about that..
Asuna: Oh! C'mon! The Holiday just begun and we should enjoy it to the most. So don't overthinking about it.
Koharu: I guess he must be telling us we might be back to the front lines anytime if something's happen. But for now, we should go.. Right, Oathkeeper?
Oathkeeper: ...Yeah.. Let's not waste our time.
Asuna: See you at the outside then!
Kirito and Asuna both head out first, Koharu follows them from behind. As three of them walks away the room along the corridor, Oathkeeper turns around for a while, wondering something else, about what Heathcliff said..
Oathkeeper: ...
After that, he catches up with them..
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 10:30. Outside the HQ..
The duo just meet up with the Black Swordsman and the Lightning Flash at the gateway.
Kirito: Cool! Now we all here!
Asuna: Do you two had any plans today?
Koharu: No.. Not yet..
Kirito: Just saying, maybe some quests should kill some time. Anyway, we're heading out now.
Asuna: See you both in Floor 22 tomorrow!
They both teleport away from Grandzam.. Oathkeeper murmurs under his breath..
Oathkeeper: It's just us now..
Koharu looks at him, who is just going into his thoughts.
Koharu: Well.. Which quests should we take? Seems like you just got an idea.. Mind if you tell me?
He suddenly asks about her status.. She feels surprised about his question.
Oathkeeper: What's your level?
Koharu: Huh? Oh.. I'm actually in.. Uhm...
She stops there for a while, afraid
Oathkeeper: What's wrong?
Koharu: ..I'm afraid that my stats might fail your expectations tho.
Oathkeeper: I won't judge you..
Koharu: Huh?
She notices that his aura and his view towards her has changed.. From cold-blooded lone wolf to a caring fox that wipes out her nervous. She reveals her level to him.
Koharu: ...Level 162..
Hearing it, Oathkeeper's eyes widened under his hood and suddenly compliments her.
Oathkeeper: That's great, Koharu.. That's actually good..
Koharu: Huh? You sure about it?
Oathkeeper: To be honest, you're above half way of mine..
Koharu: Really!?
Oathkeeper: Yeah..
Koharu: But.. I'm still not powerful as yours. You're like in another level.. The level I can never reach..
Oathkeeper: ...And that would be your mistake..
Koharu: Huh? Why?
He pats her head as he gives her some advices..
Oathkeeper: Listen.. Although being overpowered can change anything and everything if you're up for that as well. But.. It can be dangerous if you got tempted with it..
Koharu: ..Not to mention everyone's trying to exploit you.. Because you're basically a thorn to everyone's heart.
Oathkeeper: And that's one of the reason why I don't want to drag you in it. Besides, one hit almost everything could be boring.
She chuckles..
Koharu: Yeah.. There will be not thrill in combat.. But.. It still a death game.. The "Death" is the main reasons why everyone should get better at this game. But it drives them apart from their true self as they get stronger and stronger.
Oathkeeper: That's why I exist.. I guess that's the only reason for me..
She holds his hand.. Consoling him..
Koharu: But now.. We're together.. And I'm prepared to cope with anything that the world, the players and anything will throw at me.. Because I wanna stay with you. I'll make sure that you're protected.
He sighs..
Oathkeeper: Still stealing my lines as always. You should change your nickname to Guardian Angel.
She pouts and raises her voice a bit..
Koharu: Geez..! I'm serious about this! I'm already lost you once and I don't want to make that mistake again!
He pats her head again.. Promising her..
Oathkeeper: I won't be.. I'm the Oathkeeper...
With his promise, she just learn that the meanings behind his nickname. But she still couldn't let go of her worries about him.
Koharu: Just stay alive with me, okay? We haven't reach our final promise yet.
Oathkeeper: ..Yeah.. Let's raise your level first so you can be worth as my partner again.
Koharu: Okay!
They both teleport to Plastida as Oathkeeper decides to bring her on leveling. As for Koharu, she takes the chance, decided to strengthen back their bonds and reclaim their lost synchronization during combat.
Timeskip... Inside the dungeon of Floor 64..
After arrived, Koharu just recognized how the dungeon looks like. The place is actually a colony formed by a huge crystal monster that nested the whole dungeon, that means they're inside of the body.
Koharu: Plastida... Huh? It still kinda creepy, the fact that we're inside a monster's body.
Oathkeeper: At least it's a crystal type. I would feel disgust about fluids covering around the guts.
Koharu: Yeah.. Anyway-
She feels that she just trips on something else, a needle just shot out from a far hidden among the crystals and Oathkeeper tackles her down to the ground, avoiding the needles and shielding her with his body. He looks around then pulls her up as things got quiet. Both proceed carefully..
Koharu: A high-level trap!? Must be from the other players around-!
Oathkeeper: No...
Koharu: Huh?
Oathkeeper: I forgot to tell you, I set a lot of traps around.
Koharu: Huh? Why?
Oathkeeper: Because the Guilds.. You know what they do..
Koharu: Hm..
She just realizes it after a while..
Koharu: Oh.. They'll set this place as restricted area, only allowed just for them..
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. I drove the ALF and HDA out of this place multiple times with high-level traps and with massive, hidden explosives on the ground. I even set a lava flame gate trap just to burn them out in an instant, fishing some extra info about them. Even thin out their numbers.
Koharu: Aren't you going too overboard?
Oathkeeper: Overboard? Listen, Koharu.. The Ant Hill in Floor 46 is highly restricted to every players set by the top guilds. They have to pay for the limited time grinding and farming. Except for their guildmates.
Koharu: Because they can make a profit out of it by selling the materials at high price.. And the stackable quest yields good Exp. So the most beneficial must be the Guilds!
Oathkeeper: That's right... I can't protect that place because I have to guard here. The ALF and HDA don't deserve getting this whole dungeon from me at all..
Koharu: I heard the Ant Hill has the only quest that is stackable. But it sounds like you really hate the top guilds.
Oathkeeper: Not that really.. The main problem is them being political idiots. All they've done is occupying all the monster's spawn points and make profits out from most of the Players who are trying to survive in this death game. When it comes to worse, they might even start extorting taxes from Civilian Players.
Koharu: ...
She went silent after hearing his reasons, she can't say anything because it all make sense and understandable for her.
Oathkeeper: Sorry for telling you all this.
She snaps out from her thoughts..
Koharu: No, it's okay! It just.. I never realized their intentions had changed for no reasons.. They were so determined on clearing the game when we were just in Town Of Beginnings..
Oathkeeper: Sadly.. The reality kicks in... But at least, I trust the MBC. And other small guilds.
Koharu: Yeah...
As their conversation ends, Oathkeeper leads her through a narrow path filled with the Crystals to avoid triggering the traps he had set up. As time passes, they arrived in front of the deepest part of the colony. Oathkeeper points up to the sphere core which is the heart of the monster and Koharu quickly realized what it is.
Koharu: That must be the target!
Oathkeeper: I want you to focus on destroying the core. I'll keep the mobs away.
Koharu: Okay! I'll do my best!
The duo charge forward together to start the raid. They could notice several mobs had spawned around the field before they both can arrive. Oathkeeper hops to the air, then dive back to the ground with a Meteor Slam with the body of his Blade. Blowing away all the mobs for the Angel Blade to strike the core. She throws out a stream of Throwing Knives with dozens of Status Ailments. She hops to the air to close in, executing 4 somersaulting slashes in midair, then slashing down along while her body gracefully does the spinning action. Oathkeeper glances a bit of her moves.
Oathkeeper: (The combination of her long range attacks and high agility might be able to catch up with me in terms of combat.)
He watches her throwing two Shurikens, which are a lot higher and bigger than her, to the core before she lands back. As she did, both of it pierces through it but suddenly flew back, striking to the core on its own which gains Oathkeeper's attention. Like it is guided by its wielder. Both penetrates through the core again and again. His curiosity got him. Wondering how it did that.
Oathkeeper: ?
Soon, he notices Koharu's hands are doing the movement this time. Her fingers seems to be dancing out, controlling the projectiles with just taps and swings enough to make her Shurikens flew back and hit its target again in a distance. She just notices that she had gained his attention and quickly makes a body spin, forcing both of the projectiles to swing in a large circle in the field, hitting the mobs behind Oathkeeper and her Shurikens stabs onto the ground.
*Stab!* *Stab!* *Burst!*
Oathkeeper: !!
It startles him a bit enough for her to giggle..
Koharu: Hehe! Don't just stand there! You said you'll cover me!
Oathkeeper: ...
He pulls out the Huge Shurikens, examines a bit and throws back to her side. Both went passes to her left and right side at the same time before back to the air. Like Kites on the sky, Koharu forcefully swings the projectiles back to the target. Both of her Shuriken's flying speed become fast by her pulling strength and glow in Green. Struck the core entirety in half and the boss burst into fragments. She catches both of her Shurikens flawlessly right after she pulled it to her side. She turns to Oathkeeper who is still standing there.
Koharu: So? How's the performance?
He got surprised by her performance and claps his hand.
Oathkeeper: Impressive..
His compliments makes her smile happier.
Koharu: Thanks!
Oathkeeper: How did you get a control on your Shurikens.
Koharu: Well..
She grabs out several line of high durability strings that is impossible to be visible from afar and it takes Oathkeeper a very close look to be visible for him.
Koharu: It's an Invisible strings. With it and high STR, I can control and guide the Shurikens to hit the target at any corner! Pretty convenient, huh?
He makes his guesses..
Oathkeeper: That must be the top level of the Blade Throwing Skills.
Koharu: No..
Oathkeeper: Hm?
She reveals her secret..
Koharu: There's a skill called Shurikenjutsu. A skill that is specialized in Long range and unleashed the full potential of the Shuriken type weapons. And the Guided Projectiles Skill is just a starting one. But the problem is.. I don't really know how I acquire it..
Oathkeeper: You mean you just got it without even knowing how and when?
Koharu: Yeah.. Kinda similar to how Kirito got his Dual Blades..
He thinks for a while.. Then he asks Koharu.
Oathkeeper: What was the last time you're doing before it popped out in your Skill menu?
Koharu: Hm...
She recalls when she was leveling her Skills.
Koharu: After I just finished maximizing my Blade Throwing Skills. Then.. When I check back on the Skill menu. It just pops up.
Then, Oathkeeper starts his analysis..
Oathkeeper: That must be involved by maximizing on your Blade Throwing Skills.
Koharu: Really?
Oathkeeper: Both of these share the same trait, Ranged attack. But Shurikenjutsu can control over the projectiles after being thrown out. It's like the next-level version of Blade Throwing.
Koharu: So do you think it's one of the Unique Skill?
Oathkeeper: I'm not sure.. But it's pretty powerful based on its high damage per second and it's also suitable in ranged combat. The guided part and the strings might be really useful if used correctly..
Koharu: Yeah it is! Otherwise, I wouldn't use it so often!
Oathkeeper: Wait what?
She got nervous as she quickly changes what she means when she realizes that he misunderstands it.
Koharu: Uhm.. No! I mean! I only use it more often whenever I'm going solo! So the public still doesn't know about it except Sachi! ^^"
Hearing her explaination, he chuckles under his hood.
Oathkeeper: Quick thinking.. And you're thoughtful as always..
Koharu: Ehh!? Well thanks! So anyway, did it dropped the quest item?
He toggles his menu and notices a High-Purity Crystal.
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. The drop is pretty rare tho. It took me a couple of hours without any rest to make a stack of it. But the Exp rewards can raise up several levels of yours in a row.
Koharu: So that's why you grind a lot..
Oathkeeper: Indeed.. But you sure you wanna grind with me?
Koharu: Well.. The Quest item should be easy to drop because we raised our Luck as well. Don't you think?
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. Two is still better than one.. I should've invite you earlier for this.
She cheers him up.
Koharu: It's really fine, Lai! For now that we're together! We still have a lot of time to spend!
Oathkeeper: ..Yeah... Thanks, Koharu.. Shall we continue?
Koharu: Mhm!
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 17:00. Ultimea City.
After reporting the Quest to the Master Blacksmith NPC and received their 30,000,000 Exp rewards. The duo takes a stroll along the street with tall buildings all around the Ultimea City. Koharu starts her conversation with the city view.
Koharu: The view is fascinating, isn't it?
Oathkeeper: How come?
Koharu: The Buildings and the environment around are kinda match to Tokyo's. Don't you think?
He looks up high to multiple buildings that surrounded them like Ravine.. He feels the same as his partner does..
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. You might be right about it.. But aren't you prefer nature type? Especially winter?
Koharu: Yeah it is. But it can't be conpared to when visiting brand new environment like this. It kinda makes me excited!
Oathkeeper: Sounds like it came from a hyper active girl.
She chuckles happily..
Koharu: Thanks! I haven't feel this way for a long time! My heart just floats with excitement!
He drags out the menu to make it appear, taps the storage and several photos appears on his hand. Koharu got curious.
Koharu: What's that?
Oathkeeper: I got other places you never visit before. Wanna take a look?
Koharu: Sure!
He gives out the photos to her who is eager to take a look on his discovery.
She got completely shocked by the pictures he took so far.
Koharu: Wow! Are these really exist!?
Oathkeeper: These are the places only exist in the Mysterious Maps. I exploited a lot of secret paths and done a lot of parkours to get access to places like this.
Koharu: But how come the front lines never discovered it?
Oathkeeper: They only care about getting info about the floor boss. They never appreciate the scenery maps like these because there are hardly any mobs around, useful drops or even good Exp.
Hearing from his explaination, she appreciates the Developers of the SAO.
Koharu: The devs really put a lot of work on it. So much that I'd really give them that.. Hm?
She notices a photo that is visually impossible realistic even in Aincrad.
Koharu: Oathkeeper? What is this place?
Oathkeeper: Oh? It's the Garden Of Sublimation.
Koharu: But.. Is this really even exist in Aincrad? I mean this world is a Floating Castle, right?
Oathkeeper: It's.. Kinda a long story..
He explains about the Dark realm in every details and story about the single-player quest.
Koharu: No way..
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. That's how I really got the Dark General's Sword. Sorry for keeping it away from you..
Koharu: It's fine.. You reminded me of Sanya right now.. Say Oathkeeper.. Do you still remember how she got her Demon Sword?
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. It dropped just from a Shrewman that spawned lower than Floor 10. Which is clearly impossible..
Koharu: You knew how the Players who kept pestering her just because of her Sword has the Vampire effect which can suck the enemy's HP. The members from the Top Guilds even accusing her that she stole it from another player just because of her cold personality.
Oathkeeper: But she made it out.. I'm sure about that..
Koharu: You do?
Oathkeeper: She lives in Town Of Beginnings. Supporting the Civilians and the kids. She's doing really fine.
She let out a sigh of relief..
Koharu: I'm relieved then..! But anyway, this place is so beautiful! I never imagined a Floating Garden would exist outside the Floating Castle! Come to think of it, I can imagine it inside Aincrad as well. It would make sense!
Oathkeeper: But I can't access there anymore.. It's.. Pretty shame about that..
Koharu: Huh? Really? I mean there's no way except through the Teleportation Gate?
Oathkeeper: Yes.. To be precise, that whole realm is an isolated quest area..
Koharu: Oh.. I was getting my hopes up.. Really..
He scratches his neck softly..
Oathkeeper: Sorry about that..
Koharu: Don't say that. Because at least it's better than giving up my hope! I really do hope we can visit there together in somehow! This world is full of possibilities after all!
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. Let's believe that it will happen to be exist again.
Koharu: Okay!
They both continue to walk along the street. Koharu suddenly asks him.
Koharu: So... Where do you live, Oathkeeper? I haven't know where you live yet.
Oathkeeper: Huh? Why's that?
Koharu: Just curious tho.. We've been getting back along a bit.. So I think I should know.
Knowing her reasons, Oathkeeper sighs as he couldn't ignore her question.
Oathkeeper: I.. I haven't own a house yet actually..
Koharu: Huh?
He looks away as he feels embarrassed.. Then, she holds her laugh. Oathkeeper sighs again until she replies back, smiling serenely..
Koharu: Looks like I'm not the only one...
Oathkeeper: Huh?
He looks up at her who is smiling at him.. Surprised as he just knows she doesn't own a house yet too.
Oathkeeper: Why? Didn't you usually lived with the MBC?
Koharu: Yeah but it's their house and it's not really mine.. Besides, I'm so used to stay in Town's Inn at different floors.
Oathkeeper: I see..
Koharu: But that's how a Solo Player's lifestyle is gonna be.. They can freely go wherever they wanna go. Without the guild nor the party limit their actions at all.
Oathkeeper: But why you suggested that in all of a sudden?
Koharu: I'm just thinking if I can live with you if you have one! But right now, we have to find ourselves a place to live in!
He teases her a bit.
Oathkeeper: You sure you want to? I thought you've grown awfully independent.
She pouts cutely..
Koharu: Come on! You knew I want to stay by your side forever! My heart just can't live without you!
He pats her head that makes her surprised. Then, a kiss just planted on her forehead with his hood cover the smooch.
Oathkeeper: Me too. You're mine.. Forever.
Koharu: !!
Hearing his response, her face turns immediately red. Knowing that they're still out in the public. Everyone around them now know their relationships. She got shocked and almost faint by people's attentions.
Koharu: I'm gonna faint from the embarrassment!
Oathkeeper: Good grief.. Come on.
Koharu: Huh?
He quickly holds her close to him and takes out his Teleport Crystal, whispering the coordinates to teleport themselves to the rooftops. Koharu still clinging onto him. Blushing as well..
Oathkeeper: Still embarrassed?
She replies shyly..
Koharu: Of course, silly...
Oathkeeper: Sorry about that.. Shall we go on?
Koharu: Mhm...
They both continue their way down to the alleyway to avoid attentions from the players. Booking for an Inn with double bed size to stay in for tonight after dinner. When they did, Koharu informs Oathkeeper that she decides to take a bath before him.
Koharu: I'm taking a bath right now!
He nods back as a reply. Then, she enters the room and closes the door.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 20:00.
Koharu's POV
After filling up the bathtub and tests out the temperature, I unequipped all my armors and slowly dip myself into it. The warmth covers my body and the room filled with a special aroma that makes me feel relaxed. Then, that's when I started to think about Lai.. About how he treated me. How he taught me and led me to the right place, just like I did to everyone else. Right from during the final day of the beta test till now, I had learned a lot from them. They had poured a lot of wonderful memories to me, that I can feel it's overflowing. Come to think of it, that makes me feel like I'm in a magical place even though there's no magic at all and completely forget about the virtual and the reality. But it can be exist only in my head of course. I rest my head against the wall, hugging my knees as I try to dwell into my mind, imagine the Dreamland that I wanted to be. Wearing a cute, attractive skirts, alone walking in a Forest of Sakura Trees that blooms beautifully as I look at all the petals snowing down gracefully, then joyfully running through a land filled with all kinds of Flowers. It's kinda silly to think about that. At least I don't have to face the reality for now..
She closes her eyes as she is about to fall asleep. As for Oathkeeper who is waiting for her.
Lai's POV
It's been several minutes. Wondering if she's doing okay though. Then, I started to think about Koharu's growth so far. It's miracle to know that she's doing fine and made it this far on her own. I always think about her as a "pure" girl. Because she's extremely energetic, cute, beautiful, sweet, cheerful and very kind. It's like she almost had every personalities that a normal girl should have. Not to say her charm can win over everyone without her even notice it. She can be gullible, dense, naive, shy and submissive sometimes. That's why I have to protect her no matter what, and try not to influence her by my bad side. But.. I almost made her attempt suicide because of my disappear. When I know about it, it scared me for the very first time. But it drives me enough reason to protect her at any cost. Because she's also became the most important person to me. I sit on the bed, froze. Try not to think in the negative way. Especially afraid of losing her. After a long while, I just notice that she's been there a bit long that she should be. I stood up and walk to the door of the bathroom. I knock it for several times enough for her to response back.
Koharu: Ah! I'm sorry! I'm almost done! Please wait for a bit longer!
He could hear a splash, Koharu just steps out from the bathtub and immediately equips her pajamas on before coming out from the bathroom, she switches out with Oathkeeper immediately. After the quick shower, Koharu also apologizes to him for occupying the bathroom for too long as soon as he comes out from the bathroom, still with his black coat on.
Koharu: Sorry that I took so long!
Oathkeeper: It's normal for girls. I should've expected that.
Koharu: Sounds like you had experience living with a girl..
Oathkeeper: That's you, remember? I've been venturing with you all the time before reaching Floor 20 and I knew how your lifestyle is.
Koharu: Oh! Yeah! I forgot about that! ^^"
Oathkeeper: Or you're just jealous if I have a female player bringing with me.
She blushed and grunts at him.
Koharu: That's not it! I'm just curious about that!
Then, her head lowers as she murmurs out under her breath..
Koharu: But..
Suddenly, he adds up to her sentence that she is about to say..
Oathkeeper: It's.. Been a long time...
Koharu: Huh?
He faces at her who is sitting on the bed.
Oathkeeper: I want to stay with you, Koharu.. Let's be together again and this time, I would never leave you nor letting you go ever again.
She gasps a bit, her heart just skips a beat after hearing his confession. Her tears start welling up and flows through her cheek. Gladly calls out his name.
Koharu: Lai...
Then, she nods with her brightest smile before leaving her bed to hug him.
Koharu: I will!
Hearing her answer, Lai returns the embrace to her. Then, an hour just passed unnoticed.
After she fell asleep, Lai is still awake. He checks on her a bit who is sleeping soundly before slowly getting off from the bed without waking her up. He decided to head off to Floor 10 for some strolling.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 22:00. Floor 10, Bar in Senja Castle Town.
He sat down on the seat towards the counter, drinking tea alone. Everyone are looking at him, curious about his presence. But he ignores them all and oblivious the feels of getting stared at.
Oathkeeper: ...
As he is about to up for another sip. Someone calls out to him.
Heathcliff: Oathkeeper... It's good to see you here..
He immediately recognizes the voice that he doesn't want to hear it at all. He notices his presence and several KoB bodyguards around him. All armed up like Oathkeeper. Ordering for a cup of green tea as well.
Heathcliff: A green tea, please.
NPC Waiter: Okay! Coming right up!
Oathkeeper: Heathcliff.. What do you want?
He replies back as he sits next to him, setting his Kite Shield with Liberator Sword between them, leaning against the counter. The two Legendary Players are now hanging out in the bar.
Heathcliff: Same as you..I decided to chill here for a bit.
Oathkeeper: ..Why?
Heathcliff: I guess sometimes managing a guild can be tiring at all. I think this is my very first time being here actually.
Oathkeeper: And this will be your last time seeing me around here.
Heathcliff: Oh come on. Don't be so harsh-
Heathcliff: !!
Everyone including him got startled a bit as Oathkeeper slams his fist on the table counter. His bodyguards are about to unsheathe their weapons. But he immediately stops them with his arm out.
Heathcliff: Please do not interrupt.. That is an order..
They all back away with unpleasant looks. Then, Heathcliff suddenly apologizes to him.
Heathcliff: I apologize about that day. I merely just doing my mission..
Instead of refusing his apologies, he clears the fault towards him.
Oathkeeper: ...You're not wrong..
Heathcliff: Hm? Why's that in all of a sudden?
Suddenly, he takes the blame onto himself..
Oathkeeper: Come to think of it, inviting him to your guild was the right choice.. I was selfish.. I was only think about her sake and not for anyone... Not his family reunion with his sister..
He nods as he agrees..
Heathcliff: Never thought you would come to your sense. But sadly is, that wasn't my intention nor my purpose at all. So there's no need to thank me.
Oathkeeper: Don't expect that I would.
Heathcliff: I didn't say you have to. Anyway..
Oathkeeper: Hm?
Heathcliff: Just how much you cared about that girl? So much that you're so eagerly to battle me in front of every civilian players..
Oathkeeper: Then why so eagerly to know about that?
Heathcliff: I apologize that my curiosity got the best of me. But we both have known each other for quite a while so I deserve to know about you a little bit, don't you think?
Oathkeeper: ...
He takes a sip of his tea. Then, start telling him the reason about why she's so important to him while he stares at his cup. Swings a little with his fingers to stir up the tea.
Oathkeeper: She's just an innocent girl who doesn't deserve to be dragged into this death game all alone. She's also a connection to everyone else that she made friends with, just like a Bestowed Angel that supports the players. But she's suffering here, more than anyone else. So you knew my purpose..
Hearing it, Heathcliff chuckles..
Heathcliff: I see.. That's very heroic of you.
Oathkeeper: And don't expect a thank from me..
Heathcliff: Come on, it's just a compliment, it won't hurt that-
Oathkeeper: You're already disappointed me a lot. That's what hurts me..
Heathcliff: ...
The KoB Leader silents for a while until the NPC Bartender just serves him with a cup of tea that is same as Oathkeeper. But Heathcliff didn't realize that and he expected him drinking Sake instead as well..
Oathkeeper: ..I expected a Sake.
Heathcliff: Sorry but I'm not a fan of alcohol unlike you. It's a boost for my mind. Although it sacrifices my sleep tho.
Oathkeeper: Or that just your mission to get close to me?
Heathcliff: Oh. Definitely not, I'm just chilling in here. Why don't you take a sip of your drink and cool yourself?
Oathkeeper: ...
He lifts the cup to his lips, drinks a bit of the tea. Then, sets it down on the table. His face is leaning against his palm. He starts drunk a little bit..
Oathkeeper: Finally.. I get to chill out here alone. Or just us..
He notices his head is a bit dizzy. His voice raise up a bit..
Heathcliff: Hm?
Oathkeeper: What? I just don't want to involve anyone else to my mess tho.. So it's kinda your fault, Commander!
He got startled but still calm. Denying what he just said.
Heathcliff: What are you saying, Oathkeeper?
Oathkeeper: I thought I could keep protecting her without her noticing my doing! But you exposed me out to my friends! So that's why you deserved a duel with me out in front of everyone! That's a payback, you know!?
Heathcliff: ... *Sweatdropped*
He sighs as he couldn't withstand his blabbering. But he doesn't want to leave at all.. He facepalms.
Heathcliff: Now I have to take care of him.. It's kinda embarrassing tho..
Then, Oathkeeper continues to rant..
Oathkeeper: But you did the right choice again! If you didn't.. I wouldn't know that she was gonna commit suicide while I was gone!
The Leader murmurs out under his breath.
Heathcliff: I'd rather not to learn about it ...It's better than knowing such horrible thing from the girl that you deeply cared about.
Suddenly, he faces to him directly..
Oathkeeper: It IS horrible! But that's how I get to know more about her! You know, learning from the pain! That's a major part to keep up with your life! Especially in this death game!
He takes a sip of his tea.
Heathcliff: *sigh* Maybe that's the best decision for everyone's life.
Oathkeeper: There's no "best" in this world! Everyone's just doing things that feels right to them! Take Kibaou as an example, he said he would clear the game for everyone! But he craves power instead because it feels right to him!
Hearing him ranting, he agrees but frustrated a bit..
Heathcliff: ... -_-
He frowned as he just got schooled by his life lessons. Then, Oathkeeper drinks another sip of it. Slowly resting his head on the table. Taking a nap or sleeping.
Heathcliff: Thank God he's asleep.. At least that's a valuable lesson.
As he stares at him sleeping with his head on the counter, he smiles a bit. Decided to say what's in his mind and his thoughts between them to Oathkeeper while he's sleeping.
Heathcliff: You know, Oathkeeper.. We both sure have a lot in common.. I guess it's because you were really admired me back then, about my leadership and combat style. Sometimes, you looked at me in a different way, like you're looking at someone you made a good friend with, and you said he's a Devil but he looks a lot like me. But unfortunately..
He takes a sip of his tea to quench his thirst..
Heathcliff: We both stood on different sides in many ways. Head to head against each other's throat.. I wish this could've gone easier but.. You really have proven yourselves so much that I may acknowledge you as my own child..
Suddenly, Oathkeeper's head springs out from his sleep that surprised Heathcliff a lot. Still drunken.
Heathcliff: !!!
Oathkeeper: Wha-? What are you saying? Maybe I'm just hearing things tho.
He clears his throat..
Heathcliff: Ahem.. You didn't, Oathkeeper.. You're just drunk..
He denies it.
Oathkeeper: No! I'm not drunk! I'm just.. Feel so confused.. And clueless about what to do..
Heathcliff: About what I said?
Oathkeeper: No. What did you say? Oh.. About how am I gonna save everyone out from this game? My role in here hasn't ended yet, even though I made this world's in a better place.
Heathcliff: Maybe you should start taking care of her. That's the bes- No.. That's the only right thing to do, don't you think?
Oathkeeper: Geez... You sounded like it's easier said than done..
Heathcliff: Having trouble with your love life? Actually, that should be your business to be honest so I can't interfere.
Oathkeeper: ..But I can't.. The guilt of leaving her alone is still actually haunting me.. I just can't get it over with.. But the sacrifices has been made so I kinda deserved that after all.
Heathcliff: Maybe you don't have to.. It's painful anyway.. That is how complicated a human's life is. It's kinda.. Pointless.. If I should say it that way..
Oathkeeper: But yet the world's still beautiful, don't you think?
Heathcliff: How come?
Oathkeeper: "The True Light comes from the Darkness". You see.. Although we're still trapped inside the game like birds in the cage.. People can still live out to the most on their own.
Heathcliff: More like "Time heals the wounds"?
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. But not accurate..
Heathcliff: Hm?
Oathkeeper: Time only heals the people who is willing to face their own wounds. But Light will always born deep down inside everyone's heart, no matter what they are..
His sense makes him question..
Heathcliff: ..Even in this Virtual world, without anything is real? Even ourselves?
He chuckles..
Oathkeeper: You will soon know the answer..
Heathcliff: I hope I would..
The Leader takes a sip of his tea. Oathkeeper notices the atmosphere around the place is too quiet for him, so he suggests something else to Heathcliff before deciding to do it. He takes out a Disc.
Oathkeeper: I had prepared a song when I was alone. Feeling interested to hear it?
He chuckles..
Heathcliff: I'd rather not because I have to keep in low profile. You know there's a lot of info brokers around, trying to record our conversation. Plus, it's kinda.. Embarrassing, don't you think?
Oathkeeper: Suit yourself. But I hope you understand this..
He grips the Disc with just two fingers, throwing it straight to the jukebox and it enters the Player Slot perfectly.
The song starts playing and everyone in the bar starts looking at him as he stood up, about to sing with his mic just appears on his hand. At first, Heathcliff looks away as he feels embarrassed..
Here's the Lyrics of the song:
"So foolish. You are a child."
"Chased dreams and got hurt."
"Even though you're a bad at lies, you showed me a humourless smile."
"You can't even say "I love you"."
"You're really clumsy and bad with words."
"Even so, even so, why could you say "goodbye"?"
Aa he is about to reach the song's interesting part, some of the people starts clapping as they follow the beat. Enjoying the song. Few of them were secretly recording with the Crystals.
"This is no good. No good. No good at all."
"I love you, I love you too much."
"No matter how strong the drink."
"The memories are never muddied; what a fool."
(Music Playing.)
"So foolish. Truly stupid."
"All I did was believe in you;"
"Pretending to be a strong woman, showered in a sorrowful night wind."
"It's been over 2 years since I became alone."
"Even the cityscape has changed."
"Even so, even so, why are only my regrets left behind?"
As he stops there, waiting for the song to reach the next lyrics. Heathcliff starts tapping the table with his finger, syncing with the beat.
"You truly are not a good man."
"I take off the ring we bought together."
""This is what you deserve!" I feel relieved."
"Even if I wait forever, it's so foolish."
(Music Playing)
"This isn't good. No good. No good at all."
"I love you, I love you too much."
"No matter how strong the drink,"
"The memories aren't muddied; what a fool."
(Music Playing)
"You truly are not a good man."
"I take off the ring we bought together."
"It's what I deserve. I feel relieved."
"What are these tears? I'm so foolish."
Music ended
After the song end, everyone start giving out their applause to him. Heathcliff gives out a comment.
Heathcliff: I never thought you're a good singer.
Oathkeeper: Because it's all true. About me and her. We both had experienced it once. Any questions?
Heathcliff: Too bad.. I don't have any.. But it's miracle that you both made it so far and your fate has brought you two back together in the end. Perhaps you're just lucky?
Oathkeeper: We both worked hard. That's the only solid reason.
He gulps down the tea and before he leaves the bar. Heathcliff told him something in his mind that makes him stop his steps.
Heathcliff: Be cherish on her.
Oathkeeper: ...
Then, Oathkeeper leaves the bar alone. As he's outside, he is still curious about what Heathcliff really said when he was just faking out drunk.
"Do we really share a lot of differences?"
The next day.. Aincrad Standard Time, 09:00. Floor 22, Coral Village.
After reaching there via Teleport Gate, Oathkeeper yawns quietly but heard by the Angel Blade.
Koharu: Huh? You sounded sleepy. Did you snuck outside on your own?
Oathkeeper: Running some midnight errands.
Koharu: What for?
Oathkeeper: Nothing. Just doing for some extra cash.
Koharu: Geez.. Don't push yourself. You knew we're going on a vacation with Kirito and Asuna.
Oathkeeper: More like joining their honeymoon.
She got blushed.
Koharu: Well.. Not only them, right?
Oathkeeper: ?
She quickly denies it and changes the topic as the moment she notices the duo.
Koharu: Never mind! Ah! There they are!
In front of them are Kirito and Asuna, Koharu waves at them as her greeting.
Koharu: Hey!
Kirito: What's up? Glad to see you two joining us!
Asuna: And we both have some good news for you.
Koharu: Huh?
She blushes as she is about to tell them.
Asuna: We both are about to engage. And it was Kirito who actually proposed to me first. ^///^
Kirito adds up.
Kirito: And I'll send a marriage proposal to her once we reach the house. Maybe you guys can join our honeymoon?
Koharu: *Shocked* Ehh!?
Then, she looks at Oathkeeper who replies at her.
Oathkeeper: See?
Koharu: *Sweatdropped* ^^"
Kirito: Anyway, let's go. We don't wanna waste any times for the vacation.
Koharu: Yeah, we should go!
Asuna: Mhm!
Today's at its usual, sunny weather in Floor 22, four of them starts walking down along the wooden walkways with Kirito's guide since he knows the house's location.
Oathkeeper: This better be an enjoyable one.
Kirito: You bet it will! It's just-
His sentence got cut off as he notices something strange and Asuna follows him. As they reach the cliff area of Forest House K4, they found out that the house Kirito mentioned about wasn't there anymore. Disappeared like it doesn't exist at all.
Asuna: What's wrong, Kirito?
Kirito: That's strange.. The house was still there when I visited here.
Koharu: No way.. Did it got removed or something?
Oathkeeper: There's no function for that. It was built by the NPC. I recalled it was already there when we reached Floor 22 for the first time.
Kirito: Yeah. But how come it's not there anymore? Maybe some bugs or glitches?
Oathkeeper: We never encounter any of that. Maybe yes but only the mob spawns.
He sighs..
Kirito: I thought everything would go like it planned to be, but looks like I can't rely on my expectations.
Oathkeeper: When was the last time you visited here?
Kirito: Several days ago..
He grips onto his chin as he starts thinking.
Oathkeeper: That's strange..
Asuna: Looks like we got another case. A mysterious one.
Kirito: Sorry for bringing you two here with us. We really didn't expect that would even happen.
Koharu: It's fine, Kirito. Oathkeeper said it's not possible to be removed. So there's still a chance we can find that house!
Kirito: But the view and the place are gonna have a major change..
Feeling unease and shocked, the boy apologize to Asuna.
Kirito: I'm sorry, Asuna.
Asuna: No! It's really okay! I'm really happy that you want to bring me to a lovely place for our marriage! We can still propose to each other here!
Kirito: But we promised them a house to live in.
Asuna: Yeah. We should find another house. It shouldn't be a problem. Plus, we might find even bigger one than Kirito's!
He clears out his throat.
Oathkeeper: Ahem..! You know we can manage our own.
Koharu: But there are just a few houses in this village and I don't see any of it available for sale. Perhaps that one Kirito mentioned must be the last one.
He went speechless, sighs before he accepts it.
Oathkeeper: ...Fine.. The more the merrier anyway.
Koharu: That's what I was about to say! ^^
Kirito: Good! Shall we start investigating?
Koharu: Okay! Oathkeeper?
He raises his hand as he replies in low tone that makes her pout.
Oathkeeper: Yay....
Koharu: C'mon! You should be excited about this!
She giggles..
Asuna: Haha! Your reaction is priceless! Huh?
As they finish their laugh, they just noticed he's ahead of them already.
Oathkeeper: Keep up or I leave you all behind.
Kirito: Wait!!
Koharu: Ehh!? ><" Don't go on without me! Oathkeeper!
As the four of them discuss, Kirito decided to split into teams of two to speed up the progress.
Kirito: Alright, let's split up and you two seek Intel from the city. Asuna and I will ask the fishermen.
Oathkeeper: You're just being lazy to ask in the city..
Kirito: W-Well! I'm not good at socializing! You clearly knew that!
Oathkeeper: Good grief..
Asuna: Shall we go?
Kirito: Right!
They both make a move first. Koharu grabs his hand.
Koharu: Come on! Let's go! ^^
Without saying anything, the duo make their way back to the Coral City. Asking any NPCs or any Players who are living in the city.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 17:00. Forest House K4.
Time flies fast during their investigation. When they all finally gathered up back to where they had started. This time, they all let out a sigh as they didn't manage to make any progress to their investigation, even Oathkeeper couldn't come out any clues or any analysis to solve the case.
Koharu: Find any clue?
Kirito: Unfortunately, we didn't get any Intel from other villages. No one saw how it disappeared.
Koharu: Same here.. They all just knew about the house's disappearance. What should we do?
He sighs..
Kirito: This is so weird.. Are we gonna stay in an inn for the night? And the rest of our vacation?
Asuna: But it's okay if we can't find it. What about you, Oathkeeper?
Oathkeeper: I have no objections since we don't have any choice.
Kirito: You guys okay with it?
Koharu: Don't worry! Oathkeeper and I already used to live in Town's Inn in different floors.
Kirito: But still.. The case hasn't closed yet. Should we discuss about that?
Oathkeeper crosses his arms..
Oathkeeper: What do you think?
Kirito: I believed the house's disappearance was caused by something unusual and it somehow turns into an Aerial Fortress...
His analysis seems implausible to Asuna..
Asuna: But it's impossible to float in the sky, right? There's no magic at all in this world.
Koharu: You might be right, Kirito..
Kirito: You do?
As she looks at Oathkeeper, she immediately realized that she almost blurs out about the Floating Garden that it was supposed to be kept as a secret between her and her partner.
Koharu: Well! Aincrad is a Floating Castle, right!? So there's a possibility for the phenomenon!
Asuna: I get what you mean. So it's might be true. But now, it's sad that we can't find that house anymore.
The fencer gazes the view and slowly drawn to the skies. She noticed an unusual object hovering in Mid-Air. Held by an immobile tornado.
Asuna: Huh?
Oathkeeper: ?
His attention turns to where Asuna is looking at and noticed the object He got shocked.
Oathkeeper: What is that..?
Koharu: Where?
Angel Blade and the Black Swordsman both look at the sky. Kirito recognizes the appearances of the house that he was talking about.
Kirito: That's the Forest House F4! What's it doing up there!?
Oathkeeper: It was caused by a tornado. And I guess it keeps hovering the house on the air all this time.
Koharu: There's no way we can reach that!
Then again, Asuna just noticed a figure in the house as well..
Asuna: And look! Someone was trapped in the house!
The boy look further inside the house and noticed the equipment and the signature whiskers immediately recognized by the Oathkeeper.
Oathkeeper: Argo the Rat.. She's stucked up there. In the house..
Koharu: But how do we get there first?
Oathkeeper: Good questions.. How?
The duo notices Kirito and Asuna are rushing to a cedar tree directly beneath the house. They follow up to them in hopes of finding a way to assist the trapped player. Upon arriving at the vicinity of the tree. They all encountered a small dog named Toto above his head, it also marked with an icon for a quest in progress. Koharu got puzzled before Kirito could deduced that the pup's quest was the cause of the flying log house phenomenon.
Koharu: A dog?
Asuna: Aww! It's so cute!
Kirito: Wait, don't!
Asuna called it into her arm and suddenly triggered a gale that transported them to the log house.
Timeskip... Log Cabin.
Koharu: Where are we?
She looks around like the others.. After being teleported inside the Cabin, they all just discovered that the trapped player inside the Cabin was the Info Broker, Argo the Rat. Except Oathkeeper, the others went for Argo's aid.
Argo: Thank God! It's you guys!
Koharu: Argo! Are you okay!?
Argo: I'm fine! Thanks for bringing the dog with you!
Kirito: What do you mean?
She explains the reason..
Argo: Well, you see.. That dog's actually the key character for this quest which it's been rumored around.
Asuna: But what kinds of quest is it?
Argo: Good question! Say, do you heard about the story of {The Wonderful Wizard of Oz}?
Upon hearing, she grins as she remembers the story.
Koharu: Oh! It's the Childhood's story! I heard of that!
Asuna: You do, Koharu? Me too!
Kirito: Uhm.. What?
Argo: Nice! This will be easy to explain.
Kirito: Wait.. How long you had been stucked in here? And can't you use your Teleportation Crystals here?
Argo: No I can't. This area inside this Cabin is isolated. That's why I got stucked for straight two days.
Kirito: And why you didn't bring the dog with you? You knew the event will be malfunction without the key character.
Argo: Uhm.. Well..
He cuts in after inspecting the whole Cabin.
Oathkeeper: It's simple. She's afraid of dogs..
Argo: Wha-!
He grabs the dog from Asuna and it barks as he brings it closer to Argo. The info broker backs off a bit as she's in fear of dogs. The others sweatdropped.
Argo: Eek!
Kirito: Wow.. We all never know that..
Oathkeeper: See?
Asuna: !?
The Cabin begins to start moving by the tornado event.
Having the house landed in an isolated part of Floor 22. They all just got back up after things had calmed down.
Koharu: Ugh... What happened?
Argo: Looks like the dog resolved the issue, the tornado seems had brought us to the isolated part of this floor.
Asuna: Where the area hasn't map by the front lines at all.
Argo: Let's go outside and look where we are!
They all head outside of the house. Just found out that they are all at top of the Steep Cliff which is sealed off and unreachable on foot. Koharu takes a view of the sky on top of the steep cliff.
Koharu: This is breathtaking. Can't believe we discovered another isolated area!
Kirito: Now I wish my house would be set in here.
Koharu: That would be great.
Kirito: Yeah..
As she is in sightseeing. Oathkeeper returns the dog to Asuna.
Asuna: Thanks.. Got any updates?
Argo: Yeah! Apparently there are three Characters: Scarecrow, Tin and Lion. And Scarecrow's explanation is just exactly like the plot goes.
Asuna: When the witch had kidnapped the girl.. And stole their precious items. Scarecrow's brain, Tin's heart and the Lion's mane. They all located at different locations, marked with gold exclamation mark.
Oathkeeper: So it's like we're in a storybook. Kinda like a reference of Kingdom Hearts.
Argo: Like the other Disney Stories got influenced by a boy with a key. I get that too.
Asuna: There's a game like that!?
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. The game's been a history tho. Can't blame you haven't heard of it. But back to the point. Shall we start collecting the Quest items?
Argo: Hmm.. Seems it's an optional one. So let's just abandon that.
Oathkeeper: Are you sure about that?
Argo: Well.. You clearly know how the entire story goes, right?
He nods..
Oathkeeper: Yeah.. Because you knew what they had truly desired inside of them the entire time in the original tale.
Asuna: That's right!
Argo: It seems like I'm not the only one who knows the reason. And anyway, you got me there.. I apologize for tailing you everyday. I thought I could meet you by any chance.
Oathkeeper: Now's your chance. You probably just realized what my true identity is.
Argo: Yeah.. You're Lai, right?
He pulls out the hood and reveals his face to Argo.
Oathkeeper: Still sharp as ever..
She chuckles..
Argo: Nyahaha! The moment you revealed my fear towards dogs. I immediately realized that was you because you're the only one who knew that!
Oathkeeper: So are you going spill it out to the public?
Argo: Nah. Even that information can be worth like billions but I'm not that greedy type. So you should be grateful by that.
He shouts at her..
Oathkeeper: No! Because you're being such a nuisance to me every single day. Eavesdropping, tailing and even try to sneak into my room while I was asleep!
Argo: *Sweatdropped* ^^" Can't we just like.. Drop that? I know I owed you a lot.
Hearing their conversation.. Asuna just sweatdropped.
Asuna: ^^"
After explaining to Kirito and Koharu, all of them are now heading straight to the castle with Argo's guidance. Koharu whispers to him as they both are walking behind the group.
Koharu: So it's really based on {The Wonderful Wizard of Oz} Story! But I guess it's okay for abandoning the Sub Quests since we already knew how the story goes.
Oathkeeper: Except Kirito..
Koharu: Hehe! Yeah! He doesn't know the story at all! Anyway, I guess that's why Argo wanna skip that part, right?
Oathkeeper: Maybe she just wanna compensate me for not wasting my time.
Koharu: What do you mean?
Oathkeeper: She's the main reason why I set up the traps in the dungeon.
She giggles as she sweatdropped..
Koharu: But you sure put a lot of "Mousetraps" tho. ^^" I guess it makes sense now.
As their conversation just ends, Oathkeeper concerns about what he's truly desired for, but halted when the group reached their destination.
Argo: Well, we're here. Right in front of the castle.
The others unsheathe their weapons. Asuna whips out her Lambent Light as Kirito pulls out both of his Swords, Elucidator and the Dark Repulser. Koharu grabs out her Thunder Feather Dagger while Oathkeeper takes out his Dark General's Sword.
Koharu's Thunder Feather.
Asuna: We're ready!
Argo: Alright! Let's storm our way to the Boss Room!
All: Yeah!
Argo pushes the door and begins the assault. Everyone in the group start defeating every mobs that stands in their way while they proceed to the Boss Room. Taking advantage of the great level difference between the players and the monsters in the area, as well as Argo's mobility allowing them to take shortcuts.
*Slash!* *Burst!*
*Slices* *Burst!*
*Tush!* *Burst!*
The group defeated the castle guardians and reached in front of the boss room just in ten minutes.
Koharu: There's the Boss Room!
Asuna: Hope we can save the girl in time!
Argo: Well, here goes nothing.
Koharu: Let's do this, Oathkeeper!
He replies back as he gets into his battle stance.
Oathkeeper: Right..
As the moment Argo pushes the door, the witch uses the soup and immediately unleash a mist around the room. They just notice Argo just falls onto the ground.
Argo: Ugh!
Oathkeeper: !?
The mist paralysed the entire group in the room, except for Oathkeeper as he is immune to it.
Asuna: I can't move!
Koharu: Paralysis!
Kirito: Damn!
Oathkeeper storms forward. Before the witch can even cast another spell attack. Oathkeeper stabs the boss's stomach with his entire Sword. Crushing the boss's face with his knee and drowns its head into the soup, thus defeating the boss.
Argo: What just happened?
Kirito: I guess Lai's really pissed by the witch's prank.
Asuna: Now I feel bad for the witch.
Koharu: He had his own reasons.
After the fight, the group liberated the girl and returned to the log house, where they parted with her and her friends.
When the house finally lands back in its original location, the info broker thanks the group, promising not to spread a word of their engagement, before departing.
Argo: You two play nice then!
Kirito: Argo!
Argo: Nyahaha! Just pulling your legs. And you too, Koharu. Huh?
They notice the duo has disappear from the group for a while..
Asuna: That's strange. I'm sure they're with us.
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 17:50. Wooden Walkways..
Dazzling, beautiful sparks around the water at the lake by the sun's shine during the evening as the duo strolls along the walkways. Koharu starts out the conversation.
Koharu: Is something bothering you, Oathkeeper?
Oathkeeper: No.. I'm fine..
Koharu: Is it about the story? I can tell it because our speedrun had totally ruined the original tale of the story.
Oathkeeper: Almost got it. It's actually about what they really desired inside of them at the end of the story.
Koharu: Well in the end, they just wanna stick with the girl as much as possible. Because she's an important friend of theirs.
Oathkeeper: I see...
The duo went silent for a while, Koharu blushes while she is about to ask him.
Koharu: Hey.. How do you really feel about me?
Oathkeeper: ...
As he couldn't express his feelings with words. He navigates through his menu, sending a marriage request with an engagement ring to the girl. Koharu almost gasps by the sudden request. But smile happily as she realizes what he had truly desired for.
Oathkeeper: I want to take care of you forever..
Upon hearing it, she happily agreed to the request by pressing the "YES" button. Then, she opens up her feelings to him by telling him.
"And I want to stay with you forever"
End Of Chapter...
Asuna: Say Kirito, if you're "Heartless" enough to reject me~ What I'll become after that?
Kirito: Well.. I'd be "Nobody" without you, Asuna..
Asuna: Hehe! That's right! I guess Argo taught you that as well, huh?
Kirito: Yeah..
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