Chapter 17: A Legend's path.
Year 2024, October 20. Aincrad Standard Time, 08:00. Floor 1, Black Iron Palace.
Today's the day when Kirito and Heathcliff are about to have a Duel at Collinia Arena in Floor 75. Oathkeeper just came visit the Monument Of Life, brought along with a bouquet of Dark Red Roses in both hands as always. He stands in front of the Monument, expressing himself in his mind. Then, he sets the Flowers on the ground. After that, he heard someone is calling him. He turns around and saw Sachi and Keita.
Oathkeeper: Oh.. Sachi..
She greets at him as she waves her hand.
Sachi: What you doing here, Oathkeeper? And what's with the roses?
Oathkeeper: Praying for the Dead.
He notices Sachi is holding a bouquet of Chrysanthemums. He asks the Leader of the Moonlit Black Cats.
Oathkeeper: ...Came here to visit them perhaps?
Keita: Yeah.. Sasamaru, Ducker and Tetsuo.. Three of them. They all died in a trap set up in a dungeon, remember?
He takes out another bouquet from his inventory and this time, with variety of flowers such as Blue Tulips, Colorful of Zinnias, Gladiolus and Purple Hyacinths. He hands it over to Keita.
Oathkeeper: Take this..
He grabs the bouquet, but he got confused by his pickings.
Keita: Why mixed with other flowers?
The Spear Girl explains to Keita.
Sachi: Because there's a thing called Flower Language. You should know that, Keita.
Keita: What's that?
She sighs..
Sachi: Geez.. I'll explain later. And thanks Oathkeeper. I guess you knew the Language too!
He points out the Flower meanings.
Oathkeeper: Blue Tulips symbolizes Loyalty, Zinnias for Remembrance and Gladiolus for Strength and Valor.
She notices that he missed the last type of flowers.
Sachi: And what about the Purple one?
He grabs one of the Purple Hyacinths from the bouquet. Smelling its aroma scent before putting on the ground next to a bouquet of Dark Red Roses.
Oathkeeper: This is my sorrow to them, for not be able to save them.
Sachi: Oh..
She states out the bright side.
Sachi: But.. You saved the Guild Leader.. Right? Because of that, we got another chance to revive the Moonlit Black Cats. It all thanks to you.
Oathkeeper: You're welcome.. Sachi.. I assume your Flower Teacher is the Angel Blade?
Sachi: Yeah! Koharu taught me about the Flowers! Most of the girls really like Flowers so it's fun to know their symbolic meanings and others!
Oathkeeper: Glad to hear that. So how do you feel about them, Keita? Do you miss them?
Keita: Yeah.. In real life.. Sachi, me and them are part of the Computer Club and we even studied in the same High School. I missed them a lot..
Oathkeeper: Did you tried to forget them?
Keita: No.. I didn't because I don't have to. Even if I forgot them, memories won't erase on its own. It'll always mark in the bottom of our hearts.
Sachi: That's right! And we're glad you came too!
Oathkeeper: But with different intentions.
Sachi: Huh?
Oathkeeper: The guilt of killing them still remained in my heart, haunting my mind. But I'm not planning on getting their forgiveness because most of them are Player Killers.
Keita: Yeah, they kinda deserved that.
Sachi: But still..
Oathkeeper: It's inevitable. Everything's always come with a price. Since I'm the one who killed them all. I shall bear the sins with all of my willpower, for those who still survived in this world.
Sachi: ...You don't have to.. Oathkeeper..
Oathkeeper: I'm fine.. Let's put that aside.. You two are heading to Floor 75?
Keita: Yeah.. Koharu books the seats for the two of us. What about you?
Oathkeeper: Going to the "backstage". For somehow, I worried about him.
Sachi: You mean Kirito? He's strong and I trusted him! So I believe he'll win!
Oathkeeper: ...
He walks away from the Monument..
Oathkeeper: I'm heading right now. Take care you two.
Sachi: Oh, okay! See you there!
He walks away from the Palace.
Meanwhile in Floor 75, Collinia.
Many people are lining up to the ticket counter for snatching the remaining seats. Koharu is almost there after a few more players.
Koharu: (I wonder if Kirito is ready for this...)
As she is in the middle of her thoughts, someone gives a slight push from her behind. Snapping her out from her thoughts.
Player: Stop wasting my time, girl!
Koharu: Ah! Sorry!
She immediately catches up forward, trading with the KoB Member for three tickets and leaves from the line. As soon she's out from the crowd, someone calls up to her.
Argo: Hey! Koharu!
She rushes to meet up with her.
Koharu: Hey, Argo. Came here to get some information?
Argo: Of course! A juicy one, they both are about to fight with their Unique Skills that everyone went crazy about! But look what I brought!
Then, Koharu notices some other familiars faces. One of them is an Elf girl with purple hair who just noticed her presence and greets at her with excitement.
Yuuki: Hey! Koharu! Do you remember me!?
She immediately waves back as she recognizes her.
Koharu: Yuuki! Glad to see you again!
Yuuki: It's been a long time since we met in Floor 4! You looked beautiful with that gear!
Koharu: Thanks!
Then, Koharu turns to the others and recognizes all of them as well.
Koharu: Leafa! Sinon! Silica and Lisbeth! You girls are all here!
Another Elf from the KoB replies back.
Leafa: Of course! I can't believe my brother's been taking Asuna away without me even know it! Sorry about the mess he created for you.
Koharu: It's fine, Leafa! Every Players can't do anything about it, even though they all went crazy.
The Dragon Tamer adds in..
Silica: Everyone had been like that after knowing that Floor 74 has been cleared. I wonder if he's okay tho.
The Blacksmith replies with a blush as she looks away.
Lisbeth: At least he used the Sword I created for him, right?
Silica: Yeah I hope so..
Koharu: What about you, Sinon? What brought you here?
The Archer answers back in cold tone as usual.
Sinon: Well, I'm here just to witness the match like you all do. I haven't know much about this Kirito and Heathcliff. And about that Oathkeeper I read on the newspaper, I think he's a nice guy even though he's been out killing the Red Players. I guess he doesn't have any other choices..
Koharu: I agreed but.. They must be stopped after all. You knew what happened if the Players died in the game.
Sinon: Yeah I get it.. Just wish he doesn't end up like me...
Koharu: What do you mean?
She quickly ignores that..
Sinon: Nothing...
Argo: Alright! You girls wanna get into the seats? The show's about to start!
???: Hey! Did you forgot about us?
The girls turn to notice Klein and Agil.
Koharu: Klein! Agil!
Klein: Yo, Princess! It's rare to see you hanging out with other babes!
She retorts back as it makes her blushed and embarrassed.
Koharu: Klein! I told you so many times for not to call me with that! Geez!
The other guy sighs and crosses his arms.
Agil: Good grief.. Klein.. You never changed, do ya?
Klein: Yep! And I was excited to see both of the Legendary Players are in Duel! This makes me pumped!
Leafa: You know we would've accept you if you stop disrespecting us.
Klein: Oh! Sorry about that!
Koharu: So shall we get in?
Leafa: Sure! Just hope I don't end up sitting with that perv.
Every girls start laughing at him. Agil adds up the spice as he teases Klein.
Agil: You just got shot-fired, man!
Klein: Gah...! I said I'm sorry, didn't I?
Leafa: That just makes us even~ Anyway, let's go, girls.
Koharu: Okay!
The info broker smirks as she thinks about what she'll do after the Duel.
Argo: Teehee~! I'm recording this fight! Then I'll make a lot of analysis and Col! Of course!
Koharu: (Still the same Argo.) ^^"
They all enter the theater area in the Coliseum. In the meanwhile.. Oathkeeper just went to the Chamber room where Kirito and Asuna are.
In the waiting room..
In there, he could hear that Asuna is scolding him and she sounds a bit anxious as she is feeling terrified.
Kirito: I'm sorry!
Asuna: You utterly idiot! Why would you agree for a duel with him in the first place!?
Kirito: I said I'm sorry! I just wasn't thinking!
Then, he knocks the door to break the atmosphere.
Oathkeeper: Doing okay, you two?
He just notices his presence..
Kirito: Oathkeeper...
She immediately asks Lai as she is still anxious about the duel.
Asuna: Lai! Please do something about this!
Oathkeeper: I afraid I can't.. This is his Duel. But I guess all we can do is to trust him.
He turns to the Black Swordsman..
Oathkeeper: Kirito, do you still remember what I told you?
Kirito: About what?
He sighs immediately..
Oathkeeper: I can tell you're basically doomed before the Duel starts. *Sweatdropped*
Kirito: Wait! What is it!?
Asuna: He's talking about the Guard Break, dummy!
Kirito: Oh that one.. You sure that will work?
Oathkeeper: Why don't you ask Heathcliff instead of me?
Kirito: Oh.. Yeah, you specialized in dodging.
He sighs frustrated..
Oathkeeper: Just don't fight head to head with him.. That's all I can say.
Asuna: So what are you going to do, Kirito? If you lose, not only you get kicked out from the Moonlit Black Cats and I don't get my leave. You'll have to join the Knights of the Blood Oath in the end.
He reassures his partner.
Kirito: Well, I don't plan to lose easily.
He adds in.
Oathkeeper: So you're gonna lose anyway, huh?
Kirito: Lai, can you stop pulling my le-?
Suddenly, Lai lashes out on Kirito, grabbing his collar and forces him to stand up.
Oathkeeper: Then can you STOP being so cocky!?! Sachi and Keita are worrying about you!! I know it's just a fecking game! But for God's sake, be serious about this!
Kirito: I AM serious! I always know that the Commander has an Unique Skill too!
During their argument, the Lightning Flash just breaks in, unsheathes her Lambent Light and points at Lai.
Asuna: That's enough, Lai. I believe he will win. We just gotta put our faith on him.
Oathkeeper: ...
He releases him, letting out a sigh to calm himself..
Oathkeeper: *Huff* Just give it all you got. That's really all I can say to you.
Kirito: You can rest assured, Lai. And thanks for reminding me. I should take your advice then.
Lai replies back..
Oathkeeper: Yeah and just a reminder. I'm not your superior, Kirito.
Kirito: Yeah, yeah.. Right. We're brothers, aren't we?
Oathkeeper: We will be, only if you win that duel.
Kirito: I'm holding you to that deal then..
He sets off with his Twin Swords equipped, leaving Asuna and Lai in the Chamber, both watching him walking outside to his Challenger.
Back to Koharu and the others..
In the Theater, as Kirito just appears in the Coliseum. Everyone starts getting excited from watching the Living Legend, Heathcliff and the Dual-Wielding Demon, Kirito are met.
Koharu: There are so many civilian players around.. It's like thousands of them are here.
Yuuki: Because everyone are obviously getting excited about this! Especially me! I wonder who's gonna win this fight!
Leafa: Just hope Onii-chan will be fine.. Please have mercy on him, Commander Heathcliff..
Silica: I'm starting to get anxious right now..
Lisbeth: Relax, Silica! He's gonna kick his butt for sure!
Sinon: ...
The boys join the conversation.
Klein: I hope Kirito's okay after this. But he kinda deserved that for picking up the Lightning Flash.
Agil: And we bet most of our Col on the KoB Leader. We'll be damn rich if we won!
Klein: Yeah! That's right!
Koharu: Agil! Klein!
They both got startled by the Angel Blade..
Agil: Calm down, lady! Although nothing's personal but Klein's right. We really hope Kirito's okay..
The other girls sigh..
Leafa: *sigh* Men are just some simple creatures...
Yuuki: Well, hate to say it but I kinda agree with that.
The boys start laughing with embarrassment..
Koharu: (Hope you can see this, Lai...)
In the Meantime..
Kirito just arrived to face against Heathcliff, the Commander apologizes to the Black Swordsman.
Heathcliff: I'm sorry, Kirito. I didn't realize this would be such a big deal.
Kirito: But I'll receive a percentage of the fees if I win.
He shakes his head, replies back while looking at the Spectators.
Heathcliff: No.. After the fight, you'll be a member of the guild. So I'll treat this as a mission.
Kirito: So the Oathkeeper was right after all.
Heathcliff: Hm?
Kirito: He told me you treat almost everything as your mission.
He chuckles..
Heathcliff: He knows me really well. Even though we met just a few times.. Back in the past... But let's put that aside, shall we?
He toggles the menu and taps on the Duel application. Sending a request to Kirito. He accepts it and taps on First-Strike mode. The match immediately starts with a 60 seconds countdown.
Heathcliff VS Kirito
When the countdown starts, Kirito unsheathes both of his Elucidator and his Dark Repulser while Heathcliff takes out his Liberator Sword from his Kite Shield. Both of them getting into their battle stances. At the gateway, where Lai and Asuna both are standing there, watching them. Lai just notices his partner and most of his friends are in the Theater from afar while he is leaning against the wall before turning his attention back to the upcoming fight.
The Dual-Wielding Kirito starts out his first attack with the thrusting attack. Heathcliff blocks it with his Shield. Kirito ruthlessly unleashes his Combo Attack, striking at his shield. Heathcliff, who is unable to counter but to block with his Shield. He fakes out with his Shield bash, making Kirito to react that one as a distraction, then executes with a thrusting attack. But Kirito's reaction speed never fails him as he successfully cross blocks it, but the force sends him in the air. Just as Kirito lands back onto the ground, Heathcliff charges forward along with his Shield at his front, closes in to his target and executes a Shield Thrust that blows through Kirito's stomach who is going all aggressive on his opponent.
Kirito: (His Shield!?)
Heathcliff throws him far away, charges forward to start his counterattack. Parrying Kirito's Twin Slash attack, forcing him to back away.
Kirito: (I have to focus on his Shield!)
Kirito charges up his Vorpal Strike which glows in yellow light on his Elucidator, dashes forward and thrust his shield as Kirito's main target in order to break through Heathcliff's defense. Heathcliff just moves away his Shield, causing Kirito to pass through him with his forward charge. Kirito stops the momentum and turns around back to his opponent.
Heathcliff: Splendid reaction time.
Kirito: Hmph.. That's what Oathkeeper told me. And that shield of yours is too strong.
He chuckles..
Heathcliff: If anyone who gets complimented by the Oathkeeper. That player must be a worthy opponent.
Kirito: And that would be me.
Everyone just heard them complimented to each other and cheers even loud.
Koharu: Geez... There's no need to compliment each other.
Yuuki: Believe me! That's what makes 1 v 1 battle so much fun and interesting! Don't you agree?
Koharu: Yeah.. I guess..? ^^"
*Kling!* *Kling!*
Both of them rush, with Kirito's Dark Repulser clashing against Heathcliff's Liberator. Heathcliff parries back and swings his Shield which Kirito dodges it. Then, clashes with his Elucidator against Heathcliff's Liberator again. Kirito keeps on attacking his Shield, constantly increasing his attack speed along and parry whenever Heathcliff swings his Sword at him. Planning to rely on his speed.
Kirito: (Not yet! It can still increase! If my attack speed can at least match up to Oathkeeper's! There will be a chance of winning this!)
His attacks start to get faster and faster enough for Heathcliff to notice. He thrusts his sword to put a stop to Kirito's combo. But the Black Swordsman reacts that one and grazes his Liberator away with his Dark Repulser, only scratch onto his face. He continues his attack again and again, overwhelms Heathcliff as the Leader can't do anything but blocking and shoving Kirito back with his Shield. As they both are whittling each other HP down. Meanwhile, Asuna was worrying about, mumbling her partner's name out.
Asuna: Kirito...
Then, she asks Lai, who is focusing on the battle scene.
Asuna: Lai.. How do you think of this battle?
Oathkeeper: ...
He replies back..
Oathkeeper: Both of them haven't pull out their Trump Cards yet. But Kirito still followed with my advice after all.
Asuna: What do you mean?
Oathkeeper: His Dual Blades main stats is attack speed. So it's noticeable for me to see his Combos are getting faster and faster. It should be fine if Heathcliff can't do anything about it.
Asuna: To whittle the Commander's HP to Yellow Zone.. I guess he's winning!
Her spirit lifts up with pure glee after knowing that Kirito is able to win after all. But it's opposite for Oathkeeper and hiding his analysis away from Asuna.
Oathkeeper: (But.. Kirito's already lost that fight.. Just as soon as his Vorpal Strike went passed his Shield, Heathcliff can just executes him with a thrusting attack. Claiming the victory of this fight. But.. He didn't... Why?)
As he thinks for a while, comparing to the Duel he had against the KoB Leader. Then, he realizes that something was off.
Oathkeeper: (Could it be..! He's just toying with him!)
As he focuses back on the battle, Kirito just executes a thrust and the tip of his Elucidator just grazes through Heathcliff's face, losing a bit of his HP. Heathcliff notices he's falling behind, suddenly raise his guard up as he realizes Kirito takes his chance and is about to unleash his Unique Skill, Starburst Stream.
Kirito: Starburst Stream!
Sky Blue Light glows on both of his Swords, unleashing his powerful 16-Combo Twin slash.
Oathkeeper: (Or not... Maybe I'm just too tired and started to overthink..)
The Black Swordsman swings both of his Swords together, hitting his Shield with full strength. Kirito puts a cross slash, pushing Heathcliff back again and again. Then, he finally breaks through Heathcliff's guard with double thrusts. The force of his Dual Blades blow Heathcliff's Shield away, making him to become vulnerable to Kirito.
Kirito: I can break through!
In the Theater..
Koharu: Kirito's gonna land a clean hit!
Yuuki: Here it is!
Kirito advances forward, swings his Elucidator down to land a hit, with his Starburst Stream is still ongoing. As the blade is just about a centimeter away to hit Heathcliff's head. The KoB Leader suddenly makes a "Sudden Swifts" to his opponent's sideways, causing Kirito to miss and his blade hits the Shield instead.
Kirito: What!?
Then, Heathcliff turns the entire table on Kirito by executing him with a clean thrust after dodging the slash. Blowing him away and Kirito's HP drops to Yellow Zone. Claiming the win.
{Heathcliff V}S Kirito
Everyone went out applaused for the Winner. For them, after realizing what just happened, Koharu and the others went shocked in total. Along with Oathkeeper and Asuna as well as the unexpected moment cause their hopes dropped and smashed onto the ground very hard that turns into pieces. Koharu couldn't believe what she just saw..
Koharu: No way! He..! He won!?
Yuuki let out a sigh..
Yuuki: Aww! I thought Kirito's gonna win! I was about to celebrate!
Leafa: He lost!
Silica: I can't believe he lost..
Lisbeth: No freaking way..
Sinon: Something's wrong...
Koharu: Huh?
She explains it to her..
Sinon: That sudden shift of his is far beyond possible.
Argo adds in..
Argo: Yeah.. And based on his build, his Agility isn't high enough to dodge that.
Klein: So you're telling me it's rigged!?
Agil: I don't know.. Maybe he has something like a bonus skill that grants him to do that. This is just my guessing tho.
Argo: Yeah.. That might be makes sense to me.
Agil's explanation makes her no choice but to believe it. Then, she tries to console Leafa who is disappointed by the battle outcome.
Koharu: Is that so? Sorry about your loss, Leafa..
Leafa: No.. Think about on the other way, at least he's joining the same guild with me and Asuna.
Koharu: Yeah.. It'd be me, Keita and Sachi who should be disappointed. Because we had to give out Kirito to their KoB guild.
She went depressed after clearly knowing the battle outcome.
Koharu: (We did what we could, Lai...)
As for Asuna and Oathkeeper...
Asuna: No way...
Oathkeeper: ...
He just paused there.. Not moving at all, recalling the scene when Heathcliff dodges that slash. Something that hits into his mind, about the fact that no one has ever seen his HP bar drop into Yellow Zone. He repeats the fact..
Oathkeeper: "No one has ever seen his HP Bar drop into Yellow Zone..."
He repeats it for several times. Asuna just heard him whispering to himself.
Asuna: Huh?
Then, he adds something in the end..
Oathkeeper: Except me...
Asuna: What are you talking about? You're not making any sense!
As he realizes something's really wrong about his movement and the sudden shifts of his for him. Blood starts boiling up as he clenches his fists and gritting his teeth very hard inside his hood. He suddenly walks out from the Chamber entrance.
Asuna: Wait! What are you doing!?
His mind made up as he decided to confront Heathcliff.
Oathkeeper: (I will not tolerate THIS!)
He appears in the Arena turns the atmosphere into utmost silence, everyone stopped cheering and curious about his sudden presence.
Koharu: (Lai!?)
Yuuki: Oathkeeper!?
Leafa: What is he doing here!?
Sinon: Now this is interesting..
Argo: Yup, I agreed on that.. Sinon.
Sinon: I heard rumors that he has an Unique Skill too.
Argo: "Darkness Blade". That's the name of that skill. Very few players had seen him wields it before. I can never know how powerful it is.
Sinon: Why don't you ask Koharu? She's been with him longer than anyone else.
Koharu: What? I actually never see him use it before.
Argo: See? That's why I never know. But since he's gonna go against Heathcliff. I'm sure this our first and our last chance to witness it.
Heathcliff, who is about to leave the Coliseum and Kirito alone notices the sudden silence in the Arena. He turns around and sees Oathkeeper's presence this time, who is slowly walking towards him. Even Oathkeeper stops his steps in front of Heathcliff. The Leader still remains calm.
Heathcliff: I assume you want a Duel with me. But too bad, the battle is over. But such coincidence, I was thinking about the same thing because I lost to you. So I should claim back what's mine to become the Man Of Legend. Mind if I know your reasons?
Oathkeeper: I'm balancing this game..
Heathcliff got surprised about what Oathkeeper truly means.. Then, the Leader gladly accepts it.
Heathcliff: As you wish... Oathkeeper...
They both walk away with their back to back, setting up about 10 meters distance between themselves. Facing back to each other. Kirito tries to stop him.
Kirito: I'm okay! You don't have to-!
He signals Kirito to where Asuna is with just his head nods.
Oathkeeper: Go..
Kirito: Huh? Are you crazy!?
Oathkeeper: I'll show him what an "Overpowered Player" is truly capable of..
He nods as replies.
Kirito: Alright! Just don't embarrass yourself!
He runs off from the Arena.
Oathkeeper: Still a jerk.. That's for sure.
He receives a Duel Request from Heathcliff as he just turns back to his opponent. Oathkeeper accepts it and selects the First-Strike mode. The 60 seconds timer begins to count down.
Heathcliff VS Oathkeeper
Heathcliff unsheathes his Liberator from his Kite Shield. Oathkeeper grabs onto the hilt of Dark General's Sword, preparing to draw out. Both of them preparing themselves in their battle stances. Everyone was still silenced as they confused. As for Koharu, she closes her eyes, both of her hands combine each other, hoping and wishing that her partner will be able to claim back the win.
Koharu: (Lai... I'm counting on you...)
In the Arena, Heathcliff couldn't really tell how Oathkeeper witnessed the previous battle and what he feels right now. Somehow and somewhat, he feels the excitement. He chuckles with slight grin.
Heathcliff: (Can't believe you made it this far..)
Before the timer reaches 10 seconds. He asks Oathkeeper about his true purposes.
Heathcliff: Since this might be our last battle, or not. Might as well telling me about what's your real intentions and motives of challenging me right here in the clear sight of every Civilian Players?
He couldn't stay silent and replies back as he doesn't want to disrespect him.
Oathkeeper: It's none of your business.. Heathcliff.
Heathcliff: Well, I think I have to guess. You're doing this for the sake of Kirito? Or for the sake of that girl?
He dashes forward in blinding speed.
Oathkeeper: Both of them!
He draws out his Sword, lunging forward and immediately unleashes a powerful thrust called Dark Stinger from the Unique Skill, Darkness Blade. And Heathcliff, who is fully aware of Oathkeeper's stats has overwhelmed him. So he "Sudden Swifts" his Shield to aside. In that second, Oathkeeper could feel his entire avatar has paused.
Oathkeeper: (I see...)
Due to Heathcliff's slight poor of reaction speed and the "Sudden Swifts" has limited moving space in a paused second. In results, he failed to escape it. As the tip of his Dark General's Sword just touched the Shield, Oathkeeper guard breaks him and blows Heathcliff away as a knockback, but doesn't count as first strike. He closes in to his target immediately, not hesitating at all. Heathcliff lands back and swings his Sword. Oathkeeper parries his Sword attack and his fist counters against Heathcliff's incoming Shield bash. The impact blows the air around the two Legendary Players. Oathkeeper steps onto his Shield and pushes away, hopping over Heathcliff to his behind while his body spinning in Mid-Air, surprising the Leader.
Heathcliff: !?
While Oathkeeper is on top of him, Heathcliff activates the "Sudden Swifts" to catch up with his speed, turns around to face the directions where Oathkeeper is about to land. He forms a Shield block against his landing attack. Heathcliff immediately counters back with a Sword Thrust straight to Oathkeeper's head. But he moves his head to aside, evading it. Then, Heathcliff takes his chance to activate his "Sudden Swifts". Trying to get ahead of Oathkeeper's Agility. Using the advantage of it to strike a clean hit on him. But during when the "Sudden Swifts" activated and the time paused, Heathcliff notices a fist is about to make a clean connect to him.
Heathcliff: !!
When that second passed, Heathcliff immediately change the idea and backsteps away to dodge Oathkeeper's fist as he couldn't risk getting hit by him. Heathcliff compliments him.
Heathcliff: You've really grown... Oathkeeper...
He replies back in cold tone...
Oathkeeper: And you've really changed... Heathcliff..
Heathcliff: Yeah... I guess things can go really unexpected sometimes.. It's inevita-
He suddenly yells out loud.
Oathkeeper: Nonsense!!!
They both go on aggressive on each other. Sparks flying up as their Swords are clashing against each other. Oathkeeper dodges Heathcliff's Shield Bash. Parrying Heathcliff's Sword attack. His left fist lands onto his Shield. He suddenly grabs a hold of it.
Heathcliff: !?
Oathkeeper pins his Kite Shield onto the ground hard, and then he quickly steps onto it while it got stuck on the ground, swinging a kick to Heathcliff's face. The Leader lowers down his head to avoid and Oathkeeper hops up from his Shield, combining both of his hands to his Dark General's Sword while his body is in front flip, doing a front flip slash. Heathcliff backsteps away from him. But then, he notices the blade slams the ground instead, creating a quake that would tumble him. So Heathcliff jumps into the air. But Oathkeeper launches himself straight to Heathcliff, closes in right in front of him while he's in airborne. Heathcliff activates his "Sudden Swifts" to move his Shield to his front during the paused second. After that, he successfully blocks Oathkeeper's Aerial Rave Attacks and parries Oathkeeper's last attack, the slash pushes him back to the ground level before Heathcliff does. Both of them pause for a while, catching their breath. But both didn't reveal their exhaustion to the others.
Heathcliff: (I can't believe he already found out the Over-Assist Mode during the previous one. And he only used a single Sword Skill.)
Oathkeeper suddenly dashes forward in blinding speed. Surprising Heathcliff and blocks with his Kite Shield against the incoming attack. He immediately unleashes his Unique Skill from Holy Sword. As he swings his Liberator at him with Divine Blade. Oathkeeper suddenly pushes the blade down, his Sword ends up stabbing onto the ground.
Heathcliff: !?
Oathkeeper: Haaah!!!
Oathkeeper swings his Dark General's Sword horizontally from left to right after a quick spin. Hitting the Kite Shield extremely hard that it got knocked away far from Heathcliff and struck onto the wall. As Oathkeeper is about to descend a slash on Heathcliff, the Leader quickly activates the "Sudden Swifts" to dodge away and pulls out his Sword from the ground during that paused second. Oathkeeper already expected that and is about to execute another Sword Thrust towards him, but Heathcliff takes his chance to do the same as well.
Heathcliff: Haaah!!!
Oathkeeper: Haaah!!!
In the end, both of their Swords stab towards each other's shoulder and the forces blow both of them away for a distance. But both of their HP are still in Green Zone due to the fact that Oathkeeper's thrusting damage isn't high enough to lower his opponent's HP who has High Defense Power. And Heathcliff couldn't lower Oathkeeper's massive health pool to Yellow Zone as well. In results, the Duel System declares a draw to this fight instead of giving out the winner.
{Heathcliff VS Oathkeeper}
Everyone was cheering out about the unexpected outcome of their battle. Koharu and the other girls gasped by it.
Koharu: It's..! It's a draw!?
Yuuki: This is first time I've seen a draw!! This is so interesting!! Especially the interaction between them!!
Agil: I don't believe it..
Klein: So uhm... Does this affect our bet? Because Heathcliff didn't win in the end.
Agil: I guess not.. This is just another battle.
Her head faces down.. Mumbling to herself..
Koharu: I see..
Leafa: You okay, Koharu?
Koharu: I forgot Heathcliff is far beyond stronger than Kirito. And he's able to match up with Oathkeeper..
Leafa: Yeah..
Then, she can hear that Koharu is sobbing..
Koharu: He tried... He tried his best for me and Kirito.
Leafa: Koharu... I know what you felt.
Koharu: It's not like that. I can tell that he must be really upset.. It just.. My heart feels hurt when I see him like that..
Leafa: Is that so? But I guess he'll be fine eventually. Times will heal him up.
Koharu: Yeah..
Back to the Arena...
After the duel, they both are glaring at each other. Oathkeeper walks away to the gateway where Kirito and Asuna are, while Heathcliff heads to retrieve his Kite Shield back from the wall. They both part their ways in the end.
In the waiting room...
As he walks, Asuna show her concerns to him.
Asuna: Hey.. You okay?
Kirito: Wait, don't.. Look..
Asuna: Huh?
Unable to contain the anger, Oathkeeper suddenly blows a stack of barrels with just one heavy punch. They can obviously tell that he's very upsetting. Without a word, he left the Coliseums.
Timeskip... Collinia.
After leaving the Arena alone, someone calls up to him.. Someone that is close to Oathkeeper..
???: That was a great match, Lai.. Truly astounding as always..
Oathkeeper: ?
He just notices a mysterious figure..
???: Sorry about the outcome.. You did what you could do..
As he looks at the Player with Blue Avatar. It's a name as the first word that comes out from him.
End Of Chapter...
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