Chapter 15: Beyond the Limit.

Year 2024, October 18th. Aincrad Standard Time, 13:00. Floor 74, Kamdet.

After searching everywhere that Oathkeeper could possibly show up, Koharu headed to the front lines, asking for Oathkeeper's whereabout and she eventually meets up with Klein and his Furinkazan Crew in coincidental. The Leader greets at her and additionally teases Koharu with her nickname.

Klein: Oh! Hey, Koha-! I mean, Angel Blade!

Furinkazan Crew: Oh! It's the Angel Blade!

His crew went surprised about her presence, but Klein blocks them from swarming her. She ignores his teasing personality and his Crew's admiration to her. She priors on asking him about her partner as always.

Koharu: Hey, have you seen Oathkeeper?

He got curious and recalls what Agil said to him last night.

Klein: Oathkeeper? I remember Agil told me that the last time he saw him is at his store. What? You lost contact with him?

Koharu: Yeah.. I thought I could get ahold on him. Turns out I don't know much about him after all this time, partying with him.

Her blank expression makes Klein worries a lot. He tries to cheer her up.

Klein: Ah! I guess he should be here at the Front Lines, probably clearing the dungeon, right? Have you try that yet?

Koharu: No.. Maybe it's worth a shot there.

She temporarily joins with Furinkazan before all of them start heading to the Labyrinth.

In the Meanwhile... Labyrinth..

After running far away from the Boss Room, they all catch their breath and rest, leaning against a large pillar.

Asuna: That looked like a tough one.

Kirito: He only seemed to have a large sword with him, but he definitely has some special attacks up his sleeve.

Asuna: Seems like we don't have any other choice but to put all our best players on the front lines and keep switching.

She looks up at Oathkeeper who is figuring the boss's attack pattern.

Asuna: So what's your plan? With the Anti-Crystal Area, casualties might occur if we're trying to retreat when things goes wrong.

Oathkeeper: Demonic types are immune to any status ailment. We have to break its body parts to lower the attack power. If possible, we might can even make it incapacitated. But during the first phase, we have to parry it as much as we can.

Kirito: That's why we need at least 20 players equipped with shields.

Oathkeeper: I guess I can do that..

Kirito: What are you trying to do?

Oathkeeper: I'll be its main target. My priority is to lower the casualties to Zero.

Asuna: Yeah.. We can't afford losing any players in this floor. But now Kirito just mentioned about shields..

Kirito: What is it?

She hugs her knee. Staring at him..

Asuna: Aren't you hiding something...?

He got confused..

Kirito: What are you talking about all of a sudden?

Asuna: It's strange. Doesn't players usually equips Shield when they're using One-handed Sword? But I've never seen you hold a shield. And Lai as well.

Oathkeeper: Is that a problem right now?

Asuna: No..! It's just.. In my case, I don't use one since it'll affect my handling speed with the Rapier. And actually, there are players who preferred that style though.

He crosses his arms and looks away.

Asuna: And it seems like you still haven't used that sword from Liz... You're making me feel suspicious towards you.

Kirito: ...

Oathkeeper: ...

They both silent makes her feel bad for asking that.

Asuna: Sorry. Inquiring about skill is rude. Everyone has their own styles after all! Let's just have lunch since it's late already. And look what I prepared for you two!

She takes out the picnic basket with a cloth, inside of it is filled with Asuna's Handmade Sandwiches, all lined up perfectly.

Oathkeeper and Kirito: Handmade!?

She smiles...

Asuna: Yup. You two should put away your gloves before eating them.

Kirito: Oh!

Oathkeeper: On second thoughts.. No, Kirito might not be satisfied if I join along.

She reassures him.

Asuna: Don't worry about him! I got your share too!

Oathkeeper: Cool!

She grabs one of it with the cloth on and hands it over to Kirito. The Black Swordsman takes a huge bite on it and savor the flavor as much as he can. His reaction is already giving the perfect answer when Asuna just gave Lai her Sandwich as well.

Kirito: It's delicious!

Oathkeeper: You're not kidding when you maxed your cooking skills in the other day.

Asuna: Hehe...! I'm glad my cooking skills are beyond your expectations. But I wanna how's your night with her actually.

Oathkeeper: ...

Her sudden question leaves him quiet to answer it but then immediately, Kirito cuts in..

Kirito: How'd you come up with this taste!?

Asuna: Oh! It's the result of one year's worth of training and studying. There are hundreds of seasonings in Aincrad, I tested out every parameters of the tastebuds by combining them and look all these that I made.

She takes out a bottle of green sauce and introduces it to them and dips a drop of it on their hand as testing for them.

Asuna: This is the taste of the Groglan seed and Shuburu are mixing up together.

They both lick the sauce and immediately figure out the sauce taste like.

Kirito: It's Mayonnaise!

Oathkeeper: It really is!

She takes out a bottle of purple one this time.

Asuna: And this one's Aburupame and Luura-fish are combined together.

She dips on their hand and they lick it as a taste. Their reactions are even more exaggerating this time.

Kirito: This nostalgic taste...!

Oathkeeper: It's Soy Sauce!

She giggles..

Asuna: I used these to make the Sandwich sauce.

Kirito: It's amazing.. It's perfect! You will definitely make a killing if you start selling this!

Asuna: You- You think so?

Kirito: Yeah! What do you think, Lai?

As he turns back to him.. Oathkeeper went silent as his soul is now in heaven while his heart could burst in bliss by its nostalgic taste anytime.

Oathkeeper: Kimochīi~ ❤️

His stomach growls up loud enough for them to hear, they both sweatdropped..

Kirito: Well, on second thought.. You shouldn't. Haha.. ^^"

Asuna: Yeah, I totally get the point.

He adds up..

Kirito: It'll be problematic if I can't get more of these as well..

She grins..

Asuna: Well, I can always make more if I feel like it...

The sound of field entering alerts the three of them. They all stand up and ready to unsheathe their weapons. But as Oathkeeper looks closer at the tiring group, he just sees someone that really feels familiar to them, especially with the guild's icon on them.

Oathkeeper: Klein..

Then, Klein notices them as well.. But he greets at Kirito first.

Klein: Oh! Kirito! It's been a while! And I guess you're still hanging out with that babe of yours!

He greets back as usual instead of being awkward.

Kirito: And you're still alive as always, Klein!

As the Oathkeeper is about to loosen his focus, someone catches his eyes and his attention. It was Koharu whom he didn't expect at all is that she is with the Furinkazan group.

Asuna: Koharu!

Koharu: Asuna! It's nice to see you again!

Klein: Hm?

He notices a guy in a Black Coat. He recognizes him immediately.

Klein: You're-! You're the Oathkeeper!

Oathkeeper: ...

The Leader starts cheering up with his group.

Klein: Guys! Do you remember this dude!? He's the one who saved our lives from the Holy- I mean Orange Players! You should at least leave a thanks to him!

All of his crew including the Leader make a salutes pose to him and bows down.

Klein and Furinkazan Crew: Thank you very much, Oathkeeper-san!

Their words make him flattered.. He nods slightly as a reply to them.

Oathkeeper: ... (I'm flattered right now.)

The Black Swordsman cuts in and introduces Klein to him as an act.

Kirito: Oathkeeper, you probably don't know about them, but they're-

He stops him with his hand up.

Oathkeeper: I knew who they are.. And I'm not the type who can't even sort out the good guys and bad guys.

Klein: So you really heard about us! I'm so glad that I get to meet with the Legendary Player!

As his crew admires him as like a fan of his. He looks at Koharu who is staring at him, but looks away to avoid eye contact. She has something to say but couldn't talk it out with him properly. She walks out to him and everyone else just stare at her, curious about what she is about to say.

Koharu: ...

Oathkeeper: ...

She musters up her courage and tries to say out her apologize to him.

Koharu: Oathkeeper... I..

As she was about to start out, she got disturbed by a lot of footsteps coming out from the entrance.

Asuna: Kirito!

Kirito: !! They're...

Koharu quickly turns around and inspects them. She figures out the guild they came from..

Koharu: "The Army" are here!?

Klein: Why is the massive guild that's in control of the first floor here!?

Asuna: They suffered a great deal of casualties while clearing Floor 25. Ever since that, they never show up on the front lines anymore.

Kirito: Huh...?

The Colonel of Aincrad Liberation Force and the Leader of the party announces to everyone for a break.

Kobatz: Rest!

His nine other ALF members are falling down to the ground, all looked like they're in half-dead. Then, The Colonel interacts with Kirito with his introduction.

Kobatz: I'm with the Aincrad Liberation Force. Lieutenant Colonel, Kobatz.

He introduces himself.

Kirito: I'm Kirito, solo.

He looks at the others and replies..

Kobatz: Sure you are.. Have you cleared the area up ahead?

Kirito: Yeah.. We also got a map with directions to the boss room.

Kobatz: Hm..

His hands raises towards him..

Kobatz: Then, I want you to surrender that map and we'll be on our way!

Everyone excepts Oathkeeper just shocked by his request. Klein replies with resistance.

Koharu: You're being too selfish in that way!

Klein: You want us to just give it to you!? Do you even know how hard it is to map a Labyrinth!?

He raises up his voice.

Kobatz: We are fighting to bring this information and resources to the civilian players here all the time and freeing them from this death game, and we don't charge them anything! Therefore, it's your duty to cooperate with us! So hand over that map!

Asuna: Listen! You-!

Klein is about to unsheathes his Katana.

Klein: You bastards..

They both stopped by Kirito..

Kirito: Stop it.. It's just some data that would make me regret taking it back to Town. So I don't really mind.

Klein: Hey Kirito! Aren't you being too generous to them!?

He replies back as he toggles through the menu to the trading system.

Kirito: Don't worry, it's not like I'm planning on trading the map and profiting from-


His hand were caught by the Oathkeeper before Kirito could tap on the "Ok" button.

Kirito: Oathkeeper?

Oathkeeper: ...There's something I don't get it..

He faces to Kobatz and asks calmly towards the Colonel.

Oathkeeper: A retired guild from the Front Lines.. And suddenly, they all just showed up here.

Kobatz: Got any problems with that?

He asks..

Oathkeeper: I just want to know... Who sent you all here?

The Colonel shakes his head as he refuses to tell him.

Kobatz: I'm afraid I can't tell you that since it's none of your business.

He tries to squeeze it out with the fact they shared information and records to the civilian players.

Oathkeeper: Aren't the information supposed to be shared to the public?

Suddenly, he raises up his voice.

Kobatz: So are you trying to oppose me!?

Oathkeeper: Because I doubt your leader, Thinker wouldn't give such hasty commands like this. Because I knew he always thought for the other's safety. So tell me, who sent you all here!?

His voice starts to become menacing. Kobatz backs away a bit.. But suddenly, he throws a punch onto Oathkeeper's cheek, resulting of his face just turns to aside a bit, with his body is not flinched at all. Everyone shocked by that.

Koharu: *Gasp!*

Kirito: Oathkeeper!

Without a word or cursing comes out, he is just about to return the favor. When he almost did, he stops his fist right at the Kobatz's face as he notices Koharu is with him.. The Colonel backs away with a step backwards. He clenches his fist when suppressing his anger inside of him before retracting it back.

Oathkeeper: Give him the map, Kirito..

Kirito: Huh? But.. Aren't you..?

Oathkeeper: I got what I want.. Give him the map, I have Zero interest on starting a pointless war with The Army.

Kirito: Okay..

He taps the "Ok" button and the window pops up in front of Kobatz. The Colonel accepts the trade and heads forward.

Kobatz: I appreciate your cooperation.

Kirito immediately gets the point he was trying to do along with his Army.

Kirito: I advise you to-

Before giving out his advise, Oathkeeper shuts him up with his hand on his shoulder.

Oathkeeper: Let them be..

Kirito: Huh?

Asuna: What are you saying!?

Oathkeeper: He's just like Kuradeel and the others I had dealt with, who always think that they are superior than all of us. Being stubborn, emotional, arrogant and overestimate themselves all the time.

The Colonel got agitated after hearing it..

Kobatz: What did you say!?

He provokes him purposely..

Oathkeeper: That's what you really are.. Face it. That's how you're gonna die.

Kobatz: Damn you!

A Sword Cut had swung passed Oathkeeper's body, but he didn't feel any damage as it all soaked up by his defense stats. Oathkeeper points out at the Army.

Oathkeeper: All your teammates look half-dead. Are you sure you're wanna head to the Boss Room?

He defends his pride..

Kobatz: My underlings aren't so weak as to give up over something like this! You lot, stand up already!

They all groan in sore pain but they still force themselves to stand up. All leaving slowly from their sights..

Oathkeeper: ...

Klein: I wonder if they'll be alright.. Those guys.. At least Oathkeeper did his best to hold them off.

Asuna: I don't think they'll go straight for the Boss Room after how he insulted the Colonel.

Then, Oathkeeper follows along to them from afar. Kirito asks..

Kirito: Where are you going?

Oathkeeper: Doing my job..

He takes his leave to the Boss Room. He walks passing right next to her who is still unable to say anything to him.

Koharu: ...

Soon, he slowly disappears from her sight. Asuna asks her as she feels something's wrong between them.

Asuna: Koharu, you seem awfully quiet today. Aren't you two having fun last night?

Koharu: Uhm... Well.. He and I..

Klein: Oh yeah! I almost forgot this! Here's your pot, Asuna!

Asuna: Huh?

He hands her over the Green Pot. Then, she immediately realizes something's wrong.

Asuna: Wait.. Why's my pot is in Klein? Aren't you two supposed to have the stew as dinner?

Koharu: No.. Actually, I had my own already in that night before he came. But I supposed he must've had it with Klein.

Then, Klein frankly tells them the truth.

Klein: I was having it with Agil actually.

Koharu: Wait, what?

He explains in details.

Klein: It's true. Agil said he couldn't have all the stew so he invited me to his store to share it with me. Heck, we enjoyed it even more with our drinks on. But in the end, he passed the pot to me for returning it to Asuna.

Koharu: So that means..! No... It can't be..

Kirito finally realizes it..

Kirito: He hasn't eat anything yet..

Asuna: What? Why would he do that!?

She admits it and cries a bit..

Koharu: It was my fault.. We had an argument last night because it was me who misunderstood him.

Everything she said in explanation is now made sense for them..

Kirito: No wonder... But I noticed he's been catching his breath a lot in this morning. He must've have suffered from Fatigue and Starvation. Although it didn't kill them or losing their HP. But for Starvation, it can lower your damage to only 10%. And as for Fatigue, it's worse. Once your Stamina reaches Zero, your avatar will be forced to be in sleep until you wake up in the next day. If that happens in a Boss Raid.

Asuna: He'll die...

Koharu suddenly raises up her voice as panic overwhelmed her.

Koharu: No, I won't let him do that! We have to catch up with him! I can't let him risk his life!

Kirito: She's right! We should stop them! Quick!

All of Klein's crew follows the Black Swordsman. Asuna and Klein reassure Koharu who is worrying about him.

Klein: Koharu, don't worry about him! He's a tough nut to crack!

Asuna: Yeah, although Kirito and I just met with him a few times. We can tell he knows his limit. Otherwise, he wouldn't survive this far just to protect Green Players.

She went silent and looked down..

Koharu: ...Yeah.. Hope he's doing alright.

She heads forward by herself.. They both feel unease to witness her being depressed.

Klein: Man, it hurts to see the princess's crying. That dude was way too cold on her!

Asuna: Yeah.. But I don't really blame him tho.

Klein: Eh?

Asuna: I could feel his pain.. He tried to hold back his fist after Kobatz hit him. And he didn't block any of his attack at all. But yet still, he wants to save them like it's his job in this world.

Klein: Well, I'll leave Kirito to you. But I'll make sure he doesn't treat you cold just like him!

She grins..

Asuna: Yes.. Leave it to me!

Both of them went catch up with the rest of the group.


As Oathkeeper reached the Boss Room, the raid has just begun and The Army are already losing the fights.

Oathkeeper: You bastards..

He unsheathes his Sword and charges into the raid..

Oathkeeper: Haaah!!!!


*Slash!* *Tush!* *Burst!*

After defeating the mobs, they all almost made it to the Boss Room.

Klein: The Boss Room is just up ahead, right? Perhaps they're already gave up and went home?

Kirito: Yeah.. If I recalled it correctly..

Koharu: We should keep going. He won't hold much longer.

As they just sheathe their weapons, they all hear the screams echoed through the Labyrinth.

Kirito: Asuna! Koharu!

Asuna and Koharu: *nod*

Three of them first hurried up to the Boss Room. Before Klein could catch up, mobs spawn around him and his crew, getting in their way.

Klein: Damn! Take care of these first!

Furinkazan Crew: Got it!

As for the three of them, they just heard another scream.

Asuna: Idiots!

They stopped by the door..

Kirito: Hey, you alright!?

They all gasp as they witness The Army are already down on the ground. And as for the Oathkeeper, who is trying his very best to hold on the Boss as much as he can, standing in front of The Army, fighting against the Boss by himself. He blocks its attack with his Dark General's Sword and parries it back, unleashing his War Cry to gain aggro from the Boss. Their Swords clashing each other a few time and Oathkeeper dodge roll through the boss in the under to lure it away from the boss. Koharu shouts at The Army.

Koharu: What are you doing!? Use the Teleport Crystals already!

Kirito: They can't! It got blocked by the walls!

Koharu: No way! Oathkeeper!

He clashes his Sword against The Gleam Eyes's Zanbato. Locking as they both are pushing against each other with their strength.

Oathkeeper: Guh!!

He notices his Stamina starts running down a bit fast. He pushes it back and dodges its slash. Taking out the Energy Fruits and gobbles it. After recovering his Stamina, he immediately blocks its attack and the force still pushing him backwards despite of not falling onto the ground. Someone attacking it from behind, getting its attention.

Kobatz: The Aincrad Liberation Force doesn't know the word "Retreat"! Come on, keep fighting!

Oathkeeper: No!

As he is about to rush, he couldn't as he tries to catch his breath.

Kirito: They're insane!

Then, Klein finally catches up..

Klein: What's going on?

Kirito: They couldn't use the Teleport Crystals. We can distract the boss but going in there is too risky!

Klein: But isn't there something we can do?

Kirito clenches his fists.. The scene reminds him of the death of Sasamaru, Ducker and Tetsuo.

Koharu: We can't just wait here and watch them to die!

Kobatz: Everyone, attack!!

His other Nine Members starts charging towards the Boss.

Oathkeeper: Stop it!!!

He forces himself to rush towards the Boss. It unleashed its breath attack, blowing The Army away. Then, it stabs the group, the blow splits them apart. But as it turns around and before it is about to slash the Colonel, Oathkeeper jumps to the wall, running up against it. He bounces himself and tackles the boss with his entire strength to get its attention back. But Kobatz keeps attacking it, provoking the boss back. Oathkeeper notices it, dashes to his aid and grabs his arm, throws his body away from its attack after a quick spin. But, it is too late for him to dodge it. Watching the blade uppercuts him.

Oathkeeper: !!


It inflicts a deep cut onto him and the Slash is strong enough to send the Oathkeeper flying in the air, crashing against the wall and impacts on the ground. Koharu just witnesses that clearly.. Memories from Floor 20 flashes in her mind, horror widened her eyes as she remembers the incident Lai almost got killed by the Orange Players. Kirito and Asuna help the Colonel up.

Koharu: Don't... Don't do it...

Kobatz: He.. He saved me...

Klein grabs his collar and yells at him.

Klein: What the hell's wrong with you!? You're just throwing your life away! Oathkeeper still saved your ass even after how you assaulted him!

He couldn't stand up as his Stamina is dropping fast. He grabs the Energy Fruits but it slips through his hands in accident.

Oathkeeper: No..

He struggles to grab it back. But, he heads up to see the boss is already raised its weapon, about to deal another blow on him to knock him down for sure. Body frozes as he stares at it, hopeless.

Oathkeeper: ...

That's it... I'm done for....







He hears a shout in top volume.

Koharu: NO!!!!!!


Koharu already cut in between them with fast speed. Blocking its attack with her dagger. But the size of the boss's blade has overwhelmed hers so she hits the blade several times in very fast motion to parry it. Oathkeeper stares at her, who is defending him for the very first time.

Oathkeeper: Koharu...

She hears he is calling her name out, Koharu goes to his aid. Holding him onto her arms.

Koharu: You okay!?

He points out to the fruit on the ground. She hands him a bottle of Elixir instead. He grabs it and gulps it down. Its effect recovers both of his HP and Stamina entirely. She gazes at him and hugs him tight..

Koharu: I'm not gonna lose you.. Again..

Oathkeeper: !!

He quickly grabs his Sword and blocks the attack in one-handed. He hears Kirito shouting to Asuna as she stabs the boss's back with Shooting Star. He repels back with a strong push and Koharu snaps out from it and releases from the hug, knowing Asuna had joined in.

Koharu: Asuna!

He hears it as well, and rushes to assist The Lightning Flash. He jumps in between and repels back the slash, blocks the punch with the blade of his Sword then retaliates back in Aerial.

Kirito: Stay back!

Asuna: *nod*

She backsteps away while Klein and his crew assist some of the ALF Members.

Klein: Are you alright?

ALF Member: Sorry..

Klein: Say that later! Carry them away!

Furinkazan Crew: Got it!

As the boss noticed another player just joined in, it targets them. But interrupted by Kirito's attack from its behind. It changes its target but then backstabbed by Koharu with Arcane Strike. She dodges away and its blade stuck on the ground. She signals Oathkeeper to switch with her.

Koharu: Switch!!

Oathkeeper: *nod*

He runs along onto the Zanbato. Bounce himself straight up to the Gleam Eyes and headbutts it like a bullet. It flinched and Oathkeeper takes this chance to get behind it. He catches its Cobra tail and bites the Snake without any mercy.

Kirito: Damn...

The boss roars out in pain as he sucks out a few of its HP and recovers his Starvation with Bloodthirst Skill. The Gleam Eyes shakes him off. Oathkeeper lands back and channels his energy onto his Sword, exhaling a deep breath..

Oathkeeper: Haah....

Purple Aura slowly covers the blade entirely, glowing brightly inside the dim room as it is lengthening the blade and turning it whole into a Saber. He officially announces its death.

Oathkeeper: One shall stand...

He swings down the Saber as he slowly walks forward.

Oathkeeper: One shall fall...

He charges towards it, dodges it and jumps, cuts through its waist and dodges again, executes its entire fist. His hand touches the blade, hopping over it as it swings horizontally towards him from the left. He crushes one of its legs, falling down to his knee and head lowers down enough for him. Then, he uppercuts it back. When the boss's HP has one bar left. Kirito notices he's already panting.

Kirito: (I have to help him! If he runs out of it! We won't be able to defeat it ourselves!)

He calls out to him..

Kirito: Hey! Give me 10 seconds, try to hold on!

Oathkeeper heeds his signals and unleashes his 13-Combo Attack in very fast motion, 13th Terror. He starts the combo with an uppercuts followed by four horizontal slashes, then he slashes upward followed by a downward slash. He starts bashing the boss first with a thrusting attack, second with a horizontal slash and then the third one is a horizontal slash as well by using the momentum from the second one to spin around on his foot to continue the next attack. He continues the spin and slashes downwards as the fourth one, grabbing the Sword with both hands during the overhead slash. The fifth one is him leaning back on one foot and jumping forward with another overhead slash. In the finale, he executes his finishing blow during his sideways flip after crouching down with an overhead flipping slash in both hands combined to the Sword. He repels the boss back and switches with Kirito who is about to end the boss fight.

Kirito: Starburst Stream!!

He wields the Elucidator and the Dark Repulser at the same time. Everyone is surprised by the changes of his fighting style.

Klein: What is that Skill!?

But for Oathkeeper, he's not surprised at all..

Oathkeeper: ...

They all witness him taking damage while damaging the boss. He backsteps away from it and Oathkeeper takes his chance to join up with him. They both nod as they charge forward. Three blades are about to stab through the Gleam Eyes like a Trident.


Oathkeeper: ...

Kirito: ...

The boss explodes into millions of fragments.


After the boss fight ends, a Congratulations sign appears in front of them above. It takes Kirito to let out a few words while Oathkeeper is catching his breath heavily.

Kirito: Is it... Over..?

The Black Swordsman just faints completely onto the ground with a few pixel left from his HP Bar, dropping both of his Swords. Oathkeeper calls up to him.

Oathkeeper: Ki.. ri.. to...!

He slowly loses his conscious as his Stamina had reached Zero. He faints onto the ground in the end.


Kirito regains his consciousness, seeing a terrified Asuna crying for him, she shouts as she notices his eyes open.

Asuna: Kirito!

Kirito: Huh?

After getting up, he places his hand onto his head.

Kirito: How long was I unconscious?

She wipes off her tears and quickly hugs him.

Asuna: Just for few seconds... You idiot! You're always doing something so reckless!

He hugs her back and smiles.. After that, he checks the others.

Kirito: Is everyone okay?

The Furinkazan Leader replies back..

Klein: Everyone's okay.. Except...

Everyone turn their sight on Oathkeeper.. Who is now taking care by Koharu.. She knees down, hugging him tightly while his body laying on the ground motionlessly.

Koharu: *Sob!*  *Sob!*

He bursts up flare as he couldn't watch her cry.. Yelling at the Colonel while grabbing his collar.

Klein: What the hell is wrong with you!?! Nothing will change if you just go in there and die!!

The Colonel couldn't stay quiet and defend his pride.

Kobatz: Shut up! You weren't helping at all!! And he's just fainted so that doesn't mean he'll die!!

Klein: Screw you!! Because I have to save your Party Members off from the boss!!

She yells back at him.

Asuna: How can you say that!! He went unconscious because he tried to protect you all! Don't you even have sympathy to him!!?

Kobatz: You youngsters always think you're better than us in the game because you're stronger than us! Screw you all!!

It pisses Kirito off but he suppresses it.

Kirito: Grr....

But their argument pauses as Koharu let out a word...

Koharu: Why...? Why...?

Asuna: Huh?

Then, she screams out top of her lungs. Hatred and sadness overwhelms her.


She dashes towards in her fastest speed. In the next second, she already pinned Kobatz down. A dagger is already raised up in both of Koharu's hands and the sharp blade points at his heart. Everyone was about to step up to stop her.

Kobatz: Wait, don't!

Asuna: Don't do it, Koharu!

Koharu: I already lost him once... And I can't lose him again!!!

As she is about to descend the blade straight to his heart area. Her hands suddenly stopped, she feels like something or someone else is grabbing her hands, refusing her to do something that could dirty both of her hands. Her tears drips down from her face a lot, couldn't get ahold of herself on.

Koharu: *Sob!* *Sob!*

Then, she loses herself in the end as she cries out her pain.. Asuna hugs her to soothe her..

Kirito: ...

Klein: ...

They both silence..

Klein: We failed.. Huh?

Kirito: Yeah.. Even though there's no casualties at all. We sacrificed Koharu's mental health.

They both look Oathkeeper.. Didn't noticed his head had tilted to where Koharu is at all.. But somewhat or somehow, they believed it was him who stopped Koharu in the end..

End Of Chapter...

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