Chapter 11: The Black Figure.
Koharu, Level 122.
Year 2024, March 6th. Aincrad Standard Time, 13:00. Floor 56, Clearer's Base in Pani Village.
The Clearers, the Guild's Elite Members and everyone in the Assault Team were gathered in the Main Town of the Floor 56 for the meeting to discuss about the advancement of the game. In this meeting, Sachi, Keita and the members of the Moonlit Black Cats are joining in the Assault Team for the first time, guided by the top tier player, Koharu. And the Black Swordsman, Kirito.
Sachi: So many players are here...
Keita: Yeah.. I wonder if they're stronger than us..
Koharu: They do.. They're all taking this seriously. Especially after the plan Kirito and Klein both came out with had failed.. Asuna even scolded them because of that and Klein lost his A-class food ingredient in result. I never seen her being so serious about this. It's kinda makes sense since we had attempted the boss fight for several times.
Sachi: Sounds like they're very strict..
Kirito: Take it easy, Sachi. They're just focusing on planning to beat the boss.
Sachi: Yeah, you're right. Kirito.
She leans towards Kirito a bit as she feels safer with him.. Asuna suddenly slams on the table before she explains her newly proposed plan.
Asuna: Lure it to the village! That's how we get the boss!
The group start discussing about whether it works or not. But Kirito refuses the plan.
Kirito: Wait! You can't be serious!? If we do, the boss would go after the Villagers!
Asuna: Yes, that's the idea! And while the boss's busy killing NPCs, we can attack it.. And kill it.
Koharu: But...! They're not just Objects! NPCs are different than rocks and trees. Look, they're-!
The second Commander shuts her up in cold tone.
Asuna: You think they alive? Really?
Koharu: Asuna! How can you say that!? Even if they don't, they're still people, no matter what!
Asuna: Koharu, in this game.. They ARE just objects. And unlike us, if they're killed, they can always respawn. I know you understand..
Koharu: But you're the one who doesn't!
Kirito: Yeah, calm down, Koharu. Sorry, but I'm not cool with that too. And neither for Sachi and Keita as well.
Asuna: I'm running this operation, okay? In case you forgot, I'm still second in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath. You obey my orders. Like it or not?
She glares at Kirito. Sachi panics a bit as Koharu grunts as she couldn't tolerate about her new side abusing with her guild position.
Koharu: ...
Then, a mysterious voice came out.
Oathkeeper: Maybe I'll deal with this... Vice Commander...
Asuna: !!
They all just notice the player in a Black Coat already standing beside Koharu. Some of the top players and other members starts backing off except the Knights of the Blood Oath.
Koharu: Oathkeeper!?
Every players starts talking about him. He looks at Koharu before he faces everyone..
Oathkeeper: Long time no see...
Asuna: What are you doing here?
Oathkeeper: I came here to help out after I heard you all stucked on the field boss. No hard feelings.
But most of the players are afraid or hated the Oathkeeper due to the fact he killed all the Orange Players from Holy Dragon Alliance which is half of the Members are. In results of slowing their progress on clearing the game. But the Knights of the Blood Oath doesn't seem to care about that.
Asuna: Whatever. I hope you won't interfere my operation.
Oathkeeper: I can't say that I won't... Maybe you should abort it. I'll be the one who's about to take care of it. The casualties of the players and the NPCs would be minimise to the least whether I win or lose. Sounds good?
Her voice becomes strict and savage..
Asuna: What are you talking about!? We're all in this together! You think we all just sit back and watch you risk yourself!? Why don't you stop wasting your time and save other player like you always does!? The Assault Team clearly doesn't need your hel-!
He roasts her back..
Oathkeeper: Then why are you all still stucked in Floor 56? Is this even a joke?
Then, the Vice Commander draws out her Rapier.. Pointing at him..
Asuna: Are you trying to look down on me?
He shakes his head as he feels disappointed..
Oathkeeper: It'd be a waste of time. That's what you just said.
Asuna: !!
She got furious and sent a duel invitation to him. The Oathkeeper accepts it gladly. The countdown timer starts..
Asuna: Grr...
The Vice Commander is preparing her fighting stance. The Oathkeeper casually just standing there.. Kirito starts wondering what is he up to..
Kirito: (He's not unsheathing his weapon! Or getting to his stance!)
Oathkeeper: ...
She charges up her Sword Skills.. Everyone was watching them, speechless..
Asuna: Haah!!
Oathkeeper: ...
She unleashes her Aqua Star which is actually a Shooting Star skill with water element. He raises one of his leg in 180 degrees. As he times it perfectly, his leg stomps on the blade of Asuna's Rapier. Deactivates her Sword Skills.
Asuna: What!?
She tries to pull her Rapier off from his leg.
Oathkeeper: I'm not making any fun of you... Nor offending you as well..
He let go of it, she got her Rapier back and sheathes it back. Turning away from him..
Kirito: No way! He's strong!
Koharu: Wow... I don't believe it at all..
Oathkeeper: Anyway, I'm clearing it right now. Maybe I can be like him who cleared 30 Floors all by himself.. Right, Vice Commander..?
She goes silent for a while, then she retorts back as she feels disgraceful about her lose.
Asuna: Fine! Go on then!
He nods..
Oathkeeper: Appreciate it, Vice Commander.
He walks away from the meeting.. Leaving the base alone.. Asuna sighs in frustration.
Asuna: People these days..
Pani Village..
He was heading outside the gate entrance where the field boss is guarding the stairs to the next floor.
Koharu: Hey!
Oathkeeper: ?
Koharu catches up with him.. He turns around, looking down at her cute face that he liked about.
Koharu: Can I tag along? I want to fight the boss with you!
The Oathkeeper sighs quietly.. (Just like the reference how Mandalorian took care of Baby Yoda. ;D)
Oathkeeper: *sigh*
He casually asks her reasons..
Oathkeeper: Why's that?
Koharu: Uhm.. You looked like someone else I used to team up with all the time. I kinda want to recognize this long lost feelings of having a partner again. So...
He refuses her invitation as he decides to deal with this all by himself.
Oathkeeper: No.. Don't go out from this village. I'll deal with the boss, and I'll come back for you..
Koharu: But... I wanna help out.
Oathkeeper: You.. Stay right, here.. You stay.. Don't go anywhere.. You understand?
Koharu: ...
Oathkeeper: Great...
He heads out the village on his own.. Then, Koharu follows him from a far..
Timeskip... Ravine, Outside of Pani Village.
Then, the gate of the village had opened for him and he just notices that she ends up going with him anyway.. Koharu looks at him and smiles..
Koharu: ^^
Oathkeeper: ...
The Oathkeeper faces away and sighs.. Again..
Oathkeeper: *sigh*
She giggles on his reaction..
Koharu: Hehe..!
They both start walking to the Labyrinth along down the Ravine. She asks him about the plan on beating the boss.
Koharu: So... What's the plan, Oathkeeper? You got any?
Oathkeeper: The GeoCrawler is the largest known boss revealed so far, as it is the height of a one-story house and is many times longer. It looks like a legged armored earthworm or serpent. It has large horns and very prominent armor on its shoulders, back, legs, and front. According from Vice Commander, it is practically invincible from the front, since it is impervious to slash, thrust, blunt, and pierce-type attacks. Its main weak point is its soft-looking belly, but due to its massive size and narrow valley terrain, it is extremely difficult to target.
Koharu: Yeah.. I kinda heard about the details already.. How are we gonna do with just the both of us?
He takes out a flute and she got curious..
Koharu: A flute?
Oathkeeper: With my Musical Instruments Skill, I'll play a lullaby to put it to sleep.
Koharu: Oh! Then we can attack it!
Oathkeeper: No.. I have to flip it upside down first so it'll be easy for us to target the belly.
Koharu: Good idea! Hope we can make it works!
Oathkeeper: The GeoCrawler should be just up ahead. Try not to let your guard down.
Koharu: What about you?
Oathkeeper: ...
It took him a few seconds to reply back..
Oathkeeper: I'll look after myself.. And you.. Don't do anything foolish..
Koharu: Okay, Roger that!
As they both head to the lair of the field boss, ground shaking and a giant earthworm start charging towards them..
Koharu: It's coming to us!
The Oathkeeper unsheathes his Sword and rushes to the field boss. As they are about to clash up, he slides through the front and jumps from under it. He performs several upper slashes from the underneath and knocks it upside down entirely, with the Skill of Vertigo Toss. He backsteps away from the boss and takes out the flute, start playing the Lullaby for it to sleep.. Koharu is amazed by his performance.
Koharu: (Wow... This is my first time seeing him in action..)
As he finishes the music, he signals Koharu from a far to come over to defeat the boss.
Koharu: Okay!
She takes out her dagger and rushes towards the boss to join up with the Oathkeeper who is just started damaging it.
Oathkeeper: Haah!
Koharu: Hyaaah!
They both jump up high from walls and join up together, forming like a huge Javelin is about to descend on its belly from the sky.
They both land on the ground perfectly, the boss screams from its awake and burst into polygons. Koharu celebrates their win.
Koharu: We did it! I can't believe it worked out perfectly!
Oathkeeper: Maybe it's not that bad having you around..
Koharu: Well, what do you think of me now?
Oathkeeper: Still need to stay in the village.
After hearing, she pouts cutely..
Koharu: You're so mean...
After the battle, they got all the rare drops from the boss. He decides to sell it elsewhere but Koharu suggested something else.
Koharu: Why don't we give it to the Weapons Merchant?
Oathkeeper: Why's that?
Koharu: I know someone who's in need in Floor 48! Shall we go?
Oathkeeper: ...
Timeskip... Floor 48, Lindarth City.
Koharu brought him to medieval village-town themed city. Due to the waterways and canals running beside the houses and with the waterwheels can be used to power large-scale devices. It makes the town ideal for support-class shops like Bakeries, Tailor Shops and Smith Shops. They both arrived at and enter the Lisbeth's Smith Shop.
Koharu: Hey!
The owner recognizes her voice immediately..
Lisbeth: Oh! It's you, Koharu! Nice to see you again!
As she sees the Oathkeeper is behind her. She got shocked by him as she heard the rumor of him.
Lisbeth: It's that him!? The one what everyone's being calling him the Oathkeeper!?
Koharu: Uhm.. Yeah! We fought the field boss in Floor 56. And we're about to give the rare items to you. Oathkeeper, this is Lisbeth! The owner of this place!
Lisbeth pulls her to whisper in their conversation..
Lisbeth: Are you really a friend of his!?
Koharu: Uhm... Not really. I met him during the meeting.
Lisbeth: Are you crazy!? He's a Player Killer! He wiped out half of the Holy Dragon Alliance!
They both stare at the Oathkeeper who is just walking around and browsing the shop's weapons casually..
Koharu: Lisbeth.. I think you got the wrong idea.. He only targets Orange Players and Red Players. Plus, he's not shadier than the members of the Holy Dragon Alliance who does anything to get what they want. And please don't say that he tries to get rid of us all..
She stops and snaps her out from it..
Lisbeth: Oh! Sorry.. I was freaking out that I could see him out in the open like this.. I mean, didn't he always hide inside the dark?
Koharu: Not always tho.. You see, he came and saved me while getting a rare item with my friends in Floor 47.
Lisbeth: No way..! I can't believe it!
Then, the Black Coat Player asks..
Oathkeeper: What type of swords you made?
She stutters a bit..
Lisbeth: Oh uhm.. I made Speed-type Sword mostly so the players can easily wield it without having trouble with its weight.
Oathkeeper: I see.. That's good to think about for the others..
Lisbeth: Uh..! Thanks for the compliment! Huh?
She notices the Sword at his back. She got curious as she never seen this before..
Lisbeth: Uhm.. Oathkeeper-san?
Oathkeeper: ?
Lisbeth: Can I have a look at your sword?
Oathkeeper: ...
His aura makes her body start shaking as she scares.. He takes out the sword and hands it to her in both hands.
Oathkeeper: Here you go..
He drops the sword onto her hands to let her test the weight of it.
Lisbeth: Eeeoww!
The weight of the Sword pins both of her hands onto the table counter, flattening her hands despite of she tries to lift it up.
Lisbeth: Take it out!
He grabs it and puts it back down like it's a feather for him..
Oathkeeper: My apologies..
Koharu: Yeah! Sorry about that, Liz!
Lisbeth: Just what kind of Sword is this!?
She taps onto the Sword's detail icon, it shows the name but the stats are unknown.
Lisbeth: Dark General's Sword... A Magic Sword but the stats are unknown.. Where did you get it?
Oathkeeper: A boss drop from the Dark Castle.. That's all I can say..
Lisbeth: So it's from Boss Raid, huh?
Oathkeeper: Can I have it back now?
Lisbeth: No, I have to check its value at least!
She taps at the sell icon. She got surprised by its value.
Lisbeth: Holy cow.. Just how rare is it!?
Koharu: What do you mean?
Lisbeth: It can be sold with 3,000,000 Col!
Koharu: *Gasp*
Oathkeeper: Can I have it back now?
She gulps as she couldn't think of paying him back if she breaks the Sword. The Oathkeeper tries to ask her service.
Oathkeeper: Anyway, mind if you refine it to "+A"? With these High-Purity Orichalcums?
She refuses it immediately..
Lisbeth: No! No! My refining skill isn't high enough for that much! Plus, I don't have enough to Col to pay back if I break your sword! ^^"
Oathkeeper: ...
Koharu: It's okay, you're strong enough already!
He sighs as he shakes his head in disappointment..
Oathkeeper: *sigh*
His sigh makes the atmosphere even embarrassing for them. Koharu quickly suggests something else..
Koharu: Well, why don't we take a walk around here, Oathkeeper? Maybe we can visit some of the popular Bakeries in this town!
Oathkeeper: No.. I should proceed to the next floor. The Clearers must be up there already..
Koharu: Oh! Yeah, right! We should go on to them!
Oathkeeper: No.. You stay, right here.
Koharu: *Pouts*
She ends up going with him, again. She giggles about his soft side towards her..
Koharu: I know you can't really deny me from going out with you, Oathkeeper. ^^
He sighs..
Oathkeeper: *sigh*
1 month later...
They both had been teamed up on the front lines. Then, the pair finally reached Floor 59 in one piece.
Year 2024, April 11th. Aincrad Standard Time, 13:00. Floor 59, Danac.
They both were sitting under the tree as today is the nicest season in Aincrad. Koharu was leaning against the Oathkeeper, smiling and sleeping soundly while he leans himself against the tree, enjoy looking at her who is snuggling onto his chest like a kawaii baby. Then, several members of Holy Dragon Alliance just went passed them.
HDA Member: Holy cow, would you look at them..
HDA Member: Even the Oathkeeper is protecting the Top tier. Look at them lovey-dovey.
He glares at them with just a slightest moving of his head. Scaring the members away.
HDA Member: Eek!
HDA Member: You're trying to get us killed!? Run!
They ran away.. Then, couple minutes later, a Sleep Player Killer attempts to begin a duel with Koharu while she's napping. Before he could even touch her. A hand grabs onto his arm. A needle with poison substance pricks onto his pulse. Causing the Player Killer to lose his mobility completely.
Player Killer: Huh!?
Oathkeeper: You're going against me...
His other hand toggles the menu and send a duel invitation to him, then forcing him to move his finger to the "Accept" button slowly.
Player Killer: No! No! No! Nooo!!!!
Oathkeeper: Omae wa mou shindeiru...
It took him 3 seconds to defeat the killer..
Koharu: Huh?
She just got awoke by the commotion.. She looks at the Oathkeeper who is sleeping as well.
Koharu: I swear that I heard something... *Yawn* I guess never mind..
Then, she goes back to sleep like nothing happened..
Oathkeeper: *Deep breath of relief*
They both take their nap for almost 4 hours.
Aincrad Standard Time, 17:00...
It is evening now and the weather still at its fine parameters. Koharu just woke up on her own, drooling and notices the Oathkeeper is holding her gently, sleeping with his dark hood. She got blushed instantly..
Koharu: Eh!? *Blush*
After freaking out a short while, she got curious about what his face looks like.
Koharu: (I haven't look at his face yet for a month! I'm so curious what he really looks like!)
Her hand moves towards his hood to reveal his face. She got nervous and blushes a lot.
Koharu: (I shouldn't do that to him.. But I feel I want to.. Maybe just a peek would be fine..)
As she is about to touch the hood. His head suddenly moves and he awakes..
Oathkeeper: Good morning..
It shocks her immediately..
Koharu: Ah! You scared me!
Oathkeeper: My apologies.. Did you have a good nap?
Koharu: Well.. It was nice and refreshing! You must be had a great nap after we've been through together!
The last 5 words of her sentence triggers his tragedy past. Same as the moment she said it when they just arrived in Floor 20. He keeps silence.. She suddenly feels a bit bad for what she had said..
Oathkeeper: ...
Koharu: Sorry, did I said something wrong?
Oathkeeper: No.. It was indeed.. A nice nap..
She gets out from his chest and he stands up, about to leave from the tree with her. She still feels bad about what she said as she follows behind him..
Koharu: ...Yeah..
Then, someone interrupts them.. They both turn around and see Asuna is with Kirito who is scratching his head, smiling nervously.
Asuna: What are you two doing this whole day? Everyone's been working their butts off clearing and mapping the dungeons!
Koharu: Uhm...
He interupts her as he stands up for her..
Oathkeeper: Just a nap.. Won't hurt a bit unless you're still sensitive as ever..
Asuna: Oh come on! Who do you think I am!? Do you have any respect for me ever since you showed up!?
Kirito: I think you two should stop arguing. Remember what you came for.
Asuna: Yeah I do, I was about to apologize to Koharu for what I said in Floor 56. Sorry about that.
Koharu: Uhm.. It's okay, Asuna.. Besides, we wouldn't reached this far if he didn't show up. Not to mention we don't even have any casualties so far.
Kirito: Yeah, all thanks to him..
Asuna: Ahem!
Kirito: And her too. ^^"
Koharu: Yeah! ^^"
Oathkeeper: *sigh*
Koharu: So..? Are we okay? And what are you two gonna do right now?
She smiles..
Asuna: We're fine, Koharu. And I'm treating Kirito a meal for the dinner because of he protected me while I fell asleep.
Oathkeeper: Not saying you're napping as well?
Asuna: Do we still wanna talk about that?
Oathkeeper: Just saying, Vice Commander..
She got uncomfortable with the name he just gave to her..
Asuna: Grr...
Timeskip... Floor 57, Marten Town.
They all went for the dinner. All Tourists Players in the restaurant start looking at them as their fame drew their attention to them and it makes Koharu, Kirito and Asuna very nervous except for the Oathkeeper. Whispering to each other, gossiping like mad.
Male Player 1: No way, is today's celebrities day off!? The beautiful Top tier player, Koharu from the Moonlit Black Cats. The Lightning Flash, Asuna from the Knights of the Blood Oath and the Assassin of the Orange Guild and Red Guild, Oathkeeper.
Male Player 2: And who's that shady guy dressed in black?
Male Player 1: You mean Oathkeeper?
Male Player 2: No! The other guy!
He points to Kirito..
Male Player 1: Oh? I have no idea..
Their whispering become even loud that the four of them can hear them from a far. The Oathkeeper just glance at them and because his cursor is red, everyone just quickly turn back like nothing happened.
Asuna: Looks like your fame scared them off.
Oathkeeper: ...
Koharu: At least it won't get me nervous anymore. My heart is going to explode from all the embarrassment.
Kirito: Yeah..
She thanks Kirito..
Asuna: Well anyway, thank you.. For today..
Kirito: For what?
Asuna: For keeping an eye out on me..
Kirito: Oh.. Sure..
She sighs..
Asuna: The town's are supposed to be safe zones and unless you agreed to a duel. The player can attack what kills you. But when you're asleep, you're vulnerable..
Koharu: I heard about that.. It's terrible. I'm glad Oathkeeper's with me.
Kirito: Yeah.. Now we got Player Killers who can cheat the duel system. Duels are normally supposed to be a test of strength, not fight to the death. But even if you duel in a safe zone, your HP still gonna go down based on the damage you take.
Asuna: All Sleep PKers has to do is to manipulate the sleeping player's finger to click the "OK" button. The duel begans like normal, but the Sleep PKer's doing all the attacking. God knows how many times it happens..
Koharu: I wonder Lai is aware of that.. But you'll deal with this issues, right Oathkeeper?
Oathkeeper: ...I'll look around.. These guys won't get away from this.. And he'll be fine..
Asuna: Hope you don't kill the wrong one..
Oathkeeper: I'm not like you who's just manipulating people around and let the NPCs killed by the mobs. Just like the other Monster PKers would do.
She slams the table..
Asuna: Say what!?
Then, someone screams out panic...
???: Ahhh!!!
All: !?
The Oathkeeper stand up and run off to where the scream is.
Koharu: What is that!?
Asuna: I don't know.. But sounds like someone's in trouble.
The rest follow him to the Plaza. As they arrived at the scene. Everyone just witnessing a player in his plate armor been hanging up with his neck tied by the rope, with a crimson blade stabbed in his plate chest armor. Kirito and Asuna both head over to the player.
Kirito: Hurry! Pull it out!
Asuna: I'll cut him down! You catch him!
Koharu: We should help him before he dies!
As she is about to go over to support them, the Oathkeeper stops her.
Koharu: Wha-!? What are you doing!? There's no time to waste!
Oathkeeper: ...Something's wrong.. But you have to trust me.
Koharu: Eh?
Oathkeeper: Do you or not?
Koharu: Uhm.. But the player's in danger and we can't ignore him!
Oathkeeper: *sigh* Well.. It can't be helped.. But.. (Did they really made a move? Just like Griselda said?)
He rushes into the building where Asuna entered to save the Player. He struggles to pull out the Spear while catching breath he can. Then, he loses his conscious and burst into polygons. Everyone witness his death in the Safe Zone with their own eyes.
Koharu: *gasp!*
Kirito: No!
They both heard the burst while they rush to the top inside the tower...
Asuna: We're late..
Oathkeeper: Search this tower and don't let anyone escape!
Asuna: Got it!
Kirito: (The only way could've die in the Safe Zone, is getting beaten in the duel! That means..!)
He looks around and shouts.
Kirito: Everyone! Look for the player with the Winner Icon!
Everyone start looking each other but no one's with the Winner Icon at all.. Asuna came out from the balcony.
Asuna: The room's empty! No one's here!
Koharu: No way! There must be someone else who's behind this!
Kirito: We better catch up with them and discuss.
Koharu: Right!
Kirito and Koharu both storm up the tower and catch up with them.. All seeing a rope attached to the wooden pole.
Kirito: So any idea how could this happen?
Asuna: Well, there always the obvious.. There was a duel and the other guy impaled the victim with that spear then he put a noose around his neck and pushed him out the window. Wouldn't you say that's about right?
Koharu: I don't get the reasons tho. Why would he accept the duel if he knows it's gonna kill him?
Kirito: Let's not dwell or figure out the reasons why.. But I couldn't see any player with the Winner Icon on around outside.
Asuna: It had to be a duel. It's a Safe Zone and a player died. A duels the only thing it could have been.
She looks at the rope and rethinks it..
Asuna: ...Maybe not.. Either way, we can't ignore this, I know as it is a player takes huge risks going outside a safe zone but if someone's found a way to PK inside...
Koharu: No one's going to be safe in the town either..
Asuna: That's what I think..
Kirito: You're right... We have to solve this out.
Asuna: I guess we won't be going back to the front lines anytime soon.
Koharu: I wonder if he can figure it out tho. Right Oathkeeper?
They all notice he isn't with them anymore.. A note left on the ground and he picks it up.
Kirito: A note?
Koharu: What is it?
Kirito: He tries to tell you to stay in Floor 48.. I guess he's on the case now.
Asuna: It's better if we leave him alone and find our way to solve this. You're joining us, Koharu?
Koharu: Uhm... Sure but..
Asuna: Never mind.. Koharu.. You must've been scared but we got this. You should follow his advice and stay in Floor 48 with her.
Koharu: Are you sure you two gonna be fine?
Kirito: Don't worry about us.. If it's Lai you're worrying about, he must've been aware of this.
Koharu: Oh.. Okay..! I guess good luck you two. Please be safe!
Asuna: You too..
She takes out the Teleport Crystal and shouts the town's name.
Koharu: Teleport: Lindarth!
She got teleported and both of them can now relief from without involving her to the murder case.
Kirito: Hope she's fine..
Asuna: The Weapons Merchant will take care of her. Anyway, listen..
Kirito: Huh?
Her hands raise to him.
Asuna: You're going to work with me until we solve this thing. Until we do, there won't be anytime for napping, okay?
He agrees immediately..
Kirito: Okay but you're the one who's napping.
Asuna: !!
As soon as she heard that, she crushes his hand.
Kirito: Oww!!
The player in a black coat meet up with someone at the alley where they can hide in the shadows from the others. Seeing Kirito and Asuna interrogating one of the Golden Apple members, Yolko.
Oathkeeper: Did you enjoyed the view?
Then, the Leader of the Golden Apple shows up.. Equipped with black hood to hide her identity.
Griselda: Everything they planned just what I've expected from their craftiness. But they took the risky way to lure out the masterminds.
Oathkeeper: Imbeciles... They almost terrified everyone away.
Griselda: Sorry about that.. I'll make it up for you somehow. But now, Caynz had faked his death. So I guess.. You think Yolko will do the same as well?
Oathkeeper: If it means luring him out to force him telling the truth about reasons for killing you. Then, it worths a shot.
She tightens her fists and slams against the wall, prompted the (Immortal Object) pop-up to appear.
Griselda: I just don't understand.. Why they're trying to get rid of me just for a ring..
He thinks for a while.. For him, just a ring only boosts the Agility to 20. It doesn't worth for him or comparing with the Xmas Ring he gave to Koharu even if it's an rare item drop from the lizard mobs.
Oathkeeper: ...Maybe not.. Anyway, do you know where that spear came from?
Griselda: No idea.. And they took it with them. How are we supposed to find out?
Oathkeeper: I know he'll bring it to someone else with Appraisal Skill in Floor 50.
Griselda: You do?
Oathkeeper: You're coming or not? You can stay hidden if you wanna keep yourself low.
Griselda: No, I wanna find out who made that. That is the only solid clue we have.
Oathkeeper: ...Let's get going then..
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time, 20:00. Floor 50, Algade.
After seeing Kirito and Asuna had left the shop for a while, they both arrived at the door.
Oathkeeper: You ready?
Griselda: Let's get in..
They entered the store and the door bell rings Agil that someone comes in. He welcomes them as he sets his sight on them.
Agil: Welcome to the-!
His black coat and the Sword on his back reminds Agil about his legend.
Agil: Oathkeeper!? What brings you here!?
Oathkeeper: Long time no see..
Agil: Huh? Did we met before?
Both of his hands grab onto his dark hood. Pulling out and revealing his face to him. His eyes widened as he recognizes the long lost face.
Agil: !!! No-! No way!! You're-!!
Oathkeeper: Forgive me... Agil..
End Of Chapter...
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