Chapter 1: Dive Into The World Of Swords
Year of 2022, November 6th. After the Sword Art Online had released its sales in stores and the SAO Official Service will be started at JST 1:00pm. Lai just got so ready for diving into the Virtual World after watching the long queues outside the Yodohashi game stores via the SAO Live Streaming on the internet.
12:55pm in Lai's Apartment..
Lai: *chuckle* Finally..
He plugs the power source to the cable wall for constantly charging the NerveGear. Also starts running the game Sword Art Online with the game console device. He wears the NerveGear first before laying on the bed. As the system is about to start, he shouts in command..
Lai: Link Start!
His mind got transferred by the NerveGear System and full dive into the Virtual World, Aincrad after the human verification and log in automatically.
Aincrad Standard Time, 13:00 in Town Of Beginning...
As his eyes open, he found himself back in the first Safe Zone with his same avatar. He could tell that this town is fully crowded way up to the Merchant District by the new players, including the ex-beta testers of course. Soon, he remembers someone else that he had made a promise with.
Lai: (Koharu! Wait for me!)
Then, he starts his search for her whereabouts at the Merchant District.
Timeskip in Merchant District..
As he looks around for Koharu, he was shocked by all the player's avatar being well-made which makes them look cooler and younger for their appearances as he takes a quick notice on them. He also overhears some of their conversation as he rushes along.
Male Player 1: Well I told him so it's easy.
Then, he looks to the other side. Where a 17 years old Avatar with yellow dyed leather armor hanging out with 14 years old Cute Loli Avatar with pink one.
Ulrik: Why don't we form a party?
Miyurin: Well, I don't know.. Maybe~
Ulrik: Oh come on! It'll be great! ^^
He rolls his eyes as he pouts..
Lai: *Slight Pout* Really? -_-
While on his way, he bumps into someone else and falls on the ground. A black hair guy with a blue dyed newbie armor who is looks like a 17 years old Avatar as well.
Lai: Ah! Sorry!
Kirito: Oh, sorry about that! Gotta go!
Then, another with long red hair chasing up. Passing Lai without taking a notice on him.
Klein: Hey bro, wait up!
He gets up as he stares at them running to the alleyway in the district.
Lai: Do people actually getting more excited on this than I do?
He looks around for Koharu, but still no signs of her until..
Koharu: Ah! There you are, Lai!
He turns around as he hears the familiar voice. She runs and stops in front of him to catch her breath.
Koharu: Phew! I worked up a sweat! It was hard finding you!
Lai: I guess there's way more people than during the beta. We should've picked a meeting place.
Koharu: For sure. Sooo, I have a favor to ask...
Lai: ?
Koharu: I'm still terrible at fighting and combat! More lessons, please?
Lai: Didn't you fought a lot in the beta?
Koharu: Yeah, but it was two months ago! I afraid my skills had gotten rusty.
Lai: Well, we got time now. So, why not!
Koharu: Thanks!
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time 15:00 In Origin Plains.
They both start grinding out Frenzy Boar for Exp points and Cols. But they got interrupted by someone else in the middle of their training.
Klein: Well, lookie here!
Lai and Koharu: ?
Klein: The name's Klein! And you two seem pretty close on the first day!
She got blushed by his word.
Koharu: Uhm.. It's not like that, actually! ^^" We barely get to know each other well.
Klein: Yeah yeah, I get it. What you doing in the plains?
Lai: We both are in the middle of combat training. Wanna join in?
Klein: Combat training, huh? Well, show me what you got, lady.
Koharu: Okay!
She is about to unleash a Reaver Skill straight towards the Frenzy Boar. But it notices and charges to her direction. She barely dodges that and falls into the ground.
Klein: Oof.. You got zero clue how to move.
Koharu: Ouch! That was unexpected!
She got up to her feet. Klein took a quick peek on her a bit revealed bottom.
Klein: (Nice!)
Koharu: Don't look! You pervert! ><"
Lai: *Sweatdropped* Her skills sures looks rusty after two months.
Klein: Ahaha! Sorry.. Oh! Maybe Kirito will help out!
Lai: ?
Koharu: Who's Kirito?
Klein: Well! He's just up there!
After Lai and Koharu follow Klein, he introduced his buddy to them..
Klein: This here's Kirito.
Kirito: Huh?
His arm place on the other side of Kirito's shoulder.
Klein: So, Kirito my boy... Do you mind showing this cutie how to fight?
Lai: You know I'm on it, right?
Kirito: Yeah.. Go help them by yourself, Klein.. And seriously, "my boy"? Lame.
Klein: If you don't.. She'll just keep falling on her butt!
Koharu: Klein! Don't go telling everyone about that! ><"
Klein: Oops, my bad! Ha, ha.
Lai: ...
Kirito: Fine.. Fine.. So what's your name?
Koharu: Oh.. It's Koharu..
Kirito: And you..
Lai: The name's Lai!
Kirito: Oh, I saw you in the district.
Lai: Yeah, I remembered that. Looks like you're excited as everyone do.
Kirito: That's right. It's really good to be back in this Virtual World here.
Koharu: So you're a beta tester too?
Kirito: Yeah.
Koharu: Me too! And Lai as well!
Kirito: Nice! Shall we start the training?
Koharu: Okay!
Kirito: Yeah, like that.
Koharu: Like this?
After some leveling under Kirito's guidance, she successfully unleashes the Reaver Skill in a proper motion towards the targets. Killing multiple Frenzy Boars in the a row.
Lai: Not bad.
Koharu: Okay, I think I'm getting back the hang of it!
Kirito: Alright, what about you, Lai?
Lai: I'm fine on my own. Just watch her and don't let her fall all over again.
Koharu: Geez.. Seriously, I'm doing way better than my last time!
Timeskip... Aincrad Standard Time 17:10..
Kirito: Alright, I guess the training's over. It's 5:10pm.
Klein: Yeah, such perfect timing tho.
Lai: What do you mean?
Then, a growl comes from Klein's stomach.
Klein: I'm really hungry right now after all this. I have to log out.
Lai: Too bad the food you eat here can only satisfy your hunger virtually.
Klein: Yeah for real, that's why I had ordered my Teriyaki Mayo Pizza for 5:30pm!
Koharu: Wow! You're so prepared!
Klein: You know it! Besides, the game can wait until I get my pizza on!
As Koharu and Klein sitting, watching the evening view while Lai and Kirito standing behind them. Lai asks..
Lai: Hey Kirito, mind if I ask how far you got in the beta?
Kirito: Uhm.. Two months ago, I couldn't get further to Floor A. But for now, I can get into there within a month. Easy.
Lai: Sounds to me that you're really into it.
Kirito: Yeah, you could say that.
He unsheathed his sword. Staring at his blade.
Kirito: During the beta test. SAO was the only thing on my mind. Day and night. In this World, a single blade can take you anywhere that you want to go. Although it's a Virtual World, I feel more alive than I ever did in the real one.
Lai: All thanks to Akihiko Kayaba, right?
Kirito: Yeah, I'm kinda like a fan of his. His creation was a success.
Lai: Guess you can say that again! He's a real deal genius for our generations!
He chuckles..
Kirito: Yeah, of course! So hey, Lai..
Lai: Hm?
Kirito: So how did you know Koharu? I can tell that she's like very new to the full dive system and the game itself. Just like Klein.
Lai: Well... During the beta test, I met her wandering in the Labyrinth in Floor 1. I couldn't just ignore her so I brought her out to here. Training and leveling with mobs until the beta test close. And it's not only her first full dive into Virtual World. SAO was the very first video game that she had ever played.
Kirito: Really? Then you gotta cherish her and lead her in the right path.
Lai: Yeah.. Wait.. What do you mean "cherish her"?
Kirito: Aren't you two dating?
Lai: Not really. Plus, this is a RPG game. Not dating Sims.
Kirito: *chuckle* Yeah, I know right.
Lai: But you're right about one thing. I have to make sure that I'll take a good care of her in this World. I hope that I'll lead her to the right path with my influence, both virtually and reality.
Kirito: That's really nice of you.
Lai: Thanks, Kirito. Wanna be friend?
Kirito: Uhm...
Lai: It's cool if you don't want to. But if you do, Koharu will be happy with that. Because the more the merrier!
Kirito: Yeah, sorry. Thanks anyway.
Lai: No pressure. Besides, I should do all the thanks after you helped Koharu in your training.
Kirito: Yeah..
Lai: One of these days I'll be back with all your help, virtually that is!
Kirito: Yeah, right.
Lai: Thanks for everything. Really.
Kirito: *chuckle* Guess I'll see you around then. If there's anything else you wanna know. Message me.
He says with full confidence.
Lai: Of course I will! That would be sweet!
Koharu turns around to face Lai.
Koharu: So are you gonna log out?
Lai: Yeah! I promise I'll meet you again, Koharu!
Koharu: Hehe.. Okay!
As Lai and Koharu are about to head back to the Town Of Beginning to log out. Klein suddenly got an issue.
Klein: Eh?
Lai and Kirito: ?
Koharu: What's wrong?
He toggles his main menu to the settings.. Searching for something else.
Klein: That's weird.. Where's the Log out button?
Kirito: It should be bottom of the main menu.
Lai opens his main menu and taps the setting.. He gasps a bit..
Lai: No, Kirito. Something's wrong with the Log out button.
Kirito: Huh?
He takes a look at Lai's menu. Only to see a translucent icon with no words.
Klein: So what? Is this the first day of the beta? It gotta some bug. I bet the server people are freaking out right now.
Koharu: Uhm.. You will too.. Klein, look at the time.
Klein opens the menu, the time is now 17:25..
Klein: Oh my God.. My Teriyaki Mayo Pizza is gonna be cold!
Kirito: Why don't you just contact the game master?
Klein: Huh.. Yeah, I did that but nothing's happening. He's not picking up.
Lai: Maybe he's busy working on it.
Klein: I don't know but hey, did you know there's another way to log out this thing?
Lai No.. The only way to do that in SAO. Is by going through the menu.
Kirito: Correct..
Klein: No way! That can't be right! There's gotta be some other way out!
Then, he starts doing the Log out action.
Klein: Return! Log out! Escape!
With those moves, nothing's happen to Klein..
Koharu: That's not gonna work either.
Lai notices that she's panicking..
Kirito: Told you so.. And there's no emergency Log out button in the menu either.
Klein: No way, you're kidding.. I know! I'll just pull the NerveGear off my head.
Kirito: Don't bother, with our minds in our avatar. There's no way we can control our body from the real world.
Lai: Kirito, I don't like where it's going but.. Don't tell me we're just temporarily stuck in here and waiting for someone from the outside world to get us out?
Kirito: Or waiting for someone else in the real world to take the NerveGear off. Forcefully logging out you out in that way. That's it.
Lai: *gulp* My parents work oversea so I live alone..
Klein: Me too. You?
Kirito: I got a mom and a sister. They would probably notice by dinner tim..
Klein got worked up and grabs Kirito's shoulder forcefully by the word of "sister".
Klein: You got a sister! What does she like!?
Kirito: She's into sports and hate games. She's totally not your type man! She wouldn't date a gamer like you.
Klein: Who cares!? I want he-
Before he could finish, Kirito kicks his nuts and Klein flinches back on the ground.
Koharu: You know you can't feel any pain in this game.
Klein: Oh yeah, getting kick in the balls doesn't feel pain at all.
Lai: Guys! This is serious! Don't you think this is weird!?
Kirito: Yeah, he's right.
Klein: Totally, but it just a bug.
Kirito: This isn't just a bug. If we can't log out, it's gonna cause some serious problems to the game.
Lai: Yeah guess you're right.
Kirito: I wonder if the developers even know what's happening. Because they can just shut down the server and log everyone out.
Lai: But why are they haven't make an announcement?
Klein: ...
Clouds been speeding up. Then, a bell from the Town Of Beginning has just rang.
*Gong!* *Gong!* *Gong!*
Koharu: A.. A bell?
Lai: ...
Kirito: Huh?
All of their avatars start glowing in blue light and immediately disappear in the Plains.
Aincrad Standard Time 17:35 in Town Of Beginning.
All four of them just got teleported back in the Town in an instant. Along with every single player who got teleported here as well. Other people start chatting.
Miyurin: Uhm... Did you know what's going on?
Ulrik: Uh-Uh..
Back to them..
Kirito: Someone forced to teleport us here.
Lai: And everyone's here.. What could it be?
Koharu: Huh..? Look up there!
They all look up, there's a red particle flashing on the sky. Then, it starts spreading out like a plague and cover the whole sky.
Lai: The sky's red.. And system announcement?
Blood drips out from gap of the system.. start forming up into a certain shape.
Klein: What the hell is that thing?
Then, lightning flashes around and the blood forms up into a huge, mysterious red hooded guy floating on the sky..
Male Player 1: Is that the game master?
Male Player 2: Why doesn't he have a face?
Male Player 3: Is this an event?
As everyone are being curious, Miyurin hugs Ulrik's arm as "she" scared.
Miyurin: I'm scared!
Ulrik: Don't worry. It's just a part of the opening ceremony.
Back to them...
Lai: I don't think it's an opening ceremony at all.
Koharu: Yeah. Not with that horror theme.
???: Attention, players. I welcome you to my "world".
Kirito: What's he mean by that?
???: My name is Akihiko Kayaba and as in this moment. I'm in control of this world.
Kirito: !?
Female Player: Seriously?
Male Player: Wow.. I don't believe that.
Klein: Such entrance like that..
Akihiko Kayaba: I'm sure that the most of you had already notice that an item is missing from the main menu. The Log out button. But I assure you that this isn't a defect of the game. I repeat, this is not a defect. This is how Sword Art Online was designed to be.
Most of them got dumbfounded.. Including them..
Lai and Klein: He's kidding, right?
Kirito: No.. He's serious..
Akihiko Kayaba: You cannot log yourself out of SAO. And no one from the outside will be able to shut down or remove the NerveGear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the NerveGear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull. Destroying your brain and ending your life.
Koharu: *Gasps*
Lai: Wha-!?
Female Player: What are you talking about!?
Male Player: Come on! That such an BS!
Then, someone got blocked by invisible barrier..
Ulrik: Ow! Hey! I can't get out!
Klein: Hmph.. Are you listening to this crap? He's gotta be nuts, right Kirito?
Kirito: He's dead serious, the transmitter in the NerveGear is just like microwaves. It's the safety disable that could fry your brain.
Lai: Couldn't someone like.. Cut the power or?
Kirito: That wouldn't work. The NerveGear got eternal battery..
Lai and Koharu: *Gasp!*
Klein: Gah! This is crazy! It's just crazy!
Akihiko Kayaba: Despite my warning, the families and friends of some other players had attempted removing the NerveGear. An unfortunate decision to say the least. As a result, the game has now 213 less players from what it began. They all got deleted from both Aincrad and the real world.
Koharu: 213!?
Klein: No way! I can't believe it!
Lai: Oh God.. I just remember that my parents just return back home today. Don't tell me..
Kirito: Hope they saw the warning.
Lai: No, I wrote something else on the paper.
Kirito: What is it?
In real world..
A paper tagged on Lai's NerveGear and his parents just read it.
Joyce: Uhm... What should we do?
Vincent: Ugh.. Just wait for the announcements from the medics.
Back to Aincrad..
Kirito: Is that gonna work?
Lai: Well, it's safety first so they won't do that! ^^"
Kirito: Yeah hope so.. "chuckles"
Akihiko Kayaba: As you can see, international media outlets had round the block covers of everything, including the deaths. At this point, it's safe to us soon unlikely but the NerveGear's been removed is minimum at best. I hope this would bring a little comfort for you to clear the game.
Kirito: Ugh.
Akihiko Kayaba: It's important to remember the following. There's no longer anyway to revive someone in the game. If your HP drops to zero. Your avatar will be deleted from the system, forever.
Lai: ...
Akihiko Kayaba: And the NerveGear will simultaneously destroy your brain.
Kirito: !?
Akihiko Kayaba: There's one way for a player to escape now. You must clear the game.
Lai: ...
Koharu: ...
Kirito: ...
Klein: ...
He toggles the menu to the World Map.
Akihiko Kayaba: Now you're gathered in Floor 1. The lowest level in Aincrad. If you can get to the dungeon and defeat the boss. You make advance to the next floor. Defeat the boss on Floor 100 and you'll clear the game.
Female Player: What is he talking about!?
Ulrik: What should we believe any crap you're saying?
Klein: We can't clear 100 Floors. That's freaking impossible. Even the beta testers never make it that high!
Akihiko Kayaba: Last but not least, I had a little hope show to present for the sake of you all.
His hand makes a mysterious command.
Lai: What does that mean?
Koharu: Lai! Your Avatar!
Lai: Huh!?
Kirito: He's gonna teleport him!
Klein: I got you, homie!
He hugs him to avoid Lai from being teleported. His Avatar starts glowing before teleported to somewhere and escapes from Klein's.
Klein: Damn it..!
Koharu: No! Lai!
Soon, he found himself still in the Town but he's in a huge, empty circle surrounded by invisible barrier which players can't access through and everyone just looking at him.
Lai: What the hell..?
Akihiko Kayaba: Now the shows begin..
Several Frenzy Boars from the Labyrinth are spawned in the Circle and surrounded Lai. He unsheathes his Bronze Sword to prepare for the attacks. Some boars start charging to him at the same time. He dodges roll away from them and blocks and parries a boar's horn attack. It suddenly changes its target as soon as it notices a player with red gear. Lai notices it..
Lai: Oh that's your weak point, huh?
He counters his attack back at the boar with 3 basic slash moves with his one-handed sword. He backsteps away and slash another boar with Slant Sword Skill, cutting it in half. Then, a big horizontal slash that cut several boars out in a row. Soon, all the Frenzy Boars are defeated and now barrier is down.
Akihiko Kayaba: That was quite entertaining, player. So last but not least, I had placed a special item in the storage in every players. Please have a look.
Everyone including Lai, Koharu, Klein and Kirito all check their item storage and just found out that there's a mysterious mirror. Kirito takes it out and observes.
Kirito: Huh? A mirror?
Klein: Ugh!? Ah!!!
Klein's avatar has suddenly glowing up as it starts changing completely..
Kirito: Klein!
Then, Kirito and all other players in the town are getting changed as well. As the glowing blue light dims down, everyone's avatar is now different from it was. Except for Lai and Koharu.
Klein: You okay, Kirito?
Kirito: Yeah..
Koharu: Uhm... Who are you?
Kirito: Huh Koharu? What do you mean "Who are you"?
He looks at Koharu who didn't get changed a bit by the mirror. But as he looks to Klein, instead of him. He just saw a random guy.
Kirito: Wait, who are you?
Klein: I'm me, who're you?
Then, he looks back at his mirror and shocked. Same goes for everyone.
Ulrik: Son of a..! You're a guy!?
Miyurin: You're not seventeen!?
Kirito: Wait a sec..
Kirito and Klein: Is that you Kirito/Klein!?
Klein: But how!?
Kirito: The scan.. There's a high density signal device inside the NerveGear rig. It can see what my face looks like. But how is it know my height and body type?
Klein: When you first put the NerveGear on. It has do the calibration thing. It asks to touch your body all over like this, remember?
Kirito: Oh yeah.. You're right, that's what it got our physical data.
Koharu: So that's how you two looks like in real life?
Klein: Yeah but how come you didn't get changed at all?
Koharu: When I was first playing SAO during the beta test. The system asks me if I wanna make my own avatar. But instead of that, I choose the avatar based on what I looked like in the real life.
Kirito: So that's why... But what about Lai?
Koharu: I don't know.. He didn't tell me what he looks like.
Klein: But this is.. What's the point!? Why would anyone do this to us!?
Kirito points towards the red hooded mysterious guy.
Kirito: I think he's about to tell us..
Akihiko Kayaba: Right now. You probably wonder why. Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and NerveGear do this?
Lai: Huh?
Akihiko Kayaba: Ultimately, my goal was a simple one. The reason that I created Sword Art Online, was to control the fate of the world of my design.
Kirito: Kayaba...
Akihiko Kayaba: As you can see, I had achieved my goal.
Kirito: Ugh...
He starts clenching his fist as soon as he hears that..
Akihiko Kayaba: This marks as the end of the tutorial. And the official launch of Sword Art Online. Players, I wish you the best of luck.
His body suddenly disappear to the system barrier and the sky goes back to normal evening. Everyone just went dumbfounded and shocked. Standing there until someone just drop her mirror.
Silica: *Gasp!* My God...! Uwahhh!!!
Her cries snaps everyone out and people starts freaking out. Chaos spread throughout the town. And another girl sitting on the ground, hopelessly.
Lisbeth: ...
Everyone starts pushing everyone as they yell for freedom.
Male Player: Let us out of here!
Female Player: I don't wanna die! Stop messing with us!!
Player: Stop pushing, damn it! Ahhhh!!!
Lai: Oh God..
He backsteps away from the crowd and tries to make a way through them.
Lai: Buzz off!!
He shoves all of them back who stands in his way with all of his strength. Finding his way back to his group and Koharu.
Lai: Koharu, please be safe..!
As he gets a sight of her who is just standing there, confused, scared and uncertain. He rushes to her side as fast as he can before things get ugly.
Lai: There!
He grabs her arm and she got freaked out a bit. But she got calmed as she saw Lai.
Lai: Koharu!
Koharu: *sobs* Lai!
Lai: Are you okay? Let's get you out of here first!
A tear starts forming up in her eyes..
Koharu: We... Can never go home.. We've been trapped in here...
He puts his hand onto her shoulder to console her.
Lai: Let's find some quiet place to settle down first.
Koharu: *Sniff* Okay...
Two of them escape from the crowd to the district..
End Of Chapter...
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