
"If you don't mind, I have one request."

"What is it?"

"I don't plan to go down easily. However, if I were to die here... Until it's cleared... I want you to make sure Asuna, Koharu, Mizoki, and the Hololive Guild can't kill themselves. That goes for Kirito, Sachi, Mito, and everyone else too."

"Oh? Hmph. Very well."

"Dammit, Kurase! Don't do this!"

"She's right! We can think of a plan, together!"

"Think about Kronii, you still want to make it up to her, right?!"

"Kurase, no! That's not... THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

The shouts, cries, and pleas from multiple people echoed in his ear, but he tuned them out, his hair shadowing his eyes, as he stands across from someone, someone, who was responsible for everything that happened. He watches as the man in front of him messes around with his menu, before seeing a pop-up message showing up saying "Changed into Mortal Object."

Kurase: This isn't a duel... It's simply a fight to the death.

The man in front of him grabs his sword and pulls it out from the shield he has, as Kurase gripped both his swords tightly.

Kurase: That's right. I'm going to... *sees his smirk and eyes went wide in anger* kill this man!

Asuna and Koharu reaches their hand out to him, as if trying to reach him, as a single tear fell from their eyes, then, with a small grunt, he rushes forward, swords raised, as he gives off a battle cry.


















































-2 Years Ago-



Two sounds of cries can be heard, as we see two girls, one with purple hair, and one with white hair, swinging a sword and scythe. As they appeared to be in some sort of dungeon, killing a few monsters in their way. The girl with purple hair sighs in relief, before placing her scythe on her back and looks at her friend.

???: Well, we may not have made much progress today, but at least it's something, right, Akane?

The white-haired girl, now known as Akane, nodded her head and sheathe her sword on her back.

Akane: Indeed, Athena. Still, sucks we haven't made it higher than we wanted.

Athena: I know, still, not much we can do now, it is the last day after all.

Akane: *sighs* Right. Well, looks like this area is clear, let's keep-.

???: Oh! Hey, you two! Can I talk to you two for a minute?

The two turned around to see a girl with short black hair and green eyes run up to them, surprising them with her appearance, since they didn't think anyone else would be down here with them.

Athena: What's up?

Koharu: Nice to meet you two, I'm Koharu.

Athena: I'm Athena, and this is my best friend, Akane.

Akane merely nodded to the girl, making Athena sweatdrop, but decided to ignore it, knowing how her friend could be sometimes.

Koharu: *nervous* Right, Athena, Akane, this is embarrassing to admit, but well... I'm absolutely terrible at this game. And I'm talking really bad...

Athena: *a bit surprised and confused* Really? I didn't think it was that hard to learn.

Koharu: *nodded and scratches her cheek* Yeah, but this is my first VRMMO and my very first video game. I made sure to look up some stuff online before starting, but it's all just so different from what I was expecting, you see?

Both Athena and Akane understood her problem, knowing how difficult it is to learn and adapt to this. Ironically enough, like her, this is their first VRMMO and their first video game they done, ever. Granted the two were able to learn and adapt, so they didn't struggle too much with it.

Akane: But you're here now, aren't you? That means you must have gotten a little better.

Koharu: I did get a little better, you're right! And I was looking forward to playing a bit more, but today's the last day and... Well, so, that's why I came all the way out here, but... Now I'm just lost...

Athena: *a little concerned* Koharu?

Koharu: Guess I was rambling huh? Sorry about that. I've just been so hopeless until now... Which brings me to you two. I know today's the last day and all, and you two might have plans, but I was thinking, could you two teach me how to battle?

Both: Teach you?

Koharu: *nodded* Yes, if it's not too much to ask of course.

Athena: I don't mind, Akane?

Akane: Very well, we'll teach you.

Koharu: Oh, thank you! Let's get started, then!

With a smile from both, the two gestures Koharu to follow them, to which she does, as for the next couple of minutes, the two would teach her how to fight, both were impressed by how fast she seemed. They kept this up for a while, until, with one final swing, Koharu killed the last monster left, as she started to pant a little and collapse, with Athena and Akane standing behind her, barely breaking a sweat.

Koharu: Wow... Oh wow! I've never been able to fight like that before! That was great. Thank you, Athena, Akane! I mean it... Thanks.

Athena: *pats her head* Don't worry about it, we were glad to help.

Akane: *nods and smiles* You were amazing yourself, Koharu. That speed of yours is remarkable.

Koharu: *blushes from the praise and headpat* Thanks... Hey, if you two wouldn't mind, do you think we could be friends?

Before the two could answer her, they suddenly hear a loud roar, causing them to look around in shock.

All: Huh?!

They notice a monster approaching them, but this one seemed different than the ones they've faced before.

Koharu: That's a different monster than before... Is this...?

Athena: Yeah, it is.

Akane: Tch!

That's when the girls noticed they were surrounded, as they all stood back-to-back with each other, their weapons drawn, as Koharu looked around frantically.

Koharu: We're surrounded! What should we do? At this rate we're gonna...

Akane: Only one thing we can do, fight!

Before the three could do anything, a boy with black hair and a boy with light blue hair got in their way.

???: Stand back.

??? 2: We got this.

The two charged up and sword skill, and with incredible speed and skill, they were able to take down all the monsters surrounding them, leaving them in awe at their strength.

Athena: No way....

Akane: Incredible....

Koharu: T-They're so strong... They took them all down so fast...

The two boys them sheathes their swords, before looking back at the group, as the boy with black hair smiled at them.

???: High level mobs spawn here at set times. If you're trying to grind, you should probably find a place more suited to your level.

??? 2: He's right, coming to a place like this at your level, is asking for a death wish.

Athena: *frowns at the Blue haired boys' tone* We'll keep that in mind.

Akane: *doing the same* Thanks for the advice.

Koharu: *smiles* Th-Thanks for that! You two really saved us there!

???: Don't mention it. We were just passing through is all.

??? 2: Hey, if we want to keep playing before it ends, we need to go.

???: Ah, right. Excuse us.

The two turned to leave, feeling satisfied for the moment, until Koharu called out to them.

Koharu: Wait, please! At least tell us your guy's name!

Both: Huh?

Even Athena and Akane were surprised by this, as they couldn't help but wonder why she wanted to know their names.

Koharu: *bows* I'm Koharu, and these two are Athena and Akane.

Athena: Sup.

Akane merely nods at them, making them sweatdrop but decided to ignore it. The two boys shared a look, before shrugging.

???: Never though I'd hear someone say that in real life.

??? 2: Then again, this is just VR, doesn't really matter either way.

???: True, ah whatever.

The two look back at them and smiled.

Kirito: I'm Kirito. Good meeting ya.

Kurase: And I'm Kurase

Koharu: Kirito, Krono, thank you!

Athena: *mumbles* Thanks I guess....

Akane: *nods* Thank you.

Kirito: *smiles* You're welcome. Enjoy your last day, then.

Kurase: See ya.

The two took off, leaving the three girls alone as they watch them leave.

Koharu: Those guys were super strong and super cool, huh?

Athena: Strong, yes. Cool? Ha, as if! Besides, I didn't like the tone of the blue guy.

Akane: Indeed, it felt like he was mocking us.

Koharu: I'm sure that wasn't the case. Say, if I just tried a little harder, do you think I might turn out like that, too?

Athena: Maybe, or, you could become if better than them! Set your goals higher, Koharu!

Koharu: You're right! I'll set my sights higher when the game comes out. So, I hope you two will join me again, Athena! Akane! I wanna show you two how much stronger I'll get! Heh, should be fun!

Akane: *nods and smiles* Indeed, it'll be amazing.

Suddenly, the three of them hears a sound going off, signaling there was going to be an announcement.

Announcement: Thank you for joining us for the beta test of Sword Art Online. 5PM today marks the end of our beta test period. At the end of this beta test, all player data will be reset. We look forward to having you all join us again for the full release.

Koharu: Time's up already, huh. I'm glad I got to meet you two before it ended, girls.

Athena: Same here, Koharu. It was fun.

Akane: I suppose it wasn't all bad.

Koharu: Athena, Akane, I'll see you around!

Athena: Take care, Koharu!

Akane: Farewell.

With that, a bright light filled their visions before suddenly going dark. Athena opened her eyes, taking in the sight of her ceiling, before taking off her NerveGear and placing it aside, then starts stretching a bit. She looked at her NerveGear and smiled brightly.

Athena: Sword Art Online. I wonder what fun I'll have playing with Izumi and now Koharu.

She giggled at the thought, before realizing that she had to meet up with Izumi today, so with a quick hop, she got dressed, grabbed her phone, and bolted out the door, accidentally running into a woman with red hair.

Athena: Sorry!

She continued running after that, making the woman sigh, as she adjusted the bag she was holding, watching the purple haired girl run away.

???: Lively one, ain't she?

With that, she turned and continued walking, not knowing that the girl she bumped into, would be one of the many friends she'll get to meet.

-To Be Continued-

And boom, prologue is done everyone! I don't know which one I'll work on next on any account, but I hope you'll enjoy whatever it is. Till then, see you all in the next update or another story update.

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