Nintendo Direct 13-9-18
Oh joy, a brand new direct and with it comes brand new game announcements. But today we're going to be talking about something else than the direct itself. The reactions.
First I want to address the people who are hating on this direct. Like really hating on it. Saying it was awful and that 3 game announcements weren't enough.
I'm sorry but, you do come off a little spoiled when you complain that the direct only gave us three new games, two being huge first party games people have been begging for.
Now I understand that there are people who just aren't into animal crossing or Luigi's Mansion. But nothing else jumped out at you? RPGs? 2D platformers? Daemon X Machina?
Yes a lot of what we got was new information on old stuff but, guess what, that's what directs do. Their entire point is to maybe announce some new games but mainly give information on old ones.
And this direct had information in spades. Plus a ton of game announcements would have been surprises had they not delayed the direct. Civ 6, a bunch of Final Fantasy games, the MegaMan 11 demo. A lot would've been complete surprises.
People are really trying to downplay this direct because they set their expectations way too high. Then there are people complaining about Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3 not being in the show.
Guys if they aren't ready to be shown, Nintendo isn't going to show them. If Metroid Prime 4 is coming out in late 2019 they don't want to show it off so far from release.
Bayonetta 3 just started development and that kind of game takes a long time to make. I personally believe it won't even be out until 2020.
This direct was better than E3 for crying out loud. It gave us information on missing games like Yoshi and had awesome announcements.
Yes smash is big but it's the only big thing for 2018. I'm sorry but let's go Pikachu and Eevee just look so painfully mediocre.
You're entitled to your opinion yes but you have to admit you expected a little too much and your tastes are a little too narrow if there wasn't really anything that jumped out at you.
People are seriously downplaying these games and I hate that so much. I hate when people downplay Smash despite it being more than enough for the holidays. Not for the whole year but definitely the holidays.
I will agree that the online is a mess. The more we hear the worse it sounds. It is only 20 dollars for a whole year so I think we should cut it a little slack but they have absolutely nothing going for them. Either give us games beyond NES titles or backtrack and make the online service complete.
Oh yeah and cloud saves don't work for Splatoon 2 because you could use them to cheat but they do work for ARMs and Mario tennis Aces so... yeah.
What really ticks me off is that people expected to see every single first party game that's ever coming next year. We would never see Pokémon because they announce their games in May and release them in November. (I guess January and February are the 'announcements' but Sun and Moon didn't have gameplay until May.)
Fire Emblem just doesn't have anything else to show after the E3 reveal everyone downplayed
And besides. A Nintendo direct in September 2018 isn't where you show off your big holiday 2019 games anyway.
The whole thing just seems like people expected the world from this direct and got all up in arms when they didn't get exactly what they wanted.
But oh my god the reaction to people not liking the direct is even worse. No they shouldn't be 'grateful' for Nintendo for making products. Seriously I don't get that. They make products, we the consumers expect that. I expect games on my system.
People are allowed to dislike the direct and there are a couple valid points. Don't tell them they can't dislike with something. I think it's a great direct and I think people are being a bit unreasonable and have a bit too narrow of tastes but they can still hate the direct for all I care.
That doesn't make them ungrateful. They just aren't animal crossing fans or Luigi's Mansion fans and that's fine.
Then don't even get me started on how people flipped their shit at people complaining about the delay. Guess what morons, the complaints about the complainers was worse that the complainers themselves.
Some people who didn't understand why Nintendo delayed the direct complained. It was a very small minority, Hell it wasn't even vocal. I saw more people saying 'literally nobody is complaining.'
There's just a lot of toxicity everywhere. Every single game that was announced suddenly was seen as something that was supposed to be part of the direct even when they had nothing to do with the direct.
Every tweet Nintendo made people freaked out asking for the direct even though it was pretty obvious it had been delayed to next Thursday.
Now I want to talk about how the March direct managed to somehow get near critical acclaim despite actually announcing less first party games and having a bunch of ports just like this direct.
The only new first party announcement was Smash. We also had the release date of a port revealed and a new port revealed. But ports don't count because they really are just supplements. We only got smash and yet people went crazy over that direct. So I guess everyone likes smash then. Ok that's fine.
But how come at E3 everyone criticized Nintendo for showing off smash? That game apparently pretty much everyone loved? And then when they show off other games, more games mind you, they somehow get criticized again and people demand smash the entire live stream?
Make up your minds. Do you think Smash is more than enough or do you only want some of it. I know a very large percentage of Nintendo fans are smash fans and that's why I think they were smart to feature it some prominently at E3 but suddenly everyone became not smash fans when it was convenient to criticize Nintendo?
Oh and the reaction to Isabelle being a semi clone is obnoxious. She has a few moves taken from Villager but is largely her own character.
But she's suddenly a wasted slot and nobody wanted her despite fans wanting her and there being no such thing as a wasted slot.
When Sakurai makes a new smash he lays out the roster of characters he wants to realize. There is no limit. It's only how much he thinks he can do without losing his passion. Yes he limits himself but there's not a set number of slots.
There can also be last minute additions. In brawl Wolf, Toon Link, and Jigglypuff were added late in development. Which is apparent in their lack of presence in Subspace. Sonic actually caused the whole game to be delayed so he could be added and even then all his moves are a ball.
I'm sure we'll get plenty more characters for smash guys. Isabelle isn't a wasted slot. Nobody is. And I'm sure the reason she was announced now at this direct was because it would go well with the Animal Crossing reveal.
While I think it's wildly against her character to beat up enemies since her assist trophy was just throwing food i think that it's fine because I love unique characters and she has a lot of great spins on Villager.
So there we go. I really liked the direct and that's why. Can we all be a little more reasonable from now on?
Also I don't have the expansion pass so the Torna the Golden Country review will have to wait a few weeks.
Thanks for reading and have a great day everyone! Bye!
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