Boyfriend Body swap

For @lemonlimenskull18!

I own none of the pics on the cover! This one was edited:

Enjoy this Casey x Mikey story!

Find a movie reference in the story-


It was a typical day in the sewer-hold. Leo was drawing Space Heroes fanart in his room, Raph was watching the newest episode of MLP in the TV pit, and Donnie was reading a book in his lab.

Splinter was in the kitchen making lunch and tea for himself and his boys. And Mikey? He was eagerly waiting for his boyfriend, Casey, to arrive.

Mikey has been out of the closet for about 4 months. He and Casey have been dating for three months, and they were really happy together.

Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Splinter accepted the duo. They were a bit protective, but also supportive. Casey knew better than to hurt his adorable boyfriend in any way, shape, or form.

Not that he would, anyway. He adored Mikey! And Mikey loved him. A few moments later, Casey hurried towards the lair, hopped the turnstiles, and embraced his boyfriend.

"Hey, sorry I'm late! Had to stay after school." Casey smiled sheepishly. Mikey wrapped his arms around the taller boy and giggled.

"You got detention again, didn't you?" He playfully asked, since it wasn't the first time this happened. Thank goodness it was Friday.

"What, no, of course not!" Casey fibbed, laughing as he slipped off his black backpack and tossed it onto the couch next to Raph.

"Sure, Case. Sure." Raph added, chuckling. "So, what did ya do this time?" He quipped, resting his legs on the coffee table in front of him. His carapace bumped against the couch softly.

"Okay, okay...I forgot to do my homework again." Casey gave in. He let Mikey cuddle up to him for a few more minutes, knowing that he could be clingy.

"I'm just glad you're here now, my pepperoni puck!" Mikey beamed, nuzzling Casey's cheek gently. Casey laughed and hugged the turtle closer, knowing how much Mikey loved hugs and cuddles.

"Me too, babe!" Casey smiled. He lightly kissed Mikey's forehead. Mikey giggled and churred as Raph watched and smiled. Who could blame him? They were adorable!

"And do your homework from now on!" Donnie added as he walked in from the lab. Casey just shrugged. He then noticed something in Donnie's hand.

"What's that?" Casey asked, pointing to the small device that resembled a lasor toy used to play with cats. "Is it for ICK?" He inquired as Ice Cream Kitty meowed from her home in the freezer.

"No, it's-" Donnie began to explain, but Raph snatched the device. "Hey! Raph, give that back!" Donnie yelped, trying to grab it.

"Let me see, brainiac!" Raph growled, gripping the contraption tight in his fist. Suddenly, a laser beam shot from it, hitting Mikey and Casey who were sitting next to each other, looking shocked.

"Ahhh!" The teens screamed in pain. "It burns, it burnsss!" Mikey cried out as Casey echoed his pained screeches. Raph and Donnie immediately started screaming for Leo and Splinter, trying to help.

Raph dropped the device. Casey and Mikey both grew dizzy, as if everything was spinning. Something floated above them, then vanished as if it was never there.

"What's going on?!" Leo snapped as he ran in. He was in fukk protection mode. "Mikey! Casey!" He gasped, darting to the couch faster than you could say supercalafradjalasticxbealodocious.

"Oh, shell...I'm so sorry guys, it was an accident! I swear!" Raph gasped, immediately at their side. Casey and Mikey both groaned but seemed uninjured.

"It's cool, bro! We're okay!" Mikey responded. He beamed and started singing a song about how everything was fine.


His voice came from Casey's body.

Casey and Mikey looked at each other, then themselves, and screamed. "We switched bodies!" Mikey gasped. Casey gulped in response.

"...Donnie, what did you do?!" Leo demanded, glaring at his second-youngest brother. Donnie facepalmed and groaned.

"It wasn't me!" Donnie groaned, rubbing his face in irritation. "Raph was the one who-"

"Hey, I didn't mean ta do it! I just wanted ta see what it was!" Raph added with a scowl, rolling his eyes.

"Yame! What is going on in here?" Splinter banged his jade staff on the ground as he walked in. "Well, explain!"

"Casey and I somehow switched bodies!" Mikey exclaimed. Splinter glanced at Casey, then at Mikey. He groaned, facepalmed, and took a step back.

"...Donatello, what did you do?" Splinter asked as he reached into his kimono pocket and pulled out some Advil, which he swallowed dry.

"Why does everyone assume it's me?!" Donnie yelped, throwing his hands up in the air. "Okay, yes, I did invent something, but it wasn't supposed to do this and Raph was the one who pushed the button!"

Raph sighed. "Accidently!" He griped. "You two okay?" He glanced at the very confused body swappers. Mikey and Casey nodded.

"We're fine!" Both said at the same time. "This is just...kinda weird?" Mikey looked down at his now human body. "Woah, I have 5 fingers, epic! And I have hair! And gap teeth like you, Dee!"

"And I have a shell, sweet!" Casey tapped his plastron. "Wow, it's actually kinda do you guys move so fast with these things?" He trudged around the pit.

"We're used to it, I guess?" Leo added. "We've had them our while lives, so they don't feel that heavy to us." He explained as Casey nodded agreeably.

"Well, you both still have freckles " Raph smiled as both teens chuckled and hugged each other. "Don, you can fix this, right?"

"Of course, I just need to-" Donnie suddenly tripped over Mikey's skateboard and fell on top of the device that made then swap bodies. A sickening crack sound was heard. "...fix the machine..."

Everyone groaned. "Michelangelo, how many times have I told you to never leave your belongings on the floor where someone could trip over them?" Splinter said firmly.

"Sorry, papa, sorry Dee..." Mikey averted his gaze, playing with his human fingers. It was strange having 5 of them now.

"It's fine, I can fix this, but it could take a while." Donnie went to his lab to fix his device. Splinter sighed and went to finish making everyone lunch.

"Hey, baby?" Mikey spoke up after a bit as he suddenly noticed something. He pulled Casey to his room and closes the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" Casey asked in confusion as he studied his boyfriend's expression.

"Uh...I don't know how to ask this non-awkwardly...but, uh, have you always...not had anything...there...?" He winced, blushing like crazy.

Casey blushed as his eyes widened. He'd completely forgotten! How did he forget something this big? He hadn't told anyone yet due to being worried that they either wouldn't accept him or find it weird.

Well, here goes nothing.

"Uh...well...I'm trans, Mike..." Casey spoke, stammering a bit. I'm a trans guy, I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you sooner, I was kinda...nervous to, I guess?" He blabbed.

Mikey hugged Casey tightly with a smile. "Hey, it's okay...I don't mind! And I don't think anyone else will mind either! Does anyone know?"

"Just April..." Casey replied with a sigh of relief. He knew Mikey was pan, so he knew it wasn't an issue. He hoped either gay or panromantic, so that wasn't an issue. He hoped the others would accept him.

"Well, I'm here if you wanna tell anyone, my awesome pizza roll!" Mikey beamed, booping Casey's nub of a nose.

"Thanks, baby!" Casey nuzzled Mikey. He then examined his body. "Wow, your cheeks are chubby and adorable!" He chuckled, making a funny face.

"And you fingers are long! And I have hair!" Mikey ran his hands through his new shaggy brown hair. "So silky!" Mikey giggled.

Mikey was not used to a human body. He has hair, eyebrows, longer arms and legs, a human back, and was skinny now. He also felt warmer.

Casey wasn't used to being a turtle. His shell felt odd around his chest, stomach, and back. His teeth were normal and he felt more masculine.

"I like being in your body!" They said at the same time.  They then hugged each other and shared a kiss, though it felt like they were kissing themselves, which was awkward.

"Lunch is ready, children." Splinter called as the boys immediately ran into the kitchen. April arrived a few minutes later.

Soon, they were all digging into some soba noodles, cucumbers, strawberriws, and bread rolls. They also has tea, soda, and milk.

"So, Casey, I heard you got detention again?" April asked as Casey gulped. He and Mikey exchanged glances since she didn't know they switched bodies.

"Yep...didn't do my homework again-" Casey spoke from Mikey's body as April blinked in confusion. "We switched bodies by accident and Donnie's working on fixing his machine." Casey explained quickly.

April's eyes widened as she gave Casey a look. He understood and nodded slowly as none of them had any idea what they were silently discussing.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird but also cool!" Mikey giggled. "It's weird being in your boyfriend's body." He held Casey's three-fingered hand.

Casey smirked and tried to use his spoon but kept dropping it. "How do you grab anything, honey? These fingers are impossible to work with!"

Mikey laughed. "I dunno, guess I'm just used to it." He slurped some noodles. "It's awesome having extra fingers!" He grabbed some milk.

"Yes, being in each other's bodies will show you what it is like being in each other's shoes." Splinter smiled. "No training or patrol, I do not want Casey getting his human body hurt."

They all agreed. Suddenly, Casey's eyes widened as he almost spit out his soda. "I can't go topside like this!" He gasped. "No offense, guys."

"None taken." They all replied. "But I can!" Mikey beamed with happiness. "During the day!" He leaned over and hugged Casey.

Casey chuckled and hugged his boyfriend. "Hey, Casey, ba careful with our little brother's body by the way, no sparring or fights or anything." Leo said sternly.

"Yeah, no getting him hurt!" Raph echoed, throwing an arm around Mikey. Casey could be reckless sometimes and got hurt a lot. "Don't lose any of his teeth or, so help me, I'll knock out more of yours!"

"And please, don't wrestle with Raph!" Donnie added. "We don't need our otouto getting all bruised up, so be careful with his body."

Casey gulped and nodded. "I'll be careful, promise! I'd never do anything to hurt him..." He hugged his boyfriend close to him. Mikey giggled and cuddled up to Casey.

April awed. "You guys are adorable!" She smiled. Splinter chuckled in agreement as he trusted Casey and was fine with Mikey dating him.

Casey then looked at everyone except for Mikey and April. "Actually, can I tell you all something?" April and Mikey knew where this was going and protectively moved closer to Casey.

"Is something wrong?" Raph asked. Casey shook his head and took a deep breath to steady himself. He'd never told anyone but April and Mikey.

"So, I'm a trans guy...I was born female but I'm a boy...I was worried you wouldn't accept me if you knew..." Casey told Splinter, Leo, Raph, and Donnie.

"Uh, yeah, I know." Raph casually said. "I caught you putting on a binder a couple months ago, but I didn't want ya ta worry, so I didn't say anything."

"...Oh?" Casey chuckled nervously. He had no idea Raph found out. "Well, at least you know." He realized Mikey was now technically wearing the binder.

"Oh, that's what that is?" Mikey asked as he could feel it. Casey nodded and smiled apologetically. Donnie then lectured Casey to make sure he was safely binding, which he was.

"We accept you, Casey." Donnie grinned. "It's not a big deal." He patted Casey's shoulder reassuringly. Casey smiled and sighed in relief. "Plus, I'm trans too." Donnie added as Casey was shocked at that but happy.

"Awesome, trans squad!" Casey high-threed Donnie who returned the gesture with a smile. Mikey poked a small thing under the skin of his left arm.

"What's this, baby?" Mikey asked Casey who looked and hummed. He never told anyone but April about that either. "It's bumpy?"

"It's a hormone blocker that I had put in when I was 9, to prevent me from developing female puberty." Casey replied, smiling a bit.

"Cool! Does it hurt?" Leo asked Casey who shook his head. He preferred this instead of Testosterone shots, due to his fear of needles.

"Casey, I am proud of you for coming out to us, that was very brave of you we all accept you wholeheartedly." Splinter placed his hand on Casey's shoulder.

"Thanks, guys! April and Mikey already knew but I was planning on telling you guys too." Casey replied as they all finished the last of their lunch.

A while later, Casey and Mikey were cuddling on the couch while Donnie worked on the machine, Raph played his drums, April hung out with Leo in the TV pit, and Splinter watched some anime.

A few minutes later, Donnie walked in. "It's fixed!" He smiled. Casey and Mikey sighed in relief as they liked being in each other's bodies but missed their own.

Donnie blasted them with the device. Mikey and Casey screamed in pain. "Ahhh!" The teens screamed in pain. "It burns, it burnsss!" Mikey cried out as Casey echoed his pained screeches.

Casey and Mikey both grew dizzy, as if everything was spinning. Something floated above them, then vanished as if it was never there.

"Yes, we're back!" Casey and Mikey looked at themselves and each other. Everyone cheered as Leo helped Casey up and Raph helped Mikey up.

Mikey and Casey hugged each other and shared a kiss. They were happy to be back to normal!

Plus, being in your boyfriend's body was weird.

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy this new oneshot! I headcannon Mikey as either gay or panromantic and grey-asexual for this as Casey omnisexual and transmasculine!


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