Chapter Thirteen
"Yeah, right." Zoro scoffed and crossed his arms. "I'm going back to bed." He laid back on the hammock and closed his judging eyes. "Whimp." I heard him whisper, before he turned around and began obnoxiously snoring. I couldn't even be annoyed, because I actually felt too frightened. Sanji's eyebrow twiched and he kicked the green haired swordsman hard on the floor. I realized they were going to start fighting and panicked.
"Guys, don't! Please." I stood between them to break them apart. I looked at Zoro. "I know you don't believe me, but I'm serious. We need to be careful." He rolled his eyes, but stayed up.
"And what exactly do you want us to do?" He asked, still not believing me. Sanji glared at him, while Usopp backed away with shaking knees.
"Luffy's still in the kitchen, so we should be careful, but we need to find Mr. Blue Forest before he hurts someone."
"And how do we do that?" I gulped, unprepared for that question.
"I don't know..." I whispered, now very worried about Luffy. I looked towards the door and shivered. What if something already happened?! No, we'd surely hear that.
"I say we barge in and call the guy out, then beat him up!" Zoro exclaimed and I flinched at his loud tone. Before I could stop him, he already grabbed his swords and ran out. Sanji followed after him quickly, while dragging Usopp along and leaving me in the dust.
I was going to stay in their room and let them take care of it, when I suddenly heard Luffy's scream. It made me jump and run after them. I pushed the door opened and as I stumbled onto the deck, my eyes widened at the scene before me.
All of the boys were struggling to get out of the wooden wines that were wrapping around their bodies like snakes. They seemed powerless against them. Zoro's swords were nowhere in sight, so he couldn't cut anything, and the others couldn't move at all.
Vivi and Nami came out of the girl's room to see what all the noise was about. They shrieked in surprised and bumped into the wall when the door to their room suddenly dissapeared. My jaw tightened when I saw their horrified faces. I need to stop this Mr. Whatever His Name Is!
I was sure he has already noticed me and was watching my every move, so I became more careful. I tried to tune out all of the backround noises, like what I did back home when I got an idea for a new recipe, and focused on hearing any barking. Sugar and Chopper were nowhere in sight and probably the only ones who could sneak up on the guy right now. I only hoped I knew Sugar as well as I thought.
Her favourite places of all were always warm, cozy and quiet. Judging from the fact that my dog wasn't a loner, she was probably in Chopper's office, snuggling in his blanket and bothering him with his work, before all of this took place.
My gaze slowly moved onto the doctor's room and noticed the door was slightly ajar. Something furry was behind it and I could guess what was there in my sleep. Sugar's eyes glowed in the moonlight and reminded me of the time when I first saw her.
My father and I have been taking a walk around town to get to know the streets better. He didn't want me to get lost on my way to school, since we just moved here a few days ago. When we walked by a narrow alley, I noticed a big husky at the end of it. She had blood on her fur, so I thought she was wounded, but it turned out that wasn't true. My dad was the first one to realize what was going on. She had attacked some children that wanted to pet her.
A little boy, year or two older than me, was lying on his side and crying for his mother. The husky was getting ready to bite again, when my dad grabbed a wooden rod and hit it across the head. I gasped and yelled at him, but it was too late. My father became a hero when he saved the boy, and was even promoted at his job. I felt so bad for the dog and he had to drag me back home. I was young and stubborn, so that night, when everybody was asleep, I snuck out and went to that alley.
I got really angry when I saw that the husky wasn't there anymore. I wanted to apologize for my dad. I cried in frustration and stumped my foot on the ground when I suddenly saw something glow in the dark. Two small dots were staring at me and my jaw dropped when I realized it was a baby husky. I picked it's shivering body up and stroke it's fur. The puppy then licked my fingers and yawned, then curled into a small ball and closed it's eyes. My heart was beating loudly and my eyes got teary again.
"I'm sorry about your mummy. She was just trying to protect you." I gave the pup a determined look. "Now I'm going to take care of you. It's my dad's fault you're alone anyways..." I kissed her head and slowly headed back home. "I'll name you after my favourite thing in the world."
I hid Sugar for about a week in my room before my parents found out. They grounded me for a month, but still let me keep her, under the condition that I take care of her all by myself. We grew up together and I had never regreted saving her in my life. Now I can only hope I won't regret the idea she gave me a few moments ago.
Sugar was still standing behind that door, while Vivi pulled out her stick. She yelled for the guy to come out, but all we got was silence. I dug my fingernails into my palms and prepared myself for the act I was about to pull. Suddenly more wodden vines came out and tried to wrap around me. They got the two females across from me, but I jumped up to avoid them and bolted into the storage room. It was dark, but I tried to remember every detail from the tour Nami gave me after I joined, and find some matches. I clearly remembered them being around the bottom right shelves! I heard hard beating at the door, but ignored it.
My hands roamed across the wood, trembling at the thought that Mr. Blue Forest might catch me any second. After a few times of going over the same shelf, I felt a small box under my fingers. I grabbed and opened it, to feel wooden sticks inside. I sighed in relief and bothered to light one to see better.
As soon as the light hit my eyes, I squeezed them shut for a moment, as it was too bright. When my eyes got used to the brightness, I found some petrol in the back of the storage. I picked it up and sneaked up to the door. Nami, Usopp and Sanji were unconscious, while Zoro and Luffy were struggling to get out more than ever. I realized it wasn't because of the three unconscious, but because of the blue haired girl who screamed in agony as the vines were trying to tear her apart. No matter how dangerous it was, I now realized I had no other choice but to set the vines on fire at their core.
I whistled at Sugar, hoping only she would hear me and not a certain sadist. The luck turned out in my favour when my pet jumped at one of the vines and avoided it, just to land at where it came out of. An empty barrel.
"Good girl!" I smiled knowing she could hear me. I ran toward her, petrol in one hand and matches in the other. Without stopping, I opened the petrol and poured it over the barrel, then threw a lit match on top. The barrel got engulfed with fire, so Sugar and I quickly backed off. There was screaming all around us, it sounded like it was coming from the ship itself and I knew we hit the jackpot.
A skinny figure started forming inside the flames and the screaming finally started coming from one source, Mr. Blue Forest. All the vines turned into ashes and my friends were released. I gritted my jaw in frustration, as I couldn't listen to the screams of pain anymore. My eyes watered from the smoke and my nostrils got filled with the smell of fried meat. I shivered when I saw Sugar's mouth water, like she was waiting for dinner, and hissed at her to stop. What good would a victory be if I felt guilty for killing someone.
As if he read my mind, Chopper took a bucket of water and put the fire out. I smiled, feeling relieved, but then I saw the expression on our enemies face. It probably wouldn't unnerve me as much if it wasn't for all the peeled and bloody skin on his body. The man was huffing for air, but there was still a mysterious smile playing on his lips. As if he knew something... Like this wasn't the end.
Hey guys!
I know I hadn't updated last week, but I had some family issues and a minor writers block. I hope this turned out well and you like it!
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