Chapter Sixteen
Zoro snorted, his arms crossing over his chest. "Well, that's a stupid name." I tried to find his remark funny, but it only made me remember my friend. I shook my head and slowly stood up.
"It's not the island's actual name. We-um, I just call it that, because the real name is hard to pronounce and wolves live there..." Nami frowned and I heard someone groan behind her, but decided to ignore it.
"How do we even get there? I guess we could go to the next island and try to buy an eternal pose, but that's very unlikely." The red head spoke to herself and I bit my lip, trying to remember how exactly to get there.
"Vic-Miss Blu-" I groaned, not entirely sure how to call her. My jaw hardened and I decided not to say her name at all. "She used to go there on holidays with her family, but the island got taken over by a bunch of pirates. She promised to herself to get it back someday. I guess if she's a pirate now, it's probably where she would be." I licked my dry lips and listened to my fast heart beat. "Whenever we..." had sleepovers "...talked about it, she would say: 'You idiot, if I ever dissapear, you'll know where to find me. I even watched the stars all night for you. Just follow the third biggest star on the left and sail towards the west.' So we have to do just that." Nami grinned and nodded.
"Yes, that should be easy!" She streched and yawned. "But before that, I'm going to sleep." The others agreed, while I knew I won't be able to even close my eyes. They all scattered to their own rooms, ignoring their hungry stomachs, as sleep was more important. Only Luffy stayed where he was before, standing still a few feet away from me, eyes widened and mouth ajar as if he wanted to say something. I sighed, not letting him bother me. I was exhausted, my body was aching and I was pretty sure I wasn't in my right mind to hold a pleasant conversation, so I turned my back to him and headed to the place that was the most comforting for me. The kitchen.
I needed to take my mind off the recent events and knew there was no better way to do that, than to make some ice cream. I opened a drawer and pulled out some bowls and a mixer, then took the needed ingredients out of the fridge. I let my hands work by themselves, already having this routine imprinted in my brain.
Working made me smile. It made me feel like myself again and it took the memories away, even if just for a minute. I decided to sing a pop song I remembered listening to on the radio everyday before I met Luffy. It was quite catchy, so in no time at all I was swinging my hips left and right in it's rhythm. The ice cream mixture was done after about twenty minutes and I put it in the freezer. As soon the bowl left my sight and I took a seat behind the table, my pretending stopped.
I leaned my chin onto my palm and stared at the chair opposite of me intensely. It was almost funny, and I felt strange sense of satisfaction at the thought of having a stare off with a chair. I figured I was finally going mad. Pirate mindset has gotten into me and now I'll never look at anything the same way again. Will I ever think the same way again? What was I thinking that I came here in the first place?! I slammed my fist into the wooden table before me, slightly wincing when I remembered the others were sleeping. Well, except for Luffy. He always seemed to be the special one.
I rubbed my hand to ease the pain from the hit and relaxed my posture. Of course he was... My eyes softened and I looked at the wall to my left, knowing he was standing on the opposite side half an hour ago. I felt a small tug in my stomach, then realized why all of this felt so weird. I've already gotten used to him. His bright eyes and wide smile, his honesty, bluntness... There was nothing new about pirates.
I sighed and shook my head. No, that wasn't it. My feelings were still there. I just didn't have time to think about them. I decided to whisper his name to myself. Just to hear it like I used to. It brought a soft smile to my face and I bit my lip. I called him again and giggled to myself, then frowned when I heard a quiet voice in my mind. Stupid.
I stood up and reached for the door handle, then opened them quietly. I stepped out and was blinded by the sun for a few seconds, so I didn't notice Luffy was still standing exactly where he was before. My brows furrowed, but my stomach started making summersaults that began to fade as soon as I noticed he wasn't looking at me. He was still staring with wide eyes and an open mouth at the spot I was standing at before. I carefully strolled towards him and stopped when his body was causing a shadow to fall on my face.
"Luffy, are you alright?" I almost laughed at myself for asking that, of course he wasn't. I grew worried and tapped his cheek to get a response. Still nothing. I began considering waking Chopper up and in the meanwhile looked at Luffy from head to toes. I repeated that a few times, because I didn't want to bother our doctor if I knew I could help Luffy myself, when I noticed the small cut on the boy's neck. It has stopped bleeding a while ago and was already healing, but I didn't forget Vivi telling me that Vickie used poisoned chain. Luffy is paralysed.
I huffed and wondered when was this going to end. It wasn't deadly, but I couldn't let him just stand in the sun all day. I held his hand and tried moving it. It moved a little harder than usual, but I knew I was strong enough to move him. No matter how much this glutton ate, he never gained weight. I slipped under his right arm and put it on my shoulders, then wrapped my left arm around his waist and started dragging him back to the kitchen. It was the only place I knew he wouldn't bother anyone, at least for now. I made him sit on the chair I glared at before and sat on the table, looking down at him.
His breathing was steady while mine was still fast from carrying him. Silence engulfed us and I was sure it bothered me more than him. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was just sleeping with his eyes opened. I grew bored after a while and started pulling his cheeks wide apart, then together again. It made me remember our first encounters and laugh out loud. Even if I don't look at him the same way again doesn't mean he isn't...
I brushed some strands of hair out of his face, then traced my fingers over his lips. "I miss your smile, Luffy. Talk to me." I said. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him blink. He wasn't moving, but it was a start and I felt relief wash over me. Maybe if I talk to him he'll get better sooner. I put my hand over his and left it there to calm down. His skin was warm and soft, just as always. I started drawing small circles on the back of his hand with my thumb and spoke.
"Captain," I began. His lips twitched a little. "Remember when you promised to show me the world?" No answer. "I got so excited at the thought, when I hadn't actually thought about that." If he was listening, the boy probably had no idea what I was talking about. I was glad he didn't, because I was too afraid to actually tell him what's on my mind. I squeezed his hand tighter to gather courage and continue. "Truth- truthfuly, I was just happy I could get to spend more time with you. It was never about my dreams, but I didn't want to admit it. Even to myself. You are the reason I came. It was always you. Because you made me remember how important some things are. Dreams, friends and not caring about what anyone thinks, but most important of all is happiness. I could never be truly happy if I always put others before myself." I laughed and felt my hand being squeezed back.
"I left my home, my family. I became selfish because I wanted my dreams to come true. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be with you who always smiles. I thought you could make me smile like that too." At the corner of my eye, I saw small movement, but was too inversed in talking to care. I needed to get this off my chest. "How stupid of me." I scoffed. "I left everything I had for someone I didn't even know, someone who wasn't supposed to be good, a pirate. And even if you are a pirate, Luffy! I can never be. It's not who I am and when I realized that I lost everything, I-I thought..." Luffy's dark eyes met my teary ones and I looked away. "I thought that maybe if everything else is gone, I could still keep this feeling. Luffy, you made me care about you much more than I thought." His lips formed a wide smile as his body relaxed completely.
"Well, I care about you too!" He answered in his obnoxious voice, not really getting what I meant. I shook my head and slid off the table to kneel beside him.
"No, you don't understand." I answered in a calm tone that was the total opposite of what I was feeling. "I've only known you for a short while, this wasn't supposed to happen."
"Huh, why's that? I like all of my friends." He chuckled.
"Luffy, you're a great captain, but if I stay here, I'll never want to leave." His eyes brightened, which was not what I wanted to happen at all.
"Really? That's great, you won't have to."
"But I'll need to! How do you expect me to make candy on a ship where there's no one else to taste it?!"
"I will. No one else has to." He crossed his arms, pouted and nodded to show he agreed with himself.
"L-Luffy," I sighed. "That's not what I want..."
"Of course it is! When I become the pirate king I'll make everyone try your candy! And I know it'll be the best. It already is!" He laughed and patted my shoulder.
"There you go again, filling me with false hope. So I should just stay with you until that happens?"
"Don't be mean, Candy! It's not false. I will become a pirate king and when I do, I want you to be there with me! And even after that. Because I like you, Candy." I almost didn't react at his last sentence, when it all sank in. I fumbled with my fingers and tried to hide the blush that was spreading to my ears.
"You're an idiot." We were still holding hands and my blush was becoming more crimson by the second.
"So you'll stay?" He grabbed my other hand too and plopped on his knees before me. I nodded and considered whether I should bolt to my room and hide or throw myself in the ocean to escape. "Lucky~" Luffy cooed and gave me a bone crushing hug that was over just as quick as it started. "Promise you'll never try to leave again!" He showed me his pinky finger and my eyebrow twiched, unsurprised he still does that. I linked my finger with his and smiled in assurance.
When I did, he hugged me again, but this time, he didn't pull away. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. I wanted to truly remember it. I didn't like breaking promises and my only guess was that thinking about Luffy would stop me from that. I knew I'll want to leave again sooner or later, but for now, I wanted to focus on finding Vivi. Luffy and I parted and grinned at each other. He stared at me intensely for a while and I began feeling uncomfortable, so I started rising to stand up, but Luffy pulled me back down to sit.
"Hey, Candy. What the hell did you mean you care about me more than you should? I'm your captain, you have to care about me!" He frowned, but I wiped the expression off his face when I stroked his cheek.
"Don't think about it too hard." I whispered and leaned closer. Luffy didn't move a bit. I was ready to tell him everything, but the look in his eyes told me otherwise. He wasn't ready. I'm not going to ruin this friendship. "Maybe I'll tell you someday, but not today." The boy pouted and his strawhat was dangerously close to falling off. I fixed it back for him and stood up, now feeling almost normal. "I made some ice cream." Luffy laughed and got up as well.
"Wow, Candy. Maybe you really aren't cut out to be a pirate! You make ice cream and instead of eating it, you talk to me forever... Or is that just what girls do?" He scratched the back of his head, seeming genuinely confused. I giggled at his clueless expression and decided to keep him in the dark for a little longer. I shrugged and took out the ice cream with a mysterious smile on my face.
"Chocolate or strawberry?" I asked.
Hi guys! (๑-﹏-๑) I am so freaking sorry for not updating in so long, but school's a b*tch.
I hope you understand, but in case you're still angry, this chapter is extra long and hopefully good XD
Please comment! I love reading what you guys think!
~ChocolateLuffy ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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