Chapter Eight

Usopp walked in front of me, his hands behind his head, like he had no care in the world. His knees tho, spoke otherwise, as they were shaking and the poor boy nearly fell once because of that. I didn't laugh at him, because I completely understood how he felt. What I didn't understand, was his unwillingness to show he was scared. Maybe it was some sort of complex...

The silence was killing me and because I really wanted to hear more of his stories, I asked about it. "So, Usopp. You don't seem scared at all." If he noticed my sarcasm, he didn't show it. He only smiled, like everyone in Luffy's crew seems to do, and began telling me his story. Everything, from his father being a pirate, to his mother dying, Kaya and all the lying. Suddenly, I felt like I was intruding his life.

"You know, you didn't have to tell me all that." I fixed a stray hair behind my ear and stared at my moving feet. Usopp laughed and patted my back. He really liked doing that.

"Oh, Candy." He smirked. "We're comrades. Of course I'm gonna tell you that." He stopped and stared at me with an evil glint in his eyes. "Now, tell me all about yourself." My eyes widened in horror, as my mind screamed It's a trap!, but I managed to calm down and keep my cool.

"Well, there's nothing to say... I grew up as an only child in a loving family. Dissapointed them when I quit my school to open my Candy shop. But they accepted it when it became a success. Nothing else that I'd consider interesting." I scratched my neck in embarrassment. Usopp groaned, dissapointed.

"Wow, that's lame. But I'm sure you have an interesting story to tell if you thought about it."

I almost replied with "So you want me to make up one?", but changed my mind because Usopp was just too nice. I thought about it a bit and let out a loud "Aha!" when I finally found something that could interest him. I began telling my story.

"When I was about seven, we lived on an island in East Blue. We moved to the grand line because my father did a favor to the marines once and they brought us here so he could have a better paying job, but that's another story. So, on that island, I had many friends since I was a very social child. I loved candy, but my parents refused to buy me a lot so I kept stealing it from my friends. Once they found out, they got angry, told me to make my own candy, and refused to play with me anymore.

The stubborn kid I was, I accepted the challenge and in all honesty, it was horrible. I burned myself, the pans and even the house almost lit on fire. I was grounded for pretty much half a year after that, but I couldn't give up. I went to the local bakery and asked the baker to teach me how to melt chocolate and make chocolate lollies. That was my very first creation and I loved it, so the next day, when I was home alone, I brought out the new shiny frying pan and started melting the chocolate paste in it.

Once I was done, I brought them to the playground to offer it to everyone as a truce. To say they didn't like it would be a huge understatement. They spit it out, walked all over it, insulted me and one girl even started crying that she feels sick. I was ready to give up right then and there. I cried until a boy came up to me. He was a little older and very mean looking. I was scared of him and when he offered me his hand, I didn't take it.

'Why are you crying?' He asked me and I told him the reason. He huffed and said: 'Well, that's stupid. Of course you can't be the best on the first try. Being the best takes practice!' He picked up one lolly and tried it. I saw he was trying so hard not to gag, but he kept going and eventually ate the whole thing. His brows furrowed and he gave me a judging look. 'It's too sweet. Ease up on the sugar will you.' He patted my head and said one more thing. 'I have a goal as well. You get better at this sugar thing and I'll become stronger. Then we'll both be happy.' And that was the last time I saw him.

We moved away a month later. He gave me my dream. Now whenever my parents complain about it, they just have to mention my "imaginary" friend. But he was real, and I want to thank him someday."

I smiled, floating in nostalgia, and gazed at Usopp who looked amazed.

"He sounds so cool! I'm sure you'll meet him one day!" He gave me a thumbs up and walked ahead. We were getting extremely close to the city where we had to check out every hotel and motel a person could stay in. This is going to be a long day.

Usopp put on a disquise (mustache and an ugly hat) and we began our work. A few motels in, we saw bright blue hair in a weapons shop that not even a blind man could miss. I stared at the beautiful girl, who was checking out some spears, and then the huge duck next to her. I swear if this one talks too, I'm gonna flip my shit and run!

Usopp walked to the counter and started asking silly questions to the salesman, while I walked next to the girl and pretended to look at the weapons. I nudged her and saw her stare at me suspiciously.

"Are you Vivi?" I glanced at her and she tensed up. I took this as a yes and pointed to Usopp without another word. She nodded and we slowly walked out of the shop. Usopp came out a minute later.

"Phew, I thought I'd never get rid of that guy! Hey, Vivi, Carrue. What were you doing in a weapons shop?" He asked the girl.

"Hiding." She whispered so only we could hear. "I don't know how they found us, but I just saw Miss Blue July here yesterday. We have to leave now! Where did you run of to anyway? I thought you abandoned us!" She looked angry for a second then the expression turned to confused when she looked at me. "Who are you?" I got ready to introduce myself when Usopp interrupted me.

"Oh, that our new crew mate. Candy!" He lauged and I sighed in annoyance. I guess, I have to get used to being called that. Damn you, Luffy!

Vivi nodded, introduced herself and the duck, which could not speak (thank god ), and quickly told me about her situation. Most of what I already knew. We tried not to stand out, when a voice I knew all to well, yelled out to me in an angry tone.

"Young lady! Where in the all eternal world were you hiding last night?!"


Hello, guys! Thank you for all the support, you're amazing!

This chapter is dedicated to one of my wonderful readers, majestic_budder! She was kind enough to let me know of the plagiarism that has happened to my story. A user on here decided to copy it almost completely and I'm surprised she thought we wouldn't notice that. Anyways, the story is deleted now, so no worries.

I'm going to include a few of my own OCs and I hope you don't mind.

Again, I'm so thankful to all of you. Hugs and kisses.

~ChocolateLuffy ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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