Chapter 6 : Believe


The rain pounded heavily against our frozen bodies as we made our way out of the house, the wind blew violently attacking the now bent trees, ear screeching rustles and fumbles could be heard from all around, due to the intense unexpected storm that had approached.

My hands were chained whilst being tugged by two of the kidnappers, we followed the struggling leader in an attempt to reach their car a block away.

The man to my right, seeming devastated, runs his slender fingers on my arm, trying to better his slipping grip. This was perfect! An escape in this storm would prove costly to each member!

Our feet marching in unison, began tiring as icy blasts of wind erupted trough our attire and forced a numbing sensation. I quivered as they placed their hands around my back, edging me to move further and to quicken my pace.

The kidnappers too seemed desultory in their walk and I had a tough time trying to figure out the reason for it.

''W-why did we all have to go? Why couldn't just one bring the car to us?'' The man next to me shouts, immediately catching his leader's attention, ''Because it's not safe you idiot! Now keep moving!'' He taunts and then struggles in his step.

The treacherous walk down the block formed unbearable aches in our legs, as well as chattering teeth and miserable faces. The storm completely drenched us, but began settling down once we neared the parked car.

We could see much clearly now, the wind too calmed itself to a mild breeze, still stinging our pale iced faces. Before it cleared completely, I had to make my move, this was my only chance.

We were a few steps away from the rest of the gang and I intentionally slowed my pace, allowing my keepers to slow down as well. I watch carefully as those ahead quickly pack up in the car, warming their complete frigid bodies, oblivious to the three of us still walking.

The two men begin heaving and pushing me to move faster, but I moan and complain of my aching bones.

''Look, if you don't get in the car right now, he's going to come, and that's trouble you don't want to be near, trust me'' the one man rubs his Red nose vigorously and releases his grip on me, ''Yeah seriously it's quite cold too'' the other complains  while bending and pressing his hands tightly between closed knees.

I breathe in deeply, gathering every ounce of fear and generating it into energy, with only heave, I step closer and pull my stiff knee up, immediately colliding with the guy's nose.

And in a second, I push, with much effort, my already frozen hard elbow into the others nose. They both clench their sore, bleeding noses and look at me with complete anger.

I start running, the path seemed unknown to me and darkness filled every sight I laid eyes on, growls and shouting could be heard from behind me, but I continued in my path with no intention of heeding their commands.

My body pleaded for a stop when drastic cold wind blasted against my bare face and hands. I tried to soothe my breathing as ferocious sharp pains conquered my sides, forcing me to pant and gasp as I moved ahead.

I endured every torture my body perceived, till a loud roar erupting from an engine catches my attention. They had a car! How could I have been so stupid?!

I blatantly keep my eyes open, searching for a route to divert into. The car raging closer alerts me and I quickly run onto the pavement, hoping for an opening. To my luck, a tiny alley streaming into darkness comes into the clear, I instantly gap into the small opening which thankfully accepted my body.

I move into it as far as possible, the darkness engulfed my entire body as I did so. I grunt from exhaustion and cover my mouth, my chest moved up and down in a rhythm that matched my heart beat, my throat burned intensely due to dryness, and yet, I still managed to hold any inhuman sounds my body pleaded to release.

I watched in fear as the car scooted down the street, completely ignoring the alley I'd forced my body into. ''Oh my'' I mutter, clenching my already creased hood.

My breathing became calm and the rumbles of their car disappeared further down the road. Knowing my hiding spot wasn't the best, I sum up courage and make my way out, in order to seek out a better spot.

I wrap my weak arms around my body and walk out of the darkness, as soon as I set to leave, a figure comes into sight. The night was dark, with only the moon paving way for a stunning white light, the smell of soaked plants erupted through the area, smoke still emerging from the wet ground due to heat, my heart had no rest as it began pounding with an approaching figure.

Well built and concealed by a hood similar to mine, I step back in fear, I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun him, I turn hoping to try but knock into another man concealed.

My palms dense, my forehead creased due to worry, beads of sweat, fresh and new, tripped down my forehead forcing me to curse, ''W-who are you?''

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