Rescue Me

Y/ns POV
I wake up early to the sound of beating at my wooden door. "It's open dad!" I yell. He burst through the door and starts the morning on a 'great' start. "Your so lazy!! Just freaking get up, get dressed, and start making breakfast for me and your brother!!" He criticizes me. I stand up and brush out my black and green hair.

I got my hair a while ago when my best friend Toni wanted me to have more of a 'Serpents pride.' I put in my matching green lip and nose ring.

I walk into the bathroom and do my makeup.

And check my nails to make sure they haven't broken yet.

I walk back into my bedroom and change into my outfit for the day.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. "Matthew! Come downstairs and tell me what you want!" I yell and Matthew runs downstairs. I'm 18 and Matthew is 13. Our mom left when we were born and that left me to be the 'mom figure' while my dad did what ever he wanted. "I just want cereal." Matthew says. "As always." I mumble and grab out the cereal from the cabinet. I grab a bowl and pour in the cereal then the milk (which is the correct way) and stick a spoon in the bowl before sliding it to him. "Where's dad?" I ask, leaning on the counter. "He left already." Matthew says with a mouthful of Cheerios. I roll my eyes and grab an apple. "I'm gonna head out do you need a ride?" I ask and take a bite of the apple. "No Chris's mom is coming to get us in a minute." I nod and grab my bag. I walk out the door and hop on my bike. I drive to the infamous SouthSide High and park my bike away from everyone. "Hey Y/n." Toni says and nods. I sigh and lean against the brick wall closing my eyes. "Y/n? Don't fall asleep." Fangs says and lightly grabs my shoulders. "I won't." I dismiss him and sit on the ground, drawing circles in the dirt. Toni and Fangs squat in front of me. "What's wrong?" Fangs asks. "Home trouble. Dads not doing anything and he's back to drinking. Its just a lot." I sigh. Toni hugs me and Fangs pats my back. "What's going on guys?" Sweet Pea asks walking up to us. "Y/n just has a lot going for her right now. And it's not good." Fangs explains the whole story to him and Sweets gets a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Y/n can I talk to you for a second?" Sweet Pea asks and I nod. I stand up and follow Sweet Pea to the other side of the building. "Why didn't you tell me this? I could have helped you." Pea whines. "Cause I didn't want to bother anyone with my needs." I sigh. "Don't ever think you will bother me with your needs Y/n." Sweet Pea snarls. "It's nothing Sweets. Drop it." I growl. "It's not nothing! Your getting overworked! I won't drop it cause it doesn't need to be dropped!!" Sweet Pea whisper/yells at me. "Your gonna drop it." I demand and walk away. I walk back over to Toni and Fangs and Fangs wraps me in a monster hug. Fangs has always been like my big brother. He can tell when I'm sad, mad, tired, annoyed, happy, excited, anything. I hug him back and sigh into him. "Y/n do you wanna come over to my house later today?" Toni asks. "Yeah me and Sweet Pea will be there." Fangs adds. "Yeah. Matthew is staying at Chris's house for the next few days and my dad won't be home for the next few weeks so yeah why not?" I say and shrug, putting my head against Fangs chest. Sweet Pea finally joins us and I kinda see Sweet Pea giving Fangs a cold stare for a split second but then it disappears. I pull away from Fangs and lean back against the brick wall. "Y'all wanna just ditch school and go on over to my place?" Toni asks. I nod and so does Fangs. Sweet Pea gives us all a happy look and then jolts to his bike. I laugh and walk over to my bike. I hop on and rev up the engine. "See ya at Toni's place fellow snakes!" I yell and drive off. I pull into Toni's drive and run to the back of the trailer. I put my hands on the wall and take deep breaths. I had almost had a panic attack on my bike and was just getting so mad for some reason. "Y/n?" I hear Fangs calm voice say. I look at him and give him a sharp glare making him back up in response. I move my eyes back to the ground. I hear Toni and Sweet Pea walk to where Fangs is and I groan. "Can I not get a minute alone!!??" I scream, sending them all into a state of shock, well, all except for Sweet Pea. "Not when your acting like this! You almost recked 5 times Y/n!!! 5 times!! And then you come back here and have a freaking mental break down!! That's not okay and your gonna tell us what's wrong right now so get inside!" He yells and I walk angrily into Toni's house, slamming my shoulder on Sweet Peas on purpose. He groans and follows me inside Toni's house. I sit on the couch and cross my arms. "Y/n." Sweet Pea warns and I glare at him. "You need to chill." He states, sitting beside me. I sigh. "Freedom lies in being bold. But, I guess I'm not bold. I'm a prisoner in my own home. I have to take care of Matthew, but then I get punished for it. I feed everyone, and I get hit for it. My mom left when I was just a baby and I had to be there for brother since day 1 cause if I wasn't, he wouldn't be alive. My dad leaves for weeks at a time and I'm left to take care of everything. Meals, clothes, baths, the house, everything. When my dad is home, he is drunk, he's sleeping, but he's never helping. I can't escape. I'm stuck guys." I cry out, several tears flowing down my face. Sweet Pea hugs me tightly and I cry into him. "We'll let you two talk." Toni says, jerking Fangs up by his arm and dragging him outside. Once they close the door, I put all my weight against Sweet Pea and cry my eyes out. "Shh. I've got you please don't cry. Shhh it's okay." He comforts me and rubs my back. "I've just got so much going on. I'm scared Sweets, I'm scared." I spill out all my worries and Sweet Pea listens and comforts me through it all. When I'm done ranting, I check the time and realize we have been talking for an hour. "Sweets." I say standing up and wiping a final tear. "Fangs and Toni have been out there for an hour." I run to the door to see Toni and Fangs sleeping on the steps. I go and sit beside Toni and Sweet Pea sits beside me. I shake Toni lightly and she wakes up ready to punch me. "It's me! It's me!" I yell and put my hands up. "Sorry it's a habit." She shrugged and we all laughed. "Everything gonna be okay?" Fangs asks.  I nod. "I'll be fine. I always am." I smile, a genuine smile, but I didn't know it wouldn't last for long.
•Two Weeks Later•
Y/ns POV
I wake up from my nap to Matthew screaming. I run downstairs to see two large men grabbing Matthew by the arms and dragging him out the door. "Matthew!" I scream and go to run after him. The two man look at me and yell at me to stop. "What are you doing with him!?" I yell and they remain in no state of shock. "This place is no place for a 13 year old to live. Child services is taking him away till he is 18." One says and I start to cry my eyes out. "Please let me tell my sister bye." Matthew pleads and I fall to the ground crying. The two guards let him go and Matthew runs to me and wraps his arms around my neck. I hug him tightly and kiss his head. "I'll be back Y/n. I promise. I love you so much. Don't forget me." Matthew whispers into my ear. "I could never forget you Mat. Never." I kiss his head multiple times before the guards take him away. The throw him in the back of the car and I cry my eyes out into the ground. They drive away and I feel my heart break. After crying for several minutes I run inside and grab my phone. I call 'Toni🐍💛'. She picks up quick and I can tell she's at the Wrym. "Toni. They took Matthew. They took him! I don't know what to do! Dad still isn't home and I don't know if he ever will come home! They took my brother! Toni I can't do this anymore. I love you, I really do but I can't do this anymore. Tell Sweets and Fangs I love them as well, especially Sweets. I have to go. Bye Toni." I hang up already making up my mind. Today I'm ending my life. Everything has been taken from me. Everything. I don't have any money, family, and I'll lose the house and my friends one day. I have to go. It's just my time. I run to the bathroom and grab the razors I had hid away. I have been clean for 3 years. Last time I cut, was when my dad started hitting me and Matthew a lot more. It was also when he had stopped drinking but he was still dangerous. I had finally stopped but it looks like I'm gonna start again. I touch the blade ever so lightly to my skin, remembering how cold the blade was against my skin. I clenched my jaw and slowly pulled the blade across my wrist. I let out a small groan and looked down at the blood dripping off my wrist. I closed my eyes and made 6 more deep cuts. I could feel myself getting dizzy, so I laid in the bathtub, knowing I'm gonna die today. I start the water and it fills the bathtub and makes my clothes hug me tighter. I put my ears underwater and can only hear faint noises. I close my eyes and started to fall into a deep sleep. I was turning pale, and I could tell I was losing a lot of blood. "Y/n!" I hear a person scream. I don't move, to weak to even move a finger. They run over to me and pick me up, holding me close to their chest. I look up and see it's Sweet Pea. "Hi Sweets." I say and try to touch his jawbone with my index finger. "Stay with me." He kisses my head and carries me downstairs, fast. I see Toni and Fangs crying and want to tell them I'm okay, that I'll be fine. That I'll always be fine. But, I can't lie to them, I've already lied to myself way to much. They take me to a hospital and doctors take me away. I close my eyes for the final time and fall asleep.
•Two Hours Later•
Y/ns POV
I wake up to sound of a beeping machine beside me. I look around the room and it's empty. I sigh and lay back on my pillow. I'm all alone, again. They took my Matthew, my dad won't come back for me, I know it, my momma didn't want me, and now my only family is gone. I don't have anyone. I just need someone to rescue me. I start to fall back asleep when someone walks into my room. I sit up slightly, not wanting to feel too much pain. It's Sweet Pea. Tears threaten to spill out my eyes but I hold my them back. "I thought you wouldn't come back." I stutter trying not to choke up. Sweet Pea comes by my bed side and holds my hand. "Y/n I would never leave you. I love you." He confesses and I smile. "I've liked you for a long time Y/n." "I like you too Sweets." I kiss his cheek. "One last thing Y/n. You've been through a lot and now, I'm here to rescue you."

🥂✨The End✨🥂

A/N: okay, now I'm happy with this. But....I'm having writers block and it sucks. So if anyone has any ideas..please help me!!!

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